Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY, MARCH U, 1924 FOR RENT—APARTMENTS FOR RENT—Ooee In. furnished apartment and room, steam heat, private bath. 140 E. Midwest. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished mod em apartment, with private bath, SCO per month close In. 231 8* Grant. Phone 1841 W. • .FOR REN*T Three-room partly furnisl '. apartment, 325. 139 East II- FOR RENT—Three-room furnished apartment, gas lights, telephone furnished. 339 W. Twelfth. FOR RENT Attractive, strictly mo<>rn three-room unfurnished I apartment, 855 per month. Apply Apt. 4. 1214 E. First. . FOR RENT—Three-room furnished basement apartment. Call at 409 S. McKinley. Phone 1658 W. FOR RENT —First class four-rccm apartment, built In features. Mur phy bed, garage. Phone 2363 J. FOR RENT—Two room apartment ; also three-room house, 121 N. Park. Phone 691 M. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished basement apartment, adults only; 325 per month: garage If desired, 310 extra. 645 W. Thirteenth. FOR RENT Two-room modern apartment, unfurnished, located at 1216 East Fifth; on bus line. X' 11 —-■ ■ 'FOR RENT—Apartment of three rooms and*bath, unfurnished at 216 East F street. Phone 1340. Call for Parsons. FOR RENT Two-room modern apartment; lights and gas fur nished. 141 N. Park. FOR RENT—Two-room apartment. 735 S. McKinley. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished apartment, laundry room equip ped with electric washer. 1023 E. Second. Dorcas Apartments. . FOR RENT—Modem apartment, of four large rooms, with bath, 345 per month unfurnished, except the stctves. Phons 1468. FOR RENT Modern three-room semi basement apartment. 831 E Third. Phone 1608 R. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished basement apartment. Phone 2964 J. FOR RENT—Two-room apartment, all modern, on bus line. 145 N. Jackson. Phctae 2383 J. FOR RENT—Modern two-room fur nished apartment, private bath, light and pleasant. Inquire 519 E. * Third. IX)R RENT—Three-room modern steam heated apartment at 885 S. David. FOR RENT—Two-room apartment furnished. 1103 Vl’-low. Phone 1676 J. FOR RENT One modern three room furnished apartment, pri vate bath steam heat, on bus line; adults. 734 W. Eleventh. Phone 1815 J. FOR RENT —Two-room furnished basement apartment, no children, miltable for bachelors. 1035 B. Jack scku Phone 2258 J. FOR RENT —TWo-room modem fur nished apartment, newly decor ated. gas and lights furnished, four blocks east of Henning hotel. Phone 1760 W. FOR RENT—One new three-room, unfurnished apartment, strictly modern. Inquire 750 CT. Phone 1652 M. FOR RENT—Newly furnished mod ern apartment on pavement and bus line. 340. 1207 East C. Phone 14fi9W. FOR RENT—Furnished or unfur nished basement apartment gas and lights furnished. 519 E. Four teenth. Phone 1966 J. FOR RENT Two-room modem apartment, furnished, also one room apartment lights and gas fur nished. 909 S. Cedar. Phone 1475. FOR RENT—Two three-room fur nished modern apartments. 807 E. Third. Call In rear. FOR RENT Three-room apart ment, strictly modern, stoves fur nished. 1728 S. Cedar. AT YOUR COMMAND I play an Important part In the life of the community. I rent houses, flats, apartments to desirable tenants. I secure roomers and boarders. I supply competent and experi enced workers for every line of human endeavor. I summon new cooks and other domestic helpers. I keep the community posted regarding the realty market and show advantageous opportunities for buying, selling, renting, ex changing. I restore lost articles. A sell used cars quickly. I turn disused household ar ticles Into cash. I save money for many people in many ways. I point to Innumerable oppor tunities that are well worth while. I cost but a z |rlfle and I act quickly. I am a CASPER TRIBUNE WANTAD. I Will Serve You Satisfactorily Phone 15 or 16 TOU DON’T HAVE TO WAIT FOB IMPROVEMENTS IN Caw View AMttom Water, electrlo lights street lights, gas and telephone; streets graded, bus service, al! are there NOW. Moat lots are 40x130 feet In else; some are larger. You don’t need to go 3 or 4 miles out in the country to get a low reßld *’ ne ® lot - We hav ® them right In Casper. Prices 3300 to 3450. Terms 335 down, 810 monthly. -A LOOK MEANS A LOT” SEE BEN REALTY CO. Ml-Ml MMwrat BQ. REALTORS Phom 1«M We Will MM to Sult the Pwrctaser W e hare made arrangements to build four houses on CT ave nue, on lota fronting the Standard addition in any form to suit the purchaser. Will sell the completed house on easy terms and small cash payments. If you desire a modern dwelling on your own plans and model then see us at once. » FRY AND WRITE PlMn " 5595 Room S. DMy Bldg. RECONDITIONED USED CARS A reconditioned used car Is a better buy than a new car at the same price. Better visit our used car department today as wo have eome exceptional bargains In used reconditioned cars. We list a few of them. One Marmon Touring One Chalmers Tonring re » ,dnt * d « bargain Reconditioned and repainted; a good buy at 3700. One tai Sport one ta Coupe lOUFlng 1923 model, make a good business 1333 model, as good as new; a oar; “- 1 ® prlc ® |76 °- bargain at 8800. One Hudson Coach ® nc Six Towing “ 4 ~ UOMd: •* • One Star Grape One Essex Touring r’o. “"««•»! dive «hml., R«n.inl»r, *• ar. now located In our ntw building «t the corner eg McKinley and Tellowvtone avenue, and we will bo placed to have you visit us In our new location. R. N. VAN SANT MOTOR TRUCK AND CAR SALES McKinley and Yellowstone Avenue Phone KN FOR RENT—HOUSES FOR RENT Modern five-room house furnished. Phone 1087 J. FOR RENT Modern seven-room furnished house, two blocks from high school. Phone 203 or 2286 R. FOR RENT Four-room modern furnished house, references re qulred. Address Box B-392, Trib une. FOR RENT New unfurnished four-room house with bath. In quire at 753 S. Lincoln. FOR RENT—Three-room furnished house.lo23 E. Second. FOR RENT —Three-t*oom furnished house, 921 W. Midwest. Inquire 917 W. Midwest. FOR RENT Modern furnished three-room house.j Phon® 1911 M. FOR RENT—To a small family, a four-rerun modem house, partly furnished. 845. Inquire Sunday at Twelfth and Boxelder. FOR RENT—Examine this one, well furnished modem house, four rooms and bath, close in. Call at 615 S. Durbin after 5 o’clock Saturday or any time Sunday. FOR RENT—Seven room modem house unfurnished, reference. 616 S. Wolcott. Phone 2781. FOR RENT—Four rooms and bath, strictly modern with garage, 845 per month. If you will buy furniture priced reasonable. Phone 1951 J. FOR RENT—Three-room house in North Casper, gas. water, lights In; one block fritn bus line. Inquire 1021 N. Wolcott. Phone 1209 W. | FOR RENT —Small furnished house with lights and gas. 1086 N. Dur bin. Phone IGB3W. FOR RENT—Two-room house fur nished, west side, only 815 per month; three-room house, routh west, not far from high school 830; twV-room modern apartment In a f ouble house, 835. Western ‘ Realty Co.. P. & R. Bldg. Phone 2490. FOR RENT Four-room mot'ern unfurnished house, except stoves and shades. 865 per month; gas and water pa'd. 235 S. Botolph. Phone 2023 R. FOR RENT Modem four-room house, unfurnished except rtoves; also three rooms modem. 1425 S. Poplar. FOR RENT—One modern four, room furnished house on bus line; on West Twelfth. Inquire 1211 8. W1”/)W Phone ISI3W. FOR RENT—-Two-room furnished hou e, 835 per month, elose In. 133 N. Kimball. Thona 1689 J. FOR RENT—HOUSES FOR RENT —— Nine-room modern house. 431 E. Fifth. Phone 1703 W FOR RENT—Two room furnished house, adults only. 640 8. Ash. FOR RENT - Three-room house, furnished or unfurnished also a garage and garden spot, 825 per month.* Inquire of Eckenrode, Mid west Hechts. FOR RENT—New four-room mod ern homo gas stoves, bus, side walks. reasonable. Dy eon, 1334 8. Cherry. FOR RENT - Modem three-qoom unfurnished house, close In, In quire 519 E. Third, FOR RENT-—Five rooms and sun parlor. unfurnished, strictly mod ern. on pavement and bus line. In quire basement, 361 N. Jackson. FOR SALE—HOUSES "look at these"" • BARGAINS A REAL HOME. Four rooms and bath, oak floors, fireplace, full basement; east front lot; price 35,500; terms. What Does location Mean to You? On Elm street, near Midwest ave nue, four Cwo-room apartments; two-room house on rear; fpur-rootn house with store; net income 82,000 per year besides own living; can be sold on some terrma. Ask to see this. Ix»ok This Over. Five rooms, modern, oak floors; fcUr-room apartment In base*r*ent; garage and one-room in rear, ail as sessments paid in fu’l; located on CY avenue; price 87,500; terms. East Second Street Bargain. Five rooms, modern; breakfast nook; built-in features; fireplace; a full basement, with plumbing roughed in for apartment: at a bar gain; price 55.600; terms. North Casper. Three-room house, comer lot, on bus line, lights and gas; pump wa ter In house; price 32,200; terms 3400 cash. BURY REALTY CO. Room 15 Daly Building Phone 1268, Ct>e Caspet frunDap CrfDune MOUNTAIN VIEW SUBURB This Is one of the FIFTT-FIVE homes built In MOUNTAIN VIEW SUBURB in the last eight months. Mountain View, not Inside the city limits, has modern conven iences Including bus service. All lots 50 by 135 feet in size; prices 8200 to 8360 each, easy terms. The highway to Mountain View |s always good. Ride out Sunday and see a suburb that is really improving. BAKER-GRUDE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS 133 North Wolcott Phone 1189 For Sale—Modem home on East Second street. livingroom. dining room; two rteeplngrooms. kitchen, full basement; close to pavement; price 36.000, 81,000 cash. For Sale—California bungalow, large livingroom with fireplace and bookcases, two sleeplngTooms kitchen and breakfast nook; three finished rooms In basement, double garage; price 35,000, 31.000 cash. Wanted to Trade—An apartment building located close in: Income 8250 a month, will trade for real estate in California. For Rant—Flve room brick house and garage. 1324 South Ash street. For Rent—Four rooms furnished on first floor and three rooms and bath In basement, 1736 East Second. Seo people next d<y>r. • • BARRY FREE, THE LOT MAN Room 10. Stockmen’s National Bank Bldg.—Phone 238 STORE ROOM FOR RENT EAST SECOND AT BEECH OPPOSITE NEW PUBLIC MARKET CALL MRS. M. ROBINSON—PHONE 1409 W. STORE ROOM FOR RENT GOOD LOCATION ON CENTER STREET e ———— INQUIRE AT THE FAD 220 South Center Street Cbone. 16e«W or 2031 M FOR SALE—HOUSES M’KINLEY street, close to East Second; stucco house, moe'ern, four large rooms; corner lot with extra building site, all assetaments paid, 84 750, 81.000 caah and 350 monthly and Interest. Baker-Grude 'Htment Co., Realtors, . 133 N. j F«»R .Sa. ’ Two-room house, plan- I ..nd and painted cellar, ehed; fill. iut. price 3950, 3250 down, bal nine like rent. Burns 233 Midwest B-dg. I'imne 1870. Realtors. DANDY little modern house, southeast location, built-in. features, goed big garage hard wood' finish; owner will sell 31.000 equity for 8750 or will trade for anything of value. Western Realty Co., P, A R, Bldg. Phono 2490. FOR SALE —New five-room strictly modern, good lot. southwest, bar gain at 85,800, 3800 cash. Phone 1443. 81,500 WILL • handle completely furnished ten-room house, on a beautiful corner tot in best close in southeast location; han Income fea tures. that will practically make tho monthly payments. This must go at once. Phone 1791, Monday. FOR SALE—Homo of four rooms and sunporch, full basement, small two-room house on rear of let; located on Boxalder atrost; price 35,500, easy terms. Seo Ben Realty Co. WE HAVE houses on easy pay ments. located any place In th** city, end specialize In trades. It you only have a little money to pay down on a homo and something to trade we will handle jt for you. Western Realty Co. P. A R. Bldg Phone 2490. HAVE a home and Income both in this South Lincoln street house; five rooms and bath on first floor; five rooms and bath In basement; a Jarnge; 37,000, 32.000 cash. Baker irudo Investment Co., Realtors, 133 N. Wiblcott. 8300 BUYS new two-room house with basement and garage; a neat home and bargain; price 32,100. Phone 1791, Monday. FOR SALE—Two-room house and four finished rooms in basement; located In southwest Casper, price 82,000, 8500 caah, good jerms on ba’.- 'an-e. E. B. Lamar. Room 8, Smith Block. Phone 2214. FINE moaem home le now being erected at Third and Washington streets which can be built to your order with only a small payment down. This will be ready when you desire. Will accept part trade. W’eetern Realty Co. P. A R. Bldg. Phono 2490. FOR SALE—Three-room house in North Casper, all furnished, a good buy at 81 800, 8200 caah terms on balance. E. B. Lamar, Room 8, Smith Block. Phone 2214. FOR SALE —New two-room house on bus’line, terms to suit. Inquire 1234 8. Washington. NICE little three-room house in the South addition, can bo bought with 3150 down. This Is one of the best parts of Casper. Western Real ty F. A R. Bldg. Phone 2490. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR 8A LB—Five-room house, mod ern In every respect, hardwood floors, built-in features, three fin ished rooms In basement; located In south part of city; price >7,600. $1,600 cash, balance monthly pay ments. E. B. Lamar, Room 8. Smith Block. Phone 2214. SSOO CASH takes well built flve room house, on large comer lot; gcod southeast location; owner leav ing city; priced at $2,600 for quick sale. Phone 1791, Monday. FOR SALE A dandy four-room house on South Jackson; this Is a well built house, full lot and Is worth the money; price $3,400 rea sonable terms. E. B. Lamar. Room 8, Smith Block. Phone 2214. FOR SALE— Attractive five-room modern house, has two-room apartment In basement, also good garage. Just step from paving, good location; price $7,250 with SI,OOO down. J. F. Jones & Co., America Theater Lobby. Phono 1204. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER. Five-room new period bungalow, on paving, one nf the beat corners in Casper; full basement, extra large rooms this place is a real bar. gain at $9,600; would cost SI,OOO more to CupUcate this spring; now open for Inspection at corner of Eleventh and Jefferson or Phone 1443. FOR RENT Five-room strictly modern, furnished house. full basement; to reliable party. Call at 933 W. Fourteenth or rear of 258 W. First, Apartment No. 5. NOW READY—REAL HOMES. In best residential section. In dividual In design, well built, finely finished; five and six room brick bungalows; hardwood floors, open fires, breakfast nook, fireproof garages furnace heat, laundry, big closets. Phone 735 and arrange to see these at once. Representative on prem ises Fourteenth and South Ash all day Sunday. MODERN BUILDING CO. 412 Midwest Bldg. FOR SALE—Four-room house. In east part, $1 900 with S3OO cash; gas and lights. Martin and Christ ianson. Phone 2606. FOR SALE—New four-room house with full basement 50x100 feet lot $2500; SSOO cnsh and SSO per month. 831 N. Glenarm. FOR SALE Two-room cottage Lathed and plastered, largo rooms, gas. water, lights and telephone; garage with gas. located on South Kenwood street, price $1,500. terms $250 cash, balance monthly. Sje Ben Realty Co. FOR SAlLfi—Small homo of two rooms, lathed and plastered; wa ter, lights, gas; located on 8. St. Botolph; price $1,600, terms. See Ben Realty Co. FOR SALE—Brand new four-room residence with nice built-Jn fea tures. located in southeast part on lot with southern exposure, and garage; price $5,400. SI,OOO cash. R. Kamon, 242 E. Second. Tel. 702. Bones, Lots, Biistetsses, BARGAINS NORTH CASPER sl*3s Fly*-room home, near school, lathed and plastered; water and 11,'hta in; S6OO down, balance like rent. SI,OOO. Two good lots in East Burlington addition, a real buy, near pave ment; very liberal terms. SLIM. A good two-room house, with gas. water and light® In. $350 down; very 1-bera! term’. ‘ A good sice store building for lease on H and Madison, will give two year ’ease at SSO per month, gas, lights and water in; a good location for any business. SOUTH CASPER. ~ * SOO Two good residence lots In South addition* a sacrifice sale; all cash. $1,600. Takes a goefl laundry, doing from $l5O to $250 per week clear; rent Is only $35 per month tor building; must be all msh. $1,200. Only $250 down takes a good realdence lot on South McKinley: excavating already done for a five-room home: pavement going tn; balance very easy. SI,OOO. With only S7OO down, buys a good aeven-rdom home, just being completed, strictly modern, located, on South Jackson; a reel buy. $1,660. With $250 down buys a good three-room home, lathed and plast ered; water and gas on lot, balance, S3O per months all built-in features. 63,750. Takes a good six-room home, strictly modern, on South Poplar, only S7OO down, a good income property. We have lots in all parts of th® city. We build for you and loan you money to pay for your home. If you eant a home, a lot, an investment or a business location, come In and see us. Wesley Grooms Realty Co. Phone 2364—Suite 6, Over Campbell Hardware Store FOR SALE-HOUSES FOR SALE—New four-room house hardwood floors, built-in features, fireplace. three room apartment with bath in basement, good, loca tion. this house Is priced right and must be sold at once. J. F. Jones A Co., America Theater Lobby. Phono 1304. FOR SALE Two modern tour room houses, just being com pleted; southeast location; hard wood floors fireplace, bookcases, a breakfast nook kitchen cabinet; full baaement; these houses will be s<_ld on cosy terms. Phono 1734NR. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE FINE building lots In South addi tion, on the east side, and in near ly every part of the city, on easy payments, or will trade for any thing of value. Western Realty Co., P. & R. Bldg. Phono 2490. A DANDY homo, good house and cow barn for 14 head; cement floor, about 20 acres of alfalfa and 20 in pasture, rest farming under irri gation and opens to free range; two and one-half mile® to Lander, Wyo.; total 80 acres for $4,000. can trade or sell fur SISOO cash and annual payments; this Includes hay und farming tools; five milk cows, three two year old he.fers, and one Short Horn bull, two calves. 136 W. Mid west. Phono 2424. FOR SALE—Homestead, beautifully located should grow fine crops; driving distance to work, price S2OO. 136 W. Midwest. Phone 2424. HOMESTEAD FOR SALE Beautlfu'ly located, should grow fine crops, driving distance to work; price S2OO. 136 W. Midwest. Phone 2424. FOR SALE—Very attractive four, room modern house, nicely ar ranged. full basement, lawn, trees, good location In southwest part, price $4 250, terms. J.' F. Jones A Co.. America Theater Lobby. Phone 1204. FOR TRADE— Eighty acr® Mis sour! farm with good improve ments; this will make Ideal chicken or stock ranch, free range adjoin ing; price $2,500; trade for vacant ’ots or dry land. R. Kamon, 242 E. Second. Tel. 702. BUSINESS CHANCES ’ WAREHOUSE TO RENT. Will build warehouse on Railroad spur to Suit renter. Box B-391, Trib une. FOR SALE—Restaurant with com plete outfit. 15 stool counter, good location, good lease, reason for sell ing have other business. Phone 2548 W. FOR RENT—Store In good location, fixtures Included. Phone 2612 J. FOR SALE OR RENT—By April 1 thirty car garage and «<how room in connection. Phono 1412 R. FOR SALE— Twenty rooms, com pletely furnished rooming house, newly decorated and renovated; five year lease, $1,250 down, balance can he paid In eighteen months. Phone 562 W. U. 8. Army Store. 528 W. Yellowstone. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. One of the best paying little gro cery stores in Casper, doing a strict ly cash business, has a very email overhead, the stock and fixtures in this p’ace are paid for, therefore It can be handled for small amount of cash. Phone 602 W. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. We have some of the best hotels and rooming houses in Carper for sale, both large and sma’l, on best of terms. E. H. Banta, Office Room 101 Wyatt Hotel. Phone 602 W. $61.21 DAILY average was earned by Johnson, a student, during va cation; in a week Engelnon a farm er, sold $1,718.25; Ennis $1,876.85 and Clavier $2,019.60; the oldest largest and best. equipped woolen mill in the northwest selling direct to consumer offers you a like op portunity; $75 required. Fergus Fall* Woolen Mills Co., Fergus Falls. Minn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. A nice little grocery store with god clean stock; doing a cash busi ness; no outstanding bills; good lo cation, investigate. Phone 602 W. BUSINESS CHANCES OUT OF TOWN CLIENT took dandy 160 acr® Irrigated ranch in settlement of suit; it Is clear, two miles from good town, schools and railroad; at price leas than U)e new house on It cost to build, can trade for Casper property or good equi ties. Modern Building Co., 412 Mid west Bldg. FOR RENT—Good downtown store on East Second, for the following lines; -.allors, men's furnishing*, millinery, women's apparel, lunch room, meat market, drugs, shoes music store, rent $l5O per month with good lease. Phone 81. GOOD paying restaurant with liv ing rooms and bath at reasonable terms, for rent or sale. Phono 421 J. . INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE—Completely furnished apartment house, copulating of five apartments of two rooms each finished basement with two rooms: one store room finished; small house on rear of lot: Income $4,200 yearly; located just off Second street. For further particulars See Ben. 202 Midwest Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY. Two three-room apartments, rent ing for SIOO per month, three-room cottage in rear, renting for $25 per month, total Income $126 per month; small cash payment down and the rent will more than take rar® of th® balance. E. H. Banta Office Room 101 Wyatt Hotel. Phone 602 W. FOR TRADE FOR SALE OR RENT—By April 1 thirty car garage and show room In connection. Phone 1412 R. WE I LAVE other cars to trax'ie for housq equities or clear lots or any property of value; or we will sell them on very easy terms; among these cars are Ford tour ings, Tempar roadster. Star road ster, etc. Western Realty Co., I’, A R. Bldg. Phone 2490. FOR TRADE —Sixteen room house, clone In on pavement, will trade equity for four or five room modern house in good location. Phone Pen nington 1204. WE HAVE two excellent lots In Mills to offer you on easy terms. This is without doubt the most promining part of the city and of fers exceptional advantages. West ern Realty Co.. P. & R. Bldg. Phone 2490. LOST AND FOUND LOST —Sult case on road from South Continental camp to Cas per. Finder please leave at South Continental office or Tribune. Re ward. • LOST—Purse with watch, key, a check t 6 •. lara Richard, etc., plcafm phone 717 W. 1 * > PERSONAL CONSULT D. L. HUGO gifted clair voyant and spiritual medium; every affair of life, forty years' experience, readings accurate and to the point, 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. 140 E. Midwest avenue. Apartment 2. Phono 701 M. MADAM J. Rea Keys, ordained spiritualist, private readings c'ally; will answer no questions over tele phone. Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Wyatt hotel, apartment S. Phono 2609 J. 6006 BLOOD tablets are safer than 606; money back guarantee; prico $2; particulars free. Welch Medicine Co., Ga. MADAM Wonder, wonderful reader, the lady with the wonderful pow er; tells past, present and future. Call and consult her on any affairs. 450 S. Durbin. Hours 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. LEGAL NOTICES CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICA TION Insurance Commissioner** Office 1 PAGE NINE State ot Wyoming. Cheyenne, Wyoming, March 12, 1924. It is hereby certified, that the Eagle Fire Company of New York in the State of New York, has complied with the Insurance Laws of Uiis State and is authorized to transact the business of Fire In surance in this State for the cur rent year. Witness my hand and seal of office the day and year first above written. H. A. LOUCKS (SEAL) By F. E. BALLINGER, Deputy. Pub. March 16, 1924. MINING APPLICATION NO. 028264 MINERAL SURVEY NO. 527 U. S. Land Office. At Douglas, Wyoming, January 19, 1924. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the Act of Congress, approved May 10, 1872, Cecil Bon, whose poatoffice is Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming, has made application for a patent for 1500 linear feet on the Independ ent, Independent No. 2, Independ ent No. 3, Independent No. 4, In dependent No. 5, Independent No. 6, Independent No. 7, and Inde- Kndent No. 9 lodes bearing as stoa, with surface ground 600 feet or less feet in width, situate In Casper Mountain (unorganized) Mining District Natrona County, State of Wyoming, and described in the pint and field notes on file in this office, as follows, via.: Independent lode. Beginning at cor. no. 1: Whence the NE. cor ner of Section 24, T. 32 N., R. 80 W. of the 6th P. M. bears N. 36 degrees 54 minutes W. 1899.9 feet. Thence N. 78 de grees E. 1500 feet to cor. no. 2: Thence S. 12 degrees E. 600 feet to cor. no. 3: Ther.ce S. 78 de grees W. 1500 feet to cor. no. 4: Thence N. 12 degrees W. 600 feet to cor. no. 1, the place of be ginning. 'lndependent No. 2 lode beginning at cor. no. 1: Whence the NE. corner of said Section 24 bears N. 68 degrees 82 minutes 37 seconds W. 2037.52 feet; Thenc® N. 78 degrees E. 1500 feet to cor. no. 2: Thence S. 12 degrees E. 600 feet to cor. no. 3: Thence S. 78 deipees W. 1500 feet to cor no. 4: Tnence N 12 degrees W. 600 feet to cor. no. 1, the place of be ginning. Independent No. 3 lode beginning at cor. no. 1. Whence the NE. cor. of said Section 24 bears S. 81 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds W. 3207.70 feet: Thence N. 78 degrees E. 600 feet to cor. r.o. 2: Thence S. 12 degrees E. 1500 feet to cor. no. 3: Thence S. 78 degrees W. 600 feet to cor. no. 4; Thence N. 12 de grees W. 1500 feet to cor. no. 1, the nlace of beginning. Independ ent No. 4 lode. Beginning at cor. no. 1; Whence the NE. cor. of said Section 24 bears S. 85 degrees 50 minutes 27 seconds W. 3835.78 feet; Thence N. 78 degrees E. 600 fest to cor. no. 2: Thence S. 12 degrees E. 1500 feet to cor. no. 3; Thence S. 78 degrees W. 600 feet to cor. no. 4; Thence N. 12 degrees W. 1500 feet to cor. no. 1, the place of beginning. In dependent No. 5 lode. Beginning t at cor. no. 1: Whence the NE. cor. of said Section 24 bears S. 84 degrees 46 minutes 56* seconds W. 4430.94 feet; Thence N. 78 degrees E. 600 feet to. cor. no. 2; Thence S. 12 degrees E. 1500 feet to cor. no. 3; Thence S. 78 degrees W. 600 feet to cor no. 4; Thence N. 12 degrees W. 1500 feet to cor. no. 1, the place of beginning. Independent No. 6 lode. Beginning at cor. no. 1; Whence the NE. cor. of said Sec tion 24 bears N. 73 degrees 58 minutes W. 4305 feet. Thenc® N. 78 degrees E. 1500 feet to cor. no. 2; Thence S. 12 degrees E. 600 feet to cor. no. 3; Thence S. 78 degrees W. 1500 feet to cor. no. 4; Thence N. 12 degrees W. 600 feet to cor. no. 1, the place of beginning. Independent No. 7 lode. Beginning at cor. no. 1; Whence the NE. corner of said Section 24 bears N. 65 degrees 9 minutes 25 seconds W. 2873.90 feet; Thence N. 78 degrees E. 1500 feet to cor. no. 2; Thence S. 12 degrees E. 600 feet to cor. no. 3; Thence S. 78 degrees W. 1500 feet to cor. no. 4; Thence N. 12 degrees E. 600 feet to cor. no. 1, the place of beginning. Inde pendent No. 9 lode. Beginning at cor. no. 1; Whence the NE, corner of said Section 24 bears N. 30 de grees 59 minutes 57 seconds W. 2457.16 feet; Thence N. 78 de grees E. 1500 feet to cor. no. 2; ThOnce S. 12 degrees E. 540 feet to cor. no. 3; Thence S. 78 de ?*ees W. 1500 feet to cor. no. 4; hence N. 12 degrees W. 540 feet to cor. no. 1, the place of begin ning. Va. N. 15 degrees 30 min utes E. Containing 163.222 acres, and forming a portion of the SE*4 of Section 18, the of Section 19, and NW‘4 of Section 20. Twp. 32 N.» Range 79 W. of the 6th principal meridian. Said location being recorded in vol. 8, pages 143, 144, 145, 146 and 147 of the Records of Natrona County, State of Wyoming. Adjoining claimants none. B. J. ERWIN, _ , - Register. Publish Jan. 27; Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24; March 2,9, 16, 23, 1924. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Douglas, Wyo ming, Marcli 13, 1924. Notice is hereby given that Jessie Stanley, widow of Janies H. Chapman, deceased, of Casper, Wyoming, who, on January 13, 3 921, made Stockraising Home stead entry, No. 019579, for N% Sec. 22, SHSH. NVaNW’4, SWU NWU, NW’iSW'i, Section 15, Township 35N., Range 84W., 6th Prin. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Casper, Wyoming, on the 28th day of April, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: William Brewer, J. P. Lawton, Dorothy Clark, Thomas Manning, all of Powder River, Wyoming. B. J. ERWIN, Register. Pub. March 16, 23. 30, Apr. 6, 18, 1924.