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ODR MOTTO Has Always Been QUALITY and RIGHT PRICES We are still giving our Customers the HIGHEST QUALITY GROCERIES at Prices Never Equalled in Cordova ! Call And Be Convinced O’NEILL & SLATER COMPANY THE STORE OF QUALITY LOCAL JOTTINGS. Teddy Thisted is back from a trip to McKinley Lake, here he visited the property of the McKinley Lake Min ing Company. * • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heron and children were visitors in town todny from the power plant. • • • W. H. Webb and wife, of Mile 32, are visitors in town, and are registered at the Windsor. • * * N. N. Jaffe, of Ruby, was an arrival on today's train from the interior, and will leave on the next boat for t.he states. • • • Mrs. Ringwald Blix, of Copper Cen ter arrived from the interior on the train this afternoon, and is registered at the Rainier Grand. .1. Clark Duff, of Valdez Creek, was an arrival on the train this afternoon, and will leave on the Alameda for the states. • • • Train This Afternoon The regular train from Chitina ar rived here about 1:15 this afternoon with several passengers and consider able mail from interior points. -:o: One hundred fishing schooners were tied up at Wrangell Narrows last week because of a lack of bait. Owing to the cold weather in that section the herring have not begun to run. -:o: A great variety of attractive Christ mas cards at E. A. Hegg's. -:o: Select your Christmas cards now j at E. A .Hegg’s s WASHINGTON, Dec. 22—To open Hie San Diego exposition, by press ing a button in this city which will give a signal for the opening of the Fair, President Wilson will he called before 3 o’clock on the moring of the New Year. The xeposition opens at midnight in SanDiego, which is 3 a. m. in this city. -:o: JUDGE BROWN RETURNS SHORTLY AFTER HOLIDAYS Judge Fred M. Drown, of the Federal court of this division, is now at Long Beach, California, where he has been spending several weeks with Mrs. Brown, who has been in ill health. Both Judge Brown and Mrs. Brown ■will return to Valdez shortly after the holidays. -:o: Card of Thanks I should like to take this opportuni ty to express my appreciation of the sympathy and consideration extend ed by my friends at the death of my beloved wife Marie. JAMES CARSCADDEN, --:o: Don't forget that both the Daily Times and Alnska Times can be had for only $1.25 per month; or both for $6 for six months, if paid in advance. COUNCIL FIXES X ? 1SX BITE Of SIX ILLS I At the meeting of the city council last night the tnx levy on tho assess ment for the year 1914 was fixed at six mills, on a total valuation of $917, 000, which will yield the city approx imately $5,500. The report of the board of equaliza tion showed little change from the as sessment as turned In by the city as sessor. A reduction was mnde on the property of J. P. Ifnll from $2,350 to $2,050, and on property of D. M. Lynch from $1,875 to $1,475. Lots 10 and 27, of block 11, which were assessed at $350 were exempted by the board from taxation on the ground that they were a portion of the block reserved for tlie federal lmiliding site, lots 28 to 36 in the same block not hnving been assessed. It was estimated by the council • hat the amount derived from the taxes at the rate of 6 mills would leave in the traesury about $2,000 at the ex piration of bteir term next April, ns tho present state of the city treasury was such that after the December bills were paid there would remain on hand H about $250. x The property of the town under the assessment of 1913 was valued at $1. 100,000 and the tax rate ten mills, i from which the town derived a reven ue of approximately $11,000, and of this amount there was remaining in the treasury at the expirntion of the term of the last council about $4,000. Under the tax ordiance the taxes are due after the fourth Monday in December and become delinquent af ter the fourth Monday In February. -:o: CORDOVA PRECINCT Cordova weather for the past week or two has been peculiar to say the ' least. All about 11s. even to the ex treme southern boundaries of the ter ritory cold is prevalent, with snow | and freezing weather. In Cordova we are having rain, and what little snow ^ that had fallen has disappeared. 1 Within three days of Christmas the | temperature is Indicative of early i spring rather than of midwinter. Out the line the same conditions prevail. / At Chltlna this morning it is snowing J a little, the fall extending in this direc- 1 tion as far as Miles glacier, with rain ibis side of that point, while the ther hi mometer registers 28 to 30 degress g; above zero in the coldest places. y< -:o: GROCERY NOTES Quality Highest—Prices Lowest. 14 lbs Best Granulated Sugar for $1 at 0LUM & CO. ^BBOmn*vr'n*v-w.* —v'mkwihmmk •jawJf^rrr-rBT-iu,n. — x i r.- juim - -»a-*~T ,.r* m-<Mu , ,, , n — m—■ Christmas Suggestions rUPT^TJU 4< AND THE HOLIDAYS are at hand and our store IS AGAIN \ > II IV 1 ^ I JU HEADQUARTERS FOR APPROPRIATE AND LASTING GIFTS AT PR'CES WHICH REALLY REPRESENT GREAT M ONEY SAVING. IT IS CERTAINLY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW WHILE OUR BIG STOCK CON- | TAJNS SUCH A WIDE AND COMPLETE RANGE OF SUITABLE PRESENTS. THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WILL BE BUSY ONES WITH THIS STORE. ACCEPT OUR ADVICE AND ! MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW FOR DEDIVERY LATER ON. ij VISIT OUR RIG SHOE CLASSY CHRISTMAS NUGGET JEWELRY DEPARTMENT NECKWEAR A very large and beautl- _ROBES I If you admire pretty pat- ,ul assortment. Nugget Experience shows that Wearing Christmas Season finds in our Big terns and distinctive de- Chains, Watch Fobs, Beau- Apparel is about the most substan Footwear Department a wide range 8,9"8 In Neckwear, you’ll ** and stick Pins, Rings. tial Christmas Gift of all, and Includ of Choice Styles and Dependable surely find our showing un- Necklaces, Crosses. Cuff edt should be guaranteed. Makes of Shoes and Slippers for excelled. Links, Etc. Our Bath Robe Department con every member of the family FOUR IN HAND AND JUST THE ARTICLE TO tains only the Very best Makes, from Black or Tan,, Lace or Button, BOW TIES SEND HER the leading woolen mills. Our Gun Metal, Patent Leather, Vicl and *""" *-**"' '* — ■ - assortment is large and our prices P.*pop' Imported Japanese Dainties " “ We Guarantee Perfect Fit Silk Embroidered Kimonos, in various shades, both_ --—- short and long, Lunch Cloths, Bureau Scarfs, Cotton \ p—> I r\ I I- I Stencils, Toweling, Battenbergs, Wheel Doily, White Uhnnlnr \l SnnnhQrh/ Kabe Embroidered Opera Bags, Kabe Chiyoda Bags and Q ||[ I I | Hill/ Ol IUU L.CII IV others- Llnen Stencil center set, Pin Cushions, Leather W 'WUL-UI I ¥ I J Purses, Doll Pin Cushions, Leather Mirror Cases,, Pon- _- _1_ - gee Boudoir Slippers, Imitation Velvet Pillow Tops, HFpp,q TWP m a™ WOMEN'S Kahki PiU0W T°PS’ Chochet OoiHes, Silk Handker J FURNISHmr? °R W O M E N S chiefs, and a large assortment of Linen Handkerchiefs. FURNISHINGS Silk Hosiery In Tan, Stone, Tan- THESE ARE VERY APPROPRIATE GIFTS ,n thi> Popular department you go. Brown, Pink, Champagne, Cardi- .. __ W*U find a large selection of mer nal, Light Blue, and Black In ordi- odpotat nn„_n ~ chandise at Economical Prices, nary and Italian SPECIAL BOXES OF TRAVELERS BAGS Father, Son. Uncle Cousin, each I kavbfo'q o . X MAS HOSIERY AND TRUNKS wi" be delighted with anything you B . . , ... ’ a . a[®e ,f you don’t know what Here are two items which select here- Look over the stock assortment for both women and chll- 0 lems wnich . . whi,, it , t . else to get for Father or in recent vear« ha„. h.-Am. roaay wnne it is complete. Under dren. Knitted Toques and Hoods, Brother u„„>ii i years have become wear Shirts u ■ D 0..1 . - Brother, you II always guess very popular as Christmas a ’ Shirts, SuBpenders, Hosiery, Pure Felt Sofa Pillows, in every de- , . 7 K H v'nnslmas sign issued. rl9ht ,f y°u bu* h,m a bo* Gifts, and cause the giver to Etc” ! of Fancy Black Hose, in be long remembered on ac- Our assortment of Special X-mas Consider These For Gifts fi * cotton’ mercerized, ,isle count of the satisfaction the and Holiday Boxes is complete or 8ilk- gift affords. , ♦ “ EMPRESS THEATRE - , Our theater is YOUR theater Without you we could not continue in isiness So please consider yourself at liberty ar.y time to make sng ■stions, either personally or by mail Tell us what you like and whal iu dislike, so we can run tiie theater to please you ProgTam for Tuesday, December 22, 1914. Fourth Episode of PERILS OF PAULINE Two Reels PA THE WEEKLY No. 49 The first of the WAR SERIES. Don’t Miss it. BUNNY’S BIRTHDAY PARTY VITAGRAPH COMEDY rst Show Regius 8:00 |>. in. Regular Admission S. BLUM, Pree. M. BROCK, Vice-Pres. THOS. SCOTT, Cashier FIRST BANK OF CORDOVA CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 I DESPOSITORY FOR TERRITORIAL FUNDS. Have You Contributed? No, this isn't an appeal for funds. It’s a su# gestion to put in your “Jimmy Pipe” and smoke. COME ACROSS! I Do a little publicity work for your business and Cordova. Carve your name in the Hall of Fame. The Cordova Daily Times wants your advertising. -- THE WONDER RANGES! ARE PERFECT BAKERS AND FUEL SAVERS We have Patterns to Suit your Fancy and a Price to fit your Purse NORTHWESTERN HARDWARE CC. lt>s Stove Service we sell <^s'ouRb0'S'5 lt S ®tove ®erv*ce you want - ——-— t. .•...; ,• saBiiM AN OFFER FOR SIXTY DAYS ONLY. 575 Town Lots in Cordova. _ Ranging in price from $50 up to $.‘5000, and GOO TWn lots in Chitiua from $50 to $1000. Any or all of them on easy terms. Now is the time to buy. For particulars—Call on or write to GEO. C. HAZELET, Cordova, Alaska. Trustee and Agent. irtltiliiilffililiiil5^l!!^%liHl8l!yiiil!MljlfiMl!tll!iiai!ii|51lli;ffiiMntlBliltiiMilijil,:iillliliili:|'iiii;i!;nii.^!ll.Hii!liHiiii;iii'H!;i^i;rtiiilBliBB.‘iltilBMiMl-miimaiwiiitifrm!M I Suggestions I For Christmas | Best and Biggest Assortment J •if: Smoking Jackets Silk Ties Hole Proof Hosiery For The Whole Family Alfred Benjamin’s S its John B. Stetson Hats And Floreshiem Sh es ;X _ | ifif FINKELSTE1N&SAPIR0 The Store That Satisfies Fi I DOLLS FOR GIRLS DRUMS I FOR BOYS p m | TOYS | FOR ALL :$ | The Best Assortment Ever Prices Never So Reasonable | Headquarters For Christmas Gifts | S. BLUM & CO. I Good Goods sft