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jjr Jr. ' f THE ABERDEEN WEEKLY IS ISSUED KVKKY FRIDAY MOIlNLMi BY THE ABERDEEN WEEKLY PUBLISHING CO., Inc., CAPITAL STOCK, $15,000. Subscription $1.00 a Year. OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTFS. Obituaries will bo accepted by The Weekly when not exceeding ten lines, free of charge. For each additiona line a charge of five cents will be made and collected. For Tributes of Respect and othti publications, enienating from lodget or similar organizations, a charge or five cents per line wiil be made for everv line contained. Count seven words to the line and make your own calculation as to the oot in each cas. ABE VOL A15EEDEEX, MISSISSIPPI, FRIDAY, MARCH 0, 1908. NO. L Advertising Rates on Application WEE RBEEN KEY; Have 0ne Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry F'ectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. A 'A e jiutiUfi our format. ijers fr jcj our n-ed iui j W 11 y O'l to uu u m -i . t yj'j r Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the j house. Just one pill at bedtime, no-- and ; then, will ward off many an attack of j biliousness, indigestion, sick headache, j How many years has your doctor known these pills? Ask him all about them. Made by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, !!. Feel EVERY CHANGE OF VEATHER. A Bad Back is Always Worse During Wet or Changeable Weather. l-i yniir hack likf :i barometer? 1 i it Ii.ii-tt-11 every -h;in' of Wf at her? Dot's i very cold set lie on your kid neys? Brin aching, throbbing pains? Does it disorder the urine? The kidneys are falling for help. I'se Doan's Kidney Fills. A. io-xi-lt-., nf Ml ('l Aw nui'.J.Mei iilian. liH., s.: "My uiV suffrrol ectisiit iah W3l h k I'lnt-y il is-;e-f ami ..-iinm hrr back and leins. Celt! which M'llic! in hi-r kidneys was the start i UK point of the t rouble, at first she thought it would puss a.v:tv hnt instca.-l it trrt v norse. I had tit-ant a threat tlt-nl about Itnan's Kiilney I'iiLiiinil u ht-n vh' btvainf ,-o had. ! pot her a box and she commenced taking them. Th.- act ed 4idckl and t horo:ij.rh ! , for by the time she had taken t liree boxes. he w as as u II as es er. I lit", er ht ar lier Cftnii-la in of headache, pains in the back and k tdnc.N s'an more. Her health is good and I can 1 1 u'. Iifu ! ly say that loan's Kid ney fills helped her u hen other remedies had no effect. My vvifeand I have both recommended th'-n to friends of ours and all speak very liitrhly ef t hem ." For sale by all dealers. Price otic. Fost er-M ilbnrn Comp'y, Buffalo, New York, sole agents lor United States. ltemeniher the name Doan's and take no oi her. CHILLS and FEVER liy t'ike natisliriLr dopt of C:t!- 5j in-I htiU Quinine fur ( Ji.Us ami teu-p 'J w lien inri t im u tii ! t "! i . i iivctinu i ' - tain rmNly and ts-nie thnt m filoa.iit fa to ths tte and ha. u I xd aft'-r-jTrct? Dr. TozSey's LEMON EL1XSR fHrht.H Malaria, overcimies and euros it. Also cures all Stomaih and Liver Troubles, Indigestion, Headache, Diz ziness, Coniitiiiation and Bad Kidneys. Rtv. Dr. Walkor T.ewLs. Ix'iovtxl by all Southern Mel ht-th.ts, :;i.-: "1 lu.vo usd lr. Moztey'a Lfimtn t.lixir in rny family with very beneiicial remits. It in an 'idmirable mtsiicine arid t'Si-Wient a a Tonic unti Li er Kesfuiattn." Sold for T5 years by all DrugrgtsU BO cent and $1.00 Buttles. "One Dose Convinces' Helen-Seed COMPOUND Kidney and Bladder Remedy Is a wcli known and remarkably effective remedy for the cure of ail Kidney and Bladder Diseases. It cures when all else fails. Send for Book of Particular and learn atxiut this great scientific remedy. Druggists sell it at 50 cts. and f 1.00 per bottle. Prepared only by the HESSIG-ELLIS DRUG CO. Memphis, Tenn. Also manufacturers of Pr. Nott's Delta Chill Cute. Sold by druggists at &0 cts. per bottle. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug Act ot June 30, lii. MM CTH Far fresh- r.r-a ririt v and reli- abiutv. Ferry' sSeeds ' kJ are jr. a t v ttiem-'.-Y. -je selves. Farmers haTe confidence V ft in t hem because they know tney can be relied up on. Don t experi ment w ith cheap .A ee Is vonrsure- V V;3 Bn l trustworthy rC- -4 house. Ferry's Seed Annual for l'Jes l y KKK. AJdrese 0 M.f fxrSCtDinitit.MiCE. -J V i.ii Madame Dean's Pills. S2SXZ2 FRENCH FEMALE A Safk. Cehtais Re lief FOR ISCFPRISSED SlKSSTBt ATioN. MEIER M0W1 TO FAIU afe! Sure! fspeedv! SatisfHotlon Ouar ante1! or Momev Krfundml. sent pre paid for Jl.u) pr box. Will send them ou trial, to be paid for when relieved, tsamples Kre. liifit on (retting the irenuine, aiwpt uo ulUtuuj. If your dmgeist does not have them send your orders to the 6I1TED MEDICAL CO., Box 74, Uicister, Pa. A Card From Hon. H. F. Broylcs. Jackson, Miss., Feb. 23, 1908. Editor Aberdkf.n Weekly: I write to ank you to permit me to make a statement in your paper rela tive to the relat ions of the Appropria tions Committee, of which Mr. Morri son is chairman, and the E'.eemosye ary Institutions Committee, of which I am chairmati. The situation was such that Ixjt h chairmen tendered their resignations, anil under proper solicitations reconsidered their action and remain ed on their committees. The newspaper reporters have never dealt fairly with the true issue and principle involved as advocated bv me. and hence the irason of my desire to tie properly understood hy my people. The history of the whole matter is as follows: There is a custom pre vailing at present in both houses of the Legislature to have all bills-carrying appropriations, first to be re ferred to respective committees to which their subjects relate. These committees go intodetails, make all necessary investigations and recom mend appropriations according to t heir judgment of the necessities in t he case. Then to refer the bills to the Appropriations committee that has the right, according to precedent, to concur in or set aside entirely the fust committee's report. Thus you see one committee has the right to supervise the other; that uo action of the first committee is final; that all such committees are subordinate, a mere adjunct, to the Appropriation committee; that they are committees in name only; they have no power of their own; they cannot evn refer such bills direct to the House, but to their supervising committee. When and how this condition of affairs began no one seems to know, but we think it began four years ago. I know this: when I found it to be true I was thunder struck. The twelve years I was in the Senate and on thfse same committees no such thing existed, or 1 could have attackedit then. My'contentionsare .these: that all legislators art! on the same footing and his recommendation should have the same standing; that committees each and all have the same rights and prerogatives and should not be subordinate to another; and that only the Legislature as a body has the right to supervise the work and rec ommendations of any committee. If these inviolate rights of legislators and committees are set at variance, it would tend to produce legislative conditions that in my mind would not be for the best. If the committees are not compe tent to pass on the subjects referred to them, what is the use of having the committee, and why should the matter be referred to them at all. In this attitude the Committee is a travesty and anon entity, but if it has the dignity of a committee after it has gone into a proper investigation and gained sufficient knowledge to enable it to act intelligently, why should it be compelled to have its work supervised and re-hashed by a committee that has made no in vestigation and has no knowledge of the case in question; and if such a condition is to exist, all other com mittees are chained to a roek of im potence and simply relegates all the appropriation legislative power to the hands of one committee, and as you well know, nine out of every ten com mittee reports pass as reported, you readily see that one committee domi nates more than half the legislation of the Slate. Then, Mr. Editor, do you not readily see that the Speaker can shape the entire appropriation legislation of Mississippi as he wishes it by placing on that committee men who repre sent his views and ideas, and who will carry them out? Looking at the matter in this light, I made a light to liberate these com mittees, to untie their hands, to give to their reports and recommenda tions the same dignity as that of others, and thereby to scatter the ap propriation legislative power over as broad a field as possible. It was for the above principle that I was contending and fighting. This principle alone was the matter of contest, and there was to personal element in it; there was no bitterness or estrangement between the chair men or their committees I resigned from the committee be cause, as I saw ic, my committee bad no power, no rights or prerogatives, was a travesty and nonentity and was capable only of labor that had for its reward impotence of the rankest kind. But under strong solicitation I reconsidered mjT action, believing that I could fight more effectively as the exponent of an aggrieved com mittee than I could as an independent legislator. Respectfully, H. F. Bkoyles. ( FERTILIZERS! j Reliable, Good Brandsat Popular Prices, ...CASH OR CREDIT... We have given this line of our business constant thought and study for 20 years We are bound to know your wants better than the novice, who is lead into it by believ ing he sees a gold mine in the distance. Finding he is disappointed, he is down and out. Remember, We handle only the Best BEST BY 7K2TUAL TEST! Our warehouses are convenient and always full of good, reliable brands. Write us if you can't come, and we will quote you promptly best price, free on board your nearest shipping point. Yours, for prompt service and best prices, Lann & Carter Hardware Co., ABERDEEN, MISSISSIPPI. Drawing a FoIitical Color Line. The Republican congressional con vention of the Shelby county, Ten nessee, district on Monday, was a tumultuous affair, and presented a forecast of the death struggle the negroes are now making for political existence in all the States. A negro who bad heretofore been 'prominent and influential in Republican politics of Memphis and Shelby count' had selected one of his own race for one of the delegates to the Chicago con vention, and made a rousing speech demanding his appointment. He de nounced President Roosevelt and threatened dire tilings to the white Republicans unless his race was fully recognized. In the meantime the committee on resolutions was prepar ing its work. It reported resolutions indorsing the Roosevelt administra tion and instructed the delegation for Taft for president. This brought the aforesaid negro orator and leader to his feet again, with renewed de mands for the appointment of his friend as a delegate, declaring that "the salvation of the Republican par ty in all the States was in the negro vote, and that without the negro vote Roosevelt would not be president and Taft cannot be." In response chair man Harbour read the riot act to his colored calleague-i, defying their threats, asserting that they did the party no good , and they were wel come to leave any time that suited them. The convention proceeded to appoint all white delegates, and the negroes set up a little convention of their own, and also appointed dele gates. The negroes have all the time been warned that the friendship of the Re publican party was only to catch their votes and as soon as their ballots be came unavailable or impontent, they would be cast aside. This fact is now developing in nearly every State and precinct, and this campaign will note the retirement of that race as a domi nating political factor in all quarters. Col. W. J. Bryan received a great ovation at Jackson last Saturday, where by invitation he addressed the Mississippi legislature. There was an immense gathering of people in the capitol city from all accessible direc tions and distances, and the speech is reported to have been one of the best of the many able and patriotic ad dresses that he has made during this campaign. On the previous day" be was received with unmeasured e thusiasm at Memphis where he stopp ed a few hours enroute to Jackson. Get De Witt's Carbolized Witch Ha zel Salve - it is healing, soothing and cooling. It is good for piles. Sold by Phoenix Drug Co. Congressman Humphreys' bill to investigate labor conditions in the South, relative to peonage charges, passed the lower house of congress Monday. It was opposed by numer ous Southern members, among them Mr. Bowers of the coast district. The State supreme court has affirm ed several decisions of lower courts imKising tines on railroads for failing to keep records of persons to whom free passes were issued and reporting the same to the railroad commission. Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, la borers relj' on Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Takes the sting out of cuts, burns or bruises at once. Pain can not stay where it is used. The New Kentucky Senator. After ballotting nearly two months, the Kentucky legislature last Friday, although composed of a Democratic majority, elected ex-Governor Brad ley, the Republican caucus nominee, to the United States Senate, to suc ceed Senator James B. McCreary. Former Governor J. W. C. Beckham, who became governor by virtue of tfie assassination of Governor Goebel several years ago, was elected Sena tor by the Democratic primaries last year, and was voted for by all but four of his party throughout the con test. The four disgruntled Demo coats - two senators and two representatives-voted "scattering" ballots all the while for other members of their party, but finally went into a combination with the Republicans, and gave their candidate the election. There was great dissatisfaction ex pressed at the time of the primary election with methods employed by Beckham and his so-called "ma chine," but with the exception of the four recalcitrants the legislators were loyal to their party instructions. It is a great misfortune to lose a member of the senate at this time, especially from a Southern State, and the four Democrats who made it pos sible in this case should have made a sacrifice of personal pique or predju dice for the benefit of the party of the nation. It is also the first instance in which the primary election system has proved a failure, and to an ex tent may impair the best and most satisfactory method yet devised for selecting our officers, high and low, by direct vote of the people. This is Worth Remembering. Whenever you have a cough or cold, just remember that Foley's Honey and Tar will cure it. Do not risk your health by taking any but the genuine, in a yellow package. J.L. Shell & Co. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new remedy, an improvement on the laxa tives of former years, as it does not gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to take. It is guaranteed. Shell & Co. Sold in Aberdeen by J. A. Gay FREE BOARDFREE TUITION wh3e ncorSns tha BEST BUSINESS TRAINING Writ. Immediately far information. THIS is the opportunity of your liio. mini BRtmrss COUFcr K- C FLO TJR Y L IP To Our Friends: After extensive improvements in our mill, we are now making a new and distinct grade of Patent Flour. This new grade we guarantee to be the perfection of milling, both in color and rising quality. It is in a class by itself and a grade never attempted by other mills. The SYLPH label, which has been so long and favorably known, is used exclusively on this NEW grade. The grade formerly made and known as Sylph is now put out under CONCORD label and is a fancy patent flour. We ask that you give this new grade Sylph a trial; Thanking you for your liberal patronage, which ex tends over a period of 50 years, we are respectfully yours, H. L. HALLIDAY MILLING CO., Cairo, III. This new Sylph grade is sold by W. L. W ATKINS & CO., and W. G. PEUGH. A severe cold that may develop into pneumonia over night, can be cured quickly by taking Foley's Honey and Tar. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough and strengthen your lungs. The genuine is in a yellow package. J. L.. Shell & Co. The JJew England Democratic Pro gressive League at Boston, last week, enthusiastically endorsed Bryan for the presidency, and adopted ringing resolutions condenning the Demo crats who deserted the party in and 1900. No Case on Record. There is no case on record of a cold or cough resulting in pneumonia or consumption after Foley's Honey and Tar been taken, as it will stop your cougn ana DreaK up your cold quicklj'. Refuse any but the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow package. Contains no opiates and is safe and sum. J. L. Shell & Co. FERTILIZER. We are sole agents for the ALABAMA CHEMICAL Co's" "RED CROSS FERTILIZERS and the - BIRMINGHAM FERTILIZER WORKS' "MONARCH MEAL MIXTURE and high grade ACID PHOSPHATE. Your money will not buy anything better. j Our prices are right. We are prepared to fill orders now to-day- any time to J please you. Investigate our goods and prices. f Phone No. 159. SIMPLE WASH CURES ECZEMA 1 Itching, Burning Skin Disease Routed Without Use of Inju rious Drugs. Great inventors often have U-en praised" for surrendering the secret. of their discoveries. Practically the same thing happened in the medical world in the case of Dr. Decatur 1). Dennis, the ommineiit skin special ist of Chicago. Dr. Dennis, in his own oilice practice, discovered that pure vege table oil of wintergreen, properly mixed with other simple remedies was practically a sure specific for Eczema, psoriasis, barber's itch, salt rheum, ami other itching skin diseases. But the oil of wintergreen alone was found ineffective. It re quired other mild ingredients su.h as glycerine thymol compounded with wintergreen to produce the real eczema cure. This compounded D. D. D. Pre scription positively takes away the itch at once the instant it is ap plied to the skin. This vegetable liquid does away with deleterious drugs so long used in an attempt to doctor the blood, whereas modern science has determined that eczema is first and all the time a skin dis ease. Sold by all druggists. LcLaurin's Plan for Framing A Democratic Platform. New York, Feb. 27, 1908. To 1(X) of the leading Democrats of the United States the World has submitted the following question: "What is the lest principle and what is the best policy to give the Democratic Party new life? Among the letters in answer to the World's question is the follow ing: "To the Editor of the World: The U'st principle is for the party to stand for the fundamental prin ciple of the Democratic Government, equal rights, protection, opportunity and justice to all people of all classes and conditions in life in the United States. "The liest policy is a united, unselfish effort on the part of all members of the Party to promote this principle. Whenever a special privilege is given to one man or class of men, it is necessarily taking from another without any consideration, and is a step, however short, in the direction of the destruction of the sovereign government of a free peo pie. "The platform of the Democratic Party ought to declare for the re form of the tariff", for the reform of currency, the reform of the trans portation facilities, the punishment of real offenders, instead of making vicarious sufferers ; the recognition of the rights reserved to the States, the reduction of the standing army and the return of the purest princi ples of Democratic government. "These princples are sound and true, and ought to summon the sup port of the electorate of the United States, but whether they do or not, there should le no effort to make a platform for the catching of votes without regard to soundness. "A. J. M Lai kin." Be careful about that little cough. Get something right away; some good reliable remedy that will move the bowels. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently yet promptly on t he bowels and allays inflammation at the same time. It is pleawant to take and it is especially recommended tor chil dren, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Sold by Phoenix Drug Co "Bridget," legan Mrs. Young bride, timidly, "I don't suppose you would er object to my get ting an alarm clock " "Not at all ma'am," replied the lazy cook, "them things never disturbs me at all." Philadelphia Press. Mr. John Riba, of Vining, la., says "I have been selling DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfaction in every case. I have used them myself with fine results." Sold by Phoenix Drug Co What Ails You? Do you foel weak, tired, dpondnt, have frequent headaches, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in morning, "heart burn," belching of gas, acid risings In throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? If jroTNiave ny considerable number of hboreSyatoms you are. suffering froioiliousniiirpid liver with Indi- restionSTppf Pr Fierce' 'o'an IfaHiraf Djyyve rv fa made np of the rest o MALARIA! Malaria is due to impurities and poisons in the blood. Instead of being rich, strong and healthy, the circulation has become infected with germs of disease which destroy the rich, red corpuscles that furnish nourishment and strength to the body, and reduced this vital fluid to such a weak, watery condition that it is no longer able to keep the svsteni in health, or ward off the countless diseases and disorders that asail it. The loss of these red corpuscles takes the color and glow of health from the cheek, and we see pale, sallow faces and washed out. chalkv complexions among the first yiuJioius in .i.n.tiia. nut .MaiAria is a general systemic disease, and as, the blood becomes more heavily loaded with its genus we have more serious and complicated symptoms; the impure blood having its effect on all parts! of the body. The appetite fails, digestion is weakened, chills and slight! fever are frequent, and the sufferer loses energv and ambition because of a! constant tired-out and "no account " feeling. The lack of necessary nour ishment and healthful qualities in tue blood causes boils and abscesses, skin affections, and in some cases sores and ulcers to break out. and sometimes the patient is prostrated with a spell of malarial fever which may leave his health permanently impaired. To cure Malaria both .1 blood purifier and tonic are necessary, in order to remove the cause ami at the same time build up the system from its weakened ami run-down condition. S. S. S. is the medicine best fitted for this work. It is the most perfect of all bhxxl purifiers, and the purely vegetable ingredients of which it is composed make it the greatest and safest of all tonics. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation and removes every trace of impurity or poison, and at the same time gives to the blood the health sustaining qual ities it needs. It cures Malaria thoroughly and permanently because it removes the germs and poisons which produce the disease, and while doing this tones up and strengthens every pait of the system. When S. S. S. has cleansed the blood the symptoms pass away, the healthy color returns to the complexion, the old tired, depressed feeling is gone, and the entite health is renewed. Book with information about Malaria and anv medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. During 100 I tii running a firs oa the Mistiftftippt river and beoime totmpref nateii with Malaria tbal for a year I ! almost a phyiual wreck. I tried a number of medicioei recommended af blood purltl ett, c b ill curea, and Malaria rraduatart, but nothing did me any good until ! began to uae S. S. S. The result wa that after taking it for awhile I waa at well and strong ai I erer was. I have oerer bad chill iince nor the alightest symptom of Malaria I hope othera will be benefited by my eiperteoce, and with that end in view I give tbta testimonial, knowing that S S S. it the best remedy (or Malaria. Amory, Mia. S. R. COWLEY. 4 ftw " Chief Wants Your Star " The chew that's always asked for tke chiuf want of every i he-ver the standard chew lor ver forty years still, as always, both the best and most economiexil whew nude is ) '-pw M PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO 2) U Only the choice, rije, fine-bodied leaf is govxl enough for "Star" that's why it is so .sweet, juicy and so lasting that's why a 10c. plug of "Star" chews better and twice as long as other chews that seem bigger. Everywhere the call is for "Star" every time it's the chew that is chosen and every bite is "chewed dry." i$0,(XX),000 IOC pieces sold annually In All Stores vJllli vabiabl? fnedieinal principles known inixiictt cienre tor the rurmmfnl fir ot such abnormal coD4'-tjPy ' "" efficient liver Invif oriator. stomach tonic, bowel retulator and nerve trengrthener. The "Golden Medical Diteovery " is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its 1n(rr"dints hfinz prinfd on Its bottle-wrappr and attstd under oath. A glance at its formula will show that It contains no alcohol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of the following native American forest plants vli.. Golden Seal root, Stone root, Klack Cherrybark, Queen's root, Bloodroot, and Mandrake root. Tbe following- leading- medical authoritlea, among a host of ouen. extol the forerolng ioju for the cure of juai such ailnawnts the mboe symptom Indicate: Prof. R. Bartbolow. M. D.. of Jefferson Mexl. Collere. Pbila. : Prof. H.C Wood. M. D..of CnlT.of Pa, : Prof Ed win M Hale. M. I . of Hahnemann Med. College. Chicago; Prof. John KIdc M. V.. Author of American Dispensatory; Prof. Jno. M. !' ud der. M I.. Author of Ppeciflc Medicines: Pruf. Laurence Johnson. M. D.. Med. Iept. UdIt. of N. Y.: Prof. Flnley ElUnajwood. M. D.. Author of Materia Mediea and Prof, in Bennett Medi cal College. Chlcavtx Send name and ad dress on Postal Card to Ir. E. V. Pierce. Buf- i . xr v uuIwa wt L 1 t rivine - . ' . . . L , . A a.I I extracts irom writings oi an uir ww.c u. cat authors and many others endorsing, in tha strongest possible terms, each and eyery in rredient of which "Golden Medical Discov ery " is composed. 9 . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and In rigor a t stomach, liver and bowels. They may be used in conjuncUoo with "Goldea Bieairai imwerj - 11 mwc - " i snipated. Tbej're Uay and sugar-eoafceO. a NOW OR NEVER!" ! Now is the time to order out Fertilizer. Read our customers' testimonials in this issue. These testimonials show that.... 7 In n rmw net itt r r 1 1 1 i zr f f . rtti fitt value received for your money many times when harvest comes. Our brands are absolutely the best that are made. They can't be surpassed when it comes to results. TENNESSEE VALLEY FERTILIZER COMPANY, FLORENCE. ALA. ..TIN WORK.. In addition to SANITARY PLUMB ING we are prepared to do.... Tin Roofing, Guttering, Piping, Stove and Pump Work. T. It. WARBURTON. PHONE 05.