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J 1 1 1 1 di ; ei,l u. rn i . , St P ! ! a 1 V it H if u ' S , i " HI ; r J va ui I I Session hBlt filltlfinat i effort from that quarter to thwart the wishes expressed y ourselves in consonance' with those of the widow mid nearest relatives of the late President,-! "readily -promise vou my co-operation towards enabling vou to "ful fil the sacred trust which brought You to this : 1 tender to each of you, gentlemen, mv cor dialsalutntions. JOHN TYLER. To J. Bt'R.NnT. J. C. Wkiiit. nl tl.L i nit- iummmee. And the hour of three having arrived, the jjuu'c uujourneo TII23 PIOiniEIL Saturday, July 17, 1841. mREADWELL S. AVBES, Esqr., has authorized u u announce Mm as a candidate to Recre-ent the county of Carroll in the lower hr.m,l, ,.f tui JzU ifL Ju 1841. rr, fee paid: insist upon their payment. What then is their object? Simply to distract and divide the whigs-they themselves will vote for their cannidates, although those candidates ate in favor of paying the Honds. This then is their pohey and design. If they can produce any defection in the whig ranks, while they unite on their candidate, the consequence is plain and their end is gained. We warn then the ... i.i . .. WIU?S gainst tne shallow artifice now resor ted to by their, opponents. We declare to them our confidence that it is a humbu ai gross and palpable humbug, but one that is bv Us very proposition, injurious to the interest ot .the State and disgraceful to the champtPr of-its citizens. It is a humbug intended mere ly to fulfil the object of agitation nn,l division. rA a - . ..u uc M.rgouen unless perchance to be re membered by some o' the hies with feeling o, mortification , at having been uccesfuiv Iy as clouds and storms darken and agitate in r purpose of serving as habitations and forts. fortS. 1 TlfCIIM.4! M. Tnr ...! 1 1 t w t. H i I I - 7 - JUllJU kj If JC surface. - - : . : Indeed, one cannot stand in the centre of the J will attend the following appoint ah the hallowing associafi recollections of the past nous visions of the future are memory. In all the several relations of life The population, whir.h vn fnrmrfir trim i -I I a , . - ? iiueen inousana, has been reduced to three bv the dillercnt revolutions, but it now rm the in. as sister, wife and mother, for. her delicate at tention, sympathetic tenderness and anxunn ill Mil '-'V i .-m a . . . solicitude, she exacts from us our admiration, .7 "! I 1 i',g? ever become settled hoina'rrennrlfrr.i;. a . u and a Peact w,t, Mexico bo agreed uiK)ii the iiomage and gratitude. As a sister she is thet n aruwil pn,,;ji inn. r tL. gentle companion of our bo hood; as a wife, dry, healthy and delightful, the situation the ine confiding partner of our bosom, she clings tnot beautiful. in the world the San Antonio io us in prosperity and adversity; unseduced bv river meanders through the centre of 'ih. rUv.i atlordinjr the best of water, nn.l iHa tn,mirtr jTTON. J M. MAURY, i, a nrfMale't0 rerre- lThr M1'6 ClhZer"S f,001 county, in the lower Irtnch ot the next Lrgislature. . June 26 tde GEO. s. GOLLADAY, qr; of YalobuThaTn". ty. has requested n n nnnn.... i . It will be seen, under tne proper headthat we. have been authorized to announce li. S Golladay, Esq; as a candidate for Circuit Judge.: And as our friend of the Reporter" expresses himself "there are four Kichmonds in the field;' but we are not authorized' o tell the names of the other three." rri All news going to confirm the safety of the Steam .ship President and her crew, turns out to he nothing more than conjectured rumor -.......j ... . . i i . . J: . . ' "imiiuun I.1U US a Can- ...... unic HCIC llie JllSlirer-J rl lior Sr uTirs7nllUrLV.r. ;?-,'rict,fn,.,,j.:g!l,,,nlls,. ,l,at a day had been ,,, , , Jahatciue. Jh v 17. ifti t r ,A 1 JUt the demand. T,t nmnni ..r : j - -i x i i ice s i ii. i ... uuiuuin tf ii suranr.p is sixty lhouand dollars. M. S. Catkon, having beri for some time wnire the people as a candidate for Sheriff or this countv. hai nut I ...v,,,ru us io sav that he ms withdrawn from the canvass, and is no longer a candidate. American Pkiso.veus in Mexico. Some rune or ten months ago. we published nn . rviimt T . i- r-r- . lucdiregi nt IHtVorMxtv A,noS. , and Enghshmen in California, and their remo val from Tepic. The following information concerning them is extracted from a letter in the Brooklyn N. Y.J Star, dated Santa Bar bana, Upper California, Nov. 26: Ex Pa The principal author of these outrages was one Jose Castro, the prefect, or head police magistrate of California. This Castro is an old revolutionizer himself, and ha, for some time, as it is supposed, been ambitious of be coming military commandant of California .t?..,...T .uj.jingtMathMteal against for. eigners would recommend him to the favora- we ot the Mexican Government ThP forty-seven prisoners were put in charge ol this Castro; but on his arrival at San Bias in stead of finding himself a great man. as he an ticipated, he found himself in jailthrough the influence of the American and English con suls at that place. After being in jail tor twenty-two days, he was ordered to Mexico to give an account of himself to the General Government. One of the prisoners, from the State of Mississippi, Nathan Dayly, has been released by death, the other fortv-ix are et pri,oners at Tepic, a city inland from woere they are provided for by the suls, and awaitinir their trin! tk0:. -' Trfee $10. HE QUESTION TO THE wnmv,"" during the progress of rnanv controversies : on questions of policy, both state and nation- ; ai, we have had occasion not unfrequenflv, to I emarw tne vast superiority in tact, dexteiitv and .skill which the leaders of the Democratic a party manifested over the whigs. Less sc. u pulous perhaps in the selection of the'means necessary to effect a clurished ohiW ih. have ever moved on wa.d to the attainment of i ineirend with an worthy a better cause. Burying all minor differences, losing sight, for the moment, of all personal or t-elHsh consideration, thev have looked to the ultimate success of their darlin Tarty with a self-sacrificing devotion nearly akm to that which nutuatcd the fire-worship-rew of Persia as they gazed on' their God. Whenever the occasion rromred It ii,o successfully started some Jiuinbug or presen ted ome JaUe:issne which might lead off the minds -of their simple opponents while thev m secret , chuckled over the success of their stratagem every subterfuge and artifice was resorted to every species of sophistry and false, reasoning was addressed to the people, appeals to .the worst passions of our nature were unblushlngly put forth, and everv means ahafingenuity could devise or interest suggest eie eoasideied justifiable and adopted" to . distract and divide t!u-ir opponents. By this course in this State, th y have been j - almost universally successful. It is true, that in the late Presidential canvass they did not ; succeed, but it was because the late party, j . while in power, by its numerous and flagrant -abuses, had disarmed its advocates and arous- u,e to a sense of danger bv the Pnn, around is exceedinirlv fertile The latest npws from Arista renders it al most certain that another expedition against lexas Irom Mexico is not thought of. He iw loninea nimsell at Lnmpassos, and proba bly intends establishing a government on this side the Sic re Mudre. Against parties of thieving Uamanches and Tawokanies the peo ple here are frequently maki The Indians come wi bin a few" miles of the place, steal many horses or kill any of the in hadttants that hannen to h chance may. throw in their wav, and then tamper off for the boundless nrairW It m... not be said that the Anglo-Saxon part of the ('"'union nere attacks from iIipcp m;i raulers thev live in om. them and if tl.o ..r,.-,4 : ... . . I it tt t it 4 ii it it a a tt tt tt it it tt T..i ""IC Columbus Tuerf.J Wll Thur,dav 8th Aberdeen Friday ' 9t, Cotton Gin Port, Sat. io.i.h Julton Monday. 12th Jacinto Wednesday I4th Troy " Thursday 15th Hipley -Saturday 7ihu Salem "Monday QlhM Hudsonville" Tuesday 20th Holly Springs Wednesday 21st Mount Pleasant ThursdaJ 22nd Hernando "Saturday 21th Chulahoma Monday 2Gth Wyait - "Tuesdav 27th Ox lord -Wednesday 2Sth lielmont. Ponola P.;.! .. ,.. "will Siturdav 31st Monday 21 Aug. Tuesday 3rd " Wedues fay 4th Thursday 5th" Saturday 7i, Monday 9ih 11 i ueslav liouoke Charleston " " Oakland 41 Colfeeville " Grenada " Carrollton ' Middleton "" Shongalo " hps li i. in. i- Green. -homiigh " Wednesday 11th "' IVovr tuber I li .t ... H H II U H M M it U U tt tl It tt tt tt the attractions of the foxmer, undismayed by the horrors of the latter and asa mother, a ministering spirit whose midnisht viirils cuard the unconscious slumbers of infancy a lovely- seraph whose unceasing, self sacrificing devo- tion extending from the' cradle to the grave, menus us through all the various phases of life, ana cheers and sustains us in the last moments ot expiring mortality Yes, it is the mother's eye, whose look of love eazed on us when we i - - - - first met the light, and which sleeps not in its affection 'till the grave has closed over the oh. ject of its care. It is the mother's ear that first drinks in the lisping accents of our infan cy, and that grows not indifferent to th tr.. of our sorrows or our iovs. until that nr u, I ne, and if the word nonce given that Indi. .t.ffened in death. Such my brethren, is wn- uT.f l? thc all torn out TAlWTW mnn Int-ol., ; ' . ir,a evince as rnuc i anxntt- t . . ca.nuio.aie ior Mieriif of CmMi ..ZZT ' "'" i, connuing woman. In ..II . . i . " . .ig-s tne inspiring theme of the poit and the minstrel; the object of admiration and re-a-S by the knight and warrior, she is peculiarly hecareof our order A ma-on's wife, daugh ter or mother, never looks in vain . - son s charuy or protecion. Love, i,n..r .,,d cherish her; and though for VIA ntirrin..A3 is not permitted to enter our Lodges here; yet me last wave ot time shall have diem bogued into the limitless ocean f ..:. " 1 1 1 1 1 . -um, irom me South shall be heaid n.r me !.,st ,lme the craft from l,lw - - - - IW liave a hru with ,hom .- the IT , j " ",iU ,""u as "r sportsmen in rr.ieepaia. c - J V ,o hav'. 'leer or fox ifAJ- "MES M. DaNjfTofMiddletoa hZ cilase. There are but ahont fiAt. J-'A quested us to flnnn 1 " "on'lltsre- them, but they are all brave without hem" date,for Assessor of Carroll county, at t enexS hrav?uloesanilhaveneverrec.dvermor; U Stf" trrkfl,rk.d.a.. t ' " . .,.,. s..e m.v HoqutalltV shown th:.n - A T thtt .mf . in San Antonio Top .r- t,.;. ir.... , J i. " " -n or numerous friend.. I ..."iiio 1;,ore are but a few familirs XA ''ave consented that mv name shall nfi7i.: of Arue. ,can ladies but they are all highly ac- Sherarf of , rroKunty ZS comphdied. and I was agr. eahly sUrp;is(;d to t,on. Carroll county, June 8th, 1311. 26 Pr fee $10 nnd the society here equal to that of any low." 1,1 It MX- in - the- Uliitrd StntP iCJA&IUEL FT 4 RT U. ' rrfreslnnentthen slaj woman take her place In I lio T .. 1 ... ' ge -not made with hands eternal in me ucavens." Stiti TJ' . fir f "e s,(! '" "tract taken 'a' s..MP''"r. a'darati of the omerin in ihi Pure. n.nd nltnrrati.A :i... 0 it j ii r . 1 ,wpoui uomocrats. Kendall aslvs, "I it not as h .nest for a State to suspend payment as a Bank?" What sav you, Messrs. Anti-Rnndur Kendall proceeds thn.-. n. for rmo,f fa;.K n -V r o "II nil let principles in rpin.,,.., preserva ion of the faith of States, widely enng from the creel of the xMcXutt party I :ia T: a Vrty P1!1" to be the only Of tha f; l-.- . .. y. jKiinuaiion I c. imie excent that tl.p mn ...i.k . , - ...w s.vil, II M i 1 4 i . j auuuuucc 0'ni PTpait. . : vuniy, ai tne ensuinir jv- Hons perhaps, are constitutionally opposed io Ve,nber eJect" M7 89. 1S41. (Prs fee pai'd. I Ml Ilia a--. I - - ' xosKPir at rti nvt-D i . . . . ' r (. . . i "Mm, vAiirinr. ' . w, nun requested his natna v ond ol smoking sh'uk cig.trs and addicted ! H ."""ed as a candidate for the office of Clerk to taking ststa every afternoon. The women !?f i?e,Cir!:u,t court uf Carroll county; at the electioo aie many ol them pretty, are al.o loud ofsmok-1 " -y -rrinter's fee paid. bL in ,tarC-aM tXrd,rnt. W'r. They f J0N P; MARSHALL, the present incumbent, oat he in the river here ounng every month ofi p 1851 aut"nzedl1' 8 nin,e announced as a candidate year, and once or twice a dav large num- llllh' l?rlcouutJ': at the next November bers of them may b.; seen naddlioV and snln.f,. i rJ0 Wa' "9" 2J-fd b m a i " -. urtl in the water. as l'm-dun rnnQ. wouiu sav. "r.i? it hp .r f. Lc ing about pEXJAMLV ROACH, has authorized us to an-- nounce In 3 name na n em, Ilave i a day or two for Austin to join the I M'bliS? vem el , , Santa Fe expedition, but before Jil l141' 21-toWd visit the old Spanish "Missions" some six j HJAJ' Jame Money, of Carrollton, has authorized; I. I hey were built over a ln '1Zf ,V -nnouuee lus name asa candidate lor go and are said to be great) 2p miles from town. hundred years a curiosities. G. W. K. ,Vr?.V fanksPafv5',.Speciilator pax; leti P'on of Democ ery body pny that can; let there be suVhin- not envy the everv quigence as Banks andvnthpr-.rWii... . . f "--aiaw4.i i grant without injustice to their own creditors- hut no vilation of faith, public or private sanctioned by law or countenanced by author- ity J "All such acts are blows aimed at the pillars which sustain society itself." This is excellent doctrine, but our Demo crats Ay,ll not follow the lead of thisaposile of their church. The Van Buren mn, elsewhere than our own State, advocate the preservation public faith. Nut, Courier. - TS7"E have been The Editor of the Cham. Hawkins, mc w"' .i ..i . . ..,ii . .. "..uau: iur assessor m i ,r -uiwiiui? "lets out." We do ai me next lYovo. iber eTectiou. envy the man his amio. hut .n -April ai. 1841.. sorry.e has tt. It shakes a capital article out of him. Vro cm shake !iaTwl wttt. o .-4t,....t. crack jokes with a tornado, dance on the top ot a volcano, out-laugh a thunder storm, whis- ,.. winu out ot conhdence, drive a hurri-' AssessouafXat- 18-fd.' g AMU EL MOORE hthorited us to announce Ins name as a candidate f,.,T nii. nCe trod counts at tl. nov-i v "I: , w Ipril 24; I8-1U r action ia. '"'" ha, authorired us tlwmiu ,!,e crater of Vesu.i,,,; W(.j April ai, 1841. -Member election. -ih m-s .. ureuv woman, surf aiml. .. t.,. .. . fiwd ... .i we liuuKRT It. mrr T7r . wu. iintjie under the nflm.: . la u j -,ik varromon, nas au- .Micateha,,,.-:.,,, WeUlrl.V4 lorwls when our ajue fi, is thwateninB t,,:- AprilSI. 1S41. IMflafP. tUl tlwnin ..,.1 l:i.l .. - .t . ' ' uf...iui unit? Mars uom me tr.-i-r. b .ir-nn nnnr. 19-S10. con- awaitmg their trial. Their acdnittal IS certain, and henvv rfrm,A ..,:n ... r i . . - f" - -j TJ UIKlUcS- j ...... '..t-MuiiuijiMi a non. I lutjn trH i iiviiuiiiv tie oninmpn tmm u . fioianeartened, they return again to the struggle of office ond power. Trusting in the uris Wll,c ensured their former success, thev J rely now upon the weakness of the people for ; the success of their ticket m the approaching campaign. After a careful survey of all their materials they have selected the "Bond ones. , W as 4he hobby by which thev hope to ride once more into office. This question is not j .solicited for any intrinsic merit. Thev are fully aware it has none-indeed we are satis f d that if the party who now opjK)se the r payment of the State Bonds we. e still in office Jiissimplequestion of common honesty would mt have been heard -of. Yet it is necessary ;t tlielr purpose-to atate the public mind b'v ,.-me plausible or specious appeal howeve'r ; dse in principle or demoralizing in tendency . I their interest to agitate. By it thev : have i ioae ana every thing to gain, and I 'i,afe they will, although by such'agitation t --ibhc momls will be corrupted and national j jnor disgraced. The "Bond question" then j (deliberately selected as the most efficient ;ans of producing agitation, and by this in i ious appeal to the weak and unsuspecting; j mercenary and avaruious, they hope j tt many will be found who will consult their eminent; if the Governments of the United states and England have any regard. for the rights of their citizens residingin foreign coun tries. In conseuuence of d:ir:.,w:. captain Forrest has ordered Mr. Estabrook to remain here for the present as consular agent ior the United States. I expect one of our ships ot war will return here during the winter or spring ending,' when he will nrnhn. bly rejoin the souadron. The New vork Courier, and F.nmMmr that it was a beautifid girl that converted GoV. Carlm, of iliinoi , to Mormonim. It s-ems Muwrvrr, mat rus Excellency let th pretty witch convert him only hV (he time being. I he Illinois papers say he is not a Mormon now. rest at the expense of their honor. In .mean dose, the ..Democrats' themselves are j honest to carry out the' principle involved Jhc "Bond question;", they know well that ill be many ..years. yet before the Bonds 7 4 It. j I be .due; tbst the Bank is able to pay of! My, if not quite, th'a whole of its liabilities i i that in iact the people have nothing to db i t the question. Indeed e will do the li ocratJ the" justice to believe that when ' . "Bond" fhuU fall due, those very men, loir clamor ?o loudly against., the pay of ..theiiJr ' will be among the very first to From a Masonic Address deli vered at Greens boro, Choctaw county, by the Hon. C. H.Sak mms on the 24th ult., that being the anniver sary of one of the patrons of the order St John the evangelist we have been permitted to make the following eloquent extract, which we commend to the perusal of our readers. And tinaliy my brethren of the mvstic tie, in looking around upon this large and atten- live audience who have come to learn some. thing of the mo als and precepts which our institution inculcates, I cannot retrain from calling your attention to the duties and obliga tions we owe to woman with justice termed 'the last best gift of God to man" she ever ex erts in her appropriate sphere over the wild destinies of our race a controlling and saluta ry influence. "Last at the cross and earliest at the tomb," her whole life is illustrative of the virtues that elevate, refine and adorn hu manity.' '-o " h".' "Sincere in her piety, constant in her friend. t ship,'; earnest and devoted in her love.- sh A- offi beys the nenerous and inrt spring instinctively in her bosom, encounters danger and braves misfortune, and in the fer vour and dept h of her own pure feelings for each noble action, finds alike iu motive and its re ward. Over the dark and sluggish stream of life, she throws the mild radiance of her gentle virtues, that beatn but ihe aiore bright Frevch Living. One is struck with the com pan live cheapness of living in Fnnce IVe see advertised, a capital house wi.h hand some furniture at 600 francs per annum the situation one of the best in Paris! A country house on the Seine also, well furnished, with a garden, for 360 Irancs, or about 75 dollars per annum The Oh Lady's IFiieei Ah, Jerry, said a good mttron to her son then an eminent Judge in a neighboring State ah Jerry, you day to send you to college, - mnts of this world on which we live tl hnu'Tf.0 us " enounce u ihat -e to say is. that a man can't of CarrolUSS tc vxvvmrn in imtr.h i iir.iii.i. irS.ii . wwuvu, i . .iikii. mm if i. iii tp rim. ting between tho do much, when he i alteriia- j lhoe agreeable states of hat 19-fd. and cM: wherein om,5 ,h; hZ SS "SY- Es,. of Yalobusha CbTku iriii; ir.Y rm . . . . i r. . i - n - i I WIK'U ilfd icn r l: urn n,,f..- j . - - - nn.oan ice b.h: ,nd this proce u. W ?Jn?JS ciM.uuuajiv reueated. (), v t .ml- r ; we nex uwrnu,. vwuy,x I . ...... vt ia, r . ., vibvuvui . . inn April. 17,. 1S41. P Ptumili- ft' V . . - . 1 i A rrml ..:. I ... . r. . . . ' , Wie-flIU , , v.. i"i-i,i a. v-iuuiuaie ior lax oen. e r aiinongh he was irood at th...rv. h n t- niiti,;,!.. . county. ElTtinn t n ta ... . ftrroil at .11 of practice. -Hol im. wi... . id l!, FROM THE S. O. FICAVlNE. LIFE AT SAN ANTONIO. San Antonio,' June 6, 1841. . Finding that I had some ten da vs on mv hands at Austin, and having heard" so much of this place, I determined upon a" trip over, and here have I been for the last three days spending my time most agreeably. I he distance from Austin here is nearly SO miles and there ,s not a sign of a house on the road; but the benntiTnt .: . . through and the wild excitement of leavhw irevfW m . water, whir.h bereaved t,,e .' Tli," :,U1C Vienaunl3 ol civilizaiioa and mPrKi vanaii... i . .. : , . .1 . . . ;, uw-.Ninue auoui ii, unies nui- nine comes under that genus; and so far from lending existence to any thing, it knocks a man into nonerrity much quicker than a rail road could. . Confound the fever and ague! r next. ' tde-dlO V . Ai to announce Thomas T. Youn "acandjdate for Assessor of Carroll countr at the next November election. ITOU county, b 17-tde W EmoLaUi,0riZedi,aaUnce Wi W. mona, as a candidate for Tax Collfv-tirnf rT rol county, at the next NoremteSf fe.10' Cw' eth, 1841. 17-tde-fee $10 Hold on! we takefthnt hnnl fit..xt.A .'i'lcou ate, by George!., comes with a kind ! -Jl?"1 ol h,at.d a sh-sh-shi-vering, and hu-hu-hu-huddlings and H-a-a h, lKrd!' A Mala r nop. -A fashionable lad v !ein" ask-d how she liked the dinner give at a di t.nkMlldied t.nPl. - i " 'y was "i e dinner T V li rr ntr r v..v.o was expended but mv seat wa n ' nm' ur11 Ewt.r-? candidate for the il.4-:V..i...- ,. ' " " ifuuHfe juugeot tarro 1 mnn. r- HiwducMj, nai i rou m nn iviir.. iwowmr. Pi,.i... rv. ... , , .... '""IV mv it l. .h. Iwkihi cuerries such a .e-i Wp" autho"zed to announce John R. y' Eslr-' as a candidate for Sheriff ar cSl JlprdSth, 1841. 17-tde-fee $10. E 1 have been authorized to announce WILLIAM April 5, 1841. rc. on my head that ! had a OT to ,eave ai,'t uul ivir.-gave me some I.rt J.nm .i . . vi iiiii i iiiii ;un striking out into the prairies more than renal. f ne inconvenience of two ni-hts we were obliged to camp out. r Of what befel. us in our journey you shall hear in another let- ter...' : ..' - ;...,.;''-.'.-,--. ,,te. thscene of more and ..u.uci .uugni oaiues than -any other city in America, and. the marks left b'v cannon tills, SaiffA0tI'7Uf"J' arrows are still ..o.x,i u.,y oi me houses. The Alamo is fhl hJ rU bul the '1'rent places where nZ, nt f fi!"0 811,1 stan and the names of many of them, among others that of David Hin, 0y mrasclt, are yet to be seen on the walls. e .vThe.housej here are all of one story with Arkn: are of limestone of immense thickness and strength, have few or no win dovys, aQd were originally built for the double a" oaMiuiu iifriew, out it killed him; W re atoriJwd to announcethe Hon. JAMES "Loniriir. :I A. IfRVMKI.V. rrW.. diddte for the office of District Attorney, for the Se W wffHUlhorized to announce RICHARD A. ny V 5E,WA8D, as a Candidate for the Office ?of Uer.c of the Circuit Court of Carroll county, at the Jc.Iecf.10n m No vem hornort Mar h l;VW4l. $10 14 tdc. Long is the morn 7'hat briugs no eve; - , Tall is the corn , That no cobs leave; r Blue is the sky : ; Tnat never looks yeller; r 1 Hard is tue apple tw i Sat never Srows meller ' U i,8" ?nf b Uer and h"rder and u"er; IS mv Own lariv li- it o .. j , , T. .. ..;- , ' .- j mjr auuraoio rou, ah! , False Cuius. We .could never see that improved the appearance o a pr.ttv woman to have a crowd ol curls, imported from Par. f rCWi,e,e' cI?sterin over; her cheeks, as it her head was a barber's block. e. ray, is nay authorized Ageul during my absence from the State. cond Judicial District, composing the counties of ' uociaw, Yalobusha and Tallahatchie. February 20, 1941. 11-tde pd.-$10 00. lissoliitioii. . fTlHE co-pnrtnership heretofore exittinp between ; Jos. J. Wood $ Jas. W. Reading is dissolved this day by mutual consent. JOS. J. WOOD, m r l V,o JAS. W, READING. Marion, July 7, 1841. . .. oqJ Have pin chased the large and commodious Ware A Hones and store, formerly the property of Jos. J wood, and will cont nue thn R in? bunness. Anr bus'n -.rj ... HI receive strict itenti, w 07I shall kee nn K.J . .' 1A Xtr, . ,04; JAS. V, READIN.J. lanon, July 7, 1841. - ; . JO-tl Tnater tee eight dollars. - IS- Prorri-: ' or cTIEis Ollice b " -'a "'