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■hip or corporation, be required of any of their agents or correspondents in this State, CONCERTS OR EXHIBITIONB-19. For each concert, musical entertain ment, public lecture or other public ex hibition or entertainment where charges are made for admission, or for the use of any instrument or device or the partic ipation in any exercise or entertainment not given wholly for charitable, school or religious purposes, and not otherwise provided for, five dollars; but the pro visions of this subdivision shall not ap ply to exhibitions or entertainments giv en in theaters where the owners or man agers thereof have taken out license as owner or manager. COLLECTING AGENCIES—80. Each collecting agency in towns or cities of twenty thousand inhabitants or more, twenty-five dollars; in towns or cities of less than tw’enty thousand in habitants, ten dollars. This tax shAll be paid whether such agency has paid the tax required of commercial, mercantile, mutual benefit or protective agent or not? CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES—21. For each construction company doing business in this State, twenty-five dol lars. COMPOUNDERS AND RECTIFIERS—22 For compounders and rectifiers of spir ituous or vinous liquors, two hundred dollars. Any person who rectifies, puri fies or refines distilled spirits or wines by any process, or mixes distilled spirits or wines with any chemicals, or com pounds liquors for sale un£er any name, shall be deemed a compounder and rec tifier. COTTON BUYERS—33. Each person whose principal business Is buying cotton, ten dollars. CORPORATIONS—24. All corporations doing business in this State, whether organized In this State or another State or country, not other wise specifically required to pay a license tax, shall pay annually the following privilege taxes: Corporations whose paid up capital stock is under $10,000, ten dol lars; corporations whose capital stock exceeds ten and is less than $25,000, fif teen dollars; corporations whose paid up capital stock exceeds $26,000 and does not exceed $50,000, twenty-five dollars. When the paid up capital stock exceeds fifty thousand and is not over one hundred thousand dollars, fifty dollars. Where the paid up capital stock exceeds one hundred thousand dollars and does not exceed two hundred thousand •'seventy five dollars. Where the paid up capital stock exceeds two hundred thousand dol lars and does not exceed three hundred thousand dollars, one hundred and twen ty-five dollars. Where the paid up cap ital stock exceeds three hundred thou sand does not exceed four hundred thou sand dollars, one hundred and seventy dollar!. Where the paid up capital stock exceeds four hundred thousand dollars and does not exceed five hundred thou sand dollars, two hundred dollars. Where the paid up capital stock exceeds five hundred thousand dollars and does not exceed *one million dQllars. three hundred dollars. Where the paid up capital stock exceeds one million dollars, five hundred dollars. Where application is made for the license herein provided, It shall be ac companied by the affidavit of the presi dent or other chief ofTIcer of the corpora tion, showing the amount of capital stock of such corporation; but the payment of this tax in one county in the State, as evidenced by the license of official cer tificate of the Judge of Probate, shall be sufficient Provided, That the provision of this subdivision shall not apply to banks and banking institutions regularly organized as such. COAL AND COKE AGENTS OR DEAL ERS—26. Each person, firm or corporation, or their agents, who deal In coal or coke, in towns or cities of twenty thousand or more inhabitants, twenty dollars; In towns or cities over five thousand inhab itants and less than twenty thousand in habitants, ten dollars; in towns or cities of five thousand inhabitants or less, five dollars. Provided/ this shall not apply to per sons or companies who sell in quantities of five bushels or less, or persons who mine their own coal and sell the same in Wagon load lots. CARDS, DEALERS IN-26. For each dealer In playing cards, five dollars. CANE RACKS—27. (See devices.) DISTILLERS—28. For distillers of spirituous liquors, twenty-five dollars; but this shall not mpply to the distilling of fruits. DOG SHOWS—28. (See circuses.) Detective agencies—30. For each detective agency, company or corporation doing business In this State, fifty dollars. DEVICES—31. For each device used by persons as a source of profit to themselves, such as throwing at wooden figures, or any ob ject of like character, cane racks, knife racks, striking an object to test the strength, blowing to test the lungs, or other device of like character, for each county In which It Is operated, twenty five dollars. But this subdivision shall not be so construed as to legalize the operation of any device which Is now prohibited by law. DUMMY AND ELECTRIC RAILWAYS —32. For each dummy railroad or electric railroad or railway being operated In this State the following license taxes: In counties of forty thousand Inhabitants or over, fifty dollars; In counties of thirty thousand Inhabitants and less than forty thousand, forty dollars; In counties of less than thirty thousand In habitant*. ten dollars. DICE AND DICE BOXES AND DOMI NOES—33. For each table or device, or set of domlnoe bones, kept In connection with a bar room or drinking saloon for use In playing the game commonly known as dominoes, twenty-five dollars; and for each dice box and dice kept In a bar room or drinking saloon, twenty-five dol lars. ELECTRIC LIGHT, GAS AND WATER WORKS-34. For each water works company or cor poration, electrlo light and power com pany or corporation, gas company or cor poration, operated by a person or compa ny or corporation for public uses, other than a municipality, shall pay to the State the following licenses taxes: In cities or towns over twenty thousand In habitants, one hundred dollars; in cities or towns of ten thousand Inhabitants and leas than twenty thousand, fifty dollars; in cities and towns of five thousand In habitants and less than ten thousand, twenty-live dollars; In cities or towns of less than five thousand inhabitants, fif teen dollars. ENTERTAINMENTS WHERE DANC INO IS HAD OR PERMITTED TO BE HAD AND FOR ADMISSION TO WHICH CHARGE IS MADE-34H For each entertainment In towns or cities of over one thousand Inhabitants where dancing Is had or permitted to be had, and for admission to which a charge Is made, live dollars; provided that this Bhall not apply to a theatre that pays a regular license as such. EYE GLASSES—35. (See peddlers.) EXPRESS COMPANIES—36. (Express companies, see section 3914 of the code of 1396.) FEATHER RENOVATORS—37. For each person, firm or agent solicit ing or engaged In cleaning and renovat ing feathers, in each county, ten dollars. TOLL BRIDGES—38. For each toll bridge, or bridges where thoroughfare tolls are charged for ani mals or vehicles crossing the same, when not within two miles of the corporate limits of a town or city of two thousand Inhabitants, where the income is more than three hundred dollars and less than six hundred dollars per annum, five dol lars; for same where income is over six hundred dollars per annum, ten dollars; for same, in or within two miles of the corporate limits of any town or city of two thousand inhabitants and less than five thousand, fifty dollars; for same, in or within two miles of the corporate limits of a town or city of five thousand inhabitants or more, seventy-five dollars. FLYING JENNIES—33. The operator of set of flying jennies, called also “hohby horses” and “merry go-rounds,” shall pay to the State the following license tax: In cities and towns of twenty thousand inhabitants or over, within one mile of such, for each week; five dollars; or for each month, ten dollars; or for each year, thirty dol lars; in cities or towrns of less than twenty thousand inhabitants, or within one mile of such, for each week, two dollars and fifty cents; for each month, ■five dollars; for each year, twenty dol lars. In any locality In the State other than is provided above, for each week, one dollar; or each month, two dollars and fifty cents; or for each year, ten dol lars. Provided, That flying Jennies ac companying circuses shall pay ten dol lars per day. FUTURES, DEALERS IN-40. For each person or firm engaged in the business of buying or selling futures for speculation or on a commission, two hundred dollars; but this shall not be held to legalize any contract which would otherwise be Invalid. FORTUNE TELLERS—41. For each fortune teller, five dollars. FRUIT STANDS—42. For each fruit stand In cities and towns over ten thousand inhabitants, Are dollars; in other places, two dollars and fifty cents. GYPSIES AND TRADERS—43. For each company of traders, usually known as gypsies, twenty-five dollars for each county. HORSE DEALERS—44. For each person or firm engaging In the business of selling horses, mules, jacks or jennets, and having a fixed place of business In the State, forty cents on each animal sold, to be paid in the coun ty In which such person or firm does business. Each such person or firm shall within the first five days of each calenda® month, render to the Probate Judge of such county a written statement under oath of the number of such animals sold by him or it, during the preceding month, and shall, at the same time, pay such li cense tax for selling the same. Any false statement In such return shall be deemed perjury and shall be punished as such. Any failure to make such return and to pay such license tax thereon shall be a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than double the amount of such license actually due from such person or firm. It shall be the duty of the Probate Judge to demand such statement of each such person or firm who shall fall to ren der the same within the time required by law. Any failure of such person or firm to make such return within five days after such demand shall be a fur ther misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a further fine of not less than five hundred dollars, and imprisonment in the county Jail or hard labor for the county for not more than six months. For each person or firm, not having a fixed place of business In the State, and ofTerlng for sale therein horses, mules, jacks and jennets, forty cents for each such animal so offered for sale and be fore any sale thereof the State and coun ty license tax therefor to be paid in the first county in which they are so offered, and not to be required thereafter in any other county. INSURANCE COMPANIES—45. 48. For each insurance company doing a banking business, in addition to other special tax, fifty dollars. ICE FACTORIES—48. For each ice factory, w-ith a capacity of less than ten tons per day, $15; of more than ten tons per day, and less than fifteen tons per day, twenty-five dollars. For each ice factory with a greater ca pacity than fifteen tons per day, fifty dollars. ITINERANT TRADERS, AUCTION EERS AND DEALERS—47. For transient and itinerant auctioneers or traders or dealers In goods, wares and merchandise, other than licensed peddlers, and other than traveling agents of wholesale dealers in articles making sale thereof by sample, fifty dollars; and this tax shall apply to all dealers who are migratory and do not pay an ad va lorem tax. KNIFE AND CANE RACKS—48. Knife and cane racks. (See devices.) LAUNDRIES—4*. Each laundry, other than those run by hand power, ten dollars; this shall apply to laundries run by hotels for profit, and shall not apply to laundries In towns and villages of less than one thousand Inhabitants. LIGHTNING ROD AGENTS—50. Each company or person who sells or delivers or erects lightning rods In this State, shall pay to the State a license tax of fifty dollars. The payment of this tax to the State, evidenced by the receipt of any Judge of Probate, shall exempt such company or perso/' from the pay ment of such tax In t iy other county; but In each county 1* which such com pany or person cart/ s on such business, a license tax of tef" dollars shall be paid for county purposes. LEGERDERMAIN OR SLEIGHT OF HAND—51. For each exhibition of feats of leger degnain or sleight of hand, or other ex hibition or entertainment of like kind, ten dollars. LIQUORS, DEALERS IN-52. For the retail of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors on any steamboat or other water craft, or any sleeping, dining or buffet car, three hundred and fifty dol lars, for which the State shall have a preferred lien on such steam boat or other water craft, and cars named; and such Hen may be enforced whenever any such liquors are retailed by any person on such steamboat or other water craft or cars, with the knowledge or consent Of the captain or conductor, without hav ing first procured a license therefor as provided by law, and the tax collector In any county In which such steamboat or other water craft may ply, or cars run, Is required to enforce such Hen In the same manner, and by the same proceed ings as are authorised for the collection of taxes on steamboats and on railroad cars. For retailers of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, except as hereinafter provided In any city, town, village or any other place of less than one thousand Inhabitants, two hundred dollars; in any city, town or village of more than one thousand Inhabitants and less than three thousand inhabitants, two hundred and fifty dollars; In any city containing three thousand Inhabitants or more, and less than five thousand, two hundred and seventy-five dollars; of more than five and less than ten thousand, three hun dred dollars, and In any city of more than ten thousand Inhabitants, three hundred and fifty dollars. But dealers in lager beer exclusively shall be charged one-fourth of the above rates, and deal ers In wines exclusively shall be charged one-tenth of the above rates. Any per son who pays for and takes out a license as a retailer shall not be required to pay for and take out a licence as a wholesale dealer In such liquors; and when a retail license Is taken out after the first day of January, and before the first day of July, the price of the license shall be the same as for a license for twelve months. Any person who sells or disposes of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or Intoxicating bitters In any quantity less than a quart shall be deemed a retail dealer. Provided, Nothing In this paragraph shall be construed as to alter, repeal or modify any license now authorized and reuired to be paid to any district, city or municipality or for municipal purposes. For wholesale dealers In spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors In any place, three hundred and fifty dollars. Any person dealing In said articles, who shall sell, barter or exchange, or In any way dispose of or permit to be taken, spirit uous, vinous or malt liquors, in any quantity less than one quart, or who shall permit the same to be drunk by the glass, or single drink, In or about his place of business, shall be deemed a re tail dealer, and any dealer so disposing of spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors, only In the quantity of one quart or more shall be deemed a wholesale dealer; but any person having taken out a license as retail dealer, is authorized to sell at wholesale without additional license. Any person engaged In the business of selling cider at retail, or In quantities of less than one gallon, where he Is not the manufacturer thereof, whether It be his principal stock In trade or not, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars. Provided, That this shall not apply to retail liquor dealers. (Bee also com pounders and rectifiers, distillers, brew ers.) MENAGERIES AND MUSEUMS—S3. For each exhibition | of menageries or museums, twenty-five dollars. (See also circuses, concerts and exhibitions.) MACHINE SLOTS—64. For each machine, such as nlckel-ln the-slot or other device of like character, whether the same Is charged for or not, two dollars. This shall apply to phono graphs, weighing machines, music boxes, etc., having the nickel, or penny-in-the slot device^ Provided, this shall not ap ply to any device prohibited by law. MERCANTILE AGENCIES—66. Mercantile agencies. (See commercial agencies.) MONEY LENDERS—66. Each company, corporation or associa tion doing business In this State, whose sole or principal business Is the loaning of money, whether organized In this State or In another State or country, and which is not elsewhere subjected to a privilege tax In this section, shall pay to the State as other license taxes are paid, one hundred dollars. Provided, The provision of this sub division shall not apply to banks, or banking institutions, regularly organized as such. NEWS COMPANIES—67. Each news company doing business in this State, one hundred dollars, which shall be in lieu of all State and county licenses. OILS—68. Each agency, person, firm or corpora tion, selling Illuminating or lubricating oils at wholesale, that Is to say in quan tities of twenty-five gallons or more, shall pay a privilege or license tax to the State, of one-half of one per centum on their gross sales; and the State tax com missioner, or his deputy, Is authorized and directed to collect and pay such privilege tax Into the State treasury, re taining out of the amount collected ten per centum thereof for the compensa tion and fees of himself and deputies for doing said work; and said State tax com missioner, or said deputies, with the ap proval of the State board of compromise, may collect and receive a gross sum as said privilege or license tax from any corporation, firm, person or agency, sell ing oils In this State, and said gross sum may be so received and collected In place of and In full settlement of said license tax, so that oils upon which said gross sum has so been paid In full settlement shall not be subject to the license tax Imposed by this section. And this license shall run as other licenses In the State, from January to January. Provided, the State tax commlsloner, or his deputies, may require sworn state ments to be made by agencies, persons, firms, or corporations, of their gross amounts of sales, for the previous cal endar year, which may be accepted with the approval of the State board of com promise for fixing the amount of said lieense for the current year. Any agen cy, person, firm or corporation, falling to make said sworn statement when so required, forfeits to the State three times the amount of said license. PAWNBROKERS—5*. For each pawnbroker, seventy-five dol lars. PATENT RIGHTS-fiO. Each person who shall sell or offer to sell the right to manufacture, or use, any machinery or other thing patented under the laws of the United States, for each county In which he shall sell or offer to sell such patented machinery or other thing, five dollars. PEDDL/ER8—01. For each peddler of medicines, or other articles of like character, fifty dollars for each county In which they peddle; and for each peddler of spectacles or eye-glasses, five dollars for each county In which they peddle; for peddlers of medicines with vocal or Instrumental music, or both, one hundred dollars for each county In which they peddle; for peddlers In wagon drawn by one horse, or other animal, forty dollars; In a wagon drawn by two horses or more, or other animals, fifty-five dollars; on a horse, or other animal, twenty-five dol lars; on foot, fifteen dollars; wlion ac companied by singers or performers, on any musical Instruments, one hundred dollars; but peddlers of tin ware only, and peddlers of wooden and stone or clay hollow ware only, and tanners who manufacture leather goods and peddle these only, shall not be required to pro cure license. A peddler's license shall entitle him to peddle only In the county where It Is taken out. Any person may demand of peddlers. Itinerant dealers and traveling agents their license, and unless they exhibit the same, or show that they have a right under the law to peddle the articles carried by them, or to carry on the business they are engaged In without a license, such person may and Is hereby authorised to arrest such peddlers, Itin erant dealer or traveling agent, and car ry him before the nearest County Court Judge, Justice of the Peace, Mayor, Re corder, lntendent of any town, or notary public exercising the power of a Justice of the Peace, and such officer as such peddler, Itinerant dealer or traveling agent Is carried before must, if he finds such person to be dealing without a li cense, forwlth Issue a warrant for his ar rest, returnable to any court of the county having criminal Jurisdiction, which warrant may be executed by the sherlfT, or by any constahle of the coun ty, any city or town marshal, policeman, or any officer having authority to make arrests. It shall, however, be lawful for any person having but one arm or leg, or whose sight has been impaired as a result of exposure. Injury or disease dur ing his service In the Confederate army, or any other disabled Confederate sol dier who Is permanently disabled from any cause, or any person who has lost his eyesight In any way so that he is Incompetent to, terform manua\ labor (If he shall secure the certificate of a physician and the certificate of the Judge of probate of such facts), to peddle In any county of the State free of license; nor shall this act be so construed as to require a license of peddlers of fish, oys ters, game, fresh meats, poultry, fruit and all farm products raised by the sell er. For each peddler of clocks doing business In this State, a State license tax of five hundred dollars and a county li cense tax of two hundred and fifty dol lars for each county In which such bus iness Is carried on. That all the cltlxens of this State, who have resided here for five years next before the passage of this act, who were soldiers of the Confeder ate States of America, or engaged In the naval service thereof, and do not own property exceeding In value one thousand dollars, be allowed to peddle any produce or merchandise In any and all of the counties of this Statei except In any In corporated village, town or city, without the payment of the license required of such peddlers. That any such soldiers or sailors desiring such licenses to ped dle, must apply to the Judge of probate of any county In this State, and make and submit his proof of having been such soldier or sailor, and If It Is suffi cient to satisfy said Judge, he will Issue the license without payment of money therefor, and such license shall be au thority to peddle such commodities In any of the counties of this State. Provided, That under this act there shall be no peddling of patent medicines, by persons exempt from taking out a li cense to peddle. PHOTOGRAPH'S—62. For each traveling photograph gallery going from county to county In railroad car, fifteen dollars. For each traveling photographer traveling In any other way, five dollars. PISTOL, BOWIE OR DIRK KNIVES-63 For dealers In pistol, bowle or dirk knives, brass knucks, whether principal stock In trade or not, fifty dollars. PISTOL OR RIFLE CARTRIDGES—64. Dealers In pistol or rifle cartridges, In towns or cities of twenty thousand or more Inhabitants, fifty dollars. In towns more than ten thousand and less than twenty thousand Inhabitants, twenty-five dollars. In all other places, ten dollars. PUBLIC HALLS—66. For each public hall let to hire, twenty five dollars In towns or cities of more than 500 Inhabitants; of less than and more than two thousand Inhabitants, fif teen dollars, and of less than two thou sand inhabitants, ten dollars. POOL TABLES—66. For each pool table upon which the game of pin pool Is played, one hundred dollars. For each table upon which a game of pool is played, with fifteen balls, more or less, and not pin pool, which la kept In connection with the business of a bar room or drinking saloon, whether compensation is charged or not, fifty dol lars. For each table upon which a game of pool Is played with fifteen balls, more or less, and not pin pool, for the use of which money or other things of value is charged, and not kept In connection with a bar room or drinking saloon, twenty-five dollars. PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS—67. For each person or firm doing the bus iness of a plumber and gas fitter, or either, In towns or cities of twenty thou sand or more inhabitants, ten dollars. In all other places, five dollars. PIG IRON STORAGE COMPANIES-68. Any person, firm or corporation operat ing yards or inclosure for the purpose of storing pig Iron therein, and Issuing war rants thereon, or receipts therefor, shall pay to the State annually for each such yard or inclosure, fifty dollars, but this provision shall not apply to such yards owned and used by manufacturers of pig Iron In this State. RACK TRACKS—«S. For each public race track, at or with in five miles of any city or town con taining less than five thousand Inhabi tants. one hundred dollars; at or within five miles of any city or town contalng more than five thousand Inhabitants, two hundred dollars. RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS-VO. Each railroad ticket broker, otherwise known as scalper, or other railroad ticket agent, excepts agents actually em ployed by some railroad, shall pay to the State the following license tax: In cities or towns of ten thousand Inhabitants or over, $100; In cities or towns of less than ten thousand Inhabitants, $50. REAL ESTATE BROKERS OR AGENTS—71. Each person, firm or corporation en gaged In buying, selling or renting real estate on commission shall pay to the State the following license taxes: In cities or towns of ten thousand Inhabi tants or over, fifteen dollars; In cities or towns with less than ten thousand Inhab itants, five dollars. SOCIAL CLUBS OF MEN-71H. Each bar of a social club at which vin ous, spirituous or malt liquors are sold at retail to members or others or furnished to members shall pay one-half of the 11 cense as Is required of other retail liquor dealers in the same vicinity, any provis ion In the charter of any such club ex empting l^from the payment of such li cense to the contrary notwithstanding. All laws and parts of laws, general or special, In conflict or Inconsistent with the provisions of this subdivision are hereby repealed. SUPPLY CARS—72, The owner, conductor, or person in charge, of every supply car, or car from which any goods, ware, or merchandise are sold, whether to the servants of the railroad pompany or others, must pay a license of one hundred dollars; and the person licensed 3hall thereby be entitled to carry on such business In the car therein named, In any county In which such cur Is run or drawn; but each of such counties may charge a license there for of ten dollars. SKATING RINK—73. For each skating rink, twenty-five dol lars. SEWING MACHINES, RANGES—74. Each sewing machine company, selling or delivering sewing machines, either in person or through agents, or consignees, and all persons who engage in the busi ness of selling or delivering sewing ma chines, shall pay to the State twenty-five dollars for each county in which they may so sell; but when merchants en gaged in a general business, keep sewing machines, as a part of their stock in trade, they shall not he required to pay the tax herein provided. SHOOTING GALLERIES-75. For each shooting gallery, fifteen dol lars. SIDE SHOWS—76. Side shows. (See circuses.) STOCKS AND BONDS, DEALERS IN -77. Each person or firm whose principal business is dealing in stocks and bonds, twenty dollars. TEN PIN ALLEYS—78. Ten pin alleys. (See bowling alleys.) THEATRES—73. For each theatre In towns or cities containing more than eight thousand in habitants, fifty dollars; but this price shall not be charged for license for open air or summer theatres, such as at Mo bile on the Bay shore, and known as Frascati, and East Lake, in Jefferson county, but for each such open air or summer theatre, fifty dollars; in towns and cities containing less than eight thousand and more than two thousand inhabitants, twenty-five dollars. This 11 oense shall only extend to dramatic, leg erdermaln. acrobatic and operatic exhibi tions given in the building so licensed and if any doubt arises as to the char acter of an entertainment proposed to be exhibited in any theatre, the Judge of probate of the county in which the thea tre is situated shall determine whether or not it Is covered by theatrical license. TOLL BRIDGE—80. Toll bridges. (See ferries.) TELEPHONE COMPANIES—81. Each telephone company in towns and cities of twenty thousand Inhabitants, twenty-five dollars. In towns and cities of less than twenty thousand and more than ten thousand inhabitants, ten dol lars. In all other places, five dollars. This tax shall not apply to private indi viduals who operate a line between pri vate residences, for private use, and where no rental Is charged. WAREHOUSE AND ELEVATOR COM PANIES—82. Bach warehouse or elevator company, in towns and cities of more than twenty thousand inhabitants, twenty dollars; in towns and cities of twenty thousand and less, ten dollara WATER WORKS—83. Water works companies. (See electric light companies.) In all cases In this section, where pop ulation controls the price of licenses, the last census report of the Federal govern ment shall govern. Provided, That the licenses herein set out are payable on the first day of Jan uary, and the amount of privilege tax levied in this section Is Intended as per annum tax, unless otherwise specified. The Court of County Commissioners of each county, except in cases otherwise provided, may, at any regular or spe cial term, add to the taxes specified in this section such amounts not exceeding fifty, per cent, of such taxes, for county purposes, as in their judgment may bo necessary; and no license shall be Issued without the payment of such percentage for county purposes. Provided, That whenever any one has paid more license for this current year than Is required under this act, they shall be entitled to receive from the treasury of the State and county the ex cess of license so paid. Provided further, That wherever li censes for the current year have been paid and the license provided by this act does not exceed the amount paid, no new license for the current year shall be taken out; and provided, that wherever a license for the current year has been paid and the license required by this act exceeds the amount of license paid, the amount paid shall be allowed as a credit on the new license for the current year. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That the dispensaries in each municipality shall pay one hundred per cent, of such State and county licenses os were paid by all the saloons in such municipality during the year 1898, payable quarterly, and in no case less than amount paid by one sa loon. OCU. iff. DO it lutmc* v much u, j. imv ijcv tlon 4127 of the code of 1896 be amended ao as to read as follows: Section 4127. Licenses for selling spirituous, vinous or malt liquors on steamboats, or other wa ter craft, or on any sleeping, dining or buffet car, may be taken out In any county through which they run; and when taken out In any one of such coun ties, the person taking out such license may sell the liquors authorised thereby In any county In or through which such steamboat, or other water craft, sleeping, dining or buffet car Is navigated, or run, where not prohibited by law, which li cense shall be for the benefit of the State and shall be In lieu of all other licenses. Sec. 20 Be It further enacted. That sec tion 3963 of the code of 1896 be and the same Is hereby repealed. 8ec. 22. Be It, further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws In conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 28. Be It further enacted hy the Oeneral Assembly o? Alabama, That any assessment made or taxes paid or li cense paid under and In persuance of the provisions of an act to amend the reve nue laws of Alabama approved Febru ary 28, 1898. which said law has been by the Supreme Court declared unconstitu tional, are hereby ratified and confirmed at the election of person, firm or cor poration making such payment, or whose property has been so assessed, auch elec tion to be expressed to the State Audi tor In writing within sixty days after the passage of this act. Approved March 6, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary qf State. No, 613. A RESOLUTION. H. J. R. House joint resolution memorializing Congress concerning the bill now pend ing In the lower House looking to the establishment of a soldiers' home at Huntsville, Alabama; Whereas. Hundreds of valiant and gal lant confederate and federal soldiers who bravely fought In the civil war on ac count of their age and Infirmities have become Indigent and are unable to sup port themselves, and, whereas, It Is the duty of this great nation to care for Its old soldiers In the years of their disa bility. Now, therefore, Resolved by the House, the Senate concurring, that the people of Alabama through their General Assembly hereby memorallzes Congress to enact the bill Introduced by the Hon orable William Richardson of the Eighth Congressional District, entitled: A bill to establish a house for disabled soldiers of the Federal and Confederate armies In the war between the states, eighteen hundred and slxty-one to eighteen hun dred and slxty-flve, at or near Hunts ville, Madison county, Alabama. In or der that the many disabled and Indigent Federal and Confederate soldiers In Ala bama may have the succor and comfort their necessity so strenuously demands. Approved March 1, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 970. AN ACT 8. 503. To amend section 19 of an act to regulate the mining of coal In Alabama, ap proved February 16, 1897. Be It enacted by the General Assem bly of Alabama, That section 19 of an act entitled an act to regulate the min ing of coal In Alabama, approved Febru ary 16, 1897, be amended so as to read as follows: Section 19. Be It further enact ed, That the owner, agent or operator of any underground mine In this State shall make or cause to be made by a competent engineer an accurate and ex act map of said mine showing the exact position of said mine in reference to the section line which shall be connected with some known boundary line of the section or subdivision of the section. That said map shall show accurately the position of any branches, creeks or riv ers under which said mine may extend: also, as near as possible, the position of any old mine near by, and that said map shall be sworn to by the engineer mak ing same. That the original map provid ed for herein shall be filed during the month of January next after the opening of said mine and shall show Its condi tion on the first day of such January, and all new work Inside of the mine must be added to said map, or a new map filed, each year thereafter, showing the condition of the mine on the first day of January of the same year: and this pro vision for additions to maps Shall apply to all the maps which have heretofore been filed In the office of the chief In spector of mines. That said maps shall be filed In the office of chief inspector of mines who shall provide a suitable and safe place for keeping them. That the chief Inspector of mined with the approv al of the Board of Exanmlners may re fuse to accept maps made by persons claiming to be mining engineers who are not known to be such and of good stand ing and character In their profession. That the mine boss In charge of such mines shall certify to the correctness of such map and the additions made there to. That said map shall be made on a uniform scale of 100 feet to the Inch, and any person may secure a copy of any map on file In the Inspector's office, by paying reasonable charges for making such map, and such copy when certified by the Inspector shall be evidence In any court In this State. That It shall be the duty of the chief Inspector of mines dur ing the first three days of January of each year to forward or cause to be for warded by express or by other safe means of transmitting at the expense of the agent, owner or operator of the re spective mines all maps on file In his of fice of mines In operation t to the chief , offices of the respective mines as such' chief office shall be reported to him, In order that said maps may be revised showing the condition of the mine on the first day of January of each year, and It shall be the duty of such owner, agent or operator of each mine In this State to have such maps revised during the month of January of each year, and re turn the same to the office of the chief mining Inspector, charges prepaid during said month of January of each year, and if said maps Shall not be so returned, the chief mining Inspector shall charge for the time In default at the rate of one dollar per day for each day's delay after the last day of January, and he shall not file any such delayed map until the fine has been paid, and all fines collected under this section shall be paid by him Into the State treasury. Approved March 4, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 1046. AN ACT 8 . 520. To provide for the Isolation of convicts suffering with tuberculosis. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabam, That the Inspectors of convicts In this State, be and they are hereby required to establish a separate camp or place for all convicts in this State suffering from tuberculosis, at which all convicts, whether State or county, shall be sent and there kept at such labor as they nfhy be able to per form, under the superintendence and di rection of said Board of Inspectors. Sec. 2. Be It further enacted. That said Board of Inspectors shall prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessa ry to ascertain what convicts are suffer ing from tuberculosis, and to provide for the removal of the same to the camp or place provided for In the first section of this act. Approved March 6, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID. Secretary of State. No. 972. AN ACT S. 269. To prevent the encouragement of litiga tion and provide for the punishment of persons engaged In encouraging litiga tion. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That It shall bo unlawful for an attorney at law, either before or after action brought to prom ise or give or offer to promise or give a valuable consideration to any person as an Inducement to placing, or In con sideration of having placed In his hands, or In the hands of any partnership of which he Is a member, a demand of any kind, for the purpose of bringing suit or making claim against another, or to em ploy a person to search for and procure clients to be brought to such attorney. Sec. 2. Be It further enacted, That any attorney at law who shall violate the provisions of section one of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be removed and disbarred from acting as an attorney at law, and any person who shall before or after suit brought receive or agree to receive from any attorney at law, compensation for services In seek ing out or placing In the hands of an at tomey a demand of any kind for suit or compromise, shall be guilty of a misde meanor. Approved March 4, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. MeDAVTD, Secretary of State. No, lies. AN ACT H. 1048. To allow the Register In Chancery for the First District of the Southwestern Chancery Division of Alabama, com pensation for exofflclo services. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama. That from and after the passage of this act, the Regis ter In Chancery for the First District of the Southwestern Chancery Division of Alabama, shall be allowed such sum as the Court of County Commissioners may think proper, not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars per annum, as com pensation for exofflclo services, rendered by said officer, to be paid as exofflclo i fees are now paid to other county offl-’ cers who are entitled to such fees. Approved March 5, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. MeDAVTD, Secretary of State. No. 1083. AN ACT H. 15*8. To provide for Senatorial Representa tives In the General Assembly of Ala bama. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama. That the Senate of the General Assembly of Alabama shall consists of thirty-three members, and that the State Is divided Into thirty three Senatorial districts as follows: First, Lauderdale and Limestone: second, Lawrence and Morgan; third, Winston, Blount and Cullman; fourth. Madison; fifth, Jackson and Marshall; sixth, Eto wah and St. Clair; seventh, Calhoun nnd Cleburne; eighth, Talladega and Clay: ninth. Randolph and Chambers; tenth, Tallapoosa and Coosa; eleventh. Tusca loosa; twelfth, I.amar, Fayette and Walker; thirteenth, Jefferson; four teenth, Pickens and Sumter; fifteenth, Chilton, Shelby and Elmore; sixteenth, Autauga and Lowndes; seventeenth, But ler, Conecuh and Covington; eighteenth, Perry and Bibb; nineteenth, Choctaw, Clarke and Washington: twentieth, Ma rengo; twenty-first, Monroe, Escambia and Baldwin; twenty-second, Wlltiox; twenty-third, Henry, Dale and Genera; twenty-fourth, Barbour; twenty-fifth. Pike, Coffee and Crenshaw; twenty-sljrth, Macon and Bullock; twenty-seventh, Lee and Russell; twenty-eighth, Montgom ery; twenty-ninth. DeKalb and Chero kee; thirtieth, Dallaa; thirty-first, Col bert. Franklin and Marlon; thirty-second, Greene and Hale; thirty-third. Mobile. See. 2. Be It further enacted. That at the general election next following the passage of this act. Senators stall be elected In the even numbered districts to serve for four years, so that hgreafter one-half the Senators may be ehosen bi ennially. Approved March 5, 1901. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDlAVTD. Secretary of State. No. 1087. AN ACT H. IMS To amend section 1 of "An act to provide for the selling of such lands as have been or may be selected under and by virtue of an act of Congress entitled ‘An act to Increase the endowment of the University of Alabama from the public lands In said State,’ approved April 23, 1884, and for the application of all moneys arising from such sales, approved February 5, 1886.” flection 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section 1 of an act entitled "An act to provide for the selling of such lands as have been or may be selected under and by vlrtud Of an act of Congress entitled ‘An act to Increase the endowment of the Universi ty of Alabama from the public lands In said 8tate,' approved April 23, 1884; and for the application of all moneys arising from such sales,” approved February 6, 1.885, be amended so as to read as 'otlows: ' Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the titles to all the lands which have been or may be selected or received under the act of Con gress aforesaid shall be vested In the "Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama," who shall dispose of said lands only for the purposes mentioned In said act of Congress, and In the man ner hereinafter directed. Provided, how ever, that the minimum price on said lands shall not be less than four dollars per acre, and provided further, that at least one-half of the purchase money shall be paid In rash at the time of sale and the remainder divided Into equal In stallments, In case any parcel of land Is not sold entirely for cash; provided, fur ther, that the said trustees shall hava power to lay off town lota at any placs they shall deem expedient and to dlspoas of them for the purposes and In the man ner prescribed for the sale of other lands under thle act, and provided further, that said Board of Trustees shall have power to make separate sales of said lands or of the surface timber or mineral Inter ests In said lands and to lease the same or any such Interest therein and to ex change said lands for other lands. Approved March 6, 190L (OfTIclal.) ROBERT P. MeDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 1081. AN ACT H. 1049. To amend section 4478 of he code of 1996. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section 4479 of the code of 1898 be amended so as to read as follows: Section 4487 (4648). Not less than twenty hired to one person or kept at one prison; violation, misdemeanor, exception. Jtot less than twenty State or county convicts shall be hired to any one person or kept at any one prison, and none of those hired to any person must be related to him by consanguinity or affinity and they shall be governed, worked and guarded as prescribed by the rules and regulations for working penitentiary con victs outside the walls. But when con victs are worked In the county where convicted less than twenty may be worked In one place. That the provisions of this bill shall not apply to mining or quarrying enterprises. Approved Maroh S. 1961. (Official.) ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. No. 948. AN ACT S. 8T) To amend sections 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 18, IS and 20 of an act entitled An act for the relief of needy Confederate soldiers and sailors, resident citizens of Alabama, and their widows, approved February 10, 1899. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section 4 of an act entitled An act for the relief of needy Confederate soldiers and sailors, resident etttaens of Alabama, be so amended as to read as follows: That up on the first Monday In July after the pas sage of this act, and upon the same date In each year thereafter, the County Board of Examiners shall meet at the county seat of their respective counties and open an office for the examination of appli cants for pensions under this act. Theg