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ONCE IN AWHILE. In nwMl the sun shlaaa out Os*. srchlng (Ikies r a perfect Woos .while mM cloud* of doubt felrost sun oomo peeping thromrh. n-Vaih* lend down by the meadows fplr °^{r r e the sweetest blossoms nod and smile: we Isi aside our cross of care *** once in awhile. M m .while within our own fen) the band of a steadfast friend: fZ, In awhile we bear a tone of lore with the heart's own mice to blond. ... Ibe dearest of all our dreams oome true, Tsd on life's way U a golden mile; r.fb Ihlrsiln* Bower Is kissed with dew, * Once In awhile once in awhile In the desert sand WS And a spot of the fairest green: once Is awhile from where wo stand The hills of Paradise are seen. Ands perfect Joy lu our hearts wo hold, A)oy that the world cannot deflle; w, trade earth's dross for the Surest gold, w Onoe la awhile. —Jflion Waterman. In Youth's Companion. ONLY MAGGIE. But She Was the Gom of the f Household. The two words, “only Maggie," were s sort of by-vrord in the Clements fam ily, where the young Indy rejoicing In the baptismal appellation of Margaret waa considered somewhat inferior In all respects to the three elder slaters. Miss Nora Clements was artistic. Miss Georgina Clements was musical, snd her hours were spent executing in trloaclesupon tho piano. Miss Cordelia Clements wss a beauty. Maggie, the youngest, was simply a cheerful, good-tempered, industrious girl, who aimed at no special display of either besuty or talent, but waa quite content to be handmaiden for the others Howard, the only brother, and the eldest of the family, was a physician nd the head of the household, the father snd mother being dead. There was wealth enough to make a pleasant home when the separate incomes were combined, and Howard would have been most unwilling to see his sisters leave him for any but a homo and hus band of their own. “We can all live comfortably to gether." he would say, “but you have not enough to live upon without work if you leave the house we own among us." At first tho two older girls were quite anxious to figure as a great artist and musician, but finally they allowed their brother to have his own way. The youug doctor was very proud of his sisters and their various attractions, and when his warm friend and fellow student, Paul Goddard, appeared to make him a short visit, he lead him from the office into tho house adjoining it, delighted at the prospect of showing off the girls to a city gentleman. A tour of inspection in the drawing room prereded the actual introduction. Thus: "This scene upon the Catskill moun tains was painted by my eldest sister. Paul. We spent tho summer there for * the express purpose of allowing Nora to make sketches. ” “Very fine," murmured Paul, trying his best to admire the mountains. “And the music is Georgina’s. Georgina is Slg. Skwallinni's best pupil.” "A great . talent,” Paul murmured again. "And this,” continued Howard, open ing the photograph album, “is Cor delia." He added no more, and truly the face was sufficiently beautiful to need no comment. Paul spoke cordially: "What a beautiful face! Who Is this opposite your sister. Howard?" 'That is Maggie. She is my young est sister." “And does she paint or sing?" "Oh, no. Maggie has no talent and no beauty. She is a good little thing. But come to your room. . Dinner will be ready at six." ' • "So Maggie is housekeeper," thought Paul, a-s he looked around the tasteful apartment assigned to him. “1 think Miss Maggie certainly has something of her sister’s artistic eye. How ex quisitely those flowers are arranged and how cool and fresh It is here, after a hot, dusty ride." Seeking the drawing-room again, Paul found tho artistic sister contemplating the scene from the back windows with eapt enthusiasm. Mr. Goddard,” she said, advancing to meet him. Paul made the necessary speech of gratification, wondering if it was the brown of the Cat-skill mountains that waa daubed so extensively upon tho wlrtof Miss Nora’s blue dress,and if it was artistic meditation that had made cr pin her collar crooked, and forget er cuffs altogether. She launched at cnee into a bewildering sea of techni calities, and called upon Paul to admire * eels of cloud and shadow, light and fVf. from the back window, tili ho f like a reprieved prisoner upon the entrance of another sister, who was in troduced as “my sister Cordelia." he beauty} was superb. Every curl . It'ossy brown hair was arranged r effect Her creamy complexion was •gbtened by a dress of soft,white n "s in, with tiny green leaves scattered er it, Hhe bowed w ith languid but sat as if actually afraid to * or * ear of disarranging any fold *y %uU,e “ costume. Georgina np , , r , as the bell rang and Georgina P° e but little. It made her hoarse to Mw-ay,, talking. aul waR inwardly resolving to cut cl./cry short, when Howard sun i* , door °* the dining-room * nd introduced: My sister, Maggie." she was not pretty; she was not artis te ,® u " lca li hut she was charming, "u." * ye *’ ’ n hve minutes. Her nerf. .? Ued hfr ff-acefttl little figure *hi(r V 'i ** 6r co *' ar an( f cuffs were cirf, i, * mo °th; her hair was dressed Visit,/ * Dd becomingly; she was ex wmsitely neat gavh! i!5 ri ? sr for her voice * Bhe chatted shout b jleasantly; not being anxious snd fro'T . reM ' 8 * le nooved gracefully Went and having no specialty of the varir, , COU * d balk sensibly about friend startcdl* C * h *'' br ° ther h ‘* WncuMed^T 1 Pleasantly. Paul keeper * Mafr * r ‘ e waa house credit f and nner certainly did her himseH k „ PaB “ and a,va V. nod Paul found Mbc-es ( roanin ? in spirit over the ‘ e rh ~f(' I ( n , enta ’ He had wandered in had eg,,,, 1 "® P'cturesque with Nora, purs :m 1 01 Bloves and hoots in the ■'eisibh. ' vom *crful boughs and inac ;,>oVlna tm°n He had liBtened to be War divlu a!* ears fairly ached, and ffheihe,. n * d * n hts own mind as to •e performer or tho listener deserved the most pity. He had ad mired Cordelia in eeery variety of cos tume, in every effective attitude; had seen her eyes raised, and the Ion? lashes of the drooping lids; and mar veled at the wlyteness of her hands, at the profusion of her curling hair; had considered her a beauty, a weariness, and a burden of spirit But he could find but little time to speak to Maggie. He saw the evidences industry and taste in every de tall of housekeeping; knew whose skill directed the servants, whose fingers filled the flower vases, whoso eyes were everywhere. But the very per fectlon of all these arrangements kept the little woman too busy for many idle moments, and in the evenings the older sisters were ail-engrossing. Two months had passed and instead of June roses early fall fruits and flow ers were abundant at Mossvale when I’aul Goddard passed again through the village and called at Dr. Clements' office. "I am so sorry," said Howard, as he cordially shook his friend by the hand. "All the girls are away. Uncle James invited them to pass a month at the White mountains, and they deserted me." "Then you are alone?” "Oh, not entirely. Maggie stays to keep house for me," "Oh, Miss Maggie is here. Shall I in trude if I stay a day or two, Howard?" "Intrude, Paul! Par from it. 1 am not busy, and Maggie was telling me to-day that time actually hangs heavy upon her hands. Von know she wes always running for the others. So now the little damsel has time to enjoy her self, and we have had some lovely rides and drives. Maggie does ride beauti fully and her horse is very fond of her." It was true that Maggie was finding many leisure hours while her sisters were away, and Paul found that the re tiring, modest girl was one of the pleas antest companions it had ever been his good fortune to meet t 1 1 was an amusement the young physi cian enjoyed to draw out the accom plishments that had been overshadowed by her sisters’ loudly proclaimed talents and attractions. He found that Mag gie could sing, with a sweet bird-like voice, though she never attempted the difficult songs In which Georgina was supposed to excel. She could play sim ple pieces with feeling and expression, and her fingfrs would fairly dance over the keys in livelier music, that required no wonderful talent or elaborate exe cution. And it was wonderful how pretty the child-like face became in Paul God dard's eyes. There was a charm in the constant cheerfulness that kept the rosy month ever smiling and sweet; there was a beauty of expression in the brown eyes that mere form and color can never give; there was an at traction always in the exquisite neat ness of dress that was never stiff and prim, though so carefully arranged. Howard Clements, who loved his friend, and had hoped to secure him as a brother during his former visit, opened his eyes wide in amazement as the days wore away and Paul lin gered in Mossynle. During his first visit Howard had hoped to sec him yield to the fascinations of the elder Misses Clements, and no maneuvering mother ever took more pains than this brother to display the talents and beau ties of his sisters. That anyone would look twice at Maggie when in the com pany of the others had never occurred to Howard. But in the light of Paul’s evident ad miration the brother began to contem plate with different emotions the pos sibility of losing his little sister. He had borne with perfect composure the prospect of parting with the others. It seemed no great hardship, oven when the separation involved the disappear ance of Nora's masterpieces and Georgina's music rack. But to lose Maggie was quite another matter. “Who,” Howard asked himself, in dismay—"who would superintend the servants and keep the house in order? Who would wait with cheerful smiles upon him when the duties of his pro fession obliged him to ask for meals at all sorts of irregular hours?" Visions of Nora in paint-bedaubed dresses, Georgina with frowsy hair and Cordelia in inert beauty presiding over the household filled Howard's brain; and, while ho lamented, he ad mitted that "Paul's head was level" in his apparent choice. Maggie could scarcely believe she heard aright when Paul Goddard pleaded for the gift of her love ami promised all loyalty and devotion if she would come to preside over his home. "But,” she said, "you cannot really love me." "I really can and do,” was the reply. "But I'm so piain and so stupid. Howard said—” She paused and blushed. "Well, what did Howard say?" "Never mind.” "Tell me. That's a darling." ‘‘He said, then, that f was sure to be an old maid, and after the others were all married 1 was to stay here and help him keep up a bachelor’s hall. I really don’t see," she added, earnestly, “how Howard will get along." “He must do as I do.” "How?" "Seek a darling little housekeeper for a wife.” So, to the amazement of all con cerned, the' first Miss Clements who was married was not the artist, not the musician, not the beauty, but only M aggie. - N. Y. News. No Matrimony for Them. It is a remarkable fact that the greater number of most distinguished painters have lived and died free from the thralldom of Hymen. Take, for example, the presidents of the Boyal academy. Sir Joshua Reynolds was a bachelor; Benjamin West, his suc cessor, was a bachelor; so was Sir Thomas Lawrence; so, too, Sir Edwin Landseer, for he, be itremembered, was elected president, and his refusal did not take effect until thirteen days af terward; so, also, Sir Francis Grant, and. as everybody knows. Sir Fred erick Leighton. Maclise. too, who was offered the presidency and a knighthood and refused both, was no more amenable to the idea of mar riage. Then‘Turner, Etty, Sir David Wilkie. Sir William Boxall, Sir W. Gor don and Sir W. C. Ross, all of them re garded matrimony with the same aver sion as Reynolds, who. when he heard of Flaxman’s engagement, exclaimed: "Then he's ruined for an artist. ' The celibacy of Raphael and Miohaol angclo was to him a sacred example, as sacred as it is to the priei||iood, Westminster Gazette. —lt isn't the biggest horn that makes the best music.—Ram’s Horn- HE WAS DISCOURAGED. Thr® Wt* No Chance of HU Injured. A man who seemed thoroughly down on his luck walked into the Valley station the other afternoon and lookqji around curiously. ' ■ After peering into every corner of the place, he strolled over to the ticket window and asked; "Is this here the Lehigh Valley de pot?” J “Yes, sir," answered the ticket agent. "Strike on the road, I hear?" “Yes." "Suppose I can’t get a ticket down to IVilkcsbarrc, can 1?” "Yes." But the trains ain't going to run, are they?” “Oh, yes, they are." “Strike all along the liner’ "Somthing of a strike, yes." Then hotv’re you going to run trains?" The agent raised bis voice. "Now, sec here," he said, "I told you that you could get a train to Wilkosbarrc. Do you want to go?” The man counted out loose change and laid it down on the window ledge. "Guess i will," ho said, lie was given a ticket and walked over and sat down on a bench. Ho ex amined his ticket carefully and shifted around in his seat uneasily, says the Buffalo Express. After ten minutes he went to the window again. "Say,” he said, "that train's likely to run off the track ain't it?” "No," said the agent shortly. "Strikers probably will put rails on the track, or somethin', won't they?" “I should say not." "But I mean they may he some dan ger in ridin’ down there to Wilkes barre; will, won't they?" "Not a bit." "Moro'n likely somethin' will hap pen. though, don’t you think?" "No, 1 don't think. There will be no more danger than on an ordinary occasion, and that is just none at all." The man went over and sat down again He was evidently bothered, for, after another ten-minute wait, he walked over to the window again. "Sure I won't get hurl?" he asked, anxiously. "Now, see here!'' said the ticket agent warmly. "I want you to under stand that there is not the remotest danger of your getting hurt. The trip will bo absolutely safq. You needn't be nervous about it at all." The man walked slowly toward the door. "Just my durn luck,'’ he said, as he passed out. "Here, I’ve gone and pul all my money in a ticket, Glinkin’ the train might be run off the track an’ me get hurt, so's I could get a case for dumagos, an' there's no morn danger than if I was to stay here. I’m a dead Jonah, that's what I am." —N. V. Journal. NOTHING FROM HOWELL. The Hear Old l.arty Who Had No Cause to Worry. There was a motherly-looking old lady sitting in the midst of her bundles at the depot the other day, when a man with a grip aat down beside her and began to read a newspaper. She eyed him pretty sharply for a few minutes and then inquired: "Any great nows in the papers, to day?" "Nothing very extraordinary," he replied. "See anything from Howell?" "Not yet." "I’m from Howell, or party near there. Ilin down hero visitin' my sis ter. Haven't bin hero but two weeks, but it seems a hull year. Gnly got one letter from Joseph, and about all he said in that was that ho took his pen in hand to inform me that he was well, and hoped these few lines would find mo the same, which they did. I'm a little worried. Don’t find any item there about a house or barn burnin’ up near Howell?” “No, ma'am.” "Joseph was breaking a colt when I came away. Don't sec anything about a farmer giltin’ his neck broke or bein’ kicked to death?" “Nothing of the sort, ma'am " “Anything about any one falling down a well or off a haymow?" "No, ma'am." "Joseph is awful reckless, but mobhe he's got through all right. Anything about a mad dog biting anybody, or a gun bustin' and blowin' a man’s head off while he was shootin' at a hawk?” "Nothing whatever. I think you will got home and find everything all right.” “1 hope so, but two weeks is a long time to bo away, and I’m naturally given to worry more or less. I expect the pigs bad pot out of the pen two or three times, and I’sposc the colts have broke out again and Joseph has left the cellar door open every night, but if it's no worse I shall be a thankful woman.” "Here's an item about a farmer run ning away with the hired girl while his wife was absent," said the man as he turned the paper. "Do tell! Wall, that don't skeer me any. I didn't leave no hired girl there, and Joseph is so awful homely that even the sheep dodge him. Much oblceged to you, I expect to find things a little topsy-turvy, but I guess there ain't no call to worry.”- Detroit Free Press. Ho Had III* Reward, it was in a large department store that a gilded youth drifted up to the candy counter. “Do you know,” he said to the pretty young woman in charge, "if I were the proprietor of this establishment, I should dismiss you?" "Why?” she asked indignantly. "In order to give the candy a chance," he answered. And she gave him a pound and a quar ter of seventy-ftve-cent candy for fifty cents. —Detroit Free Press. Medical Item. Doctor— What have you been taking? Patient —I have tried several bottles of "Smith’s Miraculous Liver Encour ager.” Doctor—Yon are going to kill your self taking all kinds of quack medi cines. What do yon suppose we doc tors are for? —Texas Siftings Art It Los|. The Ignorant Husband—What, a hundred and twenty-five dollars for that hat! Why, there’* nothing in it but a two dollar frame, a two dollar feather, and a dollar’s worth of velvet The Intelligent Wife—And a hundred and twenty dollars’ worth of style. - Truth. —Home interprets Heaven. Horae ia Heaven for beginners—Dr. Parkhurat AN AUBUBN MIRACLE. An Act of Heroism Is Followed by Dire Results. Edward Donnelly Baye* a Life Almoet a the Coat of Hie Own-After Teare of Buffering He la Restored to Health —llia Story aa Told to a Report er of the Auburn Bulletin. [Auburn, N Y„ Rulletln.! U la on record that upon a chilly April flay, a few year* ago, an eight-year-old boy fell Into the East river nt the foot of East Eighth street. New York, and when all ef fort* to rescue him had failed, Edward Don nelly, at risk of his own life, plunged into the water and, when himself nearly ex hanslad, saved the boy from drowning, it was a humane and self-sacrificing deed, and received deserved commendation In all the newspapers. There is a sequel to this accident, how ever. which thus far Ims notbeen published It is to the effect that Donnelly was para lyzed aa a result of the cold plungoand came near dying. Auburn people have known the family since hiswlfowas AmandaOrant man and his sister Mrs. K. n. ferry, of 31 Moravia street. Donnelly himself describes the rescue and the result;— "I was general foreman of the V. A. Mnl grew Haw Mills, foot of Eighth street, N. Y, on the East river. It was on the 30th of April, 189, that the boy fell into the river nnd 1 rescued him from drowning. At, that timo I was in the water so long that I was taken with a deathly chill, nnd soon became so stiffened up and weak that I could neither work nor walk For aomo timo T was un der treatment of T)r George McDonald, who said I had locomotor Ataxia Ho finally gave mo up, and on the Ist of Juno, 1893, my wife nnd I came up to Auburn. “When the disease llrsl came upon mo the numbness began in my heels, and soon the whole of botti my feet became affected. There was a cold feeling across ttio small of my back nnd downwards, and a sense of soreness and a tight pressure on the chest. The numbness gradually extended up hoth legs and into the lower part, of my body. I felt that death waa creeping up to my vilala. I waa still Inking the medicine V‘lt was lodide of Potassium,' snld his wife), and waa being rubbed and having plasters put all over my body, hut with no benefit. “I sent to the Clma. H Hngar Company, the popular Auburn druggists and chemists, at 109 and ill Genesee street, and got three boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nnd began taklngthem. In three weeks’ time I was so improved Ihat from being helpless, I was able to help mysell ami to get up and go lo work, nnd to walk every day from No. 74 Walnut street, where I then lived, to Os born # New Twine Factory, Hoymonr anil Cottage streets—more than a mile w here I van (lien employed, but all the while I was taking Pink Pills. “Then Ur. Palchen, of Wisconsin, uncle of ny wife, nnd who was hero on a visit, be gan to poo-hoonl me for taking Pink Pills, and finally persuaded me lo slop taking them and let him treat me. When tie re turned to the West he left a prescription with Dr. Hyatt, of Auburn, who also treated me. But their treatment, did mo no good, and after a while the old trouble returned and 1 wns getting bud again. Then 1 began to take Pink Pills; have taken them ever since, am taking them now; hnvetakonin ail nearly3o boxes at an entire coat, of less Ilian *lO,OO (my other treatment coat me n pile i t money I,and again lam well and able to work. “If I was able, 1 would nt. my own ex pense publish the virtues of or, Williams’ Pink Pills to the whole world and especially in New York City, whore I am much belter known than I am here " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People without doubt mark tho hcginnlngol a morn healthful ora. They were first compounded by an eminent practitioner, and used as a prescription for many years in general practice with almost incredible success. They are now given to the public as an un failing blood builder nnd nerve restorer, curing all forms of weakness arising from a watery condition of tho Wood or shattered nerves, two fruitful causes of almostevery ill that, flesh is heir to. These pills are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to fe males, such ns suppressions, nil forms of weakness, chronic constipation, bearing down pains, etc., and in tho enseof men will give speedy relief and effect a permanent cure in ail cases arising from menial worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. The pills arc sold by all dealers, r r will bo sent post paid on receipt of price (SO cents a box nr six boxes for *—they are never sold In hulk or by Hie UKI) by addressing Dr, Williams' Medicine Cos, Hi hence tody, N. Y, or Brocltvllle, Ontario. lx an Old Church. — Ethel — “How harmo nious the color of everything is " Margaret —“Yes, excepting the sexton. Why doesn't he wear stained glassesl"—P, & 8. 8. 8. Co.'s Bulletin. State of Ohio. Citt of Toi,edo, I LttCAS COUNTY. ( '*• Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is tho senior partner of the firm of F. J.Chenrt (t Cos., doing business In the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay tho sum of one hiinprep pop lars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannotbecuredhythense of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Hworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, thisfitbday of December,A, D. IHbfi. i~'—i A. w. Gleason. I **"'•( Notary I'l'blle. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acta directly on the blood and mucous sur faces nt the system. Bond for testimonials, tree. P. J. Cheney tic Cos, Toledo, O. CfTßold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family rills, 25c. Reason.—“ What is reason?" asked the teacher from Boston, of the smsllest, boy in the class “It's what my daddy never has for lickin’ mo.” was tho confident reply.— Detroit Free Cress. 180 World's Fair Photos for St. These beautiful pictures are now ready for delivery in ton complete parts 15 pictures comprising each part- and the whole set can he secured by the payment of One Dollar, sent to Geo. H. Heafyorp, General Passen ger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt. Pan! Railway, Chicago, ill, and Hie portfolios of pictures will tie sent, free of expense, by mail to subscribers. Remittances should he made by draft, money order, or registered letter. Don’t wait for the wagon while the walk ing ia good. DOINGS OF PEOPLE. William Andrew Conant, known the country over for his skill aa a vio lin-maker, died recently, aged ninety years. lie began making violins in Rrattletioro nearly sixty years ago and Is said to have made over seven hun dred of them. Hans von Hri.ow was exceedingly vain. When fits of vanity would seize him on the stage It was his custom to have the stage hands shift the piano between the numbers so that wit’, each new piece a different profile of his face would be presented. Young King Alexander attende his first ball In Belgrave a few days ago. He was shy, awkward, ungrace ful, and beyond the honor of being chosen as a partner of their king the young girls present derived littlo pleasure from dancing with the monarch. JtTDGE Wiliiot M. Smith, of Long Island, learning that the county board intended to increase his salary from two thousand dollars to twenty-five hundred dollars per annum, appeared before the board the other evening and defeated the proposition by show ing that the present salary is suf ficient. Senator Stanford’s favorite seat, a large and comfortable willow chair standing at a window in tho Stanford mansion, where the senator used to sit and watch the scenes of the atreet and the bay, is kept by bis widow just as he left It, except that across Its ca pacious arms a broad leather strap has been buckled to prevent occupancy. PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. —Baxter, he of the “Salute* Rest. - wee accustomed to imprisnnmeni, so that It ffave him little uneaNinrsa His greatest misery when in Jail was to be deprived of Hlh books. —The duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha finds that technically he cannot give up that ISO,OOO a year from Fngland, although anxious to. There are some very sad things connected with the pro fession of reigning. —United States Senator James Mc- Millan, of Michigan, sent $5,000 recent ly to Detroit for the benefit of the un employed, suggesting that it be used to give work to those who wish and can get no other employment. —Sir Charles Dilke said in a debate In parliament: “The most dangerous illusion any inhabitant of the I’nltcd Kingdom can have is that we area pop ular power. We arc probably the most unpopular of the groat powers.” —Hosca Sprague, of Homer, N. Y., is one hundred years old. He was born in Rrimfleld, Maes., but has lived in Cortland county since 1831. Ho Is very active and is quite a wrestler even now in his old ago. His wife is eighty throe years old. The earl of Lovelace, who died re cently at the advanced ago of eighty eight, was not only the husband of Myron's only child, but ho was a direct descendant of Henry VII. and Lady Catherine Grey. He was an architect, a landscape gardener, and an engineer. —Mme. Fan inti Seiler, a Gorman woman, first discovered the mechanism of head notes, the highest tones of tho female voice. She devoted herself to the study of the larynx at the dissec tion table, and was rewarded by find ing two small cartilages in the vocal chords which produced these sounds. —Roscoe Howard, of Han Diego, <’r.l., has presented to the Smithsonian insti tution a white king eagle from Krua dor, whore it was captured in the Andes, ami said to be the first one of its species ever brought to this country. It is a magnificent looking bird and, although only six months old. weighs nearly fifty pounds and is about three feet six inches in height A young Chinese woman has been trying for some time to get a medical education in San Francisco in order to practice among her own people. For three years she has been supporting herself by nursing In Chinatown, but has now mafic application for admission to some of the hospitals of the city, only to have her application refused because of her race. Seattle Post-In telligencer. Martin Harkus, of Stillwater Minn., is said to le the most absent-minded man in the northwest. Tho other day he forgot an engagement to marry un til three hours after the appointed time, and then he remembered it, but the name of his afibmeed bride wholly escaped his mind. By the aid of the young woman's father and two broth ers and n shotgun his memory was re freshed and a tragedy averted. Mrs. Jennie Atchley, of Beevllie, Bee county, Tex., is tho most extensive breeder of queen bees in the world. She is the mother of eight children, who, with her, do all the work of her large apiary. Sho has between eight hundred and one thousand colonies of iwes, devoted exclusively to queen rearing, and has sold about five thou sand queens this season. She receives orders from all parts of tho globe. -Col. Hampton S. Thomas, of Phila delphia, has Just been awarded a medal of honor under the general act of con gress for gallant services In action at Amelia courthouse, Va., April 5, In this action Col. Thomas, who com manded the First Pennsylvania cavalry, lost his right leg below the knee, He has four other wounds made by shot, shell and saber in different engage ments. I’ncle Sam is sometimes slow, but. bo gets there eventually. Mr. Gladstone has usually been considered Hie father of tho bouse of commons. This is not quite true. Mr. Villiers (ninety-one) is okler, and so is Sir Isaac Holden (eighty-seven). But Mr. Gladstone has been at. Westminster slxty-one years. —Z Yorsan easily fill tho public eye if you duly have the dust.—Texas Siftings. Tms man who Is waiting for his ship to eomo In usually finds It a tug.--Yonkon Statesman. Yks, Minerva, there is a vast difference between fastdnj's and fast nights.—Elmiro Gazette. To kn/ot a warm spring sit, on a hot flab Iron placod on a chair by your wife.—Texas Siftings. Tnr, bright side of a situation is see when ono Is underneath it.—Milwaukee Journal. JtmoE-“I think I havo met you before, haven’t J?” Prisoner—“ J—well—you have tho advantage of me I and.”- Inter Ocean. “You look pale this morning.” “Shouldn’t Sondcr: hnd a staving time last night.’•-* oston Transcript. —i ♦—— - “Once more,” remarked the tailor who hnd weathered the hard times, "do we not* tho survival of tho fittest.”—Washington Btar. Bnj.nros, who Is not an expert with th cue, says’the pool table Is ilkn a woman's dress. It Is so hard to find the pocket,— Boston Transcript. "Tiir hard times makes very little differ encetomo," remarked a limedealer; “my business Is always slack.” Philadelphia Record. "Bor, dear, If my fortune should all melt away would you fovo mo Just the same!” “Yea, yes; I couldn't love you less If I tried." —lnter Ocean. Maoiciam—"Now, I should like to borrow a small coin.” Spectator—“ Here! I’ll give it to you If you’ll stop this poor show.”— Hallo. "No, X HArrs’T the faintest idea of her age." “I thought you had been friends sieve childhood I” “That's Just why I am so uncertain. You see. ten years ago she w as eighteen.”—lnter Ocean. THEBE 18 AIVKR for the young girl Just entering womanhood. She Is especially sensitive, and many nerv ous troubles, whieh continue through life, have their origin at this period. If there tie pain, headache, and nervous disturbances, or Irregularity of monthly functions Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription should be Judiciously employed. In catarrhal inflammation, in chronic dis orders and diseases common to women piERCE <6sr CURE R TBS MSSIV IN UTIMID. §Miss Mamie Ritrr. of Kreretl, Bedford Cos.. Penna., writes; "When I was fourteen years old I took a bad cold and there resulted In ternal troubles. I was a great sufferer for tour year*. 1 had tried two Physicians hut neither ijsvo me Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription I can't say enough for It. It cured me so I havo no u ,„ more palna I in now ! nineteen rears of age-" |J 'T'HR U. S. (lovern merit Chemists have la ■ reported, after an examination of the H different brands, that the ROYAL Bak- ||| % ing Powder is absolutely pure, greatest? Sp In strength, and superior to ail others. M , WVAL POWtHW COMPANY* KM WALL AT, NEW- VOW*. . . - -ft* ■' ‘'* T * - •, tj? ■y etSjsRMvJ - "Rtovo polish I Certainly, whatklnrl rto you want, little girl I" Juv onilo Customer (nonphisisi for a moment) “I ts hoard rnamms any elliow grease wu thn only thing that would put a good shine on n stove. Got any?” MabbWDo you not think Mr. Do Little ntnsnof small caliber;'’ (irace “Perhaps so, but I'm sum of one thing: he’s a big boro,’’—Brooklyn Life. Six Tons of Hoy Per Acre. |r| That, is seldom reached, hut when Halzer’s Extra Grass Mixtures are sown this is possible Over Hfty hindsof grass and clover sorts. Largest grow ers of farm seeds in the world. Alsike Clover is the hardiest; Crimson Clover Is the quickest growing; Alfalfa Clover la tho best fertilizing clover, while Sal/.er’s Extra Grass Mixtures make tho best meadows in tho world. If you win, err this opt anurkxti it with Ho postage to the .Tohn A. Salzer Seed Cos., La Crosse, Win., you will re ceive eleven packages grass and clover sorts and his mammoth farm seed enta logue: full of good things for the farm er, tho gardener and the citizen. fa) JOBHKT I’IFNTv ’ Say. Jimmy, does pie hurt anybody? My aunt says it does.” .Jimmy Scant “Couldn’t tell ver. Johnny I never had no chance ter ’sperfmont.” Did Vnn ken Ilf Of course wo mean the World’s Fair. Whether you did or not you want to pre serve a souvenir of tho most beautiful scene this earth has witnessed. The Michigan Central. "The Niagara Falls Route,” is issuing tho finest and most coin plete World’s Fair Portfolio, each containing reproductions of sixteen splendid photo graphs of largo size Tho series will con sist of sixteen parts, followed by a special part devoted to Niagara Falls, Mackinac Island and other gems of American acoaory. and will bo sent to any address on receipt of ten cents per part Address Frank J, Bramhai Advertising Agent, Michigan Central, 402 Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. “Wnr was fljones fired’” “He got tko Idea Into his head that lie was one of tho big guns."- Philadelphia Record. What Shaking A poor fellow gets when chills and fever seizes him in its tenacious clutch! Why don’t every one protect himself against It with Hosfcttey’s Stomach Hitters, tho great anti-periodic? That, specific uproots every trace of malaria from tho system. It Is equally efficacious, too, for rheumatism, kid ney trouble, dyspepsia, constipation, bilious ness and nervous trouble. “Fnsn is In an awful fix Ho proposed to me last night, you know, and‘‘You ac cepted him?” Life. An Important DliTeronre. To mnko it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not af fected with any disease, but that the system simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as aeostiveeondition is easily cured by using Hynip of Figs, Manu factured by tho California Fig Hyrnp Cos. Misfoiitpxb is n faithful teacher, but it would never win a piano or a trip abroad In a popular votlngcontest. Washington Host. Hack's Honey of florehonnd nod Tar re lieves whooping cough. Hike’s Toothache Drops Cure in one minute “Where do you float most of your stock, Jinks?” “Among the shallows,” said Jinks. —Harper's Bazar. S nnnn is essential I UUU U JTO HEALTH. 1 0Q ¥ F”\ Vou 000,101 h °P° to ** wel * S ll 1-jl—*V/V/ BLOOD IsTmPURE. ma If tfou are troubled with X BOILS, PIMPLES, ULCERS or SORES your blood lbed. A fewbottleeofS.B. B. will thornuyhlyileanwi the evM.eni.reinoTO all Imparities nod build you up. All manner of blomlnhofl are pi CM pen MU/ My byltmiße. It Is the best blood remedy on earth. Thnarands c flt " nwtMf 'w/1 who bare need it eay ho. IW " Hfl "*y Wood • badly j>oloned iMt year, wblchaot my whole mtem WJJ otitof or'ler-dlncannd. and a constant tonrae of auffcrlna—no app (’•)) tile, no enjoyment of life. Two bottle* brought me right out. Thorn •-A U no Mltor remedy for blood disease*. Sjr *> * ™-dJI JOHN OAVIN. Dayton, Ohio." W fOJ JVratlse on blood and iWn dUecun malltd ftt*. tjPh SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, OA. gt ■l3 BHOIB •r.tlng from the money •ml price n. E\ fry j • no ftubstl ?r* for full ir complete sand gen. v nd for II Catalog*^ •traction* how to or. der by mall. Postage free. You can get the heat bargains of dealere vho pr*h rv.r ahoea. Ely's Cream BalmpS?B wm firm ■QtrVaow *SI catarrhFiS pv7TT r 7rT>7rrr~| Applr lialui Intoonrh nostril, BROS..M Warren SuN.lf, ■UmmII CALESMEft WANTED w. nil! f „ hm1,0... 1, if I "-■ tl* * m.n In Of.r v >.k (Jf.v.tafCtoMfc iinAiu i. ~u "Here is a paragraph which says that tha best way to rook onions is to pdast them,” “That Is wrong Tho best way is to roaal Hie enter.” -Toledo Blade. “ ‘Bruwr’s Brokcmiai. TrocAW- stop an attack of my asthma cough very promptly.” —c. Falch, MiamloiUr, Ohio. 25 a box. The neighbor’s bulldog may teach a man to lead a chased life. Rs sttaa to read advertisement of Plant Heed 00.. an old reliable firm, s — _ i j = oWINE OF CARDUI.:: iffor Female Diseases. j| *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■ > The Orenfest Hedical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY’S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, of ROXBURY, MASS., Mur discovered In one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He lias now In his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from th first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the right quantity Is taken. When the lungs are affected It cause* shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver oi Bowels. This is caused by the ducts be ing stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of dietever necessary, Eaf the best you can get, and enough of It. Dose, one tahlespoonful in water at bed time. Sold by all Druggists. HII ps fi m H*nfl <1 t*. potan AJnlLii JL nKI ohlHln the rholn- Why Notepf # QIET PIaOOHI "W Newcomb Bros., St. Louis, Mo. nrN AMI THIS I’APtK VT*; ium yon Bn fin enthesine iim .UUU T . : tntwcubln form. .tunning Q ft M I UUlv Poun^^Vi^AhVmfJSi ■ nU.a or nion.r rofandoO. Pint hoult* if no SPECIFIC REMEDIES CO., Ltd., KTN AMK THIS Pariß twr 7 WOM. Ivmss&EOEaMm C<>naiiftiTe and people^H who bar* weak lung* or Ailh ■na. should u PlfO'sCur for H Consumption. U he* eHired H I hnnatin'f*. ft ha* noVUtiar* H elone. 11 Is not had tmaSn* It ( m ih boat rough syrup. Sold everywhere. S5. is 11 ■" A N. K . F. 1489 ~ wnr.s WBITIMO TO tvitRTWU> puwi *l.l. Ut l M><* ik. *. 1 U tMg