OCR Interpretation

The Brookhaven leader. [volume] (Brookhaven, Miss.) 1883-1891, March 29, 1883, Image 3

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86074058/1883-03-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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ght groohlm eit lge«dn.
f*rro&hovm* iW/m.,
ll O M K NEWS.
me following persons are aathoriied to act as
agents for Tit* I.kauxk. and receive and receipt
for tab*. Options, etc.
8. P. MnRea,.iLajSTKSS!'
.t. K. 1'enn .'.."jJJ'rKiver'
ft. K. Robertson.• '",r "'Tpk
Mine 8alite Robertson,. .81 vi r l rtek.
8. F. Magee and W. 1>. Larkin,. .Agents at I-srge.
As soon a- we can secure the appointment of
suitable persons, we will have agents at all other
rovtofllees In this section.
CATHOLIC CHURCH.— Mas* St 7:30 A. M.
8olrmu High Msm at I0:«0A. M., tile fir rt and
third Sundays of each month. Kvch.ng service
ivespers) at »:»0 P. U. Kegalar -Maas every
mormng at 8 o'clock- Rev Fattier B. U. Bek
kers, Prteat.
METHODIST CHURCH.—Preaching every Suo
day at ll A. M., and 7:30 P. M. Pra'er meeting
every Wednesday evening K 7 ;30. Rev. Jno. U
11*. Pastor. . . . . ,,
nun,lay-School every Sunday morning at 9:33.
BAPTIST CHURCH.—Preaching the first Sun
day of every month at 11 A. M., and i :30 1. M.
Rev. J. It. Farlah, Paator. .
Sunday-School every Sunday morning at9:33
PRESBYTERIAN dll'SI II.—Preaching the
third Sunday of every month at 11 A. M., uinl 7:30
y>. m. ht v. W. b. Bingham Pastor.
sunday-Bchool everj otimlay morning attest).
Vaccinate now!
Subscribe for Till: I.kadkr.
‘•The weather has rather assumed »
change to be cool.”
The St. Marco Hotel is one of the best, in
Mississippi. Try it.
The protracted cool weather has given
the gardens a serious back-set.
Read the church directory, and keep
posted al»out religions service*.
A few spring chickens have been bronglit
in, but they were still iu the shell.
The Board of Supervisors hold a regular
meeting at the Court House next Monday.
The rain and wind combined made last
Sat inlay one of the most disagreeable days
of the season.
There are twenty-seven saw mills in Lin
coln county; iu other words, the county is
doing a lumbering business.
Last Saturday Slierilf Mikell paid $.'>.00
for a box of last year's almanacs. He did
it at Tom Perkins’ express sale.
Our friends would confer a favor by giv
ing us names of persons visiting or leaving
here. We want to keep np the personal
As we go to press, Mr. Tlios. Cuming,
Sr., an aged and beloved citizen of this
place, is extremely ill and his recovery
almost despaired of.
Rev. J. A. B. Jones, Presiding Elder,
will hold quarterly meeting at the Metho
dist ehnroh in this place next Saturday
and Sunday. A full attendance is desired,
especially of the members.
The Easter services at the Catholic
church last Sunday were solemn and imer
est iug. Father Bekkers, considering .his
short residence iu this country, speaks
English with rouiarkable fluency.
Quite a number of the solid farmers of
Lawrence, Lincoln and Franklin have
been in town within the past week. They
report farm work progressing well, but the
cohl weather keeps back vegetation.
By refereuee to the proceedings of the
Teacher's Convention held here last Sat
urday, it will be seen that a grammar, of
which Dr. H. F. Johnson is the author,lias
been adopted as a county text book. It is
said to l»e a work of rare merit.
Mr. L. C. Matthews has been awarded
the sub-contract for carrying the mails
from Brookliavcn to Meadville and all in
termediate points. It has fallen into good
hands, and our friends along the route may
now rest assured of receiving their mails
Killer J. R. Farisli, of this place has just
received au urgent invitation, signed by
several citizens of Magnolia, to go down
and deliver a temperance lecture in that
town at an early day. He says he will en
deavor to respond. He is a whole team
on that subject, and has done the temper
ance cause an immense amount of good in
the past.
We must not fail to mention again and
recommend to the public Mr. Day, the
photographer at this place. We believe
he will give satisfaction in every branch
of his business; but particularly in that
which embraces the difficult art of taking
infants’ pictures. He cannot be excelled
in this class of work, as we have occasion
to know. Call early, and if you take the
“Baby,” you will be all tho more delight
ed with the result of your visit.
We notice that small-pox is in Hinds,
Rankin,Pike, Holmes and other sections of
Mississippi, and tho Times-Dcniocrat is
authority for saying that it ia in all the
districts of New Orleans and on the in
crease. In view of this situation of things
we hope those having in hand the sanitary
condition of Brookhavcu will at once take
steps as to insure the city against such a
loathsome contagion. We do not write
this for the purpose of creating any un
necessary alarm, but because there seems
ample ground for such precautions.
We learn that there are a lot of loafing
rnust-abouts who hang about the depot
platform every uight, and when the pas
senger trains stop here, jump on the cars
anil run through them, picking up all the
stray hats, valises, etc., which they can
grab with impunity, and then making off
with their booty. We have been request
ed to give these parties—-whether they be
white or black—fair warning, as somebody
will get into serious trouble if the practice
is longer continued. It would be well for
those who have no business ou the trains
to keep off of them, any way, and then
they will be out of the way of those who
do have business, and not lay themaelvee
liable to suspicion.
Among tho uncalled for express packa
ges sold here last Saturday was one which
bad been forwarded from Canton and
I which was originally addressed to Emmett
L. Corn, of that place. It was Uiught by
Mr. R. D. Patrick for H5 rents, ami on ita
being opened he found it to eontain a com
plete outfit for the organization of a lodge
of the Knights of the Golden linle, em
bracing Mb suits of regalia, a hue sword,
ni.ixke, gavel, ballot-box, roll-book, con
stitution, by-laws, etc.—the whole worth
aUmt $76 <* f 100. Mr. P. baa written to
the headquarters of the Order statiitg the
e uiteT.tr of the package aud how it came
into hU poaeasion, and he will no doubt
soon receive «u order for its retnrn, and a
handsome profit on bis investment.
Prom the Pulton (Ky.) Index we clip the
following notice of an important occasion
still fresh in the minds of all our city ren
ders: “Dr. 0. M. Sebastian of Martin,
Teiin., was married on the 8th iust., at the
M. E. church at Brookhaven, Miss., to
Miss Jevde Warren, of that city. Messrs. I .
G. McMillian and G. 0. Plummer, of Mar
tin, accompanied lrtm on his bridal tonr
and report a splendid trip. The doctor is
one of the bright lights of West Tcuuessso
in the medical profession,and our acquain
tance with him warrants tlie belief that
his fair bride is all that Is lovable in gentle
woman, since no other kind would have
ever captivated the handsome and intelli
gent M. I>. May they live a long time aud
always lie happy is our earnest wish."
I*r. T. UeWill Tillmge
'I his distinguished and renowned gentle
man ami minister, who has lieeu lecturing
of lute iu New Orleans and other Southern
cities, having missed spuie of his regular
appointments on account of railroad acci
dents and delays, and in consequence hav
ing a little extra time on his hands, will
spend next Sunday in Brookhaven. At 11
o'clock A. m., at tho Presbyterian Church
he will preach ids great sermon on tho
subject, “The Hand Writing upon the
Everybody is cordially invited to hear
this sermon, and every body should hear
it, as it will probably be the only oppor
tunity ever offered of listening to the
unique, eloquent and sublime oratory of
the gTeat Brooklyn Tabernacle preacher.
During his visit, Dr. Talmage will be
the goc.et of Dr. Johnson. lie takes a deep
interest iu the- subject of education in the
South, and he is particularly anxious to
see as much as possible of Whitworth,
whose reputation has long since gone
abroad as one of the great educational in
stitutions of our Southland.
In announcing that ho will stop here,
Dr. T. also iinforms iis that he will proba
bly leave here on the afternoon train for
Jackson, and favor the people of that i4ty
with a sermon Sunday night.
- ———■ • • --- . n
Cattle Ntealiag.
A considerable crowd assembled in Jus
tice Baggett's office Monday afternoon to
witness tho preliminary trial of William
Lewis, a youth of about 16 years, who had
been arrested Sunday morning on tho
charge of stealing a fine yearling belong
ing to Win. Absliagen, and afterward sell
ing the liide^o Frank Hartman. After a
somewhat lengthy examination of witnes
ses, W. R. Spencer, Esq., made a brief ar
gument for the defendant, and District
Attorney Cassedy one for tho State, and
the case was submitted. Justice Baggett,
not regarding the testimony adduced by
Lewis as sufficient to establish his inno
cence, bound him over under a $&>0 bond
to appear at the next term of the Circuit
Court. He has not given bond, bnt says
he will yet establish his innocence. He is
young to liegiu such a life, ami we hope he
will, though circumstances at present seem
against him.
In this connection, wo will say that cn'
tle-stealing has grown entirely too com
mon in this vicinity, and there is a very
strong disposition on the part of stock
owners to make an end of it.
Uatict «f Itund Overseers aa<
The maintenance of good public roAds is
a matter in which every one in the county
is materially interested; and as every one
is not posted as to the requirements of the
State law on the Hiibjeet, and there are but
few of those whose duty it is too keep up
the public roads to whom a copy of the law
is readily accessible, we present the legal
requirement# to our readers on the 2nd
page of to-day’s paper. The newly ap
pointed road overseers should post them
selves carefully and file the paper away for
luture reference. A great deal of tronble
may l>e avoided sometimes by knowing
just exactly what caD, and what cannot,
lie done under the law; and father, we be
lieve if the statute is faithfully enforced,
there will be a very marked improvement
this year in the condition of all .the public
roads of the county.
Judge J. It. Chrlsmaa.

The Southern Herald paid Judge C’hria
man the following well merited compli
ment during the recent term of conrt in
Auiite. We doubt if there is a Judge in
the State at once more respected, honored
and loved by the people of his district, and
at the same time more dreaded by law
breakers, than is Judge Chrisaian:
Hon. J. 11. Chrisiuau who is now holding
a term of the Circuit Court at this place,
presides with his usual ability and digni
ty. In him are • united the‘element# of
judgment, justice and mercy. By his
strict impartiality and the nice sense of
justice he has completely won the confi
dence of the masses, and we do no more
than voice the sentiment of the people
when we declare him the right mail in the
right place. May he live loug, and suc
ceed himself in the office be so worthily
ClrcnltCenrt In Franklin.
Judge Chrisman was confined to bis bed
most of last week, tromau attack of fever,
aud hadn’t sufficiently recovered l>y last
Monday to make it safe for him to fill his
regular appointment in Frauklin. How
ever, he hoj>ee to bo fully at himself by
next Monday, April 2nd, when be will
take up and g<j through with the Frauklin
docket in his usual impartial and business
like style. Our Franklin county readers
will take notice accordingly.
.Sleepless nights, made miserable by that
terrible congli. Shiloh's curs is the reme
dy for you.
('apt. J. H. Hoskins • » in town the. first
of the week.
Mr. T. M. Henry, of tbe Mats ledger la
in town this week.
Mr. W. J. Vangaut, one of the big saw
mill man of Roguechitto, calk'd to sec us
Jfi'ser.i. Scott ami Newman, two of the
staunch sovereigns of Franklin, were in
to am Monday.
Mr. J. W. Martin, Jr„ left hero this
week with a squad of hands for work on
tbe Mississippi Valley Kailroad near Cen
Eli Perkins—no, we mean Ed.—cauie up
from New Orleans by express and spent
last Sunday in town. His many friends
were glad, as nsnal, to greet him.
We wore glad to moot Elder E. P. Doug
lass, of the Weanou neighborhood, in onr
office Tuesday. Hu is an agreeable gen
tleman, and we felt the batter after meet
ing him.
“John,” onr spicy Bognechitto reporter,
hasn't been heard front this week. Wa
prosnine he is either doivu with the small
pox, or else, in his earnest zeal to obtain
locals, lias been brained by some cross
grained muggins front whom be was trying
to extort the skeleton of a news item.
The following gentlemen spent last
Thursday in town attending the mooting
of the Board of Trustees of Whitworth Col
lege: W. L. Nugent, Jackson; Jno. R. May
son,Kvq., Canton; R«v. W. B. Ix-wis, Crys
tal Springs, Rev. J. B. Carradinc, New Or
leans; Capt. Wimberly, Wesson; Col. J. M.
Wesson, .Bognochitto; l>r. J. W. Martin,
Brookliaven; Capt. R. C. T. S. Hilliard,
l'carl River; Maj Audre, Crystal Springs.
Capt. J. T. Swan was iu town last Mon
day. He came down to have a talk with
I»r. Johnson in regard to the improvements
he is contemplating at the College, so he
informed us, and will soon furnish the
Doctor with plans, specifications, etc., for
the erection of another wing to this
already commodious Institution. Swan is
the man to make a handsome job of it. We
can point to numerous examples in Jack
sou of bis excellent skill in architecture.
; Preceedlag* of the Teacher's
Iu pursuance of a call by the County
Supurinteudsut of Education of Lincoln
j county, a oonvention of teachorH asaeui
1 hied at the Court House in Brookhaveu on
! Saturday last, to take into consideration
the question of adopting a uniform series
of Text Books in the public schools of the
On motion, Supt. W. R. Spencer was
called to the chair, and Dr. J. M. Grafton
appointed Secretary.
Considering the inclement weather, the
mectiug was well attended. After appre
priate discussion, the following list of |
books was adopted as the standard for the
county schools:
Sjiellers—Webster’s; Harvey’s spellers,
Readers—McGuffey’s; Swinton'a, supple
Mathematics—Davie’s series.
Geography—Moutcith's Elementary and
Grammar's—Elements of English Gram
mar, by II. F. Johnson; Harvey’s Gram
mar, supplementary.
History—Barues’ Brief History.
Scieuces—Steele’s Fourteen Weeks in
Delinquent Taxed*
Lincoln county, in making her return to
the Auditor for personal tuxes for 1882, re
ports delinquencies as follows: On State
account, $55,00; county tax, $265,00; Poll
tax $822,00. Total, $1,142.00.
Assessor's Appoiutmeat*.
W. D. Larkin, Assessor for Liucolucoun
ty, requests the taxpayers to meet him
with their lists of taxahlo property at the
following times and places:
Monday, April i, Orica's Mill,
Tuesday, April 3. Aaron B. Loften's.
Wednesday, April 4 Orace’a Store.
Thursday, April s, Victor Lard’s Urn.
Friday, April #, Farris’ Mill.
Suturnay, April T, Kelly’s Upper.Mill.
Neles From Pike.
Magnolia, March 27th, 1883.
Business is very dull all over tlio couuty.
Candidates are getting too numerous to
mention. There will be about six for
Sheritf,tive for Representative, aud four for
Treasurer, and there is no telling how
many for Clerks, for the Board of Super
visors, Justices of the Peace, etc.
Mr. Battaile, of the Times and Intelli
gencer, seems very anxious about candi
dates anuouucing themselves. Won’t some
considerate office-seeker announce himself,
and relieve Mr. Battaile's anxiety!
Taxes are bciug collected as rapidly as
possible. Tax-payers are given until the
15th of April, before the damage will be
added. Laud will be sold inJuue.
Work on the new Court House will com
mence about April 1st. Some are in favor
of moving it to Summit or McCoiub City,
but it seems to be a permanent feature at
Magnolia. It would be very poor policy
to move it, when the couuty owns a #5,000
jail, and as pretty a building aite iu Mag
uolia as there ia anywhere in the State.
It seems as if the people of the 4th District
are determined to hold the throttle-valve
of the engine of our county government
sooner or later.
The bridges of the county are generally
in a very bad condition, and the county
tax for 1882 and 1883, when collected, will
be just about enough to pay the outstand
ing debt.
The post office at Osyka was robbed a
few days since, by unknowu parties. Not
only this, but several mean things were
doue around the town.
Small-pox is reported at McComb, but it
has been contradicted by some of the phy
sicians there. Building ia on the "boom.”
Wedding bells are rumored in that place.
Summit wants a cotton factory and a
Are engine. Can’t she be accommodated.
She is ahead on one subject. She has a
negro who has applied for a license to
practice medicine, aud sign* M. D. to hie
nsme. Dims.
j l'b« Portable Kleetrlc B.lgHtor
At foot we can have the electric light
wliere it can do most good. TBat ia to
aav We can put it now on onr desk*, on
onr tallies, on our mantel-pleenw, any
where in fact where a clear, bright, safe
lighter ia wanted. The portable electric
lighter, patented In 1KT9 and again in
Is now before na, and wo look at it with (
•urpriae and happim**. Surprise, le-runve
it la evident how great a progress we liave
made in the science of electricity; bopp *
urns, becanec it given na a clearer, better,
more movable light than any wr have ever
enjoyed. Here ia n lamp, eo called, occu
pying only the space of five square inches,
which ran lie carried anywhere, and ia Isr
aides an ornamsut. By simply pressing
upon the Vnoh to the full extent of the
spring (which connects with the battery)
an electric currant is produced hr which
the spiral of platinum ia heated to inca •
desrenco and the light is inetantanoous
The material lasts about two months and
can lie renewed at a small cost through
any chemist. It wiB not be bmg Wore
everybody win have a portable ohictric
lighter. The pries, #5, is so low that it
cannot fail to heoome popular at ouco.
The principle office is at ‘22 Water street,
Boston, whore all applications for this most
novel lamp should lie sent.—Tkt Stic 1 uri
Heal K»tate Chronic to,
Hare you l>een aronnd to Mr*. F. A.
Brown's since she l«ega» receiving her
spring stock of millinery? If not, a visit
will repay yon. Her styles are all of the
latest and most fashionable patterns, and
all articles of excellout quality. ('all
Tin rrled.
On March 27th, 1883, at 8tern’s Hotel,
Brookhaven, by Kldsr E. F. Douglas*. Mr.
D. W. Crawford and Mr*. M. J. Delaney;
all of Wesson, Miss.
The Leader tenders congratulations to
the happyji pair.
Mrs. F. A. Brown, Cherokee street.
Ilrookhaveu, is now receiving an elegant
stock of spring millinery, and the ladies
should call at once if they wish to secure
tirst choice. Her prices are reasonable,
| and she is sure to please all customers.
CyXow laces at McGrath’s.
KF*Go to McGrath's for bate.
No X-Y-Z signs at McGrath’s.
Buy your shoes at Brennan’s.
jyBuy your goods at McGrath’s.
Sy McGrath’s hats are simply elegant.
No jewing or wrangling at McGrath’s.
tyGo to McGrath's for cheap clothing.
CyKor the host corsets go to McGrath’s
fy McGrath’s wow clothing is immense.
CyDouIt fail to see McGrath’s new
ty You save money by buying at Mc
McGrath's I’arlor shoe store is the place
for shoes. Ilia goods are good, pretty and
For silk brocaded and Spanish laoc para
sols, go to Brennan's.
Go to Brennan’s great cheap Cash House
or your spring ami summer clothing.
McGrath has only one price on his good* .
Did you see McGrath’s new dress goods!
ty McGrath is boss in the shirt busi
tyGo to McGrath’s for fine cassimere
Prices marked in plain figures at Mc
McGrath sells clothing cheaper than
CyNew spring goods just received at
Buy your cutlery at Brennan’s, ft* it is
cheap and guaranteed.
Fans of every style at B. C. Brennan’s
Millinery establishment.
Dress goods of every style and at prices
to suit all ut Brennan’s.
Bunting, Piques, Lawns ami an endless
variety of white goods ut Brennan’s.
That hacking cough can be so quickly
cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee it.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liv
er Complaint! Shiloh’s Vitalhter isguaian
teed to cure you.
Brennan’s 5 cent calicoes are ahead of
anything yet. Why! Because they are
fast colors and rate 36 inches to the yard.
If yon want a first class Portable engine
-£j horse power for cash, call on
M. Malty.
mar 22-31 Brookhaven Miss.
I have authorized Mr. B. T. Hohlis to re
ceive and receipt for all sums due me on
subscription to the Ledger while at Brook
haven, and all person* thus in arrear, are
urged to call upon him and settle their ac
counts, a correct statement, of vbieh I
have placed in his hands at Tilf Lkaokr
Office, Brookhaven. K. H. HENRY.
Jackson, Miss., Feb. 28. 1883.
Rig Rosasis Box.
The Big Bonmsa Gift Stationary Box | contains
It Sheets Good Note Paper. It good assorted en
velope*. I .good lead pencil, 1 good pen holder, I
golden pen. 1 memorandum book, 1 steel key
ring, 1 ladies' set Jet breast pin and <Un' drops, t
floe plated heavy Unger ring, 1 friendship bsnd
ring 1 set gent’s .sea bean aleev# tuitions, l set
gent’s tilt shirt smds. 1 gent’s bosom pm with
stone set, 1 gold plsted collar Imttoa, sod one
leather monev parse with metal clasp. Keiueiu
her, all the above art e es in an elegaut paper box
with handsome oraino cover, ouly »<> cents by
mall to anr address. Send 10 postage at nips
sad we will send yon one box by retnrn mall.
It will be the most goods you ever bought for the
money. Ton will be more than pleaded. It is
the largest and best stationary package ever got
ten up, and la selling like wildfire. We are boun I
to seif W. ico boxes during IS*). Order one uow
and vou will want at doxen more. Rementlier
I box past paid lor Bt cenu, or 4 boxes for|l.
Ageuts wanted to sell these boxes and o her
goods. No money required until goods are sold,
bend so cants for a sample box. and terms to
Ageuta. Address Hill A Be show,
40 Marietta Si., Atlanta, Georgia.
mar. 13-41.
Sealed proposals for building a bridge serosa
Topisaw Creek, os the Brookhaven ana Teptsaw
road, and nt A. M. Summers' place, are Invited to
be 11 ed with the Chaaeerv Clerk on or before the
drat Monday of April next, when the contract
for building the said bridge will b • awarded to
the lowest aud best bidder. Plaits and specifica
tion* of tho bridge will bn made known on the
dav the bridge is let oat.
By order of the Board of Supervisors.
1 « * Clark.
The followingare the rntca fnrannnnnoe
mint.iu this jmper, whirh must Im paid
when insertion x onlcrml:
Distrii t oilier*.910 00
Couuiv offices. 7 £0
boat office*... a on
Communication* iu the intermit of can
didate*, 10 o<nt* per printed li:n—average
word* to a line, 7. These rate* and tenia
will be Invariably adlo-red to.
Price* Current- Corrected Weekly.
RitooKitAVKx, March, 83, liWB.
Nm»l, 94.15#® 4.35
Flour, <k2T.©7.25
(Prices at FlonrmilU advancing.)
Corn—Yellow, SKV: »
" White 1.00
“ .Mixed <#>.
Racon, 12® 12|c
I .aril, 14® If*.
Hams a e, I,'® Ific
Shoulders * r. IT)® 13c
Sugar, S® hJ+e
Coffee, 9®]4c
it ice, M « !l,s
Tobacco, TSrf'io
Cheese, Id®20c
Butter, 25® 45 c
Salt, fine. $1.60® 1.70
Caaco, r.®7c
Btvrwn Domestic, 0®'Jc
17® Sc
rVu lied “ 0®Hr
Cotton—CliM«1 ordinary. 7|®7Jo
Low middling. |®Hjc
Middling, 8J®94e
trood middling, 94®3|o
Mid. fair, »J®104e
Irish Potatoes—Karly Rose, 50c pk.
“ Pink-eyes, 50c pk.
“ “ Kusset, 40c pk.
Sweet Potatoes—Yellow Yam 50c bus.
Red and White 45c bus
Fggi, 124315c
Chickens, |2.40®$3.00
Hides—green suited, fi®34«
“ Drv salted, 0®9c
“ Flint, OpirlOc
Wool—Washed, 30c
“ Unwashed, 20c
u Slight burry, lie
“ Medium linrr, 12n
“ I5ad burry, lie,
.If .f r 11 /.V£ S II O P.
J03 CONIttRLY, Proprietor.
1 would Inform the piddle that 1 have purchased
the I onndry formerly owned i.y t apt. lioakms;
and am prepared to do all woik In as good atyie,
or l>etirr than Heretofore.
And business attended to procip'lv: also sitla
factiou guaranteed in overy instance. 1 would he I
pleased to have my friends and for.ner patrons |
call on me and promise them work promptly. i
march *r-ty
sin: a IFF# SA L.F.
A. E. Thompson at. al, l
vs. > Lincoln Circuit Court.
TUnhy Du it kb. >
Bv virtue of a writ of execution to me from the
Circuit court of Lincoln county, Mississippi, I
will on Monday the 7th day of May, A. D. less, at
the Court Mouse door. In the town ot Bmokha
veil, proceed tosellto the hlgiest bidder, f :
cash, the following described property, to wit
SKI, of NKt, of .sec. *4. T. 6 :it. 6; and SKu of
8\Yb ■ f Sec. la, T. # It. I: an I KkotSWc end
WX of NJTM and tfWii of SIVli of S»c. 13.Ts,
R. 7 East,—all of said lauds in Line ilil county]
.Uias., levied ou as the property of defendant,
Henry Dukes, and will he told to sat.sfy the Judg
uieut and costa in no above stated else.
Thu Slat day of March, A D. 1883.
DU- 3- J- 80\Vfl\r,
Brookhaven, Miss.
Offers his services to the people of this sec
lion and surrounding couutryi Me will attend
calls at any hour of day or night. Odl.-e at
Daughtry & Suiylle'a Drug 8tore. octsu-ly.
ExrREsss—Loaves X. Orleans, 8:00 a. m.
Arrives Brookhaven, 1:40 p. in.
Arrives at Jackson, 4:00 p. m.
Maii.—Leaves New i (rlt-aus, 5:30 p. m.
Arr. at Brookliaven, 10:27 p. in.
Arrives at Jackson, 12:35 a. m.
Way Friegiit arr. Broookliavea, 3:16 p. in.
Express—Leaves Jackson, 3:25 a. m.
Arrives at Brookhaven, 5:38 a. ni.
Arrives at N. Orleans, 10:45 a. in.
Mam.—Leaves Jackson at 10:20 p. in.
Arrives at Brookhaven, 1:02 a. m.
Arrives at N. Orleans, 7:U0 a. in.
Way Freight arr. Brookhaven, 10:35 a. m.
No. 4 and 3 will not stop at Hag stations.
J. <’. CLARKE, Gen. Manager.
J. W. COLEMAN, A. G. P. Agent,
Mail, doing Cant.
Leaves Vicksburg.7:45 p. m.
“ Jackson.10:20 p. in.
Arrives at Meridian.4:20 a. m.
Accommodation, doing Cant.
Leaves Vicksburg.2:40 p. in.
Arrives at Jackson.5:00 p. in.
A/ail, Going ti'ent.
Leaves Meridian.10:20 p. in.
“ Jackson. 3:40 a. m.
Arrives at Vicksburg. 6:00 a. in.
Accommodation, Going Went.
Leave Jackson.7:40 a. in
Arrive at Vicksburg.10:00 a. in.
JOIlNiSCOTT, Gen. Manager,
E. F. R A WORTH, Bnpcriuteudent.
Natchez. Jackson & Oclnmbui It £•
Mail, Going Eant,
leaves Xatehcz. 2:30 p. in.
Arrives at Jackson. 8:30 p. m.
Mail, Going II'eat.
Leaves Jai kwui. *:00a.:n.
Arrives at Natchez. 1:00 p. in.
All the friends and customers of Dr. J.
M. Meek, who will find him at the old
stand. rc|>rt'eeut.ing Mrs. (’. D. Meek in the
mercantile line. He will tie glad to share
their patronage, promising goods at low
prices for cash only.
Meh 6-4B J. M. Meek, agt.
Send Your Saws To
Wesson 4k Person’s Mill,
Iflthey need hammering—satisfaction siren or
do pay. 1 am permaneDtl? located there sad will
work reasons')!?. Reference to Ool. J. M. Wes
son, K. Richardson. Wesson * Person,,
mar. s lm.
West side Front Street,
-0R4I.KR ■* —
1 bay ny l'hy»ie from I.K1MIKTIKH.
Special Attention Paid to the Accommodation of All
Trangient Customers.
Haring bought out lha Ann of Paraom* ttenoi »t the »ho»» name-t plaw*. thank* t*« puhfM.for
their patronage *r <! *01 an* a con.inuau ;e of mbs.
j\ new, live, progressive
journal, published every
Thursday morning, and dc
voted to the leading inter
ests of Lincoln and adjoin
ing counties.
The LEADER will give
a general summary of!
the news of the clay, but
will pay special attention to
laving before its readers all
matters of local interets.
It will be Democratic, but
not to an extreme and offen
sive degree, and will never
contain anything that can
not be read with propriety
around the firesido.
Everyone desiring to sup
port such a paper, is re
spectfully solicited to sub
scribe. We will make it
worth its price to any one
who takes it.
To Advertisers.
The LEADER starts out
with most of the Ledger’s
list of subscri bers, as well as i
a large list of its own, and
at once presents a good ad
vertising medium through
which business men can
reach the public. Our
rates are reasonable aiul we
can make it to the interest
of all who favor us with
their patronage.
B. T. B O BBS,
Editor aid Prof rioter.
ISA Cahai. St , New Oiu.fat*.
Sheet Music, 1 net r action iBooks, American ant
Fnraign. MimIssI Instroamaa of all deecrtpUonn.
Imported direct (s'® Farope. at rer/ loses;
ales. wrA lViy
The Cheapest Hardware House
—Wholesale and Retail D#*Ur ia—
StuTcs, Mill Muppllea, Rubber Peltlnp, Rope
Barbed Wire, Wagon Spoke,, Baba Felloes,
Limn, Omout, Planter and Fire Brick,
White Lead, Turpentine and Liuaood Oil
tilrrl, Iran, I.cad and Rabbit
L(unpa, Gina* auJTiu Ware.
Farm Implements of all Kinds.
*ea>rr roa thi omiut.i
Farly Breakfast Oookia^ 8'er*
nr Also A<eat Southern Kx.Toti Compear
dec Sl-lJ.
A. C.McNAlK.
Will practice in the courts at Lincoln
anti atljtdtiiii^ comities, anil iu tha tin
prenie nml Federal Courts at Jackson,
mar 92- ty
It. II. Thompson,
March l ty.
Teeth extracted without puu. Hr ure of ivtc'i
in< **», aud »n work done aft >r m itt approve I
method* of the Uinta) Profera.un.
Uprit'a—Id McGrath Ba.ldinz, np itaire.
March i-tf
Established in 1865.
Cbbboker »r., Uaut«tt*rvK.
Watte, T eh. Oretere. t ou u‘. !. at koi*
Water. etc.
Alto Cigart. Tobicoo e*o.»
at Mia l>w*st eats pnata.

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