- ] " ' Why We Should Have a Seven County Fair Lincoln County will radiate out to the six counties and bring into the Hub at Brookhaven * - the farm products. A big Fair is like a show window—It shows to the public its wares and encourages our farmers in friendly competition to produce the best, and advertises to the world that South Mississippi pro duces diversified crops and has cheap lands to sell to good home-seekers. TALK — BOOST — AND HELP US BUILD A BIG SEVEN COUNTY FAIR. —Fair Association. —c- * W: Local JHews Items j||d ——I-j —j— ---^ Mrs. T. W. Keenan eontinues very ill. Mrs. A. Staffler. jr., has returned from Meridian. Miss Mamie Williams has returned from Baton Rouge. Miss Sarah McKinley is a guest of Fernwood relatives. Special Music every evening next week at the Arcade. Mr. Will Boyd, of Wesson, was a recent visitor at the J. A. Alford home. Miss Lillian Skeahn, of Hammond is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Mamie Meyer. An exceptionally fine program and special music every day next week at the Arcade. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Godbold and children have left on a motor trip to Clarkesdale and Memphis. Library Week! — The Librarian will solicit memberships every morn ing! Next Week! Join Now! The Ann Judson Circle gave a dainty and beautiful Shower to Mrs. Herman Boone last Tuesday. Lyell Brinson returned Monday from Hattiesburg where he was a guest of his brother, Mr. J. D. Brin son. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Lewis were _11 - J X. T 1- U •> tVin vaitvu iw v uvivuwi* auuiuuuj «j ~— - illness of Mrs. Lewis' aged father, Mr. Cotten. It’ll fill your heart with gladness —“The Good Provider”, at the Ar cade next Wednesday and Thursday. Special music. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Davis went to New Orleans Saturday in the inter est of Mrs. Davis’ health. Mrs. Da vis is detained in the city. The Secretary of the Seven County Fair to open here Oct. 4th, states that applications have already been made for pages in the catalog. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Jones and Miss Janie of Edwards, accompanied by liCWe Annie Wilmoth Slocum, are guests of the L. H. Bowen home. Dr. P. I. Ltpsey, eitor of the Bap tist Record, has been secured as sup ply pastor until a permanent one is contracted for at Hazlehurst, the of fice being vacated by Rev. Frank Moody Purser, now missionary to China. N Reputable New Orleans Concern wishing to extend business seeks lo cal representative who will work t hard for really satisfactory remun eration. Experience desired but not required. — 203-609 Iberville St., New Orleafis, La. , Brookhaven trends reigret the re antnrai of Mrs. Janie B. Robertson, who goes to Summit to make her Tiome with her relative, Miss Julia Cumming, who since the death of her Bister, Mrs. Types, is left alone. All good wishes accompany Mrs. Robert son. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Andress charm ingly entertained »t Spirit Lake Wednesday evening their attractive guests, Misses Kathryn and Ruth Hayden, of New Orleans. Alluring decorations stipulating a Japanese garden made lovely environment for music and dancing. Punch waB serv ed. HEMSTltfCHING and Picoting Af tachment; superior device; fits any sewing machine; attaches nrmiy; easily adjusted. Price $3.00 deliver ed, with complete instructions and samples of work. Orders promptly filled. Superior Hemstitching At tachment Co., 509 Starr St., Corpus Christ!, Texas. Mrs. E. B. French left Thursday on a visit to Natchez friends and her - son, Dr. E. B. French. While away Mrs. French will enjoy a reunion with her sisters, Mrs. Kate Aby Dar den, of Fayette, and Mrs. R. W. Gel key, of Memphis, both of whom are pleasantly known to Brookhaven friends of Mrs. French. Mr. W. H. Webb of the Mays Food Products Co., bought over three thousand dollars worth of ripe toma toes from growers In the vicinity of Hazlehurat, as tomato raisers of this locality- did not tespoad .as desired. One farmer of this county hewpver. received |U®0 for cabbage used at the canning plant. Thirty acres of fall beans haye been subscribed by farmers for the Mays Food Products Co., and more are desired. Rests will also be needed. Mr. A. B. Middleton left for St. Louis Monday on a business trip. Mr. Stewart of Memphis, is a guest of his sister, Mrs. W. J. Lay ton. Violin, Saxaphone, Xylophone and Piano Music every evening next week at the Arcade. Miss Eunice Rawles left Sunday for the bedside of her father who was quite ill. Miss Lula Allen’s suffering due to a burned foot is regretted by her nu merous friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boadwee left yesterday for their annual outing. They go to Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Coney, of Magnolia, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Erwin. Misses Annie Blue and Annabel Oberschmidt have returned from the Cincinnati Conservatory. Miss Helen Furlow is very much enjoying a visit to her aunt Mrs. Perry Coker, in Jackson. It isn’t tire woman who pays, it’s the “Good Provider”. See her at the Arcade next Wednesday and Thurs day. Special music. "Be Photographed This Year on Your Birthday” by 'A. D. Sauer, Member of P. A. of A. Phone 509, Perkins Apartments. Help Wanted. — One cook and one housemaid. Moderate wages, light work and a good home for good help. Wesson Hotel, Wesson, Miss. Mra TTVq/I Cmitli /~vf nirtofar Mice * and Mrs. Kathleen Cagle of Tallu lah, La., are at the bedside of Mr. E. J. Kitts, who continues 111.. Sinclair Oil and Gas is the best possible to obtain. That’s the kind the Kees-Overland Co. supplies you with all the time. Mr. and Mis. Green and little dau ghter of Port Aithur, Tex., are guests of the Sandifer home, Mrs. Green being a sister of Mr. Sandi fer. - 80 acres of land for raising straw berries has been subscribed by farm ers of the community, and there is no doubt that the hundred desired will be secured. Miss Jeanette Barron, accompained by Mrs. Lola Anderson, her sister, left for the latter’a—home in Pine Bluff, Ark., yesterday, where Miss Barron will spend her vacation. For Sale.—One Duplex truck, (4 wheel drive) and Hesse trailer slightly used. Will sell at a bar gain. For further information'ap ply to W. A. Poole, Gloster, Miss., R 3. Mr. Pink Bowman, of McComb, was here with friends and transact ing business as well Wednesday. Mr. Bowman belongs to the well known family of his name which he honors in his life. You owe it to your motor and your self to use the best oil and gas. Sin clair is that kind. — Kees-Overland Co. sell it all the time. Little 0. E., eight year old son of Mr. and &frs. Oscar Adams, accom panied his aunt, Mrs. Josie Addison, uacK to Mempnis last saturaay ana Is undergoing treatment for an eye that caused near-sightedness. OUR reputation for business in tegrity and pro fessional wisdom is the public’s protection. Our equipment is modern and our conduct irre proachable. We are fair at all times. Eliminate everything of a personal nature and Judge the candidates by their qualifications and records be fore the people. It hasn’t been long Bince Copiah had nine consolidated schools—that coun ty now has 21 with only nine one teacher schools left. '*■ If you want to weep a little, smile a lot, and have your heart filled with happiness, see “The Good Provider” at the Arcade next Wednesday and Thursday. Special music. Their dream-come true! And you’ll see all. your fondest dreams and hopes come true in the tender dra ma of human hearts at the Arcade next Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. E. McCormick has purchased a new Buick Six Touring car from Mr. J. S. Penn. Mr. McCormick hav ing been a previous Buick owner, certainly knows the merits of a Buick. The death of Mr. John P. Rembert, long-time resident of Haflehurst is announced from his recent home town, Longview, Tex. Mr. Rembert was a brother of Mrs. J. S. Rea, of Wesson. Mr. R. P. Aylward of Aylward’s popular one-price Btore, returned Monday from his brief vacation spent with wife and baby in Pensacola. Mr. Aylward’s large business patron age demanded his early return. See his ad. Misses Josephine Lewis and Miner va Mounger are back from Junaluska where they had the pleasure ana pro fit of attepdlng a Sunday School Training Institute. These fine young women are very useful members of the Methodist Sunday School. Mr. John A. Penn lies critically ill at his home in this city. There is little hope of his recovery. !ugs by the "filling station” but— take a look at the lower section of the cartoon, The Ninth Annua) Convention of the Cotton States Merchants Asagcta-, 'Ion’ will be held In Memphis, Aug. :6-17. inclusive. It is the filling station at which southern business men may stop their cars and receive 0 supply of fuel that will make the old machine run like a new one and carry them over the^rough places In the road to better business. OUTLINE OF PROGRAM. 1I,A 6ll0t S' " ’ 'rt KfjW MM* slon will be addresses by Chas. Henry Mackintosh, ex-pres., of the Associa ted Advertising Clubs of the World, and Rivers Peterson, editor of the National Hardware Bulletin. Both gentlemen are regarded as the coun try’s foremost authorities on com merce and finance, and they have an intiamte knowledge of the economic situation throughout the world. The garly part of the session will be devoted to appointment of com mittees and similar details. Mayor Rowlett Palne^ Mayor of'Memphis will welcome the merchants on the part of the city and A. Grant Mat thews will deliver the welcome ad dress. The response will be made by Allan Hinchey, Cape Garardeau, Mo. The second day has been set aside as ‘‘Agricultural Day” when mat ters of vital import will be dlBcusB ed. Geo. R. James will preside at this session and the principal seak gr will bp J. 0. Taylor of the govern ment's experiment Station at Tallu lab Lp. cmB^reasman Sidney Andprson of Lanesboro, Minn., w}ll address the Convention on the third day. As chairman of the joint congressional committee on agricultural Inquiry, Mr. Anderson has made a -careful study of the economic situation pre vailing in the United States and is in position to deliver an intelligent addxe3s upon the subject. .The re ports of committees and election of officers will mark the closing ses sion. , m „ j yit > t I ,»• i '■mfmrnist. — • ' — ANNOUNCEMENT! ..7 / ,,' *‘>T> ' ; t' • - V " ; 1 • % We have just received our first big shipment of advance styles in Fall SUITS I AND DRESSES It will afford great pleasure to have you call and look them over. You know our prices are always lower: :zj—-igiaraira- n..u.i ■7nr-: Aylward’s Dep’t Store | ' “Everything-to-Wear” I An Interesting Visitor. Mr. W. H. Simmons, late of Now Orleans, but a former Mlssissippian, a grandson of Governor Tucker, was a caller at the Leader office Thurs day. Mr. Simmons was a resident of Jackson during the sirring days when the late editor of the Leader, Roderick Gambrell and John Martin were all in the publishing business and assassinations and duels were not uncommon. Although 65 years of age when the world war broke out, Mr. Simmons, anxious to have a part in It, and bar red from active government service, secured a position as sailor on a mer chant vessel engaged In transporting supplies to Prance, and “did his bit” which in his case included his ship, the D. N. Luckenbach, torpedoed and receiving painful wdunds. Mr. Simmons says that in the 30 years he has been away from Missls sipp he has learned that it Is the best state in the Union. This Don’t Show Hard Times. Mr. J. 6. Penn, Brookhaven Bulck dealer easily holds the record in this section for selling the most cars in the shortest space of time. Mr. Penn disposed of four machines Wednesday In three hours’ time. This is food for thd pessimist and added hope for the optimist and auto dealers—it shows people still have plenty pf money and are willing to part with if fpr a good ear. • ———« <»i .—!— Meridian has rid hersglf of flies by the trap method. MAKE YOUR COMPLAINT NOW. The County Board will want to consider your objections to assess ments made on your property at their August meeting. Unless your com plaint is entered at that time, the law denies you the right to make complaint later. Many may make complaint who wish to escape taxar tlon; but nobody is going to protest against the tax-dodger. It is to the interest of every property owner and taxpayer that the Board be inform ed. The tax-dodger is the cause to a great extent of the raise in taxes. The tax-payer who has given in an honest assessment pays the biggest part of the taxes. It isn’t fair and the only way to make it fair and just is to bring the tax-dodger up to the lick-log. Perkins Building Residences. Mr. C. B. Perkins has purchased five lots on Josephine Street, and will have attractive residences built upon them. One, a brick bungalow is already in course of construction. This is another practical demonstra tibn of the motto of the Kiwanls Club—"We fcuild." Mr. Perkins states that there is a great lack of available residence property in Brookhaven and that he is glad to assist in relieving the house shortage and to promote the development of the residence section. The merchant who spends money to tell you ebqijt what he has to sell, has something to sell that is worth telling you about. Mntef* tlMim Issued Darla* ttt Fast Wssk. White.-—Mr. Frank Ainsworth and Miss Maggie Lambert. Colored.-—Robt. Barnes and Idella Howard; Monroe Moore and Lennee Allen; David Hunt and Almeta Ran some; James Williams and Rowena Hanley. • 1 * 1 . Satisfied With Little Food. In the Edinburgh (Scotland) zoo there is a crocodile that is content with a rat or a piece of horseflesh every f fortnight. There Is an anaconda which | arrived more than a year ago and has since steadily refused to take food of any kind, an example of abstention surpassed, however, by an Indian py* | thon which during its 18 months’ stay has not voluntarily taken food. "The Sport of Kings." A mantle of rich silk or cloth ap pears to hare been the usual prize for horse racing in the fourteenth cen tury; bells and gold snaffles were run for in the fifteenth century; cups grad ually came Into fashion In the six teenth century. Racing colors of silk and satin seem to have been in use In Henry the Eighth’s reign. Westminster Abbey. The name “Westminster Abbey" la shortened from the fuller phrase, •Westminster Abbey church”—the church, that Is, of the abbey of West minister. Up to the year 1504, in th<* reign of Henry VIH, the "Abbey," as we call It today, was the church of a Benedictine monastery. The Leader prints Everything AfewBUICKi! . for 1925 g1. I The Seasons finest K 1 and most complete line of motor cars r .. .. . . __ B