Newspaper Page Text
irjnr ihioctsx. A 'MAT. Ml NTH. Dftlrict I iin n III' Mlaii-flil Miv A I'liclt Hirt of ti Stuff ftUt i . i. i ..i Hi.'. i by i. mm m mm aW ni ( 'nrrollif'n. ) r. 1 I Ik i i . In h .1,1 .r I. lrfl. I on Mil N, M III A l M t i '.I I i .1 i 'I I I . - . i l"-J i -1 U U .-.iff fr ag 1 1 if It .i I i H. I 11 u 'I I V III ,1! t n i it i it t i 1 4 ' i n ( latum , I I I"' ' ' ' ' ''.. nil ii uti. tnUt tth.i, ,1 il, H 7 1 if I ',.' ,,l f . nil , I fW 'h, ,,,! !' I V ' ' ' " 1 . I Klh. I . ill . 1 II, t mil hilt i.f Ml. (t gfl I IM ' . ...r,l i .1 unm, i"i'i n I i .i f ), I , . I I I IM I I I III! t Ml M i i Mi 1 1, ' nittMum, ilt 1 M i at . if. n mr mn i t Ann Id i 1 1 M I . f ll . l mil' I I II III .t v. I ll ll ...r , ," lllemrtii Jan VfV nil ill He i ren Mil alar fit Mid MM, .fm M N MR 1 h rlaif 'I ' nM 1 n M piat.'i d ff r a vasii, a -in, i ..r ll H f ' It', i f.' hki f 'raft l . , . lull. I ll i-tr .. will I" '.',. A r 1 If Ml) fl " 1 f. Vmlt, It alien NUT ll V, A1 III. Iftfnlf dm, INI, ftfbffM l-'U'r ' "i.f f if Krr'iin H Miff lli ' I'lt i ifird K m'mli il'i f in llr MlAlU ftf fbeflfH Mil if If ml. djMjVtff r i t"f M I ' N I fii rn In all priir. I alnf fUlfin i-plil MM fair, lii i r eiil ll iii. I fti rf ! null f III If 'i i'. " It I .ii 'I.r tin o Cr.'ffflliril h Ifitv i.f 11 e f in i i i r, " HI i i fi frif f fn i i MLHMflT i ii in h p. AHm'r if '' Mniil.eed, i!n il. Jan. V.'i. :! lii MITICI' AT llif Nt'Wii t f r trim. Iff, if nJ I'm kill hi rl ' f (Inlaw rilifiM, the MilWiil era fjiml fi il m Muni.' 'mi mill ii'ti in'iini' r in tlir raltft of Jnif4 CiMifffi nf fftffd nwllcw ll I ori I f Mm in i ll rrn iiv I n v i f i Uitu. f (fi int lliil rn'iilr in i i cit ll nnt l tat tfly n.rln ntii nlf il. Will in ilr 1 1 ii p rr'( HI t4 I'V tnw , i f llifir fi 'I'M t ill hr fun rr birri'il. IMZA rrori-n. AAm'n. NVILI MM PrEXCEB, AJmV Jnn. 18, l84iVS8-0t ll I. fllf'l . 1 1 .1 II. I fi lf)f t'r il in ilf Wi'ffn iiftrn n. fff f h ft f iii fi i ni lit, i f i m P M ' Cittn 'If tt Jnfiimi V'.'ff. I 4ft. AfWflAl T 71 1 nti ,i rt Ihf i it nlflfli -'"v "f IM rm t. A. f lP7. Ilf HfV-tH l'tt..f riftrf W jjrtftfW. If fVrif 'n t '! " i m i il i" ' i ' I ' fV''l,l Wdtll I f flfl f ' ' ' r '.' I . I ' ru ftfi Wl li m ft T r'i'i'f il t r ft V I i I i ' fl MJ rl ll "I "i " ' i ' II I f it linlHfinH f lrnl -d fnfiiV in -i i i'ii' i i iiln I! i "cm n Hi' fninrrt "f fir Mn ilinin t rr I flril, fipfl rm tt rri i il T N H - , ' .. . ! ' i f 11 fi.ii ,,r rurmrnf. In 'rr mrttft 'flrH In il'f fi'fi iVr fff tfni i ' h ' r ' n '" i ' 'll t't r ,1. I i r. i!' HlfH " "rl i .1 - I, Ml " V " M p 1 1. f. r' i r lint fil. i'f II t- I, . I I . !. . ' ' i I ' "I r ' i ii it w .1,. . i ii iiiftiit t II f f , 1 1 10 ft 4 I Ml in i m hi mi i i i W i il .1 ii, imi.k. in i M VI I l lr I.. I llf.f t I i i v, II 1 in: o i i I) o till I, II I NV. M'Mlt,' II f. p Wo iii i it ii 1 1 I I Inrr mi. I imtl lift III I t 4 , f, ll NI nti ' . . ..I nl tl , i n l IH Vni ilfi In i ni'i' il.'f ' t il ni l fiiftl rr nrtlrrf'. Tl rnps nf llii tfm r r iri'rfiril in idr Vftrru Nuiifuniiin, Mil rrk tnrlHn innn'lf. HrrfMrfrHf rirMlllt.ii Itwmn StdN ItH "t. Irrk. i's ri: M T 7 1 g Mil nl mj ii.fii mi tin1 ' ?tii rki rf FthrwH TV. A. I. IrtM. 7lm.,rr W . V.'ii.l.T ITMlIt n 'I I 1 A!)MINf8TRAT0Rfl NOTICE. 1() nil ftfrtofH intrrrvii il in il r IninN nnil Irnr inrlilfi of Wi Hin in ( olHnt. You .11 MM riiil.Yr, ll Rf, nl ti t; fi lirnnrv Irrm ncxl nf I lie Piul ntc i omt of I I RCll ri unly. I will pply Ibf tn crt'rr lOfttl tl I N B nf 'f 2B, ll.r 8 E I iif irr. 8ft. it v nfltif p -(. rtftft 1 E i .Aisn, llir W N W Oflfti 81, tin' nvlnp CO, rnrpr 1 E; fur ll.r i:r i rr of u nkirp i!ilr,l,iili(ni lIMHtf thr lirirs nnil IffltibulMI nl ll fMtRtC of ;a;.il i'e rrdr. nt , wl t'li ami R'hCN I h "ill i.r m il si cv nun, if uf you ctn, u ny f uch nrcw MiovM not be made. A MSB B. I OLMfH, Adm'r of WllHnm Jnn. 1, 1B45.'A1-Bl CoJHnt, dee'd. Iut". tic fri ii n ' 'ri i, i i'i i ' i r ill. ml -r I-1 '. r-fitt-ff ml In il r rntii i'i i il nr lnil, - fTpfrfl ftir ' f lrnl In 'I ItomM N. " null Ifl wtwfd WH Ifn n'r n 1 1 r tl rrrt r 1 1 ii lr, i ni . n ,! i'ri tl, l.v ll.r i'rrv I!, '"inn In f"vmriil nf Irtftr um lf limn n iHIt ifl it N Wni.l. ft ! ,1. nlr ri nr rrnd-r tv. irri trnrf n'lmiil in rfirr"ll rn.ii.'v. RrflMlfJ K-rftnr l' rnrrlinrr of i'M r irrrts nf lunil, in- Ml h tl C '"'I-.m injr, 1" if ll't" N A nf llif W rlni'.i rr ll r Irrtl r r, r,lf,.;, c,.r il,. ,., , ,'rrn1 i. m i.f ll.r S W ! i.f .rrlii'li t! Tif' mlii'i f 1 1 Bttrfl n'rt'l-ntiril in ll r i'i . it nf nil T. N. Wnnl 10 VMIf ii Efti ulii'li n',il i'r'il ftf f fff " r-rin 'Iril in tirni'T. 1 1 "f'l'jr I'nlf. Irl rfnrrriil. I rrrvilli fi'rtl. CnffVll ifHMlIf Ml 'hf Afh df Mm II '-'"m '' N Ifffflfl nl "H "-- PI i v r'l 1 1 nl n il fi rrnTiVil 1 1 .il ft ihr KM if Mid tl' 1 il Ifcf 1 lid Tliflrl IM W in tl r r rn'v nf Tr rnll. lirrt 'n ' 'rl Inril N itn. v n in full pfMMwrlfifl nf Mid Intnl. I'nrtlir r trrl. pnr'l rr "I n. rl Ii tint llr n Id I I H r W f f)0Wl Ii il nt nn tin- 7 h dnv of( lutobrf. IWH, tin Wintrr. nnirrllirt. frrviiiM In mnMnf llr pftd fnnll I " ;t l' NfW RM MJ in l nvin nt Bf tl ifl t rnflM iVr,' nf tflW'. dlld tnnlrnl i mid Irnil from ffrffl Ml Wild flVfjdof fTII.I 1 1"' 'n'tl T N. Willi. W li'T. raRf', Mid mill hfm'bf n nefro htm nnn ril f-l rni f-fd n ji-rl n Tl n t ut i' liMn ni' iritlr .fill Tlrrlrr M". WlntM hud PWtAlfffd Ifftd Irrt! 'ntri'' n- Ifrrrtn1i'. irr'-iirr nl" lit tl r .'tl' i r v nf Pfl rriitv. Irf9 rnlfrrd Inlni fmn- I'nlrrt rrn liirnlif n w itli WilliflD H. Wln't'f ml f IO ok ii d; c; i J WILL rmt or .nil llm plantation lnirly own oil by Gen'l Hennigwnv. IjingOmilea'U'eatof GfeeniborO! containing iXuarrea of tillnble Inml, 'J i) of which uro ni ilio l,iM quality lor cotlun ; with n pi, (il cotton Gin nnil Screw, ir nuir.der of ntw Cnbbiis. &c. Any erson wishing to rent r buy Would do uollto call on myrelfin (ircens toro, or Gett'l Hemingway in JMit'dletoti. HENRY 8. GRAVES GREENsror.o, MfCt. Jan. 8, ;") I Willip n' Pi"-Irl, rntt rn Til llr nl !;ii.) In ha jbv aid Paalft, pnnveved toaald William If. WIbB. hendricl a, ind paid lb aaid Heodric , Irr Mi.l rrrvr In tli-'r ,'nri' flllM ifkta In wil llli I Mm 'I'd ilrfr;. ml niil dnd oTtFUat. itrtirT. 1 WW. and nhtalred n rrrtifrrtr of ac-1 Thicker v and tbiaaaifl Hdndrteki wtaifwd into a I l-rowlri'irnnrtit dated 1 fit h October, 1880. Baldjeomliinntii n. 'nv.'i 1 1n nlil 7'bnckrr v ir.rlml-1 , I NVing piwii iii I ' r ii . r ft j u i r'! . i run n'ril 'n v,! flrMH r refill of land erubfioMl in taid Oeed, Omre wdicb waa lh ona abotM deMtibra, nf ahfeh nlr he, Mirv A. PogH becimi tfM pur Hrtrer. Bbnwa that aomfHifM rnAmm to thr I trrabiiif of Mifl deed nftrut. Ttwebef at, Wintrr had Mini-;'. i (l tl mid I of lard lYorn inir wrifbl for tin"1' Ihe snid l.ririM, ... ,i ,f, mli i II. I-I I 7 H I t ii !.. Fit f J I I t'tir IVftoo Ifi irr. I Ml nea- in .I lendM 'rnn- .f IMIII IIMI'-i. I I Hum hm iii, l'Mlrr, f liar (fig ,in , ii i niii e.f i reaaly lor l hi IfieVO Will t "ii w n regular H 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 D 1 1 Rl I.r I f Mfffl ami NfNr.flar.i ma, ilurlng the i rr -,i ' ennfi, ri'liill'Cl i ll'g hImiii) llr mi nf Intiuary I next, mm Ijfi g regular rla every two weeh I leaf I Iff nMf'f 'r'ean n Sainii'av urn . (ft n r-f! Le nt rr ni'il lin Ma i oil IN FffaH ftllln i inrr I M Haffgbl nr NHNfti ni 1 1 nn hoard, lit "ii. Nn :: I" 1 1 '.'1 :itn OrttMU ontt ami ,Vr w Oi lman i' A or'l 1 ' ' ' VTfTJJrHp in fi? Slrnmrr I I I ANDBY. w ivri5n I 'ii'"., Vtl'ltr, Iv.i mil mtttevd lirr regular tiiin. bMWCMi Ihli nhiMi nml Nkw l i.r i Rl, nnil will rnnlinno an to run ilur- iBfthf fjijaoa), leifiiw Gnu womb rvrvv 10 dafa. Tl ft. Landry will Mate RimimmjmJ mi Tnea. day, lOUi DacMiibii. For fVaigiit or mumii. &- ply on bonrd, or to WBftlHT A WHf'LKss Uiimwoon, Nov. 88, l844-8V-tf Q ra nada "Harry of tba Wri" will plmrc inpj ii i niiiixn hii crdered ont, and fbrward account to IVrlgbt A Wholwa, (Ireatiwood. I.I I li I' " III ll r I .1.1.1 ii i "'ii or i,n r i Mil. Hill U (j f Mlii ! i ffrn-l Iftiar. ViM'in, llicliiir.l rtllififl, 1 iKffn H A '"I" I , I linlr, Mini. lulu. II.. fi... I. i, W lliirio". , ,., i Iforf, Mniilr- I!. in, Hi. Hi ii'iii , Jeftfi r... y.G nn, I i l"ii;iilinn CurruU, Mm. Ann v,h,, i'S 2 ( rill.ili. rv Mrwr Cm iftiui, Blimbtih CfM rl, PIVmsOI rriHM, Rinfiftfd CrociVft, N s iu I Kik a. Mlflflj lll'H I . ' ''"V M ldi,(j ii . . . a. a ' I I fit i ft .Mrirnli, .MrCfalJ . t if i'f i .ii ,i t a i I, I ni Mr( Clork Clirtlil Cnorlfi M Mfirrnw, Morr-an, McBrii MrKft OHEENSBORO HOTKL STRAYED OR STOLEN. IJROM the subscriber, Mtrfng nt Willinms' Landing, on the ';5!b Decemter, n large pay lioro bus a very fust Walk and trot, and Icclin ed to be wuy backed seven wars old lust iprihg. Any information reifectirg said l.orre will lie thankfully received, and all rxpenres for bis re turn, lfidea a Hheral reward if claimed, will be punctually uid. ' G. W. H. BBOWH. January 4, lt'45. e'en! vt rr err'er Miners in iflemffeialon nf ad hi WilliiM" II. Wintrr. mil nrn ti nt it bo prodil ceil. Rha fnrtl er fbowi tl nt raid ('red r.vnri'.M's f eonaideratlon nf AI740, fMt'd hv tin snid ll' !l. winter, to fi r aaid Paabet, whMh be el arr-rs in iafWhe; and beaidea thai he had irtrtefi of th eon- x-eynrrr of ll o p' id land ir snid deed of trust that ll r v I n'r of sr id rnrsii'rration Wai paid by I lie said Thnekrr if. Winter. Si c further iheweth ti nt tl r aafd Ttr. II. Win'or, I'v deed bearing dnte 2Ctli Pec. Ift'O. cenveved laid quarter section of If nil to nno .Tnroh Jordan, who wps to pay to T. 15. W infer therefor, fSHCO: Of 495-were paid in Ir rd to T. fi'. Winter, f id ;! aba lance afterwnrda, IJ. GKAllAiM, Afform-y at Law, Cr.l.OLLTO.N, JIlCS. November SO, lc44. V. O. SlIAT'IUCK. JosnrA WniTMOSX. SIIATI I ( & Will Tffi OKIE, AITORNEYS AT LAW, in lie ni nib s of Ccnr 1 J. Whitn, ore's at Carrollton. jractuc Holmes. November 1, 18-ll--l?in W. II. Milleh. J. Goocn. MILLER GOOCH, COTTON FACTORS AND fmaiiai iM; E3 nirrrbnnlt, No 77 Poyc'ras Street, NEW ORLEANS. November 10, 1811 tf all lot "'. K. the paid T. W. Winter that aaid Jordan lad full nolire of aaid deed of trust i"de- rendent of regiatTatlOB. irhich deed she rupp-oiea! in pjoaiessfen nf Mid Jordan, end prava ita prO drciirn. Forther-ahoweth that the raid Jordan, !on or about fOlh of September, fraudulently I crrvcyril said lard to ore John Sally, for, as is : relieved, n f ctitii us consideration of Ip20fl0. She charges that raid Pallv was a purclnrcr, if a pur-' ; rharer nt all, with full nolire. Sboweth ll at. paid .' scrtion is so iii:ntcd ns materially to edict tin: Other lards which she purchased nt said trustee's j isnlr. She cbnrirei that there aaid several eonvev- acres a err made to defraud said deed of trual and Sarah inter I what notica prom tcdjiim sn to tboae drrivirp title under ihe same. Show eih tl nt do ! That he disclose the time, date and year of ! nt ci nimnn law she has r.o remedy, wherafnru she liissnlo to Thicker w. 1 rrnvs c.ilircrnns d'rrcird to Tl acker W. Winter, I And that said Thacker V. Winter as to when I William Paake'. William IL Wintar. Jacob J( r- be purchased said lard fr; in snid HendffrkW! dnn and John 8allr, and command them all end Whether it waa not before the execution of the eaeh to appear and answer the allegation) lerein'deed of trust! what contract he rl crped. n nl more c si rcinlly tl nt ll c- .aid Fnvkrt , therefor '. whether or not. said convcrancc was nnwrr wl etlrrle did not oil snid In nil to tl o not made from snid llendric!s, to said Sarah n:il Tl rrl er W. Winter? when he .old to said winter, lo dofeat the deed nf trust on snid ' of n-i i , i a i .1 i. : c. :.i i ii i , . .1 i . i i , i i . , . i . i ... i rnrMT : i.n yum nmivrnw in nti : mien i r ibuu i wnerner ne nio not a v l no sniu nenanCKa received payment 1 whether he and Thacker W. I tlr the same 1 whether he did not receive pi wlffl Saflh winter, and f I erehv ( ausrd tl r eorrreyanee to be made frtara said Heedr.eks to Birall winter and nt the same lime desi roved I hi evidence of title exiattnp l etu ren Thakar v. and Hendricl a for the above described Or land? aniii ronevnrce wnsn ade on or aSfjfrt the fiOth nf Hoe. "9, which last i'i rd is supposed to le in the tbt poMaaaiun of Thaiakaf w. and Sarah w inter, and prayed to bn produced. Further ihowelh, that on it about tin1 lilHh, of November, 1841, for the consideration of A 100 taa snid S;irnh winter conveyed the said land to ore William McMath, which deed was ratified by Thacker W. and shr supnosrs is in the possession of the said w.Hiain McMath. and is prayed to be produced. Showe li that all the aforesaid parties had full no'.icc of tliedcod of trrst on said land prior to ll c several frandulert acts aforesaid Independent of the rep- isfrrtion of the said deed of trust. Showeth that she has no remedy nt c( mmon law vv'icrefore she prays a writ of subpirna ic, each to a near and answer eVc.. but n.ore especJal wripbt 13. Hen dricks to answer whether he ever ronirjctrd or Bgread in anv n-nnuer to sell to Thacker w. win ter Ihe said land? what writing or ariUlnga passed between them furs-aid hind? wboptid ham therefor? at whose instance he COntayed to said r 1 1 ii auk eriber ha a a rrn i n ow -el! his public Hnnao in Gree'ishnr.!. bi.vii p tbo- roughly ropairad his buildinga, vbere he will b. nlways pre- p.r'd to entertain his old friends, and the public generally ; and hapM ttVay will rrnew their for mer parronigu. G KF.RVsrono, Mi., Sept 1 MAY B. 2, 1844. MEDLEY. ii.l i kij: pusepi itTi roil Mile at farcoiiwood 1?Ih. ritur. sui.scritjer oilers tor sniennm J of his poatrnntfioui Wara-Houiei and CUttMl PI 801 in ihe town ol'tireeii wood. on ti e Ynzoo River. Persons wislnntr to nurchase wi do well tn rnll nnil r.x-. amine soon. The House fronts no feet on the river, and extends ICO back. The prosperous eondilion of the place renders it certain that, the time is not far distant when il will be inferior to no place on the river in point of business. G. STAN'ClLL. June 20, 1044 2-Cun NOTICE. AT the Orinber term, 1844, Court of Choctaw Countfi Winter ever destrovrd, or aprerd tn destroy or therefor from aaid .McMath.' And that the keep recrct any writing relative to said land 7 I McMath answer ns to l is knowledge of .aid dm c of the Prohnp. the suhsrrilrr qualified ns Rxecu'ors of the Inst will and testn n ent. of Thomas P Wortham, deceased ; notice is hereby pi vc;i loall persons hrvirp claims nrrninst had made i""1 'af. toprcscnl them properly authenticated wntnn the time prescribed by law, or their to very will be forever barred. J. T. WORTH A AT, rA8ANPEB WORTHAM, F.v'rs of T. P. Wortbam, dee'd vacemher 2, 184498-8w re- )nvi, VV V I Iftnirl, Ennrh fvlwnrcJ-i, F.lianlh I Riiiride, W m (i ' KtliiHiiionn, Thofiuti M.'irl, ObPffMH Pnrrtt, iVital Pmiceti, Wm 2 I'lill ilovo, Tlinmns J KwrguatNt, .l.-i uies I FrnncM, J iI Fifld, VVnahinton Fisnckerly, John G fnntitt, Si ps 8 I) I lermn, A I In.'don, r.Iiij J Gioiver, Jnmes ( Itiydon, Reuben Gorneo, L .M I lolrrren, I htntel Helton, 'J' Men intr, W il Miiolis, II S M.ih . Isniic: U Hawkins, F& J il Hooks, Isnru: Molman, John Mai cell, Aided B I !noies, John Naggnnl, Menrv I.Avani, V E&'BD Mdsev, A A Hughe, Mrs. E D Ingram, William Johnson, James .S Keinon, Jolin A Km, E E irl. I. Pn.U. I. I n 1 1 in, Vi raUfai I mion, 1 1M. M i nr. .w Prter. JfJ rlummM Ean' rr county ' I . , iiiainrdi, uolMnon, Ransom, J Smilhj ocoll, Josui . i i ni i . , ,qt Smiih, AG l is, a e. n Thnmnsral. a I hnmpson, i nomns.j m i ( m . 1. Viiiers. M Iff I ' IK fill "IM Tl IV nrrnnn tr .i.i. IT f ' I i J VV nf 4 11 rx.t.t Hit. f Waikwal woi-n Mir, A T the October term, A. S. BKOWi & f., commission ni:i f ui-tTardiug meiH-liauts. Williams' Landing, July 27, 1S4-L R. B. Kendall. Jo. F. Ayiies. KENDALL & AYKES, Wlio!cs;ile and Retail q ii o v ; u $ , No 33 Gravier Street, New-Orleans. In Store Lost C.othing, tyc. Ky. Fnppinp, Eope, Kegro OctoLei 13, 1H44 Cui end wi etner lie inn not maue ti e convevance to v. II. H'inter to defraud snid deed nl' trust ? wheth er T. V.r Winter did not request him to convey to snid William II ? - whether Thacker W. told him, Packet, the object of having said convevance o made ? nrd to answer a 11 other allegations, &c. And that the said T hacker W. Winter answer whether be raid for snid land ? how he pnid ? when be pnid ? whether linsket's deed to Willinm II. is not nnte-dnted? fl at he state when snid deed was delivered to William II. and whether there wns not nn understanding between him nml William 11. for the land to be conveyed to Wil Bam H. to defraud aaid deed of trust 1 whether he, Thacker W. I ns not received the greater par! or all of th.e purchase money paid by Jordan for nid land, nrd bow happened he to receive if ? That the snid William II. Winter answer whether 1 I e ever paid Basket any part of the consideration for the snid lnnd? bow and nt w hosr- request ti e s,!il Masker conveveel to lnui ! whether he did not know of tl e said deed of trust, and whe'h i lie said deed from Fnsket was not made to defraud fhe said deed of trust upon the snid seetin . of lnnd? whether he ever heard his hro:hrr Thack er W. spo-ik of said deed of trust .' u hither he , I as ever received any money or other ll.inp from Jordan on account of said land, Rod whether bo ever considered himself as renl owner of said lnnd ? w ns he not only actinp for the arcommo jdation of his brother, allowing his r.nme to he used to avoid the deed ot trust? And that the I said Jordiin answer, w ith whom be first contrncted i to purchase snid lnnd ? to whom be has paid the monev for the same, and who was to Inve the snid purchase monev ? whether Thacker W. or Wm. II. winter received the same? and whether be did not Imve notice or was in some wav informed of the said deed of trust ? whether ever he or anv ol ! rust nn snid In m! ' or said Hendricks say to bis notice thereof ! said touching n deed wnat he neard aaid wlntei ii .mi ma sun ecr ; and nt and and all he ever bean nf trust UDOll snid land i And pray a that the deed from said Hendiicks o-.-.l v l. .:... i f a i .... .iiii , .nun u inn r anu irom CWran WIU'IT 10 sill ' MeMnlh he cancelled, or so for candled as j vest the title to the said of land in your oratn'J ami such oieer decree Arc. Fisher & Chlvrs, Sni'rs. 33 A. A. Srrrit. J. S. Joiinso STIT11 & JOHNSON Mnvinp a-opinted JT .f fi l .' h'rk . .Int. ..... . west quiirtcr of section o :VA ,,,l il.lV.-' ic 4, . ...r i in 11 mine soutli-east (insirter of ' 'lO ;.. lemrcvea topether in the Wlhlp No. 10 range No. 7. situated In the ........j n.oreai.l: also, one wagon and llireeyokr 01 oxen, three head of horses and one mule, bail convey such t tie as is in me vested t i on t - D- McKINLAY, July 20, l&ll-Orn. Wtutte, J HbT received and for sale nt moderate rrieos r ,or h or Cotton, CO bbls best brand Whie A. S. FROWN ty CO. practice of law, will attend all th.e Circuil Tourts in th.e second Judicial Fisti-Ict. tie Vice Chance ry Court nt Carrollton, Ihe Federal Court at Pon totoc, and the Supreme Court at Jackfon. A. A. Stilh will reside in ('rcensboro. Choctaw county, and .1. S. Johnson in Carrollton. All bu siness entrusted to their care will receive promi.t atfmil nn U I I I I I Ilf I . July '27. 1814. J. I). LEFLORK, Receiving, Forwanling and Commis sion Merchant, Leflore, mis. HAS constantly on hand a general assortment of Plantation Sunolies. consisting in nnrtof HaoLMtl". Kopo, rroduce, Groceries, Iron, person spoke of a deed of trust on said land, and , . TP .9 v:i,Q . . i , what be heard snid in relation thereto ? And that ails. Lasltntrs, otioes, and a rpr cpnl assort- . . . . , .. ,, , . ... -u ' : 'Z. , ,, .. , . . .,, , 'he said 'obn ahv answer, whethv he did nn! ment ol Pry C.imxIs, all ot winch will be linvc rot.:re of n.;d (tp,., of trilst and wh,,-hpr ho sold low lor CASH or C( TTON. 1 1 ) ' I ri JPVer heard the said Winter oranv one else s, r,-.k to receive a liberal share of patronage, assuring of the same ! what he beard .aid on the suhject ! you that all business intrusted to my charge will why he purchased of said Jordan, and what he have prompt attention, I am at all times prepared (bas paid therefor? what he has heard the said to make liberal cash advances on cotton. Jordan say concerning said deed of trust ? And N.o- 2. 1844-206m J Ua&t all of the defendants answer Jully all and eve- rOJ7 AI. TXOVTTJVm & CO 19 A 21 Rank flare, " New Ouleans. (tf.o. Por.r.ARn. Wm. C. Homxa. John E. Towns. Auptist 10. 114. l?m ln i i rr'r, ;,c'1 "r'1 f(ir Cor cash or Cotton, Lbls Flour, chokC brands. A. S. 13 P, OWN A- CO. received und for sale, 10 casks Bacon A. S HP OWN -CO. JU:T id ?s. NOTICE. 1844, of r ... .. ...,fi- iripv i . .. T7 a act ll'l 1W ti. fii v r r in c iuoi 1 f'tnlfi. to iih vi riff cm ints afjnint hiu 1 ... ... ...... , ...wuri linT HI ULHl I'livorv will inrpipr harrcd. .......... rr lii :h v uli.-i." -- . . r. li 11, i.n r.x r ni " ""b Deccmher 2, 1844 25-nw NOTICE. m i iii ; i 1 n i'iiiiiii itn'i - . - - - mi Tl 111 l HIM id" l.ouin'1 -- ., 1 1 (Ml Iis I S flimi flfcf'iispH: notic e is I.rrpbv pven p1 . . . . . 'J .lolO IP li.i v. i.rr ...rt.u rr'l 1 nsl S 11 r-iu" ' P f L . ..M proper y nutbenticatcd witnin " , ' ... ho (0 Adni'rnt'W"1 December 2. I844-2-6w ZTn en A 1 1 M I I rs l ltrt i 1 "k r ..e Akt nf tbC In pursuance 01 nn "" - . of Carroll county. Missi'"! . ,oii. I ...;ll the 18th " iur.' ..r. r.,.c.loi.i n.iblic aiiot"' Smith Wft J i'i n nit; iiMfimi.a ihv - rrs -a 3 t FoSt, est, to of Enoch G. Ely. dauj thereof as may be sufficient to n said estate ' Adm'rofE.- December G, 1844- -26-6V NOTICE. .w yy "117 F. w ill receive ln a few days and offer for' aale at small advances, 0 tore of Inn. 2 do Cns!inps. CObhla 8. f Flour. 10 casks, boiee BaeoR, 26 kegt Ird. 80 bids WiMk. in hu. . , , -J . -v. , , U I - ifi'ini viitusc, Duirer "'(('-.veil n,, .l .i "nd lOdoL.n. ions uasnnps I A T the November term, 114. m j iii " - Aw. ci i m . . . i .Aiinrv. in1- m. i ourt or i nocia , ltt . . . . . ,,n till " ihed as Adminisiraiur csmii .WmwiI : notice i" v.u...K - - - st ma A. S. A c. & r. FROW.N & CO lliE have in sf., re a Inrpe lot of nails, Stone V.nrP' W"2d wnre- Lowells, Sheeiinrrs.: ivussei urogans, Uoots ic. &c., A. S. F)RO VN dp CO JUST received nrd f, 77u i.i ii m " I persons having claims Ifata ri U1" 'or sale, ItW lbs superior ' ... ...ihrnticatw "i senr mem pro renj prescrihed oy jaw, " - f rii. ' j pt rASAini Adm'rot Afli"'- December 2. 1844- A. S. BROWN dj- CO. JUST receive,! mmJ l mTZt'TI' . nd 25 coils of ;V which u-n , low for cash or cntton. A. S. BROWN &. CO Greenwood, Dec. 13, 1844. A. S. BLOWN rf CO. ! of JoIrown s 50 SCts Rio Sf Bnd 5 I'M "ld Lrow n "gnr. A. S. BROWN dr CO. ' Greenwood Nov. 22, H544. JOB W0 vrTr V A f I) DniLii no n EXECUTED AT THIS u