Newspaper Page Text
Ilix^WORD ISO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAIS TWENTY-FIVE CEISTS. THE ALABAMA HOME has $25,000 per nconth to loan to build houses on vacant lots; the limit of cost is smaller in tt *s association than In any other company. Apply to W. V. M. Robertson. O. M.. 2009 1st avenue.______ WANTED-^SeveraT more to join party to Niagara Falls and Toronto, Canada, Au gust 1; very’ low rates. Address John Gaudin, care First National Bank. WANTED — The””City Messenger Service wants to take that note, bouquet or small package for you anywhere in the city for 10 cents. Henry F. Powell. Manager, 2003 2nd avenue. Phone 187. “We do It quick.” WANTED— By ~an~established, well-rated firm, scheme or specialty men to sell an exceedingly attractive and salable line; special terms and unique inducements; high-priced men, investigate. Box 432, De troit, Mich. WANTED^-Customers for show cases? Simmons, Durham & Co._11-28-sun-tf WANTED—A~competent~buyer and all around business man to take charge of large commissary for corporation; must understand buying of all classes goods, dry goods, boots and shoes, groceries— ■ goods that will sell; must be a hustler; | none other need apply. Give age, whether married or unmarried, and state experi ence, with references. Also state salary expected. Address Commissary, care of Age-Herald. 7-18-7t $2,750—Twenty-one lots, 50x140 each, almost solid block of 6 acres; fronts 600 feet on car line; has $1,000 house, 3-room house, well, 3-acre orchard; one-half cash, bal ance 7 years. B. F. Eborn. WANTED—You to know that your cloJh ing will wear longer and you will get permanent satisfaction by giving us your cleaning and dyeing; we make a special ty of repairing, altering and relining all kinds of garments. Soft hats, derbies and straw hats cleaned, blocked and re trimmed by expert hatters. Save this and be sure you find the right place. Parisian Dye Works (yellow front), 207 Twenty first street. WANTED—Old feathersTwill pay highest cash market price. Call at 2114 2nd ave. _7-21-2t _ _ WANTED—Occupants for pleasant front room, southern exposure, bath and good table; terms reasonable. 2224 7th avenue. 7-15-7t WANTED^A-comfortable?^well- ventilated room for two gentlemen. M. J., care Age Herald. __ WANTED—Customers tor nre-proor saies; low prices. Simmons, Durham A Co. 11-26-sun-tf_ WANTED—To save you 20 per cent, of ev ery pair of shoes bought of me for 20 days. D. B. Luster, The Practical Shoe Man, 217 19th street. 7-7-tf DOLAN’S VETERINARY HOSPITAL— Scientific horseshoeing. 2d avenue and 22d ( street. E. L. Dolan. Prop. 7-1-lmo $2,200 — Lovely 6-room cottage home near j 11th avenue, South Highlands; easy ] terms. B. F. Eborn. H k 11* \V ANTLU At?<rfvE"'MAN""orr~LAljI warvtedfbyniong established house to employ and super intend agents; $G0 per month and ex penses Ziegler & Co.. Locust St., Phila delphia, Pa. 10-29-aun-tf_ WANTED — Several trustworthy persons to manage our business in their own and nearby counties; mainly office work con ducted at home; salary $900 a year and expenses; mention reference and enclose self-addressed stamped envelop. The Do minion Company, Dept. K, Chicago. 7-22-sun-4t WANTED—Lady bookkeeper and stenog rapher who has had experience In whole sale house; must thoroughly understand general office work; state salary wanted and give references. Cross, care Age-Her ald. ____ WANTED—A boy; must-have wheel, he quick, steady and polite. Apply at once, City Messenger Service, 2003 2nd avenue. WANTED — Competent bookkeeper and cashier who has had experience in fire Incur a me business; good salary and per manent position to right party. Address, giving references, Z., care Age-Herald. 7-19-41; _ HELP WANTED—Bright, hustling youth to learn gents' furnishing goods business In retail store: salary small to begin. Ad dress Active, care this office. 7-21-2t WANTED—Good, steady white men to learn to draw wire; a good trade, easily and quickly learned. Alabama Steel and Wire Co., Ensley._7-14-tf _ IS TOl’R HORSE PROPERLY SHOD? If not, take him to Dolan's. _ 7-1-lmo WANTED—First-class pants maker. Apply early Monday morning ready to work. C. E. Maroney Tailoring Co., No. 117 ISth street, North. MANAGER of agents for Alabama; salary and commission; must travel; entire time required. Raydith Perfume Co., Manu facturers, 184 Dearborn, Chicago^ $1,100-100x100, corner, on 23d street, with 4 room house; easy terms. Eborn. MONEY rO IJOII _ MONEY~T?T'lEND—^We have $50,00u to lend on Birmingham property at a very low rate. We also buy and sell all local stocks and bonds. Call on us. 424 Chall foux Bldg.. D. F. Allen & Co._6-19-lm MONEY TO LEND—We have 0 per cent money to lend on llrst-class business or residence property. W. B. Leedy & Co. 7-20-tf ___ u-room, 2-story residence; large corner lot; fronts cur line; near Five Points. Eborn, DU. 0. T. DOZIEB SPECIALIST. Genlto Urinary Surgery. Cutaneous and renereal diseases. All delicate die. orders of sexual organs and pel. ■ vlo viscera o| ' men and womeia Cystitis, stricture^ sexual weakness prostltitle, IrreA - mannas of wo* ■gen, Impediment* to marriage, and all forma of chronic, nervou*. blood and prt» rate disease*. EVERY FORM OF PRIVATE DTBEASM JCJJJIVEtr COMO tA>.» Consultations at office or by mall are in. rlted free. Treatment by mall to parties who cannot rtilt me. No written prescriptions; we futw Blah all medlolnes. Birmingham Dally News: 'The News C impends him (Dr. Doslsr) most cordially all those In need of hla services," Age-Hetald: "H|s long record end ap. Kived abilities entitle hint to the proud tlnotlon of standfot at the hdad at hla professldn.” Alabama Christian Advooata; "HI* pro. fesslonal standing le unimpeachable, and hie Ohara er aa a gentleman and oltlsen Is gbor* reproach.” Office and Dispensary corner Third ave nue and Nineteenth street, Blrmlnghany Ala. __SITU A TION W ANTED _ WANTED—Position as bookkeeper, assist ant or general office work; several years' experience in cotton factorage business; first-class references. Address P. O. Box _ 965, New Orleans, La. 6-1-St-sun-mon AN EXPERT BOOKKEEPER with te^i years' experience desires to make change in position; salary $100 per month; would be glad to invest some capital In a busi ness where good office man is needed. Address Bookkeeper, care Age-Herald. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper, having about two months’ leisure time, would be glad to take charge of set of books for anyone wishing to take a va cation. Address Bookkeeper, care Age Herald. WANTED—Position as chemist at a small blast furnace, or as assistant in an iron and steel laboratory; good references; will accept temporary position, though a permanent one preferred. Address Chem ist, care Age-Herald. W’ANTED—Position as companion to an old lady, an invalid, or governess to small children. Address D. E. W., care Age-Herald^_ 7-22-2t $2.5(X>— Excellent 6-room home and lot on 11th avenue, near Five Points, South Highlands; beat this and you beat me. Eborn, 106 N. 21st. AUKNTS WANTED AGENTS^WANTED—$2,600 can me made during the next six months by hustling agents handling our white and fancy Rubber Collars, Cuffs, Bosoms and Neck ties. Patented and guaranteed goods. Enclose stamp for special plan. M. & M. Mfg. Co., Springfield, Mass. 5-29-39t-tu-thu-8U ANY LADY can easily make $18 to $26 per week by representing us in her locality, and as the position is pleasant and prof itable I will gladly send full particulars to all. This is no deception, even your spare time Is valuable. Address Mrs. Mary E. Wheeler, 87 Washington street, Chicago, 111. 7-l-sun-4t WANTED AGENTS, either sex, to intro duce two good-selling, useful articles; sell on sight; send stamp for particulars. Box 696, Atlanta, Ga. AGENTS WANTED—Good, live men can make money taking orders for photo buttons, medallions, jew'elry, etc.; par ticulars free. St. Louis Button Co., St. Louis, Mo. GENERAL AGENTS in every locality in the United States to represent large 1 concern and appoint agents on a strictly salary basis of $85 per month and all traveling expenses paid. Address Dept. 700, 1970 Park ave., New York. 7-22-6t-sun ~ __ WANTED—Lady and gentleman agents to canvass city; quick-selling article; good profits. Call at No. 2204 Fourth avenue. IF YOUR-HORSE IS SICK, take him "to Dolan’s. 7-1-lmo $b325—Six-room home7~ lovely lot, 60x200; fronts east; Huntsville avenue, North Highlands; a choice home—a bargain. B. F. Eborn. SALESMEN WANTIJp_ . ~ WANTED—Two traveling salesmen of ex perience and ability capable of earning good salary. Address, with references, 1613 Manhattan Bldg, Chicago. TRAVELING SALESMEN wanted by“an established house; no technical knowl edge necessary, but simply all around hustler of good appearance and address; first-class line; special contract; entire time required; references. Box 3, Detroit, ■ Mich. $1,050 CASH—45x100;' alley" corner; close in on 22nd street, with good cottage; will pay 15 per cent; more if improved; very “snappy.” B. F. Eborn. HOARDERS WANTED TVVO^OUN^MEN^oPfouple can secure board, nicely-furnished room, bath, in private family; reference. Modern, care Age-Herald. $1,800—Six-room house and lot close in on 22nd street; terms to suit; hear that and get a home. B. F. Eborn. Mill Vt A I .*■ . "FOR SALE^-Warner^library, edition de Luxe; 45 volumes; cost new $257.50; prac tically new; great bargain. Robert G. Peirce, at Post Office. FOR SALE — Typewriters; all standard makes sold half price or less; shipped for trial; write for catalogue and net prices. F. S. Webster Co., 319 Broadway, New York. 7-22-sun-wed FOR SALE — Twelve-tube Pasteur filter, sufficient for 300 people. Also one cash register; now will sell cheap. Address Loveman, Joseph & Loeb, The Largest Store South of the Ohio, Birmingham, Ala. 7-22-2t FOR SALE—A stylish trap, little used, cheap, at Fies Stable. 7-22-3t IF YOUR HORSE IS LAME, take hirrTTo Dolan’s. 7-1-lmo $5,000— Elegant modern-corner home; fronts south; large lot, 11th avenue, South High lands. Eborn. I OK KKNT FOR RENT—To gentlemeiC^onf'filrnisliet! or unfurnished room; modern house; de lightful location. Address X, care Age Herald. FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms, with or without board. 1816 Eighth avenue. FOR RENT—Seven-room house and bath; furniture for sale, part or whole ,at a sacrifice; cheap rent; good location. Ad dress Box No. 54, Birmingham, Ala. 7-22-21 __ FOR RENT—One or two furnished rooms; bathroom, hot and cold water; no light housekeeping, but first-class board can be had next door; single gentlemen or man and wife preferred (no children). Apply at this office for number. FOR RENT - Remington typewriter! Frederick Macke, Jefferson County Sav ings Bank. 7-13 tf ! FOR RENT—Two-story, 8-room house; all modern improvements; located on avenue G, between 20th and 21st streets. G. H. EUlerbe, 1921 1st ave. 6-15-tf FOR RENT—Nicely-furnished rooms. 2116 6th ave. fri-sat-sun-wed FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms; mod ern conveniences. 2123 7th ave. 7-20-3t FOR RENT—Nicely-furnished room in pri vate family; has all improvements; plenty porch and shade; conveniently and desirably located; everything cleanly; no boarders. Address Moderate, Age-Herald. 7-21-2t $2.00 ACRE—6S0 acres fee simple; hardwood and pine timber lands; a sacrifice for quick sale Eborn. JCnCTATJON \L _ BETHEL FEMALE COLLEGE^Beiect home school for thorough education of young ladies; 11 accomplished teachers; healthy location: beautiful grounds; com fortable, well-furnished rooms, electric lights, baths, etc. Terms, $200 to $250. Apply for catalogue. Edmund Harrison. A. M., President, Hopkinsville, Ky. 7-7-d&w 6wks $3,000—50x140, 1st avenue, six-room house und outhouse; 2 blocks of business cen tcr. Eborn. Advertise in the Age-Herald. LOST LOST—20 per cent, on every pair of shoes « you fail to buy of D. B. Luster, 217 19th street. 7-7-tf LOST — A cameo locket, with-monogram E E on back; inscription, “Eddie, from His Mother” on side. A liberal reward to finder if taken to Morris Hotel. 7-21-2t LOST—Female black and tan dog7~about 12 years old; answers to name of “Gip;” last seen on 20th street, between 3d and 4th avenues. Return to Church Bros, and receive reward of $5. 7-20-tf LOST — Gentlemans solitaire diamond ring; liberal reward paid; no questions asked. Write “Solitaire,” Age-Herald. $2.750—Splendid 7-room cottage, near 11th avenue. South Highlands; something choice and cheap. Eborn, 106 N. 21st. • I ihi hl.LA> f.«»l > BRYAN—McK INLEY— Chance once~"hi 4 years; make $100 with 25c capital; all ages, both sexes, coin money; send 4c and get illustrated catalogue and sam ples worth 10c. Frank I. Clark Co., 513 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. 7-22-3t-eod ESTABLISHED jobbing house wants spe eialty salesmen to call on drug, dry goods and general store trade; commission only; full time and bond required. Ad dress Manager, 1006-185 Dearborn, Chi cago, 111. _ RESPONSIBLE man to carry stock of rubber collars, cuffs, etc., and supply agents in Birmingham and surrounding territory; exclusive control and protec tion given right parties. Windsor Collar Co., Chicago. N." H.“ SEWAL~I~RearEstate an(f"Rental Agent; special attention to Bessemer, Ensley, Pratt and suburbs. Office, 200-1 3d avenue; residence, 828 20th street. North. Office phone 802; residence, 116, Birmingham, Ala. 7-15-1 m BUILDER S A N D~ CO NTR ACTO RS—C an furnish you sand in carload lots in any quantity promptly. Give us a chance at your business. J. Lundie Sloss, 404 Chal ifoux Building. 6'30'tf _ CREDIT to reliable parties. Diamonds and watches, jewelry, silverware ana clocks, on small weekly or monthly pay* ments, lowest prices; best quality; goods guaranteed; will call If desired. E. Low lnsohn. 2010 First ave. 4-27-if _ THE MORPH INE~AND-OTIIER HABITS —I will cheerfully tell any one inter ested all about the only safe and sure cure for drug habit, free for stamp, I. McMahon, M. D., Courtland, Ala. 7-10-16t_ 06—The special Messenger on»»w» 112 North 19th street; open 7 a. m. to 11 p. m.; delivers parcels for 10c; notes, 10c and 15c. Ask for suburban rates. We wake people up to catch night trains and ride them in No. 9, rubber-tired hack. S. Y. Hampton, Prop’r. Reference, H. B. Gray. 2-6-tf . ___ PATTERN MAKING promptly done. Caf fy A Powell, 1529* 2d avenue. 1-16-tl MORPHINE—Opium, laudanum, cocoa I ne halbit; myself cured; will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mr?. Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. 3-25-sun-tf GOVERNMENT POSITIONS—Don’t pre pare for any civil service examination without seeing our illustrated catalogue of information. Sent free. Columbian Cor respondence College, Washington, D. C. 7-15-2t-sun MORPHiNETWHISKEY—Morphine in 6 to 8 days in sanitarium. At home in 30 days. Whiskey in sanitarium in 8 to 10 days. At home in 20 to 40 days. Dr. A. S. Woolley, office 2025, 3d avenue, Birming ham, Ala. 6-17-sun-tf BUSIN ESS bproRTUNI I IES “MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN YOUR SALARY” — $100 invested by my “Safe Speculation Plan” in grain or stocks has made more money in 30 days than a me chanic earns in 60; send for free particu lars; customer and bank references. Richard Jones, Investment Broker, 40 Exchange place, New York. ~~ ~~ ~v HEAL ESI'ATE _ FOR RENT. 2-story 8-room house, modern improve ments; Avenue G, between 20th and 21st streets. 2-story dwelling, 8 rooms, kitchen and ser vant’s room, modern conveniences; 20th street, South Highlands. FOR SALE. $3,500—Will buy improved city property pay ing $400 per year net. $1,500— For a nice 6-room house, good lot. j North Birmingham. We also have a number of desirable res idences for sale. A. R. DEARBORN A CO. G. HERBERT ELLERBE, Manager Real Estate Department. 1921 First Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. FOR RENT. ! We have a few nice residences now for rent, also a few stores well located. Call and let us show them to you. FOR SALE. l&t0oo__will buy a modern house on Avenue G, near car line. Stables and servant’s house. $1,400—For a nice cottage on South 18th street. Good investment. 12,000—Will buy a beautiful vacant lot on South Highlands, 65x136. $600—Another beautiful lot on Fountain Heights. $1,600—Will buy any one of three new cot tages. You can‘’t build the houses for the price of both lot and houses. J3e sure i to call and let us show you this. A bar gain. $1,100—150 feet square, six-room house and stables, in one of our nicest suburbs. $1,800—Will buy a choice lot on South High lands, near 20th street. A rare chance. $3,500— For a beautiful South Highland home, as well as a good investment; cen trally located; modern convenience? The above is only a partial list and gives you only an idea as to what we have, .go call and let us show you how and where to invest your money. Correspondence so licited. W. N. MALONE & CO., Phone 613. 2017 First Avenue. 4-4-sun-wed-fri-tf $4,200— Fine corner, 100x140 feet, well im proved, now renting for $648 per year; pays 8 per cent on $8,100; close in, on South Side; 8-room house, lot 50x140 feet, ] avenue C, $2,000. $650—$250 cash, balance easy; lot 50x190 feet; good 3-room cottage; avenue G and 11th street. Good 3-room house, lot 50x 140 feet, North Highlands, 1 block of car line, only $600; $100 cash, balance $12 per month. $4.000—Good 6-room cottage, corner lot, 55x 100, 22nd street, near 5th avenue; this is a choice place and will make a good home; convenient to everything; see it and secure it at once. $400—$100 cash, balance $10 per month; 4 room house, large lot, on Birmingham and Bessemer dummy, at a station. Lot 40x200, North Highlands, block of car line, only $275. and will lend $500 to im prove it. Cheap business lots on South 20th street. SMITH <fc STILLMAN. 220 Twenty-first Street. FOR SALE. $2.100—$500 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years; 6-room cottage, bath, etc.; plenty of fruits; on car line, at West End. $1,500—Brand new cottage at Fowler Sta tion, Woodlawn. $2,000—100x100, corner 7th ave. and 15th st. $600—$100 cash, $15 month, 2 lots and 3-room house, on car line, at West End. $2,100—Five-room house in excellent repair, servant’s house, stable, etc.. 18th street, ' between H and I. S. E. THOMPSON. , Telephone No. 24. 223 21st Street. ! * t■ r" ■ ■ - Mr. W. H. Matiley, Treasurer of the Birm ingham Trust and Savings Co., Birmingham, in a letter to the Massey Business College, Birmingham, says: “Replying to your inquiry of the 29th inst., beg to say we have had in our employ for about two years past a graduate of the Book keeping Department of your school. It affords us pleasure to state that his work has been entirely satisfactory. He has proven him self a thoroughly capable and efficient bank bookkeeper and re flects credit upon his instructors.” Our Graduates always give satisfaction. Write or Call. 20th Street and 4th Avenue. —— _ 1 .. ..rrrm .Real Estate Baroains. -BY J. K. P. LACY. $7,000 EACH—Three good stores, near In, on 2nd avenue. $4,500 Each—Six stores on 1st avenue; here Is a chance to make more than $20,000 In side of three years. $3,250—Lot 50x140 feet, well Improved and near In, on 1st avenue; snap. $1,050—This Is for Monday; lot 140 feet deep, with cheap house, on 1st avenue, near 24th street; you will live to see the day when this Is worth $2,500— mark the pre diction. $1,260—Better buy this today; neat E-room house No. 725 24th street, south; $300 cash, balance $15 per month. $1,800—Lovely, brand new 5-room house on 25th street, South; most of the price can run from one to five years at 6 per cent interest. $125 Each—Choice lots, North Birmingham. $450 Each—Two neat houses In Kingston; any terms. $2,500—Elegant home, 4 acres rich land, Woodlawn. $200—50x150 feet, 3-room house, renting for $4 per month, East Birmingham; terms, $10 cash, balance $10 per month, and If you haven't the money to make the $10 cash payment, I will lend it to you. $37.50 Each — Two good lots, 50x165 feet each, 1 block from car line, East Lake. $400—Three high, dry, well-shaded lots in splendid location, East Lake, with cheap house; this Is too cheap. $600—Lot 50x190 feet, 4-room house In good repair, at Hurly Station, West End; great bargln; third cash. $625—Pretty home, in good location, East Lake; terms very easy. $850—Good 6-room house, 4 lots; pretty shade trees, fine spring and first-class neighborhood; East Lake. $60-Vacant lot, East Lake; it's a bargain, i$675—Large lot. good 4-room house, East Lake; you will buy It if you see it. $450—Good lot, 6-room house, near car line, East Lake; only $50 cash. $1,750—Lovely 6-room house, best location, Avondale; easy terms. 1 am too busy to write a long ad, but I have said it often and I say It again, If you will call at my office I will show you more bargains and better ones than the - other fellow, or quit the husiness. J. K. P. LACY, Phone 172. 2105 Second Avenue. NEW LIST OF BARGAINS. $4,200—7-rooms; 6th ave., near 25th st. $4.200—Lot South 21st st.; 137 feet front. $4.000—Residence Cullom's Addition. $4,600—7th ave., near 19th st. $4.500—6th ave., between 21st and 22 sts. $5,260—Residence, 19th st., near Park ave. $6,000—100x190. Highland ave. $5.250—Residence, Highland ave. $2,000—100x190, Avenue “F." $5,250—Residence, 5th ave., between 23d and 24th sts. $7.260—Corner lot, near new Jefferson thea ter. $2.500—Lot 135 feet front; Pnderwood's Hill $2,200—Lot 125 feet front; South Highlands. $12.500—Corner lot, 2d ave; 60x100. $15,500—3 stories; 2d ave., between ISth and 19th sts. No bargains genuine without the signa ture of COMPARISON OF DISTANCES FROM BIRMINGHAM Vv BESSEMER ... 13 MILES ENSLEY .... 7 “ EAST LAKE . . 6 “ NORTH BIRMINGHAM 2 MILES. LOTS AT NORTH BIRMINGHAM ONLY $125.00. 1 APPLY 2007 FIRST AVE. _F. W. CULLOM President._ E@®0©SOffiC ®GX3®3e®©3XS®Q®®@G®® |To Home Buildersf 8 Take the Fountain Heights oar line® A to eml of new extension and see theSj g most desirable residence property in § ® liiimingham. Grandview, large lots, js | reasonable prioes. S FOUNTAIN HEIGHTS LAND CO. 1 Room 302 Jefferson Ccunty Savings Bank B’ldg.« 0QQxssx3©e0G)®e®0®e®ffla®®® Do not rent for another year the old dilapidated shanty that you are now occupying. Buy on the Monthly Payrr ■'u, or rent a brand new b CULLOM . T, 2007 First A veil. SECOND-HAND l® TVPEWRiTERS. ’ Remington, No. 6. $50.00 Remington, No. d. 60.00 Remington, No. a. 35.00 Remington, No. a. 35.00 Remington, N6. a. 40.00 Remmrto:?, No. 3. 50.00 Smith Premier, No. 1. 40.00 Smith Premier, No. 3..".. 00.00 Blickensderfer. 35.00 Yost. No. 3. 35*oo Caligraph. 10.00 And a number of others which we have taken la exchange for Densmoree and New Centuries. Terms to suit. W. H. OWINGS. 2105 2d Ave. Phone 172. Expert Typewriter Repairing. k fc.. N. CULLUM. SMITH CULl^I, President. Sec'y-Treas. W. O. HAGERTY. M'gr. ALABAMA mstbmt co. 2007 First Ave. EXAMINERS OF LAND TITLES. The Oldest and Most Reliable Company In the South. STANDARD LOAN GO. £010 FIRST AVENUE. leans money on watch:*, clan otas, jtweliy, pl.^toU f. cut,mechanical loolb.mudi cal uibtruments. ula goi and silver bought. Unredeemed pledget* iu. •sis. Wanted An Experienced Crockery Salesman. W. E. GRAVES, 401 Chalifoux B’ld’g, City, PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS AT LAW. C. A. MOUNTJOY, ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW - »ao BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Tlompt attention given to nil legal busi ness. Jos, T. Collins, Jit. Henry Fitts FITTS & COLLINS Attorneys at Law. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA. 6-22-eod-lin DENTISTS. DR. FRANK SNEBECOR DENTIST. High Grade Work Only. Gas Administered. Jefferson County Bank Building. 1-25-tuth-eun Reserved seats for Elite Opera Co. at Lakeview, Nor u.n t Eiug Store. Notice to Creditors. District Court of the United States in and for the Southern Division of the North* ern District of Alabama.—In the matter of John H. Smith, bankrupt. Take notice that the first meeting of creditors of the above named bankrupt will be held at my office in the United Statej government building, on the 31st day of July, 1900, at the hour of 10 a. m., at which time and place you can appear, if you see fit, and prove your claim, and take such action as the bankrupt act authorizes. Fee for examination and filing claim, to be paid at time of filing, 20 cents. Birmingham, Ala., July 21, 1900. N. W. TRIMBLE, Referee in Bankruptcy. Notice to Creditors. District Court of the United States in and for the Southern Division of the North ern District of Alabama.—In the matter of Isaac Bryant, bankrupt. Take notice that the first meeting of creditors of the above named bankrupt will be held at my office in the United States government building, on the 31st day of July, 1900, at the hour of 10 a. m., at which time and place you can appear, if you see fit, and prove your claim, and take such action as the bankrupt act authorizes. Birmingham, Ala., July 21, 1900. N. W. TRIMBLE, Referee In Bankruptcy. Tailoring — Suits made to order from any piece of goods in the house for $25.00. Only a few days. Louis Saks, Clothier. Don’t leave Birmingham for health-giving waters, for Par ker has them all. Tate Springs, Livingston, Lithia, Blue Lick, Congress—and a long list of others—received fresh every day in glass direct from the springs. 1913 First ave., three doors from Morris hotel. YOU’LL NEED A TRUNK if you are going away for a vacation- Our reduced prices are worth consideripg. Mc Geever Furniture Co., 1824. First avenue. "Resolve slowly, act swiftly." Take Hood's Sarsaparilla and you will uot main any mistake. _j