Newspaper Page Text
Jai €ongt (fduf, t p; wjori.E'tf PAfßit. i/r. i„ m av. ciiAS. o. xoheal'. a|AY 4 MOREAU. Editors 4 Proprixtors. ritcred In the post office at Bay At. Louis as second-class mall matter. City Echoes. —TIIK alnfy foirlyou so. - —Chew Vaughan's Clover Honey. —Dr. Mitchell was a’ 'visitor toTass Cbrisli^BlMm-maity.'''-; < - '>► - —Misye* PtoaVil-P.l' ywwftrt, of iblrl mgton,irte,Ultfng Mrs, jdrivei l , .. —flying trip to New iAtW befe NVedhrsdai night •O vntd t— —Tho4iyg4’#4*aw4 mt the new oilltera elected last Monday took their seats. • IT Mr! Mr Obo. Muller are in New Oilcans, guests of lion, and Mrs. J. Foster. " " 1 _■ ■- • . -Mlss'Moffflfc (irahain, who has been : caching Atf'Poptarville, is here to attend the examination. —Mi. Edgar Bond, one of llandsboro's handsomest, was a welcome visitor to the Bay last Sunday. —Mr. Jane Simon, representing Leon Godebcahi, of sew Orleans, was a visi tor to the Bay yesterday. - The wedding In high life mentioned in these columns recently to soon take place has been indefinitely postponed. —Miss Lottie Cuneo, pretty and grace ful, came over from her Crescent City home Sunday last to spend the week with friends. —The circus to have exhibited Wed nesday, stranded In New Orleans, Many of the little ones were bitterly disap pointed, ••The Promote Band, composed of some ol the best of local talent of our colored population, turned out In full uniform and force last Sunday. —Messrs. John U. Clark and A. O. Osoi n,uh, business men of fearlington, were it the Bay this week on business and vis Hiug fi lends amt relatives. Oar excellent friend Mr. U, B. Belt has rcturnetHu his Chicago home after a most delightful winter spent with his family at "Kenwood” villa. —Mr. and SB*. E. I!. Cbevilley and their lovely daughter, Miss Agnes, arrived from New Orleans Tuesday evening to take up their residence at their Bay Bt. Louis properly. —Prof. Eagan, the efficient principal of our city School, and his able assistants arc training the young for an exhibition to mark tho close; ot Ihe school which lakes place this month. £ Mrs. Passman and little son, after a while with her mother, Mrs. Adams, returned to her New Orleans home 'Sunday. Mr, Passman, who spent Sun day hero, accompanied his wl/c homo. "a - *—Mrs. L. Baron left Thursday niorn ing for New Orleans and expects to re -turn this evening with her charming , daughter, Miss Mamie, who Ims been ! spending some time with relatives and j • and Blends. —The municipal elections of lasi Mon •day Were the Oral to take place under the ‘Hew sy. p in. and the printing of the olff Tlal tick ts tinder new 1 .t ielions were •piloted at Ihe Echo*. job printing de ' phrtracut. Mrs. Adams and daughters gave a very pleasant.parly and dance to a num ber of our society belles and beaux Sat ■ urduy evening. Dainty roferesb upnts and cakes wore served and with good in lisle ft good time wu b lonltzcdg —The hypnotic show given hat night at firemen's Hall last night by Prof, Behymur was a total failure and the few present denounced the affair 11 take and swindle, We arc told this niorulng that the professor skipped owing the rent of the hall and bis board bill, —Mr. and Mrs. N. ,P. Kellogg, of the North, are guests of Mrs, Kellogg's sis ter, Mrs, V B. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Kel logg and Mrs. Bell and Judge aid Mrs. Galvin ile Wolf returned this week from ' ■ ollghtful stay at Tampa, Florida, go Iti of that n|agnlfloicnt;hostclry, “The Tampa," -M vbrikij—Miss Vicky Breath to Mr. W. J. Gallup, Thursday April 6th, 1894 at 5 p. m., at the church of Our Lady ot tho Gulf, Rev. Father Alphonse officiating. Mr. W, K. Kaucior was best man, and 1 ho attendants were Misses Lottie Cunco, Jessie Cnzcuenvo nud Messrs. Charles Breath ami James Breath. Mayor John T. McDonald was a vis itor to Bay St, Louis Tuesday morning, lie Is figuring on the contract for build mg Mr. Aug. Keller’s large brick store, If John gets tho contract the work will be well done. He Is a first-class builder. —Pass Christian News, [We would be pleased to see Mr. McDonald got the con tract. The Senior ot the Echo partook of a magnificent birthday dinner at the home oi Mr. J. Hcltzman last Sunday. It,was the celebration of the birthday of Mr. Hcltzman and bis little son, and quite a pleasant party of distinguished citizens was present. The affair was Informal, but was very pleasant in every detail. Ihe dinner was Indeed magnificent; everything that could please the palate being found ou the table aod the party did justice to It. Drinkables were also numerous, In fact kr. Hcltzman left ucomplete. About 3:80 o’clock tho par > broke up and as Col. Seal remarked, we would be pleased to have just such birthdays come around twice a week or oftener. May My. Hcltzman and his son 'mye many more such happy birthdays Is he ardent wish of Tub Echo. Monday's Elections, The municipal elections (or tbe cjtjr of Bay St. Louis passed off very quietly last Monday without no surprising .re sult. The old saying, “Itls the unex peeled that always happens” did hot prove Itself ou this octaslou. the peo- 1 ply were posHJvc of the Democratic ticket 6ejhg voted straight qpt n'nd so snunch. were their belief that tho nominees did not deem It necessary to maze much oI an effort. The names cl the fopuiite candidates were scarcely .regarded by the Voters as evidenced by the insigulflcant small number of votes polled in tbelr fa vor. Tins Echo ijever look much stock in this so-called People's party business, but neyettbclef s it made great efforts fof [Democratic stipces* and did so from the* point that strange things do sometime happen afftfCesides it was bur duty as an joutspoken Ilfcmocratlc •new'spnper with IBvet that interest of the : people at .heart. ,11V the llfra and conspicuous stand Tint •Echo assumed in local, politics it Jias caused it to lose a few of its friends)?) and’made ft small number of enemies, but slightly effectual la this for wo know, our work well done and. being victorious we are bound to feci proud because it was fully in.keeping with the best element of the city, a certain few have subjected Ibis journal to harsh cil tlclsm, but Jil Mhcy were aware that we knew them all and well and how lightly we consider them and if they were for a short indment given brains in the place where they now carry soap suds to realize the dignity and power of the press they would fall far from feeling well. The citizens stood faithfully by the nominees and words cannot express the high re gard and bstecin this journal holds for them. They were men of word and could not honorably vote at thp primary and do the reverse act Inst Monday. All praise to such men and may they long live and prosper to benefit Bay St. Louis. The ticket elected Is n splendid represen tative of true men of our city ami we can safely say that the new chief magistrate, Mr. A. G. fieri, will prove himself a model officer in every sense of the word. The following ate the results of Mon day’s elections, viz: For Mayor—A. U. fieri Bh, Geo. Arbo ■l2, w For Treasurer- 11. C, Euginan 08, N. Huger 21. For Secretary—lt. Mendcs (no oppo nent) 104. For Tax Collector—J. B. loorlOC, Gas ton Qardeblcd 17. For Marshal— G. W. Maynard (no op ponent) 117. For Alderman—Ward 1, L. 11, Von Gohrcu 1)4 j Ward 2, .1, O. Fay aid, 0(1, J, L- Norris, 26; Ward 8, f. Itamond, 06, E. Ladner, 27; Ward 4, F. 11. Egglofl 106. I'nbllc School Medals. The subscription list for funds to pur chase the medals for the city school hug been closed and Mis, Gragnon, whoso kindly solicited the donations, hus handed us the following true ana complete list: Eddie Saucier '••.ill 00 Etnlie Kaysrd "i oo A. (j. i 1er1.... •• • • •••••••, ••,,,, ] qq Louis Hpotorno j A. O. Mnginnls , no T. L. Evans ” i nf Aug, Keller j 0() Cash j v, Octave Fuyard inn Mrs. Af. I*. Soule. 2 00 Airs, C. Spoil, Jr 1 0 o Mrs. Telhalrd. ] qq 5 ,r . 9 ;' u / (j ration 1 00 J. V. Toulmo t 00 ( ..ash ;• 6Q 11. L. Pledger 25 Dr. Turner 26 Mrs. Baron ’ jq! John Olsonnch.... 50 Cash " gg Mrs. Muller 50 Mi's. Wauibgans 26 Jos Vouau 25 Mrs. C. Gardebled 25 Mrs. G. A. Levy 2b Total $m 26 Prof-, .J. T. Eagau donated, two gold medals valued at *O.OO apiece. The mmey collected by Mrs. Oingnon was turned over to Prof. Eagau Wednes day morning as the fqllomlng copy of the receipt will show: Hcc.elycd of Mrs. A, U. Gngnon nine teen dollars and twenty-five cents, money collected for the purpose of purchasing medals to be given to descrying pupils of the public school. J. T. Eacun, I.eolnre by Key. W. T. Dlnek, The editor of the New Orleans Chris tian Advocate, Rev. W. C. Black, D. D., will give a lecture at the Court House, April 18th, for the benefit of the Metho dist Church. Ills subject will be ‘■Gene sis anl Geology," It will not only be interesting but very Instructing and In such language that oven the children will appreciate It* It will be illustrated with stejcoplicon views which will vividly Impress the truth. Dr. Black Is one of the ablest lecturers and most pop ular platform orators of the South. When Senator Walthall was approached fora lecture here, he suggested Dr. Black and said: “\ more popular, a more instruc tive lecturer you will not obtain. His sermon upon the Immortality of the soul, delivered by request before the Missis sippi Legislature, was a most masterly nroducllon. High commendation from Senator Walthall. The price of admis sion Is but 25 cents. Let all attend. - The feast of st. Joseph was cele brated Tuesday by the Academy of St. Joseph. Mass was conducted In the morning by Rev. Father Alphonse and the St. Ccclie cbolr furnished the bcauti ful singing. Misses Mane Burguterre, Blanche Avory and Maggie Fitzpatrick sang with much force of expression and devotion. After mass a delightful ride was given to the historical Jacksou house where the day spent in plcnleliig and a most enjoyable time had by all. —Mr. A. G. Fieri, our new mayor, has a very forcible and candid article In this Issue of Tin: Echo. Ho explains a vast amount In a comparatively short space and it ts the duty of every taxpayer to give it a close perusal, —Chew Vaughan’s Clover Honey. £, OS J' A King’s Daughters silver cross with "1886 inscribed. Finder will kind ly return to this office. To (he Taxpayer* and Citterns of Say | Ml. I.outs The election being over, the time is ripe for the taxpayers of Bay St. Louis to hear from me aa to my pilots) course for the future, 1 would have addressed the i geopfe before, ihcre' aro ijew”— . yes, thinks be to the Lord, f ‘a very few,” —,Jvlio uro always ou the “qui five," 51 yr ready to distort everything and any filing I say or do and in that event this address would have been scattered to the four winds, as a psliticnl-sohemo to entrap the unwary and secure their votes. Now that fho’WlYnts have h(?cn count ed and I have no./‘ax to grind,” lean (jive my views and safely anticipate that they will he received in the saim -pirit us they aio given. My official course will be one without feasor a desire to please any particular Individual, ami as I have no punishments, jin store for my enemies I can safely promise, that “Dealing Justice to All” will bo my motto, Not forgetting that when it is practicable, with considera iion for tho rights of all, “(ho spoils will •bo for the vici-ors” should a purples aceu miilato it will be •honestly distributed among tho masses, and if the honesty and frankness of such a course liicribs rtud' docs receive the approval of our good clement my reward will be sufficient. I will always hear in mind that I am a public servant in charge of a public trust, willing to make such improvements calculated to advance tho intends of our city, so long as I can 'maintain tho linnn cial credit our mnnieipnlity. From such of tho officers who will come under ray immediate supervision I will exact a conscientious discharge of their duties, and from those who are to direct (he expenditure of the finances I will re quire for every outlay a full return and t 6 such an end I ask taxpayers to report to the proper committee any extrava gance or wrong doing coining to their observation and tho case will he investi gated as soon as practicable thereafter and the guilty dealt with us the law may require. Recognizing fully the good work and intentions of our predecessors, I will carry out ilieir ideas when practicable, and advise tlio payment of theirjust debts. An 1 have already been approached and interviewed as to my intentions regard ipg colored labor upon our public works, it is not out ot place for me to say that 1 will observe tho rule prohibiting it, but claim the privilege of giving my reasons for its^continnaneo. 'lhe colored element has always been and is yet organized politically against tho Democratic party in this city, and as it is customary for the political pio to be distributed strictly within tho limits of the victorious party we will not employ the labor of onr enemies so long as we can secure from among our friends. This rule, however, dees not moan that a cart owned by a Democratic taxpayer, etc., having a colored driver will be discarded and us I am strictly speaking politically on this subject i .would suggest as abet ter plan that cart owners employ onr irlcnds preform Me. J look upon this course ns one means of eventually break ing up any solid organization dangerous to the best interests of tho coiuiuuitics in which they exist, controlling sometimes their destinies by placing dangerous char acters in the various positions of trust. During the canvas prior to tho Demo cratic primary I was made say that I in tended to bo sectarian in the management of onr municipal affairs and I would con sider favorably only tho claims of those who believe as I do. This I brand as lu faupms in the full meaning of tho term and hope that tho intelligence of this community will look upon such Idle rep resentation as tho work ot “saintly sin ners,” and believe me when I assert that I respect every religious belief and recog. nizo that however different in appearance the shrines at which thp masses worship, there is one common object— paying our respects, offering our. love and gratitude and asking for that mercy He is ever ready; to gyaut, to tfroso who acknowledge their iniquities, 1 was also made to say that I was op posed to our public schools. To that charge I answer tliat I wish it were in my power or within my private means to establish one at every street corner, each with aCm | is of efficient educators. In conclusion I beg your indulgence for say ing {that tho charge is too mean and smnjl to need any further comment. I leave the matter in the hands of onr just and generous miiu s to dool with. With due respect, Vour obedient servant, A. G. I 1 !Kill, WitGUM) KCHOES, I’emonnl mill (Jcm-i-al Items from tin. Charming Itesort Clnthereil anil Written by Wurttpeelal Cor reswnnitent. Mr. F.-W. Young and family are over for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, of Now Orleans, wore over Sunday. The family of Mrs. M. Quinn have ar rived for the summer. Mrs. W. L, May was a pleasant visitor in our town on Saturday. Messrs. Paul Conrad, Jr., and Leon Conrad w ere over on Sunday. L. Bourgeois & Bro. are having the holes on St. Joseph street filled at their own expense. Mr. W, W. Gordon lias rented Dr. Q. G. Smith's house and came over on Tues day for the summer season. The following gentlemen were among onrjnany Sunday visitors; Meisrs. Goo. L. Seal's, t has, Weiss, Ed. Farmer, Willis Blake, John Unify, Chas. Helnian and Hobert Holman. Sometime during last week at Wave land depot someone broke into a sack ol coffee for L. Bourgeois & Bro. and took seven pounds out, and fifteen pounds of sugar out of a barrel also five pounds of sausage out of a crate. These gentlemen offer a reward for the arrest, and detec tion of the culprit. Wavoland is a separate school district The report of A. G. Stevenson, superin tendent of schools for Hancock county, highly praises the Wavelaud school under its present management of priuoi pal mid assistant. In Prof. K. C. Bor dage wo have an honorable, respectable, talented and practical teacher of fonr teen yobt* experience and one who in Jiis capacity ha* loft noting un done to bciomp piaster in the educational ■cause. lie U a gentleman of rqn owned character nm|tT Whom several! M H4d cock comity's fairest daughters' hare re ceived their education and are to parting the same to with creditable satis faction to tbo yonth of this county. The quality of Manhood that is in hfrn ns a Atj a slight. molding power that Stumps its impress m the character and das.tjpy ot every pupil. It operates not only in the, sdjQphgpm nnjl oji.tho play ground, hot fnfiowH g'hihlrcn to their Jioiiics, is with -theVtUltlelng vacation and register* ittolflin t licit . future citizens ill the cpmmpuwealth .Mrs, iison, assistance under J’rof., ,I'.. C. Hor duge, is aii ardent wopkef "in the school room and th# fruit of licr work' hits un doubtedly .isou- plucked by the fuseiils *of children uudscdieT*caaf< . —Chew Clover Honey. ,l *’ • *■— .4 , • '.. 1 * ~ • Tjjoae who never read the advertise, incuts in their'heWpsapen mbs more than they pnedurae Jonathan .‘Kebison, of Bo]ah, Worth county, lowa, who bad been troubled with rhi ulliaftsiu lu liis buck, arms and shoulders rend an item in his paper about bow a promii.ei t Gcr mau citizen of Ft. Madison' ‘had been clued. Ho procured- the same •medicine, and to use his own words;' “It cured me right up.” He also says; “A neighbor and bis wife wore, both nick in Led with rlioinU.itism. Their hoy was over to m.v homo and said they were so bad he had to do the cooking, I told him of Cham berlain’s Pain Balm and liow it had cured me, lie gut a bottle and it cured them up in a week. BO eefft bottles lor sale by ’l. L. Evans, druggist, Front and Union streets. —Chew Vaughan’s Clover Honey. —Tne Weulcyan Aid Society met last Thursday afternoon at Mrs, Driver’s resi dence. After music by Miss Nannie Gra ham the scriptural lesson Was read by Mrs. Grimes. The sei retrry thou read the minutes of the lust meeting anil also the constitution and oy-laws of the so ciety. Xlio lollowi ig officers were elect ed: Mrs. Grimes, president; Mrs. Bowers, vice-president; Mrs. Driver, secretary; Miss Nina Grimes, treasurer. After serv ing delicious refreshments tile duxolugy w as sung and the meeting adjourned. —Chew VaughanS Clover Honey, —Maj. Geo. M, Govan. onr genial Sec retary ol Slate and a prominent candidate lor Congress from this district, was cir culating in the Buy yesterday. Majoi Uoyau is well known in the district us a learned gentleman and a statesman ol great ability. He Is making a great race lor the nomination. Should the people of the district see fit to select Major Govau their interests will lie carefully looked after. Our better halves say they would not keep house withont!LU.ajiberlain’s Cougli Remedy. It is used in more than half the homes in Leeds. Bims Bum;., Leeds, lowa. This shows the esteem in which this remedy is hold in a town where it lias been sold for years ami is well known. Mothers have learned ihat there is nothing so good for colds, cibnp and whooping cough, that it cures these ail ments quickly aid permanoiialy, and that it is pleasant and sale for children to take. Jes and 00 rent bottles lyr sale bjr T. L. Evans, druggist, Fiont and Union streets. USB THE BEST j| Paints H aa Leads MSHurscTusto By ST. LOUI S, MO. Established iß;a. FOR SALE BY JOSEPH COMPEL, '^•'^Headquarters H.vdware and builder*’ miterials mid nguit Mr c lohratod Charter Oak ami Mouitorjjti yes. BAY ST. LOUIS, MIBB. 4-xEQ-u7uJ====l2. 1. e., four weeks by our method of toacb in: book-keeping is equal to Twelve Weeks by Hie eld style. Positions garun tecd under certain conditions. Best pat ronized Business College in the .South. 500 students in attendance the past year, Eleven teachers. Nashville is the cducii tionul center of the South. Cheap board. No vacation. Enter any time. Home study. We have recently prepared books on book keeping. SUortliiidd and pen manship especially adaptable to home study. Nothing like tbyni overissued bo fore, bent on (id dabs' trial. Our free illustrated Wk-pago oattOngue will explain all. Send for it now. DRAUGHTIN'B PRACTICAL BUSINEBB COLLEGE isn HCHCOL OFSIIOimiAND ad TELE GRAPHY. Nashville, Team N. H.—We pay SCcafli for all vacancies as book keepers, st.euographers, teachers etc., reported to us, providing we 111! tbo the game. Mch 24 To Public School Teachers. The spring examination of the public school teacher*of Hancock county will he held at the court house in Bay St.Lonis, Miss., on Friday and Saturday, April Gth and 7th, for white teachers, and Friday and Saturday, April 13th ad 14th forcof ored tpucliers Examination*will beheld at Nicbeleom on Friday and Saturday, April 09tli and'Jlst for white teachers, and Friday and Saturday, April 27thml 28lli, ror colored teachers, Examinations will commence at 8 o’clock It. m., ouch day. A. o..Bt*vkn*i)M. oupt. Public Education fur Hancock co. ~— ■ ■ '■!■ ll THE I'ANCOCK COUNTY——I • r-AOSTOACT OEITIC K JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, Attorney and Font, setter at Law, No, 9 Main Street. Also buys, sells and rent* real estate Terms reasonable DIRECTORY. ~ BAYBT. LOUIS FARMERS’ ALLIANCE. 1486, meets every Urst Saturday of each month at Dayon Philip schoolhoiiao. H. Luxiob, president, Siuuuol vonDrozkow sky, secretarx. PROFESSIONAL, CARDS. pRAZs'K DABNEY, Attorney at Law, # ——, V * w I * - •• , ? OFi'iCE —t>D Froilt near Mail* streets.' BAY ST. JLOUIS, MISS. II C. SEAL, & ’ Attorney at Law. Practices In all sea Coast counties, Ojctfcic: Union near -Hancock streets BAY ST 1 . LOUIS, MISS ■ ; : . §EAL-. v* ‘ |Cuiisellor & Aliy at *Law MISSISSIPPI CITY; MISS.' Vyill practice ,4a ~aU CtnlflS, in Bgii‘ ■Coastcobniics. Including Fedctal Court, also ip Supreme court at Jackson, Miss. demvtist! W. E. WALKER, D. P. S., Bay St I.oiiis Office; Front wear ■Union streets. Honrs: ally Bto 9;30 a. in. Thursdays Bft m. to 5;80 |c. m. ' ‘ . . Pass,Christian Office; Wlttmmi Buijd ,ing, opposite .Mexican Oijlf Hotel, Hours;, 10 a. m. to 530 p. in., daily except' • Thursdays. DR. R. J. TURNER/ Physician# Surgeon, Office: Next to Post Office. BAY ST. LOUJB MISS' Office Horns—From 8 to 10 a, m. ami oto3p. m. Office hours at de Mon tluzlii’s Pharmacy—From 1 tot p m DR L H von GOHRhN. (Formerly Clinical Assistant, University Strasslmrg, Alsace-Lorraine., Phvsiclan, Surgeon and Accoucheur.. Eye, Ear, Throat & Nose. BAY ST. LOUIS, MISS. Office —Front Street, opposite Post Office. Honrs—lo A. M. to 12 M. Free consultation for indigent patients at residon-e on Tuesday* <*ml Saturdays from 7 to 9 A. M. GULF COAST MARKET KEEPS CONSTANTLY CHOICE BEEF, FEU, rati AND MUTTON- Orders taken every evening at custom ers’ residences. Marketing delivered at residence. Meat'to be hud at all hours oftho day. Begining from and after Tuesday, (ho SOth-of March, 1891, ouch and every purchaser at the Gulf Coast Market, head of Main Street, will receive a ticket ns a. receipt for every 5 cents of meat purchased. Upon presentation ol 500 of these receipt ticker.s the hold er will entitled to $0.5 ( in cash money or.for 1000 tickets $5.00 in cash. Geo., Gnlf Coast, Market. HEAD OF MAIN STREET. BAY ST. LOUIS. MISS. Railßoad Exchange, Fine Wines Liquors Cigars and Tobacco Ice cold beer constantly on hand. Bay St. Louie, Miss. THE iMILEs; Are; No lipid talking, no profanity, no indecent expressions will be allowed, any ime drunk and violating decency will not lie permitted to remain in the house. The rules are quite rigidly enforced and I In* penalty lor neglect is summarily in dieted. James Gilmore Fayahd, Proprietor. mnmmwmwmmmwmmt After The Hall, After The Storm, After The Fire, Will be let at Ml at Mnuierl’s. W. H. YENNI. UUUUUUUI..IU4 iUKUHtu ,u L. A. doMONTLUZIN Uhoiulst and Pharmacist, in DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY TOl LET ARTICLES, ETC., SPECTACLES. CANDIES. Cigars and Tobacco, Soda and Mineral Waters- Front near Main Streets, Bay St. Louis, Miss. PRESCRIPTIONS.A SPECIALTY It will he an agreeable aiirnrise tr, eoUc'to N l "i U i < ’ Cl *, t " llt,nokH of btlious !L,| a nd . n l that r °ropt relief may p h ' ; * ], y Chamberlain’s Colk- Cholera and Diorrhooa Remedy In taminstenM the attack may be pro. Vented by taking) this remedy ns soon ns tile llrst y my lotus of the disease an pear, 25 snilw cent bottles for sale l, v ’ ,lruit ’ Fro t '>'>*l Union jiFIABDLES REGULATE THE J | STOMACH,LIVERandBQWELS J 1 ANO PURIFY THE BLOOD. \ I ; | t “gSS SslSttaf , "y £ • ? #fcuta * a * •ru„uo, u „„ t J the Welcome store* |r — mb. a COMPtETC LINE nr X '** Drj Goods, Goods, Mlons, flats \C4*B, BdOZffsSHOES, GENTH’ FURXISJUaG GOOD* . ;• • JiEJnt'Winns' A (HiumEVN cutbku. t tiAdlea’ Underwear, Childreu’s and Mlwes’Boady Made lh Millinery, Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, House Furnishing!' Matting, Rugs, Window Shrdea and Cornices g ° o<l4> Patronage o( all solicited. UeapmfuM^ Q A. I,EVY. Cor. Front and Malp su'*! Agent far Wanamaker & Brown’srCelebrated Ctottiina. , HEADQUARTERS FOR Bay St. Louisldtel and Cottage: :c>3?o- rrmg Tl/e commqtllops hotel is delightfully situated on the verge of flip PV ;„ corutot Kfont nud Ifiiion'atrflels, and afTo/ds tlie most comfortable ilimurpassod table.'<Jp*J-thhyear round, with excellent accoinmodntiom. Lf •f"" and trjyiaioot hoarders Board by the day, week or trionth * further particulars apply to. rot • MRS. A. ALLEN, Proprietress. . ' . ' ■ Bav *t. Louis, Miss, CAUTION.—if n deal** 6ffmr§ W. L. Dan glut Shops nt a rPdutwd price, ar §uy h itiii them without name • lamped on bottom, put him down aa a fraud. W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE THE*" WORLD. W. L. DOUGLAS Shoe* nre stylish, easy fit ting, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad vertised than any other make. Tty one pair ajid he convinced. The stamping of w. L. Douglas* name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually t j those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line cf goods. They ran afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by buying all your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address. W. Li DOUGLAS, Urockton, Mass. Sold hf G. Planchet. yOU CANNOT KEEP POSTED On What Is Happening Ip This Busy World UNLESS YOU BUY AKB HEAR The TIMES-DEMOCRAT Its incomparable telegraphic news service r iriterestiug local matter, time ly and vigorous editorials, full and ac curate foreign intelligence and general make-up place it at the head of South ern newspapers. Its large and rapidly increasing cir culation renders the advertising col ums of THE TIMES-DEMOCKAT More Valuable Than Those of Any Other Daily in the South. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT I . ADVERTISE IN IT I IX WIU. PROVE AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT ■ A BAIL K, SUN/}A K. WF.EKL K, lt‘ ptr Year, tl.oo per Year, ti ooptr Yiar. ' |9O dollars . V PER MONTH On Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capi tal, during your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand ily, Without experience. Talking un necessary. Nothing like It for money xklng ever offered before. On r workers . .ways prosper. No time wasted in earning the business, We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first . hour. Toy can make a trial without es pouse to yourself. Wo start you, (hrnlsh everything needed to carry on the busi ncss successfully and guarantee yon against failure lr you but follow our simple, plain Instructions. Render, If you are in need of ready money, and , want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a docu. incut giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. sad Trtd.-M.rks obtained, and all Pat- 1 ! “{ b “ sin ** 5 conducted (or Moderate net JOU" Office ic Opposite O. S. Patent Office' in u,Be : B u,J *c,np' due till patent is secured. ;! i*r. “pow • Obtain Patents," with Address U ’ ’ “ counU, “ • SNOW&CO. tent Office, Washington, D. C. GASTON G. GARDEBLED, Contractor —and- , u Bulldor a aas? KaU® Mi, ardeblCd ’ S drog Btore a&r Honsst OeauNa " 8 0. L °" V A -*‘™ Writ* u* and you vnU tape money. E. W. MORRILL, * lusrance Agency FOB THE MIMMIMNIPPI ( oAr, BILOXI, MIBS. I Representing the strongest and mo.b liberal companies in the world - Liverpool & London ft Globe Insurance „"A ■•••of England. ,m >ya i C ?.' Liverpool, Eng Phoenix Ins Cos Brooklyn N y Phconix Assurance Cos London. Kng Hartford Fire Ins Ca.,..Hartford, Conn Mecbanlcg’ & Traders’ Ins Cos. N. 0 bn United Udderwrltora Ins Co..Atlanta, o ft ' N O Ins Association, New Orleans' St. Ptiol German Ins Cos., St. Paul, Minn' Losses are paid cash without discount and without waiting the usual 60 davs. I 1 Send awny your Job i ; I “ printing away from ; t-A ‘ I home when ; ; I H ;tSe:-:ECHO ' 99069600; 6co I I ;t— ’ can <lo it for you as well [ ; ; ’ lll| d n cheap. We do -■- I Jiriutingjn all possilile ; I town. Give us a trial 1 ; ; I and-be convinced. Price -~ ’ list sent free of charge 1 i i ' —* on application. I~ " I i MAY Pt MOREAU, i li ! r.:z PropriGlora, rI U „ _ MOBILE Sash andßlind^ FACTO RY MANVFAt C RKHS OK DOORS SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, And dealers in Builders’ Hardware, Window Olm Putty and Pure Mixed Paints. F. C. Turner& Cos., Corner St. Anthony and Water Streets. MOBILE. ALA. i&i SES?QM%ATtMTB, COPYRIOHTS, etoJ For Informal ton and free Hendbook write to MUNN It CO., sa BHOAPWAT, New Vutia. Oldest tmreau for securiuv patent. In AnieneA* areM' Patent token out by tie ts broognt tietot* i puollo by a nottae given froo of cbnrgo in toe , Largest drrnilfttton of any sciontlflo paper In the vrorUL Bplondldly lllustrateth No MplHcw roan should be without It. WeeWyjiM.OO * jrearj |L6oslz months. Address MI NN A 00* ruwjsuEHß. 361 Broadway. New York MYSTERIES I The Nervous System the Seat of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Discoveries. No mystery has over compared with thatof human life. It has been the leading •u"*™ of professional research and study man But notwithstanding UtU fact It buvJtK® ll^ that the se* /U r f > v ■fxrvS. of Hfo l9loc * r ///A i V tvdl" flTs xIW A\l~* At per part of the /ftj<A\PriA A UtG \ Splnalcorti. / 1 near tho bass of the bf •■> l^rTj/ and M wn.l - \ / portion Of tM (ca) "■-\Sv / nervous OJ JL \ / t® m that iwj \ r / the prick of % / \ll neeulo wH { I I I cause InsUC* Roront discoveries hnva demomtrated dt| all tho organa of tho body are under tno trol of tho nerve centers, located Ip* tho base of the brain, and that deranged tho organs which i* nerveflnld are also doranuod. When paralyzed portion. It will be understood w the ucranKemonl of- thomervo >" • cause the emrangement oft.ho varlout or* which they supply with nerve forte. . . Two-thirds of cbronlo diseases aw the Imperfect action of tho nerve content the base of tho brain, not frero a went primarily originating In the mg"" (B self. The groat mistake of phy s dr l “ r “ tM treating these diseases Is that re’' y „!l ihicti organ rather than the nerve centers *■* clallst,lms profoundly studied thi ssubjeev^, treatment are wrong. AU “Osnscu ness, dullness, confusion, pressure. " gt mania, melancholy. n . Vitus dance, ole., are WJTJSJfidiSScessOf Ind.. on receipt of price, fl p r . u mouiat •