Newspaper Page Text
For old people who suffer 1 from rheumahsm.shff joints, gouMumbago, neuraigia.scianca ana paralysis ioms Liiiiieit 0 r? r - 4 gives quick relief. penetrates 1-1 is rhrough the nerves and tissues, relieves me .Si tnriammanon ana congestion. quicnens Bargains in all kinds of Merchandise. me blood and gives a pleasant hngling sensation ofcomfort and warmth. iC. I c m You. IT Hv f 1 '3 t A V j f To make room for new spring- stock now arriving. tome ani see A full stock on lu.ii'.k A S "p Steel and Wood Xi C 1 5 LI RED BIKD CAST CHILLED PLOWS. BULLY BOY HARROW PLOW GEAR AND WAGON HARNESS. ALL KINDS SWEEPS AND SHOVELS. You will Find THE HOME OF LOW PRICES. The Aberdeen Weekly FRIDAY FKLKUAKN J ""wants? Lost About 1 1 - r w- k :-.y . I m brella, horn handle w n h stiver ':i. alienator etc., on handle. LU-ernl re ward L. L ! :: I n. Feb. 11, US - l i WANTED--A not over - years o strain and rheap. registered bu! iou of (joml faiiii! v. Nettleton, Mi--. i. Mum be u i . i I'l- I t be tu!I i -i ,1. i . !Iuya: COTTON iMAIvKUT The cotton maikct in A b. -rd, as reported by I. 11. : closed Thursdav at el. dling. oi'ITi'N !!.!'. The ruling quotation; Thursday , reported by ;1 f- Oil Mill it l' itili. Slo.(H) per ton. t Itch cured in :'o miauli iy ford's Sunitar Lotion. Never n Sold bv J. A.Gay. dn:gu;.-t. Dr. Ft cream . i S&slfiaccntriiy giving fiifi i food law .vr.s lor either si'd Q I T r i J r w j t J q filaac from grapes pure end fceaKhinI. Ill p No Alum U j Pliospliales. J f"! yy Cbcroical tests sho'- tlaat slum baljiag A pvJcrs leave uucliaiigeil alum, an TS injurious mctaliij acid, lis liic food. Kl Be on your gtimd. Alum paw- yJl-J I 14 b. Iers may le iaiown by tfcelr SyWt4 I 4 1 L-L JVv price -13 T 23c a Ifc., l ' ' 2 I iBE Turning Plows. Midlle Breakers. a x a i'lirua f f . ... a v ai 4 3 i 1 F VQ I INF 4V PLOWS. WIS CARRY THE BEST What You Want at r i 1 3 , . Counts- Union .Meetinii. e- "!.; . , i . . . ..( M ! I, M x; Ii .Vit- 1 b local b u:i!mt loral-. It. "tel. w 1 1" Lis lll- Vl ! V 1I..-P 11 . K. i n, it V U 1 lioU Flour, "Th. Lno A" Co ! ( i ' ra 1 1 u . i 1 1 o 1 !'.'. ii.!. 1 on t! Mol I, ' ! a m. eiin Tu !!l- ir-' S 3 rl ; M r -.11 s r nearly N0 eop!e pare Y-I j 2forc a n urc tliougli! out Uj ie cr Kaiion. w RUBEL 3 TWO-HOUSE HARROWS, GUANO DISTRIBUTERS, GEORGIA STOCKS, all kinds, Genuine Tarrell Cast Plows. tfs, Till yoio SOCII-TV NOTKS. Mr-. It. P. Wendel l Hoi Sjuins. has returned -- Mi-s ( h.-rt rude S k .he kM,n. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greene are in Memphis, -wiln. M,.. aI1,i Mrs. Alf Brown are spending the week at their country ;; ioine. Mi-, (lav leti Wednesdav for New qn.-.-t t )i .,!.;,, Miss Cav llaughtonis in Colum ' , , ' bus. 'i Miss I'd it h Wardlaw of Oxford is viitint: Lier sister. Mrs. II. P. Wendel. . , . Mr. and Mrs. VV.O. Bowman, with their little daughter, were quests this week of Mr-.. Ervin at West Point. Me-;. lames. E.L. Sykes and Staeios spent several davs of this week at Macon. Mi-- May Lou May nard entertain ed at bridii'- Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Neville. The prizes were won by Misses Katie Lou Spra i'ins, Nellie Fitts and Minette Carter. Mrs. Neville was given a lovely guest : prize. Mr. iley Clifton has returned from L neb burii. Mr-. K. E. Vesey is back from ; Memphis. Mrs. Armon Wicks was a guest of j Miss tiertrude Wicks Wednesday. Mi-- ( Untie MeQuistion" left : Thursday for New Orleans. Mrs. Bhiiord entertained tiie Ma i i . e i - Bridge t'hib and other friends s.i'iii'iiav . Tliose winning prizes were Mrs. i. W.lloi:-ton, Miss Fav Haugh ; to:i arid Mrs. i;. O. Sykes Miss (iertiude Wicks and Mrs. Araion Wicks left Thursday for New Orleans. Mrs. Tm Sykes is visiting in Memntiis. -irs. J. W. Eekford and Miss Nor ma Eekford entertained at seven hand eiu -lire Wednesday afternoon. The prizes? were won by Mesdames Dnlany, Fowler, Elbridge Smith, Tubb and Miss Mary Lou Maynard. Mis.- Jc.sepninef 'lit'ton has return ed lrom Lyneldiurg. Mrs. LHuar.y left Thursday for a visit in Memphis. Mr. Adam Carlisle spent Thurs day in West Point. Miss Lueile Hatch entertained Wednesday evening. Miss Lueile Farris of Maeon, Miss., was a guest of Mrs. Sid Hop kins. She returned Sunday. Miss Kate Carter entertained a few friends at her home, Tuesday : evening. .Refreshments were served. Swift's premium Hams and Iln -a k fast Bacon, the best on the market, at IIiix Bro's & Co. Phone ! 14;. Miss Saliie Puckett, of the Ladies' j Bazaar, is in St. Loui-s this week, pur . chasing spring goods for that popular emporium. i We are sole agents for the cele ' hrited (ierman Medicated Stock iFood, the very lest fotxl stuff on I the market. Also the same article in Bird Food. Every package ! guaranteed. We , handled these ! g'Htds all of last season with perfect satisfaction to onr -customers, and j have already sold several invoices this season. Hill Bro's &. Co. & CO. The explosion of a lamp at the resi lience of Sheriff T.O. Jones, Wednes day evening,eaused a tire alarm. al-o the (iiiiek appearance of the depart ment. No further damage. V have a full sujiplv of SKK1) JKISH TOTATOKS AND ONloN SKTS. Hill IIko s a- C. Among the sales of real estate this week, wns that of the residence of Mr. P. A. Dulin on Railroad street, to Mr. I. Y. Johnson, at $ 1.000. Mr. Editor: Please say to your readers that we have hundreds of tes timonials from most successful farm ers showing that the best yields are always obtained by the use of our fertilizers. Yours truly, Tkxxesskk Vai.i.ev Fkrtilizeh Co.mpa n v. A fire alarm turned in early Wed nesday evening, was occasioned by sparks from a chimney to the resi dence of Mr. J. C. Wicks, corner Hickory and Washington streets. The tire department was on the scene promptly, but no damage. We are now prepared to fill vour orders for GRAIN, SHOUTS AND liKAX. Prices to suit vim. HILL 1UUVS vv u. A critic at our side says that a fire in Aberdeen, with the present- ei'tci ent fire department, lias about as much show as a snow flake in June. J. A. GAY sells thef amous MER CUTOL -the greatest remedy in the world for SWINNY, FISTULA, Spav in and all Lameness in Horses and Mules. 50e. s'JO-tim. j Dr. L. G. Nishet, of Oak Lawn j Farm, on Tuesdaj' shipped tlirec ; choice White Wyandottes to a j patron at Yaideii, Miss., who in re j niitting for them saaid, "I mnt I thank you for such a line selec tion they arc pretty enough for I any one' You will find us in line on is hack fromiAIi, COFFEE AN1 FLOCK, and ! CANNED GOODS of all kinds. l our orders hlled on short notice and prompt delivery. Phone 14(.. HILL P.KO S A- CO. The First National Bank in this issue presents a most flattering showing at the close of business Fcburary 14. Among its resources are found loans and discounts, 820'.), 501 ; bonds to secure circula tion, 100,000; Iwuids, securities, etc,$13G,10o; reserve funds ?60,0o0. TMe liabilities include capital paid in S 100,000; National bank notes outstanding S100.000; individual deposits $381,202; United States deposits 03,000. The resources and liabilities foot up S72o,032, the largest amount, we believe, that has ever been attained by that popular financial institute. We have a line lot of SEED OATS, just arrived. Prices reason able. HILL & BKO'S ifc CO. Mr. -J. II. Young exhibited thi week some splendid specimen; paper manufactured by a Georgia mill from cotton stalk fibre. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels the cold from the system as it is mildly laxative. It is 'guaranteed. The gen uine is in the vcllow package. J. L. Shell & Co. The Final Cotton Census. Owners and operators of ginning establishments in Monroe county are reminded that the final canvass by the Census Bureau, for enumerating cotton ginned from the crop of 1907, will commence on Monday, March 2nd. This report must include all cotton ginned to that date, with a careful estimate of amount remaining in the territory of each establishment to be ginned afterwards during the season. Oil mill linters are also to be listed with like estimate of amount to follow. Special Agonts are allowed until March 10th to complete the can vass and reports to be made, by mail only, immediately upon completion. Ginners and oil mill managers are requested to be ready for prompt re ports on these points. Respectfully, S. A. D ALTON, Special Census Agent. Mardi Gras Mobile-New Orleans February 27th to March 3d, 190S. Low round trip tickets on sale, Feb. 26th to March 2nd, inclusive; final limit returning March 10th. Stop overs. For further information apply to Mobile & Ohio Railroad Ticket Agents or write John M. Beall, Gen eral Passenger Agent, St. Louis. Mr. Wiley II. Clifton, of the! Aierdeen bar, was honored by his brother Masons at the recent Grand Lodge, 1'V election to the station of Grand Senior Warden. This in-: eures to him the ofiice of Grand j Master within two years, a position j to which his high standing in the! cider and his devotion to its prin ciples richly commend him. I have used MERCUTOL for some time have treated FISTULA and va rious other troubles with it, and find it a VERY FINE REMEDY for lame horses and mules. T. A. BRADLEY, sJO. R. F. D. 4, Aberdeen, Miss. The Merchants and Farmers Lank of Lordotic hasleen converted into a National Lank, with capital of S"0,OO0. This May Interest You. No one is immune from kidney trouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the irregulari ties and cure any case of Kidney and bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. J. L. Shell & Co. The back is the mainspring of woman's organism. It quickly calls attention to trouble by aching. It tells, with other symptoms, such as nervousness, headache, pains in the loins, weight in the lower part of j the body, that a tomans lemmme organism neei Is immediate attention. In such cases the one sure, remedy which speedily removes the cause, and restores the. feminine organism to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIA E-PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. AVill Young, of 6 Columbia Ave., I ockland, Me., says : " I was troubled for a long time with dreadful backaches and a pain in my side, and was miserable in every way. I doctored until I was diseourag-ed and thought I would never get well. I read what Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had done for others and decided to try it; after taking three bottles I can truly bay that I never felt so well in my life." Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes to Mrs. l'inkham: "1 had verjr severe backaches, and! pressing-down pains. I could not sleep, and had no appetite. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound cured me and made me feel like a new woman." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Iink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the :s i tvi in. u irinrui iui jcinaic 111.-1. i and has positively cured thousands of I women who have been troubled witn displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, nbroid tumors, irregularities, f j jeriodie pains, backache, that bear-ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tioii,dizzmess,or nervous prostration. Get the New MARCH RECORDS On Sale February 25 -1 mt 1 vr EDISON PHONOGRAPHS 1- . mi w sSslMONEYTOIIND MAIER JEWELRY CO, While the roads are bad write for catalogue and latest prices. Baxter McFarlaxd. Ben McFarlasd McFARLAND & McFARLANO, Attorneys - at - Law, ABERDEEN, MISS. Will practice in th State and Federal Courts aj.d give strict attention to collections, convey- racni and all protessionai Diismess enirosieu CO o Y 1 V. V H Will nire anv case beyond the reach of For sale LOW RATES Every First and Third Tuesdays To points in Texas. Oklahoma and Arkansas. One fare plus seven dol lars for the round trip. LOW RATES Every Sunday To points between Memphis and Birmingham. Rate one fare for round trip, to return same day. WINTER TRIPS To Florida and Southern Texas, round trip rates. For further information apply to JOHN R. YOUNG, Agent Frisco Line, Aberdeen, Miss. OH REAL ESTATE. I am able to negotiate loansjon... Real Estate AT 8 PER CENT. INTEREST, In eums of $500 or over, for as long time as desired. TERMS EASY. No delay in closing loans. D. W. HOUSTON, Attorney. Serf,mb0r J 907-ly. ml FY, St is ?Md I PRICE J Dr.Earl S.Sloan. Boston Mass. pi 1 ew 11 y 11 1 York LOOKING FOR Bo n A ZJI i4 Jf J of Kidncv or Bladder Disease not "ni!m s "'geae medicine. No medicine can do more. by J. L. SHELL & CO., ABERDEEN Plain Talks A Talk to You use a fertilizer of course, but do you use civ i-h ? The yi;M per acre, nnd the profit therefrom increases in far greater proportion than the eo-.t of additional fertilizer. What is r-.n increase in cost of to $10.00 per acre for fertilizer when the returns therefrom show an increase of 50.00 to -J50.00 per acre? The 1i Magnolia Fruit Farms at Durant, Miss., tested the well-known Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer in different quantities on their straw berry, crop. Result : when 1,000 lbs. per acre were used the profit was $75.00 more per acre than when 500 lbs. per acre were used. This is modern intensive cul ture, the method that is doub ling and trebling the crops of all kinds of fruit in either good or in poor and worn-out land all over the country and in good soil, too. Sold by Lann & DeWITTSrr: WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Piles, Burns, Sores. 2550 S, $1.00 Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities iX.rAJLLa Do not risk having or Diabetes on Fertilizers Fruit - Growers The yield will be according to the amount of plant food V .i rive your trees or j.'anis you can de pend on it . The better lh y led th-greater and more valuable will be your crop. Fertil ize sparingly and you rtap sparingly. The fac t that over a million tons of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer were sold last year proves them to be without equal. Fvery fruit farmer, no matter what method he now uses, should get the Vir ginia - Carolina C o in p a n y s new Year 15ook A 1 It is free to nil 5S.y w:n) are inter ested enough to write for it. Address us to the nearest city below. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. Richmond. Va. TVorham, N. C. Norfolk, V. Charleston, S. C. Columbia, S. C. Baltimore, Md. Atlanta. Ga. Columbus, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Tenn. Shreveport, La. Carter Hdw. Co. BEE'S LAXATIVE HONEY ano TAR RELIEVES COUGHS AHO COLD J