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THE CORDOVA DAILY TIMES -- i GREATER CORDOVA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER _ H. G. STEEL. C. H. WILCOX, C. H. SCHEFFLER, Publisher* H. G. STEEL, Editor and Manager C. H. WILCOX, City Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Single Copies .$ .10 Six Months (In advance) ... $ 5.00 Oue Month . 1.00 One Year (in advance) _ 10.00 Daily nnd Weekly, by carrier or mail, $1.25 per month. ASSOCIATED PRESS TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS. — 11 .. " ' ' ■■■■'■ CORDOVA, ALASKA, TI KSDAY, DKCKMBKR 22, 1914. ■ 1 ■' . ■ ' -■ '■ '' 1 > n™ —H —> m» i .mi. I. ■ ymm PANAMA GOVERNMENT OWNED ROAD CHARGES THE LIMIT * ()XE of us quite realize what the Panama canal means. Even now over 10,000 tons of freight are daily passing through it. In the past three months in has hauled nearly as much freight as the Panama railroad did during the past two years. By the way, the government while making tilings as un comfortable as possible for the struggling railroads in the states and even goes so far in Alaska’to levy a federal tax of $100 n nlile for each mile road operated, permits the Panama road, which it owns, to charge any fares and freights that it pleases. The result is that the charges are about (it) per cent higher on the government-owned road than are permitted, under ordinary circumstances, by the Interstate Commerce Commission. But the business of the canal is the wonderful thing. What will it be when the trade of the world assumsc normal conditions and the great commercial nations resume their competition. --:o: SANTA CLAUS’ VISITED EXPECTED; MUST BE SURE TO COME II’ begins to look ns though old Santy would have to discard his reindeers and bring his gifts in an automobile this year. However, there still remains a couple of days time for the snow, although the indications are not very favorable for a fall of the “beautiful.” Of course he may have decided on account of the expense to send by parcel post. We only mention these things to show how conditions have changed since he first began his Christ mas trips. But the youngsters have not changed; what they want are the goodie goodies, and think of their chatter. From Maine to California, “following the sun and keeping company with the hours,” and filling all the air above a continent with sunrise sweeter than the love songs of the mating birds. Nothing else like it, nothing half so harmonizing and sweet, nothing else so spoken to soften care-hardened hearts. There must be no mistake by reindeer, by auto or any other mode of delivery; there must be no mistake for in this sad year the world needs the carols, the joyous laughter, and the chatter --— :o: JUST as we are on the eve of expecting big things frojn the construction ot a government trunk line announcement is made that Congressman Langley, of Kentucky, will introduce a bill at this session of Congress to repeal the Alaska railroad act. As lie was always opposed to Uncle Sam doing anything worth while for Alaska, and is a Republican of the old school, it is not probable that his bill will get very far. The present administration does not propose to brook anv interfer ence with its plans for Alaska, although this move of Langley’s is likely but one of a series of moves which are likely to be made to delay or obstruct the building of our road. Hut as I icsidcnt \\ ilson and Secretary Lane have* two more vears in power it is a safe bet that nothing will be allowed to stand in the way of providing this territory with a system of railroads which will connect the coast with tin* interior, provide cheaper trails poitation and thus materially assist in the development of the resources of the country. WE HAVE GOOD OCCASION TO INDULGE A LITTLE BRAG THE United States is bound to be n utral in regard to the European war, but we think the men of the United States may well take pride in their country as they watch I !ie sinster spectacle beyond the sea. Great Bril inn affects to deplore the war and insists that slit was forced into it by Germany’s invasion of Belgium, which i true, for with Belgium in German hands England would not foi a moment be safe. But Germany scoflingly retorts: “How did England be come possessed of India and Egypt, or what grievance caused Prance to sieze Cochin China and Madagascar, or what lias re strained Russia in her conquests, or why did Russia and Eng land sieze and partition Persia?” W hen they talk all ask why the United States made war on Spain and seized Cuba and the Phillippines, they are stopped at the very threshold, for the war was made in mercy to stop hideous cruelties and robberies; Cuba was surrendered back to her own people after the island had been disinfected, order restored, law established and schools inaugurated and we are impatiently waiting for the people of (he Phillippines to gain the wisdom to govern themselves. Oux free institutions art* not yet perfect because from the first, society has been in a formation state; into our midst is annually poured a Hood of foreigners many of whom have not yet learned to distinguish between liberty under the law and rude license; but these defects are being righted. Some men may be politically free but are still enslaved by the ignorance, prejudices, unfair longing and the sinster and dark passions in’ then own souls, and too many of these seek our shores, hut tin* light of our flag is advancing, the hearts of our people are broad (•r, fairer, truere than can be found anywhere else in the old world. Tt is a comfort to believe that after a while ours will become the arbiter among nations. Napolen said: “Men are nothing, a man is everything ” V I'liat was true in carrying on this imperial ideas, it is often stil rue in n crisis, hilt when under the light of free institutions al mu shall advance until all shall feel a direct peisomil into real n the nation’s welfare; then irieu will be everything and tin mightost will he but agents to carry out the will of the whole *wr country is growing townrd that consummalion faster tliai my other and the dawn of a new day for mankind is nlreadi •ending up its first beams of light. -—---:o:---. TIIK disappearance of hind said to have been discovers n the Arctic regions hv Hear Admiral Peary will let Dr. Cool aid another count to the indictment. --•: o: — THE hobble skirt Iiiir to go. Tin* joy which men find ii Hint hit of news is held in abeyance by the fear that tin wors is yet to come. Cordova Abreast of the Times The i’aace theatre at Skagway wl vertlaes that it Is the only show shop in Alaska with raised seats, which Is incorrect_ The Empress theatre at Cordova has not only "raised” Beats, hilt inverted lights and all the other necroutements that go to make a first claws temple of amusement. I -- Fresh Shipment Augustine & Keyer Candies, specinl Holiday assortment, at. O’NEILL & 8LATER CO. :o: Select your Christmas cards now at E. A. Hegg’s. PROFESSIONAL OIRECTHRY : DR. W. H. CHASE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office over Cordova Drug Store. Calls may be left at Cordova Drug Store. Residence, Rainier-Grand Hotel _ DR. C. L. HALE DENTIST .1 Office in Adams Building * ROBERT E CAPERS j Attorney at Law General Civil Practice Suite 3, Adams Block CORDOVA, .... ALASKA E. F. MEDLEY Attorney and Councellor at l aw 1 Rocm I Mams Slock CORDOVA, ALASKA. |l ‘ ___ J. F. R. APPLEBY CIVIL ENGINEER Phone 4. CORDOVA, ALASKA _ | V. A. SCHMITZ PRACTICAL OPTICIAN - Office at - CORNER DRUG STORE I _ _ ---- I —1 —--.1 If your shoes need Repairing, jl bring then to RUDOLF The Shoemaker He does flrst-claBS work. Satis- ! faction guaranteed. Prices Rea sonable. ' Opposite Dally Times FANCY FLANNELS AND.j STARCH WORK OUR SPECIALTY N. A. CLASEN, Prop. housebuilders ATTENTION We make a specialty of Wall papering, Kalsomining, Painting, Tinting and Sign Painting Compare Our Prices With Com- | Competitors Before Ordering w M. WOLF Hegg Bldg. C street ' Jf you were at the lust F i K E M E N’ S New Year's Dance You had A GOOD TIME / There will be another ot the same raiS YEAR Buy your Ticket Early —------, 111 I'Mi mu 1111111111111:11111 • +«.111 The Leading Hotel of Alaska : , ■arW .. ■ ■■■ WKM . 4 * * HOTEL| CORDOVA, ALASKA : T . H. THISTED, Vice Pres, and Mngr. H. C. ROSS, Treasurer. '• GEORGE DOOLEV, Secretary. | The Leading Hotel 1 RAINIER-GRAND j 120 Steam Heated ooms Single and Ensuite Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights | Private Baths, Cafe and Billiard 3 Room in Con^ction CORDOVA . ALASKA The Leading Hotel of Chitina OVERLAID HOTEL CHITINA, ALASKA Large Parlor and Reading Room (.ale and Rilliird Room H. T. STAFSHOLT, Prop. ? the hotel • CHITINA ENLARGED AND COMPLETELY RENOVATED SPACIOUS LOBBY .... STEAM HEATED CAFE AND EAR The Comfort Home of the Interior T. W. CLONINGI-K . . Proprietor Chitina, Alsaka - liuuuay Merchandise NOW ON DISPLAY. We are ready for the Holiday Season with an unusually large line of Christmas Gifts. I Here you will find the useful combined with the ornamental, and such variety that it will be easy to decide the perplexing question. •WHAT SHULL I GIVE THEM FDA CHRISTMAS S The line consists of Handsome Toilet Sets, Hand Painted China, Cut Glass, Smoking Sets, & Percolators, Shaving Sets, Manicure Sets, Carv tjecs, Jewel Boxes, and many other appro priate gifts that go to make CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EASY Make your selections now and we will re serve them tor you until Christmas. WILL THERE BE A VICTROLA IN YOUR HOME THIS CHRISTMAS? Northern Durg Co. THE CORNER DRUG STORE AT A Q V A STEAMSHIP J\ L tl O JV J± COMPANY Fast and commodious steamers sailing between Seattle, Ketch ikan, Wrangell, Juneau. Skagway, Corslova, Valdez and Seward via INSIDE PASSAGE. Sails from Seattle— Sails from Cordova— December 16 . ALAMEDA .December 24 December 24.MARIPOSA.January 1 Regular freight service for Ketchikan, Juneau, Sheep Creek. Treadwell, Douglas, Cordova, Ellamar, Valdez and Latouche. Expios Ives, S. S. Seward. 8. 8. Seward, 5th; S. 8. Latouche, 15th; S. S. Cordova, 25th of each month. This company reserves the right to change schedule of steamers without notice. Tickets on sale at up-town office Alaska Steamship Bldg. Baggage or freight will not be received at the dock later than one hour before sailing time. F. B. TRACY, T. J. TALLENT, General Agent Ticket Agent j Pacific-Alaska Navigation Co_ ALASKA PACIFIC 8. S. CO. ALASKA COAST CO. PUGET SOUND-ALASKA ROUTE Next sailing from Seattle will be on DECEMBER 25th Via the INSIDE PASSAGE for Ketchikan, Juneau, Yakutat, Katalia, Cordova, Valdez, Seward, Cook Inlet points and Kodiak Island. Seattle-San Francisco connecting with steamers Yale and Har vard for Southern California Ports. Schedule subject to change without Notice ALASKA TRANSFER CO., Local Affoiite +***'+++*++++++++**".... --I -,-1 ! , , - , ;j Copperjtfver & Northwestern Ry. EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 24, 1914. 11 :; ' Trains leave Cordova, depot at foot of Second Ave- ! I . . nue— ;; 11 Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays : I 1; Chitina for Kennecott— ;; Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. ■■ ;; Kennecott for Chitina— ! I ;; Wednesdays, Saturdays and Mondays. :: ;; Chitina for Cordova— ! ’ ■ ’ Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays ;; ; I I lie above schedule subject to change without, notice. ; ; 'I Freight received from 9 A. M. to 5 I\ M. ;; ;; lickets on sale at Depot or up town oflice, Alaska '■ ;; Steamship Company building ] :: Caleb Corser S. R. Hedges ;; Superintendent Cordova Agent - ___ Travel East OVER THE “MILWAUKEE” The Newest and Shortest Line to the East Crossing the Cascade Mountains, the Kittitas Valley, the Colum River, the Bitter Root Mountains and Montana Canyon, trav ersing a country of surpassing scenic grandeur, historical interest and wonderful development. TWO FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY The Olympian and “The Columbian” The NEW ALL-STEEL TRAINS to It BIJTTK, MILKS CITY, SIOUX CITY, ? MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, MILWAUKEE mid CHICAGO For further information regarding fares, train service, reservations, etc-, call on or address i City Ticket Offices, Alaska Steamship Co. or Alaska Coast S. S. Co. Cordova, Alaska, City Ticket Offices, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway 443 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, R C. OR Second Ave. and Cherry St., Seattle | Cordova Power Company | __ ! LIGHTS, WATER, PHONES AND POWER Office: FIRST STREET. Our Solicitor will Call on you--Get on the List