Newspaper Page Text
- PRATT CITY. Recent Census Shows Population or the City To Be 6,000. Pratt City, July 15.—(Special.)—'The census enumeration made last week by Prof. P. M. McNeill in the Interest of the Merchants' Association when the total population was given as 4.494, included only the corporate limits of the city. With about eighty acres on the northeast and what is known as French Town on the south, all thickly populated, and receiving mail at Pratt City, a conservative estimate of the population of Pratt City would be about 6,000. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parsons, aged 9 months, who died yesterday, was buried today at. the Pratt City Cemetery. Miss Minnie Culverhouse will be at home to her friends on Wednesday evening at the home of her parents on Third street, complimentary to her cousin. Miss Louis Turpin, who is her guest The Tuesday Evening Club will meet tomorrow evening with Miss Rosa V. Strickland. i The city is making some much need I ed improvements on the East High i lands streets. Miss Julia Lynch of Birmingham is the charming guest of friends at Pratt City. Palmetto Camp, No. 62, Woodmen of the World, will meet this evening, ,^when important business will be trans acted. W. A. Hall has accepted a position with the Birmingham Southern. OUTBREAK AMONG TROOPS. Colombian Soldiers Dissatisfied and Treaten to Break Barracks. "Kingston, Jamaica, July 15.—A letter received here from a prominent mer chant In Carthegena, Colombia, reports a serious outbreak among the Colombian troops In the outskirts of that city last week. The soldiers were dissatisfied and threatened to desert. Monday they at tempted to break out from their barracks and attacked their guards. A bitter fight followed In which seven of the guards were killed and several wounded on both sides. This letter further says a large number of mutineers have escaped and it is expected they will join the rebels and that the Indications are that the revolu * tlon will continue longer and with renew ed energy on the part of liberals. REGISTRATIONS. More Than 30,000 Applications for In dian Lands. El Reno, O. T., July 15.—All records were broken today by the registration clerks when 10,967 people were given pa per* entitling them to numbers in the great drawing which will begin July 29. This makes a total registration of 31,015 At El Reno. At L#awton there were 7SOO persons registered in the four days end ing Saturday evening. Today there were more than 10,000 people in El Reno. ’ ABSOLUTE . SECURITY. Genuine Carter’s Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Set Pac-SImlle Wrapper Below. my FDR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BIUOHSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COMSTIPATIOR. FOR SALLOW SKIH. FOR THE COMPLEXION __CURS 810 < HR A D A C H E._ DR. BYROIM DOZIER, PHYSICIAN AHD SUR8E0N. Office, Simon Building, Cor. Third Ave. and Nineteenth Street, Residence, 2008 Avenue E. Calls attended day or night. PEOPLES TELEPHONE 1296 ANN 1207. _ l \ SOMETHING OF JEWELS THAT ARE IN VOGUE Birmingham Dealer Makee Elaborate Display of Diamonds—A Wo mans’s Jewels Should Reflect Her Artistic Taste. BY ANNIE KENDRICK WALKER. For the woman fortunate enough to gratify her tastes In jewels, or she whose soul delights In them, but who Is unable to possess more than one or two spark ling gems, there Is a luxurious and glit tering shop In Nineteenth street that hqs recently been opened—Calhouns. It has become a fashionable mecca for all the smart women who are In town and more than one autumn bride-to-be was fasci nated yesterday by the glittering velvet trays sparkling with gems, and was un decided as to which she preferred, the diamond sunburst pendnnt or the jeweled crescent to be caught In her coltfeure. For while the diamond settings that came In vogue several years ago are practically the same, still the woman who loves Jewels lingers over the various settings as If her whole life depended upon the proper selection. She knows that a woman's taste can be strongly expressed In her selection of Jewels and their designs, as In her gowns, and the really artlstlo woman will prefer that even the gems sparkle on her corsage and glitter on her fair hands be. as much a part of herself as the laces at her throat. When she hesitates between designs the one showing a glowing star like setting, the other a long jeweled thing with a hundred lights, It Is not always the price that makes her pause In her decision but she wishes to assure herself upon one point which design will really In the end express her taste In jewels. But even a man who might be Influenced In hlB selection by the little tags attach ed to It, could hardly have failed 'to select something that would not please the most fastidious woman, for among a quantity of exquisite Jewels shown yesterday, there was not a single Inartistic design. ; In a single case there were a number of superb diamonds, the settings aggregating twelve or fifteen thousand dollars, and from 6 to 10 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. E. V. Gregory, Seventeenth street and avenue I. • • • Miss Pinckney Woodward of Talladega, and Miss Bessie. Packman of Sweetwater, Tenn., are the guests of Miss Kate Hogan. • • • Mrs. P. P. Dunnam and children are visiting relatives In Helena. • • • Miss Elisabeth Shelley left yesterday afternoon for Shelby Springs. • • • Mrs. William Parker Rass of Madlson ville, Ky., is the guest of Mrs. Erswell. • • * Miss Hardee Meade and Miss Eula Drennen have returned from Mrs. Crump’s house party. • • • Mr.-and Mrs. B. F. Roden and Miss Lilian Roden left yesterday for Tate Springs. • • • The women of the First Baptist Church will give an Ice cream festival tonight from 6 to 10 o’clock at Capital Park. * • # There will be a meeting of St. Mary's Hospital Chapter this afternoon at 6 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. Bledsoe, 1316 avenue I. ... Mrs. E. T. Taliaferro, principal of the Pollock-Stephens Institute, has returned from a delightful visit to her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Ferrell. She will spend the re mainder of this month at home. ... Mrs. Jefferson D. Gibson, Mrs. John W. Patton and Mrs. D. A. Goldsmith and little daughter Delta left yesterday for Delta Springs, Ga. • . » Mrs. Dee Cotten of San Antonio, Tex., accompanied by her son Marrast Is vis iting her brother, Dr. Robert Cotten In Sixth avenue. BESSEMER. Fire Destroys Three Residences—A Workingmen’s Ticket To Be Named. Bessemer, July 15.—(Special.) — Three houses burned in the rolling mill quarters ai an early hour this morning. They were two-story frame dwellings and burned quickly, making a big blaze. One was occupied by VERY ACTIVE. JONES—WERE YOU THERE WHEN THEY PASSED AROUND THE CHEE3E? SMITH—YES; I TOOK AN ACTIVE PART. among those most admired was a sun burst pendant, the center showing a large and exquisite single stone. The diamond stars and the large crescents for the hair show very little gold, the designs showing »the Jewels set closely. Among the newest designs are the broaches of turquoise matrix, these being exquisite and show ing a rose gold setting, either plain or studded with small pearls. This rose gold, showing as it does the very dull finish, continues in vogue. These turquoise pins have pendants of Beirut pearls and are quite the latest fad among the importers. Calhoun is showing among his silver a superb old Martele pitcher, this being hammered by hand and in its design being an outgrowth of the Renaissance in silver decoration. The repousse work was seen on ft great deal of the silverware, a tea service being among the handsomest sets, while the chests of silver showed the dainty de signs so greatly in vogue for a year. The colonial patterns are still popular and in the tea and breakfast services there can be no prettier design. In the chatelaine watches there were numberless artistic patterns and that so much attention is still being devoted to these little watches indicates that wo man continues to favor this stile of wear ing her favorite little timepiece. Time drags less heavily when the moments are marked by a little chatelaine watch ornamented with Jewels. The Interior of Calhoun’s establish ment is very handsome. It has been newly finished In rich mahogany, and the frescoes are In dark green. The cut glass shows resplendent against a mirrored interior, and the shops one admires along Broadway are not more artistic. The Calhoun Jewelry Company is com posed of George R. Calhoun and James L. Gaines, Jr., of Nashville. In Society. Miss Bertha Komis la visiting Mrs. W. V. M. Robertson at Fulton Springs. * • ‘ • Ths women of St. John's Church will serve Ices this afternoon and evening white people, and the others by ne groes. They were valued at about $3,000, and were Insured in the North American Assurance Company of New \ork. It Is not known how the fire originated. Circulars are out calling a meeting of organized labor to meet in the hall over Rush’s drug store next Wednes day night for the purpose of putting out a municipal ticket of their own for the coming primary on the 22nd of this month. They have two candi dates out already, one for city clerk and the other for chief of police. Swim & Weaver, photographers, who have been here for some weeks past, start tomorrow for the West, with San Francisco as their objective point. On the way they will ply their vocation, taking a large number of views for leading magazines. Quite a large party, composed of the younger set, visited camp this after noon as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lopez. They remained for the dance tonight. Mrs. R. B. Ransom was in the city today, the guest of Mrs. J. W. Carter. Mr. W. H. Howell of Birmingham was in the city today. Company H (Bessemer Rifles) will return tomorrow from camp. The boys have thoroughly enjoyed their short experience of camp life. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed on June 27, 1900, took out letters of administration in the probate court of Jefferson County, Ala., upon the estate of Wesley Cotton, deceased. All persons having claims agalns't said estate are re quired to file the same within the time set by law or be barred. W. H. FERGUSON, Administrator 1MILIE STREET MILWHII COURT Suit Filed to Force Payment by Trust Company SENSATIONAL CHARGES It Is Alleged That Only Eleven Shares of the Railroad Company’s Stock Were Paid for by the Trust Company. Nashville, Tenn., July 16.— A motion was made in the United States Circuit j Court today by E. E. Richardson, one of the underlying bondholders of the Nash ville Railroad, which recently went into the hands of a receiver, asking that he be allowed to intervene in the case of the Baltimore Trust and Guarantee Com pany vs. Nashville Railroad. The litiga tion involves over $9,000,000 and the aver ments in the petition are sensational. The petition seeks ito compel the Baltimore Trust Company, under the mortgage for $6,600,000 issue of bonds to pay into the treasury of the Nashville Railway a sum aggregating $1,792,000. which is alleged to have been paid by the syndicate for the constituent lines of the Nashville Rail road before its consolidation. It is charged that the Baltimore Trust Company advanced the money to pay for the stock and that It recouped itself out of the proceeds of the bond sale. The syndicate is alleged to have sold $4,S76,oOO of bonds at par with accrued interest through the trust company and that the proceeds were divided among the mem bers of the syndicate and not a dollar paid into the Nashville Railroad treas ury. The petition asks that $6,498,000 un paid subscriptions made by the syndicate to the capital stock be paid into court and alleges of the total capital stock of $6,500,000 only eleven shares were paid for and the balance now divided accord ing to the respective interests represented in the syndicate. The petition alleges that the Nashville Railroad is now in solvent and that the foreclosure proceed ings were Instituted to enable the syndi cate to avoid Its liabilities as original subscribers to the capital stock. It is also alleged that part of the scheme is to depress the value of the underlying bonds so as to enable the trust company to buy them. The petition prays for judgment against the Baltimore Trust and Guarantee Company for the amount of the original stock subscriptions and •the proceeds of the bond sales aggregat ing over $9,000,000. RICIH COUPLE WEDS. Both Prominently Connected, One In Tennessee, One In Ohio. Cincinnati, O., July 15.—Major E. E. Camp, a millionaire coal operator of Knoxville, Tenn., and Mrs. Nannie V. I.afferty of this city were married to night at the home of the latter. Mrs. Lafferty is also wealthy and a highly cul tivated member of one of the old families that is prominently connected in Cincin nati and Kentucky. The wedding was attended only by intimate friends and members of the family. Major Camp was district attorney under President Grant and is still prominently known in politics. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Robinson of Trini ty Methodist Episcopl Church here. Mr. and Mrs. Camp departed for Boies City, Idaho, to attend the miners convention, after which they will tour the Pacific coast and the return to Knoxville. 5 And other painful and serious ailments which sTmB^UpShF9, tfaeff so many mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of “Mother’s Friend." This remedy is a God-send to women, liecause '* Cy^iTKl M carries them through their most critical ordeal with perfect safety and no pain. No woman who uses “Mother’s Friend” need fear the suffering and danger of child-birth — for it robs this ordeal of its horror and insures safety to mother and child. F Our booh, “Before Baby is Born,” is worth 3 (t jtm w ils weight in paid to every woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by Bradfield Regulator Company, Atlanta, Ga. flffXoilOl# ..Opportunity".. I _TO MAKE_ —■ SOUND INVESTMENT 7$, Whole Block. 5 Fronting 800 feet on avenues B and C, across the street from the Rolling Mills, the main tracks of the L. & N. R. R. less than ono block distant and fronting 400 feet on the Bolt Lines. 20th street Loop Electric Cars pass one block away. Proba bly the only high, level square within ten blocks of Union Depot and as close to high priced central property, to be had near my price—$15.00 per front foot cash. Address owner— BOX 286, BIRMINGHAM, ALA. ip DON’T BUY A LOT OR BUILD A HOME before seeing TWELFTH AVENUE, NORTH, SIXTEENTH AVENUE, SOUTH, and HIGHLAND AVENUE, where we are making improvements, developing the CHOICEST RESIDENCE LOTS in the valley. BIRMINGHAM REALTY CO., 117 N. 21st Street An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Sybup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining tho liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most ref resiling to the taste and acceptable to tho system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stauco, and its acting on tlic kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it tho idea) laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to tho California Fig Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember tho full nameof the Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, IY. NEW YORK, N. Y. Fonilo by all DruggtatB-—Price50c. por bottla ALABAMIANS AT BUFFALO Alabama Exhibit, Buffalo, N. Y., July 15.—(Special.)—The cool and delightful weather has brought out many Alabam ians to see the exposition. They are ar riving on every train. Those registered in the last two days are J. H. Woodward, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Clapp, E. A. Archi bald. Misses R. M. Norton and N. Nor ton, F. F. Norton, Miss Alice Nall, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Curry, Miss Naldo Allen, Miss Roberts, Miss Jessie Lockhart, J. C. Armstrong, Z| W. Matthews, R. S. England of Birmingham; Mrs. C. F. Bush, Miss S. G. Follansbee, Mrs. N. Lobman, R. F. Moore of Montgomery; Gertrude Nicholson, Mt. Meigs; Irene Crawley, Annie Kelly and G. E. Laxley, Mobile; C. A. L. Samford, A. M. Bnchannan, Col. and Mrs. A. H. Slaughter, Opelika; Misses Mary Sampson and Maud Lindsey, Tuscumbia; Dorothy Zummisch, Troy; Mamie Clark, Hope Hull, Curtis Hawkins, Evergreen; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Brock man and Miss Brockman, Misses Green and Weller, Gadsden. The exposition is fully complete in every respect, and largec crowds are at tending daily. The lake breezes are de lightful and covering at night is neces sary. The Alabama exhibit is one of the main centers of attraction. Actress Gets Verdict. London, July 15.—Miss Hettle Chattell, an actress, hasb obtained--0 vardict for £2500 in the Sheriff's Court against the Daily Mail for lib^l, At jjie time of the marriage of Rosie Boote to the Earl of Hedfort, the Daily Mail asserted that Miss Chattell was the mother of Miss Boote. If your brain won’t work right and you miss the snap, vim and energy that was once yours, you should take Prickly Ash Bitters. It cleanses the system and invigorates both body and brain. ONE CENT A WORD. No Ad. Taken for Less Than 25 Cefeta. Cash Must Accompany Each Order. THE ALABAMA HOME $25,000 PER MONTH To loan by the ALABAMA HOME BUILDING & IX)AN ASSOCIATION (Borrowers can make a large or a small monthly payment, and have op tion of making partial payments, in terest thereby constantly lessening.) This association has aided its borrow ing members in building over 1,000 new homes, and has paid Its Invest ing members in savings profits and matured stock over three-quarters of a million dollars. W. V. M. R0BETRS0N, Gen. Mgr. __2009 1st ave. HOMES FOR SALE._ A BEAUTIFUL HOME for sale on terms to suit Apply to CTTLLOM BROS.. 11-22-tf 2007 First Avenue. WANTED. WANTED—Everybody going to Texas to travel via the Queen and Crescent Route (Alabama Great Southern Rail road). Twelve (12) hours quickest time. Superb vestlbuled trains. Cafo dining oars. See J. C. Lusk. T. P. A.. No. 2019 First avenue. 12-4-tf SITU ATI OhT~W ANTED. WANTED—A genuine hustler with *200 to *400 wants position with .some one with established business or an inter est In some business. Address J. A., care of Age-Herald._7-14-su-tu-th-su BOOKKEEPER, competent and reliable! desires position; 14 years- experience, 6 years In the coal and Iron business; best references from last employer. Ad dress Expert, care Age^Herald. _ HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED—Two first-class molders. Ap ply Monday mprnlng at the Kilby Lo comotive and Machine Works, Annis ton, Ala 7-9-tf WANTED—A rapid, accurate stenogra pher who thoroughly understands his business and is swift on the typewriter. Address P. O. Box 873. 7-14-su-tu-wed PLASTERERS WANTED ln~~ Houston and Corsicana, Tex.; wages *4 per day of 8 hours. Address John Rudersdorf, Box 138, Houston, Tex. 7-16-9t WANTED—A man thoroughly versed in the adjustment of claims; permanent position and good chance for advance ment. Address P. O. Box 873. 7-14-3t-su-tu-wed WANTED—A flrst-class driver; must be sober. Apply between 12 and 3 o’clock, Belton Gllreath.7-6-tf HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—White girl £or light house work; good wages. Mrs. A. A. Clisby, 1301 20th street, North. 7-14-3t _Boarders wanted. WANTED—Boarders for delightfully cool room; hlghfl healthful. Address Mrs. M. V. Little, People’s phone No. 16, Avon dale. _ 7-10-tf LODGING 26c. Louisville Hotel, three squares from depot. 7-2-lm-tu th su FOR 8ALEL FOR SALE—Lot of well-bred, high grade Jersey milk cows; also one thorough bred Jersey mill* cow (a beauty); also trade for fat cattle. South^-n Stock Yard, 1st ave and 27th st. \ 7-10-7t BAiNICRUPT SALE of all kindT Ing tools. Will sell at publl Wednesday, July 17. at 11 a. n of store. Birmingham Aucl Storage Co., 2014 3d avenue, j FOR SALE—First-class saloon, cerv located; good business established; own er has good reasons for selling. Address A. L. D., care Age-Herald. 7-2-tf FOR RENT.__ FOR REIT—Five room house, bath and servant’s room newly painted and papered 709 26th street, north. Smith & Stillman, 220 21st street. 7-14-su-tu FOR RENT—Remington typewriter. S. Slater, phone 966. 6-23-tf-th-su-tu FOR RENT—Elegant large front room, furnished, suitable for two; fine bath, hot and cold water; gas; strictly pri vate family; board optional. 1625 11th ave., South Highlands. TITLSST ' ' | ALABAMA ABSTRACT CO., 2007 First avenue, examiners of land titles; the only complete set of abstracts of title i to this district, with plats, in existence; our abstracts show everything of which 1 a purchaser or money-lender should be apprised. 11-22-tf MONEY TO LEND. MONEY TO LENT)^YVe"haVe^$250i000^To lend on Birmingham property at a very ' low rate; we avoid long delays, on 1 lend from SCGO up; call on us. 424 Chali foux Building. D. F. Alien 4k Co. 6-19-tf lost. r r! LOST—At new' Fair Grounds, one watch fob, with buckle and heart, with Initials “J. L. M.” Finder please return to 1D0S 2d ave and receive reward. DR. O. T. DOZIER, Physician, Surgeon and Expert Spe cialist. Treats success fully all Nervous, Blood, Skin, Rec tal, Venereal, Genlto - Urinary and Chronic Dis eases, Female Complaints and Delicate Disorders of Men and Wom en. Nearly all op erations of surgi c a 1 character done WITHOUT PAIN to the pa tient. Every form of PRIVATE DISEASE, Deformity and Lack of Development, Weakness, etc., etc., cured by the best approved of latest modern methods. All confidences held Inviolate. Consultations at office or by mall In vited without charge. Treatment by mail for those who can not visit me. No written prescriptions—I furnish all medicines. Question blanks for man or woman Bent free on application. DR. DOZIER Is a graduate In every branch of medical and surgical science, has twenty-five years' experience, a na tional reputation, and is endorsed by the press, national hanks and thousands of patrons as the most expert and reliable specialist In the south. Montgomery Advertiser: Dr. Dozier Is endorsed by the press and people of ev ery Bection of Alabama. The Southern Odd Fellow: We cannot add anything to the reputation Dr. O. T. Dozier has already acquired in the line of his profession, but we know him to be a brother Odd Fellow that can be relied on to carry out every promise he makes to those needing his services. Masonic Guide: Dr. Dozier comes from a family of prominent physicians, and with his full store of medical knowledge and his large experience In his profession, can be relied nn to treat disease in the most successful manner. Age-Herald: His long record and ap proved abilities entitle him to the proud distinction of standing at the head of his* profession. WILCOX TANSY PILLS Monthly Regulator. Sals and Sure. Nevor Fails. Drugglata or by Mall. Price, 12 • Senator Woman’s Safeguard (tree). ^WILCOX MED. CO., 32* N. 16th SL, Phils.. Pa. j. ONE CENT A WORD. No Ad. Taken for Less Than 28 Cents. Cash Must Accompany Each Order. YquITbookS should bo audited periodically by im partial experts who are financially re sponsible. Call or write us for rates, circulars, etc. PERSONAL " OUR NEW BOOK sent free, sealed, fully Illustrated, treats of all conditions of men, tells how to attain “Perfect Man hood.” Should be In the hands of every male adult. Address Erie Medi cal Co., "Book Dept.” Buffalo, N. Y. 7-14-tu-th-su-13t MISCELLANEOUS. SEND^METoO^Schnapps Tobacco tags and I will In return send you, charges prepaid, one complete twenty-lesson course In hypnotism; course guaran teed equal to any sold for 35. Address C. A. Farrow, Jackson's Gap, Ala. 7-12-6t FURNITURE REPAIRED, cleaned, var nished, polished and packed for ship ping. W. H. Paxton, People’s phono 1408; shop 719 North 19th street. 7-4-tf. LUMBER for quick shipment. Lathrop Lumber Co., 2015 1st ave.. Birmingham, Ala. Phone 064. 2-24-tf ALWAYS stripped, cleared and ready for action—the Special Messenger Service boys; It’s like shooting the chutes, with notes and parcels In Birmingham, be cause we are so prompt, reliable and confidential; that’s no joke, either, Bill; both phones 36; open day and night; ask for rates in and out of the city. S. Y. Hampton, Manager. Reference,, H. B. Gray. 8-6- tf SECOND-HAND drug fixtures,wall cases, counters and cases. Simmons, Durham _&Co. 6-4-tf CASH PAID for tobacco tags; all kinds. Call on or write to C. A. Farrow, Jask son's Gap, Ala.7-12-6t REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. 3750—Lot near 12th ave. and 22d st.. North. 31000—Lot 50x200; a good bargain; South Highlands. 31250—Beautiful corner, 12th ave. and 23d st., North. 34000—Modem new residence, 12th ave.. North. 35000—Modem home, 7th ave., North; close In. 33650—Modem cottage home, 7th ave.. North. 32500—Elegant corner lot, Northslde. 35000—Modem 10-room residence, North side. 39000—Three business lots, 2d ave., near Jefferson Theatre. We want to sell you a home site on Fountain Heights. Cottages and resi dences for rent all over city. M. P. MESSER & COMPANY, Real Estate and Insurance, Phones 819. 224 Twenty-first St., North. FOR SALE. 33500—50x140, 1st avenue; bargain. 32000—Three good Ensley lots. 33250—Good 7th avenue place, paying 12 per cent. 31800—Nice South Highlands cottage. 312,500—50x140, close In, on 3d avenue. 315.000—Three story 20th street brick. 33600—Lot 85x190. and very choice. 37000—Good brick store, renting for 3*00. 31600—Large corner lot and nice house in Woodlawn. Any one wanting a business house would do well to see us as we have sev eral stores yet for rent. r. mcconnell & co., Phone 46.2020 3d ave. _ Instru ments, redeemed 116 NORTH TWENTIETH 8T. The oldest, most reliable loan olllce In the city. Money loaned on watcbes. Dia monds, Jewelry, guns and pistols. Bar gains tn unredeemed pledges. Bunlness strictly confidential. Old gold and silver bought. E. WAT.D. Prop THROUGH SERVICE Vta L. & N, E. & T. H. and C. & E L 2Ve*tibuled Through Trains 4} Daily, Nashville to Chicago m Tbaatb Belief Steepler end Dry rturhri New Orleans to Caicngs. ». P. tonne 0. P. A. a s an w.. O a A. VTAvarrnxa. nn>. wabhviixji ran. j^aapp—AwiismBi i. iniiixt R. P. Wetmore, Attcrney-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery Commissioner of Deeds for New York. Room 406, Chalifoux Building. 4 LUCIUS P. BROWN, 2 Late State Chemist of Tennessee, Chemical Analyses and Assays^Bi of every description. Reports upon Mineral Properti^flHn Cole Bldg., Nashville, TeqflM§f§§