~_■ Tho Comi.lllaalrlit I a«/iai> SATURDAY, RAILROA u!*3Em_ Illinois Central R. R. Trains now pass Brookhaven as fol lows: NOBTH. No. 2-10:41 p. m. No. 4-12:49 p. m. No. 6-9:03 p. m. No. 24-11:10 a. m. No. 34—Only to Jackson_ 7:10 a. m. No. 92—Local Freight 8:50 a. m. SOOTH. No. 1- 7:58 a. m. No. 3_,_4:45 p. m. No. 5-4:34 a. m. No. 33. 1:56 p. m. No. 35—Only to McComb 6:12 p. m. No. 95—Local Freight_ 1:00 p. m. Brookhaven and Pearl River Railway Co, West BoundEast Bound 104 102 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYj 101 103 A. M. P. M. I A.M. P. M. AR. AR. AR. LV, 9:30 7:22 ...Bronkharen_ 5 20 l so 9:25 7:17 ...Pearlharen. 6 25 1 85 9;22 7:14 ...M. B. & N. Crossing 5 28 1 38 9:19 7:11 ...M. B. & N. Junction 5 34 1 40 9:13 7:05 ...Friendship _ 5 38 1 52 9:03 6:58 ...Heuck’s . 5 45 2 02 8:48 6:46 ...Noegaard . 5 56 2 14 8:30 6:35 ...May’s. 6 03 2 26 8:22 6:32 ...Nola Junction. 6 07 2 30 8:18 6:28 ...Nola. 6 10 2 86 7:52 6:18 ...Loranda. 6 23 2 53 7:45 6:10 ...Loranda Junction ... 6 28 8 00 7:85] 6:0, ||—Montlceilo.. 6 88 3 10 H. C. MILLS, City Pass. Agent, Brookhaven, Miss. ALFRED MEAD, Gen’l. Pass. Agt., —< J. H. SCOTT, General Manager, Pearlharen. Miss. TOWN AND COUNTY, Conant writes Tornado Insur ance. Mrs. J. W. McGrath is in New Orleans. Miss Eliza Daughtry was criti cally ill this week. Mrs. R. T. Scherck left Tues day for New Orleans. Dr. D. P. Butler, of Franklin, was a Monday visitor. Hon. E. F. Brennan visited I*_1 .. 5Z1 _ HT _ .1 I . v me n cuucnuaj'. Layton’s photos can’t be im proved on—they’re the best made. Mrs. Dr. Teunnisson, of Monti cello, is with Mrs. J. B. Daugh try. Miss May Batchelder, of Newr Orleans, was in this city Wednes day. The East Union Lumber Yard sells Red Cypress Shingles. They are the best. The Novelty Photo Co.—Fos by’s old stand—will make you 25 photos for 25 dfents. Mrs. S. F. Magee visited sever al days with her daughter, Mrs. Harrell, in McComb. Rabbi and Mrs. I. Lewenthal, of Nashville, are guests of Mmes. M. and J. Priebatsch. For Rent—A comfortable, five room cottage near the Catholic church. Apply to A. Cohn. It’s cheap, but it’s good—Torna do Insurance. Brookhaven Insur ance Agency. Over “Wood the Grocer.” Walter Graham celebrated his ninth birthday last Saturday and shared his joys with nineteen lit tle guests. Mrs. A. E. Thompson and Dr. Felix returned tu Bogue Chitto Thursday after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Thos. McNair. Mrs. A. C. McNair and Mrs. Wildurr Willing charmingly en tertained the Peripatetics last Saturday afternoon, Candy Easter Eggs, n _ix*_*x^ AVaMUllPf JL1UVtlUt3f ClC.f at McGrath's Grocery. Submit your estimates to the East Union Lumber Yard before buying lumber, shingles or build ing material. Will save you money. F. F. Becker left Thursday for an extended trip to New York. Mr. Becker’s charming daughter, Miss Josie, wall accompany him. We wish them a delightful visit. McGrath's g r or e ry customers have found the best methods of sav ing money. Exception al chance for economists March 29th. Call on the East Union Lumber Yard before buying your lumber and shingles. Country orders are given prompt attention and no delay in loading wagons. Lowest Market prices. “Everybody works but father” —the committee from the local Masonic Lodge thanked every body in the city for favors during the recent conclave, but the newspapers. Poor “Father ! ” Miss Lillian Davidson, of . Natchez, a former graduate of Whitworth, is now taking a finish ing course in expression at that institution. She is making her home with Mrs. M. V. Powell. Any person having a copy of The Leader of July 5, 1905, will please report same to this office. That date is missing from our office file, and any of our sub scribers who can supply it will do us an appreciated favor. , Grand Spring Opening at McGrath’s April 4th and 5th. Music, mirth and Millinery are fea tures of the occasion. Mjr. and Mrs. W. \V. Kees de lightfully entertained 6'n Tuesday evening, in honor of Mr. andilis. M. V. Kees. Elegant refresh ments were served and the eve ning was one of pleasant fellow ship atari pleasure. - W} j L. COHN & BROS. I . . » • .— -.. • n :: • - 1 v .•:: n • j. n ;; I ^3—-—sell • ;; iij Studebaker Wagons and Buggies si: ii | - Anchor Surrics and Continental Buggies j i ill The celebrated “Jewel Stoves & Ranges” j ii iij Blue-Grass Cane Mills Ii: iij Cook’s Evaporators |ih ii | Standard Rotary Sewing Machines j ii !i I Breech Loading and Automatic Guns j ii ii j Furniture and Household Furnishings I ii ::i It • ... : <> • a to • : o o : Tailor and Custom Made Clothing ] It o j : !! o : jo I; j Ladies’ Ready to Wear Garments s j[ O ! JO :: | Fine and Medium Grade Shoes i o : - j o O J Jo i; : Ladies’ Hack & Trimmed Hats j\\ o J J o o J JO \\ I Fancy and Staple Dry Goods ] 1 ii i; [ o i: | GROCERIES ~ jjj i|j HARDWARE ' j:: ii! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS j ii ii j HARNESS & SADDLERY j ii ii! FEED STUFF & FERTILIZERS j ii 0 • Jo 1 , ■•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»••••••••••#••••••<• I , . O •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦ Easter—April 15. Clear sunshine again. Dr. Tom Purser was a Thursday visitor from McComb. Miss Mattie Hobbs has been a visitor to Bogue Chitto. Now that the Spring Openings have sprung everybody is awake. Dr. Ira L. 'Parsons’ new office on Cherokee is--elegabtly fitted up. Miss Sallie Higdon lies very ill at her home in the Curran Addi tion. Mines. J. H. Johnson and F. B. Moodie left Thursday for New Orleans. Miss Mattie Kilpatrick, of Ar kansas, is the guest of Mrs. R. H. Purser this week. Mr. Lee Davisson, of Simplex fame, was an “interested” visitor here on Wednesday. Mrs. Gatlin, of Magnolia, has been the cherished guest of Mrs. Emma Bee during the "week. The best samples of cotton brought 11.12 to 11.13 in the Brookhaven market yesterday. Messrs. W. M. and Henry Price were guests yesterday of their brother, Mr. W. E. Price. Services at the Episcopal chapel tomorrow- at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., conducted by Rev. John Beean. Mrs. L. J. Cuming has been spending several days with her brother, Dr. J. H. Johnson, dur ing his wife’s absence. Thera will bp rpomlnr sprvices at the Baptist church tomorrow. At night the ordinance of baptism will be administered to several candidates. Rev. John Thompson, of Allen, was in Brookhaven Thursday. We regretted to learn that he was suffering quite intensely at the time with one o£ Job’s afflictions. Willie Adams came home from the A. and Al. College on Tuesday to recuperate after an attack of illness. We hope Willie, who is one of our promising boys, will soon be able to return to school. Air. Patterson Case, one of Lin coln county’s venerable and re spected citizens,was in town Thurs day, for the first time in quite awhile. Air. Case is now 78 years of age and has been quite a suffer er for some time with rheuma tism, from which be is still lame. Alarried, In AfcCorab City last Thursday evening, Airs. T.‘ J. Hart, nee Miss Kate Bass, of our city, and Mr. Hollis Jones, of AlcComb. The groom is a valued employee of the I. C. R. R. and the happy couple are spending the honeymoon in Texas, where the groom has relatives. The daily services at the Bap tist church will be concluded this afternoon, when contributions will be made to tlie Home Alission Rn. rA A nnmmilfpp from the W. M. S. has been at work this week soliciting for the starving Japanese and returns on this will also be taken in this afternoon and the amount forwarded immediate ly to help in relieving the appall ing situation in Japan. Jesse Hemphill, one of the Harmony school crowd indicted at the last term of court for disor derly conduct, profanity, etc., was arrested in town Wednesday by Policeman J. H. Magee, for being drunk and disorderly on the streets. He Was fined , $5.0(3 by Mayor Lanier, which, with the costs added, made the “jag” cost him $11.80. Hemphill was one flfeSTfefHiT*-** lhe Pointers for the Week We’re headquarters for every thing that’s “Best” in food pro ducts. Most palatable indeed are our Crackers put up in tin, 10c lb. Consider its. good qualities, and Royal Baking Powder will appeal to you as the proper sort to buy. 25 and 50c. People who have not tried Ferndell food products, don’t know what tempting morsels they have missed. Wise housewives always keep a supply of “Libby’s” canned goods in the pantry. “Dainty” Flour, the best for every purpose. Goes further, too, than most brands. Try a sack. 75c for a 24 lb. sack. J. M. WOOD, The Grocer Two Phones. Free Delivery. Citation Notice. THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. To Kate Sutton, whose Post Office address is 20C8, Poyd as Street, New Orleans, La.: You are commanded to appear before the Chancery Court of the County of Liuculn, lu said State, on the 3rd Monday in April, 1906, to defend the suit In said Court of Thomas J. Sutton, who sues for a divorce, wherein you are defendant. T is, the 21st day of March, A. I). 1906. R. W. McNAIR, Clerk. J. N. YAWN, Solici'or. Citation Notice. THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, To Samuel Webster: You are commahded to appear before the r.haneHPV IVtiirt nf tha 1’nnnfv nf T inoolr» in said State on the 3rd Monday of April, ioog, to defend the snit In said Court of Alic3 Web ster. wherein you are defendant. Tills 23rd,day of March, 100G. K W. McNAllI, Clark. Louis Cohn has returned from New Orleans. Miss Laurie Penn has been vis iting in McComb. Little Ella May Jones has been a great suflerer with neuralgia. Mrs. Ella May, of Topeka; has been the guest of Mrs. P. Z. Jones. For Sale ! —Several well bred Jersey cows; four of them-fresh milkers; five with first calves. Apply^to J. H. Hodgman. Be sure to call at Parsons, May, Oberschmidt Co.’s store and hear their Grapbophone play. They are givingjthem away. Hon. M. McCullough went to Silver Creek this morning, in re sponse to an invitation from County Superintendent Bishop to address the meeting of Lawrence county teachers to be held there today. The Leader predicts that they will hear something worth listening to. Dr. Edward Thompson, secreta ry of the Sunday League of Amer ica, will be in Brookliaven the first Sunday in April. He will preach in the Methodist church in the morning^and in the Presbyte rian church in the evening in the interest of the league. Dr. Thompson is known as a gifted speaker and the importance of bis message will insure him large congregations. The McGrath Store The McGrath Store OPENS DAILY AT 7 A. M. CLOSES DAILY 6:30 P. M. CLOSES SATURDAY 9*30 P. M. BARGAIN DAY IN GROCERIES ...WILL BE GIVEN AT McGRATH’S STORE... Thursday, IMarch 29tti You cannot afford to miss this Money-Saving Sale which embraces the necessities of life as ; well as the luxuries. It is not every day in the year that you have a chance to buy at a bargain price such staples as Flour, Hams, Coffee, Rice, etc. McGrath & Sons have bargain days quite frequently in other departments of their big store, and not wishing to slight the many faithful customers who favor us with their grocery trade, make it a point to give a “grocery day” ever and anon. This flourishing department is the oldest and largest of the McGrath Store and has been enlarged frequently. More than 25 years ago we began the practice of 1 giving customers special Grocery Day's, with Flour, Bacon and othey staples sold practically at cost and the opportunity to save money was always welcomed. The public has learned -that a McGrath bargain price is a genuine bargain price and that it is safe to invest in response to their advertisement. Trade in our Grocery department has increased rapidly year after year ' and the cry is still more clerks, more wagons, more warerooms. , In Groceries as in other goods McGrath guarantees quality and price absolutely, and the good old rule applies “Satisfaction Guaranteed, or Money Back if You Want It.” It will pay you to visit McGrath’s store or use the phone on Grocery Bargain Day, Thursday, March, 19th. Come prepared to see more items than advertised. { In addition to the many specials above there will be | Lively Bargains in Glassware, Crockery, Tinware. ! Always “something doing” at the One Price Store of I JOHN McGRATH & SONS,! | BROOKHAVEN, MISS. ------—----——-i Marriage Licenses issued During the Past Week. THE CHARTER of INCORPORATION -OF The Cooke-Grafton Lumber Company. -Section l. Be It known that J. N. Cooke and Chas. E. Grafton, of Brookhaven, Lincoln County, Mississippi, and those who may here after become stockholders, their successors and assigns, are hereby created a body politic and corporate under the name and style of THE COOKE-GRAFTON LUMBER COMPANY and as such shall have succession for fifty years. Section 2. The purposes for which said corporation is created are, and it is hereby au thorized and empowered to purchase, lease and sell land and timber; to manufacture limber in to lumber aud all other products capable of be ing manufactured from timber; to buy and sell the raw material and manufactured products; to own, lease and operate and maintain saw mills and other milts necessary to carry on its manufacturing busiue s; to own, operate and lease lumber yards aud depots, to own and carry on such mercantile business as may be ne cessary or advisable,.as an adjunct to its mill operations; to build, purchase, own or lease aud operate and maintain tram, log or lumber roads, to be operated either by steam or other power; to carry on such other business as may pertain to the manufacture of lumber and tim ber products; to do and perform all acts neces sary and convenient, In the judgment of its officers and managers, for the welfare and bus iness of the corporation. Aud It shall have, posses* and enjoy all of the rights, powers aud privileges enumerated, created or conferred by Chapter 25 of the Annotated Code of 18112 aud the amendments thereto, necessary and proper for carrying out the purposes of this Charter. Section 3. Tlie Capital Stock of this Cor poration shall be not less than twenty thousand nor more than thirty thousand dollars, with power m the stockholders to increase or diminish the same within said minimum and maximum a count. Said Capital stock shall be divided in to shares of one hundred dollars each and said corporation shall have a lien upon ttie share of any stock holder for any debt which said stock holder maybe due said corporation. k’r., i -i ah aui»i;n{fuuu3 w me v;t p.i 11 Stock ot said corporation shall be paid for In cash or in property, and when 206 snares shall have been subscribed and paid for, this corpor ation may organize and begin business. Section 5. The domicile of said corporation shall re In Lincoln County, Mississippi, but it may be changed at any time by the holders of a majority of the Capital Stock Issue J. Section c. The management ot the business of the corporatlou shall be carried on by such officers as tne stockholders may determine, which officers shad be elected annually. Section 7. The officers of said corpoiatlon shall be a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, all of whom shall be stockholders and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. Any two of said offices, except president, and vice-presi dent, as a majority of the stock holders in Inter est may determine, may be held by the same person. Section 8. A meeiing of the persons inter ested herein may be held at auy time and place alter the approval of this Charter, by unani mous consent, and organize this.corporation as provided herein. To Beautify Your CompieKioii IN TEN DAYS, USB NAD IN OLA FAIR RIVER DOTS. Jack frost has paid us another visit, but don’t think he was very welcome, as he has killed most of .the fruit. Every body reports a fine time at the contest Friday and at the concert too. Miss May Rollins, of this school, won the medal in music, and Miss Audry Bullock, of Heuck’s Retreat, in elocution, aud. Mr. Lackey Girault, of Baba la, in declamation. There was not any Sunday School last Sunday on account of the weather being so bad. Our sohool is still prospering under the efficient management of Prof. J. A. Burris as principal, and Miss Emma Gillaspy assis tant. There will be preaching at Fair River church Sundaj\ Every body come. Mr. lleddie Mullen r/eturned from Nashville last week. Mr. Fielding McCalip has mov ed into his father’s house near Mr. Obed Rollins. Mr. Benson Russel came down from Mississippi College last Monday to spend a few days with his home folks. JUST ME. l - Beat Four Contest at Mt. Pleasant. On Saturday, March 31st*.the contest for beat 4 will take place at the Mt. Pleasant Graded School. All contestants in music, elocution and declamation are re quested to be present promptly at 10 o’clock a. ra. In the afternoon the contest in Athletic sports will take place; also some talks by representatives of the Cotton Growers Association. Every body is invited to attend. There will be dinner on the ground, and we hope to have a large crowd. In the evening at 8 p. ra. there will be a concert giv en by the pupils of the school and the music class. Do not fail to attend this. Little Ruth LaBeau, the child.violinist, will be present auu icuuci auiu« tji net uest seme tions. This little girl is only seven years of age, and never fails to hold an audience spell bound by her wonderful performance on the violin. Among the other numbers are vocal selections, dia logues, recitations, and last the Negro Minstrel, composed of six teen young men, which will afford lots of fun for every one. Admis sion: Adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. H. E. GROVES. Mr. James B. Lusk will appear at the opera house in his new lec ture ‘‘Snap Shots and Time Ex posures” next Thursday night, March 29th. He will be intro ducted by his life-long friend, Hon. Luther Manship. It goes’ without saying that Mr. Lusk will be greeted by a large audience, as every one is anxious to hear him in his new role as lecturer, and especially sb.since so many nice things were said about his effort at the Crystal Springs Chautauqua last Summer. Every one should certainly turn out to bear Jim and Luther.—Jackson News. Jim spoke here against the fiie bell and held his crowd. Eggs for Batching. Rose Comb Brown Leghorns and Rose Comb Black Minorcaa— I Beauregard,"Mins. MT. PLEASANT NEWS. We certainly had some rain Sunday. Miss Mary Curran visited home folks Saturday and Sunday and didn’t return till Tuesday on ac count of rain. Mr. Murray Andrews has been very sick for a few days with chills. Drs. W. C. Hart and Waiter Montgomery returned from medi cal college Sunday. Mrs. T. A. Groves has been sick the past week. Messrs. Warren Yawn and Judge Hart accidentally shot themselves last Sunday. Wo are glad to say not seriously. Prof. Groves and wife and Mr. Hugh Herrington attended the teachers’ and patrons’ meeting at Moak’s Creek Saturday and report an interesting meeting. The boys and girls are doing their best-in getting up the con cert. We will have a gay time specially wid dose niggers in dat minstrel. Everybody be sure and come. "LANKY JIM. . UNION HALL DOTS. Mr. Editor, if you please, wish you’d let usjinow who Mr. Mor gan Rattler is. He must be from New Prospect, from the way he scored his church members on going to Sunday School and quit visiting. Hit ’em again, Mr. Prospect, I’m with you. I thought Union Hall was the only place where people bad graduated in the Bible. Bro. Bard well says we have had next to the biggest overflow on East Bogue Chitto ever known. If you’d move over on “Plenty ville,” you wouldn’t have so much rain and overflow. That’s be tween Brookhaven and E. Bogue Chitto. been broke up and planted on E. Bogue Chitto in the last two weeks, the fanners must be going to have hog and hominy another year. When are we going to have a big day at our school? You know when Union Hall starts out to have a big day, they have ft* The supper given at Union Hall school house last night by the Reading Club-sannot be beat, and it would be a thing impossible to have anything in this line without Miss Mattie Allen at the bead of it. ' George Smith is having a part of his new home painted. Carroll Bardwell pretends to be a missionary Baptist, all wool and a yard wide; yet we’d like to know what he’s doing with that lightning rod on his house. Is be afraid of his God? COME AGAIN. Gives Health, Vigor and Tone Herbine is a boone for sufferers from aneamia. By its use the blood is qnickly regenerated and the color becomes normal. The drooping strength is revived. The languor is diminished. Health vigor and tone predominate. New life and happy ac tivity results. Mrs. Belle H. Shriel, Middlesborongh, III., writes, I have been troubled with liver oomplaint and poor blood, and have found nothing to benefit me like Herbine. 1 hope never to be without it. I have wished that I had known of it in my husband’s life time.” 50a Bold' by Price Drug Go. La grippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities qf Foley's Honey apd Tar. There is nothing else ‘just as gopd.P Sold by Price Drug Co, NADINOLA is guaranteed and money refunded if it fails to remove freckles, pimples, tan, sallowness, liver-spots, collar discolorations, black-heads disfiguring erup tions, etc., in twenty days. Leaves tl> skin dear, soft, healthy, and restores tfct Vauty of youth. Endorsed by thousands. Price 50 cents and $1.00 at all leading .rug stores, or fay mail. Prepared by National Toilet Co.. Paris, Teen -^SOLD BY—— C. E. GRAFTON DRUG CO. PRICE DRUG CO. FARM FOR RENT. One good three-room house and 8 acres of land for rent 2 miles north of Brookhaven, on Brookhaven and Wes son' road. Apply to , ^ SHADE COKER, Brookhaven, Miss. -A-,........... .. Prices of Shingles. Our prices on flue Shingles .deliver ered in Brookhaven are as follows; No. 1 Heart, *3 75 per thousand. No. 2 Heart, 12.50 per thousand. Se “200 per thousand. TIN & CHANDLER BROS, I I Our sales are increasing every week because g& . it is cheaper than Plank or Rail. See our BLACKSMITH TOOLS, V CARPENTER’S TOOLS, 3 THE BEST t ' j FERTILIZERS U ^^‘■■■'"^—M—. ► 4 ► < NEW SOUTH * f 4 ^ 3 Our Standard Cotton Seed Meal Mixture. £ * - ► 4 ~— p ■ J Brookhaven Choice t 2 Amoniated Bone and Potash.” fc « ► 4 -— ► 4 ► 5 Special Mixtures made to order: ► 4 ► 1 Vegetable Fertilizers and Phosphates £ l German Kainit ► < Muriate of Potash t < > 3 Slaughterhouse Blood and Bone, f^e. £ 4 ► 3 Always on hand at our mill or can be ob- t *, tained from your merchant ► Jj 4 ► 4 ► Jj $ REMEMBER WE HAVE THE BEST ► < > : Brookhaven Progressive Cotton : I s Oil Company l I ■ --- . ■ ■ = V The terrible experience of the flourishing little city of Meridian, Miss., when a destructive Tornado swept down upon it destroying some #3,000,000 00 worth of property and leaving among the wreckage in its wake the lifeless and mutilated bodies of - over 50 of its citizens, should be a timely warning ■ for the property holders of this locality. . . . RaV’ aging Windstorms have visited this seotion every few years, and now that our forests are being so thoroughly depleted the danger from this source is more imminent . . . The small cost of a Torna • do Policy prohibits you from being without one. Call us over the phone, write us or come to see us M about this or any other Insurance proposition on which you may want information. It will pay you. Underwriters* Agency j FEED V. BECKER, Manager _BBOOKHAVEfl, MISSISSIPPI I ■' ' ~ ' flj Have You Been Robbed? 1 STOP AND THINK! | We can sell you FURNITURE for 25 per cent, less than anyone in town for we have the agency for the finest Furniture manufactured. We have contracted with • Kemnitz and Karges and several other large manufac turers to handle their line of goods exclusively. m We Stand Alone as the Leaders of Low Prices! I We can sell you Furniture on easy payments for less money than our competitors can sell you for cash. J Seeing js believing; so come and see. PENN FURNITURE COMPANY I f