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, CITY ORDINANCES. ~~No~22 ~~ " IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 32. To provide for the grading, macadamiz ing and curbing of certain streets and av enues. Section 1. Be it ordadned by the Mayor arra Aldermen of Birmingham, That the fol!owihg streets and avenues be graded, macadamized and the sidewalks curbed to wit;—Fifteenth street from Avenue E to Avenue J; Avenue J from Fifteenth to Eighteenth street, provided, however, that tihe sidewalk along the north skle of Avenue J from Seven teeth to Eighteenth streets shall not be Included In the above, it having been previously curbed. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the costs of said improvements authorized by this ordinance shall be assessed and levied against the property abutting on the por tion of the aforesaid streets and avenues improved and benefited ‘thereby. Provided, however, that the cost of all street im provements on street, avenue and alley intersections shall be assessed and levied against the property abutting on the streets and avenues or alleys so intersecting for one-half block in each direction. Provided, further, That tihe cost of grad ing or macadamizing of any street railroad or other railroad tracks and space between such tracks, and for eighteen inches on each side of the tracks, including switches and turnouts, shall not be assessed against the property abutting on said streets and avenues as aforesaid, but shall be assessed Against and collected from tiie owner of ^uch railroad, and shall be a Hen upon the railroad and the property used in connec tion therewith. Provided, however, that iwthing herein contained shaJl be construed to relieve any street railroad of its obliga tion in the matter of street improvements. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. W. M. DRENNEN. Mayor. Attest: H. D. WOOD, City Clerk. January 4tih and 11th, 1901. No. 32. RESOLUTION. Whereas, The Mayor and Aldermen of Birmingham have at this meeting of said board adopted an ordinance entitled ‘‘Im provement Ordinance No. 32, to provide for the grading, macadamizing and curbing of certain streets and avenues”; and Whereas, The estimated cost of said im provements has been ascertained to be $14,000; therefore, Be it resolved. That the Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall meet on the 0th day of February, 1901, at the Council chamber, at 8 o’clock p. m., to hear remonstrances and protests against the construction of said improvements. Be It further resolved. That notice of Ohe adoption of said ordinance shall be given by publishing the same, once a week for two successive weeks, to-wit:—Once during *he week ending the 5th day of January, and once during the week ending the 12th day of January, 1901, respectively, in the Age-Herald, a daily newspaper of general circulation, publis/hed in the city of Birm ingham, which notice shall contain, in ad dition to the ordinance, the estimated cost, as aforesaid, of the said improvement, and shall name the time and place at which the Board of Mayor and Aldermen will meet, as aforesaid, to ihear remonstrances and pro tests against the construction of said im provements. Be It further resolved. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to cause no tice by publication to be given, as is hereby provided for. Adopted January 2nd. 1901. II. D. WOOD. City Clerk. January 4th and 11th, 1901. No. 34. IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 34. To provide for the construction of a cer tain storm sewer and branches thereto. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of Birmingham, That storm sewers be constructed as follows: A main sewer shall be constructed begin ning at a point In Avenue D. 10 feet west of Fifteenth street, thence eastward along Avenue D to Fifteenth street, thence south ward along Fifteenth street to Avenue J, thence eastward along Avenue J and Cot tonwood avenue to Nineteenth street, thence southward along Nineteenth street to Twelfth avenue, south. Branch sewers shall be constructed as follows: On Avenue I from Fifteenth street to Sixteenth street; on Avenue H from Fifteenth street to Sixteenth street; on Av enue II from Fifteenth street to Fourteenth Ctreet; thence along Fourteenth street to Avenue I; on Avenue O from Fifteenth street to Sixteenth street; on Avenue F from Fifteenth street to Sixteenth street; on Avenue E from Fifteenth street to Six teenth street; on Avenue K from Nine teenth street to Nineteenth alley. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the said sewer shall be constructed with all proper and necessary manholes, catchbasins and inlets, and in accordance with the maps. prollleg, plans and specifications now on file in the office of the City Engineer of the city of Birmingham, to which ref erence Is hereby made. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That the cost of constructing the sewers authorized by this ordinance shall be assessed and levied against all the lots or parcels of land lying within the territory drained and benefited by said sewers In proportion to the amount of benefit accruing to each; provided. howTever, that a fair and just pro portion of the cost of construction of said sewers shall be assessed against any rail road on any street or avenue or rigtat of way drained by said sewer. Adopted January 2nd. 1901. W. M. DRENNEN. Mayor. Attest: H. D. WOOD, City Clerk. January 4th and 11th, 1901. _ No. 34. RESOLUTION. Whereas. The Mayor and Aldermen of Birmingham have at this meeting of said board adopted an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to provide for 'the construction of a certain storm sewer and branches thereto"; and. Whereas, The estimated cost of said Im provements baa been escertalned to be $27,000; therefore. Be It resolved, That 'the Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall meet on the flth day Of February, 1901, at the Council chamber, at 8 o’clock p. m., to hear remonstrances And protests against the construction of said improvements. Be It further resolved, That the said sewer Is constructed for the purpose of draining and benefiting the area bounded as follows, to-wlt; Beginning at Fifteenth street and Avenue E, thence westward along Avenue E to Fourteenth street, thence southward along Fourteenth street to the southwest corner of Fourteenth street and Avenue G, thence in a straight line to the northeast corner of Alley G and Thirteenth street, thence Southward along Thirteenth street to Alley I, thence eastward along Alley I to Four teenth street, thence southward along the east side of Fourteenth street to a point 50 feet north of Avenue K, thence In a straight line to a point on the north line of Avenue K, 118.9 feet east of Fourteenth street; thence eastward along the north line of Avenue K to the east side of Fifteenth fftreet, thence In a straight line to a polut on the west side of Sixteen'‘.h street 60 feet South of Alley J, thence eastward and par £llel with Alley J to East Seventeenth lley, thence In a straight line to the north rest corner of Avenue K and Eighteenth street, thence southward along the center {ine of Eighteenth street, If extended, to e point 175 feet south of Twelfth avenue, South; thence eastward and parallel to Twelfth avenue, south, to Nineteenth street; thence northward along Nineteenth street to Twelfth avenue, south; thence eastward •long Twelfth avenue, south, to a point 12S feet west of Twentieth street; thence north ward parallel to Twentieth street 270 feet, (hence eastward and parallel to Twelfth av enlie, south to Twentieth street; tfhenee northward along Twentieth street to a point 250 feet north of Avenue J, thence westward parallel to Avenue J to Seventeenth alley, thence westward In a straight line to a point on the west line of Seventeenth street, 80 feet north of Alley I; thane* west ward In a straight line ‘to a point on the south line of Avenue 1, 150 west of Seven teenth street; thence northward parallel to Seventeenth street to Alley H, thence east ward along Alley II to Sev^.^cth street, thence northward along Seventeenth street to Alley G, thence westward along Alley G to Sixteenth street, thence northwrard along Sixteenth street to Alley F, thence eastward along Alley F to Seventeenth street, thence northward along Seventeenth street to northwest corner of Alley D and Seventeenth street, thence in a straight line to a point on the south line of Avenue D 125 feet west of Seventeenth street, thence westward along Avenue D to Fifteenth street, thence southward along Fifteenth street to the point of beginning. Be it further resolved. That notice of the adoption of said ordinance shall be given by publishing the same once a week for two successive weeks, to-wdt: Once during the week ending the 5th day of January and once during the week ending the 12th day of January, 1901, respectively, In the Age Hccald, a daily newspaper of general cir culation. published in the cl'ty of Birming ham, which notice shall contain, in addi tion to the ordinance, the estimated cost, as aforesaid, of said improvements, and shall name the aforesaid time and place at w’hich the Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall meet as aforesaid, to hear protests and remonstrances against the construction of said improvements. Be it further resolved, That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to cause notice by publication to be given, as is hereby provided for. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. H. D. WOOD, City Clerk. January 4th and 11th, 1901. i>o. w. IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 61. To provide for the grading and macadam izing of alley running north and south through block No. 772 of tfhe city of Birm ingham. Section 1. Be J>t ordained by the M«.yor and Aldermen of Birmingham, That the alley running north and south In block No. 772 be graded and macadamized. See. 2. Be it further ordained. That the f'ost of improvements authorized by this ordinance shall he assessed and levied against the property abutting on the por tion of the aforesaid alley improved and benefited thereby. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. W. M. DRENNEN, Mayor. Attest: H. D. WOOD City Clerk. January 4th and 11th, 1901. No. 61. RESOLUTION. Whereas, The Mayor and Alderman of Birmingham have at this meeting of said hoard adopted an ordinance entitled “Im provement Ordinance No. 61, to provide for the grading and macadamizing of alley run ning north and south through block 772 of the city of Birmingham. Whereas, The estimated cost of said im provements has been ascertained to be $G00; therefore. Be it resolved, That the Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall meet on to-wlt: the 6th day of February at the Council chamber, at 8 o’clock p. m., to hear remonstrances and protests against the construction of said improvements. Be it further resolved, That the notice of the adoption of said ordinance shall be given by publishing the same once a week for two successive weeks, to-wit: Once dur ing the week ending 6th of January, 1901, and once during the week ending 12th day of January, 1901, In the Age-Herald, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published in the city of Birmingham, which notice shall contain in addition to the ordinance the estimated cost as aforesaid of said im provements, and shall name the aforesaid time and place at which the Board of Mayor and Aldermen will meet as aforesaid to hear remonstrances and protests against the construction of said improvements. Be it further resolved, That the City Clerk be and he Is hereby directed to cause notice by publication to be given as is hereby provided for. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. H. D. WOOD. City Clerk. January 4th and 11th, 1901. No. 62. IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 62. To provide for 'the grading and macadam izing, curbing and paving of certain por tions of Avenue I, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. Section 1. Be tt ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of Birmingham, That Av enue I, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, be graded and macadamized, and that the curbing be reset along the south side of said avenue, ami that the sidewalk along both sides of said avenue be paved with artificial stone. Soc. 2. Be it further ordained, That the cost of street improvements be assessed and levied against the property abutting on the portion of the aforesaid avenue improved and benefited thereby. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. W. M. DRENNEN, Mayor. Attest: II. D. WOOD. City Clerk. January 4th and 11th. 1901. No. 62. RESOLUTION. Whereas, The Mayor and Aldermen of Birmingham have at this meeting of said board, adopted an ordinance entitled “Im provement Ordinance No. 62, to provide for the grading, macadamizing, curbing and paving of certain portions of Avenue I, be tween Nineteenth and Twentieth streets”; and Whereas, The estimated cost of said im provements has been ascertained to be $1400; therefore, Be It resolved. That the Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall meet on the 6th day of February, 1901, at the Council chamber, at 8 o’clock p. m., to hear remonstrances and protests against the construction of said Improvements. Be it further resolved, That notice of the adoption of said ordinance shall be given by publishing the same, once a week for two successive weeks, tp-wit: Once during the week ending the 6th day of January and once during the week ending the 12th day of January. 1901, respectively, in the Age-Herald, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published In the city of Birm ingham, which notice shall contain in addi tion to the ordinance the estimated cost, as aforesaid, of said 'improvements, and shall name the time and place at which the Board of Mayor and A1 dec-man will meet as afore said to hear remonstrances and protests against the construction of said improve ments. Be it further resolved that the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to cause notice by publication to be given as is hereby pro vided for. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. H. D. WOOD. City Clerk. January 4th and 11th, 1901. No. 63. IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 63. To provide for the grading, macadamising and curbing of certain streets and avenues. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of Birmingham, That Eleventh avenue, from Nineteenth to Twen ty-first streets. Twenty-first and Twenty third streets, from Eleventh to Twelfth av enues. be graded and the sidewalks along the same be curbed, Including the returns at all street and avenue Intersections, and the pa«rts of the aforesaid portions of the said street end avenues lying between the curb line shall be macadamized. Sec. 2. Be tt further ordained, That the cost of said improvements authorized by • this ordinance shall be assessed and levied against the property abutting on the por- { tlon of the aforesaid streets and avenues improved and benefited thereby. Provided, however, Tthat the cost of all street improvements on street, avenue and alley intersections shall be assessed and | levied against the property abutting on the streets and avenues or alleys so intersect ing for one-half block In each direction. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. W. M. DRENNEN, Mayor. Attest: H. D. WOOD. City Clerk. January 4th and 11th, 1901. No. 63. RESOLUTION. Whereas, The Mayor and Aldermen of Birmingham have at 'this meeting of said board adopted an ordinance entitled “Im provement Ordinance No. 63, to provide for the grading and macadamizing and curbing of certain streets and avenues”; and, Whereas, The estimated cost of said im provements has been ascertained to be $6000; therefore, Be it resolved, That lthe Board of Mayor and Aldermen shill meet on the 6th day of February. 1901. at the Council chamber, at 8 o’clock p. m., to hear (remonstrances and protests against the construction of said improvements. Be it further resolved. That notice of the adoption of said ordinance sfhall be given by publishing the same, once a week for two successive weeks, to-wit: Once during tihe week ending the 6th day of January and once during the week ending the 12th day of January, 1901, respectively, in the Age-Herald, a dally newspaper of general circulation, published in the city of Birming ham, which notice shall contain in addi tion to the ordinance. *'he estimated cost, as aforesaid, of the said improvements, and shall name the time and place at which the Board of Mayor and Aldermen will meet as aforesaid to hear remonstrances and pro tests against the construction of said im provements. Be It further resolved, That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to cause notice by publication to be given, as is here by provided for. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. H. D. WOOD. City Clerk. January 4th and ll'th, 1901. No. 69. IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 69. To provide for the curbing of sidewalks along certain streets and avenues. Section 1. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of Birmingham, That the sidewalks along the following streets and avenues he curbed with six-inch grnnite curbing, to-wit; Tile east side of Twenty-first street, from Eighth to Ninth avenues, and the west side of Twenty-first street, from Eighth alley to Ninth avenue, including the returns at all street and avenue intersections. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That said improvements shall be made in accordance whCi the grades and lines heretofore adopt ed by ordinance for the sidewalks along the portions of the aforesaid streets and av enues hereinbefore described. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That the costs of the improvements authorized by this ordinance shall be assessed and levied against tfie property abutting on 'the por tions of the aforesaid streets and avenues improved and benefited 'thereby. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. W. M. DRENNEN, Mayor. Attest: H. D. WOOD, Oily Clerk. January 4th and 11th, 1901. No. 69. RESOLUTION. Whereas, The Mayor and Aldermen of Birmingham have at this meeting of said board adopted an ordinance entitled "Im provement Ordinance f)o. 60, to provide for the curbing of sidewalks along certain streets and avenues"; and, Whereas, The estimated cost of said im provements has been ascertained to be $400: therefore. Be it resolved. That the Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall meet on the 6th dav of February, 1901, at the Council chamber, at 8 o’clock p. m., to hear remonstrances and protests against the construction of said improvements. Be 1t resolved, That notice of the adop tion of said ordinance shall be given by publishing tihe same once a week for two successive weeks, to-wi't: Once during the week ending 5th day of January and once during the week ending the 12th day of January, 1901, respectively, in the Age-Her ald, a daily newspaper of general circula tion. published In the city of Birmingham, which notice shall contain In addition to the ordinance the estimated cost as aforesaid of the said improvements, and sOiall name the time and place at wldch tine Board of Mayor and Aldermen will meet, as afore said, to hear remonstrances and protests against the construction of said improve ments. Be H further resolved, That <—the City Clerk Is hereby directed to cause notice by publication to be given, as is hereby provid ed for. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. H. D. WOOD. City Clerk. January 4Mi and 11th, 1901. AN ORDINANCE. Be lit ordained by the Mayor and Alder men of the city of Birmingham. That ft shall be unlawful for any person riding a bicycle to grasp any part of a moving street ear or other vehicle upon the streets of Birmingham. Any person guilty of a violation of this ordinance shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars. Adopted January 2nd. 1901. W. M. DRENNEN. Mayor. Attest: H. D. WOOD, Olty Clerk. January 4th and Uth, 1901. AN ORDINANCE. To regulate driving of vehicles witlhin the fire limits. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Aider men of Birmingham, that It shall be un lawful witihln the fire limits of the city to drive any vehicle around any street corner, or coming out of any alley, or turning into any alley, at a faster gait than a walk. Be it further ordained, That any violation of tihls ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than one nor moTe than one hundred dollars. Adopted January 2nd. 1901. W. M. DRENNEN, Mayor. Attest: H. D. WOOD, Olty Clerk. January 4th and Uth, 1901. AN ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aider men of Birmingham, That it tlhall be unlaw ful to interfere with any garbage or waste receptacle or to disturb the contents there of or to remove any of the contents there of. Be it further ordained, That any violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars. Adopted January 2nd. 1901. W. M. DRENNEN. Mayor. Attest: H. D. WOOD, City Clerk. January 4th and Uth, 1901. AN ORDINANCE. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Alder* men of Birmingham, That Section 372 or the City Code of Laws and Ordinances for tfhe city of Birmingham be amended so as to read as follows: Section 372. Riding or Driving on Side walk. Any person who wilfully or wantonly rides or drives upon any sidewalk, gutter or sewer, must, on conviction, be fined not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars; provided, always, that whenever i necessity or reasonable cause therefor is shown to him, the Mayor may Issue special permits for crossing and moving along sach sidewalks, gutters or. sewers, with toams and vehicles, and for loading and un loading while 'thereon; upon express condi tion, however, that the holders of such per mits ;shall be liable and pay for any special damage occasioned by their exercising the privilege granted by such permits. Adopted January 2nd, 1901. W. M. DRENNEN. Mayor. Attest: H. D. WOOD. City Clerk. January 4tfii and 11th, 1901. ON THE RACE TRACK At New Orleans. New Orleans, La., January 10.—Weather threatening; track heavy. J. F. Holt, the owner of Cathedral, and his trainer were suspended indellnitely on account of the running of Cathedral. Indian, Miss Hanover, Educate and Lady Contrary wero the winning favorites. First Race—Selling, a mile and one-eighth; Bamiuo II., 99 (Dale), 15 to 1 and 7 to 2, won; Henry of Frantsmar, 101 (Cochran), 11 to 5 and 1 to 2, second; Albert Vale, 110 (Wink fleld), 7 to 10, third. Time, 2:07%. Nearest and Bright Night also ran. Second Race—Six and a half furlongs, sell ing; Tea Gown, 103 (Kane), 3 to 1 and even, won; Porter B., 102 (O’Brien), 6 to 1 and 2 to 1, second; Waterpiant, 93 (Dade), 10 to 1, third. Time, 1:29%. Belle of Elgin, Lady Haynian and Cape Jessamine also ran. Third Race—A mile and one-sixteenth, selling: Indian, 99 (Flick), 7 to 6 and 1 to 2, won; Lillian Reed, 99 (Slack), 9 to 2 and 3 to 2, second; Titus, 100 (Dale), 8 to 1, third, Time, 2:03. Reducer and Good Night also ran. Fourth Race—Seven furlongs: Miss Han over, 108 (Slack), 2 to 1 and 9 to 10, won; Glen Lake, 100 (Dale), 3 to 1 and even, sec ond; Emtgrce, 103 (Cochranj. 4 to 1, third. Time, 1:18. First Past, Frangible and Hard ly also ran. Fifth Race-Six furlongs, selling: Educate, 91 (Cochran). 2 to 1 and even, won; Novelty, 85 (Michaels), 30 to 1 and 10 to 1, second; Tildee, 103 (Flick), 4 to 1, third. Time, 1:22%. Amoroso, Denny Duffy, Dousterswlvel, Charlie Daniels, Azua, Monometallist and Pell Mell II. also ran. Sixth Race—Six furlongs, selling: Lady Contrary, 101 (Walsh), 7 to 10 and out, won; Floyd Dixie, 98 (Reeder), 30 to 1 and 7 to 1, second; Olekma, 99 (Cochran), 1 to 1, third. Time, 1:24. Cathedral, IJoralice, Zack 'Willis and Laureate also ran. TEDDY AFTErt LIONS. Vice-President-elect Westward Bound for a Hunt. Colorado Springs, Col., January 10.—Col. Theo. Roosevelt arrived in this city on the Rock Island train today and later, accom panied b>** Philip B. Stewart and Dr. Gerald D. Webb, boarded the Colorado Midland 'train on which he continued his journey westward to the hunting grounds where he will seek sport with mountain lions and bear. The party will leave the train at Rifle, Col., tonight and tomorrow will ride to Meeker where they will hunt. KING MAKES BOND. Department Not Decided Whether or Not He Shall be Courtmartialed. Mobile, Ala., January 10.—Capt. Charles W. King, who was bound over Monday in the sum of $10,000 to answer to the charge of accepting a bribe from Contractor Hob eon, made his bond this afternoon. Since fills arrest he has been at the Hotel Bien ville, in the custody of a deputy marshal. Capt. F. Singer arrived this morning from Washington to determine whether the accused sha'll be tried by the civil or mi'Mtary authorities. O’Brien is Assistant General Manager. Chattanooga, Ten'n., January 10.—A cir cular was issued today from the office of General Manager Leary of the Southern Express Company, countersigned by Vice President Platt, appointing Mark J. O’Brien, -now superintendent of the central division, -to be assistant general manager, and W. S. McFarland route agent at Nash ville, to succeed Mr. O’Brien as superin tendent. The headquarters of both officers are In this city. The new assistant gener al manager is a young man of energy and ability, son of the late Matt J. O’Brien, author and poet, and nephew of Col. M. J. O’Brien, president of tfiie company. Louisville & Nashville Dividend. New York, January 10.—The directors of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad have declared a semi-annual dividend of 2\i per cent, on the company's share. This is an Increase of one-half of 1 per cent. REDUCED RATES TO~SELMA. 4 _ Free Street Fair and Trade Carnival, January 7-12, 1901. The Southern Railway will sell tickets ait tlje low rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale January 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 12, final limit for return January 14, 1901. Double daily service. For further information call at union depot, or C. E. JACKSON, 1-6-61 T. P. A., 2019 First Ave. Tampa, Fla., and Return. Account annual conference M. E. church, Tampa, Fla., January 16th to 21st, 1901, the Central of Georgia Railway will sell tickets at rate of fare and one-third for round trip on certificate plan. Solon Jacobs, Com mercial Agent; W. D. Hammet, Traveling Passenger Agent, 1821 First avenue, Bir mingham, Ala. l-7-9t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned until 12:00 m., February 25, 1901, for the erection of the new city hall building. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the architect. Each bidder will be required to deposit a duly certified check for Twenty-five Dollars, to be held by the architect as a guarantee that the plans and specifications will be promptly returned within six days after same have been obtained and that the bid der will submit his bid on or before the day mentioned. All bids must be worded according to the forrit prescribed in the specifications. The right is reserved lo reject any or all bids. D. A. HELMICH Architect. Birmingham, Ala., January 10, 1901. 1-10-30t Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS bv MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL REN WHILE TEETHING, with PER FECT SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUhlS, ALLAYS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and Is the best rem edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. For straight whiskies go to Dunker’s Saloon, 208-210 N. 20th street, between 2nd and 3rd avenues. Our leading brands: Sana Clay, Paris Club, Peacock, $1.00 per quart. ONE CENT1 A WORD. No Ad. Taken for Less Than 25 Cents. THE ALABAMA HOME has $25,000 per month to loan to build houses on vacant lots; the limit of cost is smaller In this association than in any other company. Apply to W. V. M. Robertson, G. M., 2009 1st avenue. 11-2-tf ~_ WANTED. WANTED—Good stenographer and an ac countant. Apply to C. D. Smith & Co., O’Brien Opera House Building. 1-8-tf WANTED—Everybody going to Texas to travel via the Queen and Crescent Route (Alabama Great Southern Railroad). Twelve (12) hours quickest time, superb vestibuled trains. Cafe dining cars. See R. M. Ellis, T. P. A.. No. 2019 First ave nue. 12-4-tf SITUATION WANTED. HUSTLING YOUNG MAN, with good ref erences. wants employment; experienced clerk, tire insurance, real estate, loans; will do anything. Address Hustler, care Age-Herajd. POSITION WANTED by registered phar macist; several years experience. Address Box 54, Russellville, Ala. l-10-2t SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED—Reliable and competent sales men to sell complete line of lubricating oils, greases, paints, colors, varnishes, specialties, etc.; exclusively or as “side line;’’ liberal commission or salary; ex perience unnecessary; old reliable house. Address Manufacturer,Commercial Block, Cleveland, Ohio. l-&-9t&wky-lt 3___HEL^WA NTE D-—MA LE. ~ WANTED—A middle-aged cook for the Boys’ Industrial School; references re quested. 12-29-tf WANTED—A good penman; rapid and ac curate accountant; not necessary to be an experienced bookkeeper, but must be quick and accurate in figures and copy ing; write in own hand, slating experi ence, ago, reference and low'est wages will work for; one having knowledge of the lumber business preferred. Address E. E. Jackson Lumber Co., Riderville, Ala. l-ll-4t BOY WANTED to do light office work. Ap ply Age-Herald office, 1:30 p. m. today. 1-10-tf ~_boarders wanted^_ BOARDERS WANTED—Can accommodate a few nice boarders; hot and cold bath; rates reasonable. Apply 2205 4th avenue. l-7-7t LAND TITLES. ALABAMA ABSTRACT CO., 2007 First ave nue, examiners of land titles; the only complete set of abstracts of title to tnls district, with plats, in existence; our ab stracts show everything of which a purchaser or money lender should be ap prlsed.11-22-1 f EXPERT EXAMINERS. NOTICE—Merchants, manufacturers and business men generally should have their books examined once a year and loss or gain determined; as we are approaching a new year, now Is the time to have this work done; will guarantee satisfaction and execute all work promptly at a rea sonable price. Address Expert, P. O. Box 486.12-10-mon-wed-fri-tf MONEY TO LEND. MONEY TO LEND - We nave 570,000 to lend on Birmingham property at a very low rate; we avoid long delays, and lend from 5500 up; call on us. 424 Chalifoux Building. D. F. Allen & Co. 6-19-tf “REAL E8TATE LOAN8. THE ALABAMA TRUST & SAVINGS CO., 2007 First avenue, paying 4 per cent inter est per annum on savings deposits; first mortgage real estate notes bought and sold.11-22-tf Lbif. ' LOST—Between 2120 and 2128 Highland ave nue/ one diamond stick pin. Finder will please return to 2120 Highland avenue and get suitable reward. l-9-3t * MISCELLANEOUS.__ LUMBER for quick shipment. We can fur nish half a million feet of lumber, to be shipped within the next two weeks. Now is the time to buy 'before the big advance, which is surely coming. If you want lum ber and want it promptly, place your or der with the Lathrop Lumber Company, 2015 First avenue, Birmingham. Ala. Phone G64. 12-9-tf THE Special Bicycle Messenger Service Phone 36. office 112 N. 19th street; open 7 a. m. to 11 p. m.; notes and small parcels In city 10 and 15c; out-of-town rates very reasonable; business strictly confidential; strangers In city should call up 36; refer ence, Henry B. Gray. S. Y. Hampton, Proprietor and Manager. 6-6-tf CREDIT To reliable parties. Diamonds and watches, jewelry, silverware and clocks, on small weekly or monthly pay ments, lowest prices; best quality; goods guaranteed; will call If desired. E. Low lnsohn. 2010 First ave. 4-27-tf BAND sharp and clean in carload lbts, de livered promptly. J. Lundle gloss, 411 Chalifoux Building. 8-31-tf DISSOLUTION NOTICET^On the'first day of January the firm of Loveless & Rod gers was dissolved. The business will be continued In the name of the undersigned at No. 228 South Twentieth street. J. T. Loveless, Successor. l-9-3t DO YOU KNOW Gelders serves the best lunch for 15 and 25 cents?. 1-8-tf TYPEWRITERS ~ REPAIRED — Having greatly improved our facilities for repair ing typewriters, we beg to announce that we can rebuild machines throughout. An expert typewriter mechanic is dn charge of this department. Prompt and satisfac tory work guaranteed. A. R. Dearborn & Co. 1-6-tf DR. 0. T. DOZIER, SPECIALIST. Genito Urinary Surgery. Cutaneous and veneral diseases. All delicate dis orders of sexual organs and pel vic vicera of men and women. Cys t i t i s, stricture, ] sexual weakness, prostl tills, irregu £*ier' ' larlties of women, Impediments to marriage, and all forms of chronic, nervous, blood and private dis eases. EVERY FORM OF PRIVATE DISEASE POSITIVELY CURED UNDER PLAIN GUARANTEE. Consultations at office or by mail are in vited free. Treatment by mail to parties who cannot visit me. No written prescriptions; we furnish all medicines. Birmingham Daily News: “The News commends him (Dr. Dozier) most cordially to all those .In need of his services." Age-Herald: "His long record and ap proved abilities entitle him to the proud distinction of standing at the head of his profession.” Alabama Christian Advocate: “His pro fessional standing is unimpeachable, and his character as a gentleman and citizen is above reproach.” Office and Dispensary earner Third ave nue and Nineteenth straat, Birmingham, Ala. ONE CENT A WORD. No ad. taken for less than 25 cents. L. V. Clark. J. K- Brockman, President. Secretary and Treas. THE SOUTHERN AUDIT COMPANY of Birmingham, Ala. Expert examination and audit of ac counts, corporations, municipalities, cq partnershlps. Accounts kept for adminis trators, executors, receivers, assignees, eto. Rooms 2 and 4. 2021 Vt First Avenue. FOR RENT. J FOR RENT—Remington typewriter. 8. Slater, phone 900. 1-6-tf-eod REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. $650—$50 cash, balance $10 per month; new house on car line, Woodlawn. $1100—60x100; good 5-room cottage, corner 34th street and 11th avenue, no-rth. $150— Lot 50x190; north 23d street. This Is the cheapest lot on the market. $12,500—Best house on 5th avenue, close Ini will rent for 15 per cent on Investment. $1250—New 5-room cottage; good location, Woodlawn; $250 cash, balance monthly. B. A. THOMPSON & CO., Phone 24. 223 21st Street. FOR RENT. No. 923 South 17th street, unfurnished or furnished, $40 and $50. No. 2224 7th avenue North, 9 rooms, $40. Four-room house In Irondale, $10. No. 719 South 25th street, 5 rooms, $16. No. 820 Soi^th 30th street, 7 rooms, modern, $27. Nice 5-room cottage in North Birmingham, $12.50. Nice cottage In Fountain HelghtH, large yard, $25. STOKES. No. 1726 First avenue, $25. Also offices for ren.t in office building. FOR SALE. $1500—New 6-room house in Kingston; $650 cash, balance $10 per month; rents for $18. $2250— Elegant home 1n Woodlawn, on oar line; a bargain. $1250—Nice home in Woodlawn, on car line; a bargain. $4500—2015 avenue Q; a good bargain. $4000 for property renting $50 per month; good investment. We have several first-c.ass bargains in South Highlands residences and vacant property which are fine investments. Call and we will be glad to show same. We also have several lots and homes for sale on easy terms. FIRE INSURANCE. Let us insure your property. We represent only the best companies, and can take care of large and small line's and guaran tee first-class attention. “Our patrons sleep well.” W. N. MALONE & CO.. AGENTS, Phone 613. No. 2017 First Avenue. FOR SALE. $15,000—2026 2d avenue; 4 stories. $1000—12th avenue, North, near 24th street. $3000—Residence, Cullom's Addition. $12,000—2109 2d avenue; 3 stories. $1250—Residence, Avenue G and 15th street. $3150—Residence, Huntsville avenue. $4500—4 brick residences, Avenue H; rents $660. $2100—100x200, 16th street, near 10th avenue, South. $7500—2d avenue corner, near Jefferson The atre. $1575—50x160, 12th avenue, South; paved, stone fence. $8000—80x100 residence. North 21st street. $10,000—2d avenue, corner 22d street; im proved. $4000—Residence, South 17th street. $0000—Highland avenue lot. 100 feet. ^ $3000—Highland avenue residence. $5250—Residence, 19th street, North. $19,000—2d avenue, near 19*h street. $0000—Beautiful home, 24th street, North. $4250—7 houses, Avenue H, near 22d street. $12,500—100x240, residence, 8th avenue. $4500—Corner 11th avenue, South; elegant house renting $480; easy terms. W. B. LEEDY & CO., Phone 42. 112 North 21st St. 10-10-sun-wed-fri __ FOR SALE—Choice residence lot on South Highlands, already terraced and sodded; front wall, curbing and pavement; size 50x170—rather narrow for a large house., blit for the fact that adjoining lots ar*fe both very wide, allowing plenty of room between houses; elegant residences on each side; price $1600; easy terms. FOR RENT—South Highlands, elegant res idence of 8 rooms and hall; just complet ed; furnace heat, hot and cold water, *gas and electric lights; convenient to cars; ex cellent neighborhood. A. R. DEARBORN & CO., 12-2-eod-tf 1921 First Ave. STANDARD LOAN CO. 2010 FIRST AVENUE. Loans money on watches, diamonds, jewelry, pistols, guns, mechanical tools, mu sical Instruments. Old gold and silver bought. Unredeemed pledges for cate. STOLEN! STOLEN!! STOLEN!!! Near Faunsdale, on Thursday night, the 3d inst., one dark bay horse with tJhe marks of running a stud awhile; raft her stout legs; about eight years’ old; saddles well and carries his head on a level with his body in traveling. Any information and the appre hension of the tfhief and recovery of this horse will be suitably rewarded. Collier White, Faunsdale, Ala. A NEW TRAIN. And Change of Schedule. On December 30 the Kansas City, Mem. phis and Birmingham Railroad will Inaug. urate a new train between Winfield and Birmingham, known a» the “Winfield Ac commodation.”. Train No. 7 will arrive al_ Birmingham from Winfield at 10:30^a. m., and returning will leave at 5:30 p. m. Train No. 6, now leaving Birmingham at 12:10, noon, will leave at 12:45 p. m. This train consists of new elegant vestibule cars including Pullman Buffet sleeper, free re clining chair car and elegant day coaches, running through to Kansas City without change, making close connection at Mem phis with trains for Texas, Arkansas, In dian Tenritory and Oklohama Territory, aqd at Kansas Cfty, with trains for all points west and northwest. Train No. 5, now arriving at 4:30 p. m., will arrive at 3:55 p. m. This train consists of the same equipment as No. 6. Train No. 4 will leave as usual at 10:20 p. m. This train consists of Pullman buffet sleeper and elegant day coaches, and makes close connection at Memphis the next morn ing with all trains for points in Texas. Ar kansas, Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory, and at Kansas City, with lines for the west and northwest. Train No. 3 will arrive as usual at 5:50 a. m. Trains 5 and 6 consist of the most elegant equipment in the south, and any one wish ing to make a trip to the west will find the K. C. M. and B. R. R. the most comfortable and best he can use. For further information apply to C. M. BILLHEIMER, O. P. A., Phone 074. CHAS. JONES, T. P. A.. 1914 Morris Ave. 1-5-tf Smoke Da Costa Cigars. Da-Cost-a-NiCAel.