Newspaper Page Text
notice IS hereby given to all persons interested in the es tate of Joseph Farmelee, deceased THAT WHEREAS, Lydia Parmelee has filed her petition in the Court of Probates for the county ef Carroll, praying an allotment of her portion of said estate. Such order or de cree shall be made thereon at the next August Term of said court as shall be. just and equit able according to the rights of the Petition. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That pub lication of this notice be made in the "South ern Pioneer" four times in succession. " - - SAM'L. HART, Cl'k. JulvGth,18il. 30-14. Printer fee S8 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned having taken out Let ters of Administration on the estate of Mi chael Tannehill, dee'd., all persons indebted to said estate will come forward and pay tip, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, or they will be forev er barred. RILEY CHAMBLY, Administrator. July 5th, 1S41 Printer fee ($S) S0-t5 INSOLVENT NOTICE. HAVING been appointed by the Honora ble Probate Court of Carroll county, Commis sioners of Insolvency on the estate of Catha rine Caraway, dee'd we will meet at the Counting Room of Messrs. Bryan & Sanders, on the 2nd. Saturday in each month, for six months,for the purpose of examining the claims against the estate of said deceased. WiI. SANDERS, GODFREY STANCILL, yComm'rs. T. T. KIMBROUGH, J July 6th, 1841. 30-Gm. Printer fee 827. lxaiJii nn lion at Ifliridlctosi. THE examination of the Students of the Peoples' Academy will take place on Wednesday, Thurs day, and Friday the 29th, 29th and SOtliof July next. The friends of the institution and public generally, are most respectfully invited to attend. A. R. DRAKE, Sect. E. T. Middleton, June 2 1th, 1841. w List oi' Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Carrollton, Carroll countv, Miss., on the first day of July, 1841, which if not taken out before the lapse of three months will be sent to the General Post'Ofiice as dead letters, Asa Aldaman, M Arnold, John T Brown, M A Bradly, R D Bopd, Wm Bennett, Samuel Bell, J M Butt, Wm Barrow, Jos. Beasly, Juo Billens.H Barrow, Jas Blanks K E Beasley, H Buie, Ed. Crawford, Wilson Collins, J. P. Campbell, Jas Crawford, II E Campbell, Dav. Carnes, W E Cox, J W Carroll, A Cowend, 3VI S Catron, E F Deloach, D G Davidson, R G Doyal, T Downes, Jas Davis, Mrs Erbn, L EmmoD",J BFermison, E Fohor, W D ulk- Hawkins, A A Halsey, Emaline Hopper, 11 A. Hall, a. E, Hull, F S Harman, Eliz. Halhert, L. M Holmes, W R Harrner, 3 Jim Huffman, W Jaekson, II Jefferson,! L Johnson 2 iM B Jones, S Johnson, Saml Jenkins, G T Jones, A Johnson, 2 M Jones, W Kennedy, J. D. Kerr, B Kennedy, E E Kaigler, Saml Lum, F, Little, J W Lyon, J G Long, LD Landlord, Jno Low, Jesse Meek, 2 A MeCarroll, W. McKinney, Rebecca Mallard, John McClellan LS Miller, Jno Morrow, D Moore 2 Joel McBroom, H Marion, J McMellan, A MeCar roll, J McBroom, J McAfee, Jno Morrow, A H McNeill, J V McClellan, W McMillen, W AT nr:il " TXT r T f it n i.- j.uiiicj, o vv iuartin, iv ij luerri vvexner, v j Parsons, J Prewett, J Person, R Perm, W Richards, W A Reynold, M Rose, A Rickets, J M Ridgeway, Jas Standly, G P Stedman, J. t Shumwell, Dr. 1. Sullivan, J M Smith, Thos. f Speak, L B Sanders, C Thompson, A. Town send,F A Waters. M J Wood, Eliz. Williams, D Williams, S Williams, G. W. Williams, 8. Williams, Wm J Young. WM. SANDERS, P. M. June 1st, 1841. 30-t3. - .2 C1R&. THIS day by mutual consent, the undersigned have dissolved the partnership heretofore exist ing between them, in the practice of Law. Their business is so much scattered, and complicated, they have found a dissolution indispensably necessary to effect an adjustment of the same. The business yet in Court, and undetermined will receive their mutual attention, as though the partnership yet existed. , . SAMUEL B. MARSH, TREADWELL S. AYRES. Carrollton, Mi., December 1, 1840. 3 tf. NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration on the Estate of ANN M. RHODES, dee'd, having been ? ranted to the undersigned at the March Term 841, of the Probate Court of Carroll county, all persons having claims against said Estate, will present them duly authenticated, within the lime prescribed by law, or they will be fere ver barred. O. L. KIMBROUGH, Adm'r. SMarch 20,; 1641. , 15 5t. ner, Jas Grubbs, Wm Gillum, John boza, V. Green, B.Gav, Allf n Gav, S Getwer, J Gibbs, C HolIinL'sworth, 3 W"W Hughes, Wm R ! TAKE NOTICE. . I HEREBY forwarn all persons from trading for certain notes given by Greenberry Blount, to John H. Davis of Choctaw county, with Granberry Blount as security. There are between seven and eight of said notes in amounts of fifty dollars each the consider ation for which they were given having wholly failed, am determined not to pay them unless compelled by law. GRANBERRY BLOUNT. Carrollton, 19th April, 1841. 19-t4 ; NOTICE. To all persons interested in the estate of Sea born J. Harper, dee'd. I WILL, at the May term, 1841, of the Probate Court of Carroll county, Mississippi, exhibit my account for allowance and final settlement as Admin istrator of the estate of said deceased. J. W. WILSON, Adm'r. ol the estate of S. J. Harper. April 10, 1941. 17-t5-fee 7d. Notice. SAM'L. B. MARSH $ TREADWELL S. AYRES, Having dissolved their partnership in the prac tice of the Law, the undersigned have associated themselves in their profession. They will keep their office at the old Office of Marsh &. Ayres. One of the partners will always be found at the office. SAM'L. B. MARSH, W. COTHRAN. G. F. NEILL. December 2Gth 1810. nl tf. Williams JLiturtiHsr ami licks- burs' Packet fllHE fast running1 Steamer IO, will run as a reu JL lar Packet during the summer season, from Wil liams' Landing to Vicksburg leaving the Landing every Wednesday at 3 o'clock, P. M. The IC draws only eighteen inches, and is capable of running at all stages of water. All orders left with the Merchants at the Landing, for articles at Vicksburg, will be promptly attended to by J. WILEY, Captain. June 5th, 1941: 23 tf. (jjNo,'a Bene. We can highly recommend to our friends the Steamer 10, as being entirely sale for the conveyance of freight from below her Captain is ac commodating, and indeed a gentleman in every res pect. The fact that all other Steamers leave the trade so soon as the most profitable season is ended, and place the citizens in greainconvenience md total want during the summer season, should stimulate all in lending that aid, justly merited by her able and worthy Commander. Editok Pioneer. BY order of ti e Probate Court of Carroll county, Mississippi, at the October Term, 1810, T. S. Ayres was appointed co-Administrator of the estate of S. D. Miller, deceased. Those having business with the Administra tor, in relation to said estate, are requested to call on him in Carrollton. A. A. HALSEY. T. S. AYRES, Ad'mr of S. D. Miller, deceased, October 7th, 'IS 10. 49-tf. CORPORATION OP CARROLLTON. BE it enacted by the Mayor and Alderman of the town of Carrollton, THAT hereafter it shall not be lawful for any white person or persons to permit any DOG, of what kind sover, to follow him her or them to any place of public worship or re ligious devotion, within the limits of the Cor poration of the town of Carrollton, and anv person so offending shall, upon proof being made of such offence, upon oath or affirma tion, before the Mayor of said town, be fined for every such offence, ONE DOLLAR. Mayor's Office, 27th May, 1S41. Cr'A copy from the minutes. SAML. HART, Recorder. frs. Harris & illcLeaii, HAVING associated themselves in the practice of MEDICINE & SURGERY, respectfully ten der their services to their friends and the community generally, in the various branches of their profession. Dr. McLean's long and laborious practice; with Dr. Harris almost universal success in the treatment ot diseases incidental to this climate, induces them to hope for a liberal share of patronage. Or-Their Office is the same formerly occupied by Dr. Harris. Carrollton, April 1841. FRECSII 'At Tchula, CONSTANTLY receiving, by the subscriber, a general assortment of Summer Goods, To-wit: Nankeens, Cottonades, brown Linens, do. Drillings, French boil'd Linen, Blue Lowels and Negro Cloths; A pron and Furniture Checks, Tickings, 7-o and 4-1 Loweis, 3-4 and 4-4 bro. Domestic, FRENCH, ENGLISH nd DOMESTIC PRINTS, Irish LINEN, Dumask TABLE-CLOTHS, Table LI NEN, Russia and Towel DIAPER, MUSLINS, CAMBRICS, LACES, IIDK'S., HOSIERY, etc. etc. all .of which will be sold us low for cash, as can be bought in New Orleans; adding the freight. - - BABCOCK, Levee St , Tchula. J May 29, 1941. ; 24 tf. '. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. To all Persons interested in the Real Estate of Lixdsey C. Hall, dec'd. ; MORE ESPECI ALLY, the south east quar ter of section eleven, and north east quarter of section twenty-two, township seventeen, range one east. " r AGREEABLY to an order of the Honora ble the Probate Court of Carroll county, Mis sissippi, we will sell on a credit on Twelve Months, at the Court House door, in the town of Carrollton, on . ; ; Monday, the 26M day of July next, The real estate above described, for the pur pose of making distribution of the proceeds thereof, amongst the lawful heirs of said de ceased . t i - A, C. HALL, M. PIERCE, Adm'rs. of L. C. Halt dee'd. . June 14th, 1841. 27-6 w. Printers fee fourteen dollars. A last of Letters REMAINING in the Post Office at Middle- ton, Miss, on the first day of July 1841, which if not taken out by the first day of October next, win ue sent to me ueneral r ost Office as dead letters. E Applewhite, W Applewhite, Jas Arm strong, A BobbittS a Buckholts, 2 a C Bul lock, J T Brown, J Cohen, Mrs Eliz. Dutart, Mrs J a Davis, J M Doyle, T Dean, Mrs Jane Estill, J Forgay, a W Garner, EN Ham monds, R Herron, W H Ivy, Martha Kenne dy, John King. Geo King, J C Lattimer, 2, a. Moore, J H MeCarroll, G Mitchell, R Neal, W F Oden, J E Palmer, H Pittman, J Poitevent, C M Roberts, D Rowland, a Stephens, M. E. ledge, TC Stamps, W.Scurlock, J W Wate ry B Wagner. A. S. S. NEWTON, P. M Middleton, July 1st, 1811. 30-t3. TO COUNTttY JIEKCIIAIVTS AITD PlfAXITEilS. Wm. R. BABf'OrK, Washington St., Vicksburg. 1b now receiving trom the North and East, a large and entirely New stock of mi aoons, Which he offers to dealers and customers, at New Orleans juices, for cash. SOO pieces common Prints, 3.50 do. assorted fine, do. 200 do. printed Muslins, and printed Lamms. 25 Bdes 3-4 brown Shirtings, 10 " 4-4 " Sittings, 200 pieces 3-4, 7-S and 4-4 bleached Shir t i ngs a n d Sh pet i ngs. 50 pit'ees Russia Diaper, 50 " Apron Checks, Gbves, a f ull tissortfnent. Bed Ticking, and Marsilles Quilts, Brown Linen, Cottonades, and other sum mer Pant ab ton sfilfs. Cotton ilosery, Buttons and Thread of all kinds, and other small articles tf evry descrip tion ifi the Dry Gauds line, to make up a coun try Stock. flats & Shoes. 50 Cases Fir and Russian Beaver Hats, UVk. and wfiitr. 100 Doz. common palm leaf Hats. Leghorn, assorted, do. far retailing. I,adies Leghorn Bonnets, and willow Hoods, Shoes, a full assortment of every fcina. ALSO 2000 Pieces Paper Hangings. Vicksburg, Uth April, 1841. 17-3w. P. S. The subscriber also offers for sale at Tchula, a general assortment of Dry Ooods Hard-ware and crockeries, eye. yc. To Country merchants AND I'LiANTERS. THE undersigned are now receiv ing, and offer for sale, at New Orleans rices,' for cash, at their Store in Washington street, Vicks burg, a complete and extensive assortment of Hani- II "are, crockery ami Glass ware, in part, consisting of Table Knives and Porks, fine Ivory, ditto, in setts, Pocket, do., Bread, Butcher, cook and cane Knives, Scissors, shears, sheep-shears, razors, carvers and steels, ' Carpenters11 and Ame. lean Kim Locks, English and .American mortice and closet Locks, Trunk, Chest, cup'd. and pad Locks; cast Butts, pa tent do, "Clark's" broad Butts, Parli'mt. Hinges, Screws, cut Tacks, cut Brads, 'ButcheV cast steel, mill, pit and Hand-saw files, horse Rasps, common and best polished and bright Augurs, Rafting Augurs, augur Bitts, cast sieel Clxisels of all kinds, Plains, a full assortment plain Irons, Adjes; Drawing Knives, hand and Panel Saws, brass and Iron back Saws; key hole Saws, Table, ditto; Iron and steel Squares, Try Squares; mortice Guages, Bevils, spirit Bevils Mill X cut and Pit Saws, a splendid article; Jack Screws, Corn Mills, Ames' Shovels, Long handled ditching do., Spades, Pitch-forks, icls, Anvils, Sledge Ham mers, Black-smiths Bellows, weeding, garden, cane and grub Hoes, 'Collins' $ 'Simmon's' Axes-broad ditto, broad Hatchets, shingling Hatchets, 'C. S.' nail Hammers, lathing Hatchets, Hand Axes, Ger man, American, and English Blister and cast steel, cut and wrought nails; cotton and Manilla Tow Lines 3aniIU Bed Cords, Bed, Halter, Trace and Tow Roj es, Cotton, Wool and horse Cards Ox, trace, Af Log Chains, sweeping BrusheQWhite Wash, clothes Hair and Comb, ditto, Feather Dusters, cedar and painted Tubs, in nests, turned Keelers, Trays, Pig gins, Flour Pails, nests round Boxes, dry Measures, willow, market and clothes Basket, willow Wagons, Bird Cages, Roller Tins,1 Coffee Roasters, Japaned Candle-sticks, a new article, egg Boilers,- Iron, brass and Hand Seives, Wire dish Covers a few very fine Brittannia Tea Setts, with every variety of furnishing articles, ALSO a general assortment Earthcrii, china & Glass-Ware, Consisting of Tea, Dinner and Toilet Setts, Ameri can and French forms, Cut and Pressed Glass-ware a full assortment Astral, Hall and Stand Lamps, of various patterns, Looking Glasses, .Looking Glass plates, &c. &c. ALSO 2000 Pieces Paper Hangings. - : DIXON & BABCOCK, - Washington street, Vicksburg. April 14th, 1841. . H-Jim. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. To all persons interested in the estate of Fran cis Beasly, dee'd. - - ' TF WILL, at the July Term" next of the Probate court A of Carroll county, present my account tor allow ance and final settlement as Executor of the last will and testament of Francis Beasly, dee'd. ; ..- D. O. SHATTUCK, Ex'r. Carrollton, 24th May, 1841.- . 24-td. Printers fee seven dollars fifty cts-. " ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. To all persons interested in the estate of Hen- ry Jo. Pack, deed. TAKE NOTICE, rflHAT at the July Term next, of the Probate court JL of Carroll county,' 1 will present my account tor allowance and final settlement as Administrator ot the estate of Henry B. Pack, dee'd. D. O. SHATTUCK, AdmV. Carrollton, 24th May, 1841. 24-td. Printers fee ssvsa dollars fifty ctsf' THE CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IN CRISTENDOM. A NEW MONTHLY PESfODlCAL BY THE CONDtTCTOBS OF THE BROTHER JONATHAN. THE JD OJLJL.1IZ .mi GAZKVJE. A Gazette of Current American and Foreign Liter ature, Music, the Arts, Fashion and Novelty. EDITED BY N. P. WILLIS AND H. H. WELD. THE first number of a new Magazine under the above title was issued from the office of the Brother Jonahanf on the 15th inst. This Magazine is intended to embrace selections from the choiscst current literature of both Hemis pheres, an l Original Papers from some of the most celebrated pens in this country; and the ample sour ces of the publishers for obtaining earlr copies of the choicest works which fall from the European and American press, the readers of the Brother Jonathan need not to be told. , . " Engi-avinjrs on Wood by some of the best Ameri can artists, illustrative of portions of the letter press, will appear m every number. Plates of the rashions, beautifully engraved, will be given four times in every volume, with full letter press descriptions, compiled trom the London Cf Fans periodicals. A choice and popular piece of Music will appear in every number. - TERMS. The Dollar Magazine will be issued on the 15th of every month, embracing Thirty-two large quarto pa ges, printed in a neat and convenient form for preser vation, and sent to supscribers by mail, for ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Post Masters who send three dollars at one remit tance, free of postage, will receive a fourth copy gratis, or seven copies for five dollars. bingle Copies may be had of ail the principal News men in the United States. Letters and communications of every description should be addressed free of postage, to WILSON & Co., Publishers, 162 Nassau street N. York. Office of the Brother Jonathan, ) - A. York, Jan. 20, 1841. $ II ATS AXD SHOES. , BABCOCK, Tchula, has just received pr. Steam ers "Maid of Arkansas,' and "Tchula," a full assortment of Men's WEARING APPAREL, con sisting in part of the following: French Summer Cloth, Frock and Dress Coats, Bro. Linen, Rowen Cassimereii Grass Cloth; . Fancy Gingham Frock Coatees; Bro. Linen Pants, F ncy Drill, do; Summer Cloth; Casinette, do; Jeans and Cottonade, do; Vests, Drawers, Linen and Cambric Shirts; Bro. and white Cotton half Hose; Linen Gloves, Cravats, etc. Alse Russian Reaver Hals, Vhite and Black.' Leghorn Hats, Ialm Leaf, do. Together with a full assortment of IS rowans, JYuMifierS) Shoes, etc. Which will be sold low for CASH! HAUim crockery and Glassware, Together with a general assortment of Produce & Family Groceries, Can be found for sale low at BABCOCK'S, May 29, 1841. Tchula JOSTR.1YS. Taken up By R. P. Stephens, one sorrel mare, all legs white, blaze face no marks or brands perceivable, khod before. Appraised to lorty dollars. - Bv Thomas T. Young, one bay horse, 9 or 1U years old, lb hands high; a tew saddle spots, a nuje wnne on the lower partot the hind foot, black mane and tail. Appraised to $40. By M. D. Kimbrough, one iron grey mare, left hind foot scared, some saddle marks, 15 hands high, 4 years old. Appraised to $55. By Stephen Frazier, one bay mare, no marks nor "brands perceivable, seven or ight years old. Appraised to $55. By James JStandley, one black mare mule of common size, branded thus (B) worth $37 50 June 5th, 1841. 25 16. Printers fee fifteen dollars. , N o t i c c . I Do hereby forewarn all persons from trading for a note for Forty Dollars on Wm. Noland, due January next, date not recollected Also a note given by myself, payab'e to John P. Marshall, for Fifty Dollars, due January next. The consideration for which said notes were given, has not been realized, and I will not pay the same, unless compelled by law. R. B.MURPHEY. . 4pril 15th, 1841. 18-t4. NOTICE. I hereby forwarn any person from trading lor a note given bv me to Rhesa Williams for one hundred and forty-one dollars, or therea- bouts, dated aoout tne iytn day ot jeoruary, IS39, and due 1st. January 1840; as said note has been fully paid off and discharged, but was not taken up. MARY THOMPSON. Carroll co., 2Sth April, 1841. 20-t5 Chancery Notice. At December Term, 1S40. John M. Maury, Ira S. Mitchell, et. al. UPON opening the matters of this bill, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants Charles L. McGehee, Jon athan Jordan and James F.Toliiafiero are not inhabitants of this State, but reside beyond! the limits thereof, so that the ordinary pro-' cess of this Court cannot be executed on them. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, That unless the said defendants appear before the Chancellor, at the Court Room in Jackson, on the first day of June next, and plead, answer, or demur to said bill of complaint, the several allegations will be taken for confessed as to them, and such order and decree made-therein as, the Chancellor may deem equitable and just. . r:' " '"- It is further ordered, that a copy of this or der be inserted in the "Southern Pioneer,' once a week for two months successively. . R. L. DIXON, Cl'L By D. R. Russell, D. C. April 1st., 1811. 16-tm. Printers fee twenty-five dollars. V7iLXJAr.i 22. coiT Receiving; forwarding, Commission Mer chant. Marion, Yazoo Rivr., Mississippi Tlic rcw World, Till! LARGEST, CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, AXX MOST COMPREHENSIVE NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. Edited by Park Benjamin Sf Epes Sargenf. With multiplied resources for rendering the New World more valuable than ever as a compendious newspaper and repository of elegant literature, wo enter upon the second volume (folio) on the 24th of October, dressed in a beautiful garb of new type cast expressly for the purpose. It will therefore bo a fitting to commence new subscriptions, as well as for the renewal of thore which may then expire. During the first year of the existence of the New World, it has acquired a reputation and circulation superior to that of any weekly paper in the country; and has furnished to its subscribers during that pe riod, (besides all the current news ef the day, do mestic and foreign) new and valuable works by TaJ fourd, D'Israeeli, Thomas 3ooreMiss jlitford, Mr. Jameson, Charles Dickens, insworth, Knowles, Bul wer. Marryat and others works, which in London could not be purchased for fifty times the amount of the subscription price of the New World. In addi tion to worki of interest by these eminent authors, it has contained the cream of the perio Jical literature of the day, as well as original articles from the pens of some of the most popular writers of America, among whom we may mention Miss Sedgwick, Orvillo De way, Professor Longfellow, the author of Yankt Notions,' Simms, Street, &c, &c, In politics we shall, as hitherto, maintain an armed' neutrality. Our columns will as hitherto be uuob jectional in a m ral point of view. In criticism w shall, in justice to the public, maintain a perfect in dependence, even though we incur the vengeance of all dunces. We shall in conclusion, earnesily strive to render our sheet not only w orthy of the unparal lelled favor it has experienced, but of a continually extending , circulation. While we continue to fur nish with all possible proinptifudo the most attract tive literature of the day, we shall, as our means en large, afford that compensation to native author which may induce them to make the New World the medium for presenting to the public their best pro ductions. Our excellent London correspondence will be continued, and due attention will be paid to the-' commercial, agricultural and news departments of our paper. A QUARTO EDITION Of sixteen large pages was commenced on the sixth- of June last, in order to meet the wishes of a large number of subscribers, by giving them its . rich and. varied contents in a suitable form for binding. J his- we have done without having enhanced the price, that new, subscribers, and others on the renewal of previous subscriptions, can take their choice between the Quarto and Folio Form. But a few sets of the Qurto, from No. 1, now remain on hand in the office and we shall therefore, not be able long to supply them. TERMS Three Dollars a year in, advance, for ei ther edition; or Five Dollars for two copies. la all cas letters must be free, or post paid, or they will remain dead in the Tost-( ffice. All Post-masters who will act for us are our author ized Agents, and may retain 25 per cent, on the sub scription price, $3, for commissions, if remitted in New-York or Eastern moqey or fifty cents on each, if in notes of other solvent banks, which may be at a discount here. Letters relative to the editorial department must be addressed to Park Benjamin & Epes Sargent, Ed itors: those relative to the business department, to J. WINCHESTER, Publisher, New-York City, 1941. - Look Out. ALL those indebted to Thos. Hawkins, will please come forward and settle up immediate ly, as I design leaving here in a few weeks ta spend the summer, which will render it abso lutely necessary lo have all accounts closed by note'where the cash cannot be had. All that have accounts with the house are considered debts of honor, and it is therefore confidently expected that all will comply with this request.. iUay , 1 14 1 . UAN L. HEA U, A g't. - STRAYED, ON the night of the 2nd inst., a larce bay horse shod all round about seven years okJ; some saddle, and gear marks on the shoulders; two or three ot the feet are white. Said horse was brought from Tennesse a short time since. Any information respecting hini will be thank fully received. ROBT. W. DOR SB Y. Carrollton. June 4th, 1841. 25-t4. Commissioner's Notice THE undersigned having been appointed by the Honorable the Probate Court of Carroll county, Commissioners of Insolvency for the estate of Thomas Rhodes, dee'd., NOTICE is therefore given to all persons interested in said estate, that we will meet at the house of San ders & Bryan, in Carrollton, on the first Sat urday of every month, for six months succes sively, for the purpose of examining all claim acainst said estate. Bv order oi Court. T.T. KIMBROUGH, WM. SAUNDERS, JAS. H. LAUGHTER- February 6th, 1841. 10-Cm Printers fee 25 00. J Saddlery. JUST received, a choice lot of Spanish, A merican and Side SADDLES, and a general assortment of BRIDLES, Martrngales, Girths, Circingles, &c, which are offered lovvei than has ever been sold in this section of country. Those wishing to purchase would do-well' to call and examine for themselves. May 20, lail. THOS. HAWKINS. JLiqifors & IVincs, JUST received, a fresh supply of. Cogc. Brandy Brandy Cherries, Sicily Madeira,. Claret, 4c. &c. and for sale by THOS. HAWKINS. ALSO Tobacca, Su;ar, and Coffee, Rice .Molas ses, butter Crackers, Candies, Salaratus, &c. T. H. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. To alt persons interested in the estate of Sam uel Meek, dee'd. TAKE NOTICE, that a? a special Term of the Probate Court of Carroll county, to be holden at the Coui t House thereof, on the 25tbday of January, IS 11, I will exhibit my account for allowance and final aiement as Administrator of the state cf bamuel Meek, deceased. : . By order of the Probate' Court of Carroll. . V JAMES MEEK. Administrator of Samuel Jleek, dee'd. Decemr 9th, IS10. -tf. i x