OCR Interpretation

The Aberdeen weekly. [volume] (Aberdeen, Miss.) 1878-1933, April 28, 1922, Image 7

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86074011/1922-04-28/ed-1/seq-7/

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Principal Happenings
Over the State Told
in Short Paragraphs
The levee in. the Riverside district
of Washington and adjoining counties
are intact while the mighty "Fattier
of Waters" continues to beat upon
the mountains of dirt, graver and bags
of sand and they are still holding. The
planters of the county, and especially
of Leland district, as well as the in
dividuals generally, have co-operated
splendidly in offering their services
for subduing the mighty flood. The
planters have sent at different times
1,500 negro laborers to work on the
levees. The local post of the Ameri
can Legioii are now patrolling along
the lino of the levee district.
County Agent G. C. Mengee, co-operating
with the Woman's Council o
the county, is making a special poul
try drive at Winona. The intenest in
poultry is strong in the county and
more chickens will be raised in this
county this year than any time during
Its history. Mr. Mengee has arranged
for a poultry car to stop at Winona
each week where poultry will be
bought by a buyer at the car.
Twenty-three out of 27 negroes ap
X lying for teaching certificates in Tip
pah in the series of examination held
failed, according to Prof. J. E. Pearce'
n-cords, only four of these negroes
turning in papers even approximating
a justification of a passing grade. Tip
pih iu-gre teachers, however; -will
h ive another set of examinations this
week when many f those who failed
will probably take another chance at
the questions.
Farm demonstrators of Mississippi
are suggesting to farmers that it is
r.i tjoo late to sow lespedeza on oat
land or bottom lands that have been
recently plowed or are soon to be
broken. Lespedeza growcs well all
over Mississippi, and in a number of
acuities in the state farmers have
fo'tnd it a money-making chop, both in
hay and seed value.
The case r,f Miss Ivy I licks, private
secretary f Governor Russell against
Co-so v Cefalu. in which ihe plaintlif
Irr Registration Ordered in Hinds Courv
ty the Woman Are Coming
Out Faster Than Men.
Jackson. Women who are eligible
to vote, .or who will be after registra
tion, are taking much more interest in
the question of qualifying themselves
this year than they did before. Here
in Jackson and Hinds County, where
a new registration was ordered for
both the city and county, the women
are coming forward faster than the
men. This 13 especially true in the
city. Reports from other parts of the
state indicate that women in the cities
are showing more interest than those
in the rural districts. Thi3 is probably
due to the direct influence of women's
organizations in the cities, which are
active in urging -women not to shirk
this important civic duty.
While it is only necessary to be reg
istered four months before the general
election in November, experince has
shown that delay is dangerous, and
those who procrastinate will find
themselves at the last minute just a
day or so too late to get on the books
in time.
Every county registrar will soon ad
vertise the fact that he will bring the
registration books to each precinct In
the county, giving notice of the date
in the precinct to register all who
have not had opportunity to visit the
county seat. This must be done in
time for the registrar to reach every
precinct at least four months before
the election in November.
After the registrations close for the
general election, the pool books will be
made up and the county commission
ers will meet to cull out all persons
who have not paid poll and other taxes
or who may be found to be disqualified
from any other cause.
In the primary elections it is not
necessary to be registered four months
before the primary; but those regis
tered and qualified to vote in the gen
eral election will be entitled to vote ia
the primaries. '
3 n
Transportation Charges On Agricultu
ral Products As Well As Many
Other Commodities Are Out
of Relation to Price.
l.-..nu(i damages on account of
jnj irh-s revived in an automobile ac
cbierit which occured here last sum
mer, was settled in circuit court at
Guifport, the jury awarding Miss
Hi. ks $S00. Gov. Russell came from
Jackson to testify in the case.
The Attala County chamber of com
merce was formally organized at an
enthusiastic meeting with the election
of Waren Potts, president, and H. T..
Leonard, secretary. Over ?2,000 was
readily subscribed for the support of
the organization and an aggressive
campaign was launched for more mem
bers. The boards of supervisors in the
delta and the highland counties adjoin
ing the same are invoking the Kiger
Fame law in order to protect deer
whit h have fled from the flood. The
ruthless slaughter of deer in times past
lias heeii most lamentable, in some in
stances one man killing Go in a day.
lie town authorities in connection
with the Washington County official,
backed up by a representative body
of the best citizens of Iceland, have
been cleaning house. War has been
declared on all dives of every sort.
jumi.eKujx auu gaiiioimg and vice
of e ery kind has been put on the run.
Ne.vhebron High School will elect n
new principal next session. Prof L.
B. OWIara, who has been principal of
Newhebron High School for the past
irto .-fssiiMis uas ueeiueu not to re
main at the head of the school another
t no vegetable movement from
Hazlehurst has ended its first week
and the farmers are not very much en-
coura ged over prospects. Irices have
not been good, and quantities of vege
tables are not near as great as once
One man was killed and throe per
rons wounded in a shooting nffray en
gaged in by two families near Brook
haven which ended only when tne shot-
pun used by one of the men was shot
frcmi his hand.
Twenty-seven Sunday schools, locat
ed in rural sections have been set up
by Prof. "W. H. Murlev of Blue Moun
tain, field secretary of tne American
Sunday school Union of Philadelphia.
Pays State $13,000
Jackson. T. M. Henry, insurance
commissioner, ha3 paid over to Stokes
V. Robertson, state revenue agent, an
additional sum of $1S,000. This with
the amount of $15,700 previously paid
aggregates approximately $29,000 paid
over on the revenue agent's claim of
approximately $50,000 due to the State.
Included in this settlement is the $10,
00') which was tendered to the state
treasurer and lefused by him on the
ground that it should be paid to the
revenue agent or into court.
Washington. Transportation rates
on products of agriculture, as on many
other commodities, now "bear a dis
proportionate relation of the price of
such commodiies" and. should be im
mediately reduced, according to find
ings of the joint congressional com
mission of agricutlural inquiry, an
nounced by Chairman Anderson. Not
only should these freight charges come
down, the reported declared, but in
the future rate-making bodies and rail
road traffic officers should give "great
er consideration to the relative value
of commodities in the making of rates"
and let existing charges on high-pricea
finished-products stand if necessary to
remove cost burdens from basic mate
Exhaustive review of the transpor
tation situation has convinced tne
commission, Chairman Anderson said.
that "pyramided per cent advances" of
freight rates during the war and fol
lowing years "caused dislocation or
long-standing relationships between
rates on agricultural and industrial
products and between competitive en
terprises and competitive territories,"
which dislocation should now be re
moved. Tli3 object of ratemaking
bodies should be, he said, in present
ing the commission's views, "to read
just rates so far as practicable . . .
to the relationship existing prior to
' . -
I ACL"- 8tfe " 1
V ; " J
CV-S iA, vSf ' t " : I
Ml? x i 1 i
Schools Break Attendance Records.
Ripley. Practically all the public
schools of the county are closed. The
session lasted for five and one-half
months and was considered one of the
most successful , that the county has
ever had, John E. Pearce, superintend
ent of education of Tippau county, has
made the following statement concern
ing the attendance daring the past
session: "The session just closed
shows the best attendance of any year
since the inauguration of the public
school system in the state."
County Gains In Hog 3ales.
Yazoo City. Yazoo county is again
coming to the front in the production
and sale of hogs. Yazoo farmers in
March shipped eight carloads of hogs
through the county demonstration
agent. J. S. McKewen, demonstra
tion agent, has sent out question
naires relating to hogs'and cattle rais
ing, and is espically emphasizing the
value of one or more good brood sows
on every farm.
Much Interest In Scholorship.
Yazoo City. Much interest is being
manifested by students of the Yazoo
City High school in the $4,000 scholar
ship to be given by the highway and
highway transport education commit
tee, of Washington, to the high school
student who writes the best essay in
the subeject, "What Good Roads Are
Doing for the Development of My Community."
Much Mississippi Lumber Shipped.
Guifport. Much lumber has left
Guifport harbor in recent clearances,
which are as follows; The Mexican
steamer Jalisco, for Tamnico, Mexico,
via Houston, 'with 30S.000 feet of lum
ber for Dieppe, France, and the Ameri
can schooner William K. liurnham, for
Sierra Leone. West Africa, with 69$,-
000 feet of lumber.
State Truck Growers Ass'n- Active.
Jackson. The State Truck Growers'
association composed at the. present
time of IS branch associations, and
having its headquarters at Jackson.
has shipped 11 carloads of fruit and
vegetables from the state.
Sheriff A. L-. Crosby of Waynesboro
has announced that he will on the first
Monday in June, 1922, sell all lands In
"Wayne County where taxes have not
teen paid.
A splendid increase in cream from
this territory has been noted in the
past week at the Winona Creamery.
The spring pastures are much better
than usual at this season and the num
ber of fresh milch cows is above the
Within a short time the engineer or
the state highway, commission will
make a survey of the road from Stark
ille to th A. & M., College prepara
tory to actual work in completing a
liard-surfaced road of the highest type
of construction.
The 24th convention of the Mlssis-
eippi Federation of Women's Clubs
W3LS held at Brookhaven w ith over 100
delegates and a number of visiters in
The first carload of truck from Jones
Counfv for 1922 was shipped from
Moselle last week. It was a mixed
car of cabbage and peas.
Gas Fumes Overcome EvangeNt.
Columbus. Matthew C. Cayce, 56 of
Nashville, Tenn., died from asphyxia
tion while taking a bath. He had been
conducting a series of revival meet
ings at the Church of Christ here.
Must Register By July 7th.
Jackson. July 7 is the last day upon
which Mississippians expecting to par
ticipate in the general election in No
vember and the August primary for
he selection of senatorial and congres
sional candidates may register, accord
ing to Attorney-General Frank Rober-
son. According to Mr. Roberson, the
general Impression prevails that per
sons desiring to vote must be register
ed four months prior to the primary.
when the law requires their registra
tion only four months before the No
vember general electiofl.
Tippah Man Promoted.
Blue Mountain. Joe Lv McMillin.
formerly of thi place, who achieved
signal distinction in the American Red
Cross during the World War, has been
made state agent for Georgia in one of
the leading life Insurance companies of
the nation. '
Outside of its general conclusions,
the commission advanced three spe
cific proposals to better transporta
tion service for farmers, the first be
ing the enlargement of "eomp?titive
avenues of disribution through which
the largest number of consumers can
reasonably be reached;" the second
was the extension of through rates on
grain "to points of consumption
through two or mor? competitive pri
mary markets;" and the third, the ex
tension of the principle that coarse
grains, such as corn, should take lower
charges than breadstuffs. Adequate
car equipment should also be main
tained, it was added.
Further, the commission found that
"live stock shows marked fluctuation
in shipment volume" and that rail
roads, stockyards and shippers should
cooperate to even out the supply at
market points, thus preventing prices
and charge impositions, while hay, as
the bulkiest farm commodity, requir?d
"a reduction in both freight and sales
margin before there can be resumption
of normal shipments." Costs on live
stock distribution also must be brought
down, it was held.
On dairy products and on cotton, tne
commission concluded that freight
charges had not had so serious an ef
fect as upo nsome other farm stuffs,
and as to wool, Mr. Anderson remark
ed that its prices "to the producer has
been depressed somewhat by freight
rates but primarily by disorderly and
unscientific marketing."
Moving to the study of indirect
freight costs affecting farmers as they i
enhance prices of things farmers buy.
Chairman Anderson said that "ferti
lizer prices were found to be close to
pre-war basis except for freight costs."
Forty prices of farm implements, it
was concluded, are now rapidly reced
ing to a lower price level," but freight
rates now accumulate to the point of
being 15 per cent of the pries farmers
pay for machinery, while before the
war the freight charges constituted
but 11 per cent.
Coal and steel, being of 'intimate in
terest' to the farming consuming pop
ulation, the commission likewise de
clared that freight charges on steel
represented 41 per cent of its cost,
while bituminous coal should be sub
jected to "reductions in mine price,
freight rates and sales margins."
As to lumber, it was suggested that
railroads could "better afford . . .
assessments of relatively higher rates
on short haul business to give needed
relief to long haul traffic" while petro
leum products were found to be influ
ences "little if at all" by freight exac
tions. Dry goods and other commodi
ties were in this category, too, in the
commission's expressed opinion.
Mrs. Peter Olesen of Colquet, Minn.,
who has been nominated by the Demo
cratic convention at Minneapolis as
the candidate for the United States
senate. Mrs. Otesen is the first woman
to be nominated for this office by a
major party. She is a native of Min
nesota, a speaker of note and in 1914
was sent to Washington as the dele
gate of the governor of Minnesota to
the International Child Welfare convention.
$1,000,000.00 roe
$7,OC0,000 Carried in Army Bill To Be
Handled by Mississippi River Com
Mission Not Available Until July
1. Will Relieve Situation.
Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
We state it as our honest
belief that the tobaccos used
in ChejrerneJd are of Hner
quality (and hence of better
taste) than in anV other
cigarette at the price.
Uzgttt d Mjerj To baa Ct.
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended
ii 1 fi H
20 for 18c
10 for 9c
Vacuum tint
of 50 - 45c
rii J muh is, ki y
instantly opens your hcr.d and
makes breathing casv. Hrc for
75 at stores or Jfir by mail. A.i !r
New York Drur Coucern.Xew York
Washington. The sum of one mil
lion dollars for control of flood waters
of the Mississippi river, now at the
highest stage in years, was made avail
able by a resolution Tusheri throueh
through the Senate and House within
an hour after the proposal made by
southern members had been approved
by Secretary Weeks and Director Daw
es of the budget. '
In presenting the resolution, chair
man Madden of the appropriations
committee explained that nearly $7,
000.000 was carried in the pending
army bill to bp handled by the Missis
sippi river commission under the flood
control. This fund would not be avail
able until after July 1, but Mr. Madden
declared an emergency existed and
that without immediate help tnere was
danger of tremendous loss of life and
property damage, for otherwise 1h
flood waters might overrun the levees
and extend to the Yallley.
Secretary Weeks, in a letter to con
gress, urging the immediate considera
tion of the relief resolution, said the
flood stage was extreme, and that the
water was higher at places than ever
known before, that along stretches of
20 miles it was above the levees.
The loss of life, should the levees
be unable to stand the strain much
longer, and break, would be incalcul
able and would result in a great nation,
al disaster, Secretary Weeks said.
Chairman Madden said the resolu
tion made no drain upon tne federal
treasury, as it merely authorized the
use at this time of part of the ap
propriation soon to be available, and
would be deducted later from the bill's
Good headway has been made, he de
clared, in constructing levees so as
to prevent flood disasters.
1 . -
No work that you farmers do is too
rough for clothes made out of Stifei's
Indigo Cloth.
All Overalls, Jumpers and Work Clothes
made of this cloth last longer, wash bet
ter and keep their "looks."
See that you get it. Look for this boot shaped
trade mark stamped on the back of the cloth.
f nA ; j Restore Color nj I
I f ' r : r ..- j j ! J
i-r.n. t-t.-. Ftoi.; ail l ata. -nst;r-. : . t t . t
f.'rr, niAkes wj ' n iri'- mcv. v r. lir st lu-
ai:'.'-'l in I'lir liiaJ. ! i '.
New Orleans li:irlf r t 1 1
i! i.
; -v i "i i ri - -5vf
Garments sold ly dealers everywhere
H'e are makers of the cloth only.
Indigo Dyers and Printers
Wheeling. W. V.
260 Church St.. New York. N. Y.
Start a t u-.r.. s i-l .:; u ;:.
Hi ir.ii stal;. I ! a ; i ; : -. h.. :
an l niani.'uriii.' ry Hni-- v.i ; "
qua.-.!. V will I.' i.-h y.-u t-s- !
i,i,,t how to ! w .s :.t i.
ni iu.ir.!!.t-'.' !' y- u t r
5 is.-Tis. .vr.'l S 1.0 " si.i, i r tr:
sn t'ivio '!' f:!i".i! "r k . Tr- :--
c?u!mir iwv t. i:iak n ! :;p y ., j
I'rcn.-h i'n. k u-..' ;n ! . I..-'.
!!arkti-:vis an-t V rir.Ki- s r, !
f.ili'.wir.ir :-ss..ns. V. .!.-! n :
Cul-ur-. V.o 1-2, l'iu- nvv. A::.:-: :
1 1 . h .m,
T Li S
. -s 'n
i ; i."" -rr.
i n --;
u' h r
- f, r
; t
-.. u! y
And Bridegroom's Explanation Only
Added to the Ludicrodsness of
the Situation.
A widower in a Pennsylvania town,
no burner a young man, gave the
lergyinan a gl deal of trouble by
his stupidity on the occasion of his
W. N. U.. MEMPHIS, NO. 17-T922.
Mr. Johnson Really Had Good Excuse
for Not Joining Posse on Hunt
for Robbers.
S Gap Johnson's Good Reasons for
Thinking Confessions C?.n Be
a Little Too Public.
"Paw," excitedly exclaimed yming"
Hunt, "Zeke Yawkey and a passel of
fellers are out in front. They say the
bank at Tumlinville has heen mhled.
sffoml marriage. He seemed to be : and they want you to grah your gun
con- i ili'd go with, 'em to hunt the robbers !"
"Tell em I'm much obb-eged :md
Germany Pays Monthly Installment.
Paris. The German government has
paid the reparations commission the
first monthly installment on the new
schedule of payments fixed by the
commission on March 21, in pursuance
to decisions of the allied finance min
isters. The installment just paid was
18,000,000 gold marks, and subsequent
payments are to bo 50,000,000 gold
marks monthly.
KisfVM'il by some spirit of
When told to give his right han1
he gave his left. When the minister
said: "S;iv this after nio, lit
mediately replied: "Say thN after
me." Then, when the words lit' wa
to repeat wei e given, be w as stolidly
At last be seemed to be auare that
the minister was somewhat dis
turbed, and in the middle of the
service he upset the reverend gen
tleman's gravity . by volunteering
this apology:
powerful sorry.
replied (J.ip Johnson
of P.umpus Kidge. -but I aint' in no
im- i shape to
dropped in a spell ago and 'lowed thar ;
as he was going to be married ti.is ;f- :
ternoon to the Widder yi. '..i kit. dale ;
b.e'd like to bo'rry my best britches to ;
wear during the aneetlote. aiil as I lei! j
I'd just about as su.n sleep o,!,iv as ;
not I let him have 'em. And u- maw
is just sewing up the gable end of" my
obi ones wbur the roan cow hooked
me by mistake for her calf or some-
"They've been carrying on a revival
over tuther side of Muur i' . for
j quite a sj.ell." related Cap J.
! r.uiii!i Kidge. "and a '. .;-.
I was had till the e.:,ve:!
I fessing in meeting. A sf-ie:
' and let it be kn.wn t!at s! ..:
j tain brM her had b ei t: gg.
i elopiiig. and two or three !
! lered with reina rl a i r, ; i j..
' t tieu:sel i s and ot her g-:.'
i ee'i-
.:' 'ip
: c r
g I'll
- f. i-
'Yoti sH'e. sir, it's so long since I'j tiling. S you tell the gents, Iiunt,
was married before that you must
that if 'twas ary other time I'd be
in v getting these things ! tickled to .go with 'em, but just at
present I'll have to lay out."- Kansas
(Jitv Star.
Sad Case.
.Tones (sobbing)
The gas
i !.! y the i a ! ' a " . :
the feller she said .-h-'M
1 o elepe w it It. and a ! ' la h :
he'll IM'Vcr i'Vi li h. ei d el :
whinped hi!!! tn a e;:-:ard. .
! a passei of gents Jefj ia tie
days, elainnng that if eer..!
g.'ing t teil i-very thing t! y
they didn't feel ilke wai'i.'u
; grand jury set. lb ligb-n i .
but 1 sorter 'low it tt t- I
j vate isiatter e'ery f ! er !,
j like he'd gut t ' confess
i and h . but leave other
of it." Kansas City Star.
A Scratched Record.
One day recently Mary llirdella, aire
Bishop Beatty Dies.
Nashville. The Rt. Rev. Troy Be
atty, bishop coadjutor of the Episcopal
diocese of Tennessee and acting head
of the church in the state since 1919,
died at his home here Sunday, follow
ing an illness of five days of double
N&minated For Collector of Customs.
Washington. A. R. Noble, pf Annis
toi. Ala., has been nominated by Pres
id3nt Harding to be collector of cus
toms district No. 19, with headquar
ters at Mobile, Ala.
Two Rescue Workers Killed.
Morgantown, W. V. Two , rescue
workers were killed and two others
injured at the Almenia mine of the
Sturma coal company near here when
they were crush?d under a fall of
slate while searching for. the bodies
of two miners buried several days ago
in a cave-in.
Gasolin Reserve is Billion Gallons.
Washington. A billion gallon stor
age of reserve gasoline has been fore
cast "by the bureau of mines In a re
port showing a reserve ori March 1 of
818,503,000 gallons, the largest in the
history of the industry.
The poetofflco at Montrose has been
changed after 18 years continuous ser.
vfce. The new postmaster is BenJ. H.
A. & M. Buildings Near Completion.
Starkvllle. The new buildings
which are under con struct ion. for the
A. and M. college here are neaxinc
X completion. .
Ill-Fated Theatre to Be Sold.
Washington. What is left of the ill
fated Knickerbocker theare the grim
walls and the sKe where 97 persons
lost their lives whenthe roof collaps
ed, last January will be sold this wee
&t public auction.
Harding Indorses Poppy Day.
New York Indorsement of Flanders
poppy day by President Harding was
announced by the veterans of foreign
wars who are heading a move for the
wearing of the inter-allied memorial
flu we? on memorial day.
Stevedores Strike Ended.
Baltimore, Md. The strike of negro
stevedoers employed in unloading
large schooners has been ended by a
compromise with the masters of the
craft affected by which the laborers
received a slight advance in wages.
Levee Breaks In Illinois.
- Murphysboro. A big break in the
levee near Degognia and Fountain
Bluff, a small town southwest of here,
was reported and water was said to
be rushing over many acres of culti
rated farm land. No loss of life was
Approves $5,000,000 Loan to Liberia
Washington. By a rote, of 13 to 9
the house ways and means committee
has favorably reported the Fordney
resolution authorizing a loan of $5,
000,000 to the republic oi Liberia.
company couecmr hh arounu touay ; five, w ere visiting their grandmother,
and got his money. w horn they call mamma. Mary liird Mla
Jones Well, that's good. What's was singing to one of her dl!s when
the matter? Why weep over a paid j mamma joined in on the refrain. Ilar
bill? I riet Jane looked up and said, very so-
Mrs. Jones Oh. my dear, boo hoo ! herly, "Aw, mamma, your reeord's
oh. dear! You see, he was held up scratched."
just outside ami came back and oh. j
dear collected it all over again. j Too many people do not even think
New York Sun. I 'hey are thinking.
Poor Henry.
I leek "I yon play any
ment?" Peek (sadly) "S- e.
at l.'ome." P.omoii Transi ri;
Don't Wo, tv beeau-e you h i'
a mistake; jm; might hae
wore one.
I '. ; ;
p ite
y Has
11 the
. ,
a pri-
s out
st ni-
; e
T.n vers and doeUrs
bv their o !i advb e.
Mr. Jenkins Took a Cra
Club To Tame Lions
i j r vi . u.
The exhibition ended rather badly. It
very nearly was a big day for the lions
and a sad day for Mr. Jenkins all for
want of proper care in getting" ready.
Many a man who has business to do and
a living to make and a job to fill is as care
less how he feeds his body as Mr. Jenkins
was in picking out a club.
Some foods are too heavy, some
are too starchy, many lack neces
sary elements and so starve the
body and many load the system
down with fermentation and auto
intoxication. Grape-Nuts helps build health
and strength. It contains the full
richness of wheat and malted bar
ley, including the vital mineral
elements, without which the body
cannot be fully sustained. Grape-
Nuts digests quickly and whole
somely. Served with cream cr
good milk, it is a complete food
crisp and delicious. -
Grape-Nuts is just the food for
those who care to meet life's situa
tions well prepared in health.
Order Grape-Nuts from your
grocer today. Try it with cream
or milk for breakfast or lunch, or
made into a delightful pudding
for dinner.
f 1
Grape-Nuts the Body Builder
"There's a Reason"
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creelc, Mich.

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