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PAGE FOURTEEN Classified Rates I Two cents per word or tea cents per Una. NO AD LESS THAN 80 CENTS. Five average words used as a basis of estimating a line. BLACKFACE CAP HEADLINE will be charged the space of two lines. All charged advertising will be bonked "set lines” Irrespective of the number of words. CORRECTION OF CLASSIFIED AD ERRORS. The Casper Dally Tribune will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any ad vertisement ordered for more than o-ue time. Errors not the fault of the advertiser which clearly lessen the rea.' value of the advertisement will be rectified only b y publication without extra charge within FIVE days after Insertion. No republica tion will be made when the error does not materially affect the sense or purpose of the adve»*tlsement. TELEPHONE ADS. Careful attention will he given all ads received over the TELE PHONE, but we cannot guarantee accuracy. CLOSING HOUR. Want Ads to be classified proper ly must be In the Casper Dally Tribune office before 10. Want Ads received after 10 to 12 a. m. will be Inserted under the head “Too Late to Classify." OUT OF TOWN ADVERTISE MENTS. Must be accompanied by cash or check In full payment of the same. Note the foregoing Instructions about counting the words and the rate per word for the Casper Dally Tribune. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED —Experienced bookkeep er; must be sing's man; one with garage experience preferred. See Stebbins, Boyle’s Garage. WANT man with car for real es tate business. Wyoming Realty Co., Cottman Bldg. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Waitress for boarding house. 340 W. Yellowstone. WANTED —Women to paint lamp shades for us at home. Easy, pleasant work; whole or part time. Address NUeart Company, 3544, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE WANTED —Men, women and child ren's hair cutting 35c. Under Grill Case. MAKE 125 to 875 weekly writing showcards for us in spare time no canvassing; simple instructions steady work. Dept. 1352, National Btudlca, 6121 Dorchester. Chicago. AGENTS WANTED DISTRIBUTOR WANTED. An estab is bed corporation wants a man capable of organizing a sales force and distribute a high class article required In every home; we are organizing a sales force In all principal cities and we want men who are hustlers, who are finan cially capable of carrying a smal stock of |250 for quick sale; this Is an excellent opportunity for the right man to secure control of an article with wonderful, money mak Ing posslbrities. Address Western Sales Agency. Inc., Dallas, Texas. POSITIONS WANTED COMPETENT woman wants work by the hour. Phone 1002 J. EXPERIENCED laundress and cleaner wants work by day Phone 1535 W. COMPETENT stenographer wants position, references furnished. Phono 568 W. YOUNG girl wants homelike place to work for room and board. Phone 1379 J. SERVICES OFFERED FERTILIZER for gardens and lawns, garden planting, excavnt ing; river gravel and sand; team ing of all kinds. Murphy Brothers. 416 Hclly street. Phone 1096 R. MARCEL and bobcurl 81- Appoint ments at your home. Call 850 J. between 11 and 12 a in. FOR first class laundry work, call 2719 R-5; called for and delivered. UALCIMINING and Pointing- Small jobs work guarantee-, prompt service. Phone 1860.1. HAVE your spring sewing done, reasonab'e at 420 N. Jackson. Phone 1534 W. * YOUR patronage will be appreci ated at "The Flower" Shoppe, corner Sixth and Center. Phone 2574 MARCEL and bobcurl. 75c; mani curing 50c. Phone 636 M for ap polntment. 604 8. Center. MARCEL and bobcurl 81: expert operator. 845 East A. Phone 1405 W STEVE Radiator Works, 412 W. First. Cleaning, repairing and re coring. HARPER method scalp treatment, for falling hair; shampooing, mar celling; home appointments. Mrs. R. Colby. Phono 1665 M. LEARN MARCELLING. Personal Instructions by experi enced operator, reasonable price. Phono 2037 M. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES IS PEK CENT OFF nN MASON TBES We also hand's a full line of used tires, tubes and radiators. 30x3 H Cords. 88.75. NATRONA TIRE AND RADIATOR SHOP. 425 W. Yellowstone. FOR KALE—Two 38x4>4 cord tires, used. Call 284. 718 8. McKlnleJ- BARNEY GOOGLE AND SPARK PLUG ' By Billey De Beck BARNSY 6oo6l« WSH TT.IS lute's'll! NO cree. TaiximG- -- ~ \ ’’il S’" 1N Wt sre«<M. A WOVI.O etco tan- it -n>o RiTtY \ fi it WHATf f STOP TkE X saio it WM HAWUIU across V I ' Ki 7 -TRAIMI \ “’SIL-WF vawl ;k- L. - agW W _ \ watwr win a Day / J jsfl « \ ARB •. IM Gonna ) "Toujaj • FAMOUS Horib GwAirw I with a Bunch \ G cT OUT Fok / MA3 SLIGHT ATTACK VpOLAKS . \ A OP / o. MFseit '> s'' > =■ \ niwiu 3s»3its tot< y ~ NO REASON $ w»’) flff- _IT—„ L--"”1- a ~ J 1 -K* AS SMPC/CU. PAWS J VsL T -> , TUQOUGU <SAtessuR < * ~^ T ' JT" L "CTw a Z-. "'' ■'' ■" BARMtY CRAWLS ‘ UNDCR ■n** St AT. ~ -• " V-’ BoiCkS that wtR» L. h EsIK'eBI Tmrcojiu TmrguGm TM ' |L_ , Oft NO DAMftfrfe - IW b, K-W F-~~ Im ■— l ■ *“ i GASOLINE ALLEY—AND, SKEEZIX, YOU STICK TO UNCLE WALT ~’ ■ —' ~ W 8 "x- . 7 ::=====:==:=:: 7 - u/Fi L I SA.VJ A \ MMIWu / \ ( VA-TV SHE \ a. '' WELL LOOKING CAME ALL \ HCFT ’on® \ _( WASN'T EVEN I A SOLLED OP VJITMINI AN INKM I < -r-GX-r ot rr TOLD ME SME UOT '^ R O^ J O H \ JF HEP LIFE GET INTO / I NOU HH L/aS RM WAS BACK I J CUESSES, SKEEZIKI THAT CAR THIS MORNING J I DID! ■■ \ J KS9M 3 BUT I’VE GOT S — ' \ AT \ W ‘‘ M u- A MUNICH THAT If A ~y\ fceng» r • v I »’& better Us > x 1 hang migmtv /fy L \V ~ S' I tight to /If /yv Z lw«. I V-a A* U -<£ X- \ you this J J nfe -M c -/*W Xjtn/. K ? y,B?_l 'Wjr |LjM| J. J—J SSt' — ? • iXxXE! _ 2X:: FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE:—Late model Chevro’et coupe, perfect condition, must lie sold at once; terms. Phone 2343 W. FOR SALE—Ford touring. A-l con. dltlon, 885. Cad 153 N. Durbin Acurttnent No. •’. SEVERAL good cars to trade for clear lots or for equities In Cas per houses. Western Realty, P. & IL Bldg. USE® CARS Saturday Specials Stephens Six Four passenger coupe, late model; like new, $975 Maxwell Coupe Two passenger, late model, lllcc . new, $950 Maxwell Sport Late 1923, nice shape, new paint at SBSO Maxwell Roadster Ijite 1922, good condition, new paint, $550 D<c Touring In good condition; new finish, $450 Chevrolet Touring Good shape, new paint, 1922 model at $lB5 Overland Sedan Good shape, new paint, 1921 model at $235 Ford Touring Ij»tc 1923, extra good, new paint, at S3OO Ford Roadster Late 1922, good shape, new paint, at $265 CASPER MOTOR CO. Formerly Kennedy Motor Co. 230 W. Yellowstone Phone 909 PHONOGRAPHS, PIANOS, ET( FOR SALE On« electric player piano, 8500, 8100 cash, 840 per month. Phone 1189, evening 348 J. FOR SALE OR RENT—Good player piano. 348 8. Kimball. Phone 1468. I'TIR BALE—Violins, one genuine Hops, and one old English make; a snap. Call 1983 W. FOR SALE—Edison and 25 records. Phono 1509 R. FOR HALE— VTctrola, mahogany cabinet style In good condition wtih Hixty.flve records half price. Ca’l nt 137L4 N. McKinley. FOR SALE—Upright piano, also nn Ivory dresser, both as good as new. 122 N. Li neo’n. MISCELLANEOUS TREES. Place your order now for trees, shrubs, vines, perennial plants and rones. The Colorado Nursery Co., Ed J. Capek, Representative. 1443 E. Second. Phone 521 M. • FOR BALE—Coaster wagon, brand new, will sell cheap. 612 8 Un .coln. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—A dagger mixer; a bargain, first class shape; team horses, six years uld weight 3,000 pounds; wagon, harness and dump board: one good rool top desk. 413 N. McKin'ey, in rear. FOR SALE—Lawn dressing 83 per load. Phone 2391 J. after 6 p. m. FOR SALE—RoII t<Yp desk, slightly used; fifty opera house chairs; one set fourteen law books of La Salle University; one back bar. Ice cream, glass mirror; three lots In business section of North Casper. Box B-438, Tribune. FOR SALE—Saddle, riding bridle saddle pockets, rifle scabbard, revolver holster, hand engraved cartridge belt, white Angora chaps and Angora sweater. Call at 137 N. McKinley. FOR SALE —Minnows. 50 cents per dozen. 131 W. Thirteenth. Phone 2585. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AUCTION. There will an auction sale at 234 South David Saturday after- XiL>on at 2 p. m. of housabold furni lure, rugs, bedding, cooking utensils d Hbes. glassware, etc. Harned Fur niture Co.. £34 S. David. Phone 249. SPECIAL sale on everything In our store Saturday, April 5. We carry a complete line of home furnishingn North Casper Furniture ExcKange Phone 1254 600 East H. Bus stops at our doer. FOR SALE —Two rooms of furni ture cheap. 909 S. Walnut. FOR SALE—Four-burner Perfection oil range with fireless cooker oven. Phone 1769 R. FOR SALE—Most complete line of used furniture in the city, mat tresses remnde like new; five en amel front gas ranges nt half the orfee of new Bailey Furniture Co.. 326 W. Yellowstone. Phone 1617 J. FOR SALE —Party buying furni ture, has chance of renting two nrge front rooms in !<>al. Rent 145. Ideal Apt. 3 Phono 1296 M. FOR SALE —One Hoosier kitchen cabinet, lates model. 824 S. Wol cott, Rear. NEW GOODS JUST RECEP Walnut diningroom set 891; jvu. . princess drosser 819.50; walnut prin cess dresser $19.50; mahogany dav enport tables 815.60; walnut dresser sl9; two burner gas range sl9; por celain top kitchen table $9.25. Ilun ter-Goll Co., 241 W. First. Phone 986 J. WANTED—TO BUY WE WILL buy or exchange your used furniture. Darned Furniture do., 234 8. David. Phone 249. WANTED TO BUY—A small house in Casper; will give as first pay ment a first mortgage on 320 acres near Miles City, and pay balance at S4O per month. Martin & Christ ianson. Phone 2606. WE HAVE three clients who are in the market for a five-room modern home that $7,000 or $8 000 will buy; must be in south part. Stafford Realty Co.. Phone 703. WANTED TO BUY—New and used furniture <»f all kinds. Hunter- Goll Co., 241 W. First. Phono 986 J. THE LIBRARY of congress desires Tribune liwmes of December 28 and 31, 1923; nnyonn liming copies please notify Tribune office. WANTED—Your old coal range or heater in exchange for a gas range or heater. Phone 1086. WANTED TO BUY—We pay more for coal ranges heaters, dressers, duofolds, all household goods. Phone 1086. WANTED TO BUY fllgnest cash pries paid for second hand furni ture. Brooks 660 East IL Phone 1648 W. , Cfte Casper IDaHp CtiDune WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT —Clean cotton rags 5c pound. Apply Tribune office. WANTED TO BUY— Used mahog any typewriter desk with chair. Phone 1833 J. WANTED—TO RENT WANTED—One or two respectable young men to share basement 'apartment, close In; everything fur nished for batching, $lO per month. Inquire basement 124 East G. WANTED TO RENT Bachelor apartment, by two gentlemen, a three-room furnished apartment with bath, and service; want two bedrooms, kitchen not desired; must be close in. L. G. Cavis. Phone 1387 W. WANTED—Two girls to share a 1 i'usekeeping apartment. Phone 1229 M. WANTED TO RENT —Garage, close as p<sslble to II and Madison Phone 377 R. POULTRY FOR SALE—Baby chicks. 15c each; also first class CO-egg Old Trusty incubator including eggs, sl2. Phone 1960 W. FOR SALE—Baby Chickens. Rhode Island Reds, 18c each, live deliv ery guaranteed. Sam Hindman 340 E. Eighth, Sherican. Wyo. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR LEASE—Dairy. 17 cows, four heifer calves, six Hol steins; one Guernsey; nine Durham; •one White face; some cash and on easy terms. Box B-433, Tribune. FOR BALE—Three teams of good work horses, sound and ready ti go to work, five teams of snapped out work horses, a bunch of. sadd e horses ready for use; will give some terms. Phono 1523 M. Tucker Yellow stone Oarage. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT—Garage on South Dur bin. Please phono 195. FOR RENT—Sewing machines $3 month. J. W. Brooks, 560 East IL Phone 1648 W. FOR RENT—Store It. new bui'dlng will give good lease. Call at built ► Ing, corner Sixth and Melrose. FOR RENT—Excellent store tlon; heat and water furnlahed. Inquire 442 Eaat Yellowstono. Phone 1963. ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and room, near refinery; try our good home cooked meals, good beds. 931 8. Chestnut. ROOM and board In modern home, good home cooked meals, rates ronsonable, on bus line. Phone 1533 R. BOARD and room at 1237 8. Box elder. FOR RENT—ROOMS FOR RENT —Sleeplngroom, next to bath. Dorcas Apartments. 1023 E. Second. I t']; HUNT—Nicely furnished front bedroom, adjoining bath, strain heat. 909 8. Walnut. Phone 1798 R. FOR RENT—Basement room, suit able for sleeping or batching. 441 CY. Phone 197 R. FOR RENT—Sleeplngroom for two; four blocks from poetoffice. 423 8. Beech. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished bed room, close in. 845 E. Third. FOR RENT—ROOMS Green Lantern Rooms 233 8. Jackson Phone 13G3W Half block off East Second, on pavement and bus line. Newly furnished throughout, new linen, steam heat, lots of hot wa ter. makes the Green Lantern one of the finest private hotels In Wyom ing. Every room with private lavatory, hot and cold water; many with pri vate bath. Home cpmforts and a refined at nosphere you can’t find in the av erage rooming house. Rates reasonable. MRS. LUCY SMITH. Prop. ONE of the nijest furnished bed rooms in Casper for gentleman who appreciates the best. Phone 1729 W. FOR HE NT—Seeping room ad joining bath, on bus line, close In and reasonable. 745 East 4th. Phone 1639 M. FOR RENT—Sleeplngroom, adjoin ing bath on bus line for one or two gentlemen. 327 N. Jefferson. Phone 316 M. FOR RENT—Front bedroom, ad joining bath, private home. 705 Ea-st A. FOR RENT—WeII furnished room: In modern home; board If desired. 220 N. Grant. FOR RENT—Modern bedroom, next to bath close in; outside entrance. 405 8. Kimball. FOR RENT—HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT—Modern housekeeping rooms or sleeping room adjoining bath; close in. 725 So. Ash. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for housekeeping with gas. also single batching room. 817 S. Spruce FOR RENT-APARTMENTS FOR RENT— Three-room strictly modern unfurnished apartment. 1214 E. First. Apartment 4. FOR RENT Modern two-room apartment, unfurnished, down town. steam heat; has laundry fa cilities. Apply Apartment No. 3, Tribune. THE YELLOWSTONE APARTMENT HOTEL ‘•WYOMING’S LARGEST APARTMENT HOUSE” 426 W. Yellowstone ONE ROOM HOME We offer you one-room and kit chenette. new furniture, gng, water, lights furnished, laundryroom; two minutes walk from Center street. Grocery nnd market in building. ALL FOR SSO PER MONTH We have a few unfurnished apart rnena nt 940, including gae, water and lights. FOR RENT—Close In modern three room unfurnished apartment; stcain heat furnished. 975. Call 2268 R. FOR RENT—Modern apartment. Is partly furnisher., 950; garago, 98. Phone 1789 R. FOR RENT— modem fur nished apartment on pavement. 31') 8. Jackson. Phone 1872 W. FOR RENT—Modern furnished apt. one-room, kitchen and bath, close in. Phone 2417.* FOR RENT Three-room unfur nished basement apartment, gas range and heater. 1235 s. Elm- Phone 1284 W, .. KENT—APARTMENTS THE ADA APARTMENT. 615 South Center. >’-w, close In, beautiful Interior finish, tile bath, gas range, fireplace with gas heater in addition to the steam heat; three and four-room apartments at 980 to 9100; rent in cludes lights, gas and heat; apart ments open for inspection during day anC evening. Information avail able from care taker or Mr. Peek at the Casper National Bank. FOR RENT —Furnished apartment gas and lights furnished. Phone 1457 or call at IG2 N. Kimball. FOR RENT—Three or five-room modern apartment, close in. Phone 272 W. FOR RENT Three-room strictly modern, unfurnished apartment at the Poling; steam heat. Call 734 R. FOR RENT—Two-room basement apartment, furnished for light housekeeping except bedding; lights gas ant' water furnished; 928 per month. 325 N. Lincoln. Phone 511 W FOR RENT—Modern sunny two room furnished apartment, close in; adults only. 019 E. Third. Phone 2052 M. FOR RENT—Nice three-room mod ern apartment, on bus line, fur nished except bedding, dishes and gas; no children under two years. 357 per month. 1028 8. Walnut. Phone 843 W. FOR RENT—Five-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, modern, half block of bus line. 336 S. Mel rose. Phone 2528 J. FOR RENT—Strictly mooern' un furnished apartment. 345 S. Park. 965 per month. Phone 2268 R or 381. FOR RENT —Four fuml&hed semi basement rooms, strictly medern; lights, gas nnd water furnished It leslred. 329 N. Jackson. FOR RENT—A modern apartment, everything furnished; on bus line. 145 N. Jackson. FOR SALE—Three largo furnished rooms and. garage on southwest side. Inquire at 134 W. Second. FOR RENT—Cozy two and three room apartments, with private bath very nicely furnished, close in, 960 per month. 231 8. Grant. FOR RENT—Attractive three-room unfurnished apartment. Inquire at 104 N. Washington. FOR RENT Modern three-room furnished apartment, with bath, no small chihXren. Phone 2575 W. FOR RENT—Furnished basement apartment, reasonab'e to couple. 1219 8. Elm. Phone 1583 J. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment; lights and gaa Included. 646 East A street. FOR RENT—Attractive three-room mod< rr. furnlsh.'-l nnartment, has laundry privileges, on bus line; gar age if desired. 629 S. Lincoln. Phone 1055 R. FOR RENT —Modern furnished 3- room npt. One-lialf block from Second St. Private bath, gas. 947.50. 133 8. Conwell. FOR RENT Modern two-room apartment, furnished, lights and gas furnished. Inquire 1045 8. Ash. FOR RENT—Strictly modern un furnished apartment; private bath; gae range; built-in features; on bus line. 734 W. Eleventh. I’honc 1815 J. FOR RENT—One modern furnished apartment. private bath: on bus line; adults. 734 W. Eleventh. Phone 1815 J. FOR RENT—Two-room' furnished baseinent apartment; gas lights, and telephone furnished. 405 8. Lln coln. Phone 1230 J. FOR RENT—Two-room apartment, modern, built-in features; gas and lights furnished. 1722 8. Cedar. FOR RENT—Two room basement apartment, shower hath, furnished except bedding and dishes; close In; no children. 935 per month. 922 8. David. Phone 717 W. FOR RENT—APARTMENTS FOR RENT—Three modern base ment rooms, newly decorated is priced reasonable. 954 S. Walnut. FOR RENT—Modern two-room fur nished apartment. 932 S. Spruce. FOR RENT—Thrcc-room complete ly furnished apartment, modern: gns, lights, hot and cold water; is clcte In, adults only. Phone 805. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, 965. 614 E. Fifth. Phone 387. FOR RENT—Three-room modern furnished basement apartment; in exchange for wife’s help in home. 343 W. Eleventh. Phone 2752. FOR RENT—-First clot's four-room unfurnished apartment. Murphy bed built-in features, fireplace, gas range, garage. Phone 2368 J. FOR RENT —Clean, modern two room furnished apartment. 510 8. Park. Phono 760 J. FOR RENT —Modem two-room fur nished apartment: gas and lights furnished, 340. 1116 W. Fifteenth. Phone 1813 M. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished two room apartment, private bath, plenty of hot water, rteam heat, with or without garage. 810 W. Eleventh. Phone 1591 M. FOR RENT Modem three-room furnished apartment, also sleep- Ingroom close in. 140 E. Midwest. FOR RENT—Two-room furnlshe 1 apartment, back porch and stor age room, near refinery. Phone 2425. FOR RENT—HOUSES FOR RENT—Two-room modern fur nished house, adults only. In quire medern steam pleating, 137 N. Jackson. FOR RENT—Close in two-room furnished house, adults. 827 8. Lincoln. FOR RENT—Four-room house with water, gas and lights, unfumlsh e<! except stoves. 305 N. Jefferson street. FOR RENT—Unfurnished house of feur rooms, breakfast nook, two be< rooms. 1249 8. Washington. Phone 2466 J. FOR RENT—Two-room partly fur nished house on rear of lot. 252 N. Jefferson. Phon© 1276. FOR RENT OR LEASE New home of five rooms, breakfast nook and bath, hot water heat, and all the built in features you have wanted; the interior has a distinc tive fascination all its own. Seeing Is believing. Call at 1526 Spruce. FOR RENT—Small house, nicely furnished, 933. 1151 N. Durbin. Phone 2035 M. FOR RENT—Three-room furnished house. Inquire 404 E. Thirteenth. FOR RENT--Two-room house, gas 1162 N. Durbin. Phone 2035 J. FOR RENT Three-room house, furnished, 930 a month, lights furnished. 1135 8. Boxe’.der. FOR RENT—Four-room house at 036 United street; lights, phono and water. Phone 1452 R. easy terms to right party. FOR RENT —Furnished four rooms and bath, light basement, close In on pavement. 1204 E. Becorn'. FOR RENT Four-room strictly modern furnished house, tele phone. Call in rear 921 Poplar after 5 o'clock. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished house. 948 8, Chestnut. FOR RENT—Three-room modern furnished house, gas and bath. 322 N. Beech. Phono 954 M. FOR RENT—Three-room modem house, partly furnished: also gar age. 428 W. Twelfth. Inquire of the c/wner on rear of lot. FOR RENT—Ono four-room fur nished house and one five-room furnished house. Phone 79 or 2736. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, laze. LADIES GENTS EVERYBODY For Latest News From Everywhere Consult the NATRONA NEWS DEPOT Butte Miner Chicago Examiner Bll’-lngs Gazette • New York Times Omaha World Herald Los Angeles Examiner Tulna World Seattle Poat-Intelllgencer Kansas City Star Denver Post Chicago Herald Denver Times CASPER PAPERS And Latest Magazines DON’T FORGET A Light Line of Groceries Natrona News Depot 251 8. Center Phone 256 FOR RENT—HOUSES FOR RENT—New house on South Washington, on bus line; all mod em conveniences, furnished or un furnished. For Information call 768 W. FOR RENT Five-room modem house, rent cheap. 1203 8. Fen way. FOR RENT —One-room partly fur nished. 910 monthly; two-room modem unfurnished, 930; two-room modern furnished 935; two-room house and garage in north Casper $25; three-room house, semi-modern 930; other houses and apartments. Western Realty P. & R. Bldg. FOR SALE—HOUSES TREES AND SHRUBS. Thousands of our trees and shrubs growing good In Casper; now from our 1,500 acres, grown hundreds of miles north of here. A few will beautify your home. Phone John M. Rohan, our land- architect at Wyatt Hcftel. Jewell Nursery Co.. Lake City, Minn. FOR SALE—Four-room house, mod ern. full basement; double gar age; good location; on Poplar street; $3,500, 9600 down. 950 per month. Stafford Rea’ty Co., 303 Midwest Bldg. Phone YO3. FOR SALE—New four-room modem bungalow, three-room apartment nnd laundry in basement, on east side near bus line and pavement: $5,000 with 31,000 cash. Barnard Realty Co.. Realtors. Phone 1999. FOR SALE—New house, In southwest part, modern, hard wood floors, full basement, furnace heat. 9800 cash and monthly pay ments. Baker Crude Investment Co. Realtors. 133 N. Wolcott. FOR SALE—Two-room house In east part of town; 91200; 9200 cash; balance like rent. E. B. Smith block. Phone 2214. Real tors. WILL accept anything of value ns first payment on four-room semi modern house in southwest Casper; balance paid like rent; all improve ments available; on bus line. West ern Realty, P. & R. B’dg. HOME GROUNDS. It’s not a home until its planted with Jewell’s big, sturdy trees, shrubs, roses and vines. Insured to grow from our 1.500 acres of select specimen stock. Phone our western manager, John M. Rohan. Wyatt Hotel, for Information and prices. FOR SALE—Threo-room house cel lar. shed, two lota; on Burlington street; fully worth the money nt $1,000; good terms. Stafford Real ty Co., 303 Midwest Bldg. Phone 703. FOR SALE—Two rooms and break fast nook, large lot, well located on north side; price $1,400. S3OO cash. Barnard Realty Co., Realtors. Phone 1999. WILL accept SIOO ('own, or good car as first payment on two-rqom house in North Casper; corner lot; has garage .and chicken house; this Is a pretty little ham© which must bo seen to be appreciated. Western Realty, P. A R. Bldg. AT YOUR COMMAND I play an Important part in the life of the community. I rent houses, flats, apartments to desirable tenants. I secure roomers and boarders. I supply competent end experi enced workers for every line of human endeaver. I summon new cooks and otbsr domestic helpers. I keep the community posted regarding the realty market and show advantageous opportunities for buying, selling, renting, ex changing. I restore lost articles. I sell used cars quickly. I turn disused household ar ticles Into cash. I save money for many people In many ways. I point to innumerabls oppor tunities that are well worth while. I cost but a trifle and I act quickly. I am a CASPER TRIBUNE WANTAD. I Will Serve You Satisfactorily Phon© 15 or 16