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OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTFb. Obituaries.willlbe accepted by The Weekly when not exceeding ten lines, free of charge. For each additiona line a charge of five cents will l made ami collected. For Tributes of lief poet and othei publications, emcnating from Icxlgt-t or similar organizations, a charge or live cents per line will he made for everv line contained. Count seven wonis to the line and make your own calculation a to the cost in each case. EN ABERDEEN WEEKLY PUBLISHING CO., In HI, CAPITAL STOCK, $15,000 ! Subscription $1.00 a Year, jrj Advertising Rates on Application ! AJVEUDEEX, MISSISSIPPI, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1008. NO. .V2 THE ABERDEEN WEEKLY IS ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MOILNINT. BY THE The ABERBE WEEK Y We Sell on the positive guarantee that if it does not give satis faction we will return the entire amount of money paid us for it. We mean this and ask all those who are sick and need strength to try it with this understanding. PHOENIX DRUG CO., Aberdeen, Miss. I The Acknowledged Leaders. "The three- acknowledged leaders 'of tlx-.senate Messrs. Anderson -f i I a e, Lcftwieli of Moup.h- and Frank j lin f Pontotoc," i the via? in i which the Memphis cirnitar'n !!; ksiin f'orr-hpond-itt p'aecs tlm-t-: g' it I ri ! ' i i . ""The fir-t shall U- hist i atid the la -t shall ! tir-t.'' S-n- tors Anderson :nd L -ftwich r-pr-j s nt th thirty-eighth district, tlie : . ln-'t on the calendar, l.ut oerpuy the first position in point of ability in : that br;in'h of the h-trisl.-itu n. ...BRIGHTEN-UP WITH THE... Latest Styles in House Painting We are taking- this early opportunity of advising our trade of the colors in house paint that will be popular and in demand dur ing 1908. There are six handsome combinations in vogue for this season: l Body Trimmer I F..r more than'a month th- Ken-! ;) J Htckv legi.-lntUie has -.-en balloting k $V f : for United State S-nator. and; ff Porch Floor (there is yet no hope ,f breaking the; j,j COMBINATION No. 1 . S. W. P. 357 498 " 484 " 367 P. F. P. 45 Feel EVERY CHANGE OF WEATHER. A Bad Back is During Wet or Changeable Weather. Is your hack like a barometer? Does it toretell every change weather? Iocs every roM settle on your kid i.ej'H? Bring aching, throbbing pains? Doen it disorder the urine? The kidneys are calling fer help, line Doan's Kidney 1'ills. A. OoawttH. of nil (iriiml A v n m-.'M er it ntn Ol (ieiulloek. Although former (i'lV- crnor lieckham was nominated by tlie I). iDocratic primaries last sum mer, there are seven senators and i representative of the party who re Always Worse ; fuse to tit v the election, and they hold the "balance of power" be tween the D.-mocrats and Republi cans. For the sake of the interests of the party the recalcitrants ought I to make a sacritice of their giudg agdnst Reckhamand redeem the ; pledge of their party as expressed hit the primary election. The dem ocratic party of the nation does not f the controversies in any of the critical time. COMBINATION No. 3. S. W. P. 462 499 " 434 49 COMBINATION No. 2. Body S. W. P. 353 Trimmer 387 Sash S. W. P. Gloss White Roof S. W. P. 393 Porch Floor 1 P. F. P. 45 COMBINATION No. 4. oral MiHM havh: "Mt w iff h'A silfT-refl c nll'!f nibl.Y 1th kiilney cli-MHsi-uiii i.uiiis in her bn k ami deHerVe to sufler as SI result I in. Colli winch st ltl'-'i in ! r ki.lm-.vs was the lartinir rwiint of 1 he t r n I j ! . a t 1". rst she th'Mlferht it would I'liw away Imt inst;i. il liU'w uorsc. I I-tateS, especially at this henr.l a riet atU I tomi s KMney I'll In ami when she he aim- so l,;i.l. I rot hern la and she omniii'-iii'i-l Liking them. Tti act. d iiiiickii an.l thoiouflil.v . !oi i.j tin- tune she had taken thr-- ho.x.-s. hhe as -:i :i cvei . i Department, in a speech at Chicago nevfr hear hrr. l iam o: n.-Hoarnc. in ; t he back and kilin s'itn.v inoif. Her h.nUlii Secretary fJarfield, of the Interior fool anil 1 can trntli'ull.y s:iy that Ooaii's Kid ney Tills hell"'! her w lieu mini i rami n- had no effect. My v. ife avid 1 h:ie!.oth recoinmeiidol th-n to friends of on: .mil all sie.ik very highly of them." For sale !v all ih-alers. Price one. FoHter-Milbmn ( omp'y, Unflalo, New Vork, tole agents tor I'liited States. Remember the name Duan's and take no other. SILVER ALUMINUM JELLY MOULDS FREE IndU idiiallj Moulded Uestcits urc iw con didered the roi-r t h in:. The moulds are hard to et outsidw Ihr larue : it i . hid ux'is of JBLL-O. The Iiainly Hi'-mmI. in te'- them ah iolutel tree, t irciilnf in each paekate eiijiani inr and illttst tt mi: the different pattern. .KI.L-1) iiiMilil h.'nll (jood L'locrs at ine l"-i package. Do not accept a substitute or you will be disappointed. ' BOWEL TROUBLE SudJen weuther rhanRes p.i eatintf tixi heartily of tr"en fruits and vege tablesthese ure the chief exeittnsr CauMSnf Howi'l Complaints. Of course the weathT can't tie helpd and irren Stuff is very teiiiftini?. ho the best thinsr to do is to be as prudent as pos sible and have a s;,fe and certain remedy handy in cac of atuck. Dr. Mozley's LESION ELIXIR cures promptly and positively all forms of Bowel Troubles. It al o retrulates the liver, purines the bUwnl and tones up the syj.t m to a healthy vigorous condition. Thonsandscf fandli'.s kcop it on hund. as tte best home medicine in existence, and the plcasanteat to take. Sold lor 35 years by all druoalsta 60 cts. and $1 Bottla One Dots Convinces' I FT Kistacyand Cladder Diseases It li.isbeon estimated that ninety per cent of the people have eittier a madder or Kidney trouble. Numerous remedies have been olaced on the market for the cure which these diseases, none compares with DR. NOTTS MELON-SEED COMPlTNO KIOKEYANO BLADDER REMEDY It is skillfully prepared, con taining the active principle of meiou-seed hn and favorably known to phvsicians as Nature s curative for Kidney and Bladder diseases, combined with the most effective drugs known to modern science. It never fails to cure where directions are followed. Druggists sell it at f0 cts.' and $1 per bottle. Manufactured by the HESSIG-EULIS DRUG CO. Memphis, Tenn. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drutf Ad ot June 30. 1WO ifcq pttritv anvl reli al.jiiVv.Frr'Sed . re n a d iss by them jv selves. Farmers .V' ,; i r jJ ll? a t'.tem becaue kVSTV- on 11,11 1 eicn- .vy nient n t ci .A voursure- VS tv lies in buying' V f (T,isspiit outby JT a conscientious 1 . . V, .r & house. Ferry's Seed Ai.naal for 16 KKF fc. Address 0 M.Fitsv I CtOttaStT, MiCS. hist wrcK, dei laretl that I'n sitleiit Iloosevelt h:tl prevented a revolu tion by his campaign against preda tory wealth and the unlawful trusts and corporations. It is true that the country, especially the Demo cratic political division of it, has been up in arms against these bra zen violators of the law who have Keen all the while fostered and pro teetedlhy Republican administra tions, but the idea of a revolution being imminent had not uocurred to many of us. Let us l' thankful that we so fortunately escaped it. Body Trimmer y. Sash d ( XVlHJi , Porch Floor P. F. P. Il Body Trimmer Sash rcooi Porch Floor Body Trimmer Sash Roof Porch Floor S.W. P. 371 462 S. W. P. Black S. W. P, 367 P. F, P. 46 COMBINATION No. 5. SW.P. 489 " 387 " 382 JJJ COMBINATION No. 6. P. F.P. 4b Body Trimmer . Sash Roof Porch Floor S. W. P. 470 360 366 472 P. F. P. 46 The above combinations apply only to Sherwin-Williams line, acknowledged the best Paint on the market, and can be had only from us. Come and let us show these combinations and talk Paint to you. Lann & Carter Hardware Co., ABERDEEN, MISSISSIPPI. Taxpayers Read, Consider Act. and ' nor can the oMieers do j than they are d ing. i Do you desire to pay ! tax, whatever that may he any more i The Proposed Road Bonds, i KniToft Ai'.kki'Kkn Wkkki.y: the oad I 2o years) longer, with no hope of any letter roads, or do you want permanent roads lank? The answer is very simple, and I helieve 1 can hear EhlToli AllKKPKKN WkI KI.V. We have watehed the progress of our road building for three years under our present contract system and retrai'd it as an imorovement ov.o- H, ,.!d wav hut fnllv con- I Vt'r' roatl t;lx VW. speaking from viuced that it is impossible to make a iermanent road out of dirt, Killing it up and ditching as is done at present, bu1 necessary for perma nent road huilding, nor do we ex- First Assistant I'ostmaster (ieiicr al llitcheok has resigned that post and entei-ed actively uioti the mnii agt nient of Secretary Taft's cam paign for the Republican nomina tion for the presidency. The first elTorts in his new role is saide to be a canvass of the Southern States in the hole of rounding up delegates to the Chicago convention for Mr. Taft. The delegates from the South j payers o seem just now to ! m demand nyi Utth factions of the Republican par-; road- worked under contract at an ty, and the indications a iv that the (average of about S:'.() or per anti-Taft crowd, in the event of 1 mile, making a total annual ex failure to secure the rt gu!a r delega- i p, -nditure of Sl.lMiO on these tions, will organize Imlters and n- j various links (,f, with no hope deavor to seat them in the conven-lof any material changes in the con tion. Whatever may ! the out-1 dit ion of the mads at this reason of come of these stjuabliles, the old- the year. Suppose we continue this annual expense for 2") years, we the sum of Utter mads peet any more in the future of our contractors or oilieers in charge for we c-red it them for having done ail required of them under their re spective cont ract.s and the oflicers have done all thi-v could with the means available a business proposition to the tax-j our ci iimtv. j iave about h00 miles of. The Aberdetwi Examiner of Feb. 14th contains a suggestion, from the pen of lion. 1. II . McFarland, that tlie county of Monroe issue its Uinds to the amount oi $2o0,(0.()0 to improve the public highways of the county. I am an earnest advocate of all that tends to the material prosperi ty of "Old Monroe." Her roads, bridges, and ferries, are the vast arteries which supply the sinews of commerce, and it lehoovcs our ever-vigilant Board of Supervisors to resort to ways and means by which her thoroughfares can be of interest, non-taxable, to Secure j t5t..,iv ;in,l nent.anentlv main- j t L tained. The county of Monroe, a business standpoint say, "Let u have permanent improvements.1' If this is your answer, let every tax payer in our county get busy :ind help start the project, ;by securing the names to a petition asking ouri Hoard of Supervisors, at an early date j to proceed under section olll code I l'.)0i), tt) issue Kinds at a low rate! 'n - 1. i- .j W,. ,l, i,v t,. not ! a" mam roaos leaning to our row " 1 i time experience of wielding the bal anee of power in the national con- will have expended ventions of that pai ty by the negro o2").(HK) with little vote will never again le enacted. than at pre is neeessarv to workings, that the nt. iia vt l!i cause it these annual roads in ay be Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels the i j . .i ...... o.u.. com irom tue tsiein tr o in mimiv , . . laxative. It is euaranteed. The sren-; K,TH UP ll- nine is in the yellow package.- J. L. j and it can not lo done for any Shell & Co. " I money that we may make roads on i uvns and markets. I'y thi- plan we can : build these permanent roads, and : when built the annual exp use j which we are paying now can go: into a sinking fund to pay olT the j bonded indebtedness and we will j enjoy them while paying for them. ! We recommend that tlie Fanners' Educational and Co-operative Union ! of America, take this matter up in ! their locals and aid us in this move- ; ment, and send instructed deh-ga" j tioii to our county union at its next : meeting on the oth day of March, at lcckei scjiool House, so mat we may have an expression on this sub- since the days of reconstruction, has exercised commendable judgment in the selection of Hoards of Super visors, who have Ruccessfully man aged the internal affairs of the coun ty with credit to themselves and without financial embarressment to the county. Inheriting a debt of more than S200,(MX).()), contracted by the Re- ; publican administration prior to I 17", the Democratic party, .uc ; ceeding to po Aer, addressed them selves to the task oi discharging tins debt. It was promptly liquidated i and for years the credit of Monroe i county has not been impaired by j outstanding obligations. While our j have a legacy of debt to be left the rising generation, Monroe county has pursued the even tenor of her i . . . ... way. .Magnificent structures oi steel 'or iron have been built across the principal water-courses. A modern jail, equipped with every prison ap pliance has leen erected. Provision has been made for the maintenance of the poor within her borders in the purchase of a county farm, and the erecting of comfortable tene ment houses for these helpless peo ple. Contracts covering an expen diture of more than S20,tX are an nually made for the U tterment of her public roads. In short all the affairs uf the county have been prac tically and punctually administered "living within her income." Monroe county lias no Uinds out standing, and it should U- the cy of the Hoard of Supervisors, un less some exigency should arise, to refrain from pledging the faith and credit of the county, in a Und issue. Experience has demonstrated that with the annual outlay of money for road purposes, it is only a question of time when our public highways will le permanently im proved. The plans for the permanent im provement of these highways have leen thoroughly discussed and Tap proved by the three supervisors, now en'ering upon their second term of otliee, and these will be supported by. the new members re cently elected. The building of roads cannot U; accomplished in a week, month, "or year. The weath er conditions and the labor problem are Inith to U' solved, and in the light of past "experience, it seems that all has been accomplished that has leen hoped for. Let us all have patience, and accord a hearty support to our Supervisors in their erYort to accomplish a work with which they are not only familiar, but in which they are vitally inter ested. Cni.KN. Monroe County, Miss., Feb. 17th, U'OS. HEALS j o OLD SOMES "I suffered habitually from consti pation. Doan's Hegulets relieved and strengthened the bowels, so that they have been regular ever since." A.H. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Springs, Tex. HOW HER UFO WAS SAVE!) WHEN BITTEN BY LARGE SNAKE. How few people there are who are not afraid of snakes. Not long ago a harmless little garter snake fell on the wheel of an automobile which was being driven by a wo man. The woman promptly fainted and the car, left to its own resources, ran into a stone wall and caused a serious accident. The bite of a poisonous snake needs prompt attention. Mrs. K. M. Fishel, Route No. 1, Hox 40, tells how she bitten by a saved large No old sore exists merely because the flesh is diseased at that partic ular spot : if this were true simple cleanliness and local applications would' heal them. Whenever a sore or ulcei refuses to heal teadilv, the blood is at' fault : this vital fluid is tilled with impurities anil poisons which are heinff I constantly discharged into the place, feeding it with noxious matter and) irritating and inflaming the nerves and tissues so the .vote cannot heal. I These impurities in the blood m.ty be the remains of some constitutional j trouble, the effect of a debilitating spell of sickness, leaving disease germs in the system, or the absorption by the blood of the fermented refuse matter, which the bodily channels of waste have failed to remove. Again the cause! may be hereditary, the diseased blood of ancestry leing handed down to! posterity: but whatever the cause, the fact that the sore will net heal shows J the necessity for the very best constitutional treatment. There i nothing ' that causes more worry and anxiety than an old sore which tesists treatment. . I.very symptom suggests pollution ana disease the discharge, the red, angry looking tlesh. tlie pain and in flammation, and the discoloration of surrounding parts, all show deep down in tlie blood there are morbid and dangeious forces at wotk. con stantly creating "poisons which may in the end lead to Cancer. Local applications are valuable only for their cleansing and antiseptic effects; thev do not rcu h the hiood. w here the teal cause is located, and can therefore have no real curative wotth. S. S. S. heals i, Id s.Tcs .v eng low II to the fountain head of the trouble and driving ut t he poi- n pi i p.iuci ug srerms and morbid matters which are keeping the nicer open. It removes every patticle of imputitv from the cir culation and makes this life sticam pure, fresh and health-sustaining. Then as new, rich blood is carried to the place the healing begins, all discharge ceases, tlie inflammation leaves, new tissue and healthy llesh are formed, and soon the sore or ulcer is well S. S S. is the gre.ttet of all blood pun tiers and finest of tonics, just what is needed in the treatment, and in addi tion to curing the sure will build np and strengthen every part of the system. Special book on Sores and ("l.e's an 1 any medio, il ad vice desired furnished free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CA I want to recommend S. S. S. toanr wbottt in need of a blood puober.'and especially al a remedy (or ore and obtmte ulcen. In UTT 1 bad my lr( badly cut on the thu-tp edge ot m barrel, and having on a blue woolen Hoc' inj the place mas badly poioned frora the dya. A great sore formed and for yeait no one knows what I suSared with the place. I tried, it seemed to me. everything I had ever heard of, but I got do relief and 1 thought I would have to f o through life with au angty, dischaigmg sore on my leg. At last 1 began the us of S. S. S.. aud it was but a short time until 1 saw that the place was impiovmg. 1 continued tt until it removed all the poison from my blood and ma ie a complete and permanent cure oi the sore JHO. hi. LIS. 2J0 Mavy Street. Brooklyn, X. Y. the present standard, ess ject. Respectfully, j sister counties have issued bonds, V. II. Kolh, j in aid of public enterprises, and IFF! W' 3 n -Jam- L J . II J I . s-ya; Il fX" Upon request of Gov. Noel I'resi- i dent Roosevelt promptly relieved j ("apt. 1. ('. W'elborn from his posi tion as military instructor at the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, and he has Ix en ordered to re port for duty at Fort Laven worth, Kansas. At that post he will have regular soldiers to deal with and lo under the discipline of army oflicers, where he will probably not get so gay. The town authorities of Hazle h u rst in this State last Friday re voked the franchise of the Cumber land Telephone Company and gave it thirty days to remove its poles and wires. If not removed at that time tli marshal was instructed to cut down the poles and destroy the wires. FLOUR. 5YLP To Our Friends: After extensive improvements in our mill, we are now making a new and distinct grade of Patent Flour, This new grade we guarantee to be the perfection of milling, both in color and rising quality. It is in a class by itself and a grade never attempted by other mills. The 5 YLPH label, which has been so long and favorably known, is used exclusively on this NEW grade. The grade formerly made and known as Sylph is now put out under CONCORD label and is a fancy patent flour. We ask that you give this new grade Sylph a trial. Thanking you for your liberal patronage, which ex tends over a period of 50 years, we are respectfully yours, H. L. HALLIDAY MILLING CO., Cairo, 111. This new Sylph grade is sold by W. L. W ATKINS & CO., and W. G. PEUGH. Dillsburg, Pa her life when snake. "On August 20, 1000. I was bit ten on the hand twice by a large copperhead snake. Leing a distance from any medical aid, as a last re sort I used Sloan's Liniment, and to my astonishment found it killed all pain and was the means of sav ing my life. I am the mother of four children and am never w ithout your liniment." Feel languid, weak, run-down? Ileadach? Stomach "off"? Just a plain ease of lazy liver. Hurdock Blood Bitters toneit liver and stomach, promotes digestion, piyiries the blood. Deputy U. S. Marshal, R. -J. Warren, spent last night in our city and returned with several negro female prisoners charged with the illicit selling of whiskey to le tried before U. S. Commissioner. Stark ville News. Look Out Of clow The man at the top and the man below all sorts of people look out for "Star" when they want a ood chew. PLUG CHEWING TODACCO "Star" quality has never been equaled "Star" value is Ix yond competition- "Star" sales art; greater than the total sales of any five other kinds. The best is always the cheapest "Star" is far more economical than other chews because it's so stantial so wholesome and juicy so elastic arc I lasting. I5e sure and jet "Star" accept no substitute. IJO,000,(JfxJ IOC. fitefs so!J annually In AH Stores 4 mm Madame Dean's Pills. FRENCH FEMALE A SATB. Certain II k- FOB SUPPRESSED MBJtSTRUATIOl. m e TO FAIL. Haff! Snr-! SSpeedv! ."Stttisfiu'tion Uuar nlnl or Mouev iWunrttxl. Sfnt pre paid for tl.lW pr r box. Will send then on trial, t be paid fer when relieved. Samples Five, in.tit-t on petUng the trenuine, aeeept no substitute. If your druggist docs not have them send your orders to the G11TE9 MEDICAL CO., loz 74, Uscistir, Pi. Sold in Aberdeen by J. A. Gay fff? For Indigestion. Jk J V A Relieves sour stomach, palpitation of the heart. Digests what you eat FOIJEYSHOifEYTAI-. srto tH couh ssd bl luniJ The bill fur statutory prohiiiition t 11 was ra?- pv me legislature last week and was signed by the Governor Mondaj-. It goes into ef fect December 31, when every li censed saloon in the State will le closed for the first time in its his tory, and Mississippi will enter upon a new era in that respect. At times when you don't feel just right, when you have a bad stomach, take something right away that will assist digestion ; not something that will stimulate for a time but some thing that will positively do the very work that the stomach performs un der ordinary and normal conditions, something that will make the food digest. To do this you must take a natural digestant like Kodol tor Dys pepsia. Kodol is a scientific prepara tion of vegetable acids with natural digestants and contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. Each dose will digest more than 3000 grains of good food. It is sure to af ford prompt relief ;it digests what you ett and is pleasant to take. Sold by Phoenix Drug Co. FERTILIZER. We are sole agents for the ALABAMA CHEMICAL Cofs "RED CROSS FERTILIZERS and the BIRMINGHAM FERTILIZER WORKS' "MONARCH MEAL MIXTURE and high grade ACID PHOSPHATE. Your money will not buy anything better. Our prices are right. We are prepared to fill orders now to-day any time to please you. Investigate our goods and prices. Phone No. 159. W. G. PEUGH. cMr. Farmer :, i A Square Deal Is assured you when you buy Dr. PWcs family medicines fur ail the luijreai- ents entering into theru are print--! on the bottle-wrappers and th-ir formulas are attested undproath as beintt complete and correct. You know just w hat you are paying for and that the ingredient art gathered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native mediciDal roots found growing in our American loresGTBrfwijvhUe potent to curt are perWCti harm!va to the most delicate womeVa WchiiJTPTrr Not a drop - 1 v. , . I . i U v . . , . . ..." , ... - '".,,'1 ",r';- "" 1.1 f 'I y.-...!,.. 1TT73 r r...ri . 2 . tlT! rL. '.' .. triacipies used in them, viz. ;,"trf f'i'" rer.n-M glycerine. Inia agent possesses tntrlnaic mea.clr.a.1 properties of ttsown ew-; a UJUP b (OiHftLiii .(iii uv ferment, nutritive and soothing demul cent. ;ircerine plavs an imjorta!it part in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery In the cure of indigeM ion, dyiwpia and weak stomach. atwmlt tiy sour rNincrs heart-burn, foul br.ath, mated tonzne, piKr appetite, gnawing feeling in tom ach. biliousness and Kindred derange ments of the stomach, liver and bowels. Besides curing ail the above di.-tre-ivinn ailments. the"Goiden Medical Di.covery " is a specit5c for all disease of tlie mucous membranes, as catarrh, whether of the nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels or pelvic orgns. Even in its ulcerative stages tt will yield to this sovereign rem edy if its use btt persevered in. In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passages, it is well, while taking the "Golden Medical Dis cover?" for the necessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse the passages freely two or three times a day with Dr. Sage s Catarrh Remedy. This thorough course of treatment generally cures the worst cases. In coughs and hoarseness caused by bron chial, throat and lung a (Taction, except con sumption in Us advanced stages, the "Golden Medical Discovery" Is a most efficient reni dy. especially in thoe obstinate, hang-on eoughscaned by irritation and coneeHon of tlie bronchial raucous membranes. The " Dis" covery " Is not so good for acute cough aris ing from sudden colds, nor must it be ex pected to cure consumption in it advanced stages no medicine will do that but for all U)e obstinate, chronic courha. which. If nee lected. or badly treated, lead up to con sum p 1 tion. it Is the best medicine that can be taken. Your cotton crop depends upon the y t number of pounds which you use of our $ fertilizers. AWtfE BETTER! 0 TENNESSEE VALLEY FERTILIZER COMPANY, FLORENCE, ALA. ..TIN WORK In addition to SANITARY PLUMB ING we are prepared to do.... Tin Roofing, Guttering, Piping, Stove and Pump Work. T. It. WARBURT0N. PHONE 95.