c9portinG GOSSIPa BROOKHAVEN 8—FLORA 7 A quarftette of circuit clouts, a duet of double, fifteen single cylin der knocks, six bases on balls, a hit batsman and a sprinkling of errors accounted for a total of fifteen runs, apportioned eight for Brookhaven and seven for Flora, in the third and final game of the series played before a meager gathering of the faithful Wednesday afternoon. And it wasn’t a bad game at that. There were lots of high spots that sparkled with considerable brilliance. One feature that has been lacking in any previous game, was the evi dence of aggressiveness and fight on the part of the Brookhaven bunch in overcoming a big lead. The fans have seen how our boys perform when way out in front, and Wednes day they had the pleasure of seeing them come from behind, pile up e nough to tie, then win the game in the final frame. Home runs by Williams and Untz aided materially in the pleasant task of taking the conceit out of Flora. Stick larruped his four-ply blow in the fourth stanza, with Cupit al ready en route. Untz slammed one for a quartette of cushions in the eighth, with Weeks and Miller ahead of him. Long, the visiting pitcher, drew quite a merry hand from the grand stand on two occasions when he ra ced across the first sack inches a head of the runners and took tosses from Slater that retired Fos and Williams. Miller showed he had the stuff by tlghtning up in the critical stages and holding the visitors. In the ninth inning, after the first two to face him had singled. Miller, expect ing a bunt, instructed Pete Castaing to remain on the third cushion. When Alliston laid one down. Mil ler scooped the ball up and chipped it to Castaing for a very pretty force out. He made the hard-hitting Smith fly out to Cupit, and then whiffed Hunnicutt for the last out. ONE AND ONE WITH HATTIESBURG GANG p • Brookhaven Won First 7 to 3— “Stick” Williams off Form Drops Second 4 to 0. A phone message from Hattiesburg Thursday night stated that the wil low wielding of Hunnicutt and Cas taing won the first contest for the Brookhaven team in the series be tween the locals and Hattiesburg, and the fellow who covers the base ball games for the Hattiesburg A merican puts it that Hattiesburg er rors lost for Hattiesburg; so there you are. Take your choice. Proba bly both are partly right. Anyway, the score was 7 to 3 in favor of Brookhaven. Elkins—called "Babe” in his na tive bailiwick of Hattiesburg—ped dled his hits out in small dribbles, doing strictly a retail instead of a wholesale business in the safe blow line. On the other hand, as Roy Grove would say, Creel allowed his hits to get sorter choked up in gobs and bunches, which, with the afore mentioned errors, netted the Brook haven boys a tubful of tallies. The young man getting the base ball assignment for the American is c Brookhaven Batters Could Not Solve the Efficacious Delivery of the Hattiesburg Flinger. constantly writing of the ‘‘Brookha ven Beefers”—which is only natural as this young K. C. B. worshipper is from the cattle country of Tennes see—and goodness knows one could forgive, gladly, all remarks about the “beefers” if it will keep his mind off those efforts to imitate K. C. B. As to the second game, won by Hattiesburg 4 to 0, the only data to percolate this far was the bare statement that Haynes, who flung the shutout game, is a New York state league twirler of considerable twirl, and that Stick Williams was weak from taking medicine—kind of medicine not stated. From this dis tance it looks, as though the Brook haven team started in to take liber ties with the Hattiesburg boys, and got caught at it. The defeat may do the Brookhaven team a world of good, and cause them to work their best in each and every contest. The Brookhaven team is playing Hattiesburg again this afternoon at that place and will return tomorrow and on Monday and Tuesday will undertake to take the measure of the Chattanooga Southern League team in Brookhaven. wnx ourr ii.it r rtvivi nnx WHY GO FURTHER? • WHEN YOU CAN GET IT AT \ \ _ Hoffman’s A special line of Toilet Articles and Prepara tions. Everything in Stationery and School Supplies. Firestone and Silvertown Cord Tires. • q q q MOST COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE IN BROOKHAVEN Hobbs Drug Store WHERE QUALITY IS PARAMOUNT q <1 q q HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BETTER KIND OF ALL. DRUG STORE ARTICLES. Accuracy and Promptness is our slogan in Filling Physicians’ Prescriptions. A q q q “THE DEPENDABLE STORE.” / !:■■■.- .-.is-.. . ...■ Brookhaven Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Co. 9 9 9 9. We are fully prepared to meet the demands of the people of the community for our products. Feed your Horses and Mules and Chickens Cotton Seed Meal. If you feed your Cow cotton seed meal and hulls you’ll be surprised at the increased flow of milk 9 9 9 9 PATRONIZE YOUR HOME INDUSTRIES -------TST7»---P-«F l Ill ■ I u -- =rv The local agent brings insurance to your door. He is on your wire and subject to your call. You very well know that you cannot get along without him in general. But every now and then probably you feel tempted by the offer of a bargain from a mail-order house, to buy your insurance “direct” and at cost. Bear in mind that the acceptance of sucfc^ an offer means the “scalping” of a charge for a ser vice essential to your protection and convenience and will involve you in a speculation of which you are probably ill-qualified to judge. , Cv f q § if Underwriters’ Agency FERD V. BECKER, Manager. | ” - = ' ’ — ---- --- M SERVICE THAT SATISFIES B 9 9 9 9 Sfc I As a good-will asset the kindly feeling of our depositors is priceless. We know we pos- 0 sess it, and that the measure of our success de- pjj pends largely upon it. Accordingly we are alert to please. No details of a customer s request is hjj j t°° nunute to be ignored or neglected. ' 9 9 9 9 0 Brookhaven Bank & Trust Co. 1 The Guaranteed Bank. Capital and Surplus-$200,000.00 - 0 1 General Electric & Plumbing Company q q q q We are prepared to execute your work in Plumbing and Electrical lines in the best way and at the least possible cost. Agents for FairbankS Morse Electric home lighting and power equipment. q q q q ~\ ’ WE ARE PREPARED TO INSTALL AT PRE-WAR PRICES f, "" ' " "' ■ W. L. Andress Motor Co. Ford Authorized Sales and Service Station q q q q ' i t The garage of satisfying service. Where . you get a little more than you expect. Exclusive agents for LINCOLN MOTOR CARS—The Car L of Distinction. Headquarters for Federal Tires. q q q q ■■ £ | - WILL BE PLEASED TO DEMONSTRATE ' ! THE FORDSON TRACTOR. — 0 it * n * U U W y M || 8B |g g j j j{ jtll K |{ gjg IlglylB h 9H] M fl B El V- * / »' ¥¥- pg i ' v}'■>. SI'S** a