Newspaper Page Text
X Delinquent Land List, Fiscal Year 1907. State of Missi--.ii. pi, Monroe County. j I. the undersijjnedSheriff and Tax Collector of Monroe county, Mississippi, i will on MONDAY, THE OTii DAY OF A PHIL, IWjS, expose at pul.lic auc-1 ti .in to the'.highest, bidder for cash, within legal hours, in front of the west ) door of the county court house, in the city of Aberdeen, the following de-j - rihi'd land-giving and situated in said county and State, for the taxes due! vear 1907. Said sale will continue from day to day ! until all of said lands are sold, viz: N W1K-. 1)1 VISION OK SECTICN. V. . I..- j6 11 I ;.i . .. hi.;. 'A A I .1'... it .1 U..M. : ) H i -n. M '"- V, . ' j. I .1 F ' I lla- I,. ..:,,...!, A! ... V, .... :- Mil.. V, ! .(,.. ..till I.!' - I-'.:: I :l!i( n , r. : .T-.-iM A 1 . - H A K-n-io'-i 1 I .,;,:.,. - M:-. M A. . l: - r- HA l. . . . i i: .1: i". I. J v I I .!. i: W.t l-i . r.. I . : , .. . I" '.II. -.l.ll! i r. .1 IK' i . j-.v . l r- .1"- .' . . . .. I Vi . : " ... n fractional part west half northiHt Mr... ri'ij t rnvit rr.rru-r northwest rjuarter. mi'i (.art outh half ne 1-4 an1 n ft ae gr ''ia wi -s-tonp-thini northwest quarter f r:i..-t iotiiii fr-ast nidf nni t h-n.t iaart;r . . . fractional part northwp-Ht Quarter 1- . fractional part northeast iiuarter Be 1-4. . . . : " ;uit east sii- north half northwwit cjr 13 .-fractional part eard half southeast quarter 11 13 .-mtJi'-a.-t iuartT northat quarter. ,r- 13 a-t 1 -2 soul hw(t irtT & Ua off east side' v. i t l-'J s.niTliu-cst or A; '-'la nw cor n qr . r.ort hra-.t tiarter . !ili' limai north part north ca-it uiiarU-r... nH'i'ii'.- one-thinl west half southwest qr. . . -t half east half west half. ..- . tiorT luvt-st quarter 1-1 uit. in hv qr anl s 1-2 . 1-2 nw ir 'r:irf lona 1 part south haif . i;!rt:: half soilthwf-st tjuarU-r l--.s lia. ' no t i'tria I part northeast ijuarter . f r.i"! loiial east half soutti-a--t quarter sc qr i a-t half southwest iiii:trt-r . '.'i!hwt-( ci.tniT iinrth'.'. i st quarter 5 '.m st. half northea-t quarter ' i a-t half northwest quarlt-r less H acres; " s T2 s-.v jr anil s 1-2 ri- itr v.v cjr r . f.-air! miial part "tl .tort h tst corner sinth-.wt quarter...... . fiHi-t tonal ne or in a'-i-s and n 1-2 nw qr. . . '.t-t part oor! hvt--t iiarti-r . a-t haif frai t ional . i'.c-t ha 1 f norr h vvest qiiarli-r ii'.rih ha if nort hiast quarter. . :,i.r' a -t q uai 1 1 r suut hi ast quarter if h K,i.f si iiwi'-t (it southwest qr f , :u ' i'.ti.ti west ha If !: - i.'ii.a: liorthwt.-t corner southwest qr.. ' : i. ' !'.:;! part so-j t hwest quarter -I' ll;; 1 2 ne q r a ii' I w 1-2 tie qr s qr ..'i" 'iii: i t r not thw est (juart-r . ". ;i i - ii' .i t lu-a-t corner ne ir ne qr a ',-'. ii -it ni-qr h ss la .V nl-2 nw qr li ss.ra i.tii e.i.t ha s,'it hwest j r sont hvvest. (jr.. : ;i. I ;..!:.! I part i..!- 17 .V oloek l.( m.rl h I -2 not t h west qr ii 1-2 -i i, rin qr a tut ne cor qr ne tr. . i i- t ional I :n t -e ii r tte ' ; r : ) t. ! - li; if t: h:i If su ijr ne i,r ... Ik ii-! quarter icrtnit quarter w : ,.i i-i- 1 ..!,..; - "I Mi- i' 1 n. . ! I--' 1 .,v,! V II . I Mr- Ml .- ..nw.,1 I M , r . - A M;,l!. .. J. N I '. ri.' i'l . W -f I ,; ' W A .It - II I,."-. I A 11 - -! 1' . !,, i. I 1 tf.k .1 ' 1 iv.mi-'H. ) M I: . . ... H 1 .,' r v S 1: 1 l; i ii . 1' CoiK i: in. r. m I. .1 .1 t i ' l..,l..t 1 II . . n.'k'n'- .ii- I .ei.P-i!. I- 1 ' - i'l.-i. :', HI- , i-i.i, :i 1 i . . l;,t. . I -I ..!!. 1.1 Kssr.i". H 1 i! I ! . '' I. HI- -. -. v n M, ho ... . .' Mann ". I I'l.-l.e W K.-nii i I ' M.i i i 1 ' .!'.s Wes! i-;.."!, . W . . Ki l.'i i. I:. -I I ' i i n .' .V i . 'i i' u f, I! :' I'l ;'. .V 1 ' I il -I.n.11. .1..IU. l " Menu A ;M S.-H.1 it i. n I I 1 i ... . Ilt.t. -I W II, li.i! ,. k- .V Not I. .11 . I1...J '" 1 1 - 1 . I ; e i . It Ii.. ... .11 , , . I .1 Wtl. t.x V M . . . artet. I. i n r, 11. 11 I .i-i. t I! I V, -1 I T I 1 1 J : ... W f. I II, l llklinn Ii M:im ill' -- ( 1 - k- - .1 K K w . r v I i,...,n.s.., I : .1 W Millth. -1 1 i 1 1 II If.... live. I V an. I (' V.'... Mart Hi Tot.O 1 .tin.. Mrs 1 1 Hath. o' k. I' l Wcstl.I.iOK. 1' Thrn lev. ,1 I l ailie. .1 K Williams. A t M.'ti, r h I h.n tlh . ,!. 1 St.). kt..u. K N es! I iilu.u th. 11 W Mi Her. .) F. Miller. .1 1 Hauuh. -1 !'' ' Yotiutt. M . Hamilton. W M Ilik in .V Wa 1 ker t.etivs. I1T ( ,el ! s. il l' Davis. W II Ware. .! T e-t s. kis. .I K . It. he.-. li, Mis laitretlla . l i-yei. Mis l.,ly 11 II.. ixl. Wi t I'.iick itu' nam. 1' . . . l.o'.ur. l.viia I.ev.y. Ma H Amoi I- .V 1. Co Mil l s. .luiin Hattie. i hi. i P. Mrs I. J Ki.l.I. M K Ark, r. .1 M Kocers. Mrs c A -Mil it h. 1 lil. tihi til av.liW M ill. r. C .1 t ooley. T A l a, k Marion i;.i. -Italian. J M . N a hoi s. W H . ia!.'i,i. 1 K. I'likn.m n ( .u W H .os.s. K V Thot litis,. n. A ti Pratt. W It I'rt-wett. .1 II... en . M i s A . . . N ahot-s. W 11 . Ni-ii lis. F.nir.v . .,!...!S W II.. I la-. .;.!. . oven. Mrs M .1 Tus' . lleionan.i Mary lhyson. F 1 Naho.s. W II W inti-.r, llriiiy Nahors, W H rtimp. M t s Y. J iii.,rv(liii itivi M Co. Tubh. 1. II franklin, Archie William. T V Simpson . J t'. I ami, K u hy Hi) of Abcnieen Hras!iel,i. Walter t.iinii.iti. T U e-t sniit h. Levi Williams. T W est ,t H rami in. Mrs M M I obson, ( ico est Klkin. .lane Ac Ker ,V KotTers H. 4iirhton.Mr- S 15 est Brastieht. Walter ( lay. Malitniy P.rasrii hi. Waiter Houston. U E . . Ovei .Julia t . ihson. i' W. , f Itxides, ( ireen Younir, Mehina I. ontax, Zack Ivey. Kate Fa.-k ford. J W Klkiu, Alev Jones. RufTin est Carter. Harriett Paine. Geo. C MeNary. Andenson...-. tvatia, Vi A est h 12 21i 12 26 12 :tt 12 13 .; lis i 14 3 It 9 14 13 15 7 IS 16 31 11 a. 1 1 t 12 6 12 to 12 33 12 :r 12 .V- VI 7 13 21 13 21 il 31 13 1 I I !M 1 1 1111 21 I 1 21 1 I 2s 1 1 ix 1 I 2- 1 1 2 1 i 3 13 ..ut I h I, qua If no .nth half. uartcr , (.1 acres r hurst q I ha If s, .i.t h half Soat h .vest q -'..i il, .i -t qua rt rr.le-- ,..uth haif -out it ha 'f f i' ! T h ha if -oat h, a-t rtaai t. r an.! ii"i t huest quarter. . mii- Nrainl part vi half e half .10 acres v. . -1 ha i f ie-.s 1 ii n .-res a nil nort least ii r . . . . fi e! northeast quarter -mi hu est quart, r nort 1 1 ! n rt -out h est qua iter part southwest quarter ii. . j r s.- .p ami lie corner w half sc .jr -out hea st qr southeast qr less 4 1-2 acres . uoirhw.-st l- not l hcast . juart.-r s.nth.w'st quarter 3 anes noj-ih einl w haif e half nw quarter son! hu e-t quarter n-u t u v. est quarter soul Invest quarter i-t ha ,f .-ss 2(1 a.-res n"itii'ii-. quarter ii-.r I i niai soot ii half. I tart iona I son I h lia tf north half noil hra-t quarter -out 1: . a-t quarter v -st ha If sou! hu-e-t uuaner Inn ! ional nort h ha it fi art imiiii nil in u t In a-t qua i ter nort hra-t "qua rter u.-st half noi l Invest qhurtcr '.v ha il s-quai t.-j-anil hail w half neqr.. f; ari lonul -out hra-t quarter. i sout n half urn I hw.-st qr -out hcast qr i-.o; half nw quartet nw qr se in" -out ii hall no qr .V mi qr .S: n 1-2 n 1-2 sc qr nort!o.-M q uat 1 er ni rt hw.-st quart, r .-. col ta-r s. q t scqrh-ss 1 lot c half 11 is q I .V w half sc q i- A: su q 1" lie qr , , -t in!? nort Invest quji tcr e-r half nii qr ami tic qr nw qr w ', i.: - - ill". 1 1 1.", 2 lri 3 III 13 hi 13 Hi 1 ) H i 'l !i Xi 1 1 r, 12 17 12 1 s 12 1 12 12 1 12 .r 12 .") 12 7 12 7 12 Pi 12 31 11 , 11 :t2 il it. 11 33 11 34 11 ii 12 1 12 12 10 12 Hi 12 l.S 12 13 12 20 12 30 15 :-6 u 3 (W ( 43 yj 6 Oh 3 h4 ) 1 VI 6 00 11 52 Kl l m 1 vi l ii Otl 9.; :m v l us 1 W) 7) tXI 72 3 12 1 It 1 41 lia.l - qr alio lie 'lr s qr .v s-,v or seqr i hi a-t quarter southwest luai-tcr i hra-t quarter southwest quarter th half ami uest half southeast quaitcr ill loi! stv iit:trl,-i itlitl srnr ll'.i' .1 r . . 1 1 A e hf lie Or .V e lit s Mr n 'lr sw Mr 1'' ! 4 13 f, 13 s 13 !; lil ii! 13 32 li. Il 1 1 iy 1 1 in 1 1 f. l r' ii if. 7 F' IS 13 is 13 Mr. ei.t half northwe-t Iunrtrr 111 '- Sol 7 an. I ! i art aula 1 lot ti 15 1- ! 1:: li.,,-llr.,..l O, t.'i , I er s. .11 1 h v est quarter 1. 1 nw hr st. in' aici sw qr ne Mi ami s- 'lr u.v Mi less lu iicrcs . -oul h haif southwest Minu ter ea-1 tia if soul hea-t Mr itn.l sc Mr lit- Mi . . tia. tioiial noith half northeast quarter -put hea - t M tia rter south w est Muarter s hail sc Mr anil nw Mr sc quarter. ...... . sw Muartei- sc Muarter ami se Mr sw Mr.. tract tonal northeast corner not t hcast . sotti h .v est quarter nort lm est quarter iiorth.-ast quarter nort hcast Muarter. . -out li half sc Mr an. I tiu Mr se Mr . west ha if cort hwc-t Muartrr e ha it e hall ti nil sw Mr ne .lr A: nw Mr a-t haif . -out hu est Muarter northwest Muarter 1 10 ri hea-t Muarter sout Invest quarter I lot Mix lliq ft-ct . in. Mr nw Mr ami north sw Mr nw Mi 2ua.'rc- nw corner seMr nwlr . -w q 1 -c Mr an.l sc corre-r si lr 3 acres . -w Mr - Mr A ne Mr sw Mrt.V 10 acres north -iiie northwest Muarter southeast Muartei . ;.st half cast half it iiatf n lialf n half northwest 1-2 . southeast hall southca-t 1-4 soutlieust Muarter southwest quarter sotit h tin If southwest Muarter. northwest Muarter sout hw est Muartrr - Mr ne Mr ami tie Mr seMr northeast quarter southwest Muarter . wc-t half nort hcast quart cr n w Mr se Mr ami lie .lr s v ir ami se Mr sw Miles- lu acres southeast corner . nort hw.-st Miiarts'i" sotit hcast Muarter . southeast Minuter southeast Muarter . mot h haif northeast Muarter... . sout h half ami southwest lr northwest Mr . nort Invest . lun rter nort Invest Muarter . ii hf n hf A: w hf sw Mr A; sw Mr tnv Mr . nort hcast Muarter . south half south half sout hwe.-t quarter... . ltj acres north emi cast half southeast Mr. . . west half southeast Muarter northwest Mr.. s hf se Mr A: nw Mr se Mr A- fr lt nw Mr sw Mr south half southeast Muarter . cast halt southeast Mr northwest Mr . southeast quarter northuast Muarter east half northwest Mr northeast Ms . nelr ue Mr .V ne Mr sw Mr A-. ri half nw Mi ami southeast Muarter northwest Mr. . . 3Y 12 . w hf se Mr A sw Mr ne Mr & se Mr sw Mr 3'V 12 .. sout hw est Muarter sout Invest Muarter lo; 13 . w hf se Mr A- se Mr se Mr & nw Mr sw Mr 2tl, 13 southeast Muarter southwest Muarter 2'. 13 . norrhcast Muarter southeast Muarter 2t;13 soul hwest quarter sout h est Muarter '2!1'13 ..northeast Muarter southeast Muarter ,!013 sout Invest Muarter nort heast Muarter 2 14 , . west haif northeast Muarter ; 3 11 . sw Muarter s Muarter less 6 acres 4 14 ,. one lot no number -ri 1 ' ne Mr sc Mr ami se Mr ne Mr 27 1 1 . s hf ne Mr A- se Mr nw Mr A: ne Mr se Mr 32 H sp Mr se M- am! east siiie sir Mr se Mr 12 13 . nort heast Muarter nort hrast Muarter l-i 13 . fractional nw Muarter W A A- cud 17 13 east half sw Mr ami west half nw Mr se Mr ami nw corner sw Mr se qr 13 3-7 acres. ... 22 15 uoi t h ha If northeast Muarter nort hwest Ml 1 It! lot nw corner northwest Muarter se Mr 23 12 . one lot northwest corner nw Mr se Mr 25 12 . 1 lot 50x110 sw comer sc Mr nw Mr 25 12 . ti half sw Mr sw Mr ami sw Mr nw Mr sw Mr. . 25 12 . All lots 1 A- 7 W K it A- n half sc Hr se Mr.. . 2ti 12 Mutll'ter. , less 10 ai.ies 21 i : 2h 12 27 12 27 12 31 12 31 1 ! ;35 12 i ;i i i i til : w ii ' 10 1 ! " 10 13 qr 11 13 lti 13 " 21 13 ' ' ' 25 13 " ill) 13 31 lil .32 IS 1 It' 1 14 i 4 14 m 14 ill! 14 li! 14 21 It 21 11 2.3 14 ':27- 14 Hi 1,3 13 15 hi 15 20 15 2s 1.3 t 15 :.c.i i5 17 12 in 12 21 12 22 12 25 12 25 12 2r. 12 31 12 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 lu 1 16 13 it) ' ll'. If. It.. It, it. It. lti Hi It, Hi t northeast corner sw Mr se MJ se Mr 2ti 12 fia.-t ional part se Mr nw Mr three acres it; 12 .. -onthwest Muarter sw quarter..,, 10 14 . . lot in e 1011 . eti-t haif ne Mr an.f ne Mr nw Mr 15 14 . . ne Mr ne Mr and east half nw Mr lie Mr 2t 14 SM IT ti VI LLC lots 23 ami 30 . one lot no number (JATTMAX. . htoeks thirteen ami sixteen N KIT L ETON. . . lot live, block twenty-one . , lot seven, block twenty-one AMOKY TI Kli 1MVISION. . lots eitht ami nine, block P . . lot five and south half four, lilock R . . lot six. block K AMOItY KAILROAD DIVISION. . . lots thirteen an.l fourteen, block fourteen . . lots three, bloek .53 . lot one. block 54 - . . west half lots 5. 6. 7 and eisrht. block 57 . iots eleven ami thirteen, block 133 lot- ten, eleven and twelve, bloek 172 FiFI.L ASP nFJiKY HI VISION. . lots 5. 6. 7. S. 9. 10. 11 s half 1 A- 2. h!k A.. lot.- seventeen and eighteen, block A i ; north haif eieht and nine, block B. . loi iiyhteen. bloek O OW F.N DIVISION. . . lo! three, bhH-k I : ; . . lot thirteen, block V lots one and two. block F . .. lots one and two. block j , . . lot ten. block vi 1 . . hat sc entev-n. bl-x-k X ; . lot eighteen, bloek X SKCONDOWEN DIVISION. . i j . all block 3t!3 ' SYNDICATE DIVISION. - ail less 1. 2, 3, 4 block 3uti ; . lots uine to twenty -rive inclusive, bit 310. J OLD AliKHOKEN CITY. . lot seventeen, block 2 J j . lots thirty-three and thirty-five, block 3. .. i ! . west haif lots eUrhty-nine and Su. block 7..i 1 : part south half lot 102. block .8 : t ' . lot 119 awl 120. block 9 j I . half acre off east end Blk IS ' ; j ail hss 273. 27S, 279 bloek 19 i i . north haif 3 l.'i. 314. block 23 ; . middle one-third lot 361. block 24 f all blk- 34. 115. 36. 37. 3X. 47. 48. 49. 50. 59. 00. j . lots H57, and 5!. block 43 ' . lot 71. block 46 j . part block sixty-nine ! - all blks 76. 77. TH. 79. HO. St. 82 i . part 73S and block ninety -one i . -14 and 812 and Mii less 60ft off w hf. blk 941 south one-third east one-third. block 97 i . X. K27. K2S, Ki5. t6, NJT. block 97 j . east one-third less 1 acre se cor, block 103. . ! NEW ABF.RDF.EN CITY. I . northwest corner. Block twenty-two j . lot twenty -five Block thirty-one t SPOKE FACTORY ADDITION. . lot eighteen. Block thirty-seven lot twenty-seven. Block thirty -seven . part Block forty-one . seventy -five feet northwest cor Block 41... . 3ot fifteen. Block forty-two . pRrt Biock sixty-four . Ipart Block sixty-six -ittart Blocklsixty-six . part Block sixty-six .ipart Block sixty-six . all less northeast corner. Block seventy. . . tin Is 3 (" 1 2U 3 21 1 ,0 II 1 1 1 I'-' 1 1 I till 5 7tl 2 MS 1 92 42 4 2U 15 6 l 43 o; 9i 9; 91 1 SU 9.1 S7 IS !i s IJ) 1 p. 0 2 4x XiJ. i On 1 2ii 0k hOi 1 m 1 2S 8 01. 5 12 1 2ti 2 .' H IK I! 15 3 . 1 12 1 41 2 Vv 1 sll: 12: 1 2i . t' 6t 1 411 2 40' 1 oo 1 2u HO 9i 4 I'l. 1 9-' 1 9J 1 0U l": 21 1 41 32 4 1 2'. 1 OS 4 00. tlli o- 1 Ikl 4 32' 1" 2 0"; 3 hi 2 Pi! 2 921 2 ; 1 52' 21 4 s 15: lis 9u ' 9l '. Is !; 21 21 2 (U. 2 It. is 15 itil CO is IS 113 21 2! IS II .H CO 21 till 15 30 M 9tl ls; 2) ii.i 1- lit. 4.- IH 6 4S 5 w 2 H.S lie 21 30 7s' 4S .30 30 1 i it.; 30 1 20 311 30 00 9n 30 4S 30 03 tie 3 KI 45 is 2 67 tiu 3o 15 3 60 4 50 6 l.i 1 2U 15 2t 4S 7 On 5 10 1 20 1 .Vi 1 60 3 (H 1 NI 12 30 i 3 no 3 no 2 40 2 22 36 3 t3li 1 SO 75 75 ttti no 24 1 tin. 12 00 1 svr 0.1 15. 2 40 ot 3 00 00 f 1 K 15 6 00 2 40: 1 xo 0o 3 tut' 3 00. 3 iJ 1 ft 4 0 1 20, 60: ! 1 20 1 H0' 601 12; 601 SO; 4Ji! i !; 60 3 40 70' l S3 1 VI 7 00: 2 10 1 1 1 Oft 1 75 2 21 14 On 9; 2 lo 3 64 14 01), 2o sjs 1 9 2 52 4 4- 3 15 21 2 2 4 70 1 12 2 52 4 2o 1 75 2 lo 1 lu initDBiiy I T nJi n O) ii J n 3 3'. 3 -i 1 75 19 lr' 1 12 1 1 3 5o 3-1 2 : f,h 5 on 20 1 2: 9, !'.' 1 H S3 X P 6t lis 1 2 s 1 23 1 2-: 2 4" 1 2S 1 to! ;' 01 1 2S; 1 in hi !' 1 2u: 1 2-' ..i si I 2 I" II 1 20 1 2S 3 -I), is; H'i 4 2'i 4 till 4 Is 2 51 1 40 13 41 6 72' 4 IS 9 s; 9 HI) .'i' 2 21 1 t.s, 1 fix- 1 2 1 47 14 on 1 12 14- 2 24 2 21 2 21 4 2ii 2 21 2 m 1 1 12 2 21 I 12 1 in 2 15 50 1 12: 1 6S 1 03 42 2 lu 2 2l' 1 12' 1 4n 4 2u 1 12 2 111 2 21 51: 31' 5 tin; 1 ts 5 t.p 1 12: 1 o3i s' til ol 32 32 io 01 1 5(2 3 S4 1 12 1 its 1 0- 1 l'j ! I 2o "I '! i i lo I 18 j 4u) 124 ! ltt" ! 25 1 26 1 Sil i 160 2i is 64 9.1 5 HO j io : m 72 j 100 1 loo I 39 9s i 40 I 233 ! S-0 I SO ( 4.1 l 2-.1 ; j 6" ; 2:1 . ion : In ' 13 ' 91 : 1-2 I I ho ; 90 61 32o lrtu 320 7u 470 20 IliO III 40 43 33 10O lo 3 100 Ion lfl 30n Its I 1 12 120 su Pin SU I 173 -III HO 12u 73 2o 12u 10, 1 j 40 3-1 2i.t, I st) j ! 2n ! It to j 10 ! 40 t 400 12u 30il i Si I ' . . i "'-' I I'l ! in ; lu.. sn ; 12H ! 17 ' lo i 120 ' 30 j 4 ! f I 10 1 The sale of the stock of merchandise formerly owned by E. SHEBAR & CO., which I had to buy out on account of disagreement, will continue for THIRTY DAYS LONGER, to give a chance to those who could not get to this great MONEY-SAVING SALE an opportunity to put in a supply of... QoodSo Cti if o lottaiig9 LACl AND A1 BROIDERY at a S7WING OF FIFTY GENTS ON THE LOLLZiR. Money is hard to earn, but easy to save, if you will take advantage of the opportunity I offer. Remember, I inaugurated this sale in order to save expense and heavy freight rate of removing this large stock to my Parkersburg store. A chance like this you may never have again. COME FOR BARGAINS. 3 E. Shebar & Co. Old Store. ABRDEEN, MISS. Delinquent Tax List Continued. NAM E. DIVISION OK SECTION. Chirk . Jennie 1) Burch. Mrs M C Eikin. M Us Lucile iopton vV Sj kes Clliespie. Mrs. .Mary H 'oliurn. Mrs C E. . . . . . Fast .13 svk.-s. .1 1' Itiannin. Miss Kate . .Johnson. Ella Hi-nu-n. Mrs M B lay. Maitn.iti Wright. U icliat-,1 Hi ay. Win This t ho ::! dav :. a, :i s:'-i-J! .S - C St: ti ' ' 5 ; i'ilr. 3i 4 z o ail less one acre nw cor Block seventy -six. .1 3 30, 4 40 i 701 south one-thir:I west one-third, block 3. . .1 j j ; 3 00 4 00t 7 00 3 ait Block eiKhty-eieht ; I ! 60 HO. 140 . part Block ninety 2 40: 3 5 60, . ail less 100x150 feet sw cor. Block 9S i J 7 2o 0 60- 16 80 . east one-third. Block twelve i I i BOO 12 00 21 oo past nortewest milliter, block 115 i I ! 6 00 00 14 00' . i-ait Block I t ' i 2 40: 3 20 5 00 HOI "STUN K. O. ADDITION. I . lots thirty-six and thirty-seven. Block K. . j 12 16 . lots tftv-three and lifty-four, Bloek K i 00 Ml COLKM AN ADDITION. . ! part or 117x133 1-2 feet. Block U i 3 00 4 00 BAILKV SURVEY. j ! , 1 . iia If acre. Block three ; ! , 1 . . pa it Block seven... j BKNNKTT ADDITION. j . lot twenty-one. Block one I I of February, 190S. T. O. JONES, Sheriff and Tax Collector, Monroe County, Mississippi. 2: 1 40 00 2o, 00 30 1 60 2 M W 1 to Effects of Prohibition. 1 lis 12o ! 1 12 so ' 3 30. 240 i ti 72 32u 1 1 4U fit! I 10 10 1 10 00 I 05 65 is W .p, 1 (is 1 2 s 24 :ti 4S 04 is 01. 04 1 32 04 til ! 6 72 li 4 41 .' t!2 IS 1 111 Ol 4S ini 4s l r.o 1 2' to' 1 0o 4ll 40 .Hp. 1 Kl 43 01 4il Ot 8n 5 12 6o s 21 1 SI" 2 2-r 12: 50 j S4 1 12 Kl 1 20 2 31, 50 50 1 12 15 12 1 OS' 11 761 6 721 7ir 56 : H4 1 S2' 1 12 SI; 1 6,3: S4i i 2 sol 2 2tl 70j 2 Mi! 7o; vol 1 40i 2 2 li K4- 1 12j 7oi 07! l to! K Ml 1 o5i m' 42 0 pit I 20 4U 40 SO 40 SU to so 110 4o 40 .si I 3t I 01 2HU liki 4u to 2o 12s 80 20 4U 20 2im lik) 10 160 lo 40 40 40 Kl So 34 1 ,H0 lev. i 53 4u 6 3 56 6 23i in Hi I I 111. -n 4'l 70. 2U 35, 4 so s to! 6 (ki lo 5oi 3,1 H 00 1 ti' s7 1 60 2 Sll 2il Xu 3 32 36! 40 64 1 121 SO i6 1 V-M f0 1 40 6o B 11 90 ! 1 00 2 st i 1 60 2 Si! i 2 00 o .50! 2 On 3 .50 , 4 7 on' 2 4ii 4 20 ; 10 2S1 40 7ni 4 t 7 on 4 00 7 oo. 3 20 s 2 iri 5 IS, 4 S4i 1 so 8 in 2 40 4 20! 1 ii 1 75 1 to) 1 75 so 1 40 12 21 32 .56 2 00 3 5o 1 Hi 1 75 16 2.S 1 It 1 75 6 40 11 20 16 IV 2S 0t 40 A 20 Tuscaloosa, Ala., Feb. H'. (Juite a smooth negro jx-dtHer recently visited this city unci tlupcd a num icr of his people into buying vinegar for whiskey. He would ap proach a man who was unengaged, assume a mysterious air, and tell him he could provide him with a pint bottle of "vinegar" at about oO cents. The word vinegar" was always emphasized in a very sug gestive way and the victim, pure of getting the real tiling, would im mediately hand over the money and pocket his vinegar. The negro kept up his "vinegar" sales until he re" Sieved some Tuscaloosa, negroes of about 820, when he quietly disap peared. Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., says: "I have only taken four doses of your Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done for me more than any other medicine has ever done. I am still taking the-pills as I want a per fect cure." Mr. Barber refers to De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are sold by Phoenix Drug Co. The poultry business in Missis sippi is assuming greater propor tions day by day. The fanciers of the thoroughbred chickens are in creasing very fast, and the industry will in a few years le one of the most important in the State. There is money in chickens for the man who knows how to get it out, and that numl.ter isling augumented as time goes by. The chicken display at the State fair last fall was an evi dence of 4,his fact, ami the prospects for a bigger show this fall could not be better Investigate the poultry business while arranging for gener al diversification. Jackson Issue. The editor of the Memphis, Tenn., "Times" writes: "In my opinion Foley's Honey and Tar is" the best remedy for coughs, colds and lung trouble, and to my own personal knowledge Foley's Honey and Tar has accomplished many permanent cures that have been little short of marvellous." Refuse any but the genuine in the vellow package- J. L. Shell & Co. Suppose every man in the country should suddenly turn tightwad and refuse to let loose of a cent. hen anybody got money out of us they would have to take a mallet and cold chissel and chip it off a penny at the time. We would't spend a cent for shows, for toys for the chil dren, for any public improvement; we would drink our cofloe without sugar, and never have any pie or cake. Every dollar we got hold of would go out of circulation. We would smoke only when some stranger dropped into town and gave us a cigar. We wouldn't take our home paper nor a daily, and would learn what was going on over the rest of the world only fiom hearsay. We would wear the same clothes year after year, then what we absolutely had to have. We would go about the 6treets with long faces and roar because taxes are so high, and it costs so much to live, and we could get nothing for what we had to sell, and it was impossi ble for us to get ahead. Just im agine such a condition of things in the country. Wouldn't it be a de lightful place to live? Wouldn't we have lots of fun? Wouldn't business fairly hum, and milk and honey flow down the gutters in a broad street? But there are such people among us and the neighbors point them out every day as they go about the streets. They accu mulate a little money because they never spend any but how much would they get hold of if everybody was just like them? Okolona Messenger. On Shares. A captious traveler in northern Arkansas stopped by a fence to j criticise a sear cornfield which met j his disapproval. "Mighty small ! corn you have there! lie shouted; to a man who was mi p. rinb -nding ', the growth from a shady corner. "Yep," said th" Arkansan. ' ni i ..ii t i. .1 ,i i i i;iuie. tin- stiiiiii uiiih. "Looks mighty yellow to me fur this time of year. : 7 Yen. planted the vellow kind "Well said the traveler, severely, can't understand your method of farming. You won't g'-t half a crop there." "Nope," said the Arkaiisan, ciieemuiy. 1 mi an- shore a gunii guesser, stranger. Half a crop ex actly, that's mine. I planted this on shares. Philadelphia Ledger. Chronic Constipation Cured. One who suffers from chronic con stipation is in danger of many serious ailments. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation and it aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels, restoring the natural action of these organs. Commence taking it toaay ana you will reel better at once. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is very pleasant totase. Keruse substitutes. J. L, Shell & Co. Special Announcement Regarding the National Pure Food and Drug Law. We are pleased to announce that j Foley's Honey and Tar fur coughs, I colds and lung troubles is not atteet ed bv the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recom mend it as a safe remedy for children and adults,- J. L. Shell & Co. Mr. Hitchcock's willingness to lay down his Federal j ib for Mr. Taft would appear to indicate either his self-sacritieing love for the War' Secretary or his absolute cotihd that th" latter will he elected tender him a i tetter jolt. New leans Times-Deno crat . At times when you don t feel just j right, when you have a had stomach, take something right away that will assist digestion ; not something that will stimulate for a time but some thing that will positively- do the very work that the stomach performs un der ordinarv and normal conditions, something that will make the food digest, io do this you must take a natural digestant like Kodol for Dys pepsia. Kodol is a scientific prepara tion of vegetable acids with natural digestants and contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. Each dose will digest more than 3000 grains of good foot!. It is sure to af ford prompt relief ;it digests what you eat and is pleasant to take. Soul by Phoenix Drug Co. Notice of Letting of Contract fori Working the Public Roads. FIRST DISTRICT OF MONROE (Ol'XTY, MISSISSIPPI. i so 2o 3 2o ox. 4 M SO 4S 2 40 2o 8 ev 3 20 2 40 HO 4 00 4 0O 4 00 2 0O 6 40 1 60 80 ts) 40 1 60 2 40 80 161 m, 40, 64 1 60. 80 3 20 1 4o 35 5 6o 1 1 7 On 1 50 8-1 4 20 is 11 00 5 60 4 20 1 4( 7 00 7 00 7 00 3 .50 11 20 2 80 1 40 1 40 TtV 2 80 4 2o 1 4Ui 23! 1 401 70! 1 121 2 So! 1 40i 5 6o. Don't neglect your cough. Statistics show that in New York City alone over 200 people die every week from consumption. And most of these consumptives might be living now if they had not neglected the warning cough. You know how quickly Scoffs Emulsion enables you to throw off a cough or cold. o o o o o 0OOOQCmC0O0OX00CmC0P ..... State of Mississippi, County of Monroe. Notice is hereby given, that the Board of Supervisors of said county will at the west door of the county court house, in the City of Aberdeen, Mississippi, on Wednesday the 4th day of March, 1903, proceed to let to the lowest responsible bidder or bid ders the contract or contracts for working the Public roads of said county and district, according to the plans and specifications adopted by the Board of Supervisors of said coun ty at the February meeting thereof, which plans and specifications are of record in the ofllee of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said coun ty, and which may be seen upon ap plication to said clerk. The roads of said district are divided into First and Second class roads, and into conveni ent links, as the law directs, and will be so let. The successful bidder or bidders will be required to execute good and sufficient bonds within ten days from the day of letting said con tract or contracts, conditioned and payable according to law and the orders of the Board of Supervisors, in an amount to be fixed by the Board of Supervisors, according to law. Said bond shall be executed by t wo or more good and sufficient sureties or shall be made by a satisfactory Surety Company. Said Board re serves the right to reject any and all bids made. By Order of theBoard of Supervis ors, this Feb'y 6th. 1908. C. P. Smith, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Feb. 7, 1908-4t III I I I I J! 1 I I I 1 I J Ri I . mm s?riSA SE3r TtM ;i I 1W.1.Z I W..rrTDltTrlftJ I I 1 if J Kk. JF.JT I with I ill rn urt.K in h a i i fi r- in nn iil -ji ii w mw i 1 mzm i f Mt ill li 1151 ii ism m fltl III VBli mil in miuttru i mi in i i mi ii i ii i 1 s mmmm II i I I I I i J I . -r. I li ri w sw r. il 1 sl VJ 1 I PURE FOOD WHISKEY THE LARGEST DISTILLERY IN AMERICA SELLING DIRECT TO THE CONSUMER PHGM1N STRAIGHT FIHSTRENGTH TWO-STAMPED BRED IN OLD KAINTUCK blEDERMN DISTILLIHS COi registered-distiu-e: 4'4 a 470 -5TH D1ST. OF KY. pADUCAH.KY. tf-S- ii b 4 UU. 11 Co. IIoI.LOW ROCK RYE V -r'" HOLLOW ROCK CORN 2. So 7.M HOLLOW ROCK BOt'KllON 2.. SO 7. So HOLLOW ROCK SI'lvCIAL 2.50 7. So I NCLI-: TOM'S HI'ST 2.r'0 7. SU HOLLOW ROCK 1'RIVATK STOCK .. 5.h 7.5o l'RIKSTHR'S RI-lSLRVlv S." PRIDK OF DIXII-; 3.(r0 8.50 KAINTL'CKVS l'RIDI Rottk-tl in Iii.nd l ive Uittlt-s to tlit- Kail.. n 3.O0 8 OLD CAMP SPRING Itottl.-d in li,,n, 4.m pi.tio P1-:.RL STONIv Hot tied in Buml 4.0o n.oo KILTMORi: Pure Rje 4.oo 11. oo WIIITI-; I-AWN Kentucky's f.rand Old Whiskev Bottled in Bond 5.00 12. 00 APPLU BRANDY. .. PKACH BRANDY . . BANANA BRANDY. APRICOT BRANDY .from f 2.0ft to f4.0o per gal. .from 2.00 to 4.(1 per .from 2.oo to 4.o) prr j;.-il. ..from 2.0OtJ 4.oo p'r i;al. Tkrms Cash, V. O. B. Dkstm.i.f.kv BUY A MONEY ORDER PRIVACV (iUAKANTFiliP Muke your money orders pHyaUe to B. J. PRIESTER, Treas. 1AI)LCAM, KY. You can also address your letters and onlers to the aliove j.artv, if prt-ferrcl. SPECIAL OFFER One Gal. HOLLOW ROCK, Private Stock, 7 yrs. old, S3.00 One Cal. BILTMORE, Pure Rye, II yrs. old. . . 4.00 Total Amount, 57.00 SEND US AT ONCE $6.25 and we Mill ship you the nlx-ive two gallons r.f whis key, Kxj.rtss I'repaid. Look, for the Pure Food Guarantee on evrrv ly.ttJk. Prompt Shipments Quick Delivery BIEDERMANN DISTILLING CO. PADUCAH, KY,, U. S. A. INC. RKFKREN'CKS First National Bank, City Nat ional Bank, American-German National Bank. Far mers and Mechanics Savings iiatik. Citizens Saving Bank, Bradstreet and Dun, any leadinK lub, l.os pital or hotel, and thousands of fiatisfied custfiriu-rs. C. R. SYKE.S. Vice-Prest. J. C. M KAKI.ANE. Jr.. Sec'y- 1 ? & "1 " ' ' "H ;''!R i' lOtitii Write for oar offer fre tuition and free board. THE FUTURE'S A SEALED BOOK, hi the wise man takes no chances. Yon don't look for, yon don't want a fire in your home or store. Sure it won't come? Don't know hope not? Pit-are tell us, as neighbor, why you don't insure, if you don't. That's all except that our phones are ?A and 200. Monroe Insurance Agency, inc. Office at PIRST NATIONAL. BANH, e4BERDEEN. MISS. For Weak Kidneys Thorns 3 and 269: I 'iMJ !i-je Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Treatment 25c X. C. XWXTT Sc CO.. Chic o, IU, Sold by Phoenix Drug Co., Aberdeen. -"TT i r - i 3 1 I J 1 4 V. i: i I " t , i t C''i S I : t 7 T3"