Newspaper Page Text
SHORTS COYERED ON BANK STATEMENT Bears Covered on Favorable De velopment of Strike Situation. STEEL STOCKS WERE FIRM Early Selling of Stocks Was Encouraged By Selling For Foreign Account Market Was a Narrow Pro fessional Affair New York, September 29.—The stock market was a narrow and professional af fair today which ended with a show of an imation and strength on account of an ac tive demand from the short interest which covered on the bank statement. This ele ment saw encouragement in the fact that the inroad upon the banking surplus was restricted to less than $4,00,000, while a much heavier depletion was expected. This sentiment seemed not to be affected by the fact that a decline in the reeerve re quirements of over $3,000,000 was responsi ble for this result which was brought about by a contraction of $5,668,400 in the out standing loans of the banks. The actual decrease in oasb was slightly in excess of last week’s, as had been expected. Be sides the liquidation in the stock market a large volume of time loans is said to be maturing at this time and the proceeds of these banks are inclined to hold f6r high er rates, as explained below. The prospects of favorable developments in the coal strike situation of Saturday Increased the disposition of the bears to cover, and the recovery in prices from the early low level ran between 1 and 2 points for the principal active stocks, not a few of which showed net gains of a point or more. The early selling of stocks was en couraged by selling for foreign account and by rumors of financial difficulties in Berlin, where the exigencies of a settlement caused a Jump of 2 per cent in the rate for short discount bills. The steel stocks were rather firm throughout. Intlmatipns from officials of several of the great trunk lines of an in tention to provide for the year’s need forthwith at the present of $26 for steel rails helped the grout), Large receipts of raw Sugars, doing awdy with some of the danger of a shortage helped Sugar. A feature was the further marking down of sterling exchange rates by the exchange bankers, in spite of the nominal character of the Saturday market. Prices of stocks have shown some vio lent fluctuations during the week and mounted to a level considerably higher than on last Saturday. The bond market was weak in the earlier part of the week, but recoveries in some issues made the market Irregular later. Dealing were not large at any time. United States new 4s, registered, advanced % and the old 4s and 5s declined V4 in the bid price. (By Private Wire to Murphy & Co.) £ * r W f f I I t 1 COKtj PS 5 5 « » . Southern Pacific .31% 31% 31% 31% American Tobacco.87% 88% 87% 88% Amer. Sugar Refining . .115% 116% 115V* 116% Amer. Steel and Wire .. 30% 31 30% 30% Brook. Rapid Transit... 50% 50% 49% 50% Chic., Burl, and Quit* . .121% 123 121% 122% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 27 27% 27 27% Federal Steel . 32 82 81% 31% Reading firsts .54% 55% 64% 66% M., K. and T. pfd .27% 27% 27% *7% Louisville and Nashville 70% 71% 70% 71% Manhattan Elevated ... 86% 86% 86% 86% Missouri Pacific .47% 48% 47% 48% Metropolitan Ry .147 147% 147 147% Northern Pacific . 46 47 46% 46% Northern Pacific pfd ... 67% 67% 67% 67% Reading .15% 15% 15% 15% Rock Island .104% 104% 101% 104% St. Paul .112% 113% 112% 113% Southern Ry pfd . 51% 52 51% 52 Tenn. Coal and Iron .... 54 55 54 65 Wabash pfd .16% 17% 19% 17% Western Union .78% 78% 7S% 78% BONUS U. S. 2s registered when Issued . 104 U. 8. 2s coupon when Issued . 104% United States 3s registered . 109% United States 3s coupon . 109% United States new 4s registered . 134% United States new 4s coupon . 134% United States old 4s registered .- 114% United States old 4s coupon . 115% United States 5e registered . 113% United States 5s coupon . 113% Virginia Centuries . 89% Flmanelal New York, September 29 —The Commer cial-Advertiser's London financial cable gram says: The market here was lethargic and dull all around today. There was practically no tension because of the monetary and political apprehensions which prevailed. Tho American department was featureless. Prices were lower, following the New York lead, though the quotations generally were above parity. Berlin apparently is still In clined to sell. Money was not so scarce today as was expected owing to the repayment made yesterday by the bank. Discount was a shade easier. Gold to the amount of £30.000 has been exported to Roumania. Silver was steady, but quieter. New York Cottou Future* By Private Wire to H. D. Cothran & Co. — o s T S f § I { MONTHS S \ 3 S x - ■ : January .... ...... 9.72 9775 9.70 §772 March . 9.71 9.74 9.71 9.72 May . 9.70 9.75 9.G9 9.72 July . .. 9.71 9.71 9.69 9.71 October .10.10 10.23 10.10 10.IS November . 9.87 9.90 9.84 9.89 December . 9.72 9.75 9.71 9.72 Treasury Statement Washington, September 29.—Today’s state ment of. the Treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 5150,000,000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows H. D. COTHRAN & CO. Members of Chicago Board of Trade. Booms 1 and 2 Alabama National Bank Building. Private leased wires to New York, New . Orleans and Chicago. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. All purchases and sales are made direct on the Exchange for which the order la given. Correspondents—J. H. Parker &. Co.; c. W. Dee & Co.; Purnell, Hagamau <fc Co., New York; Fairchild & Hobson, New Or leans; Ware ft Deland. Chicago References—First National Bank of Bir mingham; First National Bank of Rome, Ga. TELEPHONE No. U45. Special attention given to orders over telephone and orders sent from out of the dlty, MURPHY & CO. (Incorporated) ALABAMA NATIONAL BANK B'LD'fi Private Leased Vires Direct to New York New Orleans and Chicago. COTTON, STOCKS «f> GRAIN. NEW YORK OFFICE—NO. 61 BROADWAY. Offices in principal cities throughout the South. i ~^i W rite for our Market Manual and book con taining instructions for traders. _ PHONE No, M2. October 1st, 1900. Wo beg to announce that wo have this day removed to our now office, 2010 First Avenue, where we shall continue to trausaot u general Real Estate, Insurance and Stock and Bond Business. Respectfully, William Berney & Co., available cash balance of $1$5,062,372; gold, m2U,215. Chicago Change Chicago, September 29.—Wheat dipped to day on easy cables, good weather and large Danubian shipments, but recovered on lo cal buying, October closing V4@%c lower. Corn closed 94c and oats a shade lower. Provisions clos- d unchanged. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles' |Opcnod~|Hlghe»tl Lowest] Closing W't - | I | I Sept .. ,.|.I 76941 75941 76% Oct ., ,.| 76% ] 76941 75441 7*94 Nov .. ,.| 77941 77941 7894 ! 77 Corn — I | | I Sept .. ,.| 40 | 40 | 38941 39 Oct .. ,.| 39% | 39% | 38941 38% Nov .. ,.| 36941 36741 36941 36% Oats — | | I Sept .. ..| 21741 21741 21741 2174 Oct .. ..| 21941 22 | 21941 2174 Nov .. ..| 22941 22941 22941 *2% Pork - | | | | Oct „. ,.| 12.20 | 12.30 | 12.20 | 12.20 Nov .. ,.| 11.30 j 11.35 | 11.30 11.35 Jan .. ..| 11.55 | 11.70 | 11.56 11.60 Lard — j | | Oct .. ..| 7.12941 7.15 | 7.07 7.07 Nov _j 7.07 | 7.10 j 7.05 7.05 Jan .. ..| 6.80 | 6.82 | 6.77 0.80 Ribs — | || Sept .. ..I 8.37 8.37 | 7.87 | 7.87 Oct .. 7.80 7.82 | 7.77 | 7.80 Jan .. ..j 6.20 6.25 6.20J 6.20 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull; winter patents $3.9004.10, straights $3.2003.80, clears $3.5003.60, spjrlng specials $4.70, patents $3.G0@4.10, straights $3,100 3.60,bakers' $2.3002.80. No. 3 spring wheat 7607794c, No. 2 red 73078c. No. 2 corn 38%0 3994c, No. 2 yellow corn 39039%c. No. 2 outs 2294c, No. 2 white 26027c, No. 3 white 210 2594c. No. 2 rye 5194c. Fair to choice malt ing barley 54057c. No. 1 flaxseed $1.4794. No. 1 northwestern $1.4794. Prime timothy seed $1.3004.45. Mess pork, per barrel, $12.20 012.25. Lard, per 100 pounds, $7.1207.15. Short rib sides, loose, $8.1008.25. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, 6%06%c. Short clear slde3 boxed $8.2008.30. Whisky, basis of high wines, $1.27. Sugars unchanged. LOCAL MARKETS. 1 oral Cotton Market Good middling . 9% Middling . 9% Strict low middling . 9% 'Ohe Tron Market. Birmingham, September 29—The following are the present quotations tn iron: IF .*12.50 2F .11.50 SF .1100 4F . 10.50 G F . 10 00 18 . 12.50 28 .1150 Bocal Stork* and Bond* Bid. Ask’d First National Bank .140 150 B'ham Truat and Savings Bank..105 110 Ala. Trust and Savings Co.100 108 Jefferson County Bank . 95 • People's Savings Bank.97 100 Alabama National Bank •••.•■■..100 • Bernay National Bank.90 100 Waterworks stock .nora • B'ham Waterworks bonds .101 • Sloss-Sheffleld 8. ft I Co. com... 16 18'4 Sloss-Sheffleld 8. ft I. Co. pfd .. 62 62^ Sloss-Sheffleld 8. ft I. Co. bonds..104 107 B. R. & E. bonds .100 102V4 B. R. ft E. pfd stock . GO • B. R. ft E. common stock .40 • Bessemer L. ft I. Co. stock. 19 20 B'ham Re'ty Co. Prl. Hen bonds.100 • B'ham Realty Co. mort. bonds.. 75 80 B’ham Realty Co. pfd stock .... 60 65 B’ham Realty Co. com. stock.... 10 12 North B'ham Land Co. I 15 Old Ensley . I 7 New Ensley . I 100 New Ensley. I 60 The Ensley Co. .. I 660 East Lake Land Co. 20 25 Avondale Land Co.... »«•■■• . 75 85 Birmingham Ice Co.... 50 60 Avondale Mills.75 90 Auditorium. • *0 Indian Head Mills (cotton).90 • Alabama State bonds, class A .. ! 110 Alabama State bonds, class B ., t U0 Alabama State bonds, class C .. ! 106 Alabama State bonds, funded ....106 110 •None offered. INo bid. Birmingham City Bond* Bid. Asked. 6's, due 1917 .104 6's. due 1918 .104 112 6's, due 1919 .105% 112 6’s, due 1920 •••••• •••••• ••. 97 108 6's, due 1921 •....« •••••. 98 109 6's, due 1921 . 107 113 6's, due 1922 . 108 114 6's, due 1923 .. ............ 108 114 6's, due 1924 ... 109 115 7's, due 1901 .Nominal. 8'S, due 1902 .Nominal. Fruits end Proiluce Butter—White clover, pound prints, -27c; Elgin (standard), 23c; best creamery, 25c; Mississippi best grade, 23c; country, 13® 15c. IrlEh potatoes, 60c per bushel. Sweet potatoes, 31.50®1.75 per bushel. Grapes—Concord, 12%u per small basket and 20c per large basket. Apples. 32.2503.00 per barrel. Pears—Kiefer, 31-7502.00 per barrel. Bananas, 75090c per bunch. Lemons, 53.0004.50. Poultry — Best friers, 25c: medium, 18® 20c; hens, 27%@30c; ducks, 20025c. Eggs. 15c. Onions, l%c per pound. Cabbage, l%c per pound. i ucai ? lupie Morpnei Flour—Best patent, 64.65; half patent, 34.00. Sugar—Granulated, 6%c; V. C., 8%c. Coffee-Green, 12©18%c; Arbuckle's pack age*. 313.45; Lyon’s packages, 312.46. Lard. 8%e basis. Meats—Clear ribs sides, 8%; bacon bellies, 11c- dry salted bellies, 9%c; best haras, 12c; Four X hams, 11c; California hams, 8c; breakfast bacon, 12c. Molasses—Centrifugal. 15036c; sugar house 20035c; Georgia cane. 35038c. Rlc*-4%c: fancy, 7a Corn—Mixed. 68c; white, 59c. Meal—Jim Dandy, 96c; Joe Darter, 92a Hay—Choice timothy. *18.00; No. 1, *17.00; clover mixed, *18.00; prairie, *11.00. Oats—Mixed, 35c; white, 36c. Bran-Mixed, *17.00; pure wheat, *18.00. Cotton seed meal, 332.50. Try a Texie for a good smoke Favorite—Moerlein Beer. ONE CENT A WORD No Ad. Taken for I -ess Than 25 Cento. (Continued From Sixth Page.) , ^ FOR RENT__I FOR RBNT-One nice furnished foom, 6th. i avenue. No J.717. FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms, with, furniture, electric lighto, bath; convenient to two boarding houses. 2109 7th avenue, • north. FOR RENT—After October 1, to one or two, gentlemen, room with or without board; strictly private family; fine, central loca-, tion; references required. Answer, Home, care Age-Herald. FOR RENT—One-half of fny resid°nce, conveniently located In the city and In good neighborhood; suitable for light housekeeping or roomers. Address N. B., care Age-Herald. FOR PRETTY COM FLEXION ~drink~Ken^ tucky Blue Lick water, sold at 25c gal lon, at Andrew Collas’ soda fount, First avenue and Twenty-first street. _ FOR RENT—Two rooms, furnished, to 4 gents or couple without children. 1919V& Fourth avenue. FOR RENT—Unfurnished, a large pleasant room, excellent location; terms reason able, 800 North 19th. _ FOR RENT—$27.50—New 6-toobThouse, fine bath, electric lights—today. For real es tate bargains see us. Berry & Co., 8 Dr. Smith Block. Phone 471. FOR RENT—One of my school rooms, 627 22 street, north; preferably to music teach er. FOR RENT—Office on ground floor; con veniently located and very desirable. Ap ply to William Borney & Co., 2015 First avenue. 9-30-3t DON’T FORGET there is a pound box of chocolate for 25c sold at Andrew Collas’; will sell them every Monday morning at cost; he gets them by express daily. FOR RENT—One nicely-furnished front room for couple or four gentlemen. 2012 Fourth avenue. FOR RENT—Front room, centrally locat ed, furnished or unfurnished, w'ith pri vate family. Address X, care Age-Herald. FOR RENT—Store room and a furnished front room at 1723 Fourth avenue. 9-30-3t ~ TO LgNU ~~ MONEY TO LEND - We nave $70,000 to lend on Birmingham property at a very low rate; we avoid long delays, and lend from $500 up; call on us. 424 Chalifoux Building. D. F. Allen & Co. 6-10-tf WANTED—To lend, money on real estate in city or suburbs; 1, 2 or 3 years, 8 per cent; no commission. Call on L. C. Dickey, Attorney.9-2-sun-tf ~~*HJAlip JKKS W A XTJKiV_ EXCELLENT TABLE and day board at 2316 Fourth avenue. 9-26-7t WANTED-Boarders at 517 23d street; terms $17.50 to $20. ROOM AND RC^ARD, first-class, for two more couple3 or four gentlemen, at 605 20th street, north, Monday and Tuesday. FIRST-CLASS BOARD—Nicely-furnished room in house with modern conveniences. Apply at 2221 5th avenue; terms, $45 a couple. WANTED-<lentlemen to occupy front room with board; also day boarders. 2000 5th avenue. MISCKLLANKOl^_ SPECIAL MESSENGER SERVICE-Bell telephone 36, People’s phone 4 times 9. Office 112 N. 19th street; open 7 a. m. to 11 p. m.; delivers notes and packages in city 10 and 15c; no charge for answer; business confidential; ask for out-of-town, rates; stationery free; we wake you up; rates; stationery free. S. Y. Hampton, pro- , prietor. Reference: H. B. Gray, President P. S. B. and T. Co.2-6-tf CREDIT to reliable parties. Diamonds and watches, Jewelry, silverware and clocks, on small weekly or monthly pay ments, lowest prices; best quality; goods guaranteed; will call it desired. E. Low insohn, 2010 First ave. _4-27-tf PATTERN MAKING promptly done. Caf fy & Powell. 1529* 2d avenue. 1-18-tf SAND sharp and clean In canoad lots de livered promptly. J. Lundie Sloss, Chaii foux Bldg. Phone 372. _8-31-tf STOCK COMPANIES ORGANIZPID—Book mailed free; working capital procured. Corporation Law Co., Washington, D. C. 9-23-2t-sun LAWYERS—I will sell a surplus set of Lawyers’ Reports Annotated cheap. Fred S. Ball, Montgomery, Ala. 9-23-2t-sun MORPHINE—Opium, laudanum; cocoaine halbit; myself cured; will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mr3. Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. 3-25-3un-tf PINE BELT RABBITR Y—Hlgh~grade”Bel-’ gian hares; splendid foundation stock and choice specimens for establishing herds of the highest type; pedigreed and thor oughbred hares a specialty. Write for information and prices to Alms & Hedge, Citronelie, Ala. _ _ 9-23-4t-su_ GALVESTON HORROR—Official story of terrible disaster, by Murat Halstead; nearly 500 pages; illustrated; agwlits ask ing $10 per day; best terms; freight paid; credit given; books ready; outfit free; good salary and expense* to special agents; send quick. Smith Andrews, 334 Dearborn, Chicago. 9-27-2t-thu-sun BOILERS—Eight cylinder boilers, 36” in diameter, 36’ long, in good condition; also one smoke stack 4’ in diameter, about 80’ long, and one engine of 90-horse poorer. The Cypress Lumber Co., Apalachibola, Fla. 9-27-9t-thu-sun-tues SPECIAL to canvassers. Send for free prospectus of official book “Galveston Horror.” Best, bona-fide terms and credit given; big money for quick work. Address, American Library Co., Philadel phia, Pa. 9-28-e.od. 3t j. C.~BURNS7The~hustling^union pAinter, is out for business, and is strictly on the move. His shop is located on corner Av enue A and Twentieth street. Leave or I ders and same will be promptly attended to. Three union men wanted Monday. J. C. Burns, Age-Herald.___ M EC HAN ICS; ENGINE ERS. elec t rician s, firemen, etc. A free scholarship In engin eering will be awarded to a few well recommended applicants. Amer’gan School of Correspondence, Boston, Mass. 9-30-2t BANKING HOUSE J. OVERTON PAINE & 60., 7 WALL ST,, NEW YORK. MONEY LOANED ON LISTED SECURITIES Orders executed for Stocks. Bonds, Cotton, (train, So., cash or on margin. Write for Special Market Lcttor on BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT. TIIIS STOCK IS MR. PAINE'E SPECIALTY. ?F.A.RogersACo.9inc.> l Bankers, Brokers and Dealers la S < Stocks, Cotton, Grain and S ( Provisions > ) fob CASH OR MARGIN. S S Prompt Service,Liberal Treatment. Writefor ) J terms, special quotation service and booklet J S “Safety and Cartalaty la Specutatioa" f \ 38 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. 1 STOWERS FURNITURE 60MPANY. LARGEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN THE STATE_ If there are any Furniture buyers in this district who have never given us a chance to show them our goods and get our prices, we especially invite you to give us a few moments of your time, for we have the money-savers. Give us a call, if only to price. lied room Suit $36.50 CASH or CREDIT—Solid oak, splen didly finished, top 20*46, French bevel noA ims osuotuuij uy *9SX08 JOJjjui have to see it to appreciate its size. Now’s the Time to buy a SIDEBOARD. $142.50 boards for.$107.50 $luO boards for. 80.00 $75.00 boards for. 60.00 $00.00 boards for. .... 47.50 $35.00 boards for. 25.00 $2i.50 boards for. 20.00 $20.00 boards for. 15.50 $14.00 boards for. 10.75 Give us a look if in need of anything for your house. We have what you want. Portiers, Per Pair, $2.85 CASH or CRKDIT—Full length and width, in bright colors. We guarantee a saving of 25 per cent, in these goods. An immense stock. *32.,*J kind for.*25.00 *27.00 kind for.22.00 *22.50 kind for.17.50 *15.00 kind for.12.00 *12.50 kind for. 9.50 *10.00 kind for. 8.00 *7.50 kind for... 5.50 *5.00 kind for. 3.75 *4.00 kind for. 2.86 --- LACE CURTAINS Are In Tills Gut, Too. (12.50 goods for.a.(9.00 (10.00 goods for. (7.50 (8.00 goods for. (6.00 (6.50 goods for.(5.00 (5.00 goods for....(3.75 (3.75 goods for. (2.75 (2.50 goods for.. .» ...(1.75 (1.75 goods for...(1.25 (1.26 goods for.. ..• ...(1.00 mK! goods for. 69c Boblnet kind, in blue, pink or yel low colors. We have the largest stock of theso goods to be found In the city. Chiffonier $12.50 CASH or CREDIT—Qua rler-sa wed and polished, mirrors 12x20, French bevel; serpentine top drawers; two hat boxes. Try one and you will learn Its worth. W OO Chiffoniers for.*32.50 *32.50 -.uffoniers for.25.00 *25.00 Chiffoniers tor.18.00 *18.00 Chiffoniers for.13.50 *14.00 Chiffoniers for... ..10.00 *12.00 Chiffoniers for. 9.00 *10.00 Chiffoniers for. 7.50 *9.00 Chiffoniers for.... 6.50 CASH OR_ CREDIT. Ladles* Desk $6.19 CASH or CREDIT—Polished quar tor-sawed oak, mahogany flnisrh or blrds-eyo maple. A nice present to sweetheart, wife or daughter. ROCKERS By the thousand—It you want them that way. We have been told so many times that we have the best selection ol Rockers In the city that "it must be so." Don’t be afraid to say the South ern ladles become bewildered even at a glance of our fourth floor, where hundreds of styles of these goods are kept, wdd prices; hand carved In any shape or style. Remember we are in the furniture business and we are doing the business. Why? Because stock and prices suit. Child's Rocker 58c CASH or CREDIT—We are well fixed for the little folks. Rattan Rock ers, High Chairs, even those that oan be changed to Go-Carts and Commode Chairs. See our selection. We have carriages and Go-Carte In great vari ety. Mall us your order If you haven't time or too far to come to our store. We guarantee satisfaction. I WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Stowers FtnntiStare Co» 1816-1818 Second Avenue. . IM ill- —— _1.QST __ 1.0ST -A first-class pair of fall and winter shoes If you fall to buy them of 13. B. Luster, the Practical Shoeman, 217 Nine teenth street.__9-25- tf LOST—Pafr goV spectacles, either night of Field’s minstrels or next morning. On leather case was J. C. Condon, Opelika, Ala. Finder will please return to 2111 Mor ris avenue and receive reward. CALIFORNIA ORANGES are expected to day or tomorrow; fine. Andrew Collas, First avenue and Twenty-llrst street. PkKUONAL MARRY-^Oldest^monthiy matrimonial pa per published. 2c; wealthy patrons. Mr. and Mrs. Drake, 155 E. Washington street, Chicago, 111. _9-23-.'ll-.sun REAL ESTATE ____ $1500—$500 cash, balance 1 and 2 years, two good houses and lot, now renting for $20 per month in advance; 18th street, near 8th avenue, north. Two houses and lot 3d avenue, north, pays good Interest and en hancing in value, $2000; easy terms. $625—One-half cash, balance 12 months, 5 beautiful lots fronting on car line at Ar lington Station; very choice. Beautiful block, 330x660, three and one-half blocks northwest from city, one and one-half miles from Jonesvllle; line for summer home; $600, easy terms. $1100—Business lot. 17th street, between E and F, Ensley; can be made to pay big per cent, and will enhance In value. Nice resident lot, 40x200 feet, North Highlands, block of car line, $250. Fine South High lands lot, 66x122, $900. $2000—One-half cash, balance 12 months, business lot, 25x140 feet, one block west of Jefferson Theatre. 12-room house and lot now renting for $27.50 per month. $2259; $800 cash, balance $25 per month. By paying first payment rent will pay balance. SMITH & STILLMAN, 220 21st street. FOR SALE. $1800—Lot 65x100, desirable, on Twenty-first st., near Ave. E. $2300—Lot 60x100, cor. Twenty-first st. and Ave. C. $2250—Lot 100x140, a beauty; northwest cor. Tenth ave. and South Sixteenth st. $2260—Lot 70x240; elegant; Eleventh ave., south, near Thirteenth st. $3400—Dwelling, No. 2420 First ave.: 8 rooms. $3200—2918 Juniper ave.; 2-story residence. 34500—No. 1500 Eleventh ave., south; good for a home or to rent. $5000—Residence, 7 rooms, Eleventh ave., near Thirteenth st. $4760—An 8-room house on Eleventh ave., near Twelfth st. $6500—Large house, 8 rooms, large lot, Twelfth ave. and Twenty-second st. north $3350—Cottage, 311 South Twentleth^st. $3150—Two-story frame dwelling, 7" rooms, Thirtieth st., near Eighth ave. $1000—Cottage in WoodUwn, near public school and car lines. $4500—No. 408 South Twentieth st.; brick store; 3 stories. $15.000—3 brtek stores. South Twentieth st. $12,000—Thres-story brick building; lot lOOx 140; Ave. B and Twenty-first st $27 000—Six two-story brick stores on First ave. JOHN G. SMITH * CO, 82U North Twenty-first St Phone 40. »-23-tf-»uu Drink Moerlein Beer. « REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. Nice residence on Beech street, South High lands. 815 18th street, five rooms. 2522 Avenue E. eight rooms. 619 and 525 26th street, south, six rooms. 2627 and 2531 Prospect avenue. 713 and 721 25th street, south. 2521, 2125, 2513, 2516 Avenue H. 3616 Juniper street, 9 rooms. 2226 Arlington avenue, 7 rooms. Cottage on Quinlan avenue, between 20th and 21st streets. 718 North 26th street, five rooms and ser vant’s house. 1308 Huntsville avenue, northslde. 22(1 street, near 26th street, North Birming ham. STORES. 12 South 20th street. 1702-8 First avenue. 2012-14-16 Avenue A. 2021 First avenue. Also a lot ot nice offices tor rent In Of fice Building. Nice large hall. Also nice dwellings for sale In all parts of the city; suburban lots; also business property for sale on terms to suit pur chaser. Call and look over our list. It will Interest you. W. N. MALONE & CO., Real Estate & Insurance Agents, 2017 First Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. FOR SALE—HAVE To HURRY. $7,000—35 feet 1st avenue; Improved. $3,000— Residence 60x140, 1st avenue. $6,250—1st avenue 26xlS2, near 21st street. $5,000—Powell avenue between 19th and 20th streets, $15,000—No. 2026 2d avenue, four stories. $12,000—2d avenue, near 21st street, three stories. $7,600—2d avenue corner 17th street. $12,000—2d avenue corner 22d street; im proved. $19,000—2d avenue between 18th and 19th streets. $2,500—190 feet on Railroad. $5,250—6th avenue residence. $3,750—100 feet on 6th avenue. $1,500—Residence 7 rooms Avenue F; easy payments. $4.250—Sth avenue residence. $1,260-Lot Avenue H near 20th street $4,260—Seven houses Avenue H. No bargains genuine without the signa ture of 5-23-lm-wed-frl-sun FOR RENT. Ready for ocoupanoy Mon day, October 1,1218 11th Ave., 8 rooms. 1006 14th Street South- 9 room and aore lot Jones vllle. Chiohester, Tancey & Orr, Tel. 606. 118 21st St. I REAL ESTATE ~~ FOR "SALE. $1850—Splendid 7-room 2-»tory hous* with bath and gas on 15th street, South High lands; one-third cash, balance 1 and 8 years. This Is certainly a cheap home.. $1800—100x85ft., corner, 21st street and E. $850—50x140, with good 4-room residence, oa 4th avenue, north, between 11th and an<| 12th streets $860—60x140, on 261',* street, between I and J, $1000—100x100, corner, 31st street and Are. E. $2800—100x140, on F and 33d, with threw good houses. This property rents for $390. $1160—Good 6-room house on 17th, between F and G. $3000—100x100, comer, 31st and I, South High. lands. ,| $660—60x190, on G, near 31st street. R. H. THOMAS. 2026 3d Aye. Phone 150. 9-30-eod-l-mo. There is no Better Oppor tunity offered for in vestment in REAL ESTATE THAN North Birmingham. This growing suburb is within fifteen minutes’ ride of the center of Birmingham. Correspondence in reference to location of industries is solicited. E. N. CULLOM, Pres., NORTH BIRMINGHAM LAND CO 2007 First Avc. E. N. CUIXOM, SMITH CU1XQM, President. Sso'y-Trsaa. W O. HAGBRTY, M fr. ALABAMA MSTMCT CO, HXT7 First Ave. BXAMINBH9 Of* LAUD TITUS. Tbs Oldest and Most Reliable Coraps ay In tbs South. i ---• STANDARD LOAN CO, 2010 FIRST AVENUE, loans money on watches — — cal Instruments. die cell and sllyar bought. Unredeemed pledges Mi sale. „,y., H DON’T FORGET ~ Our Born Steel Ranges. Estes Hardware Co.