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THE CANTON TIMES E. L. I'ASSMORE, Publisher. CANTON. MISSISSIPPI. The statue which the United. States will unveil to the memory of Count Jean Baptiste de fyjchambeau, in Washington, on May 24, will be a fitting tribute to a man who ren dered great service to the American , republic. Immigration continues to increase, and but for an accidental delay the record of arrivals for one day would have been broken recently. One re sult of Prince Henry's visit to the I agreed to without discussion. The asser Dnited States is a decided gain in jS&dSSS the number of German immigrants. NEWS IN BRIEF. t- ; , Compiled from Various Sources. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. In the senate, on the 14th, the day's session was devoted to further consider ation of the Chinese exclusion dim, Forakcr (O.) and McLaurin (8. C.) P" Teller (Col.) spoke for the bill, arguing that the right to abrogate treaties was fully recognized. Mr. uoage - notice of an amendment to strike out the clause prohibiting the employment of Chinese sailors on American "hjps.. the house most of the day was devoted to further discussion ot tjuoan reuipiuu", the conference report on tne posi nee bill having first been reported. In the senate, on the 16th, the debate on the Chinese exclusion bill was contin ued and practically concluded. Two amendments, striking out the definition as to Chinese students and teachers, were 1 The Cubans seem to show little in terest in the date set for their inde pendence day. Some time in the fu ture they will realize their mistake in insisting on a separate sovereign ty, and then will come a big hurrah over annexation. But they must have their fling first. During the past few months the prices of meat have been raised in an apparently arbitrary manner. While it is true that the farmers are re ceiving high prices for their stock, most of the profits go into the hands of the packers. The law of supply and demand does not explain the cost to consumers. by Mr. Spooner, who said tne oppowiiuu to the bill was entirely due to its conflict with tha trAntv in tne nouao, wiui the close of the Cuban reciprocity debate, th. ic h.h Ditnniinpnii that all danger 01 the bill being weighted down with unde sirable amendments waa over, and the passage of the bill as it came from tne committee was assured. In the senate on the 16th. the drastic Chinese exclusion bill, originally framed by senators and representatives from the Pacific coast, was defeated, and the sub stitute measure, offered by Senator Piatt (Conn.), containing the provisions of the present exclusion law, and also applying tnat exclusion to an tne insular wrniwi under the Jurisdiction of the United States, was passed 76 to 1. The senate then made the Philippine civil govern ment bill the unfinished business In the house, a motion to close general de bate on the Cuban reciprocity bill on the 18th, at 3 p. m., was carried by a vote of 153 to 123. Thirty-three republicans voiea against the motion, and 32 democrats voted with the great body of republicans in favor of it. The general debate on the bill was featureless. In the senate, on the 17th, Mr. Morgan (Ala.), chairman of the isthmian canal r?(iTTimlttf!fi. made a four-hours' speech, comparing the desirability and practica bility oi tne jNicaraguan h-iiu jreuicuua. routes, strenuously favoring the selection of the former. The Chinese exclusion bill passed by the senate was substituted to rhn house bill In the house, the dis cussion of the Cuban reciprocity bill was continued, the feature of the debate being a speech by Mr. Cushman against the measure. Many other speeches, for and against the bill, were made. Mr. Loud (Cal. declared that directly and indirect ly Cuba already had cost the United States one thousand million uouara. In the senate, on the 18th, 55 private pension bills and a few other unimportant il.i i j . . - . measures were uassu, alter whjuii mo uiui, E-ugitinu was going 10 put a tax . hill to nrovlrle a temnorary form of kov- upon bread and drop free trade. The ' eminent for the Philippine islands was .l.ona 5 , .,, , , . ., read and the committee amendments were cnange, if it comes, will be due to the agreed to tentatively, but no action on the burdens which the Ttnpi- xenr lto Sm. ! bill was taken In the house the Cu- nraAA Tl - v .I . . ban reciprocity bill was passed by the posed, the war has cost in the neigh- overwhelming majority of 247 to 52, the borhood of $900,000,000 already, and ruling of the chair -in committee of the fcnncrli Ji on t i whole on the question of the germaneness inougn tne end is probably near, the amonant tn m th ifrr- expenditure will be kept up at a large ential from refined sugar during the eX- vided for in the bill having first been over ruled by a vote of 171 to 130, and the amendment adopted In committee, 164 to 105, and later in the house by the still larger majority of 199 to 105, 64 re publicans voting with the democrats for the amendment. Macedonians are reported to be planning an invasion of Turkey. It is almost literally true that the Turks would rather fight than eat, for their religion teaches them that death in battle is the short road to paradise. The ardent Macedonians should not forget to look over the history .of the recent attempt of the Greeks to meet a Turkish army. Sir Robert Peel wbuld turn over in his grave if he could hear the reports figure for a few years yet. Belgium's strikes grow graver as time passes. Almost all sorts of trou bles which beset any of the conti nental European nations have a po litical aspect somewhere or other, and there is a decidedly large in gredient Qf politics in these Belgium demonstrations. The singing of the "Marseillaise" by the people and by some of the military is a sign of the times which justifies the authorities in their fears. No preacher could command so vast an audience for a lifetime as that preached to through the press by T. DeWitt Talmage unless he pos sessed a deep insight into the moral needs of humanity and had powerful qualities as a teacher, adTiser and philanthropic friend. For seventeen years the Talmage sermons have been printed, each week, in response to a regular demand. This fact is unique in its way in newspaper experience and speaks for itself. f The announcement that a consider able force of additional . British troops is about to be sent to Ireland to aid the thousands already there and the thousands of the .royal Irish constabulary in enforcing the coer sion act brings Ireland once more to the front in British politics. Ac cording to reports the new troops, which will consist of English and Scotch soldiers, will be sent to Ire land within a month, and then the old policy of suppression which has become familiar to readers of the history of Ireland will be resumed. With reference to the shipments of horses to South Africa, it may be noted that within the past two fiscal years there has been shipped to that destination from the two North Amer ican countries, the United States and Canada, a total of 54,035 head of horses a number almost equal to the aggregate exports from the Unit ed States to all countries for the en tire twenty-year period previous to 1894 .To this may be added shipments of mules from the United States to the same destination probably aggre gating an approximately equal num ber. In the death of Gen. Wade Hamp . ton at his home in Columbia, S. C, one of the most prominent characters of the civil war passed off the Stage of action. Gen. Hampton was a typi cal southerner of the old school high-souled, chivalric and honorable; a gentleman in the truest sense of the word a Boldier of the first rank and a statesman of much more than average degree. The general lived to the ripe old age of 84 years, passing away loved and Respected by all who knew him, and leaving a memory that will be honored by the people of his PERSONAL AND yOIXTICAIV On the 17th Martin Tobin died at the hospital in Kansas City, Mo., of blood poisoning, the result of his fin ger being bitten, a month, ago by John McVoy. On the 18th the house of represen tatives, having first voted to remove the differential from refined sugar during the existence of the . reciproc ity agreement, adopted the Cuban re ciprocity bill by the overwhelming vote of 247 to 52, 124 republicans vot ing with the democrats, and ten dem ocrats voting against the measure. On the 18th the district attorney filed, in the criminal court at Denver, Col., information against James J. Noce, David Mosconi and J. McPhar land, promoters and managers of the Denver Coursing club, Charging them with cruelty in chasing and mutila ting rabbits, and also with having in terferred with, assaulted, kicked and beaten Secretary Whitehead, of the Humane society, who sought to pre vent the coursing. On the 18th the secretary of slate transmitted to the senate a communi cation from United States Minister Conger, inclosing a protest from the Chinese government against the ex clusion of Chinese from the Philip pine islands. On the 18th President Loubet at tended the opening of the new salon in the grand Palais des Champs Ely- see, Paris. The critics found that the exhibits were rarely above mediocre There was no great picture. Several Americans, nowever, received warm compliments. MISCELLANEOUS. Owing to the increasing trade be tween Hamburg and the United States, the latter, it is understood, has decided to raise its consulate at Hamburg to a consulate-general. That portion of the Rosebud Indian reservation to be opened for settle ment he coming summer contains 400,000 acres. On the 18th the North Montana Bound-Up association, at Helena; Mont., adopted a resolution, protest ing against the reinspection of stock by the inspectors of Colorado and Wyoming while in transit from the south to northern ranges, when fed eral inspectors have given a certifi cate of health for them; On the 18th the body of George Crowley, a junk dealer, of Council Groves, Kas., was found floating in the Neosho river, near Emporia. A large stone was fastenedl to the body with barbed wire, and n the head were marks as of blows ;cm a club. Ilia partner, George Dumloope, who has disappeared, is usptted cf the Mississippi Matters f f NOTES OF PAST AND CURRENT EVENTS. . T-n miaDVHAM DflWFP. Inasmuch as there has Deen mum niake brighter and j lag days of the reunion. 1 No season would be allows vy tne rumor-make v " E developed and nm. "liaoi j5 mor relative to the l, Vstructlon of a hundred - K lar for two n u- " ' luree. or ... said and published relative to the es tablishment of the great Presbyterian School for Girls, we herewith give the resolutions adopted by the eynodical committee at its meeting in tne First cuurch, Jackson, last week: "Inasmuch as there have Deen pre sented to the synod's committee on nomination of a place for the location of the synodical college of young wom en a number of propositions from cuies, accompanied with earnest in vitations to visit these cities to see nffpred. and this to be done at the expense of the places mak ing the invitation, and inasmuch as the committee can get a better knowledge of the sites offered by being on the ground; be it . "Resolved, That the committee vian these places, as invited, during me second week in June. "Further, That the committee will expect all offers of si.tes to be made In legal form, at the time of their visit, and at the same time any bonus that mav be offered is to be in a form that will be received by banks. "Further, That all offers are to be open to acceptance by the synod until after its meeting in November next. ' "Further, That these offers are con ditioned on location of said school at the place making the offer. "Further, That all notes that may be included in said' offers are to fall due when contract is let and work begun on said college." The towns applying for the school are Winona, Brandon, Holly Springs, Pontotoc, Jackson, Meridian and Ox ford. Delegates from, these places went before the committee ana set forth their advantages. . , It is greatly to uie credit or eur State that the people in all sections are so actively interested in the Beau voir plan. The camps of veterans, the Sons and Daughters everywhere seem imbued with a desire to aid in the early consummation of this noble work, and the larger towns are hav ing enthusiastic public meetings, at which much good is being done. The purchase of Beau voir is not the only good that will result from this move ment. It is bringing the young peo ple together in that best of all ways- united labor for a noble cause. At the present rate Beauvoir will at an early date be the beloved possession of the veterans. May the homeless ones find there a resting place through many years of peace and happiness. great number of thousai easy t0 raise on paper) hoteh son. The past winter ha , Jf tleularl, proline In alone; thin lino r,.i to sav that whi . .. are m . (um0ra and rumors may ge," there 1, , tado. Missouri. Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Bills for the same purpose are pending in the Legisla tures of other States. Where the State Legislatures will not meet in time, or are hampered by constitu tional restrictions, the people have . i i m .IHvon Af T ,. 1 . - . taken the matter. in nanu, as m w vl .iauii wno, with ana Aricansas, ana common" uwu o B aueaa with k, . il. i. mtmnIAll .1 . . . that their exhibits snau De tne muoi attractive displays at the fair. Nearly all the States referred to will have splendid buildings on the exposition site, and Illinois, Missouri, Texas, Kansas, Arkansas and West Virginia building, the value of materials have already selected the grounds lor o extensive control of these their buildings. It would be well for some of the critics among the newspaper folks . .B luo om u;aWar( j, and making of it a comfort.M.1 modious and thoroughly Jj "ilu io,uu, guided ami nuiiou ma great know, Ten oil mills in course' of erection at one time; in old Mississippi is a pretty' good record. And the best thing about it is that there will be quite as many more going up in a few months. This is a great thing for the State; but it will be . greater when every oil faul can claim kin with a cotton mill nearby. Then, indeed, will cotton prove his title to King, and his realm will be a royal one. Her friends - and her admirers throughout the State and wherever else her gifted pen is known will re gret the retirement from journalistic fields of Mrs. Hala Hammond Butt of the Clarksdale Challenge. This gifted young Mississlppian has won an en viable reputation tn her chosen work and her retirement is a loss to the Mississippi press. The State Medical Association held its thirty-fifth annual meeting in Jackson last week, with a large number of the State's leading phy sicians in attendance. A fine pro gramme was carried out at each ses sion and some splendid papers were read and discussed. Mississippi is blessed far above many of the States of the Union in her superb physicians, (anu some of the people at large) to read over with care the following sen sible editorial in a recent issue of the Ellisville News, from the forcible pen of Mat Gray: . "No matter whether you agree with the Governor upon his choice of a World's Fair' Bureau, and with the bureau upon its choice of a commis sioner or not, there is but one thing for the loyal Mississippian now to do, DUSjnesa ana mai is w coniriDUie oy every -means in his power to the exhibit made by Mississippi at St. Louis. The hews would be glad to see the City Council take action by appointing a committee of patriotic citizens to see that an exhibit be prepared here in Ellisville as well as for the eounty. Every citizen has a direct interest in the exhibit to be made, and every one should do all in his power to add to the effectiveness of the exhibit. The value of such advertising is direct and very great rials, Mr. I. C. Enochs can do as as any oiner man with twice or iuo biuuuui ne is putting info notei. Ana when he gays that son will have a good hotel, it is tied fact that the traveling henceforth to eat in comfort and w wucic uukb Biooa the and i....uing known to fame as the wards House. The house win closed May 1 for remodeling, , when it is opened Jackson will M a good hotel, despite the fact that rumor-makers had no hand in This is not the first thing for Jackson that Mr. Enochs j done in his unostentatious but m) effective way. He and his broth! have helped to make a city of town they found when they located' Jackson. In reply to a number of letters hi correspondents over the State, take this means of stating that up the hour of this writing the Govern and his associates of the bureau hi not given out any appointments, iJ The principal need of the ' bave they, or Commissioner Henry, EXPOSITION NOTES. Tha St. Loull Fair. The World's Fair Bulletin (official organ ) announces that Mississippi is considering the matter of exhibiting her lumber resources in the form of a diminished reproduction of her new million dollar State House, designed by Theodore C. Link of St. Louis, who has consented to supervise the repro duction. In the same issue it rejoices be cause "a telegram from Jackson, Miss., March 13, states that plans are on toot to raise $50,000, in addition to the $50,000 appropriated by the Legis lature, and get up a Mississippi dis play eclipsing that of any other Southern State at the World' Fair." In speaking of the favorable report from home and foreign lands, the Bul letin says provision for Slate exhibit has been made in New York, Penn sylvania, Ohio, . Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kanfas, Nebraska, Colo- State at this time is capital for its development The World's Fair will present the resources and opportuni ties to millions of people, many of whom are seeking , opportunities for profitable investment. Aid all you can." ..... When the people of Mississippi (who love a real hero and will stand by one who is unfairly treated to the great limit of a steadfast loyalty) learned that Admiral Schley Intended to visit Memphis, hundreds, even thou sands, of them began to plan so that they, too, might visit the great Ten. nessee city which 1 so largely made up of Mississippi people and Missis sippi interest. . Hence the Joy of these thousands, as well as of many thousands more, was greatly intensi fied last week when the news was re ceived that the ''beloved admiral" was to come to Mississippi. During his recent absence from home Gov. Lon glno had a personal interview with the admiral and this contemplated visit Is the result. The cities of Jack son, Vlcksburg and Meridian are to be honored by his presence and a goodly number of our people will eather at these points to greet him. Each of 1 the bureau the cities distinguished by his favor is arranging for his entertainment on an elaborate scale, and the rugged old hero of Santiago and of the "Court of Inquiry" , (?) will doubtless be made to realize that he has friends and lota of them in the State of Mis sissippi. He will be in Jackson on May 1. A fairer season could not have been chosen for his visit, and he will doubtless find his pathway strewn with the flowers of nature as well as with the fragrant blooms of friendship and the laurels of admiration. The population of Mississippi is somewhat decreased this week, and a census of the Lone Star State, if taken now, would doubtless show a wonder ful though temporary Increase in population. Every train that left the State from Friday, the 18th inst, up to the last day of the limit was full and overflowing with Confederate vet eran and their families and friend. We believe and hope that every camp in the State wai well represented by the gallant old soldiers. And we also beueve that every camp had a gpon or and every sponsor her retinue of maids. At any rate, the train pass ing through Jackson had more fair maiden than old soldier aboard. But thi eeemed to be Just what the veter ansgallant to the last desired, and they seemed to be finding the girls of today almost as charming a were those of "Auld Lang Syne." Indeed, the bright eyes and rosy lips, with counties other charms, of the rirls they left behind them forty years ago seemed all to live again In their daughters and . granddaughters the girl they took along with them to yet decided upon the matters of it interest to the public. When they they will, we feel sure, communis their decisions to the people, in irh interest they are laboring. Tho wo before them is great in its scope, a: they have a high duty to perform the proper performance ot the tail assigned them by the State. Hem it is only Juet to them and to the v pie that they go about the whole mi ter with deliberation and give Itcai ful thought ,Tney are now postii themselves on the matter in Its ere phase, reading and studying about past .exposition, informing themseli a to what the State can exhibit, i they will ' also visit St. Louis, to over the flejd and do the very bi they can for the State in the locati of her buildings, etc. As these this are decided upon, the public will informed. ' - , As to the correspondents who, interested in the woman's ei (and in particular the correspoi from Warren county), we can only! as yet that we feel sure the women the State will not suffer at the hai of the Governor, the commissioner The State of Mississi; has made name and fame through the land because of the Justice w which (unsought) she has treated! women, and because of her splem generosity to her girls. Now that i has given them the training and opportunity to carve out their bn careers, we feel sure that they i have a fair showing and courtei treatment in Mississippi's exhibit the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. As to the proposition that the w en atart out to raise a supplemei fnniT. tnr a woman's exhibit With deference to the distinguished 1: making the suggestlon-we bell that It will be better for the SU better for the exhibit, better for WOMEK. if we will all Join hands i work together for Mississippi i cess. The Washington papers of rec date were brightened by an exten account of a brilliant ball which ' given by the Anselm J. McLsu Camp, Son of Veteran, in one or handsome ball rooms of that P social center. The camp having cho a their Bponsor Senator McUur daughter, Mis Irene, thi lovely I wa the center of attraction and admiration of the great throw loyal Southerner was showerea her fair young head. The meeti of thi organization have grown v of no mall importance in we life of Washington, especially Southern contingent It is dangerous to mention the w "insurance" in Vicksburg these oa and those who know say that tn t g?r will spread to other cities early data. murder.