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THE CORDOVA DAILY TIMES GREATER CORDOVA’S GREATEST NEWSPAPER H. G. STEEL, C. H. WILCOX. C. H. SCHEFFLER, Publishers H. G. STEEL, Editor and Managen C. H. WILCOX, City Editor. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Single Copies .$ .10 Six Months (In advance) ...» 6.00 One Month . 1.00 One Year (in advance) .... 10.00 Daily and Weekly, by carrier or mail, $1.26 per month. ASSOCIATED PRESS TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS. —————————————— « ■ CORDOVA, ALASKA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 15)14. "" ■ " .1 —■ — ■ ' —.— —— . IN Washington state the Bull Moose has became a true vamoose, with no possibility of returning. A famous New York restaurant has been closed. A scarcity of lambs in Wall street Inis diminished the demand for lobsters. THE Allies are fired by two hopes, paradoxical indeed. One is that the kaiser will soon lose his grip; the other that he wont soon lose his grippe. FREEZING weather in Belgium adds terribly to the suf fering of the straving thousands. Cordovans should respond generously to the call for help. I III LA DEI J’HIA has sent one shipload of food to Belgium and is almost ready to send another. The City of Brotherly Love has proved title to its name. THIS morning’s steamer brought considerable Christmas mail and many a person was made happier by being the recip ient of a parcell containing a holiday gift. r, kTART the new year right by becoming a subscriber to 1 he Daily Times, which is expending considerable money and energy to give Cordova an up-to-date newspaper. I RESIDENT WILSON sees the great need of charting Alaskan waters and putting a check upon the fatal wrecks. Nearly everybody except congress recognizes the imperative demands. _ it E skating on Evak Lake has received a serious set-back during the past ten days and all due to the dirty trick the thereinomeater is playing on the* young folks who would enjoy indulging in this healthful sport-* II begins to look as though the weather man has no inten tion of giving us a reason for celebrating the new year by act ing as hi' should during the month of December. Life is just one sodden disappointment after another fill’s far this winter there has boon no need of rotaries along the line of the Copper River railway and for the benefit <>f Valdez we might state that the road is open and the trains are running regularly and beating schedule time. I HE DAILY rl IMES has been called upon to answer the question: “It a gentleman accompanies a lady home four times is she justified in thinking In* has serious intentions?” None of our business, but why can’t the hopeful ladv wait and see? THERE are few towns in Alaska, or anywhere else for that matter, where the* theatre attendance, per capita, is larger than in Cordova. But there’s a reason. Manager Lathrop produces the best films obtainable and the public shows its ap preciation by a liberal patronage. ■-:o: GEORGE CARl'ENTIER, the French boxing champion, is now in that great class of which both champions and “has boons” are members. He is “broke.” War did it. Lil Artha’ Johnson arrived at the same end by the chicken and champagne route, and Bat Nelson through speculation. THERE lias been considerable advance advertising as to Hie great reduction that was to be made in the tax rate this year- It the city council tails to make good, and lias been talking merely to hold the stage,may be sure that the hook is just behind the scenery and will he list'd at the April election. WHILE the cableship Burnside is playing hide and seek on Puget Sound the cable is out of commission within a short distance of Cordova with no probability of the break being re paired until that ship can he located and readies Prince Wil liam Sound. All of this unnecessary delay could he avoided by having a cableship stationed in Alaskan waters, ready for any emergency. I HE local Loyal Order of Moose has issued invitations to all of the people of Cordova to attend their Christmas exercises at Eagle Hall on Friday afternoon. One of the features will be a ( liristmas tret* and a visit from Santa Claus, with a gift for every child in town. This is a most philantrophic and commen dable act and will redown to fhe credit of the members of that order. CORDOVA is certainly progressive, as is evidenced by one of the churches holding its Sunday services in a down-town theatre. Times do change, as the philosophers long have philo sophized. It hasn’t been a great while since such a proposal would have been accepted with pious scoffing, even if a man might have been found daring enough to suggest it. In some of the cities in the states they hold services between perform ances. The movement is toward taking the church to the crowd, instead of waiting for the cruwWto come to the church. It is Mahomet and the mountain over agafh. SANTA (’LAI S letters are daily being written by the little folks in whose.glad hearts still reposes undespoiled the faith i complete simplicity. Some are written in childish scrawls, 11 daubed with blots, hyt.'readable. Others are mere tangles of i ink, resembling more than anythin^e else'the efforts of tlit* H ^ -- -_____^ -» novitiate in <'liinese. Hut they all mean much to tie writing them. Would that this newspaper possessed tin miraculous power of making something out of nothing, of creating the material out of the evanescent, of making selfish men and wo men give! Tin n not one of you should suffer even a shadow of disappointment. A W HI PKR in the December Forum says that as far as sex problems are concerned mankind is no better off now than it was in the dawn of history, and with no particularly bright prospects for the future. He argues for easy divorce as one of the possible avenues to betterment- One can find in the history of savage tribes a great deal to convince him that the shedding of clothing might help some, too. It would be rather ineon venient and uncomfortable to do so just now, but we can begin by discarding the plainly non-essential, and invest the savings in food for the Belgians and work for the unemployed. * * * | ■ ' ' * • '1 -MM » M I | It/ n. Marshal Bishop Soon Be Out United Stales Marshal H. A. Blahop. who was stricken with apoplexy about mo weeks ago, will soon be able to get around, according to the report the physician attending him. He ns gained the use of his right side, which following the shock, was para lyzed. -:o:-. Fresh Shipment August in e * Keyer Candles, special Holiday assortment, nt O’NEIKK & SKATER CO. -: o: Select your Christmas cards now at E. A. Hogg's, fflgSML DIRECTORY DR. W. H. CHASE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office over Cordova Drug Store. Calls may be left at Cordova Drug Store. Residence, Rainier-Grand Hotel DR. C. L. HALE D E N T I 8 T Office in Adams Building ROBERT E. CAPERS Attorney at Law General Civil Practice Suite 3, Adams Block CORDOVA, .... ALASKA E. F. MEDLEY Attorney and Councellor at law Room I Adams Block CORDOVA, ALASKA. J. F. R. APPLEBY CIVIL ENGINEER Phone 4. CORDOVA, ALASKA V. A. SCHMITZ PRACTICAL OPTICIAN Office at CORNER DRUG STORE If your shoes need Repairing, bring then to RUDOLF The Shoemaker He does (irst-class work. Satis faction guaranteed*. Prices Rea sonable. Opposite Daily Times HOUSEBUILDERS ATTENTION We make a specialty of Wall papering, Kalsomining, Paiuting, Tinting and Sign Painting Compare Our Prices With Corn Competitors Before Ordering W M. WOLF Hegg Bldg. C Street If you were at the last FIREMEN’S New Year’s Dance You had A GOOD TIME ^I’^ere will be another of the same THIS YEAR Buy your Ticket Early 1 X-j-t-H-H-M-M-M * I »»♦< I, t > | | | | | | , , The Leadin£ Hotel of Alaska WINDSOR ** hotel: :: >V CORDOVA, ALASKA «» •• « » f H. THISTED, Vice-Pres. and Mngr. H. C. ROSS, Treasurer. | T GEORGE DOOLEY, Secretary. T • The Leading Motel Z f RAINiER-bRAND j t 120 Steam Heated ooms Single and Ensuite ? Z Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights | t Private Baths, Cafe and Billiard | I Room In Connection I \ CORDOVA . ALASKA J - - • 1 " : The Leading Hotel of Chitina OVERLAND HOTEL CHITINA, ALASKA I .urge Parlor aiul Reading Room Cafe and Itilliifd Room H. T. STAFSHOLT, Prop. iiiiiiiiiiiHi1®®iMMHHii,i:ls;}’ m::Tr- i'~i¥[rirM]iiiiiiiiiiii|iii ~ ' I THE HOTEL ! CHITINA 1 I ENLARGED AND COMPLETELY RENOVATED SPACIOUS LOBBY —- STEAM HEATED CAFE AND BAR The Comfort Home of the Interior j T. YV. CLONINGIA< Proprietor Cintina, Alsaka I1 1Mltl -.1 >• *— T- ■»- jZZ£Zr, —!—ctS~.T—x-u v.v~: * Holiday . Merchandise NOW ON DISPLAY. We are ready for the Holiday Season with an unusually large line of Christmas Gifts. Here you will find the useful combined with the ornamental, and such variety that it will be easy to decide the perplexing question. WHAT SHALL i HIKE THEM FOH CHRISTMAS The line consists of Handsome Toilet Sets. Hand Painted China, Cut Glass, Smoking Sets, Percolators, Shaving Sets, Manicure Sets, Carv mg i^ets, Jewel Boxes, and many other appro priate gifts that go to make CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EASY Make vour .selections now and we will re- j serve them for you until Christmas. WILL 1HERE BE A VICTROLA IN YOUR HOME THIS CHRISTMAS? Northern Durg Co. THE CORNER DRUG STORE . .J-*- '• ' 5 ' ALASKA COMPANY11* I Fast and commodious steamers sailing between Seattle, Ketch ikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway, Cordova, Valdez and Seward, via INSIDE PASSAGE. - Sails from Seattle— Sails from Cordova— December 16 . ALAMEDA .December 24 December 24.MARIPOSA.January 1 Regular freight sefvlce for Ketchikan, Juneau, Sheep Creek, Treadwell, Douglas, Cordova. Ellamar, Valdez and Latouche. Explos ives, S. S. Seward. S. S. Seward, 5th; 8. S. Latouche, 15th; S. S. Cordova, 25th of each month. This company reserves the right to change schedule of steamers without notice. Tickets on sale at up town office Alaska Steamship Bldg. Baggage or freight will not be received at the dock later than one hour before sailing time. F. B. TRACY, T. J. TALLENT, General Agent Ticket Agent Pacific-Alaska Navigation Co. ALASKA PACIFIC S. S. CO. ALASKA COAST CO. PUGET SOUND ALASKA ROUTE Next sailing from Seattle will be on DECEMBER 25th Via the INSIDE PASSAGE for Ketchikan, Juneau, YakutaL Katalla, Cordova, Valdez, Seward, Cook Inlet points and Kodiak Island. Seattle-San Francisco connecting with steamers Yale and Har vard for Southern California Ports. Schedule subject to change without Notice ALASKA TRANSFER CO., Local Amenta^ . j ; ; ; I ; ; J j | j J t | ! Copper River & > Northwestern Ry. ! EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 24, 1914. 1j ; Trains leave Cordova, depot at foot of Second Ave- 11 I nue— ;; | Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays : I ; Chitina for Kennecott— ! I ; Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. ■ ; Konnecott for Chitina— I' ; Wednesdays, Saturdays and Mondays. ;; ; Chitina for Cordova— • ’ Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays ;; I I lie above schedule subject to change without notice. ;; I Freight received from 9 A. M. to 5 I*. M. ;; - o Tickets on sale at Depot or up-town office, Alaska <• ■ Steamship* Company building • ;; : Caleb Corser S. R. Hedges ’ Superintendent Cordova Agent -1 *——■ — 1 — !!■■■■ ■ ' o j Travel East OVER THE “MILWAUKEE” The Newest and Shortest Line to the East Crossing the Cascade Mountains, the Kittitas Valley, the Colum bm River, the Bitter Root Mountains and Montana Canyon, trav ersing a country of surpassing scenic grandeur, historical interest and wonderful development. i TWO FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY The Olympian and “The Columbian” The NEW ALL-STEEL TRAINS to j HUTTK, MILKS CITY. SIOUX CITY, j MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, MILWAUKEE mid CHICAGO For further information regarding fares, train service, reservations, etc., call on or address ' ; City Ticket Offices, Alaska Steamship Co. or Alaska Coast S. S. Co. Cordova, Alaska, City Ticket Offices, Chicago, Milwaukee Sc St. Paul Railway 443 Hasting; St. West, Vancouver, B C. OR Second Ave. and Cherry St., Seattle 'I _ • ^-- - Cordova Power Company LIGHTS, WATER, PHONES AND POWER Office: FIRST STREET. Our Solicitor will Call on you-Get on the List