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TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1924. SOCIETY, BY MARY TOBIN Lilly-Wolfe Engagement Is Announced Monday. At an enjoyable informal party given last evening by Mlaa Marie Bishop at her home on East Second street, the engagement of Miss Cteola Lilly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lilly to Clarence Wolfe was announced, the marriage to take place In June. The news was made known by dainty pink and white place cards on which were printed the names of the couple. Miss Lilly Is among Casper’s most popular girls and has been an in structor In the Casper schools for the last few years. Mr. Wolfe hae been a resident of Casper for a year coming here from his former home in Oklahoma and is connect ed with the Bureau of Mines. Guests who attended were: Mrs. Raymond Holloran, Mrs. G. R. Han sard. Mrs. Arthur Watson, Mrs. Garrett King, Mrs. Harold Patten, Mrs. Charles Rose, Mrs. George Lilly. Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs. Walter Schultz, Mrs. Lester Parker, Mrs. John Meehl Ing, Mrs. Herman 'Ridel, Miss Jean Lown. Miss Alice Whitney. Miss Eda Holland. Miss Eva Ferguson, Miss Lucy Gantz, Miss Mary Hobbs, Miss Blanche Wagner. Miss Florence Eastman, Miss Mary Wagner, Miss Edness Mokler. Miss Edna Mae Healy, Miss Angle Austin. M’ss Mary Tobin and the guest of honor. Recital Monday At » Sams Studio The fifteenth recital of the season was given last evening by a group of 12 pupils of the studio of Miss Lulu Elizabeth Sams, 515 South Durbin street to an audience com posed of parents and friends. Among those taking part who did exceptional work were: Zella Wyatt who displayed much technical skill in the performance of “Rakoczy March” by Liszt: and "Anltra’s Dance” by Grieg. Miss Hanna Shimmln played "Rustle of Spring” by Binding and "From An Indian Lodge” by Mc- Dowell. with a touch of musical quality, and showing fine musical perception. Helen Engelke played "Moonlight Dream" by Keats; and "Evening Song" by Prestlon. with a daintiness of touch which was delightful. Mabe] Hayes read a paper on Ancient Musical History. Lucile Lyon received a certificate for completing a certain amount of work in piano study. Merldeth Mason sang two songs: "Come Where the Blue Bells Ring" Brackett. "Mighty Lak* a Rose" by Nevin. Annual Picnic of Railway Club Friday. The annual picnic of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Wo man’s club will be held at lower Garden Creek on Friday afternoon. May 30, to which all members of the <n d n *l employes Sincerity of Purpose l /’MhW- ; r ■ together with strict adher- 7 LAs ence to the principles of pru dent banking, mark each /V day’s advancement of this bank’s service to its custom- di\ ers. Responsible for our fl service are officers and di rectors who recognize the / banking business as a public v/z trust. Each man connected " ' with this institution gives of his best in a willing, gener ous service, cheerful, helpful, democratic. We have an active well-managed bank where yOur financial require ments, whether large or small receive the benefits of a strong organization. Perhaps a Connection With This Bank Will Prove Beneficial to You The National Bank of Commerce A Bank of Strength and Service CASPER WYOMING Os the railroad and families are In vited to attend. It would oe greatly appreciated by the committee in charge if al! those having cars would have them at the station by 4:30 o'clock at which time the grvup will leave for the picnic grounds. Each one Is asked to bring his om lunch, coffee and lemonade will be furnished by the club. All those who have been selling tickets for the club are asked to call Mrs. E. L. Mead at 31JR not later than Friday, and those who expect to attend Fri day’s picnic arc asked to natltfy Mrs. H. G. Wilkes nt 28C0W for the purpose Os making arrangements. • • • Past Matrons Club Meeting Is Postponed. The regular meeting of the Past Matron's club of the Oroer of East ern Star which was to have been he’d this week lias been postponed. • • • Rebekah Lodge to • Elect Officers. The W. L. Kuykendahl Rebekah Tz>dge No. 30 will meet Wednesday evening, May 28 nt the Odd Fellow*’ hall during which time officers will be elected and general business af fairs transacted. • a • O. E. S. Tea Is Postponed. On account of the Grand Matron of the Order of Eastern Star chang ing her plans the tea which, was to have been given Wednesday after noon has been postponed. Mrs. Roe reau will make her official visit hero Thursday, evening. Miss Stoeckel Entertain* At Theater Party Monday. Mis* Caroline Stoeckel entertainer! at a theater party last evening in honor of Miss Norlne Bury and Miss Alice Richards instructors in th'* Casper schOo’s who at the close of the term w-11l leave for an extende 1 visit in the east. Thoee who attend ed were Miss Rose Judge, Mrs. Carl Hawks. Miss Bury, Miss Alice Rich ards and the hostesn. Miss Parry Will Ro Guest of Honor. Miss Josephine Parry whose mar-' ria go to R. N. Young of Parco, wil’ be a social event next month wl:1 l>e the guest of honor at an Infcr mal party and miscellaneous shower to be given tomorrow evening by Miss Grace Dewoo'y at her horn-? on West Railroad avenue. Mlm Wallen Is Complimented. Complimenting Miss Edna Wallen whose marriage to Carl Davis will take place soon, Mrs. Ralph Buck ner entertained nt a surprise kit chen shower at her homr, 432 Routh Park avenue. Guests who attend ed Include: Mrs. A. A. Slade, Mrs Sam Neff, Mrs. Stanley Gr label. Mrs. John.P. Dixon, Mrs. For, Mrs. Blanche Cole, Mrs. L. A. Christian sen, Mrs. Clara Baker, Mrs. Q K. Fletcher, Mrs. D. J. Bean, Miss Jones, Miss Mary Monroe, Miss Juanita Moss, Miss Julia Dunaway. Miss Ellis, Miss Palmer, Miss Hazel Lowry, Miss Jean Anderson, Mrs. Nona Dunlap, Miss Freed, Miss Louise Relcbman, Miss Hope Ben nett. Miss Lillian Larsen. Miss Virginia Williams, Miss Louise Jen nings* Miss Eleanor McLaughlin. Miss Adel Stinson, Miss Katherine Hlnderman, Miss Rose Noonan, Miss Gladys Hasbrouck and the guest of honor. • • • Dinner For Grand Matron. Mrs. Bertha Rosseau of Cody, Wyo., grand matron of the Order of Eastern Star, will pay her of ficial visit to Casper Thursday eve ning. A dinner will be held In her honor at the Townsend hotel. Other out-of-town visitors will be present. A rumor to the effect that Mrs. Ros seau died recently is without founda tion. Emmanuel Baptist Aid to Meet Thursday. The Ladles' Aid society of the Emmanuel Baptist church will hold its regular meeting Thursday after noon at 2:30 o’clock at the church'. All members are asked to be present. S. O. A. and R. A. Dance Wednesday. Tho Standard Oil Athletic and Recreation association will hold an other of its successful dances Wed nesday evening. May 28, nt the In dustrial Relations building on West Yellowstone. Music for the evening will be furnished by the Vander beck orchestra and all members and friends are Invited to attend. Recital This Evening. At Methodist Church. Mrs. Berta Smith will present half of her voice pupils this evening at a public recital to be given at the Methodist Episcopal church. Among those who will take part in the pro gram are: Mrs. E. R. Purklsnr. Miss Naoma Swallow, Miss Eda Lemon Juice Whitens Skin The only harm less way to bleach the skin white is to ,nlx th«- Jui«- <it three ounces of Orchard White, which any drug- I Vaw UJ Klst will supply for \7 a few centß - Shake h'\. ' Jflvh well in n bottle, xz-'” and you have a wholo quarter-pint of the most wonderful skin whltener, softener and’beautifler. • Massage this sweetly fragrant ’.cmon bleach Into the face, neck arms and hands- If* can not irri tate. Famous rtage beauties use ;t to tiring that clear, youthful skin and rosy-white complexion; also as a freckle, sunburn and tan bleach. '■ ou must mix this remarkable lo tion yourself. It can not be bought < < udy to use because it acts ben* immediately after It la prepared.— Advertisement. CDe Casper Caflp Crfftune Holland. E. 8. Antolin, Miss Emma Dills, Miss Mildred Harned, Fred erick Holland, Jr., Mrs. Homer Helms, Mrs- Peter Hoiden, Fred erick W. Perkins, Mrs. Sidney Morrfacn. Miss Edna Mae Healy, Dean Sheppard and Miss Charlotte Juno Carll. Mrs. Homer Helms and Mrs. L. L. Langworthy will be .accompanists. • • • Senate of Matrons Will Meet This Week. The Senate of Matrons of the Na trona Rebekah lodge No. .13, will meet Wednesday evening at the residence of Mrs. E. C. Romain, 235 North Grant street All members as well as nil visiting Past Noble Grands In the city are Invited to be present. Plans Completed For Synurgae Luncheon Wednesday At tho meeting of St. Mark's Sy nurgue held lost evening at the home of Mrs. G. H. O’Donnell. 847 8. Lincoln, all plans were complet ed for tho springtime luncheon which that organization will give tomorrow afternoon nt the Odd Fel lows Hall. The luncheon will be served nt 1 o’clock and will be fol lowed by an afternoon devoted to CUTS-SORES Cleanse thoroughly—than, without rubbing, apply— VICKS ▼ Varoßub Oeer IT Million Jar. U..d Y.ari, BugsH We have all beep anxious for spring and warm weather, but Bugs and warm weather go hand in hand. DON’T Allow yourself to be tormented. New and im proved. tried and proven remedies for every form of insect pest are now on the market and WE HAVE THEM Come to ua with your bug troubles. We can be of serveie to you. Take a mosquito preventative with you on your outing trips. The KIMBALL DRUG STORES CASPER’S PIONEER STORES Wyoming’s Leading Drug Stores The Store# “TWO STORES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE” tnra x.ul ”3 nwv ? ANNOUNCEMENT The People’s Market Is Now Under NEW MANAGEMENT And Evbry Effort Will Be Put Forth In the Future to Give Casper Shoppers QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS At a Real SAVING ! You Can Feel Sure of a FAIR AND SQUARE DEAL At the PEOPLE’S MARKET Rear New Public Market Phone 2627 FREE DELIVERY |l bridge. Thirty tables were re (Continued on Page Ten.) WOMEN! DYE ANY GARMENT ORJAPERY Waists Kimonos Draperies Skirts Dresses Ginghams Coats Sweaters Stockings Each 16-cent package of 'Diamond Dyes” contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint any old, worn, faded thing new, ewn if she has never dyed before. Drug stores sell all colors.—Adv. A. L. FORSTER Electrical Contractor Estimates Gladly Given Phone 587-W May Clearance Sale THE BALANCE OF THIS WEEK WONDERFUL VALUES IN Silk Dresses f\ Linen and Dotted Voiles in Good, [\\\ Clean Merchandise to Be .Sold for Bstw' NO F,TTINGS Ladies’ Tissue Gingham Dresses. All | colors in checks. ..$3.79 I All Silk Dresses greatly reduced, con- taining Roshanara Crepes, Canton, (I I I | Crepe de Chine. Flat Crepes, Tub I 111 Silks and Printed Silks. I II nX 11 at r . va,ue . 8 ..’. 8 . 9 : 7 . 6 .: $64.00 / A u, a a LL a ! u _ M .’. 6 . 9 2i554.00 Il I 11 Regular values $49.75. I I Now at • 4 9 1/ I Regular values S3O to S4O. COQ- 75 /J n Now at .... epawO flr ” Regular values $45.00. CQQ 7ff Now at 4 9 Regular values $59.75. 09Q A New Pair Os Now at Bobolink Now'at VH ’“M ?25 _ tO $ . 3 . 0 ’518’ 95 Guaranteed Silk Hose Regular values $19.75. Off rprr No "' at * . Ladies’ Broadcloth Tailored Blouses. Without question for any pair that Very does not give complete satisfaction. special nr nn • Ladies’ Pongee Blouses and Waists. b 1.25 Per Pair very Ass — special <]>£•'/') LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S i - » hats F SI.OO Jrl Good assortment of Ladies' Hats at-$3.95 y// / • *** • Good values greatly reduced at $4.95 | ~t7 I Remarkable Values in Plain and Pleated Silk Skirts Canton Crepe, pleated skirts, assorted colors. Regular $9.50. <27 Off Sale Price 4 ««z9 Printed Roshanara, pleated. Regular $511.50. (2Q Off Sale Price Flat Crepe, plain skirts. Regular $19.75. C 4 9 4k ff Sale Price tpX9««79 Striped Roshanara, pleated. Regular $12.50. (24k ff 4k Sale Price «pe/«9V Light Silk Skirts. Very special. (27 (Iff Sale Price , <tp / «e/9 To All Women Who Have a Spring Coat to Buy Here is their opportunity to get a mode that is in the height of fashion favor at a low price. Coats in stripes and plaids reduced to the very lowest. Stripes and plaids. (2QQ 4141 Stripes and plaids. 42417 7ff Reg. $19.75. Now atvddsVV Reg. $24.75. Now at UK ■a 4 9 Stripes and plaids. <297 041 Stripes and plaids. O r 7K Reg. $39.75. Now at«J>“4eW Reg. $29.75. Now atV-J.<sa 4 9 Stripes and plaids. <24 4? 7ff Reg. £23.75. Now at<pAO»4 9 Sale of Pencil Striped and Plain Tailored Suits This Is a Time to Purchase Yourself a Suit at the Very Lowest Price Available Suits that sold from SSO to S6O. Now on sale for S4SL7S Suits that sold from $65 to SBO. Now on sale f0r 553.00 Visit Our BARGAIN BASEMENT Just a short flight of stairs below the street level we have an attractive display of merchandise at a lower range of prices than those that prevail in our first floor. Visit the basement and convince yourselves. Ladies’ Knit Underwear, 9Q(> Ladies’ Lisle Hose, 99« each-All colors, pair Out, Children’s Knit Underwear, 9Qz» Children’s black and white -g Q-, each OJrV- hose, per pair lJv Men's Knit Underwear, Ofin Men’s Lise Hose. OQz* each -«7Ov Per pair AUU Ladies’ Knit Vests, -f Ladies’ good quality Aprons. 7On each lOC Each 4t7C Ladies' "Petticoats and (IJ-j 4k4| Turkish Towels, heavy 9Q/> Slips, eachul,vv double thread; each ..«dl Ladies’ Gowns, CJ-f A4l Huck Towels, -f 7za each 17x34; eachX 4 V Children’s Rompers and Dressers all reduced to the very lowest price. KASSIS DRY GOODS CO. Phone 1740 137 East Second PAGE THREE