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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY AND EGGS Broilers, Fryers and Roasters F. A. JONES CLOTHES ] CLEANED AND PRESSED All Work Given Prompt Attention . CHARLES GAME ' I I One Visit | Will I Make You A Regular Patron At Slater’s Restaurant < I Private Boxes For | Lar^e or Small Parties R ! The I I Northern! ♦ t X MMMjjiwM———WM—*C ■■ gg55S X | ♦ X 4 For the Best Brands of X ; WINES, j LIQUORS t AND t t CIGARS | X x I Call at the i X POPULAR CORNER t First Avenue and C Street t “ x t 4444X4-4 44 44 4 4444*4 4 44444**. The MI NT Thos. Davis, Prop. STRAIGHT WHISKEYS % IMPORTED WINES KEY WEST CIGARS BONDED GOODS NOTHING BUT THE BEST I H1 /"* rT'lintn r\ar>n The MECCA Thompson & Murphy, Props Dealers in WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Phone 107. 44»1'1"H'****I****<*< ** ***** I THOS. PRICE : | PLUMBER : ♦ : l and '; . • SHEET METAL WORKER : Shop on Second Aveuue Opposite , Windsor Hotel . «, Phone 75 ; H III 1 I I I 8 t Magic Remedy FREE TO EVERYBODY Guaranteed to Remove all CHRISTMAS WORRIES Very Simple One visit to the POST OFFICE STORE THE ARCTIC LUMBER CO. Still In Business and Carry LUMBER OF A L I DESCRIPTIONS And Building Material Prices Made on Orders for Material C. H. TURNER WATCHMAKER AND JEWLEF Engraving a Specialty SECOND AVENUE Next door to S. Rlum * Co CORDOVA, ALASKA Try The • -o I Wp cater to email and large pnr ties also Banquets. -o— J P Fitzgerld Tom Jose Proprietors. ••••••••••••••••••••« •••••••••• FRED'S PUCE j&?The Place | T to Eat Cooking the Best , J RED SCHU LER, Prop. The”1 CORDOVA CAFE , BEST 35c. MEAL IN TOWN DROP IN ANI) SEE PS First St., Next to Laundry J _ Music from all over the world • : The Victor brings to your home the most brilliant : musicians and singers of both • continents. And gives you the pleasure of hearing them whenever you desire. i % No opera house or theatre on ; earth affords you such a variety of ; celebrated artists in all branches ; of music. Stop in and hear the newest • Victor Records. We’ll gladly play • them for you. Victors $10 to $100; * Victor-Victrolas $75 to $250. • Terms to suit. • Hear them at the I NORTHERN DRUG CO. Cordova. Alaaka. • __ : Greater Godova’s Greatest Newspaper < >3?' $1.00 per month, w$10 a year, if paid in advance. Our City Circulator J. E. Way, will call on you in a few days and * solicit your subscription. i Associated Press Telegraphic Reports DIVIDING WINE WITH PRISONERS '—- ' French soldiers »hnrln« contents of bottles with Oermuns en route to mill tnrv pi sons. [ A member-elect of the next Alaska legislature assembly has declared that the question of conferring the elec tive franchise on certain of the Alas ka native population will receive con sideration at the coming session. Several months ago the progressive educated class of natives organized the Native Alaska Brotherhood and an nounced the present goal of the organization to be the acquirement of the elective franchise for those quali fied by education and other conditions to exercise it. The following paper written by Robert It. Diven for the Verstovian, published monthly at the Sheldon Jackson school in Sitkn, explains more I fully what is being done by the i "Brotherhood.” Close observers of the recent an nual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Alaska Native Brotherhood, held in Sitka on November 24-30, believe that it marked the beginning of an epoch of advancement among all the Southeastern Alaska tribes. Pull and free discussion of such topics ns "Busi ness.” “Education,” Religion," Citiz enship and How to Attain It,” was in dulged in by the twenty-three mem bers of the Grand Lodge, and many Illuminating facts were brought forth. The purpose of the Alaska Native Brotherhood is “to assist and en courage the native in bis advance ment from his native state to his place among the cultivated races of the world, to oppose, discourage and over come the narrow injustice of race prejudice, and to aid in the develop ment of the great American Empire of Alaska, etc." Great Interest cen tered in the discussion of the lodge's purpose, especially when the fact de veloped that by “the narrow injustice of race prejudice” was meant those obstinate barriers to progress found within the native himself, instead of the real and fancied bigotries and in justices of the white people. In nearly | every instance cited, failure in busi ness, miscarriage in manual as well as in intellectual training, and the return to their uwhnolesome habits as well as to their ambitionless ideals, were traced most convincingly to the relentless influence of old custom ideas and pratices. The Alaska Native Brotherhood lins solmenly pledged its membership to strive unceasingly for the eradication of these blighting practices, and to set forward each !• nglish-spcaking native man who is ready and willing to forswear all old customs and tribal ties that may, in any manner or degree whatsoever, hinder or detract from his unfit ness for worthily hearing the responsibilities and honors of American citizenship, -:o: Putting On The Lid t ard machines, money machines and all devices having the ntckel-in • ho slot attachment for the lure of the five cent piece, have been a thing of the p,nst In Southeastern Alaska since the family clock struck eight last Friday night. -:o: «3 * Marked reductions in staple gro ceries -Call and get our prices O'Neill & 91a ter Co. BALLAINE WORKING HARD FOR HIS WESTWARD TOWN Jolj i E. Balllne, founder of the town of Sr ward, and promoter of the Al aska Central Railway, is In Washing ton working with might and main for the select ion of Seward as the coast terminal of the Govermnet railway It is presumed tlm Mr. Bnllaine's In teiest in the Alaska central is no! a;.tensive, hut he still owns a number of town lo h in Seward. Our prices on Sugar and other staple 1 Groceries arc always the lowest. Call ! al our store and ho convinced. O'NEILL & SLATER Co. -: o: “Millions in money nre awaiting a chance to go into Alaska," said Thomas Riggs, .lr., members of the Thomas Riggs, Jr., member of the University of Washington “The same ^ind of millions Hint opened that Rand in South Africa, blazed the way to wealth In South America and Austral ia and made possible the fortunes of California, Colorado and Nevada mines, nre clamoring for admittance into \laska. Alaska is the Iasi great indeveloped empire. ■‘.lurt ar soon as capital is assured transportation, then investments will lie made and development get its im petus. We are going to build railroads In Alaska and I look for a healthy, steady and wonderful growth the next decade. The gold mining industry is due for a richer life than It lias ever had. ' The placet- miner of today in Al aska is a different man from the pla cer minor of the old bonanza days. 'Ie does not come home from a night in the dance hall now to start work the next morning in a haphazard way; he reads his mining magazines and en flneers’ reports and goes about the development of his properties in n scientific and systematic fashion." He urged the younger general o- of Alaska, typified In the university stu dents composing the Sourdough Club, to do what they could to dispel the pessimism of the old sourdoughs who demeaned the passing of the “old days." Kresn shipments of corn on the cob it Kinney’s. -:o JUNEAU MERCHANTS WILL START ELECTRIC PLANT -:o: Juneau merchant;-, have a plan on on foot to start an independent elec tric! light and power plant. One of the prop p -t states that the primary object of the company will he to se cure lower ra es, and that while the plans are not c -ti; leted. the plant i assured. ---- Kin no; 1 o corner on Coffee. What wv me: t <• CjpKCEK, not the wisliy-wlshy kli^i vgu have been buying and nicl named coffee. One can of I)., ip at Edward;; will cplt^rficV Month in and Month out won'll bo money ahead if you use our groceries. S it!,I'M it CO. Northern Meat Market | % ---— [ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Fresh Beef, Pork, Veal and 7 % Provisions Particular Attention and Prompt Service Given to orders from # MINING CAMPS, ROADHOUSES AND INTERIOR POiNTS BRANCH MARKET AT CHITINA SMITH & GLASRKHNNEK, Props. ......w< meem HOISTING, DHILLING Hi MINING MACHINERY Manufacturers of . STEAM ENGINES, HAND AND POWER HOISTS, CORE DRILLS, STEAM AND HORSE POWER PLACER DRILLS Dealers In STEAM FITTINGS. CABLE. DRIVE PIPE, STEAM BOILERS CONVEYING AND TRANSMISSION MACHINERY AND GAS ENGINES MACHINE SHOP AND FOUNDRY WORK HARMON & DEEVER Write tor Catalogue. CORDOVA, ALASKA FOR GENERAL TEAMING, BAGGAGE TRANSFERRED, AUTO SERVICE COAL AND WOOD Call On I ALASKA TRANSFER CO. | UNEXCELLED WAREHOUSE FACILITIES For Storing and Insuring Baggage, Mdse, and Household Goods |i | .Office- CM PRESS BUILDING, CORDOVA—Phone X.r> | Ch lice Tobaccos, Gears and —_ Smokers Sundries-Wholesale and Retail Cigar Store The Horseshoe POPUi AR RECREATION PLACF 1 t billiards and Pooh-a Headquarters for the Petersen, * Wellington, Calabash and . Garrick Pipes ** * t 4-4444-* f-44,4 44 44-4-* . '4-*44f* ‘ttf1 ^444444 4444^^ I INSURANCE | : :: FIRE, MARINE, LIFE and ACCIDENT j; t -:[ t Insure your property against fire in reli- ;; t liable Insurance Companies | Wo represent tho NIAGARA, LONDON, N * I THEN LX. HARTFORD, NORTHERN, GLOBE £ & RUTGERS, and others; all strong Board Com ♦ panies. \ L : - :: ♦ We also represent the Maryland Casualty U Company, and issue Fidelity and Surety Bonds. X t - - -it I NOHTHVIIESTERN REALTY & TRUST COMPANY i! * 4 > ft t HttHIttlttHttlttMt'1 GOOD JOB PRINTING AT THE DAILY TIMES OFFICE FULL *- — -BOTTLED IN BOND QUART PQS no Peers for Fifty Years SOLD BY ALL DEALERS