Newspaper Page Text
TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1924. WOCIETY, BY MARY TOBIN Miss Murray Is Hostess at Party. Miss Helen Murray was hostess at an informal party given last evening at her home on North Grant street. The evening was spent tn playing games and dancing after which re freshments were served by the host ess. Among those who attended were, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mills, Miss Helen Morrison. Miss Rose Nash, Miss Mary A. Snyder and the Messrs. Harold Talton, Frank S. Sparr and W. R. Stanton. Music Division Will Meet Tomorrow Afternoon. The music division of the Casper Woman's Departmental club will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock promptly at the Nicolaysen residence on Wolcott street. The program for the afternoon will be on Ameri can music and among those who will take part are Mrs. E. E. Fisher, Mrs. G. B. Stebbins, Mrs. E. C. Gates and Mrs. Sundwell. Business Man Will Claim Bride THERMOPOLIS. Wyo„ May 13. C.. Earl Varney, a well known young business man of this place, left Sat urday for Mattoon. Hl., where he will be married. May 14, to Miss Frances Parker, at her home there. The event has been generally an ticipated here for many months. Incldently, it was noticed that the Rev. Henry Daniels, pastor of the Episcopal church here, boarded the train with Earl, the minister on his way to Pittsfield, Mass., for his an nual vacation. He will stop off at Mattoon and perform the marriage ceremony. Mr. Varney came to Thermopolis a few years ago as a clerk in one of the stores. He has grown up with the town and developed into one of the substantial business men of the community. He takes a lead ing part in things Intended for the advancement of Thermopolis and Hot Springs county and is one of the directors of Thermopolis Cham ber of Commerce. Miss Parker Is well known In Ther mopolis, having been a resident here for a number of years when she was popular In social affairs of the com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Varney will have a two weeks’ wedding trip through eastern states before returning to make their home at Thermopolis. Mrs. Wheeler Entertains Tuesday Tea Club Mrs. M. N. Wheeler entertained the members of the Tuesday Tea Club this afternoon at her residence, 132 North Lincoln street. Guests who attended besides members of the club were: Mrs. Leigh McGrath and guest. Miss Elizabeth Clare of Can ada, Mrs. J. W. Johnson and Mrs. Fred Newman. S.vnurgae Meeting This Evening. • The regular'meetlng of St. Mark’s Synurgae will be held this evening nt the home of Mrs. Glenn Little field. 737 South Park. Mrs. Little field will be nssslted during the eve ning by Mrs. Stanley Griebel. Congregational Association To Hold Meeting Wednesday. The Woman’sassociation of the Congregational church will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday af ternoon at the Young Women’s Christian association club rooms. Hostesses for the afternoon will be the Mesdames Anderson, Burke Sin clair, Astln and Stanley. Mrs. Tlays Entertains Her Bridge Club. Mrs. Earl Hays entertained the members of her bridge club Satur day afternoon at her residence on Jackson street. Honors at bridge were won by Mrs. McNally and Mrs. The Woman’s association of the entertained again in two weeks at the last meeting of the season by MAGIC 1 There Seems to Be Magic in the Name Armand and the universal popularity of Armand Cold Cream Face Powder. As a matter of fact it is not magic at all. It is just a plain case of a great brainy manufacturing firm being HONEST with itself and HONEST with the public. They are making the best product it is possible to make and selling it at a price that is just us fair as the quality is good. By blending cold cream with a pow der of exquisite smoothness, they evolved in Armand a face powder that clings gently the skin of a woman like the bloom clings to the skin of a ripened peach. We desire to personally recom mend Armand’s and ask that you give it a trial when next you buy face powder. Drugstores CASPER’S PIONEER STORES Leading Drug Stores The *Rg'>ccM, Stores "Two Rtores for Your Convenience" DOBBIN REALTY CO. Removed »o No. 226 E. 2nd St. Zuttermeiater Bldg. Mrs. Arthur Davidson and Miss Betty Montgomery at th© home of the former, 1134 South Beech street. Robekah Lodge To Meet Wednesday The W. L. Kuykendahl Rebekah lodge No. 39 will meet Wednesday evening, May 14, at the Odd Fellow’s hall. Refreshments will be served by the Mesdames Eva Sawyer, Sa re Hawkes, and Anna Nygard. Mrs. Wi’son Entertains At Luncheon Today Mrs. Charles A. Wilson was host ess at a 1 o’clock luncheon given to day at th© manse. 1103 South Wol cott street for the officers and chair men of the divisions of the Presby terian Ladies’ aid society. Fifteen guests attended. Catholic Girl’s Card Party This Evening The Catholic Girl’s club will en tertaln Informally this evening at a card party to be given for the young men of the congregation at the Mullin club. Refreshments will be served by a committee in charge. Westminster Guild To Hold I-ast Meeting The last meeting of the season of the Westminster guild of the First Presbyterian church will be held to morrow evening at the manse on South Wolcott street. A dinner will be served at 6:30 o’clock after which a social time will be enjoyed. All teachers and ousiness girls of the congregation are invited to at tend. O. E. 8. Meeting Thursday Evening The regular meeting of Fort Casper Chapter No. 4. Order of Eastern Star will be held Thursday evening, May 15. at 8 o’clock at th e Masonic tem ple. The usual business matters will be transacted and candidates initiated. The examining committee will be present at 7.15. All members of the chapter as well as visiting members are invited to be present. Health Conference Thursday Morning. 15. from 9:30 until 11:30. These con child’s health conference will be held at the city hall on Thursday, May Stuart Updegraff. The club will be ferences art, held by the physicians and dentists of Casper, cooperat'ng with the State Board of Health through the’r department of Mater nal and Infant welfare and child hygiene the Departmental tend Woman’s clubs of Casper and the Natrona county health unit. All mothers are invited to attend and bring their children. Delta Tan Delta’s Will Give Dinner. Members of the Delta' Tau Delta fraternity will entertain at a dinner to be given this evening at the Hen ning hotel at 6:30 o’clock. Reception Wednesday at Presbyterian Church. A reception will be given Wednes day evening at the North Casper Presbyterian church complimentary to the Rev. and Mrs. Hodsvon, who have just recently arrived in the city. The entertainment wl'l begin at 7:30 o’clock, and the public is invited to attend. A program of in terest will be given and refresh ments served. Scandinavian Aid Will Meet Thursday. The Ladles* Aid society of the Scandinavian Lutheran church will meet Thursday afternoon, May 15, at 2 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. Hansen, 143 South Conwell street. All members are asked to be pres ent. Seniors Will Present Play Friday Evening. The story of ’Prunella’’ or "Love In a Dutch Garden." whldh is to be presented by the senior class of Na trona county high school on Friday evening, in the high school auditor ium Is so exquisite that it may moot effectively be told In verse. Asleep on the edge of the town, Where the high road ran by. Stood a house with the blinds all drawn down, Ab if waiting to die. And everything there was so straight. With high walls all about. And a notice was up at the gate. That told Love to keep out. But Love cannot read—he is blind; So he came there one day And knocked; but the house was unkind. It turned him away! But to, when the gates were all closed. When the windows were fast, At night when the householders dozed. Love entered at last. | personals" Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gordon are the parents of a baby daughter who ar rived at their home last week. Mrs. Gordon was formerly Mias V. Ma jors. Mrs. Hattie Clark is visiting with her sons here for several days from the Clark ranch at Bates Hole. Mrs. A. J. Cunningham had u her guest yesterday, Mrs. Robert D. Carey of Careyhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Wilson left last evening for Cheyenne to be absent from the city for several days on a business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Major Ormsby and daughter, Mrs. Apel, formerly Miss Helen Ormsby, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Crain in Cheyenne for n short time lost week, enroute to Laramie to attend the Sigma Alpha Epeilan entertainment held Sunday, of which fraternity Law rence Ormsby is a member. They were joined in Laramie by Orland, who has been visiting with his broth er. The party will spend a few days in Denver before returning to Cas per. • • • Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Clay of Den ver arrived in the city yesterday and will spend several days here this week on business. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hayton are spending several days her e enroute to Thermopolis from their home in Denver. During their stay here they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moore at their hom© on Wash ington street. • e • Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Apman are vis iting with friends for the day at Salt Creek. • • • Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Aubrey ar rived In the city yesterday from Salt Lake City and will spend several days here. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McGinn and baby daughter of Fremont, Neb., are the guests of friends here having ar rived yesterday. Miss Mary Ealy will arrive thls< evening from Tulsa and will be the guest here for the week of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Lamb at their home In the Grude apartment. Casper people who have been spending a short time in Cheyenne include: Mrs. I. H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dunsworth, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ryan,* C. W. Wombaugh, E. G. Woods, John Powert, J. H. Hen ley, D. S. Burgess, J. T. Woods, B. E. Younger. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Sheftstead and John Tripeny. • • • Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Henderson have been visiting In the city from their home In Torrington for several days. Miss Lottie Hall left this week for Hot Springs, S. D.» to spend several days on a pleasure trip. • • • Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Maxwell re turned this morning from Los An geles where they have been making their home for the last number of months. • • • Mrs. P. J. Qualey of Kemmerer at tended the Democratic convention here yesterday in the absence of her husband who has been ill. • • • Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Housman have returned from a three weeks’ business and pleasure trip spent in Colorado and Kansas. CITY BRIEFS~ A. S. Meyrlng of Cheyenne Is in the city for several days on busi ness having arrived this morning. R. Raymond Breckling of Roch ester, N. Y., Is in the city on busi ness a guest at the Townaend. J. C. O’Mahoney has been attend ing the Democratic convention here from Cheyenne. Leslie A. Miller of the Areo Oil Products company has returned from Cheyenne. • • • H. Broderick of the Broderick Boiler company of Munsy, Ind., is In the city this week on business. • • » E. L. Smith, J. Johnson, Luke stotts and W. F. Johnson were yes itors who spent yesterday here from Lavoye. #• • • A. G. Ralston of Salt Creek Is vis iting with frlenc’s here this week. • • • Jack Alexis Leary, division freight and passenger agent for the aSPtwWS IOC low iiiwwiiitf 8 ' —a# ' A package - Sale Week —OF— TABLE LINENS Os especial interest to the June Bride as it means a saving of about 20% on this staple commodity. A FEW OF THE VALUES 70x70 Fine Irish Damask; ffiQ 4* round pattern cloth «PO«Dd One-half dozen Napkins to match $5.60 70x88 Cloths of Damask, S7 40 One-half dozen Napkins to match $4.00 $5.20 t 0 $22.00 HUCK TOWELS— 4 Bed Spreads, 72x108; Dolly Madison <l*o ft ft Pattern «JO,VV 90x108 $9.00 Choice of Colors All Table Linen Radically Reduced 'W. G. Perkins & Co. Specialty Store TRIBUNE BLDG. COt Caipet ©ailp Crißnne Chicago. Burlington and Quincy railroad from the east where he has been for some time on busineos. Mr. Leary spent Sunday visiting with relatives in Omaha and Council Bluffs enroute home. • • • J. O. Stevens of Lavoye Is here for a few days on business. • • • M. J. Delaney is spending several days in the city this week on busi ness. « e e Glen D. Laird, O. L. Mayes. J. T. Jones and Harris ‘Willoughby left this morning overland for Worland after attending the Democratic con vention here ns delegates from Washakie county. • • • Earl Minnley of Denver is here on business having arrived yester day. • • • M. A. Brooksey of Ohio is here on business for several days. Mr. Brooksey will leave on Friday morn ing for the northern part of the state. • • • J. L. Martin of Sheridan Is in the city for a number of days on busi ness having arrived yesterday. • • • C. R. Rolland and son are here for several days this week from Salt Creek. George C. Banderson left this morning overland for Douglas and Cheyenne on a several days busi ness trip. J. H. Montgomery of Los Angeles Is spending the day here visiting with Georg© Vance of the Western Lumber company. C. W. McMillen of Denver is an out of town business caller spend ing several days here- • • • E. W. Lock is an out of town business caller from Helena for sev eral days this week. • • • L. L. Montley has returned from Thermopolis where he spent a week taking treatments at the hot springs. C. H. Carroll and L. D. Shire of Chicago are' visitors in the city for ’. number of days. James McCrea and John Moran will leave tomorrow morning over land for Denver on a several days business trip. • • • F. Johnson is in the city on busi ness this week fr«»m Lavoye being registered at the Henning. E. Reynolds of Cody has been at tending to business affairs here for several days. T. R. Robinson of Denver is here on business for a short time this week. F. E. Whlttley family are vis iting w'th friends for a few weeks in Denver. D. S. Burgess has returned from Cheyenne where he spent several days visiting with friends. M. O. Miller of Colorado Springs, who hqs l>een spending the last week here visiting with friends will leave tomorrow overland for his home. M. J. McGinley has returned from Denver and Cheyenne where he has been attending to business affairs for the last few weeks. • • • L. J. Wolf is an out-of-town busi ness caller here for the remainder of the week from Los Ange'.es. Woods Filling Station, car wash ing and greasing. Phone 1920 W. East Yellowstone Highway and A. ? T ? Wyoming Motorway ? ? ? BASEBALL LEAGUE SEASON TO OPEN SUNBAY WITH STANBARD ANU TEXAS CLASHING HERE Sunday win witness the opening of the local baseball league with the Texas playing the Standard at the high school park, the American Le gion going to Lavoye to play the oil field team and the Elka journey ing to Glen rock for a game there. Even’ Sunday afternoon at 2:30 there will be a local game with the teams alternating on their out of town trips. LEEDS WILL NOT FIGHT SEPARATION NEW YORK, May 13.—William S. Leeds today consented before Supreme Court Justice Davis to the entry* of a decree of separation asked by his wife, Mrs. May Joyce Leeds. Justice Davis reserved deci sion on the question of alimony. Leeds is the son of Mrs. William Bateman Leeds, who yesterday was victorious in the suit for 3250,000 brought against her by her daugh ter-in-law, who sought damages on the claim that her mother-in-law hod caused her incarceration In a hospital for the insane. Mrs. Leet's testified that she had been abandoned by her husband. Custody of Barbara, the couple's small daughter, was awarded to the mother. Miss Baker Does Aesthetic Dances For Pathe News Hell’s Half Acre furnished the setting for a series of aesthetic dances executed yesterday afternoon by Miss Elizabeth Baker for Pathe News. Bort Bell took the pictures. The wierd background was tn keep ing with the unusual nature of the dances. Several still pictures were also taken. T ? ? Wyoming Motorway ? ? T New Silk Hose N Corsets Etc In All the New Shades VOFSeiS, E.EC. (Subway) ■J, ‘. <««’■*• u Several New Numbers In SI.OO $1.25 i fn&'Zfer ~f— V Warner, Redfern, Nemo $1.50 ' Corsets, Wraparounds, /Ma in ■ m Corselettes, Girdles, 'ffQ ln F <»<> I %-£i Bandeaux and Brassieres $1.59 $2.50 Have Just Been Added to $3.00 * Our Line s Sale of Stylish Spring Suits z ,/ Ak \ xzf v? ' 4xx //’ I ’ V /Jfh Ms wK- aS V i iIU ft H vi* * ■■' < ■ Or ft ft ■■ JIU : L ; /rlill ■< JM w ylri I lf\ M ml ’// yx ' *) ' p v<U W'77 A . ®i'Jn '// a / ’24- What woman who covets a smart two-piece suit for the style and trim appearance it will give her figure can afford to miss this extraordinary selling event at nrices which are REDUCED TO A MINIMUM. P Handsome But Inexpensive Blouses to Match Every Suit in the House is Offered This Week at a Radical Reduction Cal Smith, superintendent of the White Eagle refinery and former Penn State university star, has been selected to umpire all the games played in Casper- The first game will get under way Sunday at 2:30 and local baseball fans will be given an opportunity to see some high class ball in the games to come. PENSION VETO SUSTAINED BY SENATEVOTE WASHINGTON, May 13.—Presi dent Coolidge’s veto of the Bursum pension bill was sustained today in the senate. Tho action crowned with success the first attempt of Mr. Coolidge to block legislation by exercise of the veto power. Elko President Harding, he dis approved the bill because of the ex pense involved. The measure would have granted pension Increases to the veterans of several wars. The vote to override was 53 to 28. one vote less than the two thirds required. Thirty Republicans nnd the two Farmer-Labor senators voted to override tho veto while 16 Demo crats voted to sustain it. ADD PENSION VETO— The vote follows: For overriding the veto: Republicans Brnndegee. Brook hart, Bursum, Capper. Colt. Cum mins, Curtis, Dale, Elkins, Fernaid, Fess, Frazier. Gooding, Hale, Howell, Johnson, California; • Jones, Washington; Keyes, Ladd, McKln- Bites-stings Apply wet baking soda or household ammonia, followed by VICKS Vapo Rub Owr 17 Million Jan Und Yoarl? • ley, McLead, McNary, Mosses, Nor beck, Norris, Oddlo, Phippts, Short rldgo, Spencer, Stanfield, Watson, Willis. Democrats Adams. Ashurst. Broussard, Copeland. Dill, Gerry, Heflin, Jones, Kendrick, McKellar, Neely, Pittman, Ralston, Reed. Mis souri; Robinson, Shields, Walsh, Massachusetts; Walsh, Montana; Wheeler. —Total, 19. Farmer-Labor—Johnson and Ship stead—Total. 2. To sustain veto: Republicans—Ball. Borah, Cam eron. Edge. Ernst, Harreld. Pepper. Reed, Pennsylvania: Smoot, Sterling. Wadsworth, Weller.—Total. 12. Democrats —Bayard, Bruce, Dial. Fletcher, Glass, Harrison, King Mayfield. Owen, Ransdell, Sheppard. Simmons, Smith, South Carolina; Stephens, Swanson, Trammell.— Total, 16. Chief support for the president In the discussion came from the Demo cratic side, with Senator Dial of South Carolina, again leading the foes of the measure. He was Joined by Senator Fletcher. Democrat. Florida, who voted for the bill when it was passed some weeks ago, 51 to 10. FIND RICH COPPER MINES. BERLIN, (United Press). —New copper mines are to be opened up “TIZ” FOR ACHING, SORE, TIREO FEET Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet, swoolen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good bye corns, callouses, bunions, and raw spots. No more shoe tight ness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony. ■TIz" is magical, acts right off. “Tiz” draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet Use "Tiz’* and forget your foot mis ery. Ah. how comfortable your feet feel. A few cents buy a box of "Tiz” now at any drug or depart ment store. Don’t suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never got tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded.—Advertisement. For Business or Pleasure Rent a New Ford AUTO SERVICE CO. PHONE 2370 Opposite Buick Garage PAGE THREE tn Bavaria in the Spring. They are reported to yield oro much superior In quality to that of the other mines operated heretofore in Germany. The prospecting In the Alexander mine near Munich has just been finished. A lode of 5 metros in thickness has been found, 5 per cent copper. A further vein of yellow copper oro yielded an average of 14 per cent. However, this vein is only 2 metres in thickness. This percentage Is ex traordinarylly high in German cop per mining. • > the wholesome spread <• <[ for bread <[ NUCOAI £ made from hissh S grade coconut oil, s / refined peanut oil. e j and milk-that's all g Have two nice lots, corner or South Ash; cheap. Dobbin Realty Co., Zuttermeister Bldg. 226 E. 2nd St. HAY—GRAIN CHIX FEEDS— SALT Casper Warehouse Co, 266 INDUSTRIAL AVE TEL. 27 STORAGE FORWARDING For the best results in raising chickens use Victor Buttermilk Starter. For more eggs feed Victor Scratch Feed and Laying Mash. Wiring Supplies FIXTURES, LAMPS. i ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Radio Supplies Motor Repairing Electric Supply And Construction Co. 142 E. Midwest Phone 483 W Estimate Gladly Furnished ■