Newspaper Page Text
graa’slimen gender. j n*f If. T. Hobbs. ' «» aaLw.» ~ -r e —--» rr • o"rrvd a* HrooVh.v*n fVstoibee as sec. ovd-rln.v. -nail matter, >?tlC*—leader llnihfiftg, ti. thfb'Vi-r St. THl*RSPAY, Jvettr.v X 1-t-t, ■■ m j _ jutii ■■■._ .» — | special AnaaaareMral. A large portion ot the readers of Till'. I iibKX are farmer*, many of «Imm di-sir. n great deal more of farming literature t mn we am able to give in -our limited ■ iac*. To accommodate all aneli we have mule arrangements with the publisher* of me American Farmer to give It a* a prc minin for one year to every anWriber of Tiic I.eadrr who pay* Ida subscription in mlvaiice. The American Farmer if a large >0 page paper, pnblialietl at Fort Wayne, Ibd.. the snbariipt:on price of which i* IldHt per year. F.very fanner in Lincoln eoitnty should avail htmaclf of this mag nificent offer. Sample copies may lie i f.-en o* application to thi* office. Sow is » Igood time to hand in your tmuie and 1m- t *» wHhthc January number, KDITORMI. *«»’■*KA. To* YaZoo Herald ih for sale. The Legislator* m *u next Tues day. Rarxlm has rn»d* r will covering 7(XI j ag *9 of leg il cap. II *n E. Barksdale spent the lioli j days atTiis home in Jackson. Titn next annual session of the '< Mississippi Conference of the Metho- j (fist church will l»o liel<l in Yazoo j City. 1 Nrw Orisviss )» mourning the death of Archbishop Napoleon Joseph I’erche.- whit b occuric<l in i'ilat city last week. Tiir Gulf-Coast Advertiser will fotui bo remove'! from Handsboro j to Moss Point. Success to you, iu your new field, brother Litldel. Tutal »re wow four editors in the U. S. Senate: Anthony, of Rhode Is bind; Ilawlt y, of Connecticut; Plumb, of Kansas: and Riddlcberg-r, of Vir giuia. T. II. Weathersbv. sheriff, and j James W. Bang n, circuit clerk of Madison county, died on the i>0 tilt., | the former from the effects of hydra phobia. Rom'. Rials and Ifans Penn, of Mazlelutrst, engaged in a shooting; match- on Christmas day, during ■Which .young P.-mn received a>n ugly Icsh wound in the thigh. Tbe Times-D niocrat says there was more lawlessness in New Or leans CLristma" tliaa <br years, aud places that city ahead in this parti j eular of any in the Union. Wu. MehAwr-T, better known as trtie “Kid,” was killed last week by j * pistol shot received at the hands ef Bud R-naud, or.o of the proprie tors of the gambling saloon No. 4 Xoynl street. The Fayette (J.'ftonicie idlud's to She McClure bar-room of Fayette as “a blot to the torn and a disgrace to the corn minity.'’ It also alludes to the neglige .ee of the town odicials in the s*wsc connection an**says “there Is a limit where patience ceases to be a visSue, and it would appear as if that limit was about reached.” \V»'learn from' a gentleman lately j wisitiug Summit, that the Sentinel ami Times are again, to lie consoli -1 dated, and that Mr. V/. A>. Rattailej mill withdraw altogether. We wish the new consolidation and the gen-! ticinun managing it rih-qc s-.. One ; paper is rewBy enough for Summit. ‘ At the name time-we hope brother i Xattaile will i»>t tie lost to-tlie pro Session, for wo consider himmue of Its most promising- and useful mem ber«. TV. T. Holland, of iHndV cntritv,. .Tbrmerly Sergcnl at Arms of Mnssis rpipi Legisleture, was appointed* a1 aiessenger in tlie Uuited States-; House of Bi'proseuiativsjs at a mla y ' of $1,000.. Willie- Pu'ounrd. of Port Sibson, was appointed as page. This :• all the paironage Mississippi will i get in the House, except*a position on the Capital police, $1,1(0 a year, which will he tilled from Muldrcw's District. This is giving Mississip pi the cold shoulder. The residence of Dh C. f-. A« dhews, at Vicksburg, was- destroyed 'Jv fire oue uig'.t last week.with nil of its '.valuable contents. The familv <#1 rely had time to escape from the building in their night clothes be-i ft>;e the fl inns covered1 the entire structure. AM the furniture and! wearing apt>ar..l of tl e family were ibtt; also a very valuable library which' contained many rare books sod sermon a?. Dr. Andrews is . P re aiding Elder ofi the VioH*birg. di«-( Srict. anti also Secretary of the South\ tolsaisaippt'Cwnferemc. aid hid in his p< BsessioB aif* the records and: »ni utes of the tn et ngs which have been held by the Conference since *!m* year DSM. all of vliieli burned. I'hf 1 The action of tin.- white men of Yazoo City after the horrible mur der ot three of their most estimable fellow-citizens by negroes on Christ mas Kve, cannot be mentioned but in praise. Cutler the moat trying ordeal anti in the the presence of one of '..lie most rnid-blooded anil ex asperating of murders, when excite 1 ment was at fever heat, and swift rC ribiition was the natmnl desire of every heart, the Voice of reason, of prudence, of f iresight as to the future interests not only ot defamed Yazoo, hut of onr entire State, was heart! and heeded, ami it. wa* solemn ly determined to honor onr laws anti our entitle by leaving ltie death-de serving eiiminals to them. All honor to the true men who at such a time ami under swell circumstances raised tloir voices nml lent their efforts in bringing about such a re sult. Since the foregoing Was writen the news reached ns which is copied from fhe Timt*«-Demoi-rat *|x*cial in another column. It seems that pas sion, revenge and lawlessness triumjdied at last over re#a >n and prudence, and the prisoners were lynched iu a manner so brutal that it reflects discredit upon both the civilisation and humanity of our State, to say nothing of a disregard i for law. II ivvever. the men who stood [ up for the right, have nothing of I which to tie ashamed. ■ DNI-A lrnr ol Ksmtu. From i he present outlook we have | reason to siipj o-e that the twelve | months commencing first of January, 1884, and ending first of January. 1885, will I c the most important year of our hi'ti’rv; leaving out the' years embraced in the late War be-! 'tween the Slates, and that within! this brii f period of tir*v cvi fits will | occur from which the future liistor I ian will date an accelerated progress ( i in the gient indust ies, inventions' and theories of the age. For the1 ] next year the people of the Southern I portion of tlie United States will have do time to waste if they attempt ; io come up to (tie expectations ot the enlightened nations of the eaitli. It is true that, the whole people ol I ■ the United States are interested in' the” certain < rents of the year 1884. ‘ ! but especially are the people i t the : , South, in who-e renter one of the giea’est shows will be held that lias j ever claimed the attention of i ?vi 1 i — zaaion. The Exposition to which we refer, will demand a y ar s pre- j paration of each cftizen of this see- i lion of country In 3 we its macr doors j 1 and entrances are opened in Decent- j j b <r. 1884, if they develop the UV'l re I sources, inventions, improvement [ and interests to be represented dur 'ing the six months i f its display. 'This, however, is not, all the attrac , tions in this line. The Louisville, J Exposition so recently the ecu | j tie wf so much interest in that i | city, is to be repeated at some; time iluring the full of next year, 1 not to snnllict with the Expo sition of New (Means, in December, 1384. lvtH th-»t* are not all. In November,'1884. an election wi-ll be held for President, of the United States, whose administration will commence 4th <♦( March, 1S84. Pn paratory to this qiind'enniai event, there wilt by two national' conven tions for the purpose of selecting candidates for this emlted' place, t Kach of the great) political parties will pivsi lit their standard bearers in the campaign' of l!88-4, to whose [support the citizens o$ the United [ Stat s will be nske*', importuned, and in some iretances b*ibed to j vote. ! The foregoing occnrrenccs arc certainties and presint to the mind j of every thoughtful citixen of the United States important duties and ' trusts from which they cannot escape, and which will demand their 'serious attention and profound | thought,, and this, too, during the enttire year, in which the farmer ! must plant,, cultivate, gather and | dispose of all ilis crops, the business , men of every calling and profession will have their finanaial mechanical. j inorcautiis and- piofe<»ioual ooliga 1 tiooe to-meet and iliittca to petJLrm, atnl all taken together will be of siilticient magnitude to warrai t the conclusion at which wc arrive that the year 1831 will be full of events,, du ies, and anxieties w.thout, a parallel in all our past history. Now are we prepared, or are we going to be prepared1meet the rcsponsibili* ties that will' devolve upon us through this eventful period ot nor count rx’s historx? Or xvilt xv-e sutler ours« Ives to become iiidiff-reiit to these mighty in Urea* a; and thus show to the wo> Id and the age in which we live inadiqjiacy for the places we re pectiwly occupy in the 1 great ilr.tma of the nineteenth oen j tiny, in which human excellencies are to be exhibited,- progress is to’ | make a grand movement,-and- per ' fectioirappi ejpimatrd-iu the arts and j aciencegsof modern timesV i.<et us | all do our beat t:4i*t success may | 'crown our etforts aud make memora ; b'e the events of wliioli we write.— I South'ro Il^rrld'. JI. \ W. 1> Sri.MKi, President of fhp outgoing Board «*t Supervisors,ot jRffera«n lonniy died on Due.. of a chronic di case. He was an old citizen oJ our conutv, and a f*jo5t worthy one. HOW OHBISTMAS WAS SPBNT IN YA*00 CITY. PreMediMM *«a«|aa|Ma A — - ■ Three »f««r Mmi Patriotic* tltl »e*» teWtrdl» tlardrreil. Mhot IMtt n I .ike- ■»»«> kj KIM*d. lamraHle, From the t»*«o cut llera'd Fairs. Iter. tmti. Probably throughout tlu> length ami breadth of the United States no sadder Christinas was passed in anv i plate than in YaBoo City. Tht Sn-1 tire community were overcome with horror, and the geuerai rejoicing* of: the day “when peace on earth and ! good will towards men” was pro-1 claimed, was turned to mourning a ml ■ lamentation. On Chris' mas Kvc Yazoo City was, thronged with people from the conn i try coining to town to make purrha ses usual at Chris'mas. As night drew on the toting folks turned out en masse to enjoy their flre-crackers and fire works, slid when about 10 o'clock the report of firb armft was; heard, many believed it a part of! Christmas; soon, however, the tefii-i ble news was made known—two of iour best and most patriotic Citizens lay'in the sleep of death,- another was just about giving up his young life, and two others were seriously j wounded, all by the hands of vio— ! lence. The shock coming as it did, at such a time, overcame every one with horror. As near as we can learn we will preseut the tacts. Alter dark n difficulty occurred in I Barkhaus' saloon between two ne- j j groe9—Kinney Logan and Richard I kiihbs. Mr. John f*osey cctrtiiWg tip I at, the time, insisted on tlte arrest [of the p ities and offered to assist I in iffecting tlie same. John James t a colored butcher, employed by Mr. j A. Lynch, interfered and some! j words passed between him and Mr. ■ 1 I’o'-ey. Mr. Posey then walked up] ] the street and passing by Ihebutchcr 'shop later in the evening, was ■ j diawn into n dispute with John j l James and W. II. Foote, Deputy j j Internal Revenue Collector, as was j afterwards a-cert mined,- a number of ; ; other ncgioes having collected irt the j butcher-shop full}’armed and pre-j pared An attempt was made to i stop the difficulty, and peace was j 1 about restored,- as we learn from a | reliable gentleman, when tiring be- j i gan on the part of the negroes, j ! John and Carnot Posey were com pletely riddled with shot and Carnot was also shot with a pistol. Mr. Ja>per Nichols was also fatally woti-ded and died before day light j next morning. Mr. Fritz Haider, prominently known throughout the ! county, and who had been honored for two consecutive terms with the ; l.olliee of County Treasurer, was also; seriorssly wounded by a pistol shot. | ! and Mr. IJen:y Filet, a u>e*»-h-jrrt of ] our town was shot in several places1 by a shot gun. \V. H. Foote, was j strut k in the head and face,- but not] dangi ronsly hurt, thougli the wounds 1 are painful. During the night a li#y of in-! 1 quest was summoned to \3rW the re-; ! mains of .John and CnmoK l*owy, j I and suelV facts were collrrted »s in 1 the excitement could be obtained, j About t wo o'clock the bodi’-s of John j I ami Carnot Posey were carried to | j their residences in their e* ftios. The I next morning altidavits were made j - and a numlier of parties arrested. A | posse of citizens, with Mr. C. A. | McDonald, started out to arrest (.John Jam’s. He was in his house j and started to run, pistol in hand i Shots were exchanged and John ; James was killed, having tiled sever-; | al shots at the posse. The parties ' arrested are W, H. Foote. Ike llieh- I srdson, Robert S wavzc, Micnjih Pat Iter. Obtavims Tliomas, Wash Hall, Wm. Moseley.-Adam Johnson.' Henry SehcJcr.• Wm. Collins, Jim j Gibbs,, all colored, and A. S. fuynch, I ! white. Mr. Ahe Rosenthal, our! ! coroner had jurors summoned to in- I ! vestigate the deaih-t of Jasper j j Nichols auttf John James. They de- ' l liberating and t .xamining witnesses' on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thurs day tJo arrive at the inesits of the different eases. A citizens’ meeting was called tor 11 o'clock - Mr. Jno. i A Williams being appointed chair-1 matt and Mr. W. A. Henry,’secretary, j The meeting- resolved to appoint a committee of ten to draw tip resolu tions express)ve of the sense of the citizens and the report, made was as follows. I'rxolri'd, That the tragedy *f last night is fraught with deadlyeon-eqUenees to our community unless some examples is made of the guilty parties, and it is-the sense of this meeting that there are parties engag ed in said tragedy that have Keen and a ill tie a disturbing element and tiru-hrand niB'Xtg tvs and must be gotten ri l of by us and while we are law-abiding citizens, we , runuot tolerate the idea of our good fiti wns beio-g shot flown as was done last niglit. U e therefore suggest the appoint ment of twenty-six persons to assist tile Sheriff, or other officers in arresting all u;«rti*-s implicated in last night's tragedy vntl Jo advise <»r take such me&snresas may j by lie necessary to visit pro pur punishment wn tlve guilty parties. Rntttltrtl, That wo requset at this ineot iiig th*t this t’oiiiinittee be continued for the purpos* »f furnishing to* the public a' history suit explanation «<- last night’s tragedy. The chair then appointed a com mittee of twenty-six. The meeting of citizens, to the 1 number of about 300, re-assemble!I ^ on WediV s lay evening to hear the ! report of the committee of twenty - I six, which was as follows: We, the committee rejert to the mret | ing of citizens, that we dfKlito from the evidence brought liefore u*. we lielievo W. M. Finite, Micajuh Parker jitid Boh Srwnyze i guilty. This report was received and unanimously adopted. Mr. .Jno. S'. V/tifiaiub tiicu announced that the] qiicsiinii was left la the citizens as &i tike btep to be taken. Ths ulore Si hmitt moved that it be left to a vote of the meeting as to whether the law be allowed to lakol j-.s »:ouriC or tlie parties usutcu v*c ’ taken from jail a ul hung. Messrs. K-. Barksdale, Jas. A. Barksdale, Pat Rllev, 4. G. harbour* W. A. Henry, d. B. T. Thornton, W. C’. Craig, Ai M. Roach. ll. F. Rieka. Then Schmitt, Col. \VT. If. Lnse, Dr. 4. P. Moore, and Dr. C. K, Cook spoke in favor of the law being al lowed to taken its course1, Messr*. R. S. Whole**, W. K. Cummings j and C. H. Perkins spoke on the other side. The motion was put as to whether the law be allowed to take its course and was carried and the meeting dispersed. We have learned that Richard Gibbs, colored, was arrester! at Pickens Station yesterday: Mr. Fritz Haller and Mr. Henry Kllet we are glad to learn afe getting altt.ig as well as could have been expected. The whole question will Ife investigated by the courts. [Fritz Haider died from liis wounds Dec 31.— Fn I.BtlffcH.) tVe had not intcridcti fssuing the Herald this week , hut after the re cent terrible tragedy we thought it necessary to lay beftrtv our readeis a statement of the facts connected with ft. As it was late to publish the entire paper we give an account tft the killing in orir midst No where could a sadder Christina* have passed. On Christmas Kvc i>tir popular Sheriff elect lay dead witli pneumonia, and the whole county unite in smroW at the death of Hon. Kidiert /My. At the same time Sir J^iwrenee O'lteilly. a mo-t deserving young tfian, anil connected ttitli a ntimber of our best families was dying and the next (lay breathed bis last. Mr, Howard I-ink, an energetic and industrious young man also died on Christmas itay. These deaths from natural causes were enough to east a cloud over the festivities of the season, but in ad dition came the foaiful event of Christmas Eve night. Four men in the prime of life are now in the grave. Messrs Jno. T. and Carnot Posey were among onr best and most respected citizens. Mr. Jasper Nich ols was an industrious young man generally liked by those who fenew him. John James was a familiar figure to ail in the county, having for a number of years bemi employed in a biifcfter shop. Mn^ we never witness such another Christinas is i the fervent prayer of all in onr corft nutnit v. I ‘ __ rWK SEQUEL. , Hpecial to The Tlmes-/>eraocrat. Yazoo City, Miss., Dec. 30—The excite- j tuent and indignation among all classes of citizens growing out of the prvmedialed I assassination of Messrs. John T. and t'arnot 1 Posey and Jasper Nichols on Christinas Kve | night found vent last night, between the ( hours of 7 and K n clock, in the killing and j hanging of W. H. Foote, Hiehard Gibbs, j Micajah i’arker and Robt. Swavzc, the prin | cipaf actors i» the terrible murder of Dec. *-1 At nightfall -*e.aterdav it was cl»ar to be I seen that the Report of tHk- coi'nber’s jury. I fixing the guilt lip,-Ml the parties named, had | taken hold of the public mind, and bodies of ; armed men commenced- to arflVe f-oin all j parts ot the county, mill1 at 7 o'clock had swelled*to :dMt in number. This hodV of de termined .T.Vn stM-rouiidbd flu jail at the hour ; named and1 irtihccrde*? in overpowering the I jailer and In's gu i rdfo . Rolx-zt Swa-rx-, one of the murderers, ear- | l neatly prof,--Ted' his innocence up to the j j time the rone was thrown over his neck, j when he said he fired a gun and reckoned lie i 1 ought to ilie tor i*. W . II. Foote, who was | in a cell by himself, longhi to tin* last lo Ids desperate but iineipial struggle lie seized a lpit andiron with a towel, and stnek the first man who entered, and w as only sub dued when he was riddled wilh bullets and sank h> I lie fiber id -* soot »»f blood. Micajah t Parker made no'resistance; f*s* said lie ear 1 ried a gun <ud us*d it, thwt he was ready lo die. H • was hung tVom tile stair ImAinistcrs. Richard Gibbs, wlm escaped’ fo Sickens Station, where lie was arrested and returned here last Friday, was a noted crimiwwd. He was ii an iron cage, and it being impossible to get at him his tellow-prisoners in the cage were compelled to put the noose around his ne -k. The attempt to hang him was a failure, so he was pulled to the grated burs and shot to death. The work was quietly ifonev irwd the s ecping community know nothing of the tragedy until this morning, as Mil* thick wu4ls retained the sounds of the firing, ani .1 Andreis in this place were startled bv the report this morning, which at once sumlunrit'd u'Pmost everyliody to the j iii *. There, immediately in the walls, lay the | stiff body of Robert* Sitayzc with bis throat 'cut; out in the rain,- suspended from* the | bannisters, dangled the rorpse of Micajah f Parker, prone on the Hour, in a ghasp'y pool ! of blood, lay Win. U. Kuo:e, while Richard | Gibbs was stiff and cold itt* a corner of bis | iron «e!l. Tile thwn this 1.10ming was odict as usual; and only a te*V persons were to be seen on the streets. At about Ift o'clock t lie bodies' of At* negroes were delivered to their triends liv the sheriff* Rerortl of the Judcf«> In the Sixtieth Mississippi Report j one hundred and seventy-one cases j are reported. Of that number we find eighty-two cases reveiatd that were j decided below by regular judges; i four cases which were uiotioi » in the supreme court; ilirle cases decided below by special judges: The decisions distribut'd among the regular judges were as follows: AriloW, Affirmed !» Hevrtsed I Buchanan,- 3' “ 5 Calhoun, It “ 5 Campbell;- “ 2 “ y Crilt, “ t “ A Cow-eu: “ 4- “ 51 j ChitHimtH, - “ fi 3 1 Kly, “ 3 4 j j Keatherston,. “ 0 “ 4 I Green, **' 4 4 I Graham, *•' 2 •** 0 Hall, “ 1 “ tj Hougliftnv “ 3 4 Hamm, “ l * 0 Mayers, “• g “ 5 Morgan, “ 0 2 s M< l.auri",' *• 0 “ 2 North. “ P 1 i Peyton, “ 2 2 Phel|M>, *• 1 I Hnaae, “ 3 “ 2 Trimble, 4 “ 2 Terrel. “ 2 “ 2 Van Katott, H 4 “ t> Wharton, « 3 •• 3' WitUSmsOn. “ 3 “ 3 Watson;- “ 3 *” I • Wood, •* 3 ** l Young, “ 1 “ 0, The t;t st session ot the Legisla lure is liltefy to be a short one. CHEAPER than the cheapest A fttll complete etock of BOY'S, YOUTH’S, AND MEN’S ct>trrmJro. rtooTs >ni» SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. DRY GOODS, AND ORO CKR1BS, to he Bold at rock hottom price* Give me a tall nmi examine my goods and prlteS before ptlrchnsing elsewhere. F: H. HARTMAN, Front Street, BhookiIavex, .Miss. Jan. 3 l-yr NEW FIRM! -AND NEW GOODS!!; Tl«‘ undersigned have reeeiittr entered j into copartnership and op. ned a dmgnilt cent and attractive stock of Good.* at the Old Stand of C. ]). MEEK. These consist, in part, of CLOTHING AND FANCY GOODS, FLOl'R, MF.AL. BACON, I.ARD, sic a r. Molasses, canned FISH AND FRUIT*, TICK LES, ETC., ETC, ALL SOLD AT ROOK BOTTOM PBICF.S. And wo cordially solicit a liberal snare of Public Patronage. MEEK & ROBESON, Dec. 27-4w Biuiokiia vkn, Miss. AMERICAN SEWIN6 MACHINE Best In the World t 917 Olive St., St. Louis, JFo!. VI -% V l*lt ICII Vr-l'll. Agenl,' ■trouli hit sen. .Hina. UNION HALL INSTITUTE, ! PROF. J. .M. (ilRAl’LT. Principal. Keojwms the 1st Monday in January. I 1**4. Students are thoroughly )ire|>:ired | in all Itranehes to enter enllege. Hoard ! furnished to students from » distance at most reasonable rates. J. M. May, Vkiivox Smith. FK»*K ('AMI'ttt-'t.i. Hff .■ i!Wf. f i ecs. PEARL RIVER NAVIGATION The Steamer Oftver Clifton, R. N. FOXy Maiter, from th'date until further notice will make ten 'lav trips j between i New Orleans and Georgetown r?TFr. anil p iR&onjror* <;«rrio<i liotli ways at cluMpt'st rat« a. Dec li 3-in SAM LIGHT FOOT, THE OLI) KKLIAHI.K HAKHKK OF BROOKHAVEN, ' Can still tie foil ml in his neat little shop on Krnnt I street,always ready to serve his patrons up after j the most approved fashions of the Touaonal Art Aug. 16 tf, ’ or i , I Tills pore wine Is a siniple vege- \ table extract without intoxicating Y qualities, and has proved to he the > most astonishing TONIC FOR WOMEN I known to medical science. / ft A well-known gentleman says: "My [‘wile has been in delicate health for at vteen years. She suffered fearfully every rmonai with nates and excessive menses. \ Doctors could do her no good. One bottle /of McElree’s wthe of Caraui restored her f health, and she gained eighteen pound* V in weight in twotaadths while taking It” ♦ MeElree’s Wine of Cardul la recoin- \ mended tor painful- monthly habit, \ dlfflcult, suppressed, excessive and I irregular Menses, Whites, Falling of I the Womb, Change of 1-lfe, General / j Debility, and as a tonic for delicate J ladles. It was tested In 7000 eases l and cured 0500 of them. Its aaton- ) taking action mystified Doctors, 4e> ( lighted sufferers, and restored those i sands of entTorlng women to health \ and happiness. Druggists salt tt at I •1.00 per Bottle. A sixty.four page I pamphlet tolling mi about It free by / mail. / CHATTAm MFOIGINF 1)0,1 CHATTAifO&CA, T£W», i I Disease Ourod WltHont lleilnlnf. A Valuable IH$i-orrrg for 'applying May*'- j Jinrn to thr Human Sgntrm. ElertriHly and ^f.gheti nm ntili:rd,an nrrrr brforr for Healing thr Sirl . THE MAONKTION APfllAKUt CO.'S utu^iTTir uiD^nt hi:i,Tl t'OR MEN IS WARRANTED r» (THR or rnonrl rtflimlwd, 1 the following diseases without medicine — Pain In the Back, hip*, hea.1 or llmha, nervous cleiillltv, lumbago, genet a! debility. rhettmanam. paralysis, neuralgia, sclatlfuL disease* of the kid ne}*, spinal di*ea«e», torpid liver, gont. seminal hini'Siona, Impotence, asthma, heart disease, dys pepsia, eonstipatlon, erysipelas. Indigestion, her nia or rupture, catarrh, pile*, epilepsy, dumb ague, e*t, Whan »nr debility of the gencretlve organ; oc curs. loaf vitality jack of nerve .one an.l vigor, westing weaki ea*. anil all of those diseases of a personal nature, from whatever eaiil'e. .fbecnii tlnnoii* stFt am ofTWagnctlsm permeating fhfv*>gh the parta. most restore Ihemtoa healthy artmu. There la no mistake tibOut this appliance. r|AO TIIE LA DIEM If ' on are a III let e.l with 1 lame hack* wealjpeas of the spin.-, hailing of the womti.Leaoorrhrea.chronlr liiHaMiirfation snd Ulceration of the Womb, Incidental hemorrhage or floodlit)?, fhtlnfrfl, siippreaae.l and irregular iiienstruatlon, barrenness. and change of life, his Is the best Appliance aftd enratlve agent known. For all form* of female diflfcnltiea It la unsur passed l.y anythlug tiefore Invented. Imth as a curative ageut an.l as a source of power and vl talizatlotl Price of cither Belt with Mspnetle Insoles, fin, sent fiy k*pre*S P. P. I)., art A examination allow ed, or liy mail on receipt of price. In ordering .end meaanre of waist, and sir.e of shoe. Keiini tattee can he mad* In currency, sent tn letter at f*t(r risk ".he Mspneton tiarmenta are adapted *o all apes, are worn oyer the under clot 111 up .not next to the body like the many Uairarilc and lectrlc II uni hups advert lsed so extensively), and should he taken olT at nlpht. They hold their I’riwer Forever, and arc worn at all seasons of the year. send stamp for the ‘‘Ned Departure in Medical treatment without Medicine, ' with thotissfid* of testimonials. . ., TIIK MAti^RTfON APPI.1 ANt’K CO., 2IH state Street, • Ilieapo, III. Note.—Send one do.|ar In poiftaire Htiinpa or cirrenoy tip letter at onr risk) with »l re of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Ma^n-flC In soles, and t»e Konvlnced of the power resldmp in our othef’ A/Apneejif Appliances. Positively no cold feet when ther are worn,or money refmnted. Oct lil-ly VOORHIES’ ' Stir;, Eeitamit ad Coffee Saloon, Sitr Orlkass, 1.x,, OYSTERS IS EVER Y STYLE. I'JSTRY A SI) MILE. IS Uoy.I1. St. anh III’ Exi hatci I >OV, I a"> II’ F. R. HARDQN, Q No. *2!» Ciiaktkk* st., Nr.w Orders from towns and countfv h(,* tkdicited. send tolifl Orders for i milUNeuy TO Mme. Rosa Reynoiry No. a CtiAKTHKK St., Nr.w Oklkana, Her stock is file largest mid most K««b iojutldy i»t the city and having lieeti select' Ml liy he# personally and bought at Kacttv riss t ft t'Ash she sells the most stylish1 I goods at unusually low prices. Orders promptly tilled and goods cheer i tally exchanged when not entirely satis, 'factory. Itcat unality of Berlin Zephyr 9 I cents per ounce delltered freo Of post id* ! Oct. lii-tim BLOOM, A — in— Patent and Family Med icinee, Scrap-Book*/ Hymn-Books, Bibles, > Testaments, Watch >■ es, Clocks, Musical Instruments,Fruit* Confections, etc; WESSON,..MISS ___* J. JL TYLER, Dealer in General Merchandise, nou lEttUTTO, - ----- .HItin Keeps constantly <>n liand a full 1 Tnw of staple and !F\AJSTCY GOODS CLOTHING. HOOTS, SHOES. HATS,CALICO. DOMESTIC, HOSIERY; HANDKERCHI^'FS'; LACES, TRIMMINGS, GROCERIESi CANNED GOODS, FAMILY AND PATENT MF.DK INEf\ j and everything usifally ke| t in a first class store. Call and examine iuy I stock, and Plain prices. I will not he undersold. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUC E ,VUj S If I " * • ■