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PAGE SIX SHIES FIELD IN SOUTH HFRIGfI General Motors Taking Advantage of New Market. Every year South Africa is be coming a greater field for the auto mobile boniness, according to Ar thur Williams of the General Mo tors Export company. In a state ' nient made last week while visiting the Olds Motor works, one of the big divisions of the General Motors corporation. Mr. Williams has been actively associated with the sales end of the automobile business for the past 14 years, the last 8 years as manager of the South African branch of the General Motors Ex port company, whose headquarters are in New York city. Erection of dams and the build * Ing of Irrigation systems have greatly broadened the trade field of South Africa during the pattf few years, he sold. The raising of citrous fruits nnd cotton and the rapid de velopment of the sugar Industry have added greatly to the business of the country. These new activities have resulted In an increase in popu lation and considerable road build ing. The greatest need of the coun try at the present time Is additional capital to develop its many re sources. The Oldsmobile Six Is proving one of the prime favorites in South Africa due to its relatively light weight. Its extremely easy riding qualities and Its powerful engine. Oldsmobile and automobile are sy nonymous terms in many' foreign countries, he declared, which fact is proving a big asset for General Mo tors and particularly for the Olds Motor works. Mr. Williams has headquarters at Johannesburg and hns charge of bales In the entire African territory south of the equator. ROAD REPORT State Highway Department Reports received at the Third Dis trict Office of the State Highway De partment up to noon, Saturday, June 7th, indicate the following road conditions: State Route Number 11—Cheyenne Casper. Thermopolis. This road Is reported generally good from Chey enne to Orin except through some construction work around Glendoe. From Orin to Casper and from Cas per to Shoshoni the road Is good and If the weather remains fair should be In excellent condition by Sunday. Free team service Is pro vided by the State Highway Depart ment between the hours 8 to 12 A. IMfc and 1 to 5 P. M. to tow cars across Bad Water at Bonneville. Bridges being built on new route should be completed In about 10 days so that traffic can cross. The road through the Canyon Is now In fair traveling condition and Is being im proved rapidly. State route Number 80—Rawlins to Dubois. Rawlins to Dander some what rough but being Improved rap idly. 6-7 inches of rain fell last week In the vicinity of Lander and consequently- roads were badly cut up. They are being dragged and if no further storms occur should lie In fair to good condition Sunday. State Route Number 81—Shoshoni Lander road—generally good, some small washouts in road bed during fijrtremely heavy rain last week. State route number 41—Orin-Lusk Van Tassel- new construction work between Orin and Shawnee. Else where the roads should bo good by Sunday. State route number 80—Lusk-New castle. Road la generally good. State Route Number 71—Casper Sheridan road—Pavement extendi 12 miles north from center of Cas per. then there Is a 9 mile detour around paving operations. Howevax this detour is in excellent condition this date. Two miles of this detour can be abandoned inside of ten days and the new pavement used for that distance as the contractors are now laying the black top on the con crete base. Work is proceeding rapidly on the concrete base, three miles having been already complet rd this season. From th© end of the detour to Salt Creek, the road is somewhat rough but fair travel ing. Salt Creek to Johnson County line Is fair, then reported rough for about 15 miles but a new road Is Iteing constructed over this stretch. The present trail being without drainage structures. A low barometer and the weather reports indicate rain Saturday night or Sunday. All of the Cake raters Arc not Effeminate. A good many Os them have Mon Hearts Beating Below their Hputs. _ Expert watch and Jewelry repair ing *~*asper Jewe'ry Co.. O-S Bldg. Van’s Filling Station MIDWEST AND TEXAS GAS OILS AND GREASES R. N. Van Sant Motor Sales McKinley and Yellowstone Phone 1406 FIRST DAY ON THE ROAD By SPARK PLUG. Being further adventures of Mam ma, Pupa. Willie and Sister Susie, not to mention Old Betsy in their summer ramble in search of new sights and new sensations. •'Who says it never gets hot in this country,” ejaculates Papa with considerable vehemence, ©lightly vexed because in an hour, Old Betsy had succeeding in causing to pass away only some 15 slmoleon miles. So saying, he removes his hat and proceeds to wipe the sweat band thoroughly. He then clambers from his trusty steed and plucks several strands of long green grass that tho old adage "A Cool Head Gathers No Moss" might find sound backing. Kidding to one side or the other, green grass in a cloth iiat on a hot day makes for a cool head every time. Ham and eggs stowed hurriedly away only two hours before, Willie announces a growing hunger for the noon-day meal and is Ignored by fond parents. One ambitious fox terrier, almost over bold, climbs hurriedly to tho back of the front seat and engages himself | n the pleasant occupation -of gnawing a quarter section of Papa’s ear. Dog and car aro roundly "damned" and the merry miles keep slipping behind. Through Royal, Glenarm, Pendle ton. nnd Oak Crest all centers of n thriving farming population (If such a thing exists) are soon left for only the spare tiro and tall light to gaze upon. On past a never chang ing landscape of corn, oats, wheat, woodland, corn and some more corn sjteeds the litte ruler of the high way. Mamma picks out an Ideal dinner spot a mile distant- nnd dogs her better half until he finally heads the car for the picnic position upon little more than a cow path and a poor one at that. Several ant hills mark the apot Mamma picked and the lunch cloth is moved to other quarters. Dinner over, the longing to sleep seizes a pair of tired youngstersand after the usual acrobatic perform ance attendant upon sleeping in n moving gas buggy. measured breathing Indicates the passing of two kids to slumberland. Not for long however. Bang. The Inevit able result of mixing hot days with steady driving. Nothing for it but to awaken the kids search hurriedly under the rear cushion and produce a Jack. Rear end high in the air, that highway requisite of all cars, THE UNIVERSAL CAB % Back t<r Nature This .Summer The enjoyment you’ll get out of a Ford touring car thia summer, is another good reason why you should no longer postpone buying. You, your family and friends can benefit by pleasant trips at mini mum cost —evening drives, week end excursions or a long tour on your vacation. Buy a Ford, if vou want a car that is always reliable, simple to handle, needs almost no care, and carries you at lowest cost. The Touring Car ■—»»-«« / ’295 P. O. B. Detroit \ Demountable Rime end Starter >Bs extra ■EE THE NEAREST A_, /T \ AUTHORIZED f FORD DEALER £ VZ i rJ" . o ” Ford Weekly Nrc'aJ Pion Tfce Ford dealer In your neighborhood trill gladly eepletn kor£ plans In defaU* Pap produces tlra tools, and curses day he was born/a man, for the en suing fifteen minutes. The spare doing duty, it is of course neces sary to call a holt at the next ham let, for an investment in tire Judg ment, a new tube. Cars from every locality whizz by and a cheery salute is tendered Papa and family by each driver. Cars loaded with supplies and camp ing outfits of every description are sighted every five or ten minutes. Long bearded farmers with equally long faces Inform Papa at various Intervals of "turrible” road condi tions not far ahead bu Papa shakes his head with a “I’ve heard that be fore smile," say "Yeah.’’ P. 8. Road conditions found to be far from as bad as made out by farm ers. They like a bit pt scandal as well as the "old lady." Timo flies on the road and*eve ning finds the skipper of our little party keeping a weather eye out for a town with a welcome sign, a Presbyterian church and a good tourist canip. Down country streets thick with dust speeds Old Betsy and out to the other side of the little town called Acorn. Perhaps they named it that in tho vain hope that it might some day grow into a sturdy oak. At any rate we can't The Gray Coupe De Luxe . Another Member of the FAMOUS GRAY GROUP STURDY SPEEDY The Light Car Beautiful On Display At THE PATTERSON OAKLAND CO. 540-550 East Yellowstone Phone 2202 Ebe Casper Dailp tribune blame them for hoping. Let’s get back to the tnle. (An the butcher said when he killed the ox.") -Sheltering trees and a general air of peace meets the little family upon their entrance to the tourist camp. Later several other tourists meet them, much to the disgust of the air of peace and quiet. The eve ning is spent in a lively contest among the men of tho camp. It seems that there is a prize offered for the most unlikely “near true” story of the road. Papa wins first honors. Prize—One good old Span ish onion. MOTORCAR buying TREND FAVORS AUTO OF ECONOMY, CLAIM The steadily increasing ‘growth in the production of finer types of motor cars reflects a new trend in the purchasing of automobiles, ac cording to Mr. L. E. Corcoran, gen era! sales manager of the Pierce- Arrow Motor Car company. "The initial cost of a carefully built motor car la somewhat more than the ordinary production car, but experience shows that a quality car gives owners far more value, dollar for dollar,” says Mr. Cor coran. "Not only does a quality car. out last two or three mediocre automo biles, but It furnishes luxurious, en. Joyable transportation throughout its long life. Its freedom from me chanical troubles Is another money saving count in its <avor. Since the Pierce-Arrow Motor Car company began to produce qual ity cars 23 years ago, the demand for cars of this type has Increased conslstenly from year to year. "There can be no question about the permanance of the demand for fine motor cars," says Mr. Corcoran. "Pierce-Arrow has served this field Tthcvrtia} Only $17.55 for a Willard j ” That’s mighty good news E < for those who want a good, F- reliable, but inexpensive IS battery. Big volume pro- jri Ll duction, resources, and E brains alone make possible KB s-r.utti.Amp—. a battery of Willard quality ffl SSktfL?!*'** at the price— r Auto Electrical Co. I 136 E. Midwest Ave. Phone 968-J \ "W 2C IS 53 STORAGE -e L- Weight-Strength Strength=Dependabilifys' 7 , _ Long Life =Freedom ~ -.T\ from Repairs =Low Upkeep Expense* | MbsQa W True Economy \ fflSaF f ‘ ’ I / . : T,..„^ t . . . s >v- f* »i'. : -'A Brougham . . . 1325 E Sedao • • . . 895 '■ Luu pc . . . . 1250 & r De Luxe Sedan 1(.M5 *< fe^&iarfjrtftw*Rffr}w« v<ra) hSSw^T^h SOTe? Ai¥7-'<% " o * r - 4 ' r -~ sA wSriU IN ALL THE WORLD NO CAR LIKE T hTs F THE LEE DOUD MOTOR COMPANY ' CASPER—424 W. Yellow.tone—Phone 1700 LAVOYE—Wyo. Branch—Yeoman Bldg JEWETT SIX PAIGE BUILT . for 23 years and will continue to serve It.’’ BUICK BRANCHES IN COUNTRY EXPANDING :HND BUILDING, SAID t One of the unfailing Indexes of l . Buick prosperity throughout the 1 country. Is the unusual activity in building operations by Buick branches, distributors and dealers. The latest news of th's nature, cul minating a long Hat of reports, con cerns the Breaking of ground for a new home to bn erected at San Antonio. Tex., by the Buick branch of that city. The building will be ! 75x143 feet concrete structure, mo j dern In every respect. | Among the ancient Mexicans the turquoise was emblematic of success and was worn to preserve health. Expert Metal Work On All Cars A Crumpled Ferider or Dented Body Need Not Spoil That Vacation We Can Make It Look Like New Without Damage to Paint Kemmer Body and Fender Shop 432 W. Yellowstone Phone 2670 Center Street Service Station FIFTH, CENTER AND RAILROAD “Nothing But Service” TEXACO GASOLINE AND MOTOR OILS Phone 2341 H. H. Simmons, Mgr. SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1924. Read the Ads If You Want All the News Women In Milwaukee have organ* ized a military band, said to be the first of its kind in th e United States. Van’s Filling Station MIDWEST AND TEXAS GAS OILS AND GREASES R. N. Van Sant Motor Sales McKinley and Yellowstone Phone 1406