Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TEN Low Upkeep Cost Here By Common Brick Manufacturers’ Association. -7 i y S" * ' J-. ■ nSr ■ - JJgHBHIKfi,-n || / v Ui uJI ..«■■■ THE TONASKET—DESIGN A-533 "It isn’t the original cost—ltYi the upkeep." Thia phrase has often served its purpose when referring to a marriage license or sistcr’a gift of a riding habit which required buying a horse: but it never has more meaning than when building or buying a home. And with this in mind, brick and stone are the only building materials for homes. Their ad/antages are manifold, and none is more cogent than the fact that they are permanently beautiful and the upkeep expense is at the very minimum; which means con aideratle saving every year in dollars and cents. Brick homes last three times as long as homes of more temporary construction, according to appraisal engineers. This in itself would sug gest the use of brick, although its cost were twice as great. But what is the difference in cost? Surpris ingly little, for estimates obtained in -arlous parts of the country show that a house of ordinary size can be built in brick at an added cost of from four hundred to five hundred dollars more than the same one constructed of wood. The Tonasket is a bungalow of the type built in all parts of the United States, but designated as the "Western type" of bungalow. The earmarks of this type consist of a rambling exterior with wide eaves to the roof and a comfortable look ing porch. It is a five room bun galow—five rooms plus a breakfast nook, which serves also as a pantry between kitchen and dining rooms. In exterior dimensions the width is twenty-eight feet and the depth forty-one feet. It would fit on a comparatively narrow lot. While the porch is eighteen feet six inches in length by seven feet in width it n NEW BOOKS ARE ADDED TO LIBRARYJEHE Many Interesting Sub jects Covered in New List. More than 75 new books have been added recently to the shelves of the Natrona county public library. The following list with the authors is announced: The Callahans and the Murphys. Kathleen Norris. Gerald Cranston’s Lady, Gilbert Frankau. There Is A Tide, J. C. Snaitb- The Valley of Headstrong Men. J. 8. Fletcher. Biack Bryony, T. F. Powys. The Leap Year Girl, Berta Ruck. Fidelia, Edwin Balmer. The Cook and the Captain Bold, Arthur Mason. The Riddle of the Amber Ship, T. W. Hanshew. Defeat. Geoffrey Moss. Honorable Jim, Baroness Orcxy. The Nine Unknown, Talbot Mundy. Empty Hands, Arthur Stringer. Heu Heu, Rider Haggard. The Man Who Was Good. Leonard Merrick. The Million Dollar Doll, A. M. Williamson. On The Lot And Off, Geo. Ran dolph Chester. Uoshan And I. Thomas Mann. The King ‘of Noman's Land. ; Arthur Friel. Annihilation, Isabel Ostrander. The Wrath to Come, E. P. Oppen heim. Recompense, Robert Keable. Who Killed Cock Robin, Harring ton Hext- Without Gloves, James B. Hen dryx. Mistress Wilding, Rafael Sabatlna. Leave It to Psmyth, V. G. Wode house. Heirs Apparent, Philip Gibbs. The Furthest Fury. Carolyn Wells. The Laughing Rider, L. Y. Erskine. Tho Garden of Peril. Cynthia Stockley. Treve. Albert p. Terhune. Old Misery, Hugh Pendexter. Blue Blood, Owen Johnson. Green Timber, Harold Bindloss. Wild Horses. H. 11. Knibbs. Tho Desort’s Price. W. M. Ralne. Easy. Nina W. Putnam Ro Big, Edna Ferber Ms Archer. U. 8 A., R. H. Platt Jr. The Fir and the Palm. Elizabeth Bl bee co. Slrge. Samuel 11. Adams. Tho Snob. Helen Martin. The Mldlander. Booth Tarlngton. Cheat the Boy-. Eden Phulpotts. Race, William McFee The Price of Freedom. Calvin OoolidF* Tho Business Man of Syria, Stock ing Titheroh. Rocky Mountain National Bank. Enos Mills- The American Mind in Action, O’Higgins A Reede. Representative Continental Dramas. M. J. Moses. w i does not extend entirely across the i front of the house. Instead it is ; cut off so one of the windows in the t living room will receive better light. I The living room is twenty-six feet i four Inches in length, a aplendld ; room with ample wall space for i r -q i; ~ 1 1 T-. 1 i TTWnsiPSpeWMMi wdtMa i I -E>ep-iax>.k^ o^|/h irent Nk J I ' Hzcr 1 . r q 1 2ar 7 *" 1 I '4 I l< W , I L . j I Mr l -- "" I '•LIVINO’HOOW I | J i Ml |M I 18-e'XTO’ -. — 1 5-o- furniture. The windows In this room are especially large. The ■ lining room is also a very well lighted room. The hallway to the bed rooms leads out of the dining room- There is an abundance of i closets throughout this well designed bungalow. The Gracious Della T. Lutes. Prize Stories 1923, O’Henry Mem. Award. Galapagos, World’s End, William Beebe. Children of the Age, Knut Ham sun. Home and Community Life, Ger trude Hartman. From Whitman to Sandburg. Am. Poetry, Bruce Weirlck. The Normal Child, Alan Brown. Dynamic Power of the Inner Mind. Brian Brown. The Living Pageant of the Nile. Robert Wilson. Highland Clans of Scotland, Geo. Eyre-Todd. In tho Land of Art, V. B. Ibanez. Race and National Solidarity, Charles Josey. Forty Years in Washington, David S. Barry. More Twice Born Men. Harold Begble. The World’s Best Epigrams, J. G. Lawson. Wonders of the Past, J. A. Ham merton. Adventures In Social Welfare, A. Johnson. Science Remaking the World, Caldwell & Slosson. My Musical Life, Walter Dam rosrh. Behind the Screen, Samuel Gold win. What Books Can Do for You, J. L. Bennett. Life of Warren G. Harding. W. F- Johnson. Inventions and Patents, Philip Edelman. In the Footsteps of the Lincolns. Ida Tarbell. Mexico, Frank G. Carpenter. Diet for Children. L. H. Peters. . Across the Great Craterland, T. A. Barnes. GHEYENNEPEOPLE IN COAST AUTO CRASH CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 19— friends here havo received word that Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Irwin of Cheyenne and two others who were riding with them, were injured when the Irwin automobile over turned on the highway between Tlajuana, Mexico nnd Tlajuana, Calif., early this week. Mrs. Irwin suffered a fracture of the arm and severe cuts. Several of Irwin’s ribs were fractured. The Irwins have been at Tlajuana for several months. Irwin has been running a string of horses in the races there. Thermopolis Hotel Will Open May 1 THERMOPOLIS. April 19—The Woods Hotel nt the hot springs, which has been entirely remodoled nnd enlarged since It was purchased by Charles L. Woods, will be open to receive guests May 1. Formal opening has t>een announced for Monday, May 12. Tho hotel has been enlarged to almost double its former capacity, baths having been added to nearly all the rooms; sample rooms nnd din ing rooms have been added. Thermopolis haw been in need of a hotel of this kind for several years and it is looked upon us a community affair, - < Personal Bond Is Supplied By Wheeler WASHINGTON, April 19.—United States Senator Burton K. Wheeler, of Montana, chief prosecutor of the Dougherty investigation, appeared before the federal commissioner here today and gave his personal bond of 11.000 to appear for trial at Great Falls. Mont., on May 5, on his in dictment for alleged illegal receipt of a retaining fee ns a senator. Wheeler was not arrested, the commissioner showing him every consideration. He was notified early today that a warrant for his arrest had arrived from Montana and he promptly presented himself to-the i commissioner to arrange bond. EASTER IN DENVER JAIL DENVER. Colo., April 18.—Hard eggs, sixty dozen of them, went into the Denver county Jail today. They will be decorated with the custo mary variegated colors and distri buted as Easter tokens to the couple of hundred prisoners tomorrow morning. Classified Rates Two cents per word or ten cents per line. NO AD LESS THAN 30 CENTS, average words used as a basis of estimating a line. BLACKFACE CAP HEADLINE will bo charged the space of two lines. All charged advertising will be bonked "set lines” irrespective of the number of words. CORRECTION OF CLASSIFIED AD ERRORS. Tho Casper Daily Tribune will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any ad vertisement ordered for more than oue time. Errors not the fault of the advertiser which clearly lessen the real value of the advertisement will be rectified only by publication without extra charge within FIVE days after insertion. No republica tion will be made when the error does not materially affect the sense or purpose of the advertisement. TELEPHONE ADS. Careful attention will be given all ads received over the TELE PHONE, but we cannot guarantee accuracy. CLOSING HOUR. Want Ads to be clas.-ified proper ly must be In the Casper Dally Tribune office before 10. Want Ads received after 10 to 12 a. m. will be Inserted under the head "Too Late to Classify." OUT OF TOWN ADVERTISE MENTS. Must be accompanied by cash or check in full payment of the same. Note the foregoing instructions about counting the words and the rate per word for the Casper Dally Tribune. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—An experienced oil well driver, able to share In company. Edmonton. Alberta district. Box B-478, Tribune. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners 1150 to 3250 (which position?) Rail way Box B-489, Tribune. WANTED—Man to start butcher shop In grocery store, doing good business. Phone 473 J. WANTED Boys with bicycles. Bums need not apply. Western Union Telegraph Co. WANTED —Mando bass player to complete plectrum string orches tra. Anyone who plays guitar can play bass. Beginners welcome. Would also like to meet guitar player who reads. Sec Moore at 531 8. Melrose or call Tribune and leave address. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED —Women to paint Lamp shades for us at home. Easy, pleasant work. Whole or part time Address Nileart Company, 3541, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. WANTED —Competent cook for pri vate family, none need apply un hen able to do gv>od plain cooking. Call between 9 and 12 a. in. 1134 S. Wolcott. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE WANTED—Man or woman to sell electric household appliances. Call nt the Dolph Electric Co., New Pub lic Market Bldg. East Second. TYPISTS—Add materially to your Income by typing authors* manu scripts In spate time, easy work; high rate. Write Mrs. R. J. Carnes. Tallapoosa, Go. WANTED—Man and woman with sales ability, no deliverice; get your money every day, very little money to handle, come and see me nny time today or evenings. E. J. Johnston. 147 N. Wolcott. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED—High grade salesmen to handle outdoor advertising Uno; qua’ity product; liberal commis sions. Write for particulars today. Metal Sign Advertising Co., Musca tine, lowa. SALESMAN —If you think In terms of 36.000 the first year, write now; strong line for retail stores; nation al’y advertised; established concern hns up usual opportunity In Wyo mlng: liberal weekly advances produ»«*r. Geo. R. Williams, 1920 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. Ohio, Dept. 192. DIAMOND SENSATION! At last! A maxing discovery of Rajah Gem startle* Jewelry world. 3100 week’y Introducing these magnificent getns; sample case free. Write quick. Rajah .CO., Dept, A, Salisbury, N. C. Oe Casper stttiUap tribune SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN—Make Slo>ooo per year selling and organizing sales force to market our specialty; asbestos roof coating, direct to consumer; choice of territory. Tho American Oil and Paint Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN making 31.000 month ly; you can too; electric signs 320. Write for free sample offer. Flash trie, 2124 Hudson, Chicago. SCHOOL BOARD salmmen 325 to $75 dally. Hugh L. Nicholas, 4404 Sheridan, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED WONDERFUL discovery, charges batteries in ten minutes; gallon free tu agents. Radlollto Co., St. Paul. Minn. AGENTS 33 an hour, newest kitchen tool; every woman uses 20 times daily; easy seller, big prof its, sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co., Drew 1993, Dayton, Otyio. AUTOMOBILE and raincoat free for taking orders for 32.82 rain coat; wo deliver. Eastern Raincoat Co., 913 Roosevelt. Chicago. ENERGETIC men and women make 310 dally selling Mary Rose wash frocks; factory to wearer: snappy styles, repeat orders. Rodasl Co., 406 Rodasl Bldg. Cincinnati, Ohio. BECOME representatives of Large concern; establish yourself perma nently; simplified method soiling shoes factory to wearer, profits are large, sell easy. Apply immediately. Style-Arch Shoes, Cincinnati. POSITIONS WANTED i A-l COOK wants position in oil field camp or ranch. Address Box B-483 Tribune. WOMAN wants work, white. Phone 2079 N R. PRACTICAL nurse desires position. Phone 2236 W. LADY wants work as cook on a ranch. Box B-491, Tribune. SERVICES OFFERED HARPER method scalp treatment, for falling hair; shampooing, mar celling: home appointments. Mrs. R. Colby. Phone 1665 M. FOR window boxes. hanging baskets, trellis of any kind. In gham Brothers, 1725 E. Second. Phone 2384. EXPERT TYPING Special rates on all big jobs. Circular letters a specialty. Chas tain. Phone 2756 M. FILLING dirt, lawn sand and fer tilizer delivered. Phone 2391 J. 244 Boxelder. IVILL contract to dig your base ment or any other excavating: all kinds of cement work or hauling you may have. Call 1400. MARCEL and bob curl. 75c. mani cure 500. Phone 636 M for appoint ment a. 604 S. Center. WILL teach you either knitting, crccheting. home decorating, bead work, any kind of needle work; or ders taken for monograming; linens n npoclaty; clans every afternoon. Mrs. Zalm. 1033 S. Ash, basement. Phone 2529. LANDSCAPE gardening a special ty; ten years' experience in east ern cities, fertilizer for sole; very best. Phone 1302. MARCELLING, manicure, facials. Inecto hair dying, shampoo. I am fully equipped to give first class work In your home or at my apart ment; prices reasonable. Apartment 5. 231 8. Grant. Phone 1841 W. FERTILIZER garden and lawn making, grave’., sand, teaming of all kinds. Murphy Brothers. 416 Holly. Phone 1096 R. PLASTERING CONTRACTOR. Estimates furnished. J. A. Han son. Res. 164 N. Fenway. Phone 2124 W. t’AIX’IMINING and painting, small jobs: prompt service, work guar anteed. Phone 1860 J. For SaIe—AUTOMOBILES USED CARS Overland touring 3175 Chevrolet roadster —1225 Chevrolet coupe 3600 Buick touring Dodge commercial 3375 Dodge commercial ___33sO Reo speed wagon ——3500 Buick touring 3575 Ford roadster 3275 Ford touring 3275 Wyoming Oldsmobile Company ■ll2 East Yellowstone. FOR SALE Bargain, twin six Packard chummy roadster, A l condition. 432 8. Wolcott. Phone 1817. FOR KALE—White truck in good condition, automatic dump body: nlso Paige car. will demonstrate any time, cheap If taken nt once. Call Belle Haney. Phono 698 W. 1720 E. Yellowstone. FOR HALE—Willy. Knight road ster, excellent condition, a good car. 432 8. Wolcott. Rhone 1817. BUY A NEW MAXWELL. Coupo. run 4,500 miles, five new tires, bumpers, spot light, etc., cost 31.499; sacrifice for 3950; this la a real bargain. Apartment 5, 231 g. Grant Bt. Phono 1841 W. FOR HALE—Light six Btu<*)ebaker touring, reconditioned, good tires. 432 H. Wolcott. Phono 1817. For results try a Tribune Claul* fied Ad, For SaIe—AUTOMOBILES Donee Brothers DEALERS SELL GOOD USED CARS Used Cara vary in quality. That is why they vary in value. But—once we offer them for sale, you can count on getting a dollar's worth of de pendable transportation for every dollar of the purchase price. Good Values for Today— DODGE BROTHERS 1923 model Business Sedan, equipped with disc wheels, tires are goed; just slmonized and wheels repainted; a good buy at 3850 1923 Business Coupe; mileage 12,000; has spot light and spare tiro, two new cord tires on the rear 3825 1922 touring, high hood, com pletely overhauled, extra equip ment; front bumper, spot light and spare tire, the two rear tires are new: an exceptionally good value at__ ...__3625 1919 roadster, motor overhauled, platform spring in rear 3250 1922 screen body commercial at 3200 BUICK 1920 six cylinder touring, tires are good and car has just been revarnished $550 FORDS 1922 touring322s 1923 sedan, repainted34so 1922 coupe 3325 1917 touring 350 Coliscmn Motor Co. OPEN SUNDAY 131 E. Fifth Phone 724 FOR SALE—One-ton Ford truck, fully equipped) guaranteed first class condition, all new pneumatic tlrea. 1129 E. Yellowstone. Bargains in UJsedl Cars We have used cars. All worth the money asked— One Ford touring. Ford sedan. Hup touring. Hup sedan, Chevrolet touring. Reo touring. Velio coupe. Hudson coach. Cadillac touring and Elgin touring. John M. WBiscnhunt Hup Dealer—Phone 79 East Side Garage FOR SALE Studebaker Special Six; bargain. 432 S. Wolcott. Phone 1817. USED CARS You will find som© wonderful bar gains In our used car department. Stephens Six Laie Model, Four Passenger Coupe Maxwell Coupe Late 1923 Four Passenger Jewett Tofflring Late 1923; Extra Good Sliape Maxwell Touring 1923 Model; in Good Condition Maxwell Tonring 1922 Model; in Good Condition • Dodlge Touring 1920 Model; Good Shape Fort Corape 1023 Model, Good Condition Fort Roadster 1922 Model; Good Shape Special Bargains Choice $365.00 Stradebata Special 1919 Model, Good Condition Buick Six 1919 Model; Good Condition Changer Six 1919 Model; Good Condition Boice $185.00 Two Hudson Super Hixes Buick Four. One Chevrolet This Is the Place CASPER MOTOR CO. 230 W. Yellowstone Phone 909 FOR HALE—At a Mcrlflce, throe pasaengnr Dodge coupe, like new; Westinghouse shock absorbers, ex tras. new rubber, 3650. Cull 337 N. WolcotL For SaIe—AUTOMOBILES Used PRICED RIGHT—TERMS 1923 Buick Six' touring*: run 8.000 miles and has had the beet ot care; a bargain at the price --8900 1922 Buick Six touring, new paint, car overhauled and in excellent shape |750 1922 Buick Six touring, new paint. good tires, car in good condition at —....>350 1922 Buick Six touring, & real good car and one you will like for 8450 1923 Buick Four touring sedan, new paint, car overhauled and guar anteed, a bargain —81.050 1922 Hudson Four passenger spee<A ster, as good as new and five new tires 8750 1922 Hudson seven passenger tour- ing, refinished and reconditioned, at I_B6oo 1923 Ford sedan, all extras; good tiros, good paint —8475 Other Bargains in Proportion casper wn co. 132 N. Wolcott Phone 2260 FOR SALE—I 923 Hudson coach, only run 5.000 miles, excellent condition, cheap for cash or will trade. Call 79 and ask for John. FOR SALE Used Cadillac and Ford. Call 452 R. FOR SALE—I92I Ford roadster good mechanical condition, Phone 568 W. 1227 S. Oak. FOR SALE—Mode! 57 Cadillac tour ing, first class condition. Hup se dan, Hup touring. Ford sedan. Ford touring and some other makes, cheap. Phone 79. Pianos, Phonographs, Etc. FOR SALE—Walnut upright piano, good as new, will t-ell cheap for cash. 122 N. iJncoln. FOR SALE Cheney phonograph and records. Call 1578 R. FOR SALE—Cabinet style mahog any Victrola, and records, gixxi condition, half price. Phone 2113 J. For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE—Small steel safe, sew ing machine, portlers, couch cov ers. Ideal Apartment 3. Phone 1296 M. TREES, shrubs, rose vines, etc., only few more days left to have your orders filled for this shipment. Hha Colorado Nursery Co., Ed J. Capek, home representative, 1443 E. Secont’-. Phone 521 M. TOR SALE —Set fourteen law books of La Sallo University. Chicago; New System bakery: Meek hotary ovens, oak r01l top house chairs, all at one-half price; also ice cream wall fixture. 14-foot French p’ate mirrors; three lots in business section of North Casper. Call mornings. 1162 N. Washington. FOR SALE —No. 55 Bennett Bake oven, used 18 months, ship from Scottsbluff. F. C. Titus. Buffalo. Wyo. LUMBER FOR SALE First class pine sheeting and di mension lumber for sale: slightly used: priced right. Guaranteed In vestment Co., Zuttermeister Bldg. Phone 410. FOR SALE—Expensive trap drum set, a real bargain. 875. Don Ja cobson, *lll N. McKinley. FOR SALE—One gas engine, two horsepower: one electric light plant; one one-horse three phase motor. William Tucker. 455 W. Yel lowstone. FOR SALE Roll top desk and chair, good as new. Service Art Printers. Phone 771. FOR SALE Pedigreed pit bull. English bull, Boston bull puppies, and white Collies. 527 CY, Phone 1903. FOR SALE—Baby’s ivory ’ enamel crib and mattress, cheap. Phone 1903. FOR SALE Fertile lawn ’dirt, cheap. I*lloo6 1096 R. FOR SALE—lvory reed stroller, 810 good condition. Phone 340 W. FOR SALE—Gray reed baby buggy In good condition. Basement 1221 W. Thirteenth. FOR SALE—One painter's 24-foot extension ladder. 88. Hamed Fur niture Co. Phone 249. 234 S. David. FOR SALE—Llewelyn bird dog pup, two months old. Phono 2495 M. For Sale—Household Goods BARG/YINS FOR THE COMING WEEK. One new walnut finish bed and chlffimette. regular price 885. sale price 850. Wo have a large stock of flat top and roll top desks 815 to 830. 8150 Cheney phonograph and seventy-five records for 875; terms If desired. Ono Hoover electric ■weeper, like new, 825. Wo are giv ing a 20 per cent discount on all the new rugs ’eft in stock. Come in nnd art our prices before buying. Harn*. Furniture Co. Phono 249. 234 8. Davl4. For Sale—Household Goods FOR SALE—-Private furniture, real bargain, overstuffed livingroom and bedroom suite. Apartment 5, up stairs. 133 N. Melrose. Phone 2224. FOR SALE One duofo’.d; one wicker set, table and two chairs: one floor lamp; one baby buggy; one baby bed. all in first class condition; cheap. Phone 1846 R. FOR SALE—Most complete line of used furniture in the city, mat tresses remade like new; five en amel front gas ranges at half the price of new. Bailey Furniture Co.. 326 W. Yellowstone. Phone 1617 J. FOR SALE—Furniture of two-room apartment, near refinery, very reasonably priced, can rent apart ment for 817 per month. Phone 2228. WANTED TO BUY WE WILL buy or exchange your used furniture. Harned Furniture Co.. 234 S. David. Phone 249. WANTED TO BUY—We pay more for coal ranges, heaters, dressers, duofolds, all household goods. Phone 1086. WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton rags 5c pound. Apply Tribune office. WANTED—Your old coal range or heater In exchange for a gas range or heater. Phone 1086. WANTED TO BUY—Hlgnest cash price paid for second hand furni ture. Brooks 560 East H. Phone 1648 W. WANTED—WiII pay book value for No. 7 series Casper Mutual Build ing and Loan. Bankers’ Finance as sociation, 223 Midwest Bldg. Phone 300. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT—Barber shop, furnished, would buy If satisfied; state particulars. Box B-485, Trib une. WANTED TO RENT—Four or five room, furnished or unfurnished house. May 1: garage, good loca tion. responsible couple. Box B-490, Tribune. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT—Sewing machines, 83 per month. Brooks, 560 East H. Phone 1648 W. FOR RENT—GARAGES FOR RENT—Garage. 1205 S. Spruce Phone 1636 W. FOR SALE—LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Seventeen head of heavy draft horses, eight sets of harness: six Studebaker wagons. Harley E. Smith. Phone 1673 J. FOR SALE—Four teams of work horses and three sets of harness: six saddle horses and two saddles; one cow and one two-year-old heif er; one set of farm implements and machinery. William Tucker, 455 W. Yellowstone. FOR SALE—POULTRY FOR SALE—Buff Orpington setting eggs, 75c per setting. Phone 2088 W "OR SALE— Rhode Island eggs for setting. 1227 S. Chestnut. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and board. 810 per week. Is close In. on bus line. Phono 1127 J. 924 S. Spruce. BOARD and room, try our heme cooked meals, good rooms, prices right. 931 S. Chestnut. ROOM ano board In private home, on bus line. 1115 E. Second. BOARD and room for two gentle men, in private home, good mea'-s; home privileged. 329 S. McKinley. FOR RENT—ROOMS FOR RENT—Modern bedroom, ad joining bath, on bus lino. 544 8. Grant. FOR RENT—Front bedroom next to bath. 441 OY. Phone 197 R. ROOM at the Antierr, exclusive, moderate; gentlemen. €l6 8. Wol cott. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room for one or two. 633 8. Park. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room in private family; board if desired. Phone 650. ’ FOR RENT—Modern sleeplngroom. adjoining bath, outside entrance, gentlemen only. 424 8. Grant. FOR RENT—Sleepingroom, In mod ern private homo, real close In. 604 S. Center. FOR RENT--Modern sleeplngroom. adjoining Lath, close in. 845 E. Third. FOR RENT—Front bedrom, private entrance, homo privilege. 215 N. Lincoln. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for gentlemen, close In, very reason able, 348 W. Ml< west. FOR RENT—Modern bedroom, close in. by week or month, for one or two gent’emen. very reasonable. 701 8. Beach. Phono 2599. FOR — Unfurnished three room modern house, newly decor ated, cn bus line, B<s. 544 8 Grant. FOR RENT—Sleeplngroom. adjoin* ing Imth. 835 E, Third. FOR RENT—Desirable room, next to hath, on bus line, breakfast if desire**. Phone 1729 J. FOR RENT—Desirable room for n lady or gentleman, modern, close in. 415 8. Beech. Phone 510 J. FOR RENT —Room, private en trance, suitable for one or two gentlemen, adjoining bath, reason able rent. 304 N. Beech. FOR RENT—Beautiful furnished room, next to bath in private home, clin, man and wife or la dies preferred, give references, 623 b. Durbin. I’hone CI3J. SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1924, FOR RENT—ROOMS FOR RENT—Basement room, suit, able for one or two working men cheap. 225 N. Grant. ’ FOR RENT —Good two-room modern furnished apartment, well located 141 W. Tenth. FOR RENT—HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT—Three furnished base, ment light housekeepin: rooms newly decorated; no children. n’ Yellowstone. FOR RENT—Apartment for light housekeeping or batching, mod ern. Inquire rear 255 West B. FOR RENT—Three rooms, furnish ed for housokeplng. 603 Lind For Rent—APARTMENTS FOR RENT Modern two-roo m apartment, unfurnished, down town, steam heat; lias laundry fa cilities. Apply Apartment No. 3 Tribune. ’ FOR RENT Modern furnished apartment, private bath. Phons 1887 W. FOR RENT —— Yellowstone apart ments. 426 W. Yellowstone. Phone 2750. FOR RENT—Furnished two room \ basement apartment, strictly mod ern on bus line. 358 N. Jackson. FOR RENT— Three-room strictly modern apartment, close in, steam heat. Cull 1678 W. FOR RENT—Strictly modem four room apartment, private bath, completely furnished, garage, on bus line, rent reason able. Phone 1229 M. FOR RENT—Close in, two-room apartment, one three-room apart ment, strictly modern, also garage Whaley Apartments, 610 8. Ash. FOR RENT —Two and three-rcem apartment, with private bath. very nicely furnished, close in. 855 and 860 per month, 231 S. Grant. FOR RENT—Three-room semi-mod ern furnished apartment, on bus line, adults only. 124 East 11. Phono 1547 R. FOR RENT—Two-room modern fur nished apartment. laundryroom equipped with electric washer. 1023 E. Secund. Dorcas Apartments. FOR RENT—Two-room basement apartment, just reflnlshed, near refinery. Phone 2425. , FOR RENT—Modern two-room fur- 7 nlshed apartment, gas and lights furnished. Phone 1813 M. 1116 W. Fifteenth. FOR RENT Attractive modern three-room furnished apartment, on pavement. Phone 860 J. FOR RENT—Two-room modern fur nished apartment, on bus line. 142 W. Eleventh. Phone 815 R. FOR RENT—New Gay apartments, three rooms and bath, unfurnish ed, fireplace, Murphy bed and range; 855 and 860. Elk street bus passing. Phone 1967 M. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished sem-basement apartment with bath. Phone 1765 R or call 315 8. Jef ferson evenings. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished apartment, also six-room modern unfurnished house. Phone 758 W. FOR RENT Two-room modern semi-basement apartment, partly furnished: lights and gas furnished. 1221 Oakcrest. FOR RENT—Beautiful three-room \ apartment, newly decorated, hard- ■ wood floors. Lorain gas range. In quire 104 N. Wash 1 ngton. FOR RENT Modern furnished three-room basement apartment: lights am: Rt>s furnished. 343 W. Eleventh. Phone 2752. FOR RENT—Three-room apartment with bath, unfurnished, fireplace. Murphy bed and range. The Wl’sovi, corner of Second and Washington. Phono 1055 R. FOR RENT—One modern two-room furnished apartment. private bath; on bus line; adults. Hart Apartments, 734 W. Eleventh. Phone 1815 J. FOR RENT—One three-reem fur nished apartment, strictly mod ern. gns furnished. 750 CY. Phons 1652 M. FOR RENT—Three-room modem unfurnished apartment, private hath; gun range, built-in features; on bus line. Hart Apartments. 734 W. Eleventh. Phone 1815 J. FOR RENT—One two-room base ment apartment, modern, Every thing furnished. Inquire 750 CY. / Phene 1652 M. FOR RENT—Two-roam furnished apartment. 143 N. Park. FOR RENT Strictly modern un furnished apartment: private bath; gna range; built-in features; on bus line. Hart Apartments, 734 W. Eleventh. Phone 1815 J. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished apartments; gns, water and lights in; 825 a month. 1436 8. Jackson. Call 632 8. Washington or phone 2583 J. FOR RENT—One 860 and 885 apart ment, strictly mw’era, steam heat end unfurnished at the Poling. Phono 930 J. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished light housekeeping apartmoi.'. adjoining bath, outside entrance. «t 835: lights and gns included. Phons 2184 W. FOR RENT—Modem, partly fur nished two-room apartment, 83” per month. Phone 1191 J for appoint ment. FOR RENT—Two-room apartment. . furnished for light housekeeping. \ adults. 778 CT. FOR RENT—Ground floor, two-room apartment, furnished except bed ding and dishes, 825 :<?r month. 134 East H. FOR RENT—High class three room well furnished apartment. Scott Apartment. 845 E. Second. Phone 1339 R. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished two room apartment, private bath, has p’enty of hot water; steam heat; rea sonable rent; on bus line. 810 W. Eleventh. Phone 1591 M. FOR RENT—-Two-room apaAmer.t; gas, lights, water, near refinery and bus. 1018 S. Chea tn wk