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E S T E It S T I T 15 ft ill i IKD I.. TIM VIM. mo I T! III! I'M :.U . . w ' I I . l i I i , i V I I I 1 1 V I I V ' I . . ' ' ' v f i n IT'. vol i mi; I- rvf miii ii :iv. do il M r,l U. , V . III .1,1 I, I 1 1 HI ft A 1 ii wri ' r ii iMf I'ffm M I ALL DIM llll 'I Mi MtnftfM , t d i ffri-(l . rfnf n ill tx lestrteit iA in 4fnrf Ufhliln f,llf'flv 'I i.'fifM ' I -I I, , tlt't pfimbu run l,.lv l 11 ' " " I I I ft I. r ill .1 , , , , i 'm M, W I Mr iff I nf f"lrri f'rtlv mr, I -I a MO 'ttlfr Dff a;ooo ffl 11 n tt MM. I II, I', , " ""I 'I I ,r ,lr. rf..l-,.,. ( ifff nf iff fMftt ii n i. I nf h i f ii r I I l " " I " 'I ffi n' m In wldffl ll e , r.' ', i. (f Uiim If) njl t i.fii n liHi df i1" ' m 1 1 " in Hi i . 1 1 i i nn fM Ii m f,.r lf,o ftf rf il, ll r o t n' h ftHfl " ' i "' ii" nii thnt ii fv Kn4 ftil.. M id f 1 ' ; ' 1 II III 'ii n iff? I fild nt iii. i m il,. n rlHl, nh itf rrf thlr fiftdllM , ifi,ri,i ,,, ,., I i frmi I - f , , o, 4 ,,, i. in, l,i, , fif f, '"" f"V l II Ill I. mm nil ll, in li.,r Lv In mi fOftf Iff, ,, ihflf ImrilfM inn, iir' lin rnrn, ' ' ' "' " r, f ' iili, niffn wilt V,, wlf IV mumf nmmft '' " 1 " ' tUmhi i ii.ff Mrii.y ilnnir lu. tM ' ' ""flt Mf. ,...,1. ' Mimttfli for mAffc'f, lrilr I I m i nil..,,, i,,,v i il,r.. ihirnf nml ' ' ' ' "' rWffi l.ii, n ,r. Ni.Mi. iff mi uMilHttd ' ''' ' ' 1 ,( ! Mini ll.rv r.nilfl ..II rnrr. Alort ufflfrH "I "' ' 5 Mrlitfil fa H. M.i.o Li ii,., ntnm iMr ' ' ' 1 1 '" 1 ""' rmn mm, thf fi irrwnfin MMl Hifuln. v ln. In iil. loirli liifiil. li.fiil.. ,., , iiM, "" '"' '""P1 7hfiM OiIim. nynin. if ll. rnrn not fw " 1 M '" i,("'f wM.mlfhlfrH .i lothflr in, Rnrl .rii ' '-rtlf.. In !, ,, nlMM hUmiihI. ,.n( ll ttlll I-,, ,nn I1..I, III.... 1 1 Ml I r Ifff Ii r ., H ! II - i I . . ....... win .-r... i i .1, nf) ii.. ,. i , ,, ,v "'V " r:,n"n' ' IWIIIH fritfn lf unit biwon .,.1. I ,, . . ' iilinii" Ufiniii ,r in-.,,. ilti' ,,,ii,. r.,,i,.,. IVI...I itil., V ' Mi r f in r 1 i i i i ' . . m m iiriu hum ,.,,, , ' ' tl,,,,, I, , m ,,1P nm ,,, rr I ;n.,,1.,, Wrilnnoljnof. rnnW I,- mn,n ... ,,,v lh M COflllnMiieltfi. , ll,f I ' " " ' ' U-ilU'rmvn Inn, nf ihr ,. If nrii' n rtiit! for Id I Inrff rnl. fa rnr,,iUi, for i iTri' n ill i f,.r .'i ' r Sinin iifiil Plulrlf, nfTrPrfi, rP, ir nil .Ofl ITOWA ,', ... m l firrmunfrnlirn nli!rrri) to ihr be '' "' rcurr nltrnricn. JRN STATESjMAN. ,,. i,., . . I il. i,,, ,il , i. ' ' i"- Finn in mi' rnimii rrinnli. Whrnl nm a j l" ' ---ri-- 'l '' IIIlTll'f'Fritllllf-lllll ll I 1 1 . .il '"" .fi I. f.F ff ,'i ,,.7 Vr , ,.,',,1 Wlnll'f ffflhl .:..:) I i . i . . . a t Ii r I c ni rfi.nh m. i 1 1 . ' ' ' v. .:',,..vr-.r,ll,M,,.l.,i 7. " V'1"' :.T V" rM f.ny H.,ir,.X. m-OMFl nil,,,,, nf iln r,.i rr , ,i. , rl.f,n ,-,,,, . , . ' 1 11 T r'nwi y eolilnir limhtr nnd mud infl t-MiTrrr wirn ..v. WW pifllW rontln- ,, , , ...,, ,t,i. , ,, :LrZlnJ .V"Tm7 ' T." Inlrr, in lh bnl rolln rgion, who ,,,,,...,...1.1.: . -ii. . . . .. '.ir iiiiiimii iii in.' ii " n n mi un'ir nnprr" in m ut let i - '"'".'. mtv in.pfinro inm tiw mr it,., ii ii rnrmf ifiiiA ol Ni'iniin rtebtn innnM n ir' t ti i : i i'ihii i v nnri rnjov iiir llnny ffif m I i li id, r mh' nlnly nnlrd in hfr nntif Imhiu's, i ni o i, imc mnne hrnfdfr I .11, I . Oi.rlownWMfnvoTn.lhil .Mioiini, lo ll.' icuitl and irofi of S! ."T? P. 1 J T.T ' " if',Mf forr,K!! WnnkoK Hmhs rlo.l,.., mill nnd iron. In ..... i , ... m" , ,1. nnriiiiiMin,' tt in mnsl cum-. nlhcrx u ho nro m these Mnei I, I, TO v. .1 A v. , I -.. ro, in ni U iu vr run r' t tin Itl Miorc n 1411 f f 121 1 1 if M lit In (il I.I 8th MIIFM I F 1. . ' . a wri'K, w in, n vi. Imrrifnn Kioek, H If mioht not. hv n lltll-illvra'mn ..i i .i,..,- I'"";,IV "ffP forflfln i iuitis ,,,,,,. . til.,!,,. uin, ..,,,, ,1,,,,. , IMrMhntWii ni In:,,.. AniMc;,rii nm ,.!,.,. rrX.rn- of production, nnd do so now fin looklnj moriok Ak ibty wif prfUiMv, U I ioh turner look trtound nlm b ii Hi fitntbiM tin y mki pbMin him, tnd what hli rrtourcei are. I do in rnnirrnpfniinit inn hnno-nom ulmflnwn ,,i invii him m own -lino.. I,nf. it from Dr. T. ('. Di baht. 'ff rld. I'V il, ,li( Inirr nl m me imm iiiinl. :mv ol .....I il...,. il.i,.,... ..r,,l I.,;.,,. ,i, 1 1' illation ihni w, nr n,,i Mnltlnmlnn r. ,H door, rh ap r than be aftii make liern Rough to i nderMnnd ink place, nnd hnnd- ,ln,tf. l?i ho nan follow the bnttfitu ho irrrie bndow will not be ffn. Wepfiiv undemiands, nrqt lewut, is hrst pre tw red bnvn that our tiOFtrilv mnv nnt m nf. i M.k. r,v,,..i.;.,.. .u. l. I , - " ... . ., . . .l I a , , , I itt.i , , , i . I . I I i i I I I PL Ul- t U 'rliKinM, ihnl for many vwirnfor. mSt:JlSSSttS' ;,,,. ,, ,;, , i,i ' ii'liiMi-i l ;ni- Iirnii'iniim. ll:c vuii. ?TJiaairrnBtf I" 's 111 on t ' ' " r-. lor rfrrt'itsmn, nr fin - , ....... - . Itf, ZM XikH"iii, , . , n . .... "' .onicnis n, i , i , i : , , i - nnn oor-noiw- J0 ryoc.n.tcd l.y Dr. II,:m ,.,.v, I oil, ol J., . ,,,.,, .. 'ni;!,s w in . ii i in- ,i hi iii i. os i; vr 'i en r - v: o':,i'o n . a u i :iiik rn ,,io no, ,i- . , . . . . ' n - . nicteq nn mcii Mniniinr nnn imroi inin e,dscbtton lobnvlhem lire vansaiHoin. ere lieW to nil tbo-o s.amparrnt hero to ,.fodrr. to I,-. and ,vrs:sud, broad. Ilai.nnd no t'i,,,ni;, t u 2. ,. lo fie lod al our fxreno. The o il I a '. ... I... 1 : i """" ' T ,l.l,.,m"" ,U,'V i I11 III .11 I !(l II 1 1 1 1 1 MFi ' III i i i i i . i . , v i . f . i.i.i l , , , . i i . . . . . " I M ' ''" Ulll'r niH M l iviii!:) r -1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 mil. 'i n r J r I . .l iU2- . L. nil'. bulgtnK mit waists: sneh bandy, crook, planter for his own individual advantnee 1 1 1. 1 1 . , . , . ' .. - . . ... . p ' 1 1.1 : ... ... ,. ,- .. r Mioon, .arenuioiirai isvs : snen as wo his or the .sake i. tie who e. Win e Mem Statesman. In withdraw. '. N w uw " munM,,,,,,,, ,no ,r ,,,o,, l.aiuN nnd s.Kbfoei.ns lore,,,, paupers en- it wiH diminish the abrogate crop, if It I Horn .he paper. 1 take advan-, mlTr Zi ' JV .be nndisputed premie Ipnibippf. curtail, bnl a hale, it will teach Ju man ccasion lo return mv nnfeicn. It will be soon from the follow iorr. that ,1,,. , o, Ip of ,1,. !'.,i,nl Rmir nnv .lllC 1 n,,sh nro mos' ''venly mind-i to ho in,)ej.endei.t. lo a certain extent, ot VALEDICTORY, it number closes mv connection who have witnessed their happv effects. Wo men t fan this, that those who are siini 1.1 rl v afflirted mav eeeur Dr. Di rani's fo. prawn to he.ennrmoun, nnd I'on dinvpos ifiei it pIihII .(. checked' The citv of cm' York is taxed annnrdiv to ' .1 . i. I .. i. j i ti .,!..... . I. I.: . , , , i .. ci . .. ...... r . i . i . 'in uri i in 1 u n i p '( . I 'V h i i u ,mii, ii ti in r u n u those persons who have onh 'be next number of the "(Juan tan" w :! ho vour miinv mi hops ol dollars to lecd and ' , 1 ' . ' ' J ! 1 , . 1 .. ... Pour out trmress ol sic is nronns r. rosnureos. am 'r;i 11:1 v iironnro t ho .vnv , , n ... r- - j ortions lo advance the success presented to its patrons in ma-rnzino form, trine, and to pxnreeamy rert As it i ever way worihv, wo bespeak for ill) ibe mnnv esloemed friends it a liberal share of m I con mv rood fortune to so-; TI1F, GU A l DI A V FOR 1S45 my hrlef residom o in Cneroll. nfii! thottrrh il ho, as laziness Ti e IVirni of litis iMiHHoatioM i i . . . , , ....... cioine in vatraoono mat come to us trom l,e ond theseh. It" this is the only wav in which an asvh'm (or the oppressed of all nations run ho Fttvpoi4d 'n iWl countv.. we think ihe asvliim s tem is a most in lob is to ho rlinn( cable nilieanee. If'an as b:m for the op tears over the haul lot ofhuinanit v. Their for that chance of culture which is incvita- I onr law s, stem does not work well, and hie, and at hand, for ail those who can- thev ate erreatlv rtrntred theifat. They ont make a bpavy bale to the acre. And wish welt to the victims of povoitv, and I would add, that every planter should therefore take creal pleasure in shipping as speedily as possible, reduce bis culture i ,i, .... iu. , i , r i , . . , , . , . . ... . . instPMi ,.f nrm!Tsn annrto shoot oi s.xiocn pressed man a pnnr.hou for panpera tmd f.. r.,m. .r. wl mm iu wi..., i.i hL 111 li no H l.,- lil M' III! tM'I'll.-."!,!. I. Ill 1 "no 1 II HV. I n .1 I I r ,t . i , IV , UMII r .:.;,,. ,i r. r,r 1 i r. ..:,,..! .....! i:.. n ,.-. .,. nature, which should not bo Mlrn) JUr rr n. of rn eH I nlf ihoot ,o the cooner wo re no I nee it the bofer it w ill he bx.k upon onr asylum syslf m as the great- 'make' it-manure will soon doit. Cut ii ... . .. . nnn l-or. eon'ainm" twentv four tnes, with a r iv i . . ,i est and most heneocent discoverv ol mod- down the cotton, increase 1 lie corn and pea lis mv aitontion elsewhere. I . " "-" twr u. Ao one ohiects to the mmicration . , . . , ... , , 1 pr-n'oil envoi-. .. ... . , orn times, and lake great interest in pro- crop, hogs, cat lie and everv thing else, on 11 rnrewoll. The nmntitr ofuWtter eorfniroH in the Hear- 1,1 " U,,; nn1rv ol Honest. ...itustrious. Ml. h(1,vIf (lfp ,, jn ,ostin,r jN slraw, muck, weeds, &C. &c , and be will .ices dnrinc ihe slm-t period will ! o-ntrmltv taeWd red He rla HJigrn forelgnou who hecomea y ., -r (;ou,lrinirnt He)v have as much land that will raise him ... . , of it ovroi"''r. irrrrtlv in, revril. while ll r tori's I It X oil 1 1 0 l ml us t r V ol ot i r aw n Ci I izens : hu t , , i .1 0.1 1 i 1 1 , .1 1 , ! 1 onnectrd w ih the rross ,t ,o. r , ... ,, . , , , , , ; intei terra with the oppression of Ibeir I'hil- a bale lo the acre as he wants, if he makes ( r MilkrHpOoe. will ho rof,nr, nl onr present to he oven im bv w e hordes o azv. fi th v, I .. 1 11 1 .1 1 1 .,,111,1. inthropy. we shall soon have the pleasure liomore cotton than he makes 'clear.' irea ie to speak I can onlv av t o.vmio , nniw rf"ir.- a ,. in mivmro. henslly wrelehea, ,wh will rot woilc, who' , , , , r 11 Th piilffle on this work will nnrrortli h .. .r n . 1. .:ir.... . . v wen reiKiereo cnoormuv. rr .nv noe n,tor one Nnnilred miles, two nonr.iy, mT. on .orn We hope rHrr'fforrnrr)ht Wlh lake irpon am a middle aged planter, and I have part in the cnne. But I doom ,nnclonp fourth, cents ror nnmlr. or thirtv cents n wwneva i.-ey get a chance, isqiiMe anoili- f ,pP miI v n- jvin notice to theso nearly always made mv cotton crop clear. Hale. here, thnt, for whatever : "nr-" ., ."r nnv , rP, ilT ? , , r . ,V, ,- , , pbilanlbropists that o.irasihi.n is full, that : I have nfi'ercd my share in the hard times, Iftlfi- m.ii " " ' Cll" I II i 1 1 1 i-t . i - I VfJ htu twita .1 I I . I 1 1 1 t IJt 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 II M I ill 'III 1111 H f t Nntr?mnn mnv hnvr nnt lira u vnr. Tht i upo PSlI tiro rwt5,.rrp oi tli(? Sr-nio sltl1 mil. I'O Iflkra 10 SiOp tliis inns are mainlv irdebied to rstrn rnre-i onr wxin--. w , o ne, - t Ml .IMI'.lti.'l I,'' '....,'i'.,.i 11 ,- .v. MV . , rrnor whoso eonlro 11 w,l 1 , ;,..,,. nv it. " "r '." ......... . ... . . ...... . . ro tie mral who tiavi ftsrn k wrm intermu c a 10 giao .0 oom-h.- ,..m ., M...jr , , ...,.. . 1,1 '.i nea. oats. &c. Mv exnensess have been . nOi.:.. , , ., ,i .. ,01. .lore n I ..... ..- , . i ' i . , i . . . . . ' , , innj ii ,i'i.i,n IK wiiiuufrs nu r ids ofiroih in ihis rnri nt ih 'T ml . . i j 7 v a- . -"" "- .................... .. , r.,silv ovnlod The as heavv as an v planter's ol the same force. ins ot truth in ihis ran ot me . bi, vorv en,pM teJmowtrdeirenta. No etTorts cp.innslv fed its evils. fn the cuv ol .New s it n, nc au easilj a. ine . . i ,, . . r ttlin bim in his efforts to liU it spore Mr, make dH. Magazine more and yk hav,. ,,rrn made by the ? '"'T S V K ' 2 , C 'use did not 4 ,. , n-.ere won hv of tl eir sin. port. I ., ,,,, .;, t , .1.-.. ,.,io ,,, bv recisterjng them under also names, and aepi up, cnienj, 1 uiinK oecause 1 aiu 1101 np the people the run- pr.n- J aniboriiies toM.pi .essi . but ibei I .ivc no - ? , nnni have 'to nay tbe.n in a lump at the end of yet hocn very success ol ll is ascertame, ,,'.. rfkriut Daasancere .he vear, out of mv colto.i which would that more than t w o thuds of the ..-males ol , 1 " ,,u PnI t pailiMla. ... mt A-1 -v-. , 1. , )',, 1 noy produce ineir iisis 01 niise names, ;mu - . r,, ...... its doom are shut, boiled, and locked tin. land met. I think, more than mv five race llmt il.n Lam I. il....t..r. ..,.. ,..( .... ml IndMfl it I i.i - nLva I 1 ivlllwoil I' O nCl II- n 1 ' 1 1 ' 11 '' t I I I I I ' it 1 I il n il 1 1 ill llll illl 'I lrt-r ,i f 1 ... , lV ' ' 1 I U 11 UIK'Ul 1 to he '"T1" flood' or "c 5,11:111 be (IrounCcl 0l" ! n.issinr. is inscribed over ils'porlak nnv ilringenl economy, mainlv because I There arc already laws attains! the emp. "ave. I,aiu expenses ny selling corn, in 'I 0 Mieepss of ll is onion rizo. the editor lein'ors m nttraetinu 'I c at tent ion ol those who inos il l:cnnim. as practiced bv a and his illustrious compalriots. nning mv connection w ith ihe 1 mo sincere pleasure to know, itb the friendliest feelipr to iy editorial hrelliren. of both es, and can at least hope thnt fire reciprocated, .civ be neeossnrv lo add, that it to w hig principles is tin -1 Thr London 1 ones suv-- that Hen. .Tack Onr cause has boon defeated UonV life l as neither hren n-. l'id nor or- he almshouse in New .1 : !J r .i.:.. :,..,,... r- a he I s ion ft nnt liave tlinmrhl it wor 1 111 . . f.t . . :. : . ... .. 111, is "i i., 111, ill 1 in itii 1, 111 it i it.. 'i . ' ----- ft . - paupers. WflHI is ue 01 u c in ? .0 a , r. .. . of l-lil have sections 01 r er'. . ' b j .rzrr some Bflg- ',; ('" ""ere odds and ends, which few know L,M.i,U..IJ. , ,, ,. ,.f 1 I IMI.Ii rill,,,,- . AU III .'., ... ." - . f . g. . . .-. 1 .1.- .' ioeen ' a 11:11 o 1 c s on the I'nueil Males, e.very w neie im-c.ko-, ,. , ... , ,' ' .... 7. I, w , mai,-,. , oil I hnv muh mm. Am.. l.olmlf Kl' 1 is i or 1 r sii poor nousc was seni oacK 10 - - - nertaii 01 1 . . . 1 . , .. ..... ,,.,1,, ,. ,,. .,,1,1, n,t lj, n.t , , , , 1 , 1 ,.. 1 cn,,, (,.,,, f.,r ' ineir anxious rietids at nomo. miicn 11 is 10 'Mn... ................... w..-. ... he wretches that have been sent I rum lor , . ..... ,, . ,,1 into, tWoi n ihov c,,,nn t,. ban, in , , ., . , ...... -,., i- .. tie nope, , to tie icy 01 1 neir out act iiaiiiian- , - r - ..jn shores to an extent not lemured ror ',.. .. ,..'.,...,. .. ' mv current exneniM and when mv cot- .f i ll's. 1 Mil .is 1 llll 1, 1 1 oi 11 1 1 n .10 11, u,n 1,11c ( 1 . - 1 - j mnican people have been do I, for one, am not dismayed. led at the result of ihe late all 1rue whips. I onlv feel the ned lo "FIGHT ON," until 'fs uj on our standard, or mv namwitel " 'I In Cob ml inn Repisier thinks however, li e limes will a.hnil it is "illus- I rated hv tutu,0 as ni Oil, ahs. nnn.l A . . r. . . . i". MMM.! .1.1, I'll ;r u i in i in ,11111 i u ,111 , i.-. ..... o,.. , .- . . , . ,i , ,i I,..,. s un (i.'u e we r (i no o p it csseu oi ioi oil',1 ,.i i r tlionos an, i mo tenths o the hep-. I Jl , . oars in the country are foreigners. Nnt onlv our poor-housos but our prisons are fldof English, Irish, Dutch, Fiench, and Scolrh ronuwdreln, as well as rcoundrels from every continent. State, and island in the known world. And all these heggare. vagrants r.fcitindfes, and i Bgnhoiidiinre fed and clothed at the expense ol honest Amer- lon came in I could do something with my . lllll. IwutM .1 MM.'.. In. m ,.rt .. nl nations," arid our next rrcsmcntiai contest, - nc. ...i. ureij,i' must I e settled without their wholesome s". thgl 9f 'enr I shall not plant an interest and votes in it. "ere but will (or least ought to) yield me 100 lbs. clear cotton. Not one and not OBSFdtVATlON TO PLANTERS many, I trust, next year. Yet my land is The following admirable hints we find m '? ';esl natural condition, will not aver addressed lothe planters of South Carolina, ne ,li,lt WUeh. What I adopt lor my by a correspondent of the Southern Agfh own iA experience has proved to cultnrist. We wish thai they might reach llie l)l:,,,ter bo,,J I l, l.oodod hv all- f,- i. is oorlnin thai mumuuiiiiy aim luiicuiii ri , I icuomillf l.u llll tf. Ill in n F ..- ... w. ; to others to try." "TOUCH US GENTLY, TIME.' , . . i can citizens. I this branch ot the asylum honntifii trr.v r must liivo heen hrentlied '"' 11 K : 1I'S hear, while sittinc at his system is not speedily lopped ol by our J I ' .- .. . I .11 ........ i w ' , 1 llll I H I. I I llli 1MH . . p ch-ii i,... . ii .1 .i ,r,', look-'nffin the r-eo o is swei t irnvi rnmeni, our nimwpuere wn t-wiw - ehall have lold .he talc of ejdet ihcrad!eof fcj. ..golden-tres- pasiife.ous will, lh exhalations nf foreign frarfully accumulating, and that so long as joseph CUu , Khotle ,sl,n(1 h(ta mtrv o.Ctnti Ii. . .-.r no. i 'ii" b I ..... i ! llvi.. nKwaea is iriniio- on. iloinst conllllUO ........ 1 C .,. t i .:..i. i v;icahoi"ii-ni and vinaini v, and everv pan r.v. . . r 9 .-. , ..m, ,uvu m mc wa it, wnna, ayoon ot our social and political systems will be 1 to FaII. There is no escaping this (h em- d.aracier may he kept or lost. Being ask rotten and corrupt beyond cure. Our na-1 ma, and the sooner onr Southern brethren (,( , s,:tl)1 fof he Gubernatorial chair in lion is already the Ifoianv Ilav nf the civ iii- ! Wt this mailer in the face, and provide lor that State, he replied thai, as he had enjoy. :Zod wo. 1,1. and il the sending of paupers and 'I by a change nl system, the be. ier it w.l I , , chae,- among his fellow- villains hither u not now checked bv the beforihem. We hope ihev wiU take these citizens ali his life, (as was proven hv bis ! government, the dav will sooji arrive'when observations kindly, for they aie kindly having been chosen Treasurer of the Stale llw population of our qjtiei Wiji be worse iw.n. Mihle Jirsi, r. for more than forty years) he bad no no- than that ol Pot I Sydney, scouhdrelism will j "There is a partial, if not a complete rem- lion of losing it now in his old age, by run be ihe fashion and ll majoritv nf men will edy for this evil, which I lake the liberty of f,,r governor. ar the badge of rasqalhy as negro dan- suggesting through your pages. Lei every , intry "Sink or swim, live or r perish," (Vr country. RICHARD S. STITH. ) THE PUBLIC. lermined to remove to the .wood, the next regular mini- per will be issued from that i arrangement will enable us to Urons with a weekly paper location, must necessarily (if ducted) he interesting to a f the community, lo the H be able to furnish a cor 1 of the market, both at thai w Orleans the prices cur icles kept by our merchants, sed Adelaide." Touch us penlly. Time: Let us jrlide down lf stream fjrn,H-os cm in.'i.nies glide Thrnofti n fi"i.'t ilrenm I Humble vovnp. r- wo, Hashand wile, tnd children three : One is lost-an Riiftl Hed To the azure overhead ! Tonrli us pently. Time: We've t,"t f rond nor soaring wirgs ; Our auibici.n. oaf rontcnl, Lies in little tilings Humble voynpers are we (I'er li e's dim unsounded sea, Seeking onlv some calm clime Touch us trently. gentle Time ! W O: ,li..s ico'ar ih, mi enmhiio. a ibinn iu hratf of! colton planter make it a rule, and adhere. as well as lo use. ' slrictly to it, lo make no more colton than We see it staled that one of the German be can make clear ol his plantation expen low wd NO YE.MBER ELECTION. rr..- Lonothens ibe cords, and girls, the hall, the lame, and the blind, the sirenPihens ih slakes of Union and : victims of disease and the victims oi crime, Peace some without eyes' some w,lhout cars T J-W ttrn nnt!inrivoi4 loonnuinna T 0 I - UUIIIUIItVU IW UIIIIUUIII.O JllV. iwns lately emptied the contents of itsjses. Jhat.s, let him pay his plantation LOTT, as a candidate for County Treasurer idrk bouse, men and women, boys and expenses l,y oinet crops, nun inahc omy so County, at the ensuing No much cotton as will support his family, pay his debts, and add lo his property. Many planters, I dare say, will answer, that they November Election. BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER. 4