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PAGE TWELVE SOVIET NOT TO BE HURRIED IN BRITISH PHOT Stability of Macdonald Government Held Doubtful. MOSCOW. April 16.—(8y The Associated Press.) —Russia will not be hurried into any agreement with England on the ground that the Macdonald government might fall during prolonged negotiations, de clared M. Zinoviev, chairman of the executive committee of the third Internationale, speaking on behalf of that body, to the Leningrad Soviet. "Substantial Interest will be paid for substantial credits," said Zino viev, "but Russia is not going to pay England any half billion pounds, because she considers Eng land owes Russia more than this." LONDON. April 16.—Probably no foreign delegation visiting England for a conference has ever had the opportunity of reading In the Brit ish press such outspoken comments on its government and itself as the present group representing the Rus sia Soviet government. To a great extent the press ad mits that a trade settlement with Russia is desirable, but the circum stances of the Soviet revolution, the policy of the Moscow government and the reported utterances of lead ing Russians come up for condemna tion in the majority of the com ments. The .Daily Telegraph says: "To most Britons it will appear meaningless to talk of normal, friendly relations on any conditions whatever with a government of such character and having such a record as that seated at Moscow." In Paris, a woman so objected to' leaving prison before -the winter was over that she terminated her enforced freedom by jumping into the Seine. Her cell received her once more on a charge of attempted sui cide. ( r i | MEDNICK BROS. | Walk- Over See how much shoe you get for your money Pal —extra-fine calfskin, n full-length oak tanned ///af* innersole, extra-quality out- J/M? sole, calf quarter lining, finished back seam,quarter round spring heel, and a double folded tip. It’s a Fiftieth Anniversary quali ty, better than ever. PAL Black or tan raitslfin $7.00 $ 7lbt£K-@ver- MEDNICK BROS. CASPER’S LEADING STORE FOR MEN Hannouncement / We are now ready for bust- ness in our new location with //. v. 1 a complete line of Tents, Bit Awnings, Camp Equipment, I Auto Tops, Flags and Deco* rations. CAMPING OUTFITS? Sure the Best Ever! lOR THE GREAT OUT DOORS.—Auto what we may wish. Our advice is often worth touring and camping has become the most money to you. popular way of spending the summer vaca- tion. A LEAKY TENT is an abomination to the Camping out provides a health-giving recre- discomforts and delays on the trip. A tent ation for both young and old.. Camping con- must be treated to be absolutely waterproof, vanicnces aid greatly to the pleasure of the If the top of your tent is treated with “PRO- r, P" TECTION” the rain can not come through so WE SELL EVERYTHING for the camper wiU be watcr Proof as long as the canvas lasts, and tourist. Our Uns is complete and our The cost is nominal and pays big dividends price is nght. in ae rvice and comfort. W® study the needs of the camper and tourist WHEN YOU THINK of campaing and tourlat and endeavor to supply what you need, not equipment, think of The Kistler Tent and Awning Co. "If It’s Worth Using It’s Here’* 617 East Second Street Phone 2065 CASPER, WYOMING GOV. SMITH TO BE CANDIDATE ALBANY, N. Y., April 16.—Gov ernor Alfred E. Smith of New York, today stands before the nation as a receptive candidate for the Demo cratic -presidential nomination, a candidate who announced himself as willing to accept the honor after the Democratic state convention, meeting here yesterday had loudly acclaimed him as "a type of public official needed to fill the position.” Breaking his silence on the possi bility of becoming a presidential ‘CONSENT DECREE’FOUGHT BY PACKERS IN FILING OF BRIEF WASHINGTON. April 16—(By The Associated Press) —Tho Swift and Armour interests of Chicago filed in court here a brief declaring void the fomous “consent decree’ by which tn 1920 the big five packers agred to divest themselves of var ious commercial activities not direct ly connected with the packing in dustry. Intervening in a case pending in the District of Columbia court of appeals, the Swift and Armour groups filed a joint brief contending that the consent decree was legally Invalid and that tho federal govern ment itself had violated Its part of the agreement by a recent state ment made to the court regarding the basis on which the decree origi nally was entered into. The specific complaint made in the brief was that in a statement sub mitted last month to the court of appeals the department of justice declared that the consent decree carried the "implication" that the So FRIDAY SERVICE FOR NORTH GASPER Good Friday services will be held on April 18 by the Scandinavian Lutheran church at 1150 Glenarm street In North Casper, beginning at 7:30 p. m. The Rev. J. Rein!, pastor, extends an Invitation to the general public. candidate, Governor Smith In an ad dress before the convention, de clared he would be "honored beyond the power of expression to lead the forces of the party in the next cam paign" if the necessary votes could bo obtained at the Democratic na tional convention in New York next June. No doubt of the support New York Democrats would give him re mained in the minds of convention spectators after the governor had made this declaration. packers had been conducting busi ness In violation of the sntl-trust laws. On the contrary the two packer groups declared In their brief the facts are that th® decree Itself stated that Its terms "shall not con stitute or bo considered as an adjudication that the defendants or any of them, have In fact violated any law of the United States." Pleasant Vapor Conquers Colds The safest and easiest way to break up a cold Is to destroy germs that have attacked the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. This may be quickly accomplished by inhaling “Deo" vapor night and morning. “Deo” is a wonderful combination of pure eucalyptus and other fine oils that are noted for their anti septic, healing properties. Gently heat a spoonful of the ointment in a tin plate and breathe the delight ful, soothing vapor. This is carried to every part of tho respiratory tract, destroying germs and begin ning at once to heal the raw, in flamed membranes. There’s nothing better than "Deo" for catarrh, coughs and other affec tions of tiie mucous membrane. Tubes or jars 50c. EJold by all good druggists. Satisfactory results guar anteed or money back. Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment Co-, makers, Berkeley, Cal. —Advertisement. cue Casper ©aflp (Tribune LON CHANEY’S WORK IN “HONCHBACK” SAID OF EXCELLENT MERIT Lon Chancy, one of the best in terpreters of unusual character roles on either stage or screen and whose work as the fake cripple in "The Miracle Man” stands out as a bit of remarkable acting, to say noth ing of his other wonderful imperso nations, has added another striking characterization to his already long list in his appearance as Quasimodo, the steelar role in “The Hunchback of Notre Dame," which begins an THE APPROACH OF EASTER PROMPTS A Gigantic 3-DAY Pre-Easter SALE OF DRUGS AND DRUG SUNDRIES > . AT THE SMITts i TURNER DRUG CO. toilet waters Thursday, Friday, Saturday perfumes $3.00 Azures ' — 1 "* 1 ... ..... $4.00 Quenule- 4k I? Toilet Water At Easter time our thoughts are sure to turn to spring finery and fl ue rs SI 75 Dierkiss 4(1 the general subject of personal appearance. In its scope, we find . Vpo-nt-il ftJLeiy Clothing, Shoes, Haberdashery and above all those products which sb.oo per oz. Black CJQ ffA v' OFK enhance natural attractiveness. Narcisses ,per oz tpOetfV 183 Jk | KU Milady must exercise Rreat care in the choice of her Easter Perfume and $9 R() nprn7 Rlha <TB«4 Toilet Water Face Powder. The gentleman must? be smooth shaven and his hair must be PeF ° Z * ® JK ■ 7Q ®1 75 Dav Dream 4A neatl y combed. Moon, per oz U m 4. okleleJ Give a thought to the many articles which your Drug Store can supply $2.50 per OZ. Delight Rt/h Toilet Water you witH for this gay Spring season. This Company is giving you at this tz- ek ■ 7*l $1 75 Garden Court fl*-fl -fi time a splendid opportunity to make those necessary purchases at small cost. IV,SS ’ P er OZ ez Toilet Waters 2 50 per oz. Darda sl.2o Palmers 7Q« ft PW Toilet Water /«JC r“’ 5 £ P er oz - Garden ©4 RIQ $1.20 Colgate’s ~T?’ PCr ° Z ~”" Corophylhs «A $ / \ $2.50 per oz. Three 79c J im/ HAIR PREPARATIONS Chinwah, per oz I S'X'. 24c XI Oft 50c Shampoo 24c Z? /I SUNDRY ITEMS 50c Gourad Cocoanut 9/fl —=• “i Br t l/t I ( I $2.25 Auto CM Oil Shampoo PREPARATIONS I COLD CREAMS Chamois l 50c Penslar SHAVING s °c Colgate’s QQr» ?I ' Bs Auto 421 10 S’?™ n^ na t 50c Williams Shaving Cream dvV Chamois SI.OO Penslar Cream, large size6sc Elcaya $1.75 Household OQx» Foe Pedlar- 35e Williams Shaving Cream Apron CaoDilaris tJUC Cream, small size Hudnut s Marvelous $2.50 Auto Q Saeomb-,- 50c Mennen’s Shaving Q Q/> at O9C Cream, large size dJIC ® Oc Melba f 2 00 Aut ° ©1 OQ $1.25 Wildroot Hair Ost n qKc an Cream UiJL Sponges Tonic, large size OVC Crpam 2L.ii * 29C 50c M *!kweed QQo $1.25 Books, /NQrf» 65c Wildroot Hair Cream ’ small slze Cream d»C at Tonic, small size “vv 35c Colgate’s Shaving OQp SI.OO Milkweed $2.00 Hughes Ideal 4fl 65c Wildroot Taroleum Jftp Cream Cream OtfC Hair Brush sl.l.H Shampoo 35c Palmolive Shaving 1 60 c Pompeian $ 2 - 50 Lunch Kits, Q-f qq $2.00 Vanity fair SI.OO Shaving Lotion ™ va 39c Cream 89c at &° Hand £d°Bo Shaving Lotion - Ram _. 39c Cream 39c !t'!!. Ha 98c $2.50 Vanity Fair 75c Kranks Latherkreem 00c Squibbs 50c Hand Mirror, „ Box Paper Shaving Lotion Cold Cream at _Z9C $1.50 Import Linen 50c Garden Court QQ#» 60c Haut Ton Q/lx» 50c Penslar Bath „ Box PaperO«7vz Shaving Cream CreamW*xL Salts ZezC 75c Beechcourt Linen E!(1a „ . Box Paper &«JC RAZORS AND BLADES SPRING TONICS SI.OO Lindell Linen AQf* sl-00 Gillette si.oo Auto Strop $1 10 Tanlac Box Paper DVL RazO r ‘f.H* Blades Q/C L aC 79C 49c 55z2”fZ....39c 49c 34c ’ 89c X, 8 ,°“7. B .r. nd .....29c Blades ...67c I Blades... 29c at°s^ a . y ine ’ 50c I :°0 C undpX 29C Bla C d“..., 34C 24C Ca >~ 50c —EXTRA SPECIALS = $3.00 Hand Brush sl.69 2 cans Sterno Heat i $2.25 Hand Brush— sl.39 Sterno Stoves I - — BOTH 25c $1.50 Ladies’ Dressing Comb L R9C PALMOLIVE SOAP_~~ 7<» 4 a f or ae n SI.OO Ladies’ Dressing Comb 49c 70c value Palmolive Shaving Cream * a ** V $1.50 Scissors 98c 75c Whisk Brooms_49c Talcum and Soap ’ 4Qp 50c Pcpsodent Sj C 35c Energine 24c 65c Kotex:"""IlK 35c Mary Garden 1 alcum JS C 50c Dyanshine Shoe Polish 29c Powder Puff Free With Each Box of Face Powder SMITH & TURNER DRUG COMPANY 133 SOUTH CENTER STREET " " " 0 I engagement at the Wyoming thea ter Saturday. There is probably no actor be hind the footlights or before the ca mera today who has mastered the art of make-up to the extent L°n Chaney has. His Fagin in "Oliver Twist” was an example of his pro ficiency in this line. Besides being a player of intelligence, with a keen sense of the requirements of a role, Mr. Craney is an acrobat and con tortionist, abilities which he is often called upon to use In his characteri zation. " , Some Idea of tho regard Mr. Chaney has for detail of make-up and why his Quasimodo in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame” is so re markable and impressive Tn this line may be gathered from the fact that he was on the "lot” at Universal City, where the mammoth produc- tlon was made, each morning three and a half hours before the re mainder of the company, his work of transforming himself into Hugo’s unique character requiring that amount of time. No effort was spared by Mr. Chaney to make the deformed bell-ringer of Notre Dame as near like what the famous novel ist conceived him to be as possible. HUERTA IN CUBA, SAID HAVANA, April 16.—Announce ment was made today by Captain Daniel M. Lopez, who yesterday brought the Mexican steamer Ta basco into port and formally turned WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1924. her over to the Mexican minister, that he brought Adolfo De La Huerta to Cuba on the steamer on March 17, last. The steamer picked up the rebel leader at Progreso and landed him at Bahia miles west of Havana. The report of Captain Lopez tallies exactly with a statement made some time ago by the Cuban secret police. Clayey soil is unfavorable to veg etation because the soil is too close and edheslve to allow the free pas sage cf air or wa'er to the roots oi tee plants; it alM> obstructs the ex vani'on of the rtbies of the roots. The first passenger elevator In London was Installed. In the Albert Hall, and was called* "the moving room." INGROWN TOE NAIL TURNS OUT ITSELF A noted authority says that a few drops of "Outgro" upon the skin surrounding the Ingrowing nall reduces inflammation and pain and so toughens the tender, sensitive skin underneath the toe nail, that it can not penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward almost over night. "Outgro" is a harmless antiseptic manufactured for chiropodists. However, anyone can buy from the ■drug store a tiny bottle containing directions.—Advertisement.