Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1924.' QfOCIETY BY MARY TOBIN an Meter Scliool of Music «clUl Thursday Evening. Pupils of the Van Meter School f Musio will give a recital on hursday evening. May 8. at 7:30 •clock, at the Methodist Episcopal hurch. Patrons of the school are ivlted to, attend- The program for ho evening follows: Bernard Daly, piano, "I Begin.” Gerald Duly, piano, "Little Waltz." Wilson Thurston, violin, "Lightly low.” Betty Gray, piano, "I Thank You.” Roy Larsen, violin, "Dixie." Lilly May Megenity, piano, "Cin derella." Adaballe Hammock, violin, "Starry fight." Hazel Wright, piano, "Merry Parmer.” Mary Savage, violin, •'Mocking Jlrd." Bernice Barker, piano, "Home ward March.” Marjory Vancll, violin, "Pop Goes lie Weasel." Giy Wright, piano, "Elfiln rfnce.” Margaret 'Holden, violin, "Scotch Funes.” Marjorie Hartzell, piano. "Alpine [>ance.” Annie Morganstein, violin, "Span ah Dance." Helen Me? plauo, "Merry Month of M Harry P piano, "In the Sethryn Siebers, cello, "Loves Sweet Song.” Erika Schmidt, piano, "Dance of Spirits." Annette Glrardot, violin, "Faith fulness." 9 Mary Brennen, piano, "Wood Sprites.” Mildred Daly, vocal, "Till Wo Meet Again.” Jessie Tapp, piano, "Value.” Edward O’Connor, sax, "Hun garian Dance.” Thora Siebers, violin, "Thais.” Business Giris’ Club Holds Meeting. The regular meeting of the "Y” Business Girls* club was held Tues day evening at the association rooms With a large number present. u Mrs. C. E. Cook addressed the Hub on "A Balanced Diet for Bus ness Girls.” The number of calories •equired for each person was dls lussed as well as the number of ca orles in certain foods. • The falacy of a hurried and inad equate lunch was mentioned and ap iroprlato lunches were suggested. A number of balanced menus were elven with special emphasis on foods In season. J. A. Parkins. Community Service •epresentative from Chicago, closed the program with a most interesting I a Ik. op community service. He ex plained that community service was io aid each Individual of the com munity to make the most of leisure Ime. "What any individual does luring his leisure time either makes >r mars that Individual. The great nen and women are those who have nude the most of their leisure mo- MRS. W. H. AVIS WEAK WOMEN Health Is Most Vital to You Council Bluffs, lowa—“A few years ago after motherhood I could not gain back my strength. I de veloped quite a severe case of wom an’s trouble, suffered with bearing pains which would be so severe I would have to lie down. I became so weak that all I wanted to do was lie and rest. It seemed that every spark of vitality had left me. I con sulted a doctor and he said nothing but an operation would help me. but I would not consent. I had seen Dr. J’lerce's medicines advertised, so at Mnce began taking the ‘Favorite I’Thecriptlon’ and the ‘Golden Medi cnl Discovery’ and it was not long Until I noticed my appetite was re turning, I could eat, so I knew the gnedicine was doing me good. I took ♦.bout twelve bottles and ft was well ({Worth it for it completely restored tne to health, without the opera flion."—Mrs. W. H. Avis, 314 8. 19th [fit. _ All druggists sell Dr. Pierce’s Fam ily medicines—tablets or liquid.— HOTEL TOWNSEND BILLIARD AND POOL PARLOR NOW OPEN Basement HOTEL TOWNSEND Our Motto Is Service, Quality and Workmanship No Charge Made for Estimating Your Work Service Painting and Decorating G. L. Drake, Mgr. Phone 2371-W ments. Recreation such as commun ity service would bring to Casper, offers to any group an opportunity for individual development along the best lines. "It would enable them to get to gether regardless of religion or pol itics to play together, think togeth er. plan together as a group. The greatest thing in the world Is char acter. and It is up to to develop that character and such development comes through service to our asso ciates." Mr. Parkins closed his talk, quot ing from a well known Rabbi, who says, "Folks, let’s not get up from the feast of life without paying for Giris to Entertain For Mothers. The girls of the Giri Reserve club of the high school under the aus pices of the Y. W. C. A. will give a lunch for their mothers Saturday. May 10. at the Henning hotel. The program will be given by the girls and a royal entertainment Is planned. Concert of Interest At High School Tomorrow. A most enjoyable musical ‘ pro. gram will bo given tomorrow morn ing at the high school auditorium by Mrs. Madelyn Trebor. Mrs. Marga ret Curtz. and the Misses Marguerite and Genevieve Fitzgerald. The program will begin at 10;30 o’clock and will be given for the students by request of Miss Jessie Agnew, supervisor of music in the Casper schools. The program to be given follows: Plano Duet—" Ride of the Valky- Ties"—Wagner Miss Marguerite Fitzgerald and Miss Genevieve Fitzgerald Violin Solo—"Adagio”—Reis .... .—..—....Mrs. Margaret Curtz Ensemble—"Berceuse”—Gounod "Loves Old Sweet Song’’—Molloy Mrs. 3fadelyn Treber. soprano; Miss Marguerite Fitzgerald, piano; Miss Genevieve Fitzgerald, harp; Mrs. Margaret Curtz. violin. Piano solo—"Liebestraum”—Liszt - Miss Marguerite Fitzgerald Harp solo—“Ballade”—Has sc Iman Miss Genevieve Fitzgerald Soprano solo—" Pale Moon”—Lo- Kan Mrs. Madelyn Treber Trio—"Serenade”—Grlgo ... “Bohem’an Dance”—Randagger Miss Marguerite Fltzegerald, piano; Miss Genevieve Fitzgerald, harp; Mrs. Margaret Curtz, violin. Dorcus Society WO] Hold Bake Sale The Dorcus society of the Seven Day Adventists church will hold a sale of baked goods tomorrow after noon at the Stone grocery store. House Guest Is Complimented In compliment to her sister and house guest. Mrs. Robert Palmer of Montana. Mrs. W. M. Webber enter tained at an informal dinner last evening at her home on Elm street. The evening was spent In playing 500 honors being taken by Mrs. L. J. Wilson and Mrs. Jack Hillman. Mrs. Palmer received a guest prize. Eight guests attended. Kyo Circle To Meet Tomorrow The KYO circle of the First Bap tist church will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. 8. Cartwright, 519 East Fourteenth street. Ladies* Auxiliary Will Be Organized Thursday. Cantori Casper No. 6 with their ladles will hold a meeting Thursday evening. May 8. at 8 o’clock, at the Odd Fellows’ hall for thc-purpose of mustering In the first ladles’ auxili ary in the state of Wyoming. Fol lowing the meeting refreshments will be served and all members and friends are especially invited to attend. • • • Elks’ Formal Dance Th 1 * Evening. Tonight at the Elks’ auditorium the last forma! dancing party of the season will be held with special mu sic, entertainment and decorations. The decorative scheme Is in the Elks TONIGHT At 8 o’Clock PROGRAM BY COOK’S ORCHESTRA THE MUSIC SHOPPE RECITAL HALL The Public Is Cordially Invited colors and the music will be fur n-shed by a specially recruited or chestra for the occasion. Numerous formal dinner parties will be given preceding the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Delaney will entertain for 30 in the private din ing room at the Elks; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hanway will entertain at the Elks, and Miss Lovey Norris for e ght at the Elks. There will be two Dutch treat dinners at the Hen ning. The committee in charge Is com posed of A. C. "Doc" Doherty, Waldo Roberts and Don Denny. Mrs. Hooper Entertains Midnight Bridge Club Mrs. Paul hooper entertained the members of tho Midnight bridge club last evening at her residence on East Second street. Honors at bridge for the evening were won by Mrs. Timothy Joseph Drew and Mrs. Hooper. Tho club will meet again in two weeks on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Cowan, 930 South Wolcott street. Mrs. Smith Win Entertain Entre Nous Club Thursday Mrs. I. R. Smith will entertain the members of the Entre Nous club Thursday afternoon at her residence 930 North Durbin street. Christian Aid Will Give Bake Sale Friday The Ladles* aid society of the North Casper Christian church will hold a sale of baked goods Friday May 9. at the Norris meat market, 129 East Second street. Baptist Circle To Hold Work Meeting Tlu ~ "-y The "East Side circle ©f the Bap tist church will hold a work meet ing Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harley Tennlng ton. 1110 East First street. Every member is asked to make a special effort to attend. Lutheran Aid To Meet Tomorrow The Ladles* aid society of tho Grace English Lutheran church will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. S. Haugen. 1203 , South Fenway street . Mrs. Haugen ’ will bo assisted by Mrs. S. S. Kilts. AU members of the society are asked , to be present. ' East Side Methodist Aid Will Hold Business Meeting. The Ladies* Aid society of the I East Side Methodist Community church will hold their regular I monthly meeting Thursday after noon at 2:30 o'clock at the church. . 1514 East Second street. All mem bers and friends are Invited to at tend. j Mrs. Losey Will Entertain Baptist Circle Thursday. Mrs. W. N. Losey will entertain the members of the Willing Workers circle of tho First Baptist church i on Thurrsjay afternoon at 2 o’clock i at her residence, 801 North Madi son street. All members, friends and neighbors are asked to be pres ent and to assist in the making of plans fur the next work meeting. 1 Dutch Treat Dinner Tills f Evening at Henning. Among those who will attend a t Dutch treat (I nner to be given this . evening at the Henning hotel pre f ceding the Elks’ formal dancing . party are: Mr. and Mrs. B. B. . Lumm-s. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick . Kampf, Mr. an(j Mrs. Charles T. McGrady. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Capen. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Warren Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. Carney Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Wil'lam B. Cobb, Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Crabtree, Dr. and Mrs. . C. E. Duncan, Mrs. Rose Hayqie, Miss Abbie Lound, Paul Sautter and ’ Ivan Marshall. Mrs. Wayne Will Entertain Aid Members Thursday. Mrs. C. Wayne will entertain the members of the Ladles* Aid society of the Trinity Lutheran church on Thursday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock at her residence, 1126 South Cotton wood street. All members arc asked to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Hanway Will Be Hosts at Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hanway wl'l be hosts at a formal dllnner to be given this evening at the Elks’ club, preceedlng the dancing party to be given in the auditorium- Guests i who will attend Include: Mr. and i Mrs. Emmett Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Callaway. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Patten and Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. i Hanway. , CTe Casper Daflp Crtbune PERSONALS | Mrs. A. M. Gee and son John ex pect to leave Saturday of this week for the East where they will make an extended visit with friends anti relatives in Illinois and Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kimball Sr. have been spending several days at their summer home on Casper mountain. Miss Betty Larson will leave this evening for Denver where she will be (he guest of friends for scene time. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mathus were visitors who spent yesterday here from Glenrock. • • • Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Farrar were shopping and visiting with friendj here yesterday from their homo at Lavoye. Miss Ruth Osborn is a Lander visitor spending a short time in tho city this week. Mrs. C. Hefflngton of Lavoye is a visitor spending several Cays here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hamond Os Oklahoma aro out of town business callers in the city for several days this week. Miss Helen Lloyd left last even ing for Phoenix. Arlz., where she will visit for a short time with her parents, Mr. amt Mrs. William Lloyd who have been spending the winter months in Arizona and who will return here with her May 10. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Lester have returned to their home in New York after visiting here for some time as guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Young. Mrs. Sara Morton returned to her Coffee A NEW ' experience FOR COFFEE DRINKERS XX- Tree Teska new experience for tea drinkers, too! home |n Douglas last evening after spending several days here visiting with Mrs. Patrick Sullivan and daughter Kathleen. • • • Mrs. Sinclair Reekie has returned from a three-weeks pleasure trip spent with friends and relatives in Kansas City. • • • H. A. Young, purchasing agent for the Kasomlng Oil company has re turned to Cheyenne after spending several days here visiting with Mrs. Young and family at the Kemp apartments. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Whitney of Billings are visiting with friends in the city for a few days. J. M. Williams and daughter. Miss Elizabeth are visiting here for sev eral days this week from their home In Nebraska. Casper People who spent a short time in Cheyenne this week include: Mark O’Danford of the Midwest Re fining company. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Durst, Attorney John B. Barnes. F. E. Goller, George D. Paine of the Frick-Reid Supply company, C. L. Rhinemuth and L. E. Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stone of Den ver aro visiting with friends In the city for several days having arrived yesterday. Miss Ruth Hoffman of Cheyenne is In the city for a few days the guest of friends. Leslie A. Miller of the Areo Oil Products company is in tho city for the week on business in connection with th filling station he is erect ing on Second street. The Main Floor —every Woman s store Special Reductions In Is Featuring Two Popular Coats, DrCSSCS and Brands of Fine Silk Hose „ rrsrtHiP ’ T . Suits Day Dream at $1.50 ru *r» are tempting many women to Onyx Pointex at $2.50 -» Z buy their spring outfits this week while selections are most These numbers come in both j*** v TiF liberal and prices at a mini- chiffon and thread silk and are mum. shown in all the new shades \3IWO —h ave you looked at our for spring and summer. < $26.75 special? A Convenient Place to Meet Your Friends—and Always Something New to Admire _ A „„,,„ A „ Th .„ The New Sweaters May-Time Hats © XyC J For Sports and Dress Wear Fortunate indeed is the woman who Jpin selects her spring and summer hat y* t T§pz|tzJtfs/ here, for not only are prices low— ttT” in many instances to considerably be- "—4 /AMyAx/ ' ow cos *—* sU *' l' nes are f res h and em- [(((sjSsStt. bracing every desirable shape, color -4a * w’ a and fabric. Kfli Ami M < MF (k_Z (Mezzanine and Subway) wHujlHgdr _| , E&Ojßf i Here are Sweaters that show at a c;il_ C— —«. C—— glance their many charming possibili- INCW OIIK ODOFI OCEIITS /lA yljr -X \ ties for wear with a strikingly colored / \ sports skirt. Such a combination will Fashion decrees that the Sports Costume is - I solve many a dress problem during the more complete with a knitted silk or crepe-de- Igajpl long Summer day. And these sweat chine Scarf. ) ers are in so many different styles and |A» ftA.y / weaves that one can show one’s indi- We are showing dozens of new ones in fancy viduallty. p’re^ty^yp'es^ 08 ' 3 " 13 ', Pr ' n^B ’ fringed and ' other T HgV. (Main Floor and Subway) s2 ’ 7 L‘?f?. l , B ’ oo < ]J/ The New Blouses New Corsets and Silk Underwear jOt. f This Season’s // S » xXrz-f Styles Demand dSIBnK ■ 4. l\ ff ' J/>JA-n~ the Correctly W B ■ r IPi Fitting Corset, H ' - 'iHJI Wraparound r* A- xA- ■' A (Scril □?/H “f Girdle, 7£ , zp.ViVZ afflmLA ft Corselette, *y : *7 - av-gSSft • l> K Bandeau or ‘ 'StA> [■ B'A Brassiere r Bi\ Many new spring numbers have recently been received. A new note in Blouses heralds the ap- Now is the time also, to replenish one’s wardrobe with Proach of the summer season. We new styles in silk lingerie. We have some dainty new arD showing both the dressy models numbers at surprisingly low prices. as well as the trig tailored types that (Main Floor and Subway) can be easily laundered. (Main Floor and Subway) / ; . In the Subway - “Step Down and Save” ]j e so w Sports Skirts —What do you pay for the hose you wear about the house • mornings, for automobile excursions to the country; on fish- 1 '~n! IL.I "* ing trips in the mountains? |y / Jk-xS VW; JI [III Try Trueshape or Puncture Proof $1 Hose 11/ 1 111 II All tho New Colors as Well as Black and White I i I Spring and Summer Underwear |*|| 111 I Cotton Teddies Cotton BioOmers KUI (L J Soft, sheer materials such as Lingerie check and soft, sheer ffr>t t! raindrop voile in flesh color, crepe. Flesh, blue, orchid, WJilD* with bodice top and lace honeydew and white. Double ,Kal |T Tl 1 trimmed bottoms. shirred knees. * i/k / 52.25 $1.25 Smart Sports Skirts in the new silks Step-ins and Vests at $1.25 a constanUv inc W real" Os pretty Kooay Crepe, hemstitched hems, rosette trimmed in ing demand. We are showing many blue, flesh, orchid, honeydew and white. ncw numbers. Z ./ (Main Floor and Subway) CITY BRIEFS John W. Gillespie, credit mana ger of the National Supply com pany, has returned from Montana where he spent a short time on business for his company. see Russell Sage is in the city on business for several days from Bil- Ungs. • e • R. W. Haines, claim agent for the Chicago Burlington and Quin cy railroad. is in the city for sev eral days this week from BU'-lngs. • • « R. W. Sole 1» a visitor here for a few days from his home in Ther mopolis. ess Among the business callers here this week from Boulder, Colo., are George Chapman, Ellis Warren and J. P. O’Cobor. E. H. Gibbon Is among the Salt Creek visitors spending a few days in the city. • so Guy Morgan left last evening for Los Angeles where he expects to make his home for some time. • • • M. F. Levy, of the Levy Con struction company is here on bus iness from Denver, a guest at the Henning. see B. ’G. Alexander arrived In the city this morning from Kansas City arid will spend several days here. s s * E. A. Hollingsworth is a Chicago 1 business man who arrived tn the city this morning. • • • W. E. Johnston, representative of the Portland Cement company is here this week on business from Denver. • e • B. Morgan is a Denver business caller here this week. • • • e Jack Daly, wool buyer of Chicago will return tomorrow from Worland where he has been for several days on business. W. M. Neckerman and J. C. Siegle of Toungstown. 0.. are In the city for several days guests at the Town send hotel. Charles S. Stewart, Leonard Hon, and F. M. Currie Jr., are here this week transacting business affairs from Denver. Mayor S. K. Loy was called to Denver on business last night. Muscovites Meet Tonight. Kremlin Azov Imperial Order of Muscovites meet tonight In the Odd Follows hall. Business of Importance Is to be transacted, and a good at tendance is desired. Expert watch and jewelrg repair ing. Casper Jewe'ry Co., O S Bldg. Violin Repairing W. G. Buehner, the violin man. Is now located at Troy Cleaners 148 E. Midwest: Phone 968-W. All Work Guaranteed Satisfac factory. PAGE THREE HONGKONG. Thirty-eight Chi nese convicted of piracy of the steam launch Kwangtak were exe cuted. Specialization This is the age of specialization. The old adage, “Shoemaker Stick to Your Last,” gains new force under present conditions. We specialize in all that per tains to the drug business in prescription drugs and in prescrip tion work, where-in we are mas ter of a science where one-twen tieth of a grain counts for life or death. We are Casper's leading drug gists—have been for more than thirty years. Wo are here to serve you—service is our greatest as set —and you profit by patronizing our service. Drug Stores CASPER’S PIONEER STORES Wyoming’s Leading Drug Stores The Store® 'Two Stores for Your Convenience”