Newspaper Page Text
ffoagt <£rlu>, TUB I’EOPLK’h I’ATEH, W. wi MAY. efts. Cl. MOIIKAU. MAYA MOREAU. Editors & Proprietors. TEntel't’d lo Uit pos' odee at Bay St. Louis as second-class mull matter. TSAYST.i7)FIS FARMERS’ A(.1.1 AT-' CE. 1465) meets every lirst Saturday ol’eac h month nt Itiiyoii Philip sehoolhonso. 11. Ltixlch, president, Samuel vouDrozkow sky, aer retiiry. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Our Lady ofthe Onlf Catholic church— hirst Mass' cuij Sunday at 7 o’clock, a. Mi., second Mass at 10 o’clock a. in. Ves pers every Sunday evening at 4 o clock. Very Rev. Falla i 11. L< due, pastor; Rev. Faliat Alphoiui I. ttU I, i taut ]■ S(. Clare's Chapel, (C itholie.) —Mass mTOry Sunday ami holiday of obligations at 8 n. ut Main Street Methodist church—l’rem li (iig every second and fourth Sundays in fsoh Ifiouth at 11 a. in, Sunday school ut 30 a. in. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening at 7 o’clock. Rov N. 11. Harmon, pastor. Christ Episcopal church, Cedar Point. -Services every first ami third Sunday of •each month, at 11 a. in. Sunday school ■every Sunday at lo a. in. Lev. Nelson AVies,Rector DEMOCRATIC TICKET FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICES. FOR MAYOR; A. G. Pciri, FCK TUEASL'RER: Robert C. Engman, FOR SECRETARY; Richard Mendcs, FOR TAX t 01,LECTOR : John B. Icor, FOR MARSHAL; George W. Maynard, ALItI.RMA.N-W.UU) I Lrdwig H. vonCohren, ALDERMAN —WARD 2 James Gilmore Fayard, yMsHERMAN -W ARD 3 PetßP Rem nd, A A I.I)r,I!MAX —WAlii) 1 Ferdinand H Eggloff. City Echoes, —Send ns your job printing. —Chew Vaughan’s Clover Honey. —Vote for A. G. l’i iri tor mnyi r, —Chew Vaughan’s Clover Honey. —Vote for Geo. Maynard for marshal. —Vole for H. C. F.ngmnn for treasurer, —Vote for Ktehanl Memirs for secret i TV. —Hand the new Thlverllsernonts in this Ida tie. t r-Mr. L. Spotorno spent Tuesday in New rtrkans. ■y— Vote for Piter Hamoml for alderman from third ward. —Vole for Jno. B. loor for tax-collec tor and assessor. —Charming Miss Vicky fWath spent Monday in New Orleans. —Vote for Dr. L. H, yonOohrcn for al derman from the first ward. - Vote for James Gilmore Fayurd for alderman from second ward. —Vole for Ferdinand Kggloff for al derman from the fourth ward. -Mrs. M. A. Dauphin will summer at her magnificent Wavelaud home. —The People's party In Buy St. Louis will meet its doom on April 2nd. —Collector of Customs M. A. Dahlgren visited New Orleans one day this week. —Mr. 1.. Olivari made a trip to New Orleans Tuesday to replenish his stock. —B’rcr. Babbit will make his annual tour to all good children during to night. —bee notice to Public school teachers from County Snpt. of Education Steven son. f -—Willie Thorn.who was sent to Jack ou about a year ago, has returned to the Bay. —Miss Lottie Cnneo, of New Oilcans, was the guest of Miss Vicky Breath last Hunday. —The morning services at the Catho lic church and will be very grand and Im pressive . —Mr. A. Leßlanc and family have been spending the week at their lovely sum mer villa, Mrs. Daglilgrcn and son Master Morti mer arc visiting Mrs. Gordon la New Orleans this week. , —Miip.H Moreau and her son (’has. 0. Moreau went over to New Orleans ou a (lying visit this morning. —Him. W. A. White, of Biloxi, otic of Mwil ending attorneys of the Const, was a recent visitor to the flay. —Mr. Mirk, of this city, lliis week com pleted at Pearlington the handsome now home for Hon, T Jl. Favre, —Mrs. E. Mlltcubcrger and family are over from New Orleans to spend awhile <U tbtlr pretty summer home. —Mr. W. O. Sylvester went over to New Orleans Wednesday morning. We understand he will open hu Fulton Mar ket to-morrow morning. —Contiactors Gardehled and Henikcn have been awarded the contract for on addition to be erected to the Moreau residence ou the front. —Mr. Paul Conrad and family will summer at Tampa Bay, Fla., Instead at their lovely Wavolam! home. Business Interests has caused Mr Conrad to make this change. —Mrs. Boselto, who recently lost her dwelling iu the big conflagration, has made arrangements for the building of a new residence of live rooms to be plaster ed throughout. —The silt of the destroyed '-Mulberry Collage,” owned by Mr. Chis. Sanger, Is now serving for anew bnildlug to be occupied by Mr Jacob Hi-lUnlatui as a wheel wnebtaud blacksmith shop. Mr Deitzmaim will have a very desirable I oka if ou. j CANTER. ! To-night at 12 o'clock cods the holy sea : son of Lem and scarcely will the echoes I of the mid-night bells have consul then will he ijshered m the Sunday of Easter. Christmas with all its joys, celebrated as the event of the (firth of Christ, certainly ranks as the day of eventful days, but second appears Easter Sunday, the Rcsnr rection Day. A host of sweet memories crowd the mind as each successive until- 1 versary is marked by glorious nssocia- j tions with the beautiful legend ol Christ | and the Resurrection. These memories ! arc transmitted from generation to gener-; allon, and with ns—we, who enjoy the Easter Sunday of the Nineteenth Century, doubtless the sweetest memories ab'de; for we kuow that “Christ has arisen!” to legions more ol souls than upon previous anniversaries, so progressive is the army of Christ. Easier Sunday has come to us, and to all Christendom in its para phernalia of bluest skies and greenest I earth, of merriest birds and loveliest | flowers. The blood stained cross will to-merrovv be covered with the brightest leaves white whitest lilies and roses will twine about it most emblematic of Chilst’s triumph. From country to country, from city to city, from village to village the message will fly, ‘‘Christ has arisen!” From the trained voices of choirs sweet athems arise, from the soul-stirred fol lowers ol Christ humble strains send forth their pure melody, all reaching the same Christ. —Chew Vnughau’s Clover Honey. * ireim ii’N null. That splendid and worthy organiza tion of hproi s, the independent Hope Hook and Ladder Fire Company will ce lebrate the twenty-fourth anniversary of it existence by a grand ball, Tuesday night, April 17, 1894, at Firemen’s Hall. This affair will be very line. The com pany reserves the right to reject any one or more ticket holder by refunding the price of admission, and the ladles are re quested to present their invitation tickets at the door. The different committees for this occasion are as follows: Arrange ment Committee: Richard Altavvay, E. C. Gardcblcrt, H. S. Knight. Invitation Committee: Gaston G. Gmclebled.-Cbas. Chadwick, Felix Fayord. Floor Mana gers: Wirt Johnson, Victor Landriou, Louis Fayard. The hie company Intends this nail to eclipse all previous efforts and tile managers are not limiting their ef vvorks in this dirction. Tael. H.II & 1.. Fire Company bus always ployed true to She call and always a friend to our people, and is worthy of recognition by the patronage of our people on April 17th —Chew Vaughan’s Clover Honey. A Wco fire IVrKuiiixnUon, A meeting of a number of our most influential citizens was held at the court house Saturday evening and anew (Ire company was organized under the name of “Volunteer XT re Company,” with twenty-five charter members and the fol lowing-named officers for the first year: j J. F. Cuzeneuve, president; Jos. E. Suu idur, vice-president; financial secretary, 1 J. A. Breath; Richard Mendes, recording j secretary; W. E, Saucier, Among the I committees appointed was one to consult Mr. Chas Sanger regarding a water sup j ply and another to canvass the town for I financial assistance. The meeting ad journed until Friday evening, March 23d, to moot at the court house. —Times-Democral N.O.Society Items; i)r. ami Mrs, Loubor ami family have taken possession l)£ their handsome new home on Coliseum Square. ♦ Mrs. (ieo Dunbar and family will spend the coming week at their charming summer home in Dlloxi. ♦ ♦ * The marriage of Miss Cora Lashloy and Sir. J. Edmund Lcclorc will take place on the Cth of April. It will be a home wedding at the residence of the bride’s parents, in the Third District. • * * Mr. Cary Nicholas left on Wednesday to spend a week at the Uay. * * * MissCorluno dcMontluzin, of Day St. Louis, Is visiting relatives in this city. —Mr. 11. Lienhard, Haudsboro's promi nent lumber dealer, was a visitor to the Day Tuesday. Mr. Lclnhard has decided to open a lumber yard here under the management of Mr. it. C. Logman. All kinds of lumber will be kept on the yard and our people should liberally patron ized the new industry, —Tun Echo received a welcome visit Thursday morning from Mr. W. A. Cnovas, the accommodating and polite assistant of Mr, J. 1). Carver, dealer in general merchandise at Qainesytlle. Mr, Cuevas was on his way to Kiln where ho has accepted a position from Mr. Kcrgo zeu. The Volunteer Eire Company met at the Court House last night and received reports from the several commit tecs. This company is composed „f good men who ha v I lie welfare of the city at heart and we expect to soon sec them the owners of a tine steam engine. —Doth St. Stanislaus’ College and St, Joseph’s Academy have been awarded honors lor their educational exhibits at Chicago’s World’s Fair. While at the big Fair the editors of this paper viewed the exhibits and strangers were ovcibeard to speak vety high of the work. —The Echo notes with pleasure the success of the branch store of Messrs. Hourgcois Dros., of Wavelund, recently opeud lu this city. This store is situated near the (mile pond and its proprietors are worthy and will appreciated any and all patronage given them. —The Infant daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Geo. 11. Conibcl was christened at the Catholic church last Sunday. The spon sors for little Wanolta Combel were Miss Hanley ami Mr. Ducatcl, of New Orleans. The occasion was becomingly celebrated at home. Mr. August Keller has purchased the Amos lot adjolng his store, lot corner Front and Washington. Mr. Keller's new brick building will occupy all this ground, and, when completed It will be the finest and largest store In this city. - Chew Vaughan’s Clover Honey. EDITORIAL. Only a week and one day from to-day and the Democratic nominees for muni cipal offices will all be elected by an over whelming majority. The faintest spark I (tocause Democratic defeat) is not visi ble, and as sure as we are events Is the success of the Democrats assured. A handful of onr citizens say there is dan oer, but we rise to ask “Where?” all doubts be put aside and let them be shelved high and out of reached. Bay St, Louis citizens have already selected their officers and ns a stamp of formal recog nition will on Monday week put the Dcm ocratic party in as guardsman. The In dependents, Populltea & company win and must be relegated to the rear. Arrivals ot the Bay S .'Louis hotel during the past few days: J. Cohen, John VV. Fox. Chicago, Ills,; G. F. Springtt, R. F. Clerc, 11. 11. Solom on, Mortis Goldstein, Sol J. Levy, New Orleans; U. R. Yournt, Ohio; S. M. Stewart, L. O'donnel, New Orleans; Miss L. S'arr, Mrs. T. Starr, Thos. Starr, Chicago, Ills,; W. Brnmtner. New York; N. M. Cuduhuc, Mobile; T. H. Wilson, Cleveland, Ohio. —The marriage of Miss Ida Favrc to Mr, I’anl Chauvet, foreman of the big cannery of Messrs. Dunbars’ Sous, has been formerly announced, and will take place at the Catholic church, March 28th. - The celebration of the feast of Saint Patrick at file college on last Saturday evening was very appropriate and becom ing and reflected much on the gentleman ly students and their aide instructors. —Dame Rumor has it that a fashiona ble wedding in high life wi'l soon lake place notwithstanding tbit the wedding invitations have not yet been ordered at Tnc Echo’s job printing office, —Mr. R. J, Angumar, representing the R. J. Angamar Paint Company of New New Orleans, made a business visit to the Bay Walßesduy and was an agreeable caller at this oliiee. —Rev, Father Bally, the beloved and eloquent pastor of St. Paul’s church at Pass Christian, visited Very Rev. Father Ledue. and Ray. Father Alphonse last Monday. —Tbe bridge work on the L. &, N. road near the Kegolcts has been ’OOllllllOlOO, and the gang moved Monday to Scranton where they will have work for some time to come. —Mrs. 1!. J. Turner and her charming oeice, Miss Dora Butler, and Misses Mary and Katie Franklin were pleasant visitors to Pubs Christian last Wednes day. Mrs. Krar.l'liii ami her lovely daughters Misses Mury and Kulle ami sen Master Allie, of Anniston, Ala,, are plcnsaully domiciled Kt the Hacaney house. —As a result of the October storm and the February Are a great deal of work Is now in progress nud the laboring classes arc consequently happy, —Mr. and Mrs. Drake ard little bod, after a stay of severs! weeks at the Cres cent hotel, returned to their home iu St. Louis, Mo,, this week. - Mrs. Johnson and daughter Miss Maymle, of New Orleans, spent Sunday ou a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 11. Cora bel and family. —To-morrow evening at 7:80 o’clock the children of the Methodist church will commemorate Easter by entertaining their friends. —A delightful dance was enjoyed by a number of the young folks at thercsi doncc of Mr. and Mrs. Sadler St.. Jo seph's night. —There will bo Easter services to-mor row at the Methodist church, at II a. ra. Everybody is cordially Invited to attend. —Mr. Jno. B. Clark, the Bay’s cx-pho. tograulior, spent Sunday and Monday with his old Bay friends. —An nnsuccesdiil attempt was made a few nights ago to rob the treasurer’s safe of Pearl River county. Winter seems to be with us again. The wind is from the north and quite a cold rain is falling. Hon. Elliot Henderson, of Pass Chris tian, was a welcome visitor to the Bay yesterday. —Mr. Geo. Planchet went over to New Orleans Thursday morning to replenish Uls stock. Her. A. Oliver, of Scranton, was a very welcome visitor to the Bay on Mon day last To Public School Teachers. The spring examination of the public school teachers of Hancock comity will bo held at the court house in Bay St.Lonis, Mias., ou Friday and Saturday, April 6th and 7th, for white teachers, and Friday and Sat urday, April and 14th for col ored teachers Examinations will bo held at Nicholson on Friday and Saturday, April anh audSlst for white teachers, and Friday and Saturday, April 27thand 28th, ror colored teachers. Examinations will commence at 8 o’clock a. m., ouch day. A. 0. Stkvkxson. Snpt. Public Education for Hancock co. 4-EQ-U ALS==l2. 1. 1-., lour week* by our method ofteach ing book-keeping in coiinl to Twelve Weeks by the old style, Positions guran tced under certain conditions. Best pat ionized Business College in tlio South. 500 students in attendance the pnst your. Eleven teachers. Nashville is the ecluea linual center of the South. Cheap board. No vacation. Enter any time. Home study, rt’o have recently prepared hooks on hook keopiiur. SUorthudd and pen manship especially adaptable to home study. Nothing like them ever issued be fore . Sent on 80 days' trial. Our free illustrated 80-page catalogue will explain all. fiend for It now. HUAUOHON'S ITIACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE avri- SCH COL OF SHORTHAND and TELE OKAI’HY. Nashville, Tenn. N. B.—Wo pay S3 cash for all vacancies as hook keepers, stenographers, teachers etc., reported to us, providing we All the the same. Mcb 21 WAVEEAND ECHOES. I'l rtonal and dcnernl Items from (be Charming Kcaorl (islhmil na Written by Onr Special Cor* reanondrnt. Mr. Geo. L. Hole camo over oo business ibis week. Mr. Delbert of the big city was n visitor here on Sunday. Remember Wavelaml store sells good jeans pants at 75 cents. Mr. L. M. Michel uml family are over this week for a few days. Mr, Cites. Weis? nnd family spent Sunday at ilteir summer home. Good flour hard to heat at $3.70 per barrel nt the Wave-land Store. Dr. G. G. Smith of New Orleans spent Sunday at their lovely summer cottage. Dr. John G. Hancock Ims rented one of Mr. August Campe houses for one year. Mr. F. W. Young; was over on Wednesday looking after his beauti ful place. Mr. G. Pitard and family came over on Saturlay remaining until Sunday evening, Louis Bourgeois &lHos.’ branch store at Bay St. Louis attracts large crowds of people. Why? because they give the best goods for the leas! money. Mr. G. W. Younger has charge of the branch store. A Prosperous Funner, A young Rankin county fanner was in town this morning with a wagon load of country produce, the fruits of Ins own labor, and which lie found no difficulty in disposing of at ft ir prices. Ilis load consisted mainly of hams —good old home-raised haras, and sweet potatoes, in addition to which Ihcic were small quantities of other edibles. t He told a customer that be had sold this winter more than 8700 worth of meat, corn, potatoes, mo uses, etc., and still had an abun dance for home consumption. His home is about fifteen miles from Jackson, and in order to make I his trip to town and get back the same night, hoJeft home this morn ing at 2 a. m. Such enterprise is bound to bo re warded in the long run. This far mer asks tfio pork packers and corn raisers.of the northwest nood i lb own cribs and smoke-lmn .m supply bis wants and he is as happy and in dependent as a wood chuck- -..iuj-.! ion Ledger. Look Here’. Ui'irimm: from arid of!cr In- .vie , thu VOtli of March, IHU4, encli uni every purchaser at the Chill' Coast Market, Lend of Main Street, will receive a ticket ns a receipt for overv 5 cents of mens purchased. Upon presentation ol 500 of those receipt tic kata the hold er will entitled to faCO in cash money or for 1000 tickets fit,6o in cash, (}E->, Mru.ttn, Gulf Coast Market, M OtlCO. In conformity to Section t. page 4, of the Charter of the city of Hay St. Louis, approved March 10, 1880, the Hoard of Mayor and Aldermen ordered the regular election to bo bold in the City Hull, on Monday, April *, in 94, lor a mayor, a secretary, a treasurer, nn assessor and tax-collector, a marshal and tour aldermen, one for each ward. Jno. V. Toulmk, Mayor, Bay St.'Louis, Miss., March 3, 1804. MTOtioe. The Louisville and Nashville llallroad Company will pay the following prices for material lost from Its bridges and track in the October storm U delivered in good order on shore near the bridge at Scranton, Biloxi or Hay Bt. Louis: Halls, $5 00, each; crcosotcd string ers, bolsters and caps, iff.2o each; creo soted tics and guard rails, 15 cents each. C. Marshal, Snpt. YOU CANNOT KEEP POSTED On What Is Happening In This Busy World UEESS YOU BUY AND READ The TIMESDEMOCRAT Its incomparable telegraphic news service, interesting local matter, time ly and vigorous editorials, full and ac curate foreign intelligence and general make-up place it at the head of South ern newspapers. Its large and rapidly increasing cir culation renders the advertising col ums of THE TIMES-DEMOCRAT More Valuable Than Those of Any Other Dally In the South. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT I ADVERTISE IN IT I IT WILL. PROVE AN EXCELLENT 111 V ESTMENT tk DAILY , SUNDAY , WEEKLY, in per Year, tamper Year, trnaper Year. i ent business conducted for Mooebate Fees I Oub Ornce I* Opposite U. S. Patent oprice i and we can secure patent in less lime than those remote (tom Washington. 1 1 Send model, drawing or photo., with deserip-1 1 | tlon. We advise, II patentable or not, tree ol' I . charge. Our lee not due till patent Is secured, il A Pamphlet, “Row Is Obtain Patents, ’’ with coat ol same In the U. S, end foreign countries 1 1 (sent free. Address, ] C.A.SNOW&CO. , Opp. Patent ornce, Washington, o. O. J wv%wvww^rwww%%wwwwvyp Alion tft year ago I took n violent nft tack of la grippe. I coughed day and night for about six weeks; my wife then suggested that I try Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. At iirst X could see no differ ence, tint still kept taking it, and soon found that it was what I needed. If I got no relief from one dose I took another and it was only ft low days I was free from the cough. 1 think people in gen eral ought to Know tne value of this re medy a:;d I take pleasure in acknow ledging me oenefit I have received from it. Madison Mustard, Otway, Ohio. 25 mid 50 cent bottles for sale by Thos. L. Bruns, cor. Colon and Front streets. Ralioai! Exchange, Fine Wines Liquors Cigars andiTobacco Ice cold beer constantly on hand. Jiny St. Louis, Miss. THE rules; Arc: No loud talking, no profanity, no indecent expressions will he allowed, any one drunk and violating decency will not he permitted to remain in the house. '1 lie rules are quite rigidly enforced and tho penalty for neglect is summarily in flicted.' Jamj'.m Oii.moke Fayajid, Proprietor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. pRANK DABNEY, Attorney at Law, Offick—on Front near Main streets. HAY BT. LOUIS, MISS. B. EAL, Attorney at Law, Practices in all sea Coast counties, Okfick: Union near Hancock streets HAY ST. LOUIS. MISS tuk iiascock v > , abstract offick iICHN L LAND HENPEfISON, Attorney aud Counsellor nt Low. No. 9 Main Street. Also buys, sells and rents real estate. Terms reasonable, R. SEAL Counsellor & Aity at Law MISSISSIPPI-CITY, MISS. Will practice in all Courts in Sea Coast counties. Including Federal Court, also In Supre me court at Jackson, Miss. LIiJNTIST. W. E. WALKER, D. D. S., Hay Ht Xionis Olllce: Front near Union Street li-itrp: Dally Rto 9:30 m . I 1- nr. S a m. to 5;,'i1l p. m. 1’.1.a Liu <-a'an Office: Wlffinnn Hnild iug. opp-'silc Mi viean (tnll'Ho'•!. 1 fours: I" m. to f> 3n ]i. m . daily except Thnrudavs. DR. R* J. TURNER. riiysicia iuV Surgeon, Otfici,; Next to Tost Office. BAY BT. LOUIS MISS' Offick Homs— From 8 to 10 n, m and atoßp. m. Olflco hours nt do Mon tluzln’s Pharmacy—From Ito 4 p in DR-L H- von GOHRLN. (Formerly Clinical Assistant, University Strosalmrg, Alsace-Lorraine., Physician, Surqeon and Accoucheur. SPECIALIST FOB DISKASKS OF THE Eye, Ear, Throat & Nose. HAY ST, LOUIS, MISS. Offick.—Front Street, opposite Post Ollice. Hours—lo A. M. to 12 M. Free consultation for indigent patients nt rcsideire on Tuesday* and Saturdays from 7 to 9 A, M. “fsslsippT” News and Views —IN THE NEW ORLEANS SptogpttKfc The Picayune hna established at Jackson, the Capital of Mississippi, a BUREAU OF INTELLIGENCE Under the Personal Management of that Experienced and Accomplished Mississippi Journalist, EDGAR 8. WILSON, who will discuss freely and broadly all questions affecting the political, Industrial commercial and social life of Mississippi. The Picayune bss a correspondent at every Important point In Mississippi. The Picayune outers Mississippi on the day of Its publication every morning, be lorc 8 o’clock, aud traverses Its territory In numerous directions before nightfall. Mississippi Is thus supplied with a great metropolitan newspaper, containing reports of Interest from every psrt of the world. At the same time, it gives to the people of Mississippi, besides tbs news of their own state, special timely comment on everything of Interest to them, so that, to all Intents and purposes, the Picayune has Jocome a Mississippi newspaper, without abating any of Its metropolitan character. The Sunday Picayune la papular because It U peerless. The Weekly Picayune Is necessary to every well-conducted household, and coo talus more Mississippi news than any other newspaper. Dally aud Sunday Picayune... .812 a year Sunday Picayune )2 a year .Weekly Picayune |l a year NICHOLSON ft 00., Proprietors. Now Orleans, L*. out cost - HORBES Stadlbs Honor tusiiwe 1 S?HF jL<V>ndeiet N r> ; Low Wftioas JKg W A T k oT SSST THE WELCOME STORE —.CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE nc Dry Goods, Fairy Goods, Notions, Hats CAPS, BOOTH,'SHOES, GENTS' FURNISIIISQ GOODS ? • *• HEX'S YOUTHS- AND COILMm CfcOTHDIe Ladies’ Undoi*woar, Children’s and Misses’Rcndy Made Hi A Mfn Millinery, Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, House Furnishing ( Matting, Rugs, Window Shades and Cornices. 8 Patronage of all solicited. ,' PA itvv r. Ke*pectfoll y , G- A. LEVY. Cor.Jfront and Main fitrttti Agent for Wanamakcr & Brown’s Celebrated Clothing, Yacht Sails and Rigging We make a specialty of high-class Yacht Sails and Rlvy|„„ I prices very much below those obtainable on the Seabo£* Jv' / \S\ Complete Outfits For Fishermen. u " I Send us dimensions of your boat and we will / Vl'\ Sli ' ! t>!inS a,ul * sti,nateS on her complete: out lit 7 \ \ and I \\ \Tei?ts / X Met V'''j . . v\ v/ "s //✓'S. a, ; _ • ■ "X Send 6c. (stamp.) for new IlTustrated Catalogue of Sails and Marine Goods, 4 , M GEO. B. CARPENTER & CO. 207 o 211 So. Water St.. CHICAGO, ILL HEADQUARTERS FOH COMMERCIAL TRAVELERsT Bay Si. Us Hotel asi Cottages, OKT THE BBAQtt. ® The commodious hotel is delightfully sitimted on the verge of the Me™ comer Front and Union straots, and affords the most, comfortable rooms with?’ unsurpassed table. Open the year round, with,excellent. ae< omnmdatio.m forf, nili and transient boar,tors Hoard nndfilotltfng, b.v the day, week i farther particulars apply to , llu ' ‘ m MRS. A. ALLEN, Proprietki .-;s, Bay St. Louis, Miss. a. ORUmts EHTABLISHKD 1870. m. oki7,^7 A. Cerdes & Bro.. Sail Sakerss & Dealer in Cotton Dock, Galvanized Iron and Brass Ship and Vnetit Hardwe.rc ami fixtures on her and Leather Clothing. Coppo Paint of all Brand.,, Kami, I . sTru.n l. •looks, Ship Bell Clocks, Oyster '1 ngucs, Anchor chain,, Windin' 7s! j:'c CATTTtON.—If ft TV. t, Douglas Hf ft rnduo*d prUr, or says I ltd linrt them without oaott ittinijtod on bottom, put Ulm down on * fraud. Ao9v^^|%* sn I s Mm W. L. Douglas S3 SISOS THE’ WORLD. W. lj. DOUGLAS Shoe* are itylish, easy fit. ting. and give belter satisfaction at the prices ad vertfsed than any other make. Tty ooeoair and he convinced. The stamping of W. L, Douglas' naine and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollar* annually lo those who wear them. Dealer* who push the U? . V,L * P ou S la# Shots gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line or goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by buying all your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address. TV. L. DOVULAd, Xlrocklou, U*, Sold hv G. Planchet. MYSTERIES I The Nervous System the Seat of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Discoveries. No mystery has ever compared with that Ot human life. It has been the leading subject St professional research and study In all ages, lut notwithstanding this foot It in not gener* ally Unown that the seal /yjl T/4 fSN. of life Is loco* /A*. "Y ted In the up /IL> , \L(A V , \\ per part of the flu tAI/f yg JU Wl \ spinal cord, r / re-rr-l I near the hose IJxHTr/'i>V/oUhebraltt, U and bo send* . / K / tlvo la this (>. ‘ \ysgOTPT / portion of the yc T T WsSa®’ / nervous syo- L. \ / tem that even V \ I / the prick of a ) ill needle will V J I I cause * nat “* Recent discoveries have demonstrated that all the organs of the body are under the con* trol of tho nerve centers, located In or near the base of tho brain, and that w uen these are deranged tho organs which they supply with nerve fluid are also deranged. When It Is re* mombered that a serious injury to tho spinal cord will cause paralysis of the body below the Injured point, because tho nor, e force Is prevented by tho Injury from reaching the in ralyzed portion, it wilt he understood how the derange mont of the nerve centers will c 4 l !*P the derangement of tho various organs which they supply with nervo force, Two-thirds of chronic diseases are due to the Imported action of tho norve centers at tho baso of tho brain, not from a derange ment primarily originating In tho organ it* f°“* , The great mistake of physicians In treating thrao diseases Is that they treat the organ rather than the nerve centers which are the cause of the trouble. Do. Fbanklin, the celebrated spe clallit,h:nprofoundly studied thlaaubject for oyer 20 years. and Ims made many Important discoveries In connection with It, chief among them being tho facts contained In tho above statement, and that tl o ordinary methods of treatment aro wrong. All headache, dirti ness, dullness, contusion, pressure, blues, mania, melancholy. Insanity, epilepsy, St. Vitus dance, etc., are nervous diseases no matter how caused. The wonderful success of I’r. Milos’ Restorative Nervine Is due to tho fac„ that It la based on the foregoing principle. uu. Mile.)' KESTOtiAnva NBBVlNauaolaoy nil druggists on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by Db. Miles Medical 00.. Elkhart, Ind.. on receipt of price, fl per bottle, six bottles for tS, express prepaid. It contains neither opiates nor dangerous drugs. 'asxsstso-evsw.s %• %• ALL KINDS 0F... PLAIN & FANCY — ' in R PRINTING NFATLY EXECU .r AT THIS OFFICE , . GASTON G. GARDERLED, Contractor —aniL^Buildef, Contracts tnkenforsmnl) find lari y,s A liberal share of patiosuc . . Residence at Oardebled’s drug store day St. Louis, Miss. E. W. MORRILL, Insrance -:-Ipcy COB THE .MISNIVSII'I’ItO.VST, BILOXI, MISS. Representing the strongest and mod liberal companies in the world. Liverpool & Loudon & Globe Insurant! Cos., of England. Royal Ins, Cos., Liverpool, Ena. I’hoenlx Ins Cos., Brooklyn, N Y. Pheonlx Assurance Cos London, Eds Hartford Fire Ins Co.,..Hanford, Conn Mechanics’ & Traders’ Ins Cos Jl, 0.. La. United Udderwrltero Ins Co.,Atlanta, lia. N O Ins Association, New Orleans St. Paul German Ins Cos., St.Panl, Mina. Losses are paid cash without discount and without waiting tho usual 60 daw. ' i ps \ Why ill | Send away your Job | printing away li'bin ; , homo when BSwl ► —— -S3 I [3OO O 33 33 33 O P yr.^ [ THE ECHO,|| { otoop'STJCß'yO can do it for you as.waUfcjJ E nml as cheap. Wo AotfeZm E nrintihg In all AjSi^iblwlgJj ►bn m. Givt m i■ ■! ‘ { and he convinced. I‘rice fc3j ( [ list sent free Of curg]feiS| son application. | MAY St froprlolore, MOBIXiB £Door, Sash and Und3 factory MAN I'FAt T' aims or ■ DOORS, SASH,' BUNDS, J DOOR AND WINDOW PRAJILO. And dealers in * Builders’ Hardwnre, Win"#"* Putty and Pure Mixed ,a sKj|j F. C. Turnor& Cos., Corner St. Anthony and •i" );•-'■ I ■ 1 “““ ■ f (KBtifif |we w “ i man should oo without It. juhNN k