Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWELVE "THE STEEL TRAIL” ) A Continued Story Novelized from Universal Photoplay, Read It in Tribune Every Sunday See Picture at Wyoming CHAPTER THIRTEEN "BETWEEN TWO FIRES” Bruce end the girls, shaken, bruised but otherwise uninjured, picked themselves up to survey the ■wreck of the crosstie car on the banks of the river below. The Za bel crew, satisfied by the wreckage wrought. qu'etly slipped Into the forest. But Bruce was not beaten yet. A wicon, drawn by four horses, hove Into sight, and the en gineer hailed the driver. "Load up a lot of the ties down there.” he instructed. "Take ’em to rump get more wagons, and move the carload Inf The driver nodded briefly, and fen to. During the af ternoon Bruce superintended the work, and the ties, rescued from the splintered car. reached camp. Work on the tracks resumed with a rush. Colonel Armstrong, In the mean time, was facing another trouble. Dayton, one of his principal backers, had refused to pay his assessment toward building the road. «he imme diate cause be ng that his son Ralph had not been left In charge of the road. "Then I’ll sell your atock." an nounced Armstrong- Dupion grinned. "Try it; no one will buy It!” he retorted. Bruce, entering the office, heard the last remark. "I’ll run up to San Francisco with it." he stated. "I know where to raise money on it." Dayton frowned in anger, but it was too late to interfere. •Td better go,” announced Judith. "They can't spare you here on the Job. with only three days to finish work." Bruce agreed, and wrote the girl a brief notation as to what she was to do, Ralph Dayton, hovering near, watched the proceeding sharp ly. The following day saw work pushed at breakneck speed on the road, while Zabel prepared a new coup. He and Ralph had several conferences; Ralph was placing a set of men, chosen by Zabel, on part of the work. Soon Bruce found that the new men were delaying work, and. investigating, discovered that the operator of the steam shovel was "stalling.** In answer to the engineer’s instructions to "snap it up" the operator spat out an oath. For a moment a fight seemed Immi nent. but Bruce, over-awing the big operator, started him to work again, and succeeded In speeding up the gang. "There won’t be any delay for lack of money as we hoped," said Ralph, and he explained Judith’s mission. Zabel smiled. "Maybe Miss Ju 11th won’t get back.” he remarked. min POST WILL 81 - HOSTS TO EX-SERVICE MEN MO THEIR LADIES The Hawley post of the American Legion will be hosts to all ex-service men and their ladies tomorrow night at the Odd Fellows hall. Every Cas per ex service man. whether a mem ber of the Legion or not, is cordially invited to be present. Entertainment will b« furnished by the Apollo club quartette. Miss Ruth Parmer, and Mortimer’s or chestra. The Apollo club Is well known, not only In Casper, but to the entire northwest, as they have broadcasted their pleasing harmony through the radio from Casper sev eral times. Miss Parmer never falls to please music lovers, and has agreed to favor with solo numbers. The dance, which follows the musi cal program promises to be a very popular part of the evening. There will also bo refreshments, through out the evening. lutheWWclub TO BANQUET FRIDAY ft! THE HENNING HOTEL The Men’s club of Grace English Lutheran church will meet Friday, April 4, at 6:30 p. m. in the banquet room of the Henning hotel. A good program has been arranged for this meeting. H. W. Ebersteln will address the men on the subject "Christianity in Business.” Mr. Ebersteln Is assistant to D. M. Lobdell, who is at the head of the Industrial Relations Depart ment at the Standard Oil Refinery here. It is the purpose of this de partment to place all industrial prob lems before the management and the men In such a light that each shall have a proper insight Into the whole situation, thereby Insuring the two a fair and square deal. The position occupied by the speaker makes him well qualified to speak on the sub ject assigned. H. M. Newland, 11. E. Guthrie and Jeff Lovg will be present again to render several delightful musical numbers. All members should be present at this meeting in order that suitable plans can !»e arranged for the May meeting. At thia meeting we shall again be honored by the presence of Dr. J. M. Cromer, former pastor of the church and now pastor emeritus. We shall also have with us the new pastor. Rev. T. B. Über. It is desired that we plan a royal recep tion for these two men. All visitors axe welcome. Iron rusts more rapidly when wetted, because the water contains so large a proportion of oxygen, some of which combines with the Iron, and forms an oxide of iron, > hint la rust. Bruce, tn the meantime, standing in the cut, was watching the re newed work, when the steam shovel operator, smarting under his recent rebuke, became possessed of an evil dea. Seizing a pick standing near by. he hurled It at Bruce as he stood before the steam shovel with his back turned. The missile fell short, but Bruce, whirling around, tripped. In a moment he was picked up. with a pile of rock and debris, by the giant shovel, and lifted high tn the air. Over the lump car it poised for a moment; then with a clang its trap opened, and the engineer, with a swirl of dust and rock, was dropped Into the waiting car. The engineer whistled a s'gnal, and the car start ed down grade. To the dump it sped then the au tomatic trip tripped it, and It# load slid down the Incline, the half-un conscious engineer rolling amid the debris squarely to the feet of Ralph ind his sister, who were standing talking before the drift pile. With a scream of horror Helen picked up the bleeding engineer. Boyd recov cred under ministrations, then turned sharply to Ralph. "Don’t you hire any more men until I see them.” ho ordered. Meantime, at San Marcos. Zabel’s henchmen awaited the arrival of Judith. The limited arrived, came to a grinding stop bes'-de the puff ing work train on the parallel sid ing, and Judith dismounted, pro ceeding at once to the station to tel ephone Bruce of her arrival. Outside Zabel’s incn waited. Judith, fin ishing her telephoning, saw them through the window and uttered a gasp of d'smay. Running from the waiting-room, she accosted the men on the work train, quickly Informing them of their plight. The men helped her aboard and started the train toward the construction camp as Zabel's men hurried around the corner of the depot. The trio whirled to their horses, and started down the tracks in pur suit of the car. Boyd. In the mean time, riding in from camp, heard the work train, and. from the cliffs, saw Jud'th on the flatcar, and. as he looked, beheld the trio catch up with the train and swing from their horses to the car. Judith saw them, too. Slowly she worked ahead on the train, the men following. Then the clatter of wheels caused her to look down. They were on the trestle. On came Zabel’s men. Judith, seizing the money satchel, decided on a last daring maneuver. Qu'ckly she leaped from the car. dropping sixty feet to the river below, as the train whirled on with the astonished thugs. (To Be Continued ) Classified Rates Two cents per word of ten cents per line. NO AD LESS THAN 30 CENTS. Five average words used as a basis of estimating a line. BLACKFACE cap headline will be charged the space of two lines. All charged advertising will be bookeu "set lines” irrespective of the number of words. CORRECTION Ob’ CLASSIFIED AD ERRORS. The Casper Dally Tribune will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion of any ad vertisement ordered for more than oie time. Errors not the fault of the advertiser which clearly lessen the rea’ value of the advertisement will be rectified only by publication without extra charge within FIVE days after insertion. No republica tion will be made when the error does not materially affect the sense or purpose of the advertisement. TELEPHONE ADS. Careful attention will be given all ads received over the TELE PHONE, but we cannot guarantee accuracy. CLOSING HOUR. Want Ads to be classified proper ly must be in the Casper Dally Tribune office before 10. Want Ads received after 10 to 12 a. m. will be inserted under the head "Too Late to Classify.” OUT OF TOWN ADVERTISE. MENTS. Must be accompanied by cash or check in fu’l payment of the same. Note the foregoing instructions about counting the words and the rate per word for ths Casper Dally Tribune. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—Two experienced Max well mechanics. Casper Motor Co., 230 W. Yellowstone. Phone 809. WANTED—Barber, only No. 1 man need apply, good money for good man. S, A. Armstrong, Lavoye Wyo. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS wanted. Examination Casper. May. 3. 31400 32300 yearly. Experience unneces sary. Full particulars free by writ ing G. W. Robbins. Civil Service Expert, 671 Burchell Blog., Wash ington. D. C. WANTED—FamiIy man to move on Improved farm on highway, near Lusk. Wyo., consolidated school district; timber and springs on place; A-l proposition to proper party. Box B-421, Tribune. CLERKS, railway mall, 18-35: ex amination Casper, May 8; 3133 per month; experience unneceerary. For free particulars write R. Terry (for mer Civil Service examiner) 1794 Barrister Bldg., Washington, D. C. MEN over 18 willing to travel; make secret Investigations; re ports; salary ant" expensen; experi ence unnecessary. Write J. Ganor, former government detective, St. Louis. RAILWAY postal clerk examina tion May 3, start 3133; specimen questions free. Write quick, Colum bug I&sutuu. Coluiobua, Ohio. HELP WANTED—MALE FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners 3150 to 3250 (which position?) Railway Box B-427. Tribune. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED —Two girls to work in a soft drink parlor. 220 W. First, upstairs. WANTED—LadIes to enroll for the evening cla.*« tn ladles’ tailoring and dressmaking, Monday evening, March 31, hours 7 to 9. Keister Col lege. 628’ E. Second. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FLMALE WANTED—Men, women and child ren's hair cutting 35c. Under Grill Case. WANTED —To get In touch with a Mandola a Mandocello and a Mando Bare player. See Moore at 531 8. Melrose after 5 p. m. WANTED Experienced collector with car, must know city and furnish bond; commission only. Ad dress Box B-425, Tribune. TYPISTS—Add material'y to your income by typing authors* manu scripts. Free detajled information on request. R. J. Carnes. Authors’ Agent. Tallapoosa. Ga. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED—Salesman, good, live, energetic man, experienced In the appliance business. 121 E. First. Phone 1993 J. SALESMEN! LET THERE BE LIGHT! This was God's first command. W e let in the light on the clean est. the biggest, the finest "line-up” for the public as well as the sales men. AND THERE WAS LIGHT! Sufficient for some of our sales men to earn >5,000 a month. Why not you? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW! P. O. Box 957. Kansas City, Mo. SIDE LINE—C. E. Erickson Co.. Inc., Des Moines. lowa, leaders in the best In advertising are open to place with a limited number of sa esmen in Wyoming, their new c garette. match and ash receiver auto set on a side-line basis: brand new, never been shewn, sam ples ready next week; worth a dol lar of anybody’s money. If inter ested send 50c for sample and sell ng outfit and get in on the ground floor while it’s new. Write today AUTOMOBILE and raincoat given free for recommending our union made 32.82 raincoat. Eastern Rain coat Co., 913 R osevelt. Chicago. SALESMEN—Agents, don't waste this opportunity: get lineo up now with the largest and finest cus tom shirt catering from coast to coast and making a strictly in dividual cut and made-to-measure shirt at ready-made prices, over 150 exclusive patterns: material, fit and ■vnrkmanshlp guaranteed: no bunk when wo say our men earn from *65 to >125 weekly in commissions. 'Vo arc originators; act now. For particulars write to lx) Monarque r *ustnm Sh'rt Makers, Inc.. 182 Fifth Ave., N. Y. SALESMEN making 31.000 month ly; you can too: electric signs. S2O. Write Free samp e offer. Faz li ttle, 2124( Hudson, Chicago. SALESMEN—Experienced collection agency man to develop and super vise prfepectlve salesmen; proposi tion good for 36/)00 to 38.000 year ly: full commission paid dally on receipt of business; also big month ly bonus: only ten states open. Wire or write your application with ref erences immed'ately. Illinois Adjust !ng and Finance Corp., 22 E. Van Buren St. Chicago. 111. RADIO AGENTS—Make tntney roll ing ’ong (‘Jstance radio sets nnd supp les. Write quick. Midwest Ra il'd Co., 800 Main St., Cincinnati. Ohio. SALESMAN—Wholesale house es tablishcd fifteen years offers at tractive opportunity to man with sales ability; guaranteed merchan dise, effective advertising, success fully sold by drug, dry goods, hard ware and genera! stores. A. F. Gib son, Mgr.. Dept. 461 1922 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS—3SO a week taking or der.* for Thomas guaranteed ho siery 27 different kinds, latest spring styles and colors, your size in free outfit. Thomas Mfg. Co.. Mill 6771. Dayton. Ohio. MEN wtih ambition, industry and sma 1 capital can make more money selling Rawlelgh's Quality Products direct to consumers in Fremont county or other Wyoming counties. We teach and keep assist ing you to make practically every family a steady satisfied customer, give age. occupation. references. W. T. Raw 1 eight Co., Dept. 359, Free port. 111. NO PEDDLING—No canvassing, make 33.000 to 315,000 year; strict ly high grade; wonderful opportu nity; business waiting everywhere; customers come to you; your own business; no stock or equipment to buy; asnoclated with one of great est industries. Write quickly Nat ional System Automobile Painting. 220 East Warren, Detroit. Mich. AGENTS—Make 310 to 320 dally, reeling small kitchen necessity; over 200 per cent profit; sells rap idly everywhere to nine out of ten women; new plan make sales easy. Premier Mfg. Co.. Dept. W-2, De troit, Mich. I)ISTRICT MANAGERS WANTED. Appoint local agents for us in your locality; no canvassing o r do llvemig 3100 weekly easily made: commissions advanced. Hob Russell, 2303 Archer, Chicago, 111. DIAMOND sensation at last! Amaz ing discovery of Rajah Garn startice jewe ry world; 3100 weekly introducing these magnificent gems sample case free. Writs quick. Ra jah Co., Dept. A. Salisbury N. C. WONDERFUL discoven’; charges batteries tn ten minutes, Galion free *o gents. RadloUte Co.. BL Pwyl, Ml*)**! Che casoer wunnav cnoune AGENTS WANTED AGENTS—32S dally taking orders for Walton Duplex reversible double wear shirts, direct to wear er; pay advanced: ’re de'lver. Wal ton-Duplex Co., Brooks BICg., Chi cago. SELL ■Fashion-wear*' style h shirts; factory to wearer; popular prices. exclurlve patterns, profits • ally. Write for free samples. "Fashion-Wear” Shirts. 1200 Jack son. Cincinnati, Ohio. NOW you can make 310 dally sell ing Mary Rose frocks; factory to wearer; charming spring; styler; quick sales. The Rodas i Co., 406 Rodasi Bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. 3769.10 COFFMAN’S sales first two weeks: town 2 500: sensation a Talbot Kettle Com Popper, costing 357.50: shipped on trial. Talbot Mfg. Co.. St. Ixiuls, Mo. STYLISH shoes direct from factory to wearer: simple and quick sell ing methods; profits large, commis sions daily; real salesmen wanted. Style-Arch Shoe Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. POSITIONS WANTED WANTED POSITION—By stenog rapher; experienced in geo'ogical. oil and legal work. Phone 1425 R. MAN and wife wants house clean ing and day work. 1225 Burling ton Ave. Phono 776 J. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants cooking and general house work. Ask for Pearl. Phone 645 J. YOUNG lady wants office work, half days; typist .stenographer or can handle own corre»pon< ence and take charge of small office. Call 2788 W after 4 p. m. SERVICES OFFERED WANTED—Boarders and roomers; good Ik a rd. 163 N. Kimball. Phone 2420 W. MARCELLING ant bob curling; 75 cents; home appointments. 641 CY. Phone 1572 J. HARPER method sca’p treatment, for falling hair; shampooing, mar celling: home appointments. Mrs. IL. Colby. Phone 1665 M. CALCIMINING and painting:email jobs: work carefully done, prompt services. Phone 186 OJ. CALL Brooks for houne and office cleaning, windows and rugs. Phone 1879 J. MARCEL. shampoo vlo et ray and facial. New Marcelle Shop 845 Eart A. Phone 1405 W mornings and evenings. I CAN save you money on your bui ding and repair werk L. D. Leisinger, contractor and builder. Phone 1975 M after 6 p. m. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES USED CARS We one rate a first clast* repair shop, paint shop and top shop. We have ready for sale 18 extra good cars. We are offering getx* values. It will pay you to stop here. Steptoens Six Coupe Four passenger, like new; bargain. Maxwell Corape Two passenger, late mode! Maxwell Sport Touring Nice shape, late model. Maxwell Roadster Lnte 1022 model DotSge Torariiig Late model, extra good shape Mfc Toraring 1920 model, good condition Ofemobile Sport Nice shape, bargain Stradetata Special Six Good condition Qanailer Torariug Seven passenger, extra good shape Braick Six Winter top, bargain Chevrolet Touring 1922 model, good condition Ford Touring Extra good, like new Ford Roadster Late model, good shape Our used car department will at all times give the buyer good values. CASPER MOTOR CO. 230 W. Yellowstone Plume 909 FOR SALE—I92I Ford touring, in good condition, starter; new one man top. curtains, sloping wind shield; tires and chains; some tools: 3150 for quick sale; I am leaving town next week. 212 8. Kenwood. FOR SALE—I 923 Chevrolet coupe. Good condition; & buy at 3450; Rome terms. Phone 2343 W. FOR SALE—One Nash touring: been driven sixteen months, A-l condition. Phone 2370. ROOMS FOB SALE!—I923 Fcrd roadster, driven 2.500 mlloa. paint and gen eral condition perfect, price >290, a bargsda. J’bow 3«7»W. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES Used Cars PRICED RIGHT—TERMS 1923 Buick Feu- touring sedan, look* and drives like new .-81,050 1922 Buick Six seven passenger touring excel!-nt shape $825 1928 Buick Six touring, new car guarantee ->BOO 1923 Buick Six roadster, ideal car tor the fishing trip 8440 1920 Buick roadster, good confition, good paint 8370 1922 Hudson touring, new tires and car in A-l condition . 8750 1922 Packard single six, overhaul ed and ready for the road, a good buy at 8600 Other Bargains in Proportion CASPER BUICK CO. 132 N. Wolcott Phone 2360 FOR SALE—Olds Eight touring. 1920 model, good condition. 250 N. Beech, Apartment 5. FOR SALE Slightly used Star touring, finish, tlree and uphol stery perfect, spare tire, motometer. etc.; easy terms: big discount. In quire 983 Howard. FOR SALE—Double the life of your batterj' with Ever-ready; chargee battery while you wait; guaranteed or money back. Art Gaylord. 240 S. Wolcott. Midwest Service. Phot.e 701 W. FOR SALE—Ford coupe, 1923; is practically new car; many extras; bargain. Evansville Garage. Dodge Brothers DEALERS SELL GOOD USED CARS Our Used Cars are so consistently good be cause we handle no thing but this kind. • Good Values for Today— DODGE BROTHERS. 1923 mof’el business sedan; disc wheels, five good tiresßßso 1923 mode] business coupe; tires are good and car In A-l condi tion mechanically; is equipped with platform springßß6o Late model touring with h'gh hood, completely overhauled; tires are g00d8625 1921 three passenger coupe is overhauled and in good condi tion: large Westinghouse shock absorbers —BSOO BUICKS 1922 model Buick Six touring: good condition; repainted ..8650 FORDS. 1924 coupe; good as new, with spare tire 8550 1923 coupe; tires show only 8 ight wear; the paint is good ant. motor In A-l condition; an exceptional va'.ue at >450 Others Not Listed Coliseum Motor Co. OPEN SUNDAY 131 E. Fifth Phone 724 FOR SALE OR TRADE—I 922 Max we'.l sedan, 1922 Ford sedan, 1923 Star roadster, 1922 Fora touring car to sell on easy payments or will trade for anything of value. Western Realty, P. & IL Bldg. BETTER VALUES IN USER FORD CARS Bug 875 Runabout —BIOO Runabout 8150 Runabout 8350 Touring 850 Touring B2OO Coupe 8250 Coupe —..—... 8450 Sedan 8400 Truck 8200 Dodge Commercial —B*so EARL C. BOYLE, Inc. 125-131 N. Center Phone 9 ESSEX COACH Disc wheel?. Bought new last summer and run less than 5000 miles; never had any repairs and does not need any. Spare tire never lx»en used and original tires In excellent shape. Cost including disc wheels nnd chains was 81440. Sale price 8900. Inquire at The Kumpf Motor Car Co. Phone 987. BROKE and 1,000 miles from moth- er. I must get home and M’lll ac cept best offer for order good on the purchase of a new Ford. 221 AV. Flr»U FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE—Packard Single Six au tomobile In first class condition and a bargain. Phone 1089 J for ap pointment on Sunday or call at 318 Midwest Bldg. Phone 2210. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Several typewriters unredeemed. 249 S. Center. FOR SALE—Young pet ferret, must dhpose of at once. Phone 2416 R. FOR SALE—2.OOO feet 8%-inch 32- pound one run casing, in A-l con dition. P. O. Box 512. FOR SALE—Coaster wagon, brand new, will sell cheap. 813 8. Lin coln. FOR SALE—Adding machine check protector: iron safe, practlca ly new; sell cheap for cash or terms. Phone 699. FOR SALE—BI2SO worth of Moose bonds, 90c on the dollar. Will pay 7 per cent Interest. Call C. L. Johnsen, 121 W if Interested. FOR SALE—One Jersey ml'k cow, thoroughbred Rhode Island set ting eggs. Phone 2716J2. FOR SALE —Canary birds, best singers, few females, reasonable price, leaving town. 314 S. Durbin. FOR SALE—Two Incubators, one set double harness, one single har ness; three burner oil stove and an oven; six hens. Phone 2638W’. FOR SALE—Reed baby buggy. 261 East H. FOR SALE—White sewing machine almost new. For particulars in quire 143 N. Klmbai', Apartment 1. FOR SALE—A hemstitch machine. 643 E. Second. Phono 280 W. FOR SALE—9xI2 seam'ess Axmtn rter rug. good condition. Call 25231 L FOR SALE—No. 55 Bennett Bake oven, used 18 months, ship from Scottsbluff. F. C. Titus, Buffalo, Wyo. FOR SALE—Check protector, good ns new. Call evenings. 1236 Wai. nuL FOR SALE—One cabinet maker bench set of carpenter tools. Call a'l day Sunday. 728 East C. FOR SALE—PooI room equipment, three tables, cues balls, etc., might trade; 12 horsepower gasoline engine, practically new, snap; throe cash registers at less than manu facturer's cost; four marble top tables suitable for ice cream par lor. Edgar E. K. Schmitt. 221 W. First. FOR SALE Western Electric washing machine. 622 N. Center. Phone 2191 W. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE Walnut diningroom set good confition, very reason able. 1320 8. Boxeider. FOR SALE—Part of furniture for five-room modern house privil ege of renting house. 719 Badger. Phone 2119. FOR SALE—Brass bed, complete full size, first class condition; also one Detroit Jewel gas range, with side oven; white enamel trimmings and trays. 667 8. Park. FOR SALE—FuI’. alze, large brass bed, Sealy mattress, De Luxe springs, nearly new half price. Cal. Ideal Apartment A or Oil Exchange Barber Shop. FOR SALE. New high class furniture with privilege of renting new five-room house. 134 W. Tenth Street Phono 3680 FOR SALE—Most complete line of used furniture In the city, mat tresses remade like new; five en amel front gas ranges at half the pr’ce of new Bailey Furniture Co.. 326 W. Yellowstone. Phone 1617 J. FOR SALE—B2S bridge lamp 817; 828 Windsor rocker 818; inlaid linoleum 81.75; printed linoleum 75c square yard; sanitary couch and pad 89; 45-pound cotton mattress $7; Singer hewing machine 830. Hunter- Goll Co., 241 W. First. Phone 986 J. WANTED—TO RENT WANTED—By lady employed, fur nished room with davenport or a day bed, good neighborhood, reason ab y close in. Box B-429 Tribune. PHONOGRAPHS, PIANOS, ETI FOR SALE—A slightly used Baby Grand piano in rich mahogany: taken in trade on a Duo-Art from one of Casper's finest homes. A rare bargain nt 8475; terms to suit your convenience. Phono 1745. The Murlc Shoppe Inc., 238 E. Second. FOR SALE—Phonograph, ampll phone type, mahogany: good as new with about forty records; a bar gain at 850, 667 S. Park. FOR SALE—Brunswick phonograph in oak at a bargain: make your own terms on this one. Many oth ers to select from. Phone 1745. The Music Shoppe, Inc., 238 E. Second. VICTROLAB, COLUMBIAS, EDISONS, BRUNSWICK. Bargains in used upright models In our bargain basement; liberal term?. Tile Chas. E. Wells Music Co. 232 E. Second. Phone 194 FOR SALE—Buescher saxophone; B tenor. 249 S. Center. FOR SALE—Player piano tired as a demonstrator at a big reduction, with a selection of rolls, a bench and a ten-year guarantee: terms to suit you. Phone 1745. The Music Shoppe, Inc., 238 E. Second. FOR SALE—Vlctrola and records, a good bargain. Call evenings. 1236 Walnut. FOR SALE—Columbia gramaphone with records, cheap. 249 S. Cen ter. FOR SALE One electric player piano. 8500, 8100 cash, 840 per month. Phone 1189, evening 348 J. WANTED TO BUY— Casper Mu tual Building and Loan, ten shares No. 10 seriea. Carl Hawks. Phone 2385 W. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT—New and use'’ furniture of all kinds. Hunter- Goll Co.. 241 W. First. Phone 986 J. THE LIBRARY of congress desires Tribune issues of December 28 and 31. 1923; anyone having coplea please notify Tribune office. WANTED—-Tour old coal range or beater in exchange for a gas range or heater. Phone 1088. WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton rags 5c pound. Apply Tribune office. WANTED TO BUY—Hlgnest cash price paid for second liand furm tura. Brooks 660 East H. Phono 1648 W. WANTED TO BUY—We pay more for coal ranges heaters, dressers, duofolds, all household goods. Phone 1086. WANTED TO BUY. Second hand furniture. If you have anything to trade or exchange. Phone 249 Hamed Furniture Co.. 234 S. David. ■WILL buy your equity in sedan Ford. Maxwell. Overland, Dodge. 236 E. Midwest. Tel. 2515. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT—One good store room and basement, price >125 per month. Call 1529 R. FOR RENT—Desk and office space very desirable location; price rea sonable. Phone 2325. FOR RENT—Desk room In office with a private offlco In Conner tlon. 318 Midwest Bldg. Phone 2210. POULTRY COLUMBIA HATCHERY P. O. Box 1102, Denver, Colo. We can fill your order for any quantity of Baby Chicks; 17 vario les, standard bred. We have the largest and only electric hatchery n Denver, capacity over 10,000 per week. We guarantee live delivery •nd prepay parcel post. Write for trices and full particulars. QUALITY chicks, eggs, fifteen standard bred varieties; bent win ter laying strains; free delivery: reasonable prices, catalogue free. Missouri Poultry Farms. Columbia, Mo. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE—Horses, wagon, tank and frame, cook stewe. heater; hot air heating plant, four basement windows. 833 Elm. Chas. Richards. ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and room for six boys In ?odern home, walking distance. N. Grant. Phono 1215MJ. WANTED—Two men to room ans board with private family, on the pavement and bus line. 361 N. Jack son. BOARD and room, nice large front room for two; next to bath; home cooking, private family, three and one-half blocks from Center. 426 E. First. FOR RENT Room in modern homo; air© board. 329 S. McKin ley- FOR RENT—ROOMS FOR RENT—To gentlemen, front bed room close in. 225 S. Park. FOR RENT—Very desirable aleep ingrooni, in good location, on bus line. Phone 1435. FOR RENT —Desirable room, next to bath, with private entrance very close in. Phone 1958 R. 530 S. Beech. FOR RENT—I-ar go modem room, very c ose In: for two men. 351 S. Elm. Phone 2668 J. FOR RENT —Room for one or two gentlemen, in modern home, board If desired. Phone 2579 W. 505 8. Park. FOR RENT —Desirable room ad joining bath, strictly private fam ily: suitable for one or two gentle men; c'ose in, on two bus lines. 616 W. Tenth. Phone 2766 J. ROOMS at the Antlers, exclurlve, moderate, gentlemen. 616 8. Wol cott. FOR RENT —April first, a furnish ed room, also garage on South Durbin. Phone 195. FOR RENT —Large comfortable, well furnished room, next to bath; private entrance, close in. Inquire 615 8. Durbin. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for men. a'so single batching rooms, >ll per month. 817 S. Spruce FOR RENT—Room adjoining bath, outside entrance. 224 N. Wolcott. FOR RENT —Sleeplngroom in mod ern home, for gentleman. 941 8. Ash. Phono 111 J. FOR RENT—ldeal room aftfolnlng bath. 339 W. Twelfth. Phone 2291. T FOR RENT—Strictly modern sleep ingroom. steam heat, close In. pri vate entrance. 342 S. Kimltall. FOR RENT — Two rooms for two bachelors. 820: gas and lights fur nished. Phone 1155 J. 746 S. Oak. FOR RENT Room in private home. 639 8. Ash. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished room with private family, on bus line; board if desired. Phone 650. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeplngroom. adjoining bath, privilege of laundry private en trance; on bus line. Phono 1952 J. FOR RENT—Furnlshed bedroom adjoining bath, private family, 255 S. McKinley. FOR RENT—Room with combina tion bath. 502 CY. Phono 1768. FOR RENT—Modern rooms two blocks from Henning. 328 E First. JTribune wantads bring resulU. SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 19Z4 FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR RENT —Sleeplngroom. 518 E. First FOR RENT—Modern room. two meals if desired; business woman only. Phone 2353 NM. 650 Lind. FOR RENT—One sleeplngroom with bath, close in; reasonable. 745 E. Fourth. Phone 1639 M. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished roopZ in modern home, on bus line. 3*5 E. Eleventh. Phone 2385 W. FOR RENT—Front bedroom, next to bath. 441 CY. Phono 197 R. FOR RENT—Desirable room next to bath, on bus line, breakfast if desired. Phone 729 J. FOR RENT—HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, private entrance. 232 N. McKinley. FOR RENT—Large rooms, furnish ed for light housekeeping. bath, lights, gas, telephone. 118 S. Wash ington. Phone 768 M. FOR RENT —Two rooms for batch ing. lights and gas furnished. 141 N. Park. FOR RENT—Two laxge housekeep ing rooms on ground floor, partly furnished. 510 W. Yellowstone. Phone 1053 W, FOR RENT—APARTMENTS*. FOR RENT—Close In on Park; 3- rojm unfurnished apartment 865; Phone 101 M. FOR RENT— Three-room strictly modern unfurnished apartment. 1214 E. First, Apartment 4. FOR RENT Modern two-room apartment, unfurnished, down town steam heat; has laundry fa cilities. Apply Apartment No. 3, Tribune. FOR RENT— Three-room strictly modern apartment, birch finish; steam heat; fine location. Phone 734 R. THE YELLOWSTONE APARTMENT HOTEL "WYOMING'S LARGEST APARTMENT HOUSE’’ 426 W. Yellowstone ONE-ROOM HOME We offer you one-room and kit chenette, new furniture, gas, water, lights furnished, laundryrocm; two minutes walk from Center street., Grocery and market in building. ALL FOR 850 PER MONTH We have a few unfurnished a part mens at 840, including gas, water and lights. FOR RENT—Close in modem three room unfurnished apartment; steam heat furnished. 875. Call 2268 R. FOR RENT Modern furnished apartment, ga.« and lights fur* nlshed, >4O, 1207 East C. FOR RENT Three-room unfur nished apartment gas range and heater. 1235 S. Elm. Phono 1284 W. FOR RENT— basement apartment, unfurnished except gas ranges, heat, lights and water. 249 S. Washington. FOR RENT—Two-room newly fur nished apartment, adjoining bath, private entrance, two blocks from CY, on bus lln». Phono 21S4W. FOR RENT—Two 3-room modern apartments. 801 E. Third. Call in rear. FOR RENT—Ono nice large fou\ room unfurnished apartment, two bedrooms, large livingroom and kitchenette, gas range; gas heater and water furnished, all modern, is cheap. 1115 8. Poplar. FOR RENT—Two-room apartment, partly furnished; gas. 831 S. Wa'- nut. Phono 1474 W. FOR RENT—Modern four-room fur nished barement apartment: on pavement ana bus line. 361 N. Jack son. FOR RENT—New clean, nicely fur nished two-room basement apart ment. outsido entrance; close in. In, quire 615 8. Durbin. FOR RENT—Convenient comfort able, modern four-room apart ment; close in. Inquire 615 S. Dur bin. FOR RENT—Three-room furnished modern apartment. 142 w. Eleventh; two blocks from Park school. Phone 815 R. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished apartment, one block from bug line; lights and gas furnished. 143 West G. FOR RENT—Two-room ed semi-basement apartment, moc* ern. Phone 1610 J. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished mod em apartment, private bath >6O month, close in. 231 S. Grant.’ FOR RENT—Three-room strlct’y modern apartment, furnished or unfurnished private bath. Inquire 750 CY. Phone 1652 M. FOR RENT—Three-room furnished apartment. 713 E. Second. FOR RENT—Two room modern fur nlshed apartment, gas and lights furnished, adults only. 1104 S. Ash. Phone 1107 J. FOR RENT—Apartment, close In, steam heat, private bath, Mur. phy bed. large dressingrwm* built in features gas and gas range fur nished, reasonable rent. 227 N Park. Phone 1270. I- OR RENT Desirable two-room modern furnished apartment, good location. 141 W. Tenth. I' OR RENT Modern four-room c ” partment ' partly furnished, Mo. 826 W. Twelfth. FOR RENT— One modern furnished apartment. Phone 1949. R ®^ T 7* ai °dern three-room , unfurnished apartment; upetairs; close in; light and pleasant; pep month. Inquire 519 E. Third lower left apartment. F OR R ENT— modern. y burnished semi-basement apartment. 517 W. Thirteenth, near Oak street. Phone 2225 J. F< ? R REI ' , ’ T —Two-room furnished *P® rt ment an d garage; alex> one 2U7J ln * ro ° m- 630 S ’ Centor '