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PAGE FOUR KILLSHMSELF (Continued from Page One) When he approached the shack near Struby. he called out to the two men inelde to surrender. In stead they opened Are. Stevens also began shooting. The suspects left the shack and ran down the rail road tracks. Dltmlere, driving along in his automobile, was stopped by Stevens, who asked the farmer to aid in the effort to apprehend the men. Stevens got Into the rear sea. of the Ca Kneellng upon his knees in the rear seat of the automobile lie ordered Dltmlere to drive ahead of the men who could be seen running vp the road. Dltmlere drove past the men and after the car had gotten ahead of them. Stevens opened Are on the two fugitives, fir ing from the rear seat of the car. The men returned the Are, two of their bullets striking Stevens In the leg, one striking him In the abdomen, indicting a serious wound and the fourth bullet striking Dit miere, between* the shoulders and inflicting Injuries from which he is not expected to recover. Stevens continued to Are at the men until his ammunition was exhausted. As Dltmlere was struck he stopped the car which had got considerable distance ahead of the men and Stevens dragged himself from the rear of the 'machine to a camp of the Kinney Construction company. There he sounded the alarm and borrowed a rifle. Thus armed he again appeared and opened Are on the two fugitives. Russo, seeing Stevens armed with a.rifle was seen by Stevens and members employed at the construc tion camp, to place his revolver to his right temple and pull trigger. He fell at once. Erlgo started to run but soon was captured by employes of the construction camp. Russo was unconscious when the men ap proached him. TRINIDAD, Colo., April 30.—Ar rested hero last night by city police men, was Alexander Keelen. negro, one of 13 who accompanied •‘Slip pery" Dell Hanon, in the escape from the Denver county jail last Thursday after he had eluded of ficers of that city Monday night and boarded a Colorado and South ern train at Denver headed south, described today how he made his es cape garbed as a woman. Keelen says he spoke to two de tectives at the Union depot but they did not recognize him. Keelen was arrested at the home of John Ware, r negro railroad worker. A re volver which he says he picked up outside the Denver county jail when he was making his getaway, was found with him. Keelen told of ficers here he Intended to take a Santa Fe train out of here last night headed for the border. He made no attempt at resistance when arrested here. “I used to do female impersona tion on the stage,” said Keelen to day, "so it was easy for mo to dis guise myself and get away. I hid out in Denver from the time I got nway Thursday night until Monday night, took 'a Pullman reservation from Denver and got here yester day morning.” Keelen said also that *verybody in south Lower in the Denver jail expected a jail delivery either Wednesday or Thursday but did not know when it was to be "pulled.” LITTLETON TOWN MARSHAL WOUNDED. LITTLEON, Colo., April 80.— Virgil Stevens, town marshal here was wounded, perhaps fatally short ly before noon today in a gun battle with two men suspected of having escaped from the Denver county jail last Thursday in a delivery led by William Dalihunt of St. Paul. Ono of the fugitives was probably fatally wounded. Marshal Stevens, who also carried a deputy sheriff’s commission, to gether with Undersheriff Haynes, re ceived word this morning that two men, believed to be Denver fugitives had taken a freight train from Struby, Colo., a station south of Littleton. Stevens and Haynes organized a posse but before it could be formed had started toward Colorado Springs to head off the train before iq reached Littleton. They encoun tered the two men at the Plum Creek school house six miles south of Littleton and ordered them to halt. The two men refused to obey the order and the two officers opened Are. Their Are was returned by the two men and Marshal Stevens fell, with a bullet through the chest and one through the leg. As he lay on the ground he continued to Are. according to reports to the sheriff's office here and wounded one of the men, perhaps fatally. The second man was taken by Undershcrlff Haynes. Marshal Stevens and the wounded man were removed to the hospital here and the second man was brought to the county jail here. Littleton is a suburb about ten miles south of Denver. The identity of the two men has hot been determined. MILLIONS FOR FIELD PROGRMO (Continued From Page One) mean in money to b« spent in Cas per territory? ”The cost of these wells will vary from >6.000 to >30,000 each. Using a conservative figure, they will aver age >16.000 a piece—and the total expenditure by the oil companies in DOBBIN REALTY CO. Have Lota In All Part* of the City On Ea*y Term*. Suite 11 Zuttermei*ter Blds. East 2nd St. No Wonder the Prince Tumbled k * / J® I . \g K ■ M 1O- fa • Help, the prince has fallen again! That's what rumors from Europa say. And no wonder! The lovely 15-year-old Prlnftess Ueana, of Rumania, is said to have caused the prince’s heart to jump and throw him to a fall. The visit to England and Paris of the king and queen of Rumania is said to have been actuated by match-making possibilities. Anyway, the prince t says: “She's a good little sport.” And what more could any prtneess want. drilling the 2,600 wells will be >37,- 600.000. "In addition to the cost of new wells there will be millions of dol lars spent in Salt Creek and Teapot in producing and pumping tho oil and gas. During the next five years those fields will produce from 125.- 000,000 to 150,000,000 barrels of oil and unaccountable millions of cubic feet of gas. * "Fifty cents per barrel of oil will do for a rough measure of the ex pense involved, which gives a total of 62 H to 75,000,000 dollars to be spent in this vicinity during the next five years as production expense. "Adding together the cost of new wells, production expense, and the millions that will bo spent on wild cat wells in the vicinity, we get a total of more than >100,000,000 to be spent here during tho next five years. "How can Casper fall to prosper?” tribune Tour BUREAU OPENS (Continued from Page One) request. You may feel secure in ask ing questions about any section of the state that an accurate statement of the facts will be yours. Highway condition bulletins, obtained through the courtesy of the State Highway Department will be posted three times a week nt the Tribune offices. Tho Tour Bureau has been in stituted by this newspaper without thought of material gain, for the service is absolutely free in every way. The new department has been installed, because this newspaper be lieves that the best advertisement a city may receive is praise from its visitors. Then again, the Tribune be lieves that the motorists of Casper will truly appreciate a free, unselfish service of this sort in the interest of a record breaking summer season in this city. BANKISOPEN FDR BUSINESS (Continued from Page One) from spreading and wiped them out with n flood of water within 20 minutes. As a reward for the courage and effective activity of the depiartment. its men were today given a chock for >IOO by C. H. Townsend, owner of the building. , Appreciation to the public .for the way it assisted and co operated in controlling yesterday’s fire, is ex pressed by Chief Hlestand. Special Storage Includes GREASING WASHING DELIVERING $20.00 PER MONTH Many Satisfied Customers Now Liberty Garage Annex 414 South Elm Phone 2303 53 KILLED IN NIANYSTORMS (Continued from Page One) early today pear Dalzell aj>d Horatio, two small towns between Sumter and Camden. KOCLIO, Ala.. April 30.—A tor nado struck the outskirts of this place today killing two negroes nnd causing the injury of two white persons and a largo number of negroes. COLUMBIA, S. C., April 30. Twenty-Ave persons are believed to have lost their lives in the Horrell Hill section today as a result of a tornado, which wrecked Horrell Hills school and swept through the county. Nino bodies have been re covered. COLUMBIA. S. C., April 30. Three persons were killed today when the Horrell Hill school house. 12 mile* from here was wrecked by a tornado, according to reports re ceived in Columbia. UNION SPRINGS, Alabama, April 30.—Three negroes and one white baby were killed and several persons injured by a tornado which struck Thompson's station, about nine miles west of here today. For results try a Tribune Clas sified Ad. CHICHESTER S PILLS '’lll* In ll«l an I (.old n.rulll \\AJ bosea, sealed with lllu« Ribbon. ft.**? t'O* JO. Tearsknown**Beit,Safest.Alwaysßeliable S—r SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHEM TOWNSEND » HOTEL Barber Shop Basement Townsend Hotel The best equipped and most sanitary tonsorial parlor in Wyo ming. Service and Courtesy FRED REYNOLDS, Prop. East Tarraces is only a short distance from business center. die Casper oanp errnune COMMUNITY BUILDING FOR CITY HEID POSSIBLEINNEAR FUTURE (Continued from Page One) tant leisure time problem aa It ef fects health, happiness, character and citizenship throughout the com munity. It is a united Endeavor on the part of all to make their city at tractive to themselves and others, a better place for ail to live. If any people are to have a city which all may enjoy, then all the forces for good must pull together toward this common goal. No city can be really sound at the core if its people are for any reason, divided into hundreds of strange, strange groups. There must be some common platform for togetherness. Every community neods something to do as a com munity, something to which all of the people can give themselves, their resourdes and talents—in this way developing a united community, with a real existence, a soul and person ality of its own. Community ser vice is an organization of the peo- i pie of the community which points toward and works for these things; it provides just such a platform, a common meeting place for the peo ple. a community center where all may come together ns friends and 42 BODIES ARE TAKEN OUT OF VIRGINIA MINE WHEELING, W. Va„ April 30. While rescue crews were working desperately against heavy rock fails to learn tho fate of the 69 men who were in the Benwood mine of the Wheeling Steel Corporation at the time of the explosion Monday morn ing and who have been unaccounted for, relief work was being under taken by various charitable organiza tions. Early today 42 bodies had been found, and of these, 40 had been brought to tho surface. ? Confederate Vet Is Dead CHICAGO. April 30.—General Julian S. Carr, former commander in-chief of the United Confederate Veterans nnd prominent in manufac turing, banking and railroad enter prises at his home in Durham, N. C., died last night at a hotel here. Enroute from Durham to Chicago last Saturday to visit his daughter, Mrs. 11. C. Flowers, General Carr contracted influenza which developed into pneumonia yesterday, a heart affection complicating hla condi tion. Thrift Thursday SPECIALS WOOL FELT WOVEN RUGS Size 36x72 $3.00 Size 28x58 $2.10 Size 24x36 $1.20 TAPESTRY BRUSSELS RUGS Size 26x51 $3.25 CONGOLEUM RUGS Size 18x36 40c EVERY PIECE OF FURNITURE IN THE HOUSE AT A BARGAIN Bailey Furniture Co. Phone 1617-J 326 W. Yellowstone DID YOU GET YOURS? We want every woman In Casper Interested in good housekeeping, baking and cooking to have one of the beautiful breakfast Caps we ordered for you. Come in and ask for youra— choose the most becoming color—no obligation on your part. THEY ARE GOING FAST—DON'T DELAY LONGER The Casper Gas Appliance Co. Inc. "Merchandise That Merits Confidence" Phone 1500 115-119 E. First neighbors, to play together, to think and act together on those things that will make for community pro gress, community stability and com munity prosperity. •‘Community service Is a leisure time movement—but merely to fill the leisure time of life with worth while activities is not the whole thought or alm of community ser vice. A community moral Is sought which shall bind all together and give sustaining power to each indi vidual and to tho community as a whole. “Community service Is /an organi zation which deals with all classes and creeds, recognized no dividing lines among the people- It sees but one group in- the community and this group composed of all of Its cit izens. Anything which the people of the community may conceive as good for all, as that which will count toward the enrichment of the entire community life, has a place in com munity service.” R. S. Ellison, vice president of the Midwest company, referred to an in terview In which Coi. R. W. Stew art had indicated a desire to cooper ate in some such a plan for the good of Casper people. ‘‘The fact Is significant,” said Mr. Ellison, “especially when scandal mongers and obstructions are abroad. It is one of the great things wo must work on along with other great plans such as the Casper- Alcova irrigation project and -the water supply question." H. Roe Bartie, head of the Cas per boy scouts, pledged his support to the community building Idea as did the others who were gathered at the meeting. SCHOOL PUPILS SENTLETTERS (Continued From Page One) beautiful city, and the trees and shrubs, more than any other one thli.g, furnish this beauty. And so wo are asking each of yoU Casper boys and girls on May 5 to try and plant some tree or shrub for the enjoyment you will get out of the planting and care, and the beauty it will add to your homes and the city in which you live—Casper. “Lions Club of Casper “By Marshall C. Keith, “President.” A—B—C ELECTRIC WASHER FREE 1 at the CASPER ELECTRIC CO. 121 E. First St. Phone 1993 J Mexican Loan Negotiations Are Broken Off MEXICO CITY, April 30.—Nego tiations between American bankers and Finance Minister Panl for a $15,000,000 loan have been broken off, according to a report from au- saßigi - DIAMONDS; We Offer You a Plan by which you can buy beautiful, spar kli n g diamonds and fine watches on systematic time payments. Make Your Own Terms Ayres Jewelry Co. 133 South Center Mountain View Suburb has over 85 houses, built in 9 months. BRODIE’S SPRING TIRE SALE This sale comes at an opportune time. Bring out the car from its winter quarters, SHINE her up—RETIRE with tires of standard make and known quality and then you are ready for all those long, beautiful trips so enjoyable around Casper. WE ARE VERY MUCH OVERSTOCKED AND EMPLOY THIS METHOD OF CLEARING OUR RACKS OF A FEW SIZES IN DIAMOND TIRES 30x3 Fabric Diamond Tire§ 6.80 J3ox3p2 Cord Diamond Tires 9.50 32x3]/2 Cord Diamond Tire Sls.7o 31x4 Cord Diamond Tire 817.70 32x4 Fabric Diamond Tire Sls.2o 32x4 Diamond Cord Tire sl9.2o 33x4 Cord Diamond Tire s2o.lo 34x4 Cord Diamond Tire s2o.6s 32x4J4 Cord Diamond Tire. s2s.3o 33x41/2 Cord Diamond Tire s2s.Bs 34x41/2 Cord Diamond Tire s26.4s 33x5 Cord Diamond Tire Zs3l*Bs 35x5 Cord Diamond Tire s33.oo Come In Today and Equip Your Car All Around With the Tires That Satisfied Drivers Use ONE DAY SERVICE ON MAIL ORDERS The BRODIE RUBBER CO. Inc. “WYOMING’S LARGEST ACCESSORY HOUSE” Phone 1203 New Cottman Bldg. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1924. thorltatlve aourcea which the finance ministry will neither confirm nor deny. It la declared the hitch came when / Johansen VoilJ... die Olita... Calendar style for May. Now is the time to buy it because now is the time to wear it—with your new light clothes. In glace kid, white as a moonbeam and smooth, slim and sup ple as only Johansen could make it. SOSO THE BOOTERY 124 East Second Street % “Your Feet Will Bring You Back” A THE EXCHANGE FURNITURE AND HARDWARE CO. IS YOUR HEADQUARTERS J FOR ALL CAMP AND FIELD EQUIPMENT WE BUY AS JOBBERS AND CAN SELL YOU AT WHOLESALE THE ADDRESS IS 215 W. FIRST ST. THE TELEPHONE IS 1086 > I th. banker. retu,ed to IKI h .. ■ oil expert tax.. a. sua 1 can.. th. Mexican oil pr<xl„”' i tending to decrease. ® u