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mm I M II "I Hurl miff I Minn, hoh i.i1 I m I Ml. f M MMI H m ,i .1 i lflt, n M. It merfr ff Hi"" M ' ml iHetrkt nVr, fl", ii ami mm i win rlh. I as I ho ,(. ie pi gentlemen cnmpoi Ing II v, IM ' Cut. i , hi iiin iiiiM In Mr. Clai ..cnine ubsenrienl In Id' ii trrnMMM cnlcuhttioii ; "ml i in . tu 1 1 "i 'i I Fit ' 1 1 n i ' n 1. . ... - - - ii mi 1 1 i hi 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ii- ......... Ion thnt Hi' snorn r i 'ti it ,.m ,i., ni t,c hum: vimlictivi iHih- more ' ion. 'mirier un I Junrmil. MM Wi me fn Ii from Blll! f biVfl lg t':,o w itm MM "I a 'Ii I .mii alvf von na a lonurite Nsl rid i it il I s upward ( rttt r if will in i'T mem. .nin ." on ffAII 1 Nl oONil , A PM ISMlM AM A THIRD j ihhiiM liiivt' iii i n r 'il 1 1 contracting parti, n trom w i Ii on l M i nentary ii and highinind. il "K'li wh iitiitif At t V 'In Nil tl ir I'M Mil' III II.. In I .. . - - - : I i',.. L. I I.,. I., i '. 1 1 Vila 17. .i . .. . . I . . j i. i M l ftj I L . . i .. J 1 r. FIIIIHll, I'l ,,-i',l in 1 1 1 ii o imhii i iih'ii, uvc unanimously imni- i. . - . n. I.. ...... h i re iN in' I" promote the great n V .. .. .; iiviffi pom hi il I l',.l..,i, 1 nrPsont Mople'i candidate tor H.'' highesl I-J'.' i' mi hail It'll run y- . I ana I'm i u hi ii ilif I mildew I'l lied by il'" Vim Hurt"), ti"' i'iiinst iIiimii.--itioaa nl' 1'itln r ten mill myself i'l IS40, then; wen whig party'; it' they had v. ted Air Mi door of Tammany Hull won shul I I....- murk! mi ol.i'-e in tin COM KfiTuSemsiivw toiretber.'to ad opl tUf own organ- o and ... their appJ to tho ell f .. i.. ii. w il. ii ton ! was recotved it MtidWte tor wm.yi i...- , V ,,...,, ,,Un umrou meotii ig i Tl... n i ir.ln lliM us llllw fi'-n " n , .. hi i; th.y teoltlmt they hv. of the WSZ, waUini " m upon one who. thronjrhoal tn.Unoe. mbridng , ,ii(,ir ft)1f0WM5iu. S TrcTndidVto- fo-r the Preddency, and , f,po Baltimore for m of compan a r rtow wPiUl p.rm other sec ion, deleg. ; - , ocratif cuivnt mi, wii.b I II!,' iril heic filort(iid restill j I remupberi etna Iho never fotatu lhe im un avalci.' - fill tner, m the ewnerge w mg levor been foand trim to tlirir dear- ! inti rests, while they leei con- kvethus faithfully dlecharffea ine .i' .i i .i -l- i ,'t . ....I m I hat ti,,. i. . nl' Kinrlorhoak. ike linn oi t. h ii'H- chet was ii iwhere i I- liund. h l'c rov ing touch of whig principle!, ihe evil ;P the government was exiirminatedi and by ine powerful arm of the united and patriotic whig I . . .. . II. ., W-W llll iipnnle. tlie uovernmem n"" p i i an lit, and we .I- i .i -i- ,.ms ii'V iii'n l ' i' ii' in- .'' r ... , r.7onTetion that the people and conflnned the pmmv UnTth. nomi. kited voices, sustain a eand date do not mh rn.y-. " "eiunstance..-fcbsbc-n devoted to Republican nation tender. .. . nn ; of the country kin the midatof the most tryinff rhere to m .1 . ; n,r sq m name ha. be- . .i flinwt..,T,.n.: ,nv II WtlVS MlUMI IIIH' bwer found in the honeet ninn.ninl uu longer. TIKK t. CROPPER. Virginia, TIKiS. M. HOPE, Illinoia. AMOS HOLAHAN, Pennsytv inia. WM. K. V. TAYLOR, New York. JAMES W. CROOKS, Mississippi. -er, Washington. Washington, May no 1844. Vmir letter Of the 88th instant, nn- IIIV lllilmll'ltmll till" I IP I r. 'Mtiuin . L .i i TT..-..I. l.nvt. b CanvAittinn hM in Baltimore on mi i .loimrjitnil t)V IH) in- lons ol Hit' people in every swaw mnus my wannest acKnowit iiL" !''" IB inattrnlivn n hsrrviT t t I hi' f(nr' in mv fWvn mimfMt(ij in 11 " - f Itsembhes, nml anncnnrfil iy n" ll , .... ,,f ,1m - ......... 1 1 . , i .. v'l lulu. ........ - t of tho States of the Union, nml to Sites lately assembled in falttinore By responded; and I beg to assure .that I am not deficient in due sensi "ccasion. cession to the Presidency I have had rials of no ordinary character. A i.twas, miller Providence, committed It was no other than a tl'st ns to 1,10 uf institutions to meet the contingent ie first time had occurred in our histo ot the President and the succession 01 to the administration or auWio at- nng upon tl,e ofliee, 1 had to decide nfcSf 1 would surrender hoOOr.judg- rn i t , 1...., ...m ine rigiu oi llll nun i" in" 'minis of a party majority, in whose mils i, l... . Intmm 1 , ,v wnuiir very soon uuv mm, without sueh surrender; or whether ' consequences in the vindication 01 a' rirrlits nl' Ika RmmMm nml in the 'eniost sacred obligations of duty to adopting the first course, I was e 'hat ray Presidential term would peareabltj and trantiuil, and that I W Zealous nml nnloiit annMrf 111 11 nominant party ; by pursuinjr the lat- '-- mosi violent denunciations, !r ""flies, tin- inns! iinrnlnntiinr nersi - k to no active support ironi WHICH WOI..11 iwi.iiu p .,,..,, nn.'stioil come inseparably connected sma " of ihe annexation of Texas to the UmoD. (tins and concluding that . , , ' both the cordial co-operation of X8uUMto mind as Sfwhom were most nro midenttn the cendida for HfeSXTM have l'lt to it, n an ....,.; tor mv otili- avt: it-ti ""-' i;j,;,rtir nivomii would bayebeenaioei iin c j- -d ,,, ,,.,, .oiiT.- ' ,rf,;i,,rt, i learned Jurist ot tne that ( have made myselt the legwiniaw j . llu tor bavin- negotiate,. 1 ; (t(,n0(1 t .ought tocaray - l0nori .justice, 11 5S3 It . c immediately. Texas is in I am eonvinci c.l, b ne in tt;lko ,K.,. inter no condiHon to delay . )((lllti ,nc:,s. If the ests upon "ssib.e but rum a , present treaty shou due ra , - - wi result aliy rZto of qongress, you in success attpe pi iir.. to ours tie the will leave me at ''";'.:.-.; u.,jc, you havo rd to uw ""- ,. '..!. , ,,. , ht. m v sense oi w mwmi in reirari communicate w r,,quire. in utyaelfand the J. TxTs and the Pi etiden aaestioa with me i betw i would not ,,'0; if within my grasp, woum no, rv. The latter, en V ' . . , ; vvay ot for a moment, be penm - .cofatnii,.s, can the first in,t, i.. o .; r waive no responsnintyv Mcrioing to me You do me Doup-e - j- ii,, in ibl the political firm and unshaken purpos ; ., f . Principles w.m-h ; I yield Ws mm em a w tll0m : a, o man in the sin. . II 1 CIMlld liinL- n 'tlp adliiiiiistrnlii.ii nf m iili lip nltiiir "old and triuinpliant, from the recent "Strtnirtli in k -'- - ..C Irt.KI ns no opposition to its will, no matter Son ... . . i . . ,'u-" opposition lumlit proceeti . F, Snn sin..,; ..-.j .i. ..: l .1... .i iiLf miliar un: mlhu' u .. mn vv wen mi iint'ti to num wwa tarl. ,n r,,. ,.,..11 .l..,.r... Ml thnij i B ""out i ne ueicai. in w fl, ld "ft without the means of dt - l:S' T I - - Mioiw , . . .t. ,-.4 . ,..- I .....ii V pK r"" n i i i 1 m i . i uiiu aavei ut ra,c,,'r' which would be reverber- . U Unilln t... ,l .r.l-.l to . ! -,io.,tothe,n:an,l, ,n(., ri, -vri.I" i,nmeot, it will Wbilelremam then, be mv eontim.e.1 ellort I regard Ho pleased to accept MWWj TYLER. ;ind esteem. Mh.C-jv a 0. JJ' l0Uile,u of the from the w asnmgw- philedelphif u. - . c Y.,t. Will observe that Mr. t. has felt liiinelfauU.o. re 1 n&ersoli 11 llll. V m. " , .. A t, ebtarae MR Ctos il.rinn of orolec running . j y ggrtn. Ion as iwept end garnishee t. rec'ive the oure ana exw lieve. now : ainlcd Harrison. But alas! within our own ranks yes ftl rocious sacrilege standing at the very i igh , hand of our lamented chief, was an other evil spirit, like one of these seven ol sacrea u.sio rvrnore wicked thi n the first.; He wore the semblance of a patrioUc whig, and had borrowed the garments of an honeet man, and like a serpent ha did beguile us. By an in scrutable Providence, he was permitted to take possession Ol tlie nouse win.... v ...... - sw.m.i and purified. But true to Ins nature, and to the almost prophetic language to which 1 have referred, lie has taken not only the other six spirits, but even tho very one that he helped to object-ami they have en tered it and dwelt there; and the last state ol the country has been worse than the first. Who hereafter will need an illustration of the ruin that treason of princiele can accomplish, v, hen he reviews the ragged, tattered, beggar Iv history of the present administration, so U. l.,,,l U i-nne.emed. and sees John m. i. ,,i M,i -tin Vri Buren bantlod totreth- l mi .un. .ii,.. .... ii-i ler against the whlgs-the 5nly little uairel between them just now being which at the coming most united and harmonious- Demo cratic Convention, shall be marked out for ut- ' ,.r in, niliilnl imi. fter more than three years ol the mod de plorable administration that was ever mlhct U upon this or any other country, the day o deliverance drew near. Von accordingly eeril vur delegates to Baltimore, to meet with those of the other States, and there to select the men under whose names you could again twlty in behalf of those sound principles, u hit good government, by which alone our blessed republic can be preserved, loo let teredos with no iotructions, exce ptmg hose Which rerd for your devoted and distio w" , r Lft r itse f nsnired. You ,tuis ueu irni; f 1 , u K us no commission Bvjttg that which s flone worthy of the broad seal ot our imi ..Howe.l conni.onweal.h: "Select sound wh IgS ! , honeal tnen," We found our associates iere all placed by their constituents upon L I ..l..,r..rm that tllC Single t '.e same dmuiu ,ii.i.. - . , Object of all ahke was the b,st good ol the ...t... . Mutnirv. It HI becom'es me, perhap,, fe i ow-c.i.ens ,0 gneek of the character of a body of which .ivseliapar..utthcsniallne.ssolthatpart will permit me to say, that when .1 was o, ww. i . .,. ..n,-:,i, o ( ue Justice, riatileil " in. tii , , ... CSSr hcad,,u1iporte.l,.gmsh ed ret.resentatives from the whole twenl -six s , . , and animated by the noble and devo- ted spirit wlucb ueameu no... o.., -I lei, it Wiethe most impoMUg a-semb v tha Itver wejg petwilted to look upon. I shall ',ant emplot iritfftr if yon i, it'll ho; ut ' ! , ainl iiiplny ju, , ,1. n nmrft II nM dnly i t- Ml family , , first rill t Li t the Alliorl- iii. I iiiViTlinietll liMik out f'f tie .ineri (in pi op.i, nml leave the Lmrli-lt liovernment m lake career the I , 'h nlr We, my friend, practicing ii.tlu- r and nVugalil . . shoatd reins iweer i rew pwni h an I wp ennnof well fail to bv pne.HniUS. Wu hmild remember "I. To judge of pubtUi men by the ''".c e their ' mftntrt not their profaaeibns, If the peopw have tlinti ti under their administration, nml there has I i uo corruption, eitravagSIMNii or public debt, it m be a I II en lOftl to try them aain ; but if the peo- pj have tiiHvea nnder their mviures, the imoplo WOl.hl Ih) finds to try them n un in; for, what bus hap- pene I ' iiiiiy happen t.viie; w h .1 is bred ill tlie Ii itie will show itself in the ; ami a man's calling himself I democrat don't make him one. "'J. That it is ni. it prudent to l"t well enough alene ; and I bough ten shillings per tiny is bettor than six sliilliie's, vet tin! six shiUim's is mmbatra upon A amount of capital and the activity with which it moves ; and that a tarilf increases the amount of capital by prevent its being drawn ort to pay for foreign goods, as also the activity M that capital by embarking u In mannfbctnrinf eaUrrprise, i .1 . . j L.Ihm tl, ri.n Ii ibc count rv. A mil - ., ; ,. ,,, innn's only capital, it sun-ly , stands him In hand to carry it to the best market." Here the speaker C( Med. UlS ooservaw-iw received to sflenee, snd the meeting quietly d.spers ed, without noise or any further remark. Lynn Boyd and his calcmnim. The Na .i . ..i i.,.lt!nMr nf iKa 93. contains the tol- ator sat down. ?.-',..., linn. W. l. Thomasson, of i ..." ovi' Pii'iieil a voice in ti not iul; uuw h , , 'Mr; and PecJltor as i !e fo draw the eves of K v.. from which it will be seen that Lynn Sfifbl k.'r (A .ton ler man, with a thin and tiU.;illv admits that he has formerly pro- , , ',ai -is, pUntoi hut eatly dad.) ''J LJnced the charge of 'bargarin and corrup- one of those fretted j ' to whom the orator , jnnleroaa cf Tropic) has referred. Id ie to speak , nia ;,;ra- Co Lvnn Bovd having recently resusctta- rETlS T tM ':!!: i-o man tcd "he to Of bargain and corruption .SS lStaM faiUifully reported, will L,lwMn Mess. Clay and Adams it wa.os so nomoio um iu nf exneri- . : M .v , Pi ter he believed A With elan ly sgbrt nee. hi vain the tfMttti Eitgle sonrs llll pillions lire to i Wi lli ; I lin home is up and down the shores i No o ler should he seek An i , Idle the crowd with laughter roars, The TOKBjmj up t'i- trm. 8QUIB. From the lleneva t Courier i a N I NCI DENT --TIIIS h4aTtfAWieWtfeei aristocrats who walk ..'pon their Turkey carpets, and . l . ' . I .,,.,,'. - l u nisi: imi 'i ' o" rtdc ill imnr apt V". . . e. .i... i,.,, , k ,,,. witbrunld gold, wrung rrom th . haw toil e , nlalnina Industrvl who, I sal I I. " . IMl'J - ---- B . . i llllll i i. h nabobs tha! they snouid can upon , . ,y c(lp1t ..i.. ki' rn nnrniRn lu iwdm ihv r 4 l . l il till ii Till li llll. I l 1 ' r 1 ' ... . I II. . .,,.1 ilfilW ' 1 !. f .1 l.-.l ,. M ct iins ' 'o' occasion wa'inditi.,. nicling; the orator a i i ., i..,i ,-ilist o t o ten na eouiu , ni'iiiiii. I.. ! made ready quondam Federalist - . . .Lpe ,hy, in the ran us oi '""" ' "- - hard-worKin eh from an adtoinlng marmftctoTV.- KaenS was received with a burst ot applause, m.n.l which tho orator sat oowu. years since ii.,t , 1 node isiana. use' 1 "'" 'V ''ul';a !X6L in'countrv The public, may have some curi- emplo,ef ! , I;,i,uv Jhat was Mr. Boyd's opinion .l v eiupiovers v. vie nun. .- .." i"j . . vers were nonesi aim Mu7 - M . . ,, r,. wc lihv men. They paid me lair out ., t us (liieslion wimii ' 7i 'hi'- w e : i2:a?c-,lwtv;,l,,v,,,,::.- Sidate. The Hopkinsville Uazette ol the r sentence, not hiffh wajres; these wages, ,iuwov, r----- icanaiaaie. aw - OiV paid, and my experience has taught -ne t.ia a iistat, which is sent to YOU fa i . ., i;ii.,n mi, in, in iirwau i,n ,,. o ne luuai ito, SZ i,:; ,d icv m a happy future. AUct g ,',,: illsville, lli;a Lymv Boyd declared to ?s time Ta speaker come among us who used n , - the cmrffe3 prclerred against Mi . rn-nts precisely similar to tnoseempor.. - ir.t. wprn Ue v ,a,e and groundless ana lis views were novel, ingenious, : 1 -r noliiical purposes. inff. we thougi We were captivated who m w"ry . , .,.,nv this tact.' .uirhtours ,es ,vcs. ,,.,, ' : ul,-:" .";.:.- , r, u.,v.L and 1 his uaaeiie wnnwwu - - -bi, attention called to tho above paragraph, that he might deny it as publicly as he had re suscitated the charge. He not haying thoughl proper to do so, the favor 13 asked to insert ifc,.,, - 1 11. .'....., t lilllirnl Ol Tl 1. 1 ll'M' ;';K';;l';:;;rbian,:i,i;ostourse,yes py , WC now . ho w04 T'"r.r ,Kr v and diaconteV, to happing and pSSjtJR " So in the pursuit of the the orv to regard its consequences. 'die told us that the dtottoOttoM nl weahl. and pOV- tv were merely artificial, having thete Ration U yaSBts kk 55 .TomTo ;rriheh Ann,xa,?of --pps atmg" . . .1 , l. n in' 1.1.,.. " 1 . . , . titled to share in ms noun ty j -V nt,Wt. debt of Texas is the only oDstame m u. s.:,,ctureot society was wrong r f ubout annexation they will thai wealth, as at present 0 m .. d. - b themselves! We . . mwl I hat I it' mail. "ic. ii uiat 1 ,1 miiiiiv.,.11 . ..... engine o. op,.. We r essor was to grinu ,' now ciiuut9i possewr w v- , . - t0 c0n. .-pre tascinatetl wim iuw " ,.i ,.i SSSSngi,. .r ,,rn i-s ";; ; our 11 iiiu - title to the Panama cir- . 1 . j cumambiertt covering ot our occiput: ana some skillful individual will also please to sev er one of our trotters with an instrument de nominated by vulgar people a saw I The debt of Texas wiped out bv Mississippi, repudia ting bonds. Admirably thought of! We can oppose annexation no longer. Am. bagh SiMiri.AR coincidence. Whilst Mr. Clay ..r dotbes a. nans back '-J. t.rmi(rll r.,iberlaiid. Alleghany nor tills his stomach; and I . a 0nThurs,lav afternoon last. SSvimfw SS3 ham ; I now lound mvelf mis- jjjg of ,!iat place, brought tip 3e I formerly w as hiving up money j I anJ trvduced to him his two SOUS, one aged Z rapidly apending it. So tar, I certainly had not j j vears namcd Henry Clay, and the other, ,'U,!-r",i Snv surnlus became exhausted ; IS years, named Theodore Frelmghuysen.- "11 a short time my surplus Dex.ui.v - r.u r,i..,,- U n(r n ter America's 1 ,.s mv name had become somewltat truynwi- 1 no name 01 111c ia...v. - - ; eV r , r I found it difficult to get work from any immortaj Washington, it be expected emploxer. as all alike feared my m.luence ini eiim- hh m fa manner, be called alter pie P.wertv now staroii me 11. im; , --,-? illustrious personages. ocsvbe- hard ehool, fools, as it is said, will lllUSmOUSrM- ,v) 5,v a risen h.aCr Eio other. 1 determined .0 profit , po sible. , WithWU bv my experience, and eel myself to cmisidtr my 9 1 C.t . w lllU llllllUlt.'U til l.-3l-." , lu "Ut a must rir, iii,,v,.rilM.,l ilnfrnre