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PAGE EIGHT *SO -ID CASPER BOYS AND GIRLS 50 FIRST PRIZE $20.00 SECOND PRIZE SIO.OO THIRD PRIZE $5.00 FOURTH PRIZE $3.00 6 FIFTH PRIZES $2.00 On this page are 24 advertisements of leading Casper merchants. Casper children under the age of 18 will be given an opportunity to win one of the cash prizes listed above by writ ing essays of not more than 800 words, giving reasons why the merchants whose displays appear each Saturday on this page should be patronized. Remember that the name of every merchant on the page must be mentioned. Essays which are especially good will be published each week on this page. The essay contest will open May 10, and will continue for a period of twelve weeks. It will come to a close Aug. 2. Send all essays to the Tribune in care pf “The Contest Editor.” * ■ ■ ■ ' ■■■ ' t . - -r- nnr 1 n * Rafted q You’ve y. 0. . VALUE The Lincoln RKhAD Business 1 k ' I a I || Future St “ tus of c , . Announcing Is Fast Becoming Cacnpr Rpa! Street »• Yourß«t.nd .. |. • at j 1 vasperiveal Cheapest Food ' Wdl fiffl The Arrival of Our New A LCHdCf Estate -rjrxQpTrp A T Eat More of 11 _ . _ Line Os Printed Over Your'Head rrnrnn Ten Dad About That 747 South Lincoln breads - Stationery StT rtDEKAL ca ™ E er Keen RESIDENTIAL Naturally you desire the UI«UVUV£J of wmce. pride and sattt- CASPER jJ I SUB-DIVISION best for your money. Ask We Can Print Your m. I T I AUTOMOBILE I VPF“ IN CASPER Modem Equipment £' ® r p ead .^ d Every Want BARBER’S built up I res and I HOPS field ’ JUUMOUU New and Clean fullx alue y g U g ROOF 111 CO UllU 1 lIUCd • BICYCLE Go Straight Out East Second Street to the Old Don’t just say bread-say PhOHC US Laid by the Brodie Rubber Ride In It! You Saw In Our Store Carnival Grounds Graduate Nurses TkT z a u 0 . m How Happy You Would Salesmen Will Be On Butter-Nut ’■'l'!™;” 1 ” i' r ci, nn> Co,inc. Dr, T '!T n lt! B.’K’c.n, y _ A ' Bread COUlUierCial Mtlal WotliS wXSTJXr Phone 2706 wyomingßaking Printing Co. —-- c MP er c yc ie Bui 7 o ? ea ?y C °’ As Old as Casper Company Midwe.t Bldg. 318 West Midwest Slinnlv Pho„. 12R« PTITIVL’ non I Industrial Bldg. 430 West Yellowstone PP PHONE 980-J Phone 455 ROOM 15, DALY BLDG. Phone 2610 229 East First St. OUR ~] H ATTENTION! QAVF • J® J Why can the Midwest Oil. V JCI IJSsMH .grthP vjixtx. / U ■IX 17 INFANTS tfcYT-n /rZK /&>. fu Optical company guaran- Jj Hnpt lOn V ni||* I *’ l 1 Y-’ o| tee to return your money ZT»-f Z'k . dts-g [W yw r When no leaf stirs upon the *VW *-*V IvUI DEPARTMENT teffiOW . W mrchased glasses—if you Sr-*-'-' lO sls ' Bky n ° Dlllv HHMu I / SrX, U are not satisfied? 'l-Atlr Bethink you of the electric plan IzlilV fl ■ . And K et yourself a fan, my J r...;.. TA Ir F ’ Two prizes will be award- On Every Suit You Buy man Carnes Every Thing for r< ed for the two best essayS Twn fni* OnA r » Wear out soles, an’ say Baby’s Summer Comfort 7 on this subject. IWOIOrUIie ‘ feet, when your sole is RkR V Take Her EVERYBODY eligible Jake Guarantees MILLINERY uX shoe s°ho P e and ge? Dack-tsreaking lanener First Prize tho sizzling in the sum. a new sole just as nice as Washing • tn Dinner l-$25.00 Pair of Glasses A REAL FIT For Sununer when new. Yessir, it sure IU Uinner Second Prize LOW PRICE /TX Is no longer necessary. 1—520.00 Pair of Glasses UAI C DDIfT *■ I*' (uET The finest work at a very But be sure you take her AU Essays Must Be ALL WOOL rl/\l_r a KlVt. iX -A. X ] . I ITHIIAAI OimP New things arriving by moderate cost we now of- to The Marquise Case. Sent to -Il 'II AN I I lIVIIBIM SHIIr frequent shipment assures fer in our modern laun- Then you are sure of EXPERT ;l- VXIIVII UllvU you of the newest in ap- dry. Clothes clean and creeping nearer her heart, The Midwest Optical Co. WORKMANSHIP Lingerie and Shirts \ nw/xvx parel for baby. sweet with no more for she’s bound to respect By June 15 Mario tn Orrlm- \ I vJjliD trouble than telephoning your choice of a good din- _, , , . . COMPLETE iilr in for our delivery wagon. ing place. You’ll like the .Td ° b’e b^t'^de'of'" 6 SATISFACTION Reasonable Prices U “ VI Try us with this weeks service here, too! ® llißk'JyF A. M. MILES lenses Phone 802 -a 505,/a Eaal Second St - The Marquise casper political dope— Troy Laundry Ca,e optkalco. JAKE Mullins ELECTRIC &Z ut S£\tFß ■MoALTzswaz ' J J Ur'lllALCU. The Niftv Tailor Millinery COMPANY LaFollette on a third .. 326 North Durbin Phone 1387-J MIDWEST PHARMACY Ine IN Illy 1 aiior MilHnery Hemstitching, 119 East Fir.t Street party ticket. Hurray! Tribune Bldg. ph 1672 _ W Cottman Bldg. Ez.min.u.a Fr.. Picoting With Casper Gas A. M. MILLER. L.n... Duplie.t.d. Wyatt Hotel Basement 142 s<Juth Durbin Appliance Co. J— _J Phone 1993-J SE9 I I louis burston '—— ——- Vacationers LEU ID □ ■ Prizes To Essay You'll Like | Contestants T be Courteous Service ■’/Sf, FILL ER UP HERE” JVI 1,1 Prl,e — B 848 p ' r dozen v Sn u r> A » ■BWaH I SHsJnA ‘‘ portrait., i h.nd colored In Quality Food Products |q l i I • 1 .1 > f.S Yrr Before You Start On That .I* V\ • oil. .nd fr.m«l,r.lue 127.50 BAA 3 Trip 2nd. Prize—3 148 per dozen Offered Etery Day by W I '''WuSt fr■ Jr' jT • ! ifl! v.h!" 11 ’ ln fold ' r ’’ 12° so U ~— l ‘"'M l ift dk L*J B Every Woman’s Store SERVICE ‘ 3r< * p <4B per dozen R1 IflfT*] 101X7 f 'J Ml portraits In folders DUIIK<IIUW F —value $18.75 O I LbTL You off n with hat s S ii n " 3 jHbi 4th SllS - ! 2 rm p " d ° z ' n B You Off Smile jTI -.'- n ..- d '.*!. »10.75 A FEW FEATURES | I ' AITAIITV Weekly sth Prize—2 »30 per dozen Coffee Roasting Plant M I t<UAU 1 Y Golden Opportunity value 813.00 Sanitary' Meat Market ! fcbAt l I rr • 1 B rJV.H'II ' Prompt Service I "The Kind That Gives Specials WlwCl'l M W wil?b. bounc’d with th*." ' Free Delivery J JV3 OLAkJ You Maximum IfV , ( . name, and portrait, in our dis- | DA > n Performance" 14 Varieties Os Our Home p ay wlndow * 8 X Made Ice Creams and (|V|vLIV Watch Newspapers for H TTEALTH is the most Sherbets NOTICE TO CONTESTANTS Saturday Specials 9 -Ll beautiful flower in Hava Vmi TrUrl FREE WASH RACK A li at Special Prices for I S ’UW Have You Tried T ’Crake c . Saturday and Sunday studio,. .0 that you may bo 5 « , X^•fU• , lA^e“ e tr i etsd• Daydream Texaco Product 8 Brick Ice Cream A Society girt th. 0 Bungalow I -O-™. part or part, o? 3 xaco Products ncgular 76c «« («mily eh.u«f«ur. a poor music rd for photograph-. W. will » I Hose of Silk Sunday only— 6oC w«b. miL £ ri-J our GROCERY AND I ! “For the Women Who Woods Filing i r mar ß^ nd . station LLOA D S RIA ITO Crcdcl! Studio 4,2 e,, ‘ street ( r? East A and Yellowatona Second .nd Wolcott Uj 1 \_JP VIUUVII UIUUIV Jr *' Chirton and Thr..d silk. Phone 1920-W THURSDAY fdidav 2708 131 8 °- c °"‘°' Phone. 22—23 Re.idence Phone 93 die Casper H7»aflp Crfbune SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1924.