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GENERAL LAWS ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF ALABAMA, SESSION 1900-1901, No. *16. AN ACT 8. 114. To amend sections 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 8, 9, 12 and 14 of an act entitled an Act to eitab Msh a uniform system for the examine. N tlon and licensing of teachers of pub lic schools, approved February 10, 189ft. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section 2 of an act to establish a uniform system for the examination and licensing of teach- j ers of public schools, approved February 10, 1S99, be, and tho same is, hereby amended so as to read as follows: That the said State Board of Examiners shall meet during the months of November and May of each year, and shall prepare- ques tions for the examination of teachers. See. 2. Be It further enacted, That sec tion 3 of said act be amended so as to read as follows: That the president of the State Board of Examiners shall cause Mats of tho questions so prepared to he printed, and shall, on or before the 15th day of December and June of each year, send to each person appointed to con duct examinations in the counties of the State a sufficient number of the lists of questions so prepared and printed for the conducting of the examinations in their respective counties as hereinafter pro vided; that the questions so sent shall be enclosed In a sealed envelope, on the back of which shall be plainly written or print ed the words, “Questions for the exami nation of teachers." The seal of »ald en velope shall not be broken except as here inafter provided. Section 3. Be it further enacted. That section 4 of said act be amended so us to read us follows: That the first Mon day in Januuary and July be appointed for tho examination of teachers. The ex amination may be continued from day to day for three consecutive days. If such continuance shall be necessary for tht completion of the work of examination, but no examination shall be begun on any other day than the first day mentioned in this section. No examinution shall be held at any other time. Provided, that the State Board of Examiners may bold, at the Department of Education in Mont gomery, special examinations for the benefit of persons who are prevented from taking the regular examination by sickness, absence from the State, or oth er unavoidable cause. Each person tak ing a special examination shall pay to the State- Board of Examiners a fee of five dollars. Special examinations shall be equal In all respects to the regular examinations. Provided further, that in order to accommodate normal school pu pils who are required by this act to take the State examination, the State Board of Examiners may hold at such times and places as they may deem advisable an examination for these pupils, and at such examination the regular fees shall be paid by applicants, and no person r.ot a bona fide matriculate of a normal school shall be admitted ho the examination. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That sec^ tlon 5 of said act be amended so as to read as follows: That the regular exam ination shall bo conducted in each coun ty by the Superintendent of Education of the same, unless for good and substan tial reasons the said State Board of Ex aminers shall deem it best to select for this service another person appointed for that purpose by the State Board of Ex aminers, and if he shall be unable, by reason of sickness or other unavoidable necessity, to conduct the same, then by some other competent person appointed for that purpose by him. Said examina tion shall begin at 10 o’clock a. m. of the day appointed by section 3 of this act, at which hour the person appointed to conduct the examination shall, in the presence of the applicants for examina tion, break the seal of the envelope con taining the lists of questions, and shall distribute the questions among the ap plicants. All the applicants shall under go the examination in the same room, or In sight of the person appointed to con duct the examination. Provided, that the provisions of this act referring to the spe cial examination of normal school stu dents shall apply only to those who had graduated prior to the passage of this act. Sec. 5. Be It further enucted, mm section 6 of said act be amended so as to read as follows: That each applicant for examination shall, before entering upon the examination, deposit with the person appointed to conduct the examina tion m» examination fee as follows: An applicant for a third grade certificate, a fee of one dollar; an applicant for a sec ond grade certificate, a fee of one and one-half dollars; an applicant for a first grade certificate, a fee of two dollars; an applicant for a life certificate, a fee of three dollars. The fees received from the examination of teachers at regular examinations shall be paid into the State treasury to the credit of the educational fund, and the State Auditor shall, on the requisition of the Superintendent of Edu cation, issue warrants on the State Treas urer to be paid out of the educational fund for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act, such as the pay ment of expenses for postage, for ex pressage, for clerk hire, for State Board of Examiners only, for the per diem of the State Board of Examiners, for paying county conductors and for other inci dental expenses incurred In carrying out the provisions of this act. The appoint ed members of the State Board shall re ceive five dollars per day, Including Sun days, for the time they are engaged in conducting the examination of teachers under this act. The County Supertntend l ent or persons appointed to conduct the examination in each county shall receive ten dollars for his services in conducting each examination. Provided, that as the available educational fund was apportion ed October 1, 18(10, an amount equal to the bulance after deducting the expenses re ceived from the examination fees since March 1, 1899. shall be immediately avail able from the educational fund for the purpose of paying the expenses provided for In this act. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That sec tion 8 of sold act be amended ao as to read ns follows: That unless the appli cant Is known to tire person appointed to conduct the examination to be of good moral character, or shall make satisfac tory proof of the same, which proof shall be In writing, he shall not be admitted to tile examination. Any one who habit ually uses profane language or Intoxicants s shall be deemed of Immoral character. Sec. 7. Be !t further enacted, That sec tloh 9 of said act be amended so us to read ns fallows: That there shall be three grades of teachers* certificates, be sides the life certificate hereinafter pro vided, to be known as certificates of the first, second and third grades, each of which must show the branches in which the holder has been examined, his rela tive attainments therein and his general average. In no case shall an applicant for a certificate receive the same who falls to answer 50 per cent, of the ques tions propounded in any branch, and whose general average Is below 75 per cent. Every teacher in the public school must obtain a certificate prior to his em ployment. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That sec tion 12 of said act be amended so as to read as follows: That when an applicant shall have completed his examination h€ shall write his name and address on each paper of the same and deliver the same to the person appointed to conduct the examination, who shall enclose the pa pers of each applicant In a separate en velope, together with his certificate of the good moral character of the applicant or the written proof of the same, on which he admitted the applicant to examina tion, and shall transmit the same to the Secretary of State Board of Examiners without delay. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That sec tion 11 of said act be amended so as to read as follows: That all examination papers shall be kept on file in the office of the Superintendent of Education sub ject to public Inspection for six months. That any person who purloins, steals, buys, receives, sells, gives or offers to buy, give or sell any examination ques tions or copies thereof before the date of examination for which they had been prepared shall be guilty of a misdemean or, and upon conviction thereeof shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars, and may also ho sentenced to hard labor for the CUM.. V for not less than six months. Sec. 10. Be It further enacted. That the provisions of this act as to the time of holding examinations shall not be effect ed till the first day of April, 1901; pro vided, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed so as to apply to sepa rate school districts of two thousand In habitants or more having authority at present by their charters to examine their teachers. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws, both general and special. In conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved February 8, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVlD, Secretary of State. No. 333. AN ACT S. 255. To appropriate $600 to enable the door keepers of the Senate and House to pay the incidental expenses of the two Houses. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That $600 be, and the same is, hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury not other wise appropriated for the purpose of en abling the doorkeepers of the two Houses of the General Assembly to defray the ‘cost of preparing the two Houses for the use of the General Assembly and for pro viding other necessities for the use and comfort of the Assembly. Sec. 2. Be it further on-acted. That the Auditor of the State Is hereby authorized to honor the warrants of the doorkeepers of each of the two Houses for $300 each, or ho much thereof as may be necessary for the purposes above set forth. Approved February 9, 3901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID. Secretary of State. No. 334. AN ACT S. 167. To authorize the removal of oysters from Alabama reefs for use In canning with in the State of Alabama by certain cit izens of the State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That any person or corporation, being a bona fide resident and citizen of Alabama for one month or more, and engaged in the business of can ning oysters within the said State, may employ or contract with any person or persons, whetheer residents of Alabama or not, to catch and remove oysters from any oyster reef within the State for use in the conduct of such business, and may use such oysters In such business as their own property. Provided, that the county of Baldwin shall be exempted from the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That it shall be lawful for any person under such employment or contract to catch and re move oysters from any of the public reefs of the State for use In said,canning busi ness, as well as from all private reefs, from the owners or proprietors of which such person, persons or corporation so engaged in such tanning business shall have first obtained a lieenrte to catch and remove such oysters; provided, howev er, that R shaU not be lawful for any person under such employment or coh tract who Is not a resident of this State to cutch and remove oysters from any public or private reefs in the State ex cept for use in such canning business as aforesaid; and provided further, that nothing herein contained shall exempt any person engaged in the business of catching, removing or canning oysters as provided In this act from the (iteration of any existing law providing for ihe proper culling and preservation of oys ters and for the protection of the reefs of this State. Sec. 3. Be it furthef provided, That tho provisions of this act shall not apply to the county of Baldwin. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws so far only us they may conflict with the provisions of this act be, and the snme are, hereby repeal ed. Approved February 9, 3901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVHD, Secretary of State. No. 357. AN ACT 8. 89. To amend section 2937 of the code of Ala-: bamu. Section 1. Be It-enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section 2937 of the code of Alabama be amended so as to read us follows: "2937 (1486) (1763) (1220) mode of incorporating a town. When the inhabitants of a town not In corporated, the population of which Is not less than one hundred nor more than three thousund, shall desire to be organ led into u town, they may file with the Judge of the probate court of the county in which they reside a petition In writing, signed by fifty or more qualified electors, who reside within the boundaries of the proposed town, and who are also house holders and free-holdera therein, stating the name and the boundaries of the town proposed to be Incorporated." Approved February 11, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 416. AN ACT H. 994. To provide for repairing and refurnishing the capitol and keeping the grounds In order. Section 1. Bo It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the sum ot two thousand AVe hundred dollars Is here by appropriated for the calendar year 1901, and a like amount for the calendar year JOOff, or so much thereeof as may be necessary for repairing and refurnishing the Capitol and for keeping the capltol grounds in order. The money hereby ap propriated Is to be paid by the Treasurer out, of any moneys In the treasury not otherwise appropriated on the warrant of the Auditor in payments of accounts ap- j prcved by the Governor. Approved February 14. 3901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 423. AN ACT H. 934. To constltutue the Railroad Commission ers of Alabama an advisory pardoning board to whom the Governor may sub mit for preliminary examination of and advice upon applications for the par don or commutation of sentence of con victs sentenced for felony. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabaman, That whenever application Is made to the Governor for the pardon or commutation of sentence of any convict sentenced for a felony, he may at once refer the Fame with all the recommendations and »ny other papers accompanying It to the Railroad Commis sioners of Alabama as an advisory par doning board for such action ns Is here inafter provided. Sec. 2. Be It further enacted, That in addition to the duties now devolved up on said railroad commissioners, they shall he required, when any application for pardon or commutation o? sentence is referred to them, to carefully examine and thoroughly Investigate the same, and to report in writing, within thirty days from the time the same Is referred to them, to the Governor their findings as to the merits of such application and the grounds thereof, and In such report they shall approve or disapprove such appli cation, or make such other recommenda tion as to the same as may seem to them advisable. Provided, that the time for making such report may Ik* extended by the Governor. Sec. 3. Be It further enacted, That said board shall have authority to call upon any Judge cr solicitor or other public of ficer of the Stale for any information or recommendation which may seem to thorn necessary or advisable In their considera tion of any application so referred to them, and It shall be the duty of the per son so called on to furnish the same forthwith. Bee. 4. Be It further enacted, That at the end of each fiscal year said board shall make to the Governor a written re port of the applications so acted upon by them, showing the name and residence of each applicant, of what crime convicted, the sentence therefor, and, In brief, their recommendation in the case, which re port shall be printed and submitted by the Governor to the General Assembly with his biennial message. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said board shall not receive any compensa tion for their services under this act oth er than that already allowed to them ns such railroad commissioners, and the clerk now allotted to them by law shall perform for them, without additional compensation, all such clerical service ns may be necessary In their execution of the duties imposed upon them by this act. Approved February 14, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 424. AN ACT H. 1031. To appropriate a sum of money to pay for the stationery and stationery sup plies used by the General Assembly dur ing this present session. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars, or as much thereeof as may be necessary, be, and the same Is. hereby appropriated out of the monies In the treasury to pay for the stationery and stationery supplies used by the General Assembly and the em ployes thereof during this present session. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Auditor is hereby authorized to issue his warrants for such amounts as may be certified to by the Secretary of State. Approved February 14, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 474. AN ACT S. 59. To amend section 4226 of the code. Be It enacted by the Genernl Assembly of Alabama, That section 4228 of the code be amended so as to read as follows: Sec tion 4226. Sale of other freight to pay charges, when any other freight than that mentioned in the preceding section remains unclaimed for sixty days after Its arrival at the place of destination, the same may be sold by th“ carrier or his agent at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at some public place with in the State of Alabama, after notice In dicating the nature of the package, the consignee and the time and place of sale, has bean given for three weeks by pub lication once a week In some newspaper published at the place of sale, or If no such paper Is there published, by posting the notice at three public places therein; but before any sale can be made under this section the carrier most, before giv ing notice of the sale, demand payment of the charges due thereon from the owner or consignee, if either of them re sides at the plnce of destination: but If neither of them resides at such place, failure to make such demand shall not preveent tho sale; but notice of such sale shall be given the consignor, when known, by moll. Approved February 19. 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 488. AN ACT 8. 419. To amend section 3303 of the criminal code of 1S96. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section 5605 of the. criminal code of 1896 be so amended as to read as follows: Enticing away servants laborers, renters or share-croppers under written contract. Any person who know ingly Interferes with, hires, employs, en tires away or Induces to leave the ser vices or rented premises of another, or attempts to hire, employ or entice away or induce to Jeave the services of an other. any laborer, servant, renter, or share-cropper, who has contracted In writing with another person for any given time not to exceed one year, before the expiration of the time so contracted for, or who employs or entices away, or induces any minor to leave the services of any person to whom such services are lawfully due, without the consent of the party employing or to whom such ser vice Is due, given Ip writing or in the presence of some credible person, must on conviction be fined not less than fifty 1150.00) dollars, nor more than five hun dred dollars, at the discretion of the Jury, and In no case less than double the dam ages sustained by the party whom such laborer, servant, renter err share-cropper was Induced to leave. One half to the party sustaining such damages and the other half to the county. Providing that the provisions of this act do not apply to the counties of Covington, Jefferson, Dekalb. Blount, Lauderdale, Conecuh, Lawrence, Cherokee, Marshall, Coosa. Baldwin, Butler, Escambia, Clay, Cull men, Colbert, Etowah. Fayette and Franklin. Approved February 27th. 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 476. AN ACT S. 626. To establish a department of archives and history for the State of Alabama, to prescribe its functions and duties, and to provide for Its maintenance. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That there is es tablished for the State of Alabama a "de partment of archives and history," to be located In the State eapitol In apartments to be set aside for Its use by the Gov ernor; and the ebjects and purposes of the said department are the care and cus tody of official archives, the collection of materials bearing upon the history of the State, and of the territory included therein, from the earliest times tlm com pletion and publication of the State's of ficial records and other historical mate rials, the diffusion of knowledge In ref erence to the history and resources of the State, the encouragement of historical work and research, and the performance of such other acts and requirements as may be enjoined by law. Sec. 2. Be It further enacted (1). That said department shall he under the con- j trol of a board of nine trustees, one from each Congressional district, r.nd the nnmes of the said trustees, with their particular terms of service, are as follows, viz: Peter J. Hamilton, for the First Con gressional district, to serve for two years; Jefferson M. Falkner, for the Sec ond district, to serve two years; \V. D. Jelks, for the Third district, to serve two years; J. II. Johnson, lor the Fourth dis trict, to serve four years; W. II. Blake, for the Fifth district, to serve four years; Henry B. Foster, for the Sixth district, to serve four years; Oliver D. Street, for the Seventh district, to serve six years; Will iam Richardson, for the Kighth district, to serve six years, and Samuel Will John for the Ninth district, to serve six years, the beginning of the several terms of service for the purposes of this net to he January 1, 1601. (2). The said board shall have the power and authority to 1111 vacancies occurtTig therein, whether by expiration of term of service, or by death or resignation, but the names of all new ly elected members shall bo communica ted to the next ensuing regular session of the Stute Senate for confirmation, and In case it shall reject any of the said newly elected trustees, It shall proceed forthwith to 111! the vacancy or vacan cies by an election. (3) All trustees ap pointed to succeed the present members or their successors whose respective terms shall have fully expired shall serve for a term of six years, and appointees to fill vacancies by death or resignation shall only serve out the unexplred terms of their predecessors. (4) The said board shall, within ten days after the approval of this act, proceed to organize said de partment. It shall hold at the State cap Itol at least one regular meeting during the year, and as many special meetings ns may be necessary, and at said meet ings live members shall constitute a quo ruum. (6) The Governor of the State shall be ex-offlelo a member of the said hoard, and he shall, so fnr as possible, lend every encouragement to the success and upbuilding thereof. (6) The director hereinafter provided shall be the secre tary of the board. (7) The trustees shall receive no compensation for their ser vices other than the amounts of their traveling expenses actually paid out while In attendance on the meetings of the board or on the business of the de partment. (8) The said board Is empow erccl to adopt rules for Its own gov em ment, and ulso for the government of the department; to elect a director and to provide for the selection or appoint ment of other officials or employes, as may be authorized; to provide for the publication of historical material pertain ing to the State under the supervision of the director; to have the direction and control of the marking of historic sites, or houses, and the exploration of pre historic and Indian mounds ttnd other re mains existing In the State; to control and expend ruch appropriations as may be made for the maintenance of the de partment, and to do and perform such other acts and things as may be neces sary to carry out the true Intent and pur Dose of this act. Sec. 3. Be It further enacted. (It That (ho department shall be under the immediate management and control of a director, to be elected by the board of trustees, whose term of service shall be six years, and until his successor Is elected and qualified. (2) He shall take an oath of of fice as other public officials, and shall be commissioned In like manner. (3) He shall devote his time to the work of the department, using his best endeavors to develop and build It up. so ns to carry out the design of Its creation, and shall receive for his services the sum of eigh teen hundred (*1,S00) dollars per annum, pnyable monthly, as other State officials, and a continuing appropriation for the Bald annual salary Is hereby made. (♦.) He shall have the control and direction of the work and operations of the depart ment; he shall preserve Its collections, care for the official archives that may come Into Its custody, collect as far ns possible all materials bearing tlfon the history of the State and of the territory Included therels, from the earliest times, prepare the blennlnl register hereinafter provided, diffuse knowledge In reference to the history und resources of the State; and he is charg'd with '.he particular duty of gathering data concerning Ala bama soldiers In the war between the States. (6) He shull make an annual re port to the hoard of trustees, to be by them transmitted lo the Governor, to be accompanied by such historical papers und documents as may be deemed of Im portance by him. and the director shall contract for the printing und binding of the said report, which shall be paid for cs other public printing nnd binding. (6) He shall prepare for the press, con tract for and supervise the publication of volume two of the Report of the Ala bama History Commission, the said vol ume to be similar to volume one of said Report as to printing, paper and binding, and to be paid for out of the public printing fund to be available after Oc tober 1, 1901. Sec. 4. Be ll further enacted. That any State, county or other official la hereby authorised and empowered in his discre tion to turn over to the department for permanent preservation therein any of clal books, records, documents, original papers, newspaper (lies and printed books not In current use in their offices. When so surrendered copies therefrom shall be made and certified by the director upon the application of any person Interested, which certification shall have all the force and effect ns if made by the officer orig inally in the custody of them and for which the same fees shall be charged, to be collected In advance. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That an officlul and statistical register of the Stnte of Alabama shall be compiled every two years by the director; to contain: (1) Brief sketches of the several State officials, the members of Congress from Alabama, the Supreme Court Judges, the memberes of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama; (2) rosters of all State and county offi cials; (3) lists of all State Institutions, with officials; (4) State and county popu lation and election statistics, and (6) mis cellaneous statistics; and said register shall be published In an edition of one thousand copies for free distribution, the printing and binding to be paid for as other printing and binding hereinbefore provided. See. G. Be it further enacted, That the department is charged with the duty of making special effort to collect data In reference to soldiers from Alabama In the war between the States, both from the War Department at Washington and also from private individuals, and to cause the same to be prepared for pub lication as speedily as possible. Sec. 7. Be It further enacted, That In addition to the salary of the directors hereinabove appropriated, the sum of seven hundred ($700) dollars annually Is hereby appropriated for the maintenance of the said department# and the Auditor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for the whole or any part of the said amount in such sums and In such manner as may be authorized by the board of trustees. All printing, blanks, circulars, notices or forms which may be needed for the use of the said department that may be em braced in class four of ihe public print ing act shall be executed by the public printer, and shall be paid for as other official work done by him. Approved February "7. ICO). (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVTD, Secretary of State. No. 489. AN ACT S. 335. To amend subdivision 2 of an act entitled an act to amend section 617 of the Code of Alabama of 1896, approved the 5th day of December, 1900. Section 1. Be it enacted by tho General Assembly of Alabama, Tliat subdivision 2 of an act entitled an act to amend sec tion 627 of the (’ode of Alabama of 1896, approved the 5th day of December, 1900, be, and the same Is, hereby amended so as to read as follows: “Subdivision two (2): On the filing of the application the court must make and enter an order ap pointing a day for the hearing thereof; and if the owner of the land resides with in the State, must issue notice to him of tlie application and of the day for the hearing thereof, which must be served by the sheriff or other legal officer at least ten days before the appointed time for the hearing; if the owner be unknown, or if be resides without the State (or has been absent from the State or beyond the jurisdiction of the court In which the application Is made for six months next before the time of the filing of the appli cation In said court>, notice may be given by advertisement In any newspaper pub lished In the county, or if there be no newspaper published In the county, by posting notice at the court house door and three other public places at least three weeks before the day appointed for the hearing. Jf the owner be an infant or of unsound mind, notice must be served on his guardian, If any he have, resident in the State, blit If he resides In the State and has no such guurdlan, then upon the person who may have him in charge or with whom he may reside. If the owner be dead and the lands are in the possession or under the control of his personal representative notice must be served on such representative and on the heirs at law’ of the decedent. Approved February 27 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 512. A RESOLUTION. 8.J.R. 6. Whereas, it is deemed of vital Import ance to preserve the forest along the head waters of the Coosa river and streams tributary thereto, and other Southern rivers, and also to establish and maintain a national park and game reserve In the eastern portion of the United States within ensy reach of the densely populated cities and sections of the East; and Whereas, the westeren portion of North Carolina and a small territory within the States of Tennessee and Georgia, com prising what is known as the Southern Appalachian mountains, or the Great Iron or Smoky mountains, is most eminently adapted for the purpose of a national park because of the grandeur and beauty of its natural scenery and the sulubrlous and health-giving properties of its cli mate, as well as by its location; and Whereas, it Is the sense of the General Assembly that the establishment and maintenance of such a park within the territory named will be a project worthy I of the national government and will con tribute largely to the health, comfort and pleasure of the people, as well as to the protection of all rivers and water sources which head there; now th«n. Be it resolved by the Senate of Ala bama. the House concurring: 1. That we do hereby heartily endorse and approve of the enterprise Inaugu rated by the Appalachian National Park Association of Asheville, N. C., for the es tablishment of a nationul park within the territory mentioned In the preamble hereto and hereby earnestly request our Senators and Representatives in the Con gress of the United States to use all hon orable means to aid. foster n:id encourage the establishment of the park above men tioned. and to support the bill known as S. B. 551K. Introduced in the United States Senate b> Senator Pritchard of North Carolina, entitled *‘A bill for the pur chase of a national forest reserve In the Southern Appalachian mountains.” Resolved second, That the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, respectively, transmit a certified copy of these resolutions to our Senators and Representatives in Congress, under the respective seals of the Senate and House j of Representatives. Approved February 27, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P, MeDAVID, Secretary of Stute. I No. 513. A RESOLUTION. S .J. R. 5. A resolution memorializing Congress In regard to the further Improvement of the Chattahoochee, Flint and Appalach icola rivers and Appalachlcola bay. Whereas, In recognition of the value and Importance of the Chattahoochee, Flint and Appalachlcola rivers to the commerce of the country at large, and especially to the commerce of the Stales of Alabama, Georgia and Florida, the government of the United Suites has from time to time expended considerable mon ey in the Improvement of mild rlverR; and f Whereas, In order that the desired re sults may be obtained from such expendi tures and improvements heretofore mnde, it is necessary for the Improvements to bo made, and especially at West Pass en trance to Appnlaehtcola bay: therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Ala bama, in general assembly met, That it is of vital Importance to the commerce of said States that said further Improve ments be madp. Resolved further, That our Senators and Representatives in the Congress of the United States be requested to urge •upon Congress the importance and ne cessity of such Improvements, and espe cially the Improvements und deepening of said West Pass entrance at Appalachl cola, Florida. Approved February 27, 19)1. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of*State. No. 540. AN ACT II. 1072. To provide for furnishing the Auditor’s ! office with steel file coses and recepta cles for records, and to appropriate three thousand five hundred ($1,500) dollars therefor. Section 1. Dv» it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the sum of ■ three thousand five hundred dollars^ be ! appropriated out of any funds In the \ State treasury not otherwise appropria ted for the purpose of furnishing the Aud itor’s office with steel file cases and re ceptacles for records. Sec. 2. Be It further enacted, That the Auditor shall contract for and have con structed in his office steel file cases and receptacles for records and on the com pletion of the same shall draw his war rant on the State treasury for such amount as may be necessary to construct said file cases and receptacles, not to ex ceed the sum of thirty-five hundred dol lars, appropriated by section 1 of this act. Approvi d February 2S, 19 1. (Official.) ROBERT P. Me DAVID, Secretary of State. No. 697. AN ACT H. 677. To authorize payment of one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents for sav ing from loss by lire forty-five volumes of the Records of the Supreme Couft of the State of Alabama. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the Auditor be, and is, hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant against the State treasury In favor of James P. Armstrong for the sum of one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents ($112.50) for services ren dered and expenses Incurred In saving from loss forty-five volumes of the Rec ords of the Supreme Court of the 8tate of Alabama, which were badly damaged by fire and water In December, 1896, to be paid out of any money In the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved February 28, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. G99. AN ACT H. 377. To amend section 49,S6 of the Code of Al abama. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama. Thai section 4983 of the Code of Alabama be amended so as to read as follows: 4983 (4231) (4734) (4034) (514 Persona exempt from jury duty. The fol lowing persons are exempt from jury du ty, unless by their own consent: Profes sors and students of universities and col leges, teachers and pupils of academies and common schools, ministers in charge of churches, judges of the several courts, attorneys-at-law during the time they practice their profession, practicing phy sicians, practicing dentists, consular agents of foreign governments, officers of the I’nited States, officers of the exec | utlve department of the State govern ment, sheriffs and their deputies, clerks of courts and coroners, county commis sioners. justices of the peace and consta bles during their continuance in office, keepers of public mills, ferries, toll bridges and toll-gates; the officers of any railroad or other road constructed under the authority of this State whose duties would materially interfere with serving on juries; the officers and crew of any Hteainhoaat navigating the rivers of this State; members of incorporated fire com panies; officers of the penitentiary; the superintendent and physician of the In sane Hospital and his assistants; all mail contractors, mall agents and public stage owners; all registered druggists and phar macists actively engaged In their profes sions; every commissioned officer, non commissioned officer, musician and pri vate during the time he Is a member of the Alabama State troops, and all town ship trustees of public schools. Approved February 28, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVII), Secretary of Stare. No. 723. AN ACT H. 877. To better define and prevent kidnapping in this State, and to prescribe the pun ishment therefor in certain cases. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General ; Assembly of Alabama, That any person who forcibly or unlawfully confines, con ceals, seizes, decoys, entices a way or in veighs any human being, or who aids or abets therein, or who causes any human I being to be so forcibly or unlawfully con fined, concealed, seized, decoyed, enticed away or, inveighed without this State, with the intent or purpose, express or im plied, to extort, compel, demand, receive or require the payment of money, or the conveyance or delivery of property, or other thing of value, for the release, sur render, return or delivery up of the per son so forcibly or unlawfully confined, concealed, seised, decoyed, enticed away, or Inveighed, or so brought within this State, after having been forcibly or un lawfully confined, concealed, seised, de coyed, enticed away or inveighed with out this State, from such person, or from ills or her friends or relatives, or any other person, shall be guilty of the offense of kidnapping under this act, and, on conviction, shall suffer death op impris onment in the penitentiary for not less than five years, at the discretion of the Jury trying the case. Approved February 28, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 73(1. AN ACT H. 1405. To further regulate appeals from the Cir cuit Court or other courts of ltko Juris diction to the Supreme Court In ail quod dumnuni proceedings. Section 1. He It enacted by the General Assembly of Alubuma, That after final Judgment in the Circuit Court, or other court of like jurisdiction In ad quod dam num proceedings under section 1720 of the Code of Alabama, either party may, with in thirty days thereafter, upon giving security for costs, appeal to th« Bu ll romp Court; but on no appeal taken un der this act shall the Judgment of the Circuit Court be superseded If the com pensation assessed Is paid to the owner, and the costs of the suit are paid Into court as provided by said section. Approved March 1, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 701. AN ACT H. 1244. To authorize the courts of County Com missioners and board* of like character In the different counties of th* State, with the exception of the count!** of Sumpter and Walker, to contract for the construction of county assessment mops or plats showing by abstract the county boundary lines, main crocks, rivers, railroads, exempt lands, and all lands which have escaped State and county taxation for the next preceding five years, to provide compensation for the same, and to ratify contracts here tofore made for such purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That for the pur pose of ascertaining the taxable condition of lands liable for state and county tax ation, and to better equalize the values of lands In the different counties of the State, the courts of County Commission ers and boards of like jurisdiction in the several countic3 of this State, with the exception of the counties of Sumpter and Walker, be, and they are, hereeby author ized to contract with some competent perron at any regular or special terms of their said courts for the construction of county assessment maps or plats showing by abstruot the county bounda ry lines, main creeks, rivers, railroads, exempt lands, and all lands which have escaped State qnd county taxation for the next preceding five years iu their re spective counties. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said courts and boards are hereby authorized and empowered to pay for such work on behalf of the State and their re spective counties such compensation as may be agreed upon between the party I and them contracting to do the same, not I exceeding an amount equal to the State and county tax on the lands so shown to have escaped taxation for live years. And the amount owing by the State under such contracts shall be paid by the tax collectors of the county out of the taxes co..ected by him on lands shown to have escuped us reported to him In the man ner now provided by law to the courts or boards so contracting to be paid said contractor, and their receipts shall b*1 a release to such collector for the amount in his settlement with the State. Sec. 3. Be It further enacted. That all contracts which mamy have been made by any of the courts or boards of the State for such maps and plats be, and they are, hereby ratified and confirmed. Approved February 28, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 7S7. AN ACT H. 1200. To amend section 1120 of the Code. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alubama, That section 1130 of the Code be, and the same Is, hereby amended so as to read as follows: Noth ing In the four preceding sections shall be construed to apply to any corporation incorporated under the life Insurance laws of this or any other State or county or to any secret or benevolent society, such as Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights ot Pythias, the Vnion Mutual Aid Associa tion of Mobile, or like orders, or to fraternal beneficiary order or associa tion or society, or to any society or asso ciation whose membership is confined to one class or one country, or to any so ciety, association or corporation having for its sole object the burial of its mem bers, without profit to such society, as sociation or corporation. Approved February 28, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State, No. 793. AN ACT H. 457. To amend section 3 of an act entitled an act to amend sections 338(1, 3387, 3380, 3403 of the Code of 1896, approved February 20, 1899. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section 3 of an act entitled An act to amend sections 3386, 3387, 3389 und 3403 of the Code of 1S96 be, and the same Is, hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 3. Be it further enacted, That section 3389 be amended so as to read as follows: 3389. Maximum rate for printing and binding. The following shall be the maximum rates allowed for printing and binding: For every page of the acts and Joint res olutions, two dollars; for binding every copy of the acts, twenty cents a copy; for every page of the journals and reve nue laws, one dollar; for binding the journals, twenty cents a copy; for every copy of any volume of the Supreme Court Reports, printed and bound as required by this chapter In editions not exceeding one thousand copies, one dollar and sixty cents; for blanks printed on p^per, thirty cents a quire of twenty-four full sheets; for blanks printed on parchment, thirty cents for each twenty-four sheets; for printing done for the officers, commis sioners and boards and for the General Assembly, or either House thereof, forty cents a thousand ems for composition of plain mutter; for rule and figure work, seventy-five cents a thousand ems; for press work, Including paper per tp ken. common octavo forms, seventy-five cents if on machine finished paper, weighing forty pounds to the ream; pro vided, the Secretary of State may, when he deems it advisable, have used on any job a paper of heavier weight and supe rior quality. In which event he must cer tify to the Auditor In addition to ths contract price for forty pound machlno finished paper an amount not to exceed six cants per pound for each additional pound used on such Job; and If super calendared paper Is ordered and used In any Job he must certify to the Audltot an additional amount not to exceed tw’o and one-half cents per pound in excess of what machine finished paper of the same weight per ream would have cost the State under the contract; folding re ports, pamphlets, bills and other docu ments, eight cents a hundred copies on each signature, distinct tables to be con sidered signatures; stitching reports, pamphlets, bills and other documents, ten cents a hundred copies; binding the rec ords of the Supreme Court and manu script opinions of the Supreme Court, one dollar and fifty cents a volume; no pro posals for doing printing and binding at greater rates than those fixed in this sec tion shall be considered, but all bids must be at the rates herein fixed, or at a cer tain per cent below them; and In count ing blanks as many as can be printed on a sheet shall be considered as one sheet only and no more. Sec. 2. Be It further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws In conflict with the provisions of this act be, and the