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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1924. 167 ARRESTS BY Sheriff here IN LASTMONTH Liquor Violators Head List Reported in Summary. Sixty-seven arrests were made by the sheriffs office during the month of April up to noon today making the month a busy one for the local minions of the law. I loot loggers, rum runners, still operators, hip pocket hounds and gentry of this class led the viola tors, 25 arrests being charged against Volstead act Infringements. The arrests were as fo’lows: Liquor violations 25. Gambling 5. Automobile thefts 4. x Assault and battery 4. f Trespassing, 8. * larceny (petty) 8. Helf for out of town 8. I Juvenile delinquency 2. Forgery (bad checks) 2. Nuisance 2. Investigation 8. Forgery (legal documents) 2. Clinical examination 2. Murder 1. Insanity 1. Rape 1. Peddling without license 1. Mann Act violation 1. • Traffic violation 1. Larceny (grand) 1. Fraud 1. Total 67. GYM CLASS 15 PREPARED TO ? GIVE SHOW Tomorrow and Friday are circus days at the Natrona County high school. The boys’ gym class of the school has prepared faithfully and thoroughly for an event that should surpass any exhibition yet put on by the students In that line of work. Posters have already been placed In the business rectlon announcing the entertainment. Ele phants, lions, giraffes, and other animals, clowns and ballet dancers are to bo the entertainers. Under the direction of H. W. Cosnpton, director of the high school band and orchestra, there will boa mus ical treat In the way of the Clown band. The public will ts given Its intro duction to the pe ans who will be responsible forth. circus when a parade is held at noon tomorrow down Center rtreet. The complete company of performers will be in costume and will march through the business section headed by the PHILSUTTON GOESJ TRIAL Phil Sutton, owner of a ranch 17 miles northeast of Casper, went on trial this morning In district ‘court charged with operating a still on his land. The still was found November 9 last in a raid by W. C. Irving, undersherlff and federal ot« fleers, W. R. Owens and Otto Plaga. Fred Lathrop, who was actually operating the still at the time of the raid pleaded guilty and is now serving a jail sentence. The state contends that Lathrop was but an employe of Sutton, who was the real owner. The case Is proceeding rapidly and is expected to go to the jury early h this afternoon. Belffian and Italian Chiefs Will Confer BRUSSELS. April 30.—The con ference which Premier Theunis and Foreign Minister Hymans of Bel gium are to have nt Milan with Premier Mussolini of Italy, has been fixed for May 18, it was announced today. Foreign Minister Hymans con ferred last evening with the Brit ish ambassador In connection with the visit of the Belgian statesmen ♦o Prime Minister Macdonnld in England over the coming week end. Both the conferences are for con sideration of the procedure to be taken by the allies toward putting the reparation experts* report into operation. IfDMiinioLrais FINED SIOO Bi COURT Thelma McKenna, arrested at 834 Fast Second street, was fined 8100 by Judge John A. Murray last night on a charge of violating the drug ordinance. The case of Margie Mar tin charged with the same offense Wa " continued until May 2. The police Inst night arrested T. R. Snow for the Illegal possession. H- F. WimderhUlt and Sam ‘Monk* Hailey were picked up for ipvcatiga- Mon. CAMB, t|®GE RUNNERS HERE FROM ENGLAND FOR FOUR MILE INTERNATIONAL EVENT AT PENN RELAY CARNIVAL pm-' .. •< :. ■ ■■ | 1 JI Here* are the members of the Cambridge University team which will compete in the four-mlle In- PRISONERS' BANQUET OF LOS ANGELES CHIEF GOES DOWN IN HISTORY AS ‘LAST SUPPER’ Celebration of New Jail Opening and Study of Criminology Combined In Function Held for Crooks BY FORREST WHITE, (Copyright, 1924, The Casper Tribune). LOS ANGELES, April 30.—The banquet given by Chief Vollmer, the fancy cop. imported to command the Los Angeles police, to the prisoners in the Lincoln Heights jail, has passed into tradition of that institution as the “last supper.” The jail birds crucified the police all right, but that is not the reason why the joyous as fair will not be repeated. They also leveled their shafts of oratory against the courts, the judges, the prosecuting officials, the Salvation army and the Midnight Mission, and stirred up bitter resentment a*l around against this latest experi ment in modernism as applied by Vollmer to the conduct of the police department. It was a grand party while It lasted. Among the guests were some of the most notorious crooks in this part of the country, to say noth ing of dope fiends, panhandlers and other types sojourning In the jail. While the affair was Informal as to dress and manners, the guests proved themselves of no mean cali ber as post prandialorators, and that's where the hurt comes in. For some of the things they said cut deep Into the dignity of the courts and their officers and reflected gravely upon court procedure. Chief Vollmer’s bright idea had a double purpose; to celebrate for the inmates themselves the opening of the nice new jail that has no bars or keys, and to determine from the speeches of the crooks themselves the origin of crime. The chief attended with his staff of high officers and undoubtedly they learned many things of inter est tn their study of criminology. They would have learned much more but for bumping square into the un derworld code that a crook does not snitch even on crooked police. Vollmer's master of ceremonies was “Frisco Tommy.” who told his hearers that he had been Inside of more jails than there were dollars tn the crowd, but had reformed, and announced that Chief Vollmer want ed the boys present to pitch In and pan the police to a fare thee well. The boys were uncertain about this announcement by "Frisco” but Vollmer confirmed his words with a nod of the head, and the flood was loosed. Johnny Jumper, a youth with a Valentino make up, proved the code of the underworld early In the pro ceedings. “I never trusted the cope," said Johnny. “I never had to. I had a superior quality of goods I was sell ing to an exclusive trade. You got me because my competitor tipped you off to my residence. “What I want to know Is this: East Terraces Is an idea! place to build your home. Protect Guard Your An Accident Your Family Every Minute Home With In the Day. From ‘ Life We Provide Fire Insurance For You f f f THREE POINTS OF INTEREST There Is Not a Person in the Journey Through Life Who Can Afford Not to Be Insured, Regardless of Their Social or Financial Standing Fire, Life, Accident, Sickness. Automobile Insurance “DADDY” BAERTHEL 15 DALY BUILDING ternational Intercollegiate relay, | i the feature event of Penn’s annual . relay carnival. They are (left to 12 When you pinch a man and get 18 gallons of good whiskey from him. why Is It that the records show you only confiscated three?” Vollmer was Interested. He got up and asked Johnny to name the crooked cops. Johnny hesitated but the briefest part df a moment, but even the crowd began to yell at him “don’t you do It, don't turn copper!” And Johnny, with a smll© shook his head and Vollmer did not per sist. Fire on the courts and prosecutors which extended to the Midnight Mis’ slon and the Salvation Army lodging houses which were denounced as breeding places of crime, was started by a negro who declared that it is now before the judgo can get a good look at you, he says “six months.” A Russian looking and talking like a poet followed up, say ing that “our judges are In a rut and possess only one track minds.” and “they convict by formula." The prosecuting officers were accused of working merely for a conviction and of never weighing justice in a case. Vollmer, claiming that he had learned enough to give him aid, brought a halt to the discussion which had gone far afield, but he has learned a great deal more from •he judges and prosecuting officers since this first and last banquet for the prisoners. Announcement ♦ I have purchased the Auto Service Co. and will take possession of the business Thursday, May 1. I have had several years’ experience in the care of cars and will endeavor to give you the best of service and courtesy. Washing Greasing Simonizing AUTO SERVICE CO. H. D. WILSON, Prop. 135 N. Wolcott St Phone 2370 Opposite Buick Garage Cbe Casper Daflp Cribune | right) R. JU Orchard. R. B. Star, JU G. G. Marshall. V. B. V. Powell, D. G. A- Low, and S, H. UddoU. Watch Stops Bullets, Man's Life Is Saved WORLAND. Wyo., April 30 His watch and looking glass shat tered by bullets, A. Perry, a stranger here, Is happy because he is alive. Several nights ago Perry started out for a stroll around town. As he passed a fence beyond the end of the concrete sidewalks, a crouching man flred at him. The bullet struck bls watch- Again the dark flgure flred. The second bullet battered Perry’s looking glass. It Is probable that Perry’s assailant was lying In wait for an other person, but mistook the stronger for his victim. No trace of the near murderer has been found. War Veteran Tries Suicide BUTTE, Mont., April 29.—Illness. Induced by shell shock, is believed to have caused John Vickers, world war veteran, to attempt suicide by shooting today. An X-ray indicated, doctors stated, that he shot himself twice In the head. One bullet re mains In the skull. Hospital offi cials say he may recover. He was conscious when police officers ar rived and volunteered the statement that be had shot himself and that ’ there was no one else in on It.” He served 18 months in France. BEND IT TO THE PEARL WHIT® LAUNDRY n Hnvp 170 J Casper Assured of Music Feast in Appearance on Monday of Operatic Trio To the music lovers of Casper the Operatic Trio from the Chicago Grand Opera company is to bo rtli anticipated pleasure of rare quality and excellence, but not alone to those versed in the technique of music. The program which appear ed in the Sunday papers, and which will be given May sth at the Ameri ca theater embraces a most appeal ing selection of familiar and favorite airs from the operas and should satisfy any lover of good music. The Women's Departmental club feels particularly gratified that this, the closing number of the splendid course which they have brought to Casper, should be the initial per formance of Music Week. What could be more fitting to create the proper atmosphere than an evening with these great artists. Just Im agine, if you can, what is In store for you to be able, out here so far from the big metropolis, to hear the voices that have thrilled the audi ences In the big theaters of Europe and are commanding the big salaries of Grand Opera Stars in our own country where the best of the whole world Is congregated. By name, these artists are: Miss Myrna Shadow, soprano, one of the younger prlma donnas of the modern operatic stage, discovered by Camp anlni late director of the Chicago Opera. Miss Shadow is characteriz ed a dramatic soprano of great range, power and quality; has creat ed many operatic roles In all of which she made name and fame for herself. Virglllo Lazzarl, basso, an Italian by birth, possessing a beautiful quality of voice, resonant and flexi ble; has a skill and command in in terpretation that Is not excelled by any singer of equal rank. Then. Forrest Lamont, tenor, with a voice so colorful, sympathetic and powerful that he Is accorded an able successor to Muratore—for whom he substituted when that great artist was taken 111 during a season of Exclusion Act Enforcement To Be Delayed WASHINGTON. April 80—Some Republican leaders In the senate have accepted the view of President Coolidge that the effective date of the Japanese exclusion provision of the immigration bill should be set far enough ahead to enable the state department to work out a new agree ment with Japan. Senators from California and other western states will make a strong fight against adoption of such a program. i FIRE AND WATER! We had enough of that Tuesday— but not enough to put us 'put of business. Come On Up! DR. T. A. DEAN Suite 4 Townsend Bldg. Phone 450 Every Thursday SPECIALS Round Aluminum Roasters Regular $1.25. ’7’sO Thursday Special ■ O V QUEEN QUALITY ELECTRIC IRONS Regular $5.00. QQ O’? Thursday Specials - Campbell Hardware Co. 147 South Center Phone 425 opera. He is as popular as he Is talented, and Is a great favorite with his Chicago audiences. It would he a golden opportunity missed shoulii you fall to hear these notable artists'. Save that date and give yourself this wonderful treat. Where could you Indulge In n pleasure that will at once thrill. In spire, entertain and satisfy you any more thrfh an evening spent "listen ing In” on this wonderful program. It will bo an uplift, to you and an appreciation of the efforts expended by the Women’s Departmental club to obtain the very best possible to present to our discriminating Cas per audiences. a/ c new Coffee ! drinkers P.B. Trce Tea is a new experience for tea drinkers, too! DOBBIN REALTY CO. Now Located in Zuttermeister Bldg, East 2nd St. | NEWS BRIEFS | MEXICO CITY, April 80.—(By the Associated Press). —The reciprocal obligations of foreigners and the government of the states In which they have chosen to reside, were emphasized by American Ambassa dor Charles B. Warren at a ban quet given In his honor last night by tho American Chamber of Com merce. WASHINGTON, April 30.—Allot ments of river and harbor funds an nounced today by Major General Beach, chief of army engineers In cluded: Humboldt Harbor and Bay, Cali fornia, 3700,000. NEW YORK. April 30.—Franklin D. Roosevelt, former assistant sec retary of tho navy, was today chosen chairman of a state committee which will promote the candidacy of Gov ernor Alfred E. Smith for the Demo cratlc presidential nomination. Men Only! I DENVER MEDICAL INSTITUTE SPECIALISTS FOR MEN 830 Eighteenth Street Opposite Entrance to I’oetortlca Z COME AND BE CURED If affected with either acute or firoSj chronic dlacascH, simple or compll- rated, you can come to us know- G’at we have treated and cured C “ H ” after caao exactly like your tsliwwJW own. If your disease Is yet curable. ” L can cure It, and you may be nghßllK s«»ir o t Hitt our charge will be aatls jfflcKwtlS factory and within your roach. <’”twrHl I'oblllty, Wenk Nerves, Insomnia results of exposure 1 TLISLwII overw<.tk i.: Other Violations of iMMAHCESw' Nf/I'fjnUJsX Natur.-’n I.fiW". disease of Bladder {BygyTO-J *'" l Kl'lnoys. Verb-ole Veins, I’olti. A r,: " In ‘be Blood, quickly and per \W|M/ manently cured at small expense \\wKkH »' '< 1,0 detention from business. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER FREE—Consultation, Examination—FßEE Charges so low is to be within the reach of even the poorest, and payments arranged to suit your convenience. Consultation free. Hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m., Sundays. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Denver Medical Institute £‘£ st All Rugs and Carpets In the TOWNSEND BUILDING FIRE Are Being Cleaned by the D. H. Herbert Carpet Cleaning Co. Regardless of the condition of your rugs and carpets, we will deliver them clean and new looking’. Phone 578-J MICHHW Comfort" Cord Full Balloon Tires to Fit Present Rims Makes Life Easy We Have Them to Fit the PRESENT FORD RIMS R. M. MOSHER Phone 309 316 W. Yellowstone OIL MEN TAKE NOTICE The Exchange Furniture and Hardware Company Is Headquarters FOR CAMP EQUIPMENT You Will Find Every Article Necessary to Your Outfit At Our Store WE BUY AS JOBBERS AND CAN SELL YOU AT WHOLESALE EXCHANGE FURNITURE AND HARDWARE 215 W. First Street Phone 1086 PAGE FIVE ■m TOE MIL TURNS ITSELF DOT A noted authority aaya that a few drops of “Outgro" upon the skin sur rounding the ingrowing nail reduces inflammation and pain and so tough ens the tender, sensitive skin under neath the toe nail, that It can not penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward almost over night. “Outgro” Is a harmless antiseptic manufactured for chiropodists. How ever, anyons can buy from the drug store a tiny bottle containing direc tions. —Adv. Mountain View Suburb has over 85 houaea, built in 9 months. For results try a Tribune Clas sifted Ad.