Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 8., NO 13. || pointer I HANCOCK COUNTY, MISS. il ll;'.s as many live and progressive people as any other ■part of the State, and of course its merchants ■SiV,' strictly up to the best of business methods. They use Blotter heads, bill heads, monthly statements, shipping tags, ■circular letters soliciting trade, ect, and should have all of Bthe best quality and especially should it be well and neatly Bjirintcd. The first point is to make a good impression up- Bon those of your patrons who will see such work, but the Bgbarpcst point is to know where to have such work done. Kfojnbere of the business fraternity and all parties in need Bnfflich services will be glad to loam that The Echo job Kwiiitiiig office is the place. Work not only solicited from K av St, Louis but from all parts of Hancock county. We Kay express charges. t ' SEA COAST ECHO. ■Yacht Sails and Rigging H N. We mike a specialty of high-class Yacht Sails and Rigging at P / XN. prices very much below those obtainable on the seaboard. Also I / Complete Outfits For Fishermen. K I S*nd us dimensions of your boat and v.e will submit K I sail plans and estimates on her complete outlit. I / W R^s i Cr? I !T tVr■• •• - - ~ / ■< Send 6c. (sumps) for new Illustrated Catalogue of Saits and Marine Goods. | GEO. B. CARPENTER & CO. ■ p ,0 2l | So. Water St., CHICAGO, HJU 9 a. OKRDKB IbSTABLISIIfcD 1870, jvi, gkupes I A. Cerdes & Bro., . Bail Makerss & Dealer in Cotton Dock, ■ Glvanl/,ed Iron and Brass Ship and Tacht Hardware and Fixtures, Oil Hub- Atr snd Leather Clothing, Coppe" Faint of all Brands, Naui leal Instruments and ■beoks, Bhlp Bell Clocks, Oyster 1 ugucs, Anchor chains, Windlasses, K(c I 306 and 307 Jui*a Street, New Orleans lUSSISSIPPi News and Views ./’ffjirni:- U'E -V ORj’ i'ANS Piety me >l9 fStftbltgbeA at Jackson, tbo Capital of MlMUslppl, a BUftEAU OF INTELLIGENCE wulw (be Persons! Management of tbat Bi.K-rleur'W ard Accomplished Mississippi Journalist, Erwin .1 wiLeoN, fbi tun dls™B fr.'i !; (inj broadly all VMtioiiß airieflng the political, industrial •Brawdai and social life of Mississippi. *riio Plrsfiyiß. ifiis a eorreapniident at ®prr Important point In Mississippi. Tbp Hciiyum enters Mississippi on the lay of Its publication every morning, tie sre fi o'clock. aml traverses Ita territory l Bometuus, directions before nightfall. UltsUaippl la (bn, supplied svllli a great s*l>llll4n newspaper, containing reports J ltit*f# from every part of the world. Ittbeiaiae lime, It gives to the people if Mississippi, besides the news of tbelr Mate, special timely comment on JWmtof of Interest to them, so that, to ll nrttsls Slid purposes, the I‘lcayune has s Mississippi newspaper, without "-Jk'“L tpr " ! 118 '‘ K ’ ,r "polUan character. /W ilaasy Xteayune la popular because ™> Weekly Tbcayune la necessary to I IT Well-Conducted household, and eou- news than any other I£SL“ 4 * und j f Picayune, ...Jl2 a year IS2SS? lyimc 1. .$? a year #twyßP§. .$1 a year I 6 00., Proprietor*, I- Kew Orleans. I*. I r#,,e Paid OnTwayßy Iftyatt’s Business r Oollego Br DUs - .. miss., r StM,en * Entering Before Feb- I Bfrv not book keeping with Kinlii, rl. all they con- P®sctl 1 ® rea i business. All the | r*(* ® re unreal, fictitious anti fcmJeoidbi? The text bock fttir not a record of HijSL ,au*action; he gets no H &o ( '°ing the real work that ME* easiness. ■fen, s )Stein of actual businesr ■1 give a student ten ; uM business know filonthsthan any text give in ten months, itlars. President- ~ ■ ~ i^in&fancy—^ printing N£ atly excu .f , this office . . - TOOK FUTURE niiiKWjf b k \/: A V> / V / iojS/S mb / \ \ rosy I# ffiori i f IS IN YOUR OWN HAND. Palmfafry acsnmcs to tell what the lines In yonr hand indicate. It will amuac you, if nothing more. Too above diagram almost explain:) It-clf. The 1. i.ift.h of the LINK OF LIFE indicates pr-ylmMo ago to which you will live. Bach BRACELET give* you ihfrly years. Well marked LINK OF HEAD denotes brain potter; clear LINE OF FORTUNE, fume or riches, Doili combined mean success in life; Brit yon must keen ni> with modem idetu to win it. You will find plenty of these ia Dcraore-t * Family Magazine, so attractively pie sented that every member of the family Is enter tained. It is a dozen magazines in owe. A CLEAR LINE OF HEART bespeaks tenderuat*; a straight LINK OF’FATE, peaceful life: the reverse if crooked. A veil-defined LINK OF HEALTH spares yon doctors' bills; so will the health hints in Demo rest’s, No other publishes so many stories 10 interest tin- home circle. Yon will bo subject to extremes of high spirits or despond ency If yon have the GIRDLE OF VBNUS well marked; keep up your spirits by having Dcmorest’s Magazine to rertn. tty subscribing to It for IH9I yon will receive a gallery of exquisite works of art of great value. beside* the superb premium picture. 17x39 inches, “ Fra a Daisy 1“ w hich is almost a real baby, and equal to (he original oil painting which cost $800; and you will have a magazine that cannot be equaled by any In the world for Its beam Ifni illustrations and subject matter, that will keep Steel on all the topics of the day, and all the id different Items of Interest about the •Id, besides furnishing Interesting reading matter, both grave and gay, for the whole family ; and while Dcmorent’B Is not a fashion magazine, Its fashion pair s are perfect, and yon get w ith It, free of cost, all the patterns you wl-h to use dnrlng the year, and In any size yon choose. Send in yonr subscriptlpn at once, only $2 00, and you will really get over $35 00 in value. Address the pub lisher, W. Jennings Dctnorest, 15 East 14th Bt., New York. If you are unacquainted with the Magazine, send fora specimen copy. A largcQUAD RANGLE means honesty; n large TRIANGLE, generosity; long FIRST DIVISION OK THUMB, strong will; I/ONQ SECOND DIVISION, reason ing faculty. The MOUNT OF JUPITER betokens ambition ; that of SATURN, prudence ; the SUN, love of splendor; MARS, courage; MOON, imagina tion ; VENUS, love of pleasure ; and MERCURY, intelligence. Take our advice as above and yon will he sure to possess Uie last and most valuable quality. POPLARVILLE Hlli'll SCHOOL, POPLARVILLE, fharl River County, MISSISSIPPI. W. I. Thame*, Principal. Second session open* Monday, Septem ber 4, IfcjVS, ami colitin ie nine month*. Onr Curriculum include* all the studies porsuod in the hest graded hi&h school* in otir State; nlao Hookkcepiug, Latin,Music, Art and Elocution. Expenses.—Hoard $7.00 to $8 00 per month. Tuition, from $1.30 to $3.50 per mouth. Art $3.00. Elocntlou SI.OO. Wash ing 75 cent* to SI.OO. Our people hare erected and equipped a magnificent building and are determined to make this school second to none in South Mississippi. We invite a critical comparison of onr inducements and price* with those of similar Institutions. Send for circular. T. K. Whitk, Sec’y School Board, Or W. I. THAMES, Principal, Popnrville, Mis*. HAY ST. LOUIS. MISS., MARCH 31.1894. Vil\t CToagt (Echo. Official organ of H.-inroek Comity l inn ers’ Alliance: An ofllcialorgan of H inco k roilnty Clian cory Court, Mississippi. TERM OF SUBSCRIPTION ; One dol. lar per annum, strictly cash in advance- Advertising rates mnoo known upon an juifation Job printing n flpefiiilty. Thk Echo can be found by visitors and advertisers in Memphis, Tenn., nt, 88-40 Jefferson street: in Now York City, nt fifi Tribune Building; In Chicago nt 888 ami 370 D<>m;tmni street. Adrertineinenta and snhscilptions received at cither of those offices. ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR CONGRESS-fill, District. Wo are authorized to announce Mr. WALTER M. DENNY, of Jackson county, ns a candidate for Congress from the ilth (longressional Dis trict of Mississippi, subject to the action of the Democratic party. Election, Tues day, Kijv. fi, 1801. EDITORIAL SQUIBS. The Mississippi State Medical As sociation will meet in. Jackson Wed nesday, April, the 4th. The Capital of the United States has been located at various limes in nine different cities. President Cleveland’s vetoes are never sneaky ; they are straight hits from the shoulder every lime. The Maryland legislature is about to pass a law prohibiting the killing of rabbits and partridges in that State during the ensuing two yeais. The Austrian poor law gives every man sixty years old the right to a pension equal to one-third of the amount per day which he had earned during his working years. When a man discovers an absolute ly good thing ho works it al ne; when in doubt about it be organizes a stock company and gels himself elected to a salaried office. -i-LL J . ... .* Somebody has been talking of Sen ator Morgan, of Alabama, heading the Democratic ticket in 1896. The par;y might pot up a worseman than Senator Morgan ; it will be a difficult ' matter to find a better one. Good Democrats can find more usclul occupation than that of quar eling about (he man who will load the party in 189(5. It is far more important that the party shall be in a condition to be led to victory than that any particular man shall do the leading. The rapid fading of the lettering of tire original copy of the Declara tion of Independence hc.s determined the State Department to wilhdarw the instrument from public exhibition in the Department Library and sub stitu‘o a facsimile 1 But the text is unfading. “Papa, what is a populate?” “A populitc, my boy, is a man who says he wants to do the very things the Democrats are trying to, besides some other tilings that can’t be done and that very few people desire clone, even if they could be.— Pascagoula Democrat-Star, Newspapers that persistently at tack and misrepresent Mr. Cleveland are not Democratic, no matter what they pretend to be. They are ene mies of the parly. —traitors in the camp,--and the sooner limy on the Republican or Populist uniform the belter.- Port Gibson Reville. When such wholesale murderers as Parson Ratliffe are turned loose on the public we don’t see why the gates of thp penitentiary are not thrown wide open and all the crimi nal* let loose. There are certainly none inside the walls who would not make as good a citizens as this blatant old ex preacher.—Green wood New Era. The following from the Senalobia Democrat 13 editorially approved by The Echo. Democrats need fear no trouble from the Populists this year ia the Congressional elections. They may make some desperate attempts to rally their broken and scattered clans, but they have no leader of real force to give such a movement cohesive power. Their voting strength will tot deserve to create any solicitude. If this be a prosper ous year with the farmers, the Populist party will disappear entire ly from the face of the earth in Mis sissippi. Of Inferei.! to I’abHc School Patrons. Editors Echo, Dear Sirs:- - Having visited tbc winter schools of my county, and feelieg a deep and personal interest in their welfare. I publish this report for the consid eration of public school patrons. Although the opportunities of the youth of this county arc limited, our examinations show that their al - in learning compares fa vorably with those of other counties. In order to make an equal exhibit of their talents they should have the corresponding advantage of our pro gressive institutions. The attainment of this result is entirely dependent upon the building of suitable school houses furnished with necessary supplies. In Pcarlington and Los town, where the buzz of the saw and the sound of the whistle reverberate in these localities to cal! to the mill men to the daily vocation, we do not lind public school houses. This thriving industry, in point of com merce, is without a rival on the Mis sissippi sound, and is carried on by intelligent and wide-awake people, noted for their generosity and hospi talitj ; yet they seem to have lost sight of the fact that school houses adequately equipped are wanting. The inhabitants of these communities should build largo school houses with sufficient ventilation, supplied with patented desk, tellurian globes, slated blackboards, wall - maps, charts, numeral frames. et*. The expenses per capita for the foregoing undertaking would he quite small. How, J. U. Preston onr Slate Super intendent of Education, in his circu lar letter makes use of tins language: “Wo as a people must educate on what we now have, not on what we , expect to get, lest we never educate. Now England with bleak climate and barren soil, leads this country in literary acheivements and in wealth. I She has reached those results through her public schools and other institu tions." j As for tW structure of Aron Acad emy, It is well adapted to a summer terra. Jt has school fixtures, and a general improvement is manifest. In Gainesville there is no school house. The people of Nicholso vbave not }et awakened to a sense of their anilities. They are sending their children off for instruction when the same with some exertion on their part could be received at home. The inhabitants of the Stockstill school district are besoming aroused on the subject of education, and their efforts are proving beneficial. The Megchee Public School is one of which I can speak with great praise. The results accomplished by this institution excel by far those of any other in our county. Fiom its walls have issued young men with a good practical English educa tion all prospering in their respec tive occupations. - Tin N. K. Schools are samewhat improving. The pupils are more regular iu attendance than heretofore, and tiie patrons are realizing the Im portance of educating the young. At the Center, there is a good school house, which in appearance is ranch in advance of ten years ago. Further on my round, I reached the Kiln School district where a pub- - lie school lias not been taught for two years. This state of affairs Is owing to a dispute among the patrons relative to the school silo—a point too often engendered in obstinacy. liayou L’Eneeiot is 1 1-U miles from Jordan River. The school house in this district is so rudely constructed and so poorly fur-iulied that the ambition of the teacher.or pupil is not apt to be stimulated. Bay St. Louis is a separate school district in this county. The great desideratum for a good school-house has at last been accomplished. A fine tract of land, si'uated within three blocks of the Gulf Coast was purchased on which i magnificent two-story building was erected and ready for occupancy last May. It has five departments; three school departments, a lecture department and a library department. This in- j slitnfion has all the necessary equip ments; His properly graded, and under the control of efficient teach-1 era. There is also a colored school in this incorporated district. A' school-house is in process of build ing for the colored population. At present their school is t a tight in a routed house, containing spacious rooms, with sufficient light and ven tilation, and furnished with patened desks and good black-boards. This school is conducted by whoso quaff flcalionsjand executive abilities arc commendable. Waveland recently incorporated, has a beautiful school-house with three departments. This institution though young is; on the stepping stone to progress. It is under the management of teachers noted for their experience and success. Yonrs very rcsptfully, A. O. StrvkhsON, County Superintendent of Education. Co-0 juration In Town Building, There is no village, town or city but Hint has an ambition to develop into a manufacturing center. There are but few that realize their ambi iion. In this day of sharp competi tion that cheap commodity called “chin music” goes but a short dis tance in attracting capital and induc ing the location of manufacturing in dustries. A location must possess extraordinary natural advantages in the way of power, fuel supply, trans portation facilities or supply of raw material to induce a manufacturing concern to seek it without some effort on tlic part of its Jn most cases a cash bonus, subscription of stork donation of silo is required to secure this end, and generally the most liberal offer secures the enter prise. The demands of the promoter* of those onlciprises are often so exhor bitant that they cannot be profitably me*. Thousands have been donated to corporations by towns throughout the west, and in a great many cases the benefit has been infinitesimal. — The remedy for this is in co-opera tive manufacturing investment. Kvery community has sufficient idle capital among its people to equip and maintain manufactories which will be noth profitable to the investor and advantageous to the community. For instance, the people determine that any one of the hundreds of I different branches of manufacture now carried on in the United States could bo successfully maintained in their town. A meeting should be called, an incorporation formed, the cost of the plant ascertained and books for subscription of stock open ed. The price of shares should he placed sufficiently low to allow per sons of moderate means to become stockholders, ns oftea this class of persons are the most progressive citizens a community affords, only those in whom the community has the fullest confide nce should be put at the bead of the movement. When all the slock is sold and the venture established, it will only require good business to make it a success—finan cially and otherwise. After one in dustry is established and made a success others will follow. The on ly matter to be decided is the nature of the industry that is adapted to the locality, and when this is done go to work and establish it.—Ex. “Perhaps you would think so, but a very large proportion in New York comes-from carelessness about catch ing cold,” says Dr. Cyrus Edson. “It is such a simple tlbtjg and so common that very few people, unless It is a case of pneumonia, pay any attention to a cold. New York is one of the healthiest places on the Atlantic Coast and vet there are a great many cases of catarrh and con sumption which have their origin in this neglect of the simplest precau tion of every day life. The most sensible advice is, when you get of it as soon as possible, liy all means do not neglect it.” Dr. Edson docs not tell you bow to cure a cold but we will. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, It will relieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the secre tions and soon effecs a permanent cure. 25 acd 50 cent bottles for sale by T. L. Evans durggist Eront and Union Sts. A severe rheumatic pain in the left shoulder bad troubled Mr. J. 11, Doper, a well known druggist of Dcs Moines, lowa, for over six months. | At limes the pain was so severe that, he could not lift anything. With all he coujd do be could not get rid of it until ne applied Chamberlains’ Pain Balm. “I only made three ap plications of it,’’ he says, “And have aince been free from all pain.” lie now recommends it to persons simi larly aflicted. It is for sale by T. L. Evans druggist, corner of Front and Union sticels. AMONGOUR STATE EXCHANGES, Hit editor of the Sardis Reporter devotes a half column cf h a paper to tell that Dr. so-and-so recently extracted one of bis molars, The Meridian News is the only paper that Can correctly claim the distinction of doing the most of any paper for the prosperity of its town. Of course Meridian Las the right kind people. As an evidence of value of Mis sissippi newspapers it gives us pleas ure to refer to the fact that one of the most interesting and valuable departments of u great metropolitan newspaper—the new Orleans Pica yune—is made up mostly of clip pings from these papers. The Macon Sun rises to be classed among the Mississippi papers that support Mr. Cleveland and his adraiui stration.The same hero, nurd ! W. H. Scott, editor of the Euporo Progress, has been given the Mayor ship of Ids town. The Democrat Star is carrying the prettiest and host advertisement of its job printing department we have yet seen in so smalha space. The MnyersvilleSpectator receives 8225,00 per annum for publishing the proceedings of the Board of Su pervisors in Issequenna county. The Quitman Quill, of Helen, gives this important (?) item to its readers which we fear was a little too previ ous: “The cold weather, wo think, is about over with, so we removed our stove, thus giving our selves more spaqe. The Prong. Ihe noted .Helen 11. Gardner in one of her best literary productions speaks in the following expressive and truthful way, viz: “Now I have come to Journalism, and, to be quite frank, I think it is the greatest opening of them all, for ability and for progressive and far-reaching practical good. The field for all these is simply immeasurable. For stimulating and rewarding the weak and worthy, for succoring the help less, for defending the oppressed, for hunting down crime, for restor ing the lost, for giving credit to the virtuous ami blame to the v (e, its opportunities are boundless. The Press is the guardian of free speech, that first and most important of ail requisite of a true manhood and a real civilization, in all these and in a thousand other ways, Jour nalism is the best field for the best energies of good men. And in the main, the present tendency of the Press, aside from politics, is upward and forward, and light is ahead. No people can bo free without it, and no other agent on .earth is so dreaded by wrong and vice. What wrong doer fears the Pulpit? All wrong doers fear a fearless Press.” The Press Association. The people of Greenwood, where the Mississippi Press Association convenes in annual session on the third Wednesday in May, are mak ing extensive preparations for the event. The Greenwood Enterprise says: As will be observed by reference to Hie proceedings of tbe citizens’ u eet:ng, published in this issue of The Enterprise, our people fully ap preciate the importance of royally entertaining t he members of the Mississippi Stale Press Association, which body will convene in Green wood on Wednesday, May ICtb, in its 29th annual session. Pursuant to a call by Mayor Miller, quite a ) large number of our citizens assern | bled at bis ofllce 1 uesday afternoon | to dieuss ways and means looking to that end. Numerous suggestions were advanced, and all agreed that nothing should, nor would, be left undone in the way of providing for | the entertainment and comfort of our j newspaper friends while the guest of the town. The meeting selected the various committees necessary for such an occasion, and they consist of gentlemen who can be relied upon to discharge their respective duties in a highly satisfactory manner. The En terprise is gratified beyond expres sion to note the very great interest already manifested in tbe meeting of the Press Association by the citizens of our town. It evidences the fact that they appreciate the manifold ad-, vantages and benefits to be derived from the assembling of such an im portant, .body of men in tbe town of PRICE, 5 C I S PER COPY: Greenwood. They nro cognizant of the fact that if the editors are shown due consideration while the guest of Greenwood, that her praises will by sounded throughout the entire oou> try. The people of Greenwood hawo never faltered in the matter of enter prise and genuine hospitality, and in this instance they propose to rati*., er excel all their past efforts. They are fully aware of the euoimity of the task which they have willingly and gladly undertaken, and when the “knights of the quill” leave us, wo confidently believe they will carry with them fond memories of the “Le flore plan” of dispensing hospitality. At present it looks ns if nil of Mississippi’s Congressmen will have strong opposition for renomination in their party conventions, except Mr. Caterings and Money.—Brook liaven Loader. Why certainly not. Mr. Catclilnga will catch his position and Mr. Mon ey with money lias announced in every newspaper of his district. Senator or Justice While, of Loui siana, it is said, received $91,967 in government bounty ns n sugar grow er, last year, and Senator Cnffery |g at the head of a sugar company which received 8115,233 in govern ment bounty. Such is the recoid of the Internal Revenue department Thus their peremptory demands for a tariff on sugar prove to have been dictated by personal interests. It was ever thus. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the best satisfaction of any cough medicine I handle, and as a seller leads all other preparations in in this market. I recommend It be cause it is the best medicine I ever handled for coughs, colds and croup. A. W, Baldridge, Millersville, 111. For sale by T. L. Kvans druggist, Front and Union streets. Guardian’s Sale. jn the Chancery Court of Hancock conn-,, tv, MisinHippi. By virtue of a decree of the Chancery conrt of 1 (uncock county,, made nt the January term, A IK, mil, of said coiiiWbe undersigned guardian of the estate n fTeon Bourgeois, a lunatic, will on Monday, the 2nd day of April! IWM, at the hour of 13 M., at the front door of the court house of Hanno'-k coun ty, in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, expose for salo at public auction to the highest bidder for ensh the follon in.; described real estate ordered folio Hold,of. con Bour geois, to-wit: Situated and being within the corpora to limits of the town of Wave land, in the comity of Hancock, Slate of Mississippi; and described us follows: Beginning at a slako sot on the w est nmr ginof l-'rnnt street and running on a course ll.nil 18 a-to lonn feet four inches; from euoe south 1117 feet to the wcslum mar gin of front street, having a fo.iit mi wild oa ! or street of 0-f 1-2 feet. The second bit, hi-glni ing mi the Kastern Insigin- of the front, road or slroct, and running south IH :; l cast IXi feet to the wafers edgo of the hay of St. Louis, and fron thence south IS u east Ila feet; and from thence on a course northerly Ila feet; and from thence r long iho eastern margin of the Front road or street to the plneo of beginning; said land being n portion of Hus "Leon Bourgeois tract’! of land that was deeded to him by Muxinuliian Bour geois and wife. Bouiiohoib, One uiian. Bay St. Louis Miss., Fob. 21, 1894. L 0 0 K~ WILKINSON’S Mnieliless Snl|,lmrlc Aelil A- Iran Toni, WELL WATJKK. Shelbyvillk, Te sn. For three years my wife’s sister has been very low. Herson-inJaw, a physician, took Hfrr to his house, but could do her no gocM. She was carsied to Washington City, where she could receive the best medical skill from the most eminent physiians. Stayed there six months, hut gradually grew worse. 1 wrote her to come to my house, if she was able, as I believed that your Matchless Mineral Water would cure her. She came here in April. To-day she is sound and well, as she expresses it, from head to foot. Her disease was complicated chronic diarrhoea, diabetes and dyspepsia. She could take no solid food without ex cruciating pain after eating. Now she is eating all kinds of vege tables, even cabbage, or anything she wants. The water saved her life, after all the other remedies failed. The water has made many marvelous cures in this country. Wishing you and your Mineral Water much success, I am Young Wilhoitk. —FOR SALE By — Chas. M. Push, 106 Camp St, New Orleans. Bonham, Tex. I do not gamble, but would bet (500 1 can cure any case of dyspep sia on earth, with your Matchless Water. „ Sam. B. Parmer —FOR SALE BY—- Chtt. i. Faah. 106 Camp Bt, Mow Oil,