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TE : PERD MARX STORE EGINS MONDAY MORNING to take on its Holiday Attire. Special Holiday Sales of Handker chiefs and Furs—introductory of Sales to follow of equal interest to you. For quicker service, | we have enlarged our delivery force, placed new cashiers and wrappers, new floor walkers, in fact | we can deliver your parcels to you IN ONE MINUTE, no matter how busy the day—quite an item to f you. - ._. i ■■ "i —.- - ' ' ■ -T-. | Ladies'Outing i Gowns. | Good quality of Outing in a large range of patterns, full width EEf% l and length, sell at 75c for. WWW f ~ Best long fleece Outing neatly trim | med in lace beading and embroidery, | neat designs, $1.75 kind 93C Children’s Outing Gowns, good I quality, nice neat patterns, ages 4Ep | 4 to 8 years, $gc kind for. ®WWw Best long fleece Outing, neatly | trimmed in embroidery, pretty pat terns, ages 5 to 8 years; 99c EQa j kind for. WWU ! » ____________ — Underwear. Good winter weather Under wear. A fe\% special prices sprinkled among them to give you an Idea how we-sell them. Extra heavy fleece lined Vests and Pants, hi gray and white, all IQa sizes; worth 25c; special. IwU 50 dozen Ladies’ Vests, in natural j only, extra fine Jersey ribbed and ■ heavy fleece, worth 39c, OCp • special. fclJL Extra weight Jersey ribbed Merino Pants and Vests, in white and natural, special. "WWl# Ladles’ union Suits. Ladies’ Union Suits—50 dozen extra heavy fleece lined Vests and Pants, sizes 3 to 6, worth 50c, 9Qf* | special.■Ul I I Extra weight Jersey ribbed in white and natural, Oneita pattern, sizes 3 to 6, 75c kind, special. GUiidren’s underwear. Children’s Underwear—Extra heavy Vests and Pants in white and gray, for boys and girls, full long, fleece, regular price 25c, special. lOu Extra heavy fifre^Jersey ribbed Vests and Pants in gray only, for boys and girls, full fleece, 59c quality, special. WWW Giiiidren's union Suits. Children’s Union Snits—Extra heavy fleece lined in gray and white, sells regular for 25c, special.... iwU Extra weight mixture with a heavy fleece lining, in white and gray, ! 65c quality, special. *lwll i Waists: 25c Nazareth Waist lor 19c. Winter weight Nazareth Waist. The stretchy waist for the active youngster, strapped ffcom shoulder, sell always at 25 cents, --OUR ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE OF HANDKERCHIEFS BEGINS MONDAY MORNING Embracing 1,000 dozen Handkerchiefs for Ladies, Children and Men—bought especially for this big sale. They’re priced below usual prices. Economical buyers would do well to — ERE RARE EOR THE HOLIDA YS Ladies’ Swiss Embroidered Handkerchief, J A p with val. lace, sheer quality; special.I4lf Misses’ 9-inch Linen Hemstitched Handker- JCp chief, beautiful embroidered designs, 20c quality. I3u Pure linen center with Roubaix val. lace OKp edging, 35c quality.. Z3u Misses’ linen center and lace edge 9-inch QCp size, very sheer, 35c quality.Z3u Ladies’ pure linen, scalloped, hemstitched and embroidered, 100 different designs to select OCp Sheer linen, with black embroidered designs and scalloped edges, fifty assorted designs to select *)Cp Thread cambric center with best quality val. A Qp lace edging, 75c quality.4ju Hand embroidered linon handkerchiefs, deep em broidered corners and around edge, scalloped A Qp and hemstitched. 75c quality ..4dlf Pure sheer thread cambric centers, hand embroid ered corners and edge, with val. lace edge. 7Cn $1 quality.| 3u Real Duchesse Lace Handkerchiefs, executed by hand, all in new and original designs, OOC from $2.50 to .iJVjg Ladies’ Swiss and double Mexican hemstitch-QQp ed handkerchiefs, 60c quality, doz.Owlf Ladies’ Swiss embroidered hemstitched and scal lopod handkerchiefs, vory sheer, 75c quali- CQp Boys' and Misses’ white and colored bordered handkerchiefs, hemstitched, 60c quality, per Ar dozen.43 C Ladies’ lace edge, Swiss embroidered and scal loped Handkerchiefs, varied designs, per Oj JQ Ladies’ sheer quality hemstitohed linen Oj Qc Handkex’chiefs, $1.50 quality, dozen.WnZ3 Ladies’ pure linen hemstitched handkoi'chief, neatly embroidered patteims, very sheer, reg- JCp ular 25c quality.13 If Men’s Handkerchiets. Large colored border or plain white hemstitch-/! p ed cambric Handkerchief, inch hem.Tu Large turkey red /In Handkerchiefs.*TU Extra large turkey red handkerchiefs, fast Qp Colored border linen cambric, i, i and 1 On inch hem.Ou Plain linen finished Cambric, hemstitched, i, jflp Sheer White Cambric, hemstitched, all |Qlp Pure linen hemstitched handkerchief, sheer; ICp 25c kind all pure linen hemstitched Hand- |Qp kerchiefs, hems 1-8 to 1 inch.13b Grass bleached all pure linen hemstitched, OCp very sheer and soft, 89c quality.Zub Better grades of linen from 35c to 75c. Initial Japonet Handkorchief, with large silk Iftp embroidered initial.lUb " Hand embroidered linen initial Handker-AA chief, 6 in box.01 • Z U Pure Irish linen, very sheer and neat, with Qj rrt hand embroidered initial, 6 in box.. ..uliGU Silk handkerchief, with 0J»n silk initial.......ZQb Large Japanezo silk Handkerchief, with Cftp large silk embroidered initial.uUb Plain white silk handkerchiefs— 40c kind 25c 50c ‘ ‘ 40c 69c “ 50c 89c “ 75c $1.25 “ $1.00 1.39 “ *1.25 1.69 “ 1.50 Black Silk Handkerchiefs, 50c, 89c rfl and.Ol.DlJ One lot of fifty dozen Silk Handkerchiefs, CA with nobby colored borders, worth 75c. uUu Mufflers—Black, white and colored, 50c to $6.00 each. Special Holiday Sale of Furs Embracing all of this season’s Stylish Furs. Made by the best furriers. All selected skins At about one-third off. Genuine Mink Cape, 18 inches loug, with rip ple bottom, storm collar, lined with IQ Kfl Skinner’s satin, worth $27, special.. lOiUll Genuine Sable and Seal with extra long tab* and tails, storm collar, lined with QE flf) Skinner’s satin, worth $35, special. Genuine Blue Fox 10-inch Capo, extra long tabs and tails, storm collar, worth 40 QQ $58, special. HUiUO Collarettes. Imitation Stone Martin and seal yoke, Q QQ storm collar, worth $6, special. W«Ow Best quality Near Seal with tabs and natural teils, astrachan yoke, storm collar and A Ef| lined with purple satin, worth $7, at. . Brown Fox ro-inch Cape, with extra long tabs and tails, large storm collar, lined with good quality satin, worth #8.98, G TK special. Ua I V Best quality Near Seal 10-inch Cape, long tabs, six natural tails, white astrachan yoke, large storm collar, lined with good qual- Q QQ ity satin, worth $10.£0, special. DawO Genuine Mink, with seal yoke, long tabs and natural tails, lined with Skinner’s IQ Qfl satin, worth $16.50, special. IfaavU Best quality Electric Seal, 9-inch Cape, nat ural heads, long tabs and tails, lined with Skin ner’s satin, worth $20.00, AM QQ special. I4auv Genuine Black Martin with eight natural tails, storm collar, lined with Skinner’s QQ CQ satin, worth $35.00, special. £D|VU A Sale of Dolls 750 DOlls carried over from last year to be closed out next week. Some are slightly soiled. A saving from one-third to one-half. One table of Dolls with kid bodies, bisque heads, jointed dolls, many sold for 75c JQ. and 85c, your choice.. "twW One table of kid bodies and bisque heads joirjted dolls, sleeping eyes, natural hair, QQa sold from $1.25 to $2.00, your choice... 5JOC fl GomTort Sale. Ten Bales of Comforts that were slightly soiled by dust In transit. You couldn't tell it If we didn't show it to you—but they are not good enoOgh to sell at regular prices— So here they go: $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50 OE Comforts for. $2.^0, $3.00 and $3.25 ^1 Eft Comforts for. VlivU Blankets Also. 10-4 Alabama Wool Blanket for. 13 UC 10- 4 soft fleece Cotton Blan 11- 4 soft fleece Cotton 01 OC Blanket heavier weight. Wii«W Extra heavy white Cotton Blanket, full 11-4, silk hemmed, $2.00 01 jiQ Half wool, half Cotton Blanket, warp all wool, filling all cotton, 0O J| Q $3.50 value. All pure lamb’s wool Blanket, soft fleece, 11-4, $7.50 quality $5.90 1,200 yards of sponged Broadcloth and Satin finished Venetian Cloth on special sals next week, The color line includes forty different shades ; all this season’s most popular shades and black, 54 inehes wide; this season’s most pop ular fabric; worth $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. Sale Price, $1.50 a Yard. 240 yards of Imported English Peb ble Cheviot, 60 inches wide, in eight of the most desirable shades, including black; a most desirable'skirting and suiting; sells regular #2.00. ^ Sale Price, $1.69. For ye Goners. Something new in Shirtings for you that are interested in golfing. Imported French Flannels with embroidered golf designs in golf colors; patterns en tirely new and novel; no (I! Efl two alike. 2&D>DU The golf ascot to match the tie, with red or green stock and ends green with red stock, red with £1 CO green stock. Vl*wU Gotten Goods. Best brands prints... .4c Apron Checks. .4c Yard wide Percale, i2§ckind. . . fOc Hundred pieces of Flanneiette, ^ |. light and dark colors. I jjv Flannel Venicee, for waists and ICa kimonas, 19c kind. Ivv