Newspaper Page Text
fhe gfpahknrti Vender. Official Journal of Lincoln County. Official journal City of Brooktaven. THUIUUUT. JIm arvJ, ^ Ain roffJirv riKYIN. «„r lav ami Monday it ra'nct) All day. “ S V. Magee 1* soon to open a first 's* hotel- ,. t I.,*t Sunday the mail Irani going south wi. e hours late , . The last two nights ham Imjwii tl.s eolil „tnfth« scatwn. pickena is (in 4 vlstlt to Ihafitt* and Mlstives iii Holme* county. Hr 1» I>- Heiniingtoii, of Lawrence, was » visitor to onr town lust Friday. Mai F“t ijuerterinoiis. of Bogun Chi ltd, 'i»s oeeii i“ town several days the past wefk. There ws* » very enj ivnhV masquerade rtv Bt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. il. Martin ou last Friday niglit. Iicv J. H. Oamlirell and wife left for, hopi«i' last Monday, which enmity Mr. I'lamhrell will canvass for Prohibition. Mr Janies T. Darden and his mother Mrs. «sniii Darden, of Bolimr eoiinty. ate on R visit to her daughter, Mrs. Jiidgo Me-1 Millan- „ i Notwithstanding the somewhat ineleni weather, the most of oilr merchants had all the customers they could wait ou 1’bristinn* Eve. ]jivvlrs Powell & Clapp, '>• J • ’rennaii, Mock A Robeson, and J. It. Perkins all j Jiave bright new signs. Td felt shch | tilings is a good sigii lor our town. Messrs. Wash Ky/.ar, G. H. Robertson, | M. W. Xevils, Dr. J. K. and Mr. .1. M. ltvrd, of this county, have been among (tie late visitors to Thk Lk.apkR otfiee. Mr. Jack Parish, who was called to Jackson suddenly just before the holiday* to the bedside of a sick wife, returned yes terday, and re)>orts Mrs. Parish oiit of danger. There w ill be a lumberman's convention held at Jackson, Miss. February 15 and It!. We hope to see this comity well rep resented. Our extensive ami growing lumber interests demand it. Chancellor McLanrin, after being water bouml tw o days, got herb yesterday and opened Court ill the Mayor's office. Owing to the destruction of the Chancery records the term will be u short one. There is a petition being circulated in ♦own to have the Legislature except the corporation of llrookhaven when it comes to pas* a prohibitory law for the county. \Vo will publish it next week. Our old friend, Mr IL 1!. Fvnns, ofj Cincinnati, who has been spending the Christmas holidays on a visit to his daugh ter, Mrs. W. 11. Penn of this place, paid us a pleasant visit hist Monday. Hon. T. A. Dickson, Senator-elect from the tilHh district, honored our office with a tall last .Monday, ami left a substantial to ken of his appreciation of Tiie Lkapkf. j We regret that we were “not in" at the | I lime. Our esteemed young ' friend John M. Martin, who is now representing the .Sta tionery ami Printing House of Messrs. Jos. Levy A. Hro., of New Orleans, spent a portion of the Christmas holidays in llrookhaven. Our highly esteemed trie Oil Miss Dilia Mikcll has our thanks for a variety of delicious cake from her New Vcar Feast. It was enjoyed by the entire Leader of fice amidst many good wlsiw.s for the fit- j turn of our gentle friend. Kid. J. R. Parish, of this city. wil| 1 preach this year for the follow ing church es: Kyrain, Hinds comity, the 1st Sabbath: Pleasaut Grove, the ‘Jud; Alt. Moriah, the drd, and Saturday before lor each, and llrookhaven, the 4th, morning and night. Several of our Lawrence county friends have lately called upon 'I’ll K LkaDKK during our absence w ithout leaving their uautes. We hope they will mill again 1 whenever convenient, as we are always glad to meet our friends from that ipiartcr. ; Key. \\ . U. Bingham lias accept ail lilt* j full of the Presbyterian church at this I place to preach twice a mouth instcail ol , mice as heretofore. He will begin next! ‘hniday ami continue to preach throntfb'odt • lie year on tile 1st and drd Sabbath of I each month. Mrs. K. Monger and little sou I.other, of J Clinton, spent several days of last week in | llrookhaven, the guests of the editor and , family, to whom they ate closely related. ! They returned Sunday,' Mrs. M. expressing herself as greatly pleased w ith llrookhaven utid its surroundings. Rev. J. A. KUis took leave of his nrany friends at this place last Monday to enter upon hi" new held of labor as Presiding H.lder of the Jackson distciet. His charm ing daughter, Miss lessii a, accompanied him, and will spend awhile visiting friend" and relatives in Meridian. A1 brilliant Leap-Year Party by our society holies was tho event at Heuek’s Hall last night. Tho early hour, at w hich we go'to pfess forbids an' extended notice. The young ladies have oiiT thanks for an appreciated invi^atioh to particapate in the festivities of the occasion. Sheriff xrikell, Circuit Clerk Warren and Superintendent Spencer have estab lished their offlc^SflV the Storm ffiiilding, where they arc i'll readiness to transact any business'appoit,tilling the:’etA. Chan try Clerk .Vaftii? h(hi nothing >Hl with which to set up an ottfce, but can' general ly be found at afeade’s drug store. Mr. L. M. Patterson, died on last Tues day, lstinst., at this resiwnce or his son-in law, Him. R. If. Thompson, of this city. His passing aVriy wrt's rather sudden, but not altogether' unexpected, as he had been Ul1 feeble hbafth for some weeks past. He had reached the ri]H* old age of HO, and was highly regarded by all who knew Rim. We rituru thanks to the managers of the Presbyterian Sunday-school and (church Re-union for an invitation to the elegant entertainment and supper given by them at Henek’s Hall on last Tuesday tight. Wo were unavoidably kept sway, much to our regret, but we learn from those who were more fortunate, that the affair was a success in every particular. The manner in which Christmas passed off in Hrookhaven, *11 things considered, was a rredit and a de.cided compliment to the character and law-ahidiug spirit of our people. Aside from the noise of the inevitable hoy and firecracker, the shouts of merriment and peals of laughter and a general relaxation from business, there was nothing which particularly distin guished Christmas dav from those which preceded add followed it. A happy and tbrtnnate contrast with the reports that etnne from many towns of our State. AaaiTerMir)' of Nelhod<»m. .There will be special service at the Vet hod is t church next Sunday at It a. >r. aauer a resolution of the Centenary Com mittee of Organic J/ethodisui in America sad of the JfissisMppi -Conferi dco. The Public are cordially invited and the mem bers earnestly solicited to be present, as important facts will be presented. No collection. If. F. Jonv.- v. Pastor. Jan. 1, IfijT. The best mu heipest .it Kehlmati's. • "b'last; w!j! net l.« nudcrsold. ^ * 4 - . „ TMS Al'.tt 4 0IRI UoVnI- n A nil KM! I HdiialilCiltj' llir tVnrii of i«n In rraillurr On last Monday morning al'-oiit h:\If-pitM 3 o’clock IIm alarm of lift- waa sounded over town, and our citi/.iis rushed nut in to the rain and inky dsrkniws to discover that the devouring Haines weffl fssl coii snming the rtew county ■ otirt house. The lire had undoiit>te<lly been k:ndle«t in the office of Chancery Clerk by an incendiary, /»n«l w hen the first of our citizens arrived dpon the see tie the entire contents of tins iiu|Hirtsntoffice were enveloped in destruc tion |^pd tr.e dames were lickiuj? their fiery tonguos out at tile windows and door and making the r way into the rest of Un building. It was too late tft save the court house, ns all saw ul a glance, anil tMi' only thing left was to remove the con tents of the other offices, By quick ami i ihj’nng efforts, this was quite effectually dune, quit qiost of tile hooks, palters, etc., belonging to the Circuit Clerk, ^iieritf and Couuty Sii|MTiiitendent ot Kdueut jou. w ere thus saved, though in ii cniifuaeq and ! somewhat, damagetl condition owing to Hit* heavy rain which was rtt tlie time fall- j ing. InssPSi Cllatlcety Clerk Martin has given us a close estiolate of the total loss to the coilfi- | ty, and we are glad to say, it will not ex- i i ced (M 1,IMH). This inclwdos the building, the furniture) eoiliity library, Chancery Clerk's rts'lthls, lllilnks and stationery on hand, etc. Kverj thing appertaining to the Chancery Clerk's office was lost except deed laaik “N” which Ml. Martin had car ried hod e to do siltite copying from. Tlie records of the Board of fSnjiorvisors ami of the Chancery cipjrt, the official lionds of the enmity tuHcerV, etc., are all gone. All of tire iiewH clecteu • t’uunty officials had | tilcil their I’vints' and in consequence some ! of tin ui are now having to hustle around! right lively in onler to get them dupliea-1 ted in time to qualify next Monday. “Uncle” .lease Warren says lie had | Off 11 in liotep of hand w hich he hail been i holding ever since lie fore the war, | stuck away in a little private drawer in i his office, wl|icl) were overlooked and left to limn. Tlie loss of this vast amount of claims which wastin' cash loaned, was not as much, however, as one might suppose. He says if some fellow come along and ottered him 25 trad' dollars for the whole package, he would have thought twice before refusing tlie offer. .Sheriff' Mikell has missing in comity and school warrants, which had been paid in for taxes aild were laureled. lie also lost some important office papers. Superintendent Spencer says lie lost all of the county school records plior to last year and some, other papers belonging to his office. WHATTHK ritlSONr-ltS '> .IA1I. SAY. There wore I In re negro prisoners in file lire-ptoof jail hard hy I lie court house, and they were the first to give the alarm offiire. They stated to Sheriff' Mikell and others j after the tire that the incendiary, whoever j he was, first tried to break in through the windows of the Circuit Clerk's office, lint they being aroused hy the noisa coinmene ed to holler, when he left off there and went around to one of the windows of the Chan- | eery Clerk's office,at the same time telling them in profane and grulf language that it they did not “dry up,’’ lie would “set the j jail a fife and bum them tip.” Shortly afterward, they saw the glare of flames,; and then began to holler irf tamest. We simply give4tliis story for what it is worth. Judging from the way these'negroes were j crying for heip. niouauing and groaning , wiien this writer and a few others first J reached the court yard, they evidently j thought the threat repeated above was | about to he carried out. They, in fai t, ! would have received a decided linking. : since while the jail did not burn, tile walls j hceamr, intensely hot. lint were soon freed : from tlieir perilous position by .Mr. Joe I Chrisiiian and others. There are various conjectures and mis- j piciniis its tn w ho the incendiary is, hut it is ahi/nt unanimously agreed that lie is i some man in the enmity interested tjnan- ; cis'fiy or otherwise in tlie destruction of the ; eotift records. Kvet-y effort will lie nlaile to find him out. and if caught, lie Will no doubt he punished tifthe lull extentot the aw. A Ilrnuliruf 'I tiUcn ill' I'ilinl I.OTP. The following discloses at once tile most beautiful, substantial and valuable exhi-1 bit ion nf a “remembrance of tin* old peo ple’' we have heard of during the holidays, and is well worthy of special mention hi these days when boys and young men are ^ so prone to neglect the loved ones at home , who eared for them when tliev were iinahly I to earn for themselves. Four such hoys nu^- • worth a whole army of dressy dudcjx or selfish spendthrifts, and Mr. and x^rs. t no j doubt feel proud of them accordingly/ • j We may add that the carpets presented,' | were of the most valuable patterns, and cost “Hob, Ned, Tom and Joe" about Si.itt: ; Mr. slid Mrs. J. K. Perkins with Cbtfotina* ’ greetings from the “Boys." flV.lsrMvs, Id.";!. Hob, Ned, Tom and Joe, wish Father and , Mother, and their sisters and brothers, a j merry Christinas and a happy New Year, j and iu order to make the dear old folks comfortable, tender them as a Christmas present, a couple of carpets, one for their parlor, and the other for the front ropin ’J Cod bless and protect you,and inav you be spared to your hoys and girls,j,fbr many, many new years to come. Accept tip present as a slight token of the h»ve tb.>t we entertain tor <Air clear l'atTAf arrd Mother. >—4 Prohibition. There will t>F ;( meeting of the ei htinit ♦ec of Utie hundred in Houck's ITalt Brook haven, Momlay, the 14 of January, at 11 a. m. A full attendance of all the ccii'imit tee is urgently requested. The friends of the cause are cordially invited. H. K. Johnson, Chnmmoi. tfot lleail, but l.lvrin. Nr(tv Orleans, Dec. 2S, ISS.'i. To the Editor of the Brookhaven Leader: Reset. Sir—Your Fair Hiver nyrrespon dent has been misinformod. f have net died yet—never did snch a tiling, and, don't export to as hmg as t live. tV 1 should ever decide to do so I will try to have the information1 sent direct to yon for puMlcatfoW. Yours truly, J. H. Cameron. flurried. In Brookhaven, Miss., on Dec. i£7, lfW.1, hv Justice \V. 1*. Baggett, Mr. Calvin Cask and Mi's M. J. Adcock. All of Lin coln county. At'the residence of the bride's mother, in Lincoln countv, on Dec. 19t*fi. by the ltev. W. H. Germany,Mr. W. J. D. Mercfk aid Miss CocrtnkY Q. Rollins. attendants ; Tho*. C. Bait and Miss F. O. Huffman. At the residence of the bride's father, in Lhk-oIii county, by the Rev. W. H. Ger many, Mr. II. A. Moak and Miss Mollie 1 Albfitxot. AirENDANTe G W. Mercer and Miss Ida Roberts' In Brookhaven, Dee. -7, 18St, hy Eld. J R. Parish, Mr. Elliot r Posey and Miss F vc&ttl Feiderj all of Lineolu county. •, .’detjvd of tue tivido 4 mother, on Pee. the J.'lii. lr.-v ' M V." >*«»il«- M. B. R., *<r. YV. K. Stum *r.l mms MAte.lL i p. Cads: all of Lincoln county Mav peace and attend all >f , •. , i ft * V> ,e>. llfi» « 1 A llrlllirtnl Rm'ImI IWeai, ' * t *',r* *1 No even* during the Christmas holidays 1 created a more lively interest in the wh t’al circle than did the party,given at tho reai •Icm-e of ('apt. Ilardy .(mi, the evening of thw'/Tth, hy MiaM (.t|f^ Kagsdalo, Annie Hooker, /ala HriMiT:.! and Ih-ttic Hardy. The apaeiona, vjfgant parlnra were aglow- w ith a HwhI nf mellow light, and the claliorate di" orations weri- all that taste or heanty i-'*”ld suggest; while the brilliant assembly of the admired beaux and hellesof onf rilr city made the scene at once attractive ^nd interesting—one of which we might .read with pleasure in some '’Holliday iignile-r” of a magazine where an occasion id so much life and joy | is often considered unreal. Ilnneing was! pnrtieipatl-d In by,.the company of “young |ample," after which a supper to tempt tin gods w as seyvpd, when dancing again was tin- ruling power. We note I some guests from abroad which were as follows: Misses Fontaine (turret aml*i,anr;t Maxwell, of Canton; Miss ,1/cNcil, of New Orleans; L'apt. U. II. and .Wesars. .let!’ and licit | Truly, of Fayette; ,1/r. Henry Kidd( of City; Hon. A. II. I.oiigino, of .l/nnti cello, and |a-rhaps one or two others. Never was a “Christmas party” more en joyed and in saying this we believe that j we lint re-echo the sentiment of every ! heart that kept time to tin- glad moments as they lightly sped on this eventful j evening. Tin* l.iqnor lilt-fiise ((artllof) ‘ Affnln. Tu the Ed\or of the Brookhaven Leader: As there is no argument in Amicus Cu ria's reply, I w ill only say that he is the one that is ignorant of legal matters w hen j lie says that the issuance of license to n— , tail is not optional with the Hoard The law says they winy grant such license. He j says 1 dale not say that the petitions were 1 not tiled nnd published as the law directs. I can say that one of those petitions was not dated w hen it was tiled. If ever; and as to the petitions having a majority of the legal voters. I must say that it looks a tit tle dark, as I have put myself to sonic trouble to find out what a majority would he. All the members of the Hoard that I have asked have told me that they could not toil how many voters there are in this city. Now this being triff-, how cun they go ahead in this guess-work soft of away and grant license? One of our City Fathers titld me that the Hoard left, it to tiro of the members to say how many voters it takes for a majority. I thought that we hail six aldermen, hut it seems from this that it only takes two to grant a whisky license. This 1 must say, t!?!tt if the names of all those signers who livti tint of this city were not counted, all Of those petitions would have failed. Linkman. “Linkman" is very pointed in his charges, and no doubt eon iders he has i good grounds fo> thep' | hut we have been | informed by tu ■ members of the Hoard j since his cominmiicntjon was received that j the petitions lately granted were exam-| ined with more tlisn usual rigidness and | were found in all respects to conform to the | re<|iiirements of law. This we state in the j interest of fairness. and if any nieiiilirr of j the Hoard has any thing further to say by way of explanation or defei s •, we will' w illingly- accord him space to do •<>. I' tii* Uiirr Ileitis. The publi • mails are in a eery hail con dition on account of late rains. Christinas has passed off very dull with the exception of a few sociables. Rev. R. 1*. Douglass is to supply the Fair River church the ensuing year. Mr. Tom Ileal 11;is opened t\ store on the 1 Bloom «V Wcsterffeld corner in Monticello. . Peter Maxwe'l s son while .•litting some wood the other day cut fils foot very hadly. Copt. Fox is now in Peat-! River with his boat waiting for a rise to g > to trans porting the cotton. *'f here is a young than in our neighbor hood who says he was horn on Clo istmas day, Dec. 14th, ISiVi. Mr. <i. W. Ivy and his mother have re turned from Red River Parish, La. Both in fine health and s) irit. The bridge across Fair River, near Mon- i ticcllo. on the Beauregard mail, is stippns- i i d to lie in a had condition. Dr. 1!. B. Cowart, of Lawrenee, was on a visit to relaiiies here last Sunday, lie re purts fsvohiliTx for old Lawrence. Mr. .Icsse Wilson, we are informed, has ] sold a half interest in his steam mill near Monlieello to Mr. Jno. Brown, of (leorjtC" town. M.WiKIKIU Deo. 1‘Jtli, ISM:!,, :il the residence of lier , uncle, Ike Cowart, l»y Rev. Frank Bag gett. Mr. (’has. WiHiTt a'int Miss Ki.i/.a Cowa'kt; all of Fair River,' Lincoln county , Anil at the resilience of the bride's fill li- ! er, .1. S. Miixwllt, 'll Ter loth, 1IV Rev. B. A. ^ea«in,'.>jr. It. tf. tTmyxsKXi> 1 anil Miss Sophia Maxwi.i.i., of Lawrence, county. Also o;i the 10th December, lSStl, at I'lcasant Grove church, Lincoln countv, ! I ay Rev. It. A. Reason, Mr. J. M. RHINE,: of Law rciice county, anil Miss M. L. John- | son, of Lincoln county. Anil on the same day, at the yesidenee of the bride’s father. Mr. J. J. Lck and Miss Rosa Bkij.K Bkasi»», liy J- W. Maxwell, i M. B. S. Also at the residence of the j bride's father, Major Lea, on the'iOih De cYtnher, lss:t, Mr? Handy M.iV and Miss KiiaLka. “lleiiry” This clear Havana tiller cigar Fs. Ifevoin! doubt, the beat cigar in town.’ ?. B. Wil moth is solo agent. “Opera” nnil ‘‘basket^ llanitjnls,’’ in the leading alludes,at Mrs. B*. C. iWemiau's, on Cherokee street. For clocks, go to KViblman's. Cheapest goods iff Kohlman's. ! ^RiiOTooii.y^i»s.—Strangers going to Nev\ Orleans are cordially invited to call at Washburn’s celebrated true At; Gallery and see the beautiful specimens of Photographs being dally made at his es tablishment. Admittance free. tf Iichinf; Pil<‘«-!*>n»pt»m« nasi Fare, The symptoms are moisture, like perspiration, litense Itching, Increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, seems as If pin wottBS were crawling In anil about the rectum; Hie private parts are sometimes affected. It al lowed fo continue very serious results may fol low. ‘ SWAYNB'S OINT.VKNT" is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for Tetter, Itch, Salt Kheum Scald Head. Krysipelaa. Barbers' Itch, Blolches, 1 all scaly, crusty Skin Disease*, sent by mail f > r ; so cents; 3 boxes, *1.45, (in stamps). A.llress, i Dr. Swavne A Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. ,)une48-lv Just received—The hits* styles! of lints and Bonnets at Mrs. B. C. Brennans Mil ! linery Establishment. >| re, B. C. Brel man's Mi. linery and dress-making Establishment is in Cherokee 1 street, (Sill for Henry I,ee cigars rf jn.iv Want i * good smoke for 5 cants. For sale by Si. It. W I I.VHVr M. ! Everybody buys KoUluian's rllblrp goods. Bargbtns in clothing at Koblmnii’a. I For cheap hats, go to Kohlman’s. ■bled. At l*is residence, near Mouticello, l ae - , rcace county, Dec. ‘Jt'th, iM :uu j ( * Mr BOV. » native of Wilmington, - ■ - -- -:-«-; Hog lie t'hlltw kits. K. 1), Andpr*on in visiting •wi'Utvc!* in fernitiare. , f. x • i Wesson A Monc>..nie now ilohygan iut meiyni, lumber hnainews. shipping from ImiIIi nidi* Mr* il. i|%AI)pn ha* hern ipiitc fjrk b>r several day* hut we are hupp* to know tliMt »re is eontrnleaeing. The f’brismns tree umlrr tile iitapsge inent of Mixsep Klla Thompson ami Addie | Cook wa* a grand auveraa. The etlieens of tjbia,tpvrj? afe under main obligations in the ktilnwil fur repair done on depot platform. Tlie nexA »e *«nl to see i* a new depot lionse, for we tteeil title. The great show here a short time ago •*«* like all the rest—charged lor the tick- I el that admitted yon, ami on account of ill's (the priee la-ing Ml cents), some were foreed to stay out and climb up on lionsi top* ami steal a sight, or rather, take it. Shame on xileh conduct. We predict u fine nnt crop next sotumii: judging from the immense iiiuunilt we see received almost daily hy oof enterprising merchant, .1. M. Tyler, (Hilt hut wllat Mar t shall, Hrister, Kethlmaii and all the rest are enterprising men), and the writpr thinks that if all would advertise in Tt'i LkaDKN it wottld he well .. A short time ago, Mr. .1. M. \Ves,son, ,tr., while passing over the high trestle eaat hf, Hogue Cliitto l iter on the \V. & M. Rail road, lost his balance and fell to tile ground am) it was thought at the time hail , seriously injured himself; lint after the shock medical aid being rendered j it was ascertained that it was nnt serious ami Pc is now convalescing. - il - During tile session of tile Legislature, I will halve Dr. \V. M. Ilartlett in ehltrge of my office. I am responsible for all work done py him and insure satisfaction. He is fully t’ompetent and reliable; will work as cheap as such work, can be done; hut will work only for cash. Please remember to bring the '.ish. as nit wttrk will bis allowed to leave the office Until paid for. V. H. W’.viTtf. Aullef. The Western Settlers’ Guide amt t-ovi rn incnt Land Locating Agency, will locate set t’ers on gmsl government lands, and for $1 will Send prepaid complete Settlers’ Guide. Land Laws, Digest of Decisions and Forms. Descriptive Pamphlets, Map, List, Location, and Description of vacant lands, products, climate, soil, water, timber, rail roads tow as, business locations, opening for settlement ot i the great Sioux Reservations, and lull infor-. mat ion of where, whi-p and how eVrrv person can obtain 3*J0 acres of gtiod land tree also how andwhere to obtain and use all kinds ol land scrip. Address: R. E. W. Se.uti.vit. .fan. 3-liw Niobrara, Neb. Remember Kohlman’s Great Cash Hints*' Kohlman will treat you right. The most enduring and never fading l’hotograph’s at* thus- taking by Wnsli litirn ;it his Gallery DD Canal St., New Orleans, La. tt .1. M. Tyler’s is the place to liny extra fancy Hour. Cheap for cash. • ,1. M. Tyler, Hognechitto, Miss., is tin place to liny your salt, as lie has just re ceived a ear load $1,115 per sack. Lawks Cloak's! Lauik's Cloaks !! rv If you want a nice article in tlieir line call on Jin*. MetJratli. Ci.otiiixo ! Ovr.m oats !|! iT^Mctirutli’s rlotliinjj wears well anil alwaysj;ives satisfaction. Why? Simply because lie never buys olil auction golds, but always gets bis stock lresh from the manulad nries. Those S1'_,..r>0 ami * lotto suits are ‘ ilaisirs." Metirath's overcoals are the we ever saw . Ty let's is the place to btiy yitur '♦infer shoes. Cheap for cash. *- - 7 t^’I'iloTooitAiMis.—Snoulcl you visit New i tries us go to Washburn's Art tlallery lot* Canal .street, anil have your pictures taken. Itov la-tf Cittting anil Fitting a speciabty at Mrs 15.- C; Brennan's. Brice fluisc elegant Corsets anil Kill (Doves at Mrs. It. C. Brennan. Kolilnian huyv for rush then f«»i»* ran ni ford to s» l! i*heajH*r; noun* wonder how \\«‘ do it, l»nt we do; come and se.e tor your self Don’t fail to go to Kolilnian f*. SmoKF.KS, A'l'iVeN I H’Sf!—The hev'f .*> ef Ilf cigar in town is flif’ Unify Dee. for sale l»y S. It. - • • Kolilnian th*n the rhoapext. — Yon got wl*at you liny at Kohlman's. F. very body must go t« Kohlman's. Square deals at Kohlinan's. Nkw Hats! Nkw Hats! rrif.von want a new hat of the latest style, rail on.I no. MeHrath. A tine assort ment just reeeived from New York. They are beauties. Tyler keeps on hand 'fexris fved ftiisl proof (flits for So rents per bushel. Boot's Shoks ! McGrath !! Mefiraths’ parlor shoe store is the favor ite place on the Jackson Railroad. He keei>s $5000.00 worth of Boots and Shoes on hand. Call on hiiu for goods at oner and you will he suited. 1 to not waste time iooking around. Always go to head quarters. He has a tine line of Boots. Fon Sai.k Chkap. ryOoods i.'e sold rheaper than ever at McGrath's He is ti e busiest man in tow n. New goods arriving daily at Kolilnian s. Have your Dresses made in the latest stvle at Mrs. B. C. Brennan's. BROOKHA *rK MARKET Price* Current—Corrected Weekly. Hkook iiavks, April, 5. 18s;t. l/eal, *H.7.V*frl.nn Flour, 6.00*7.00 11a ron, It* 91c Lard, 11* life Hams s 17*18 Sugar, 8* 124c Corns', 14*18? Hire, 8* 9c Tobacco, 30* 75c Cheese, 15* 20c Hotter, 25* 40c Salt, tine, fl.50* ( alien, 5*7c Hrowrf fiodieslie, 8<f9c “ “ }7*8c Bleached 8*lie Cotton—(inod ordinary, Low middling. 91*c Middling, HI* e , Sweet potatoes—Yellow Vain 7o'- 1ms. *• “ lied and White 60c l»u« Eggs, 20 | Chickens, $2.40**3.00 i Hides—green salted, 0*6Ac “ Dry salted, 8* 9c Flint. 94* 10o * \\ iv»l—Washed. *1*■■■ • l uwashed, 2f' Slight hurry, It •• Medium hurv, L’~ *• Hid Furry. He Publication Notice. L»*lli tl»l ft I! AT M|P'..» Bb'e'ii'-er IAIii, net*, )' Notice |p hereiT #t*nn M tt tin: foUii'Vina-nam- , M i''Uiw ban Tiled i*"liw ol lua intention In make , Huai Jif.xif in pdpimrt nf imp elano, and that raid proof will l>» iiipiIp Air tore l. K, M aru, Oianeerv Clerk, at Mdlttloellt'. VI pp. no .laiiuarr iwm tit: l*aai' Hrenpon, llumretead No. *44*. fur Hie pel, lie1, • *4, l t n. r !» w ; »n41* !,•>',• It pH'i nw i, nw '4 a l«, t * n. r i»w lie the follow ilia wltnepaea lo prove lilarontlnii'iiip re-i dei.' e i.port, and cultivationt»f, paid lend, v * | Levi .vi.verr, f rank .Nor-a Td of (pwiuvlil* I'. O , wood, Menr) ilriintb. I UrmivT i;o.t Mike Walker. ; Viea If c k KitII fteeH-bw HeKietar. , lpabllration Rot tee. 1,4*i»OrrtcI at Ja< ks»>n. Mum.,! It**:. 13, IvlS. » Notice Ik hereby giVed that the folio*mg uaio fill sHtler has feed notice of tils intention to make filial proof m support of hftf claim, and that said proof wi.l i>e made before C. K. " ait*. Chance, v fieri, at .tfonticello, Ml**., on a Hilary 25, 1*34 viz- Henry Unify, Home* tea ft No. ►•»*. for the a S ne ^ and lie ^ *e S a. if. and aw <H nw v. I a. *>, t» ii, r 18 w. lie name* the following WIT ne*se»* to prove his continuous residence iipoii and cultivation of, avid land, vix: Isaac Brinson, i.evi .My-) All «*r uwirvdie I*. O, j er*. Tom Norwood. - Lawrence co. Mike Walker;. ) Mia-. ICC. KKKK. Dec 13 Aw Register. | Publication Sot ice. Lanp omeic at J/ckaoH, Miss..» J December 13. Ism®. ( ' Notice la hereby gi*en that the following nan*- 1 ed -ettier ha* hied notice df Ills intention to make final proof in auiport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before C. K. VN aft*, i lia eery nerk, al 4/onticello, Miss., on aniiary fii,'sv4. viz: Kill* .felt, Homestead No. for the *-t nw anil n\ nwi, sec. 34, t s n. r In e. //e names the following Witness** to prove his continuous resident e i'pon, and cultnation of, said laud, viz: » i IImvw(hh| Biyant. Bras) All of Montieello, P. *'.* Tvier, I ncas llardie, > Lawrence Co., Jim Prestldge. i Mi*a. R.C. KKKK, Rigister. I t’nblicatian •Yolicc. i.ASb OmcB at Jackson. Miss..) December 13, tS*s3. | Notice is hereby given that the following uain cd settler has fli** t notlve of ins Intention to make (Inal pi oof in sup|M»it of hi* Khnui, and that said proof will be ma ie before \V. M. vn eut worth. Chancery Clerk, at Meadville, Mis.'*., on January 2ft, 1*34. viz: Mahal,« ffilklnson. Home stead No. 3453, for tlie hw’,4 ne , * 14 t. ii n. r A e. II" names thl; following v. i.t nesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aaid land, viz 1. J. Halley, i'll os. A. Ma-) All Of AfeC all's Creek gee, Ueo. W . Griffin, John .- j, u., !• Pcfrfer, J Co., Mis*. R C. K NICK, Register. Publication Xof ice. Land Okpk k at Jackson, Miss.,) , Nov. 29, 1 hs3. f No; ice m hereby given fha the follnwing-uaitt e«l settler lias filed notice ot his intention to nf*)»e final proof in support ot his claim, am* that sat l proof will be 111a le m-fore K. Watts, Chancery Clerk, al Mouticeilo Miss., on Jan. 12, iv*4, viz: John >. Lambert. Homestead No. 9c*2ti.f »r the a,’* ew sifiaude1 uw i, s 22. tdn, r !*» e. He names the f 'Mowing willies ,e» lo prove |hts eoutinuomi leaideuoe up m. m: i <• mivatioti «.t, said land, viz .1. J. t ott. Jesse King,» All of .Momict lm. I\ U. hamuei Neal, 1, I.., Lawrence CC-, Lee. ) Miss. ILL. KGKK, Nov. ?9 Cw Hegister, Publication Xotlce. I A N’D OVFJCK AT J t*’KSON. V !««.,) November 25. 1 ( Notice Is herpi-v g iveil that the follow iiig-uam ed settler ha** Ml d up ice of his Intent.on to make ' final proof trisiiMpoit of his cUim. and that said pi oof will be nia'i^ before c. h. Watts, Chancery < lerk, at Mouticeilo, Miss., on January 7th, i»4, i *iz» obediah ^prjppSepi Homestead No. s45l. , forthenw1-! tiw’,.«ec. 2 and tie1, tie** sec. H, t; ] n, rloe. He nu.m h the following witnesses to, prove hiscontiiiu on iesilen«e upon, and culti vation of. said land, viz: A. II. Johnston. J. M.) All of Mont I cel I , I*. O , Tyler, N e ts Hardy, * Lawrence Co., Hva« Tvier. J Miss. H. C. KKRK, UOV29 6.V Kegisler. Piiblication Xotice. I.ASU OFUl’K AT I (CKS.iN. V|KH..> Hecemoer 2**. Issj. | Notice '.h hereby given hat the fodowiug-iiain ed stiller has riled notice of intention to make mini prool in support of his claim, and that said proof will be u a e before ( . K. WatlH, • . aneery Clerk, *r .Mouticeilo. Miss., ou Feb. 4, Ism, v 7. Nrtthaun-i Pitman, Homestead No. 9H7", • for the ^ sec. •.tftu. rloe He names the following ». it tosses to prtive ms continuous r* sfdtnee upon, t:m cul iVution of, said land, viz: J. I*. sa*iH, Ncmp »n John i All of jl/nntiee)lo, I*, son. Summon Hutchin . • u.. Lawiei.ce Co., Samel Alar, V Miss. K. C. KKUW, | Kcgisier. Publication Xotice. L.'siiOpkick at Jackson, Mt-s i Jan. 3, 18M. t Noiicc is berehv i\«*n that th< follow ii,£ muncti settler has notice ot K»r rffen-* ti«ui to in »ke final proof in support of liis 1 claim, and ih it said proof will lie made hi - , l »rc C K. Watts, Chancery Cl»*rk, at Monti ceHo. M*ss., on Kel». IHih, |HSf, viz: John M. Smith, Hoimstcrtd i-nfrv No. I31(*3, tor the j sw >4 nc*1 .j iiidiii'*4 st*l4 ami w’_. se*4, p3.‘L ! t t» n. r 13 w. He names the following wit nesses tj» prove his continuous residence up- j nn and cultivation of. said land, viz: Charley Allen, M. V.J All of Silver Creek Henn di. Kos.s Duck- - I*. O , Lawrence worth. M. Armstrong) Co, Miss, K. C. KKIM. IL gister. _____ \PKIZF. Send six rents for postage, and re reive free, a costly box «<f goods which will helpyou to more money right awav* thai* any thin.else in this world. All., of eitherse», suc ceed fornn first hour. The brou? roa l to fortnne j opens hr ford'the workers, absolutely sure. At dice address. True A Co August*, Mam*. _,_____ | Agents Wanted, PlTKE TEAS. Agents wanted ccervv'hWc i to sell teas to families, hotels and large con sumers. The largest stock :n the conftfi v to at* lift from: <|ua!ities of at If rb.criptioini tiom the highest imported to lowest grades; a large discount and a handsome income to all i who sell for us. Country store keepers, • druggists who wish to sell teas in scaled pound packages or tin canisters ,;»cddlffs, and in fact all who wish to obtain an honorable living bv sel’ing teas should write ns tor a circular. Original \inerieaii Tea Co., es ab ished in IS 10. I*. O. Box I2S7. Address, KORT. WEM.S, Pies., Dec f> 2-m 42 Wscy 9t/, York. g* a week: frt flcfrA*. $5. to out At free.’ 5ftl f f f Pay absolutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Header if vou want business at which persons of either sex, young or old, yan make great pay at all the time they vr'vrk, with | absolute certainty , vyrite foe partictdais to 11. Hai.l'T k i’o„ Maine. ncy.W-ly, FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE __ A favorite prescription of one of the • most noted and successful snectalUfs in lliid .ll i (now retired)for the cure of Norroua Debility % Lout Manhood, Weakness and Decay .Sent *n plaiu sealed etiTelopc/Wm.Druggists can fill It. Address DR. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Mo. HARRIS REMEDY C0msm&So8u PROF.HARRIS PASTILLE REMEDY Vmi( Me* and others who suff * from Ferrous and Physical DobO ity. Pro mature h&haasUso awf their many gloomy coosoquetwco. •re quick 1/ and radically cured I m it*If put op m DU1M. no. i (.vuu| a montnt, fL ho. a (enough to effect a euro, unless In at rare cases.» j lo t (lasting three months), $7. Bent by mail in plain wrappers. Direction* for (Mf areosspaay each Boa. Vsmphkt desert bin# ibis disease and mod- -.fours sent sealed on -ir“TVisn. SANITARIUM. I.ieorw . Us c!-y rliti o»tr*s. 1 >' >#e, TUr^nt. I »•«- * . routs* r irsw. I MABBIA9E GUIDE i .In? • i ?;h j c!!t ?:*:r*fAr u'." 4t*-j v ink- * *»«• rtr i- » ~t line *ata l»a..k d ’■ It • tokn ».»*• ')'* ***'?. tik> !«■ * . . '<otd tjv *■ ft ■ n. II :U#,A. B u-i-: K * :n. . , r arftJ'iytisn. %:•••*- ‘ o ran--i.n * M di.-V. si-1. vrb‘*n H*c- , jr '’“VH ’C Hint : • * by w * ,1 ^flUL in*. • U . ?1 . . * V s .s-t BROOKHAVEN MALE ACADEMY, i BROOK I? At KN. MISS, 30AHDINO Al?D i?AT SCHOOL * * . .'^->i »*, ->t H»M |>r*>pnrrrt fin- ii'Vtvtos tyi*> »„r i ni»«,K». «>r f»r t»i -*•*».**<. ,i.. 1‘hivahv In whirl*. I Iv ru diwriiln ;in* tmi;(hl m nHitiii* in ti:ioil nitvniM-ml m*-l A. B. CHANDLER, lli-f. I:i I \ I'linri. N . DR J. 0. FRILICK ijROOKliAVEN. M S5. 1>rlh *r»I without ;*uu. »*v of Ituirti Injr Ba« m«l all wofktfnn* aft r *m«iRt i|»prov?»l inethoil* of ill** I) Ritii I’nifMior, ,. Of f nh — In McGrath HuiMintf. • it sta r* M«r h I tf i. B. DAUPHTRY, Insurance Agent, hroukiiaVkv. MISS. IIKI'KEHBNTS— Phoenix of HartfoM a* sett* $4,446.itw.s HoaciifNcv Yorti ‘ . i,fR»,4>$,t4 rhenlx of Brooklyn “ . 3.m,0l6.'6, Hanover of NVw York 41 .SA'iCf.rt§.» ; Western of Toronto •* .M ^ *.i ■ ITeseent of N.Orleans ‘ . . 7.9,443.•« Insure* country ainl ntr property, Otn House* in«l st»*am Saw Mills at i ra*<>na*»ie rate*. Aug 9-6iii. MRS E. B. CRUTCHER, ; Tear her of I 'oral amt In strumental .tlurir AI^D EnETSTCll. ! V For t.-hiN. ai>|.l\ to Iht jM ivmallv nr hy letter. w*|il3>tr liii-K- j. iivnvi.\. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Itrookhnven, Mixx, Offer* hi* services to the people of this sec. rioti ami amroiifhllng country. H-* will «tt* n.i •.ills at any hour of »lav or night. Office at \ Uaofctifry A Mnyiic’a Drag Store, OSM If. it. il. Thomson ATTORNEY AT LAW. BROOKHAVEN, Mil S. Mrirch 1 ly. If*. Iti Xpcurer, ATTORNEY AT LLW. BROOKHAVEN, MISS. Will ]irnrtic«* iti all of tilt* mutts of l.iti eMn ami adjoining c ount ie>. OyriCK—At the Court House. Any;. 1G-I\r. A C McXAltl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BROOKHaVEN, MISS. Will practice in tin courts of Lincoln and adjoining counties, and in tin* Su-j preme and Federal Courts at Jackson, mar 22-1 v Established in 1865. /’. 1st I (II. Cltl Itciht.i: !»r., ItitiHiKlIA vt:\. MEALS AT ALLHOURS. ELECANT PLACE FOR LAOlES, F.ultP, Fiali, o.vHteia. I.puojnft, Ice. Soli* V\ tttei. *lc. Also Cigars, Tobacco, etc., ath* '»>*•/r< Ph price*. . , - ■— ■■ „ — ■ ■■ ■ i ii. . ■ Amrn m , - JOHN R. PZRKINS, BliOOKU.*' LN, The Cheapest hardware House IN mi: soi l'll. —Wholesale ami Jietail Dealer in - ■itKinv tici:, Sugar CauoMiIl« stoves, "ill supplies, Rubber B*l'lnp. Rope Barbed Wire, Wagon Spoke*. Rubs Felloe*, •ash, doors and blinds Lime, Cement, I’lastcr and l ire Brick, White Lead, Turpentine and Linseed Oil Nlrri, Irnn l.e nl «•«'! Iliiltb I PISTOL# .1NI> t'tMt'NiriOS, 4>la>s aftlTitt Ware. coffins. 3? K T A L I C A X I) W O O I> Farrfi Implements of all Kinds. SRfNLEY PLOWS \ BURNT FOR TUB CKLKItKAT. B Furly Breakfast Cooking S to f ATKINS’ CIRCULAfl SAWS, is^ vu i Ajdiit s >.ttii»ri» EAfTeM Company de? it t». St- SVIarco Hotel, Near tiik Depot, BROOKHAVEN. - - - MISS. Everything k®pt In Urst-clap* styie. Accoiu iuotlatuma the best. " mar BROOKHAVEN FOUNDRY AND •ir.fc #f f.v #; * u o r. JOS CONNEHLY. Pro?riea/. I I would inform thP.|m» !*■ that 1 h»vo purctianed the i oundrr formerly ov.ii«|l ’7 rapt. Hoskins; I an dam prepared to do all to.x In as good aty.e, or better thau heretofore. WORK All FIRST CLASS, I * ‘^1 ’ *• ’ ' 1 And husineas Attended to promptly : also *at;s I factum ^tr'ranteed in every IiiMam-e. 1 would I. J pleased to nave my friend* and former pa non i call on me and promise them work promptly, march mt-ly NO NEW TIIfNf;. STRONG’S SANATIVE PIUS Cued throughout thacountry FOIL OVMXRL 40 Y fclAK*, And thus proved Liter Medicine in the World. Povimro-* - !'mr\lwt'|«^t,ly Vi»pwt»b^®, •*!«* ad r. Proscribed •• «-n by A H -"d> r •«*■*» r Livor Coiaplh! • Xleiru'at njr tow uptb« Flood.«'luaudn* *t< m M .»\rtui i«a,ut. A RCifnt dir*? iiif N*tk Hrndnsb^ f-unvltiM* <m Mild aU Jilik-A*' binur.l-jr*. 1 Stfdd b. ’ t t For rV. c v. C.£.u. d.A;tO.X»CV»iui-^‘ A.l.idiJi H. P. BUCKLEY, W I Imi Si., Nr* Watchmaker, - AM) I t.Al.KR rs r r 1 » * Watches, Jewelry end fi'wetwere * A1"»M* Mil llfllttl 1 1bI|C^ IlfiN'k >if "”l»1 tlmm tV«t «!•••*. \Vat«*li rr|*mfii»* * wj>e» ml liilKiMrM. Orl. li JA8 8 K < A1*? AND FEED J. KNAPP Dental Surgeons. * t \> If I. A I IKM) l<> f UK rtthilfl'K OH Dentistry in all its Branches A I IIIK *>l l> EK1AHI.IIUIMI I'l.Ai-k nt DR. F. H. KNAPP AND SON. I St liurnm- *M., trw Orl.HBN I ,n Tin" Wise, if they wish to »»r<- their leeflt, are )>n|*tia-tilnr (in tfceir clinic* of a dentist, and they do not delay tlteir visit* to him till driven hy pain. WHY YOU SHOULD BU* f OUR SPECTACLES OF US We have a moat •• nnpletc assort m 'tif(. Krerr Hung you ran p -iwlidy need wfffnd Pound In dw' sto k. Tbe quality of ihegUk-e is lb . Iteit t'-9 world Can produce. • 1 \\ ** have tli * l»e«d ojtinan lit th» ffon*hein •ountrr (Mr. tv. Bohn* ll*t*;f?tocke hours to fit you. if tiecesaarv, ea« h eve sepa rately to sen if they differ or not. II«* fi ls tbe most difficult irderir 4i? our ceM*l»f?»ted t for HaiaraM Olanaea, CompocnJ • f|tfldrf*i.»! L» nae*. etc •! «-l * ' •• N twithstanding the flint and »< ten •.* applied in each individual case, our pr r.e< n^e no higher, lint often rnticti • heaper tbi'i tL<(fW M apectatH vemlofa wlir are totally igoorrMi* «♦/ jbe inmiii***. v\ e keep on hand the larges1 .I'Mmtima !u iho v nth of Artificial Human eyes beutl for Tent Type* and Priri lift. A. B. NKlh* 4lM» » CO.. J» welei 1 Opticlliii 1 u* ( H 'II! f»t.Nevf Oi leans. La. f*ept. it i y ILLINOIS CENTRAL RA^tftUAD. (iOlMi MIRIM. Ii\|’KK“hs — l.i axi-n V. OMpaijr, 7:06 a. m. Arrives |*rni*khavfii. 3:16 |i. ui. Anivi-Miat .Inekmiii. 6:46 p. m. Km—I i.hviis Sow Orleans. 6:30 p. m An . At i trunk havnn, 1/1:32 p. m. Ai im* hIi,i.fai ksmi. 12:36 a..n>„ Wav Frieght arr. l>.i>«M»kliaven, 10:16 p ni. • M. (jury’? sol T'l K\i'!:t:s>—1aver .farksnn. l0:.“5 a in. Arrivi s iliiHiklniver, 1:13 r. m. Arris es at N Orleans, 7 :< 0 r. ni. F.M’RKss—1.1-avrs .lin knun at 3: 0 j. m. Arrives at Hrookhaven, 6:41 a. in. Arrivpa at N. Orleans, 10:46 a.m. Wav Freight arr, Hruokimveu. 3:34 a. m. Xn. I ami 3 will nut atop at llag ytatioun. .I.r. CI.AKKK, lien. Manager. .1. W. COl.KMAX, A, O. 1*. Agnnt IWHIHC PILES Symptoms are moisture, stinging, itching;t*o#se at night; seeim* as if pin-worms were crawling fthoat the rectum ; the private parts are often affected* &aa geasant, economical and positive care, Mr a tut e intmkkt is superior to any articlehi the market. Sold l*y druggist#, or aend 50 ct*. in 3-ct. State pa 3 Basse, 51 2b. Address. Da. Swatvk A8o.n, rkri*, Pa* TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH I'kc the Magnetoi Appllaii<-tr*Pn.,» MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR ! PRICE ONLY S3. The? are priceless to ladies, geat|«*in «n *n l children with weak iutivr*. no c.t*e of p i«*n*r! >nia or croup is ever known where these /ur nrut <ire worn. They also prevent snd cum it art d f ncultics, colds, i heumatism, ncur^i*. tl»r»*u. trouble*. diptberia, catanh. and all* kindred ol* i eases. \V til wear any service f.»r tnrae year*. Are worn over tbe uuder-clothiirg. ! p A T A R RU It tw uecdless tc'dt'irriUt the svn; u ; urt * f\nnn,t0||lp nf «*p,a naiiseou* otseaa** lb:-. sapping ihe life an«l nt length o#»only too I. | of the fain-st and best of *oX**a.^ Kvher. study and fes&arch in /nierlca, Purhpe and ; eru laudV have resulted iit«•■*••• Mwgtielic l.'J'-isf I |*roiec“-.r.r«dng oure* for* starrh.a rru.« ! which ipout*him no drugging •»! the system, and with he Innons •trea'm of Magnetism ; «r laestina- through (he a dieted organ-, m nat ,-aUnv them to a healthy actln *\eplac- our pru e for this App lance at lea* than one-:w* u: eth of the pm *- -t*k*d by others for re -ie«tie« m on which you wd! take all the chamf*. and - especially invite the pitrouig <if the iiiuit g* ; sons wii » have tried drugging their stomach without effect. j HOW TO OBTAIN'TXkM.'*^'0,^' If they have not got tieui, wrllt gS-v I lure, rueluaing the price. in leTVy at mfr r aV <:i ! they w.ll lie sent titjou rt'wnVb) mUI, paol. >1 Semi .tail'll for the \ew l*ep»rttir» In M » i'l'i iiue it wtliiout Meilictne,” with tliou-« H i>»* Leet wtiouul*. tiik mactmhton APri.os<'i ro.. its state Mr»et. rUe.g •. Ill yorK.- Sen.1 *1 in ixHttage .t.iupn or • a ■ »«■ ! (m letter at tur rick' with »iir of »hoe j-utl » wi-eii. aii<l try a pair off our Magnet. In.ul. s. *>; i > e c inuieii nl tue power re.i'lli’ff iu iu u l*W Appliance* P.iailiVely mi eoiil ney are worn or uioitoy refii vIM. *N‘s if -JK Mhe WAvMnnVkljx • #•* n ik? ^LOQStrlun.4. i» H'‘* m >1 before tto p- 'te. ■ :■•' I «>’' f-tw neeuiM. We util *: r vj> »*'i women hora amt iflii* wanfet el rv. are to i work for it*. Now >* the time 1 o ■• iti tu-'k m . * .are time, or Jive vour wh'ilo tin .‘to ■" » •• 1.0*4. So olio-! I ;i«.m rtl |»» t ■ e "'f i < well No o:o * :*. .i (. * * ■ ■ titoi- *-*0 ■ it ' ■ ■ * ■ • .rtV UIKV. J*. out!" 4'* *r" 4-4 ! )ii,;io> ir.a io 'art, i4o)i ■» o* k U I ' f iire«»'rrti« a • A" • **•’ "> 1 *’