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OUR MOTTO Has Always Been QUALITY and RIGHT PRICES We are still giving our Customers the HIGHEST QUALITY GROCERIES at Prices Never Equalled in Cordova Call And Be Convinced O’NEILL <5 SLATER COMPANY THE STORE OF QUALITY THE CHURCHES PRESBYTERIAN At the three o’clock service in the Empress Theatre the choir will give the Christmas music. The numbers will be: COME UNTO HIM - - - Handel Mrs. O'Neill THE HOLY CITY. Mr. Von Spronson ART THOU WEARY - - - Hine The Quartette. The subject of the sermon will be, "Following the Star.” CATHOLIC CHURCH Confession, 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion, 8:30 a. m. Mass, 10:30 a. m. Rosary Instruction and Benedic tion, 7 80 p. m. Sunday School after Mass. W. A. SHEPHERD, S. J. -:o: Our prices on Sugar and other staple Groceries are always the lowest. Call at our store and be convinced. O’NEILL & SLATER Co. -:o: The regular train for Cbitina and ,Kennecott left at 8 o’clock this morn ing, and will return tomorrow after noon. -:o: GENUINE ENGLISH HOLLY fresh from Seattle for sale at S. BLUM & CO. -:o: Fresh shipments of corn on the cob at Kinney’s. DID STARS PREDICT EUROPEAN CONFLICT Not everybody believes that the stars reveal coming events to those who claim to be able to read them. But it is a well known fact that as rology has its adherents today, just is it had thousands of years ago, and many persons peruse carefully the '.horoscopes” published by a well inown newspaper syndicate. A reader )f the Daily Times calls our attention oa rather interestin item written by heso modern soothsayers, published >n April 14, 1914, In It the credulous nay find an intimation of the bloody ;vents that commenced in Europe with the outbread of hostilities be ween Austria and Servia. The Item s as follows: “Mercury is in a place strongly evil, while Jupiter and Uranus are both In idverse aspect. Ambassadors, en voys, and all who mediate between nn ions are subject to an unlucky rule while this configuration prevails. The sign is particularly sinster for Ger many, Austria, Italy and Turkey, and he United States has reason to be Jautions, the seers declare.” ■-:o: Kinney has a corner on Coffe«. What we mean is COFFEE, not the wishy-wishy kind you have been iniying and nicknamed coffee. One mn of Dwight Edwards will convince -:o: A great variety of attractive Christ mas cards at E. A. Hegg’s. Who in to he the next Judge of the Fourth judicial division of Alask? That question has been asked many times during the past month, and par ticularly during the past few days. As congress is now In session, there is much speculation ns to whether or not the President has selected a man •r the place, nnd whether or not any name will be sent to the senate during the first few days of the ses sion. Owing to the fact that there are many cases now pending before the district court, many criminal matters to he Investigated by the grand Jury, and a number of defendants in jail unable to give ball, with all of which 'he department is aware, It Is thought in official circles In Fairbanks that it will be but a few days before a Judge Is named. Another question heard In the Tan ana valley in many places Is: "Will the next Judge be a Fairbanksan?" 1 There are three candidates in the field from there, and each of these has a number of Fairbanks support ers, as well as some outside people working for him. Commissioner H. K. Dillon has been working for the place ever since it ecame known that Judge Fuller was ) resign. Many people in Fairbanks tre working for him, but if he has any outside influence it is not gener ally known. He has been a lawyer or many years, and on account of his experience as commissioner, his riends claim that he would fill the place admirably. Luther C. Hess, vice-president of the First National bank, and an Alas kan of long residence, also ‘s a can didate. He, like Mr. Dillon, has a t ubstanti&l Fairbanks following, and f is said to have some outsiders work- 11 ng for him. Who the latter people v are is not generally known. At one f time Mr. Hess was assistant United 4 States Attorney for the Fourth divis- d ion. G. Ellis Gardner, assistant tinited 1 States attorney, is the third Fairbanks ' candidate. He has not been a resi- ( dent of the north so long as the other c two candidates have, but since his ar- * rival at Fairbanks last spring he has 1 gained some local support for the office. His chief support, it is un derstood, comes from North Carolina, f ' here he practiced law before going * n to Fairbanks. It is said that he has substantial congressional support from that state. Charles E. Bunnell, the democratic candidate for delegate to congress at the recent election, is spoken of as i candidate for the pudgship. When he was at Fairbanks before the elec ■ ---- — 1 "T on. he said that he was not working ir that place, but as he was defeated, 1 nd as a number of his friends are i orking for his appointment, it is : OBsible that he lias changed his at- . Itude. Whether or not he is a cnn idate is not definitely known there. Last Spring, Frank Goodbody, a romlnent Democrat of Tombstone, .rizona, wns mentioned as a candi ate for the position. Advices re eived at Fairbanks are to the effect hat he is still after the place, and hat he has a following from his own tnte working for him. At least one other man, an East mer, whose name cannot be learned, j said to be working for the place, ’his is mere rumor, however, and othing definite can be learned of any uch candidate. . -:o: GROCERY NOTES Quality Highest—Prices Lowest. 4 tbs Best Granulated Sugar for $1 at rLUM & CO. -—-;o: The launch Prospector loft this torning with a party for the Port Veils country. -:o: Select your Christmas c.nrds now t E. A .Hegg's -:o: Read the Times and be a booster. S-A-T-l-S-F A-C-T-I-O N n big word, I i.bigger thing: You’ll get it in bigi neasure by buying your GROCERIES j it S. BLUM & CO. ; flE rhe Finest Moving Picture House In Alaska. SEATING CAPACITY 400 PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY DECEMBER 20, 1914. PATHE WEEKLY No. 48. Showing Photographs ot the heads >f the various nations now engaged in s var. These were taken at the capitals >f the several nations shortly before he war began. "THE SILENT DEATH” 1 \ two reel Edison Drama, Interesting E and full of action. "WHAT CAME TO BAR ‘Q’.” An Esseney Comedy. First Show Begins at 8 p. m. REGULAR ADMISSION 11 ...." I THE WONDER RANGES! ARE PERFECT BAKERS AND FUEL SAVERS \\ e have Patterns to Suit your Fancy and a Price to fit your Purse NORTHWESTERN HARDWARE CO. . It’s Stove Service we sell It’s Stove Service you want AN OFFER FOR SIXTY DAYS ONLY. 575 Town Lots in Cordova. _ ; i Ranging in price from $50 up to $3000, and 000 Town lots in Cliitina from $50 to $1000. Any or all of them on easy terms. Now is the time to buy. For particulars—Call on or write to I GKO. C. HAZFLET, Cordova, Alaska. Trustee and Agent. Suggestions For Christmas | %*l Best and Biggest Assortment 1 • ,‘v Smoking Jackets Silk Ties Hole Proof Hosiery For The Whole Family Alfred Benjamin’s S its | John B. Stetson Hats | And Floreshiem Sh es - !v • "S’ FINKELSTEIN&SAPIRO ( The Store That Satisfies | -I S. BLUM, Pres. M. BROCK, Vice-Pres. THOS. SCOTT, Cashier FIRST BANK OF CORDOVA CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 DESPOSITORY FOR TERRITORIAL FUNDS. MTOHIilMBIll)lttMMIilBBBBlll(!llllllllilillillHiitlllfflBliiiliillL'llll(iiillii4iiiiiiiiia:iiiigiiiiij(iHmiiiiimuiiwiiiiBMm«uiiiiuiiiiHBtii„;:ii,!iiiiiii;iiiitinmini)iHi[iiinniimiiii|ilBi[ffl Have You Contributed? No, this isn’t an appeal for funds. It’s a sug gestion to put in your “Jimmy Pipe” and smoko. COME ACROSS! Do a little publicity work for vour business and Cordova. Carve your name in the Hall of Fame. The Cordova Daily Times wants your advertising. JL GET IN THE WAGON AND RIDE § Christmas Suggestions rUPTGTlf AO AND THE HOLIDAYS ARE AT HAND AND OUR STORE IS AGAIN j V; II IV I ^ 1 iTl AHEADQUARTERS FOR APPROPRIATE AND LASTING GIFTS AT PR'CES WHICH REALLY REPRESENT GREAT M ONEY SAVING. IT IS CERTAINLY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW WHILE OUR BIG STOCK CON- t TAJNS SUCH A WIDE AND COMPLETE RANGE OF SUITABLE PRESENTS THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WILL BE BUSY ONES WITH THIS STORE. ACCEPT OUR ADVICE AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW FOR DEDIVERY LATER ON. VISIT OUR BIG SHOE °LA®lY G“’S™AS NUGGET JEWELRY BATH ROBES DEPARTMENT NECKWEAR A very large and beautl If you admire pretty pat- ,ul assortment. Nugget Experience shows that Wearing Christmas Season finds In our Big terns and distinctive de- Chains, Watch Fobs, Beau- Apparel is about the most substan Footwear Department a wide range signs in Neckwear, you'll ** and 8tick pin*. Rings, tial Christmas Gift of all, and Includ of Choice Styles and Dependable surely find our showing un- Necklaces, Crosses, Cuff ed. should be guaranteed. Makes of Shoes and 8lippers for excelled. Links, Etc. Our Bath Robe Department con every member of the family FOUR-IN-HAND AND JUST THE ARTICLE TO tains only the Very best Makes, from Black or Tan,, Lace or Button, BOW T,E8 SEND HER the leading woolen mills. Our Gun Metal, Patent Leather, Vlcl and * _ assortment is large and our prices .Imported Japanese Dainties !!"^ We Guarantee Perfect Fit Silk Embroidered Kimonos, in various shades, both ~ 11 11 1 short and long, Lunch Cloths, Bureau Scarfs, Cotton I i r" I Stencils, Toweling, Battenbergs, Wheel Doily, White' VJ h 0 n I— ClViM Xhnn korw Kabe Embroidered Opera- Bags, Kabe Chiyoda Bags and Q UuLd V Ul IUU L-Cll IV others- Lmen Stencil center set, Pin Cushions, Leather p 'J l J Purses, Doll Pin Cushions, Leather Mirror Casesu Pon- _ - gee Boudoir Slippers, Imitation Velvet Pillow Tops, txvpip.c Twv PT apt? ! WOMEN’S Kahki PiU0W T°PS’ Chochet Doilies- Silk Handker- FURNISHINr? F°R W ° M E N S chiefs, and a large assortment of Linen Handkerchiefs. URNISHINGS | Silk Hosiery In Tan, Stone, Tan- THESE ARE VERY APPROPRIATE GIFTS In this popular department you I go, Brown, Pink, Champagne, Cardi* ^nd a large selection of mer nal, Light Blue, and Black In ordl- ctjtuot a t _——— — chandise at Economical Price*. nary and Italian ©FECIAL BOXES OF TRAVELERS BAGS Father, Son, Uncle Cousin, each X MAS HOSIERY AND TRUNKS wMI be delighted with anything you assoHmlnffJ bothLOwVome'n a'nd "3X " ^ d°"'‘ — Here are two item, which -ock | assortment for both women and chil- j else to get for Father op , recent years have become today While il is comP,et«!- Under dren. Knitted Toques and Hoods, Brother, alway8 J a. ChristmT, wear' Shirt*' Suspenders, Hosiery. Pure Felt Sofa Pillows, in every de- rinht if ' . ./ a . very popu,ar aa Christmas Rlnn iR,u„ri rl<»ht lf y°u buy hlm a box Gifts, and cause the giver to EtC" of Fancy Black Hose, In be long remembered on ac- Our assortment of Special X-mas * Consider These For Gifts lne G0 on’ mercerlzed- ,l*,e count of the satisfaction the and Holiday Boxes is complete. S | or a"k' gift affords. CLAYSi IN The CiothieF ds^-.,<M«rwT«n«n-yr|fi«rrv'’ reMrstuttmiawcr ——————- - §: \ ji DOLLS FOR GIRLS I DRUMS FOR BOYS I ' | ~ TOYS FOR ALL | The Best Assortment Ever || Prices Never So Reasonable | Headquarters For Christmas Gifts j S. BLUM & CO. f j j Good GooJs .'I!...1 ' —;-— 11