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THE DAILY YELLOWSTONE J OURNAL. VOLUME V, No. 96. MILlS CITY, MONTANA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 157 PRICE FIVE CENTS. i |H 1 I I Ell 1 L)II JOU;rNA1, i ' .cry Morning Except Monday. 1'; piaujsl 6I At u. £utj, - 3.000. ferms of Sul~cripcpDo: ?if MAII..--LN AJYAw 3I-P(ArAUU PAIW. ,""!l" UGtti, ow ror .7...................S/I0 i[ ..rr 1 4W . E se, t .......................... {.Oa I,, U itiesr, tarty me ..................».... S.0 rT CIrY WMdU~CIIEB. byI airi, Bve, M.FrqW r M -o. w wek. . WEEKLY 3ITI3JN-ThLLOW PAPER. tli ow... ..».»» ...............»............»»..s.00~. ais YoMeeh. -.... .............».... » uU Yb.. leash . ......» ........... 1.00 Advertising Rates. ' 1 ~ rtE ir IIr *. J... 2 31.00 6.0 6.6081Yi.0 14.00 20.06 t .yo.... 6.00 4 ' 7.00 11.60 13.00 16.00' 1.00 *aya...... 4.00 5.00 4.00 14.00 15.00 11.600 3 0.00 * nl....oo ¶.0 .00 10.00 16.00 16.00 36.001 6m.0 'b.. .00 10.00 12.00 Y).6 44.00 UL.0 48.00 'kab..., 40012.00 14.00 2.00 2400 46.00 10.00 isiu .!Ia, 'r 14, IA 16.00 21.0032.00 2.00 0.00 '.mh..'1J. 1200 IA' 21.*' 54.0042.00 59.00 46.00 $ Trvtka...1 ) 00 22 U 4..41 41.1C 10.00 66.00 100.00 * .2tbs.. ! .10 Ir .i 40. .1116. ;1.00 1.O0 1.00 150.0 Loess uuueoo-Too crow perI 1a06 for stick IY·I .,e. Wrtsusp 5ft4iawu coats pr lime. Ad11nw YKLL6WST@UE JOURUAL. JUItINAN. 1`IUIIlN&A, COUSALTOR.S S. m APL~e .TUA~tt, CYIraALTUM AND NULLDlul. p batimre aissiald on all kind. ut calp.uter work D .· 'l ··'"" YYYrlKIlii AND IIL'PUION. (00- . W. K. dayag·m 4ueg store. IL 1* C. ?trr .aba attast, 09sf Wlak~groueft ?ath~ml Yaak, A I eeb (iaaw 664 &1 ..aM.Ue ralo. D I. L I . FF11H, b'1T5141A5,?LJUtON A'IJ Ub TUTILICIA . (Arts, .Wea4 and ~eburtabtllef ) ud.w at rigt's drag step , ths tgy,. N I Mob L'. lONAL. A aI kb .aea .i~'li l, .I 0Bea tp ...t ven Yewm, l 1 LW SpeIa/ Agcat luierlur Lryulu·t. i 39mg I. oIh 4 .rIwrrs bernh t.ull.'ju4. Mile. City AML. ý,e~tuv !rILtL I. L' rr'.' A aLW. Eorut~ Ill ltHE' t1~u 'uh·'. U U. DIY( , p ster. I LII U4HL%. Wunday, I11 a. a., 1110 p. ~. P-r.. tider. pUtr Pnibpt&riau Cburcg,- rvkm Buondy. II a am.. MD p. a. T. C. AruaIron.g. Sat it. MI FCI's,,.el-1aiq.GoIan e$e:day *:U a. n.; Sunday. 7;)1 p. at. Z. Mcete~l. Cuugbot orecd Heart, I'atbollc-tiundal, pI a. . I. W. J Ladoaml. chbap·lain, I . i. A. A. 0. H.-DIaaion " u Meet.lInt .tud .ewa K. .tM.-Yaw netet : thrbd Wedaedsdya ..I 7:10 p. a.. at Oidd Yallowa A. V. &A. t.-Yellovune lod, %t, J6. Sad nl~rd Wdauda. K A. (bepter. N.. ~, ecoudl eeld heuib ft oders: Z. T.-Dmmae oaoumnandery, second a d hit Th. 1 iU. 0 -'ueima Lodge1, %o 5l,. at 17 Meade a' iter r.'I 1. 0. 0. V.-t'aitiml Enca potuet. No. C. Ira, K. P-· rummir I udge. No T. hbursday emeaip S AOd Follows Hail. C. Io A.-Mil.. City Brmach. erery Mndy at of L.-Pinmt mad third Friay.. 6. A. ft-U. 8. Gnat Pee, Nu. 14. Ant med Wei Toady.. I 0 U. T.-mit er t West. No 7, ever %w.d" evening. we a.r lb.r bgltas s to - Laies' an lisses' SHOES AND £LK4jANT IMI'ORTED UNDERWEAR. GIVE US A OAXL. C, B. Towe_& Co. YOUNG LADIES' INADIINA II D. .CNE8L, OONDI'C.FD flY THE MILI OIT, MO ,T. WILLIAM HARMON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL G ROCER, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE YAT AND gRAIN A SPECIALTY MILES CITY - - MONTANA, STOCK GROWERS. NATIONAL BANK, MILET S ITfY. MOrz. THE LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $105,000.001 The eweeate and bualoeu oteek m IeooeU d aI grmied p.rempt attnUs. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. R. ETEBBINS. Presidet, WM. HAIMON Vies Presideat H. F. BATOHELOB, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. TiL CZTTO, ON'TAN THE OLDIST IOD LARGE II NISTERN IONTANIA. CAPITAL AND PROFITS, 105,000.00. JOSEPH LEIOHTON, Presidet. GROIGE M. MILES, Vice President. E. B. WEILIOK, Oashier. H. B. WILEY, Asistant OCaJer. INTERE8T PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. IMPORTANT TO INSURERS. The safety of the assured depends as much upon the skill and knowledge of the AGENT as 'pon the ounadnebs of the company. The ability properly to write policles and make the endorsements so frequently called for, as well as to give the advice needed and asked for by almost every person assured, is not acquired in a few days or months, but requires the study and experience of YEARS. It is well known that most of the delay and trouble attending the settlement of losses is the result of the ignorance of AGENTS through whom the insurance is ,ffected, and their inability to renader needed assistance at the time of and after a Are. WILLIAM COURTENAY. E. A. KREIDLER & CO., REA L ESTATE Propertry all pruts of the City end County. -LOTS, LAOaS AINI SETIMS Or N. P. R. R. LANDS, bIeoot Billin a.e Fort B eford asurNtloa. MORTGAGE LOANS. Miles Oity, Montana. ROSEBUD COAL. S. D. MOORE;, AGT. $3.50 Per Ton, DE I. VERED. Al. order aned prompt. But coal in the market. Ordn, can bs left at Harmon's stao. 368,150 DOLLARS Representing the Increase of Miles Cty's Prosperity For the Year 1886 A Gain of $43,000 Over the Year 185, Exclusive of the Benefit From the Artesian Wells. TWS BUILDING RAIIUMK IPOn ISaG. Mile CItyI hmt Chalenig PrOmN LOg thaiek. to Ritek Palaces. One year ago today the JOURNAL presented a summary of building im provement. In Miles ('ity for the year 18ll; the aggregate cast of which was $824,4SO. We ponted with prilte to these figures bhliev ng them to he the high w.ter cmark for at iast a year or two. The more eamtly huildlag. erect ed in IrMS--the brilk Ilok. on Maus street-hlad in a mleasulre been forced upo.i us bIy the extens.ive fires f that year maid inlamprovem.n'a's that might otherw se have iten de(kferred were ciowded iinto that year nlakint a showing that * hile grati'ying was re garded as ro big tlhe ilansediate future of a ite of its honors. But as the year IN8I6 began t, unfold its l ossi blt ee it became aplarent to -ontra. tor. and builders that thi4 record of n185 was to ble equalled if not ed avid the final tootilng sh'ws tIlct it was, the sum total of tht year's im provemuelant ftoting l368,l,0, and lead ing the year 18t5 over $43,000. The building record of the part year shows many gratifying features, chief eat of which is the general use of brick in the new buaine.O h|'a*kas, wl.i hI not only indicaten a firm in lii ina the' fu ture of the town, but i*leals the dlan ger of wile-pread cllafilgrat tnsl . In residtellnr-, t -,, brick liasi t te t usdi liberally and wl It go.d effect dtlj-ig tile last year, there hiavilg bee-u teveln teen brick dwellings erected durinll the year; n.oi of whih.l, n',,ably E. H. J.lssuln'a, 4. i. I' T w'r-' Kliradi S.'htlu:d's aiol it. Vre.luland's r. ae.ill. avid h gh'y ornal ental t truturns. t hi t hel nighlt o: the tilh uf A ugu-t *. Surc-ed thtl I.t1 big fire '.h' "c l this I wit will ." I. r -ulne tie,. It wHs long exl.' eld , d i cecLrrcd ini f lt tire trap framne ranlge . cupyli"c the entr.ll stouth lide Of Mt ilt .t tIr Iit - hnilial "i.'.- corner -'ixtlh 1.1 . it up to ;tll. gher'. s.tur,, whicta for hlic and his nciglaiars hawi it suhort tinke prcv out Ic. e Ia neatrnd with brick land provev| a carrier waueh Ihe Ictuie. could ti,. pau-. Ituildilng wa. at onlce co,ºncnlen.ed on the burnedl itistriet a.nd there arm, Ianw, tither lni-hl d or illn course ,"f tol!ntructllonl it frontll.,ag of 175 fectt ,f brick buildinKg two storiese high and built in first clatl styir. 'The trend of busine- on .Main street toward the court liou.e, indi,.atcd by the improvement of lht lhas beentl still more clearly marked in Isi. Mlax well's block. (ilman's, Huffla,'s and the monster brick block errecttd by W. R. rStbbins for the occupancy of J. H. Conrad A t'o, all marking the march of business toward the east end of our main thoroughfare. Atide from the brilk residence property mention ed above there has been 441 feet fron tage erected for usilness purposes inll 188, as follows: MaJ. E. Butler, brick store, Main street.............................. . . 2ixO W. A. Burleigh. Jr., brick store, Main street..................... . 2zx4~ Lt. E I. Gilman, brick store, Main street........................... Misses (irhaw, brick block, Main street........ ................ ... 50x L. A. Huthman, brick store, Main street ............................ :..x8 A. J. Maxwell, brick block, Main street............................. 60x80 W. It. Stebbius, brick block, Main street............................ 50x W. F. tchmlaule, brick store, M ain ttreet............................. E2 x Konrad rclhmid, brick i,lock, Main strn et............................. t.0.o Joseph Leighton, brick store, Park street.......................... 4o Robert White, brick block, Sixth street................ ........... 50x40 Of the above all are finished except the Konrad Ichamid block, and all are two story buildings except the Bur leigh and Leighton buildings. Before taking leave of the subject of brick improvements, we should mention the handsome brick church built by the Episocopl congregation which is now under roof and will be ready for oocupaney in the spring It is a very handsome structure and a marked Improvement to the sectlon of the city which it oecupes. In the bullding of residenoes a .ery decided has Iheea shown in the past year for the north side ,tf the town and nearly all the more onstly residennes have been built in thi s*-e tion. The open wate th.t a year ago stretched from the old sawmill to Ihe brewery Is now well filled with dwell lmps and from the character of the im provemwent made there bids fair to be th,. fushiniudble part 4f the town. Thus far the nupruovtclullt has tare ly kaipt i 'tpLc with the d aulald anndIdl-t )yar 4. let..itlre lo vaculat nt,,e or dwlliiigs that w1i," halitalIc. h:ave bl.v'h lt,Uldi, but it aul-d rc.11 i UW that the ihlu1ll hal b,en rec Iahed n bul - iuatl proupry at kas.t, and that any faither building ,futores must be at the lick of the builder as far as tenauts are cVncerted. % e beieve that the people of ilha City enjoy the happy faculty of knowing when tUey have got enough and that by putting a check on building in exces of the de wand, we cau still preserve our record of not having an emupty astre or an untenanted dwelling. Unles we have a large increase of population we no need of new businewa tirns, auud eousequeutly at present, no need 01 moUre tores. itev. C. C. Arwptrong, frrwe Uwrlllug ................................1 1,1110 P. AIiº.aIaou, IfraUi 4434w........... 4W Ma)yj.r E. hutier, bnick -plrr...... 6,: w 4 Suw. h.rhluMcd, irouw e urr 1,14 J. 11. titill~ug, Irawre dwrrliuy.. 1,1u1 I it.jhll ei klaturr, fawt uw.Ill Ihiy......... ............................... 611 'lAit..,btl a kIl.r.a.rrgPcrk ii tiIbig I,UIi I J 1s1111 il.kit. m.gum.iw, br'ic'k r1 ; i-I '% ii. 1ulard, b.rick Iaq."......... iOU 1LI~t..l . uurcu, irlulr Impel ...... I,:i11U L. E iIruaau, Iroute amp......... A. ?r. lSull-igJs, Iraiti. awp...... 311J C. k;. Iir'.* i3, Iraw.I *.Y * ~U r. ~,&AUJ W. A. klur.eaicg, Jr.. prick ttiare 4,U4 1. 1iriraaad, trame whin............. . iii) Jmauu Er.ah..u..r, Iram,.- hah"...... 4uu1 Ed 9BUIp1.hCI, (raw,' awrlamiug... ".1:.4141 it R. Cumaanaag., frame dvi.... 1,(.A)i Wi... 9.uurtrua,, Iraw, gu.i.... 1,79111 8. F. Caus, (iswr dwelling 4j.. l .tlwllc Ch~urchl ' frawrr iwuw.... 1,4cM, J. W. Will [rime uc ulpe ............. Dull C. E. ('a.., grame w ............... 660a J. S. CUlllus & Co., brick awjja.. I,Uuu Thi.c. Ikrrriugl, Irruwr d wIllulu.. 11114 A. M. i olr, frame .I.' 1.La...... .4u 1). Ia C' *, trail' dwrilur.'......... 9141 WA b U. .,ra. l wrpcb, writ.ra dana t;.laI Ht-vi rlt" 1,1.u 1........................... Ito Gill Klrclr~lc º utldllllt. ....................... I51)4 El.Ur.I J.. ob, fair dlv cu llliu.... 14 A-. J. . Ehrrrcb, brick dlA rling~.r FiawI94I ('liajid briik............ 5,31141 F;. ward Fly m..., frausr4, . ll~.~u~ .1141I II t & 1 ulwil. a r." k sIu....... .1 i J11-,. 4ilIhi*P. lire i.. .1' II ..... I M11W4 1i.1i Baa'. (ie. . Ir.ul~r am, I . {Pol I' allsablrr. br . k il "........... ;', 0 L I'. ItH (ilill·J.l i. I... k ."n... 7 IM111 I~ i.. I ......... ....................... 11 n11 A.: rrm l toll 1i .. I. ,- 1\\ ,. i i. , y..... 1 ",40 L A. iilll i alis . IfralisP-* ll . ..... :1tI) .I'. H .-av * eitr. 11t 11'.i * .1, ..... I..d.i L. Il. Wtari.lrl, lN ll .. -It..I ........ :!,.M I. ll. i lallull . It(all t li alellI , II e-. '.I L. A. IeU. iil , 11. ' t 1r.ik . Ine...... 7 .pI t I'. 1 . Joh alu-, . hr*'k t w .\\. hilg.. 7,:AMº, u\., Kihde.r, frame n iel l11... ,unii f ine. K;rlU. fai(lr t le d lllll....... .:ill! C. R. Kelsey, tw* fr·tlrsu .twI ... . lm1, (n' l , f rh im ........... Kelly, . 4 I. KU. Knight, friame iii-...... :.'M1 J Leightlln, Irntl*l* Ilulup ... :,iNN| Joi..eph ltriglhtn, rrullle t|l re... I.lNll L,'IhtI!uI & J'rdaill, ., 1 'k wNtre 3 (IqiA ('bape. Lar.:u. fralir ie ii . ilnf... .Ia1inI J.e,. .Farian**. framie olwl ...... 3rM, Ma.ele Matsn.u, fragae oli.....'... At W ( . 4Mit h hlrk. fra*m' dwl...... 1nto I). . M1c iillan. Iralrl d. ...... i:te, . I. Mc.Iwan, Iralln. dwl ..... 70 ;Le.. R. Milburn l. u..*mdwl....... 71N11 Arthur Millard, fram dwl........ t1a1i J. Miner, frame imp ................ 7('1 W. N. Maequeer.eholargingaldl im provin g ho l ..................... 7(,nI A. J. Maxwell, brick bihek ...... 121,0i) Moran Bros,, frame imp........... o10 Get-. M. Miles, frame imp......... 5o (ee. M. Miles, frame store......... 1,30) D. F. McMillan, frame shop..... 650 N. P. R . Co., imp............. . 10.00(I iamuel Pepper, brick dwelling.. 1,500 D. W. Pieroe, frame imp.......... 1,501 H. Ritter, frame imp ............... 1,00 L. B. Rea, frame iup .............. 350 A. i. Ridliy, frame dwelling... 400 Slaughter House, brk and frame 30,000 Slaughter House, frame............ 16.000 bchool House, improvemenut... 2,000 T. iehultl, frame imp ............ 301 J. W. 4trevell, frame Imp......... 111 Rev. S. E. Holider, frame dwl..... 1,8(.1 W. C(. Staeble. frame dwelling 500 W. B. Skinner, frame dwelling 8,,1101 Levi, frame dwelling 700 W. S. I). Smith, frame dwelling I.41,1 A. .chmltt, frame dwelling...... 2,(10 E. lipes, frame dwelling......... 9W) O(eo. -cbhezt, brick dwellinl..... 1,410 (1. H. Hrott, brick dwelling and Improvmnrtler...s.......... 1,300 Konurd '.hmnidt, bric.k dwl...... 3,000 W. F. Shbnmalle, brick dwel ling and imprlveme ...nt . . t, n0 F. Silverman. frame store......... 1.3il i W. R. htelinas,brick block...... 10 011) ..hanlllal., & Ullmnn, birick rrea ,(i10, W. F. hmahlnsle, Irick store... 80011! H. Smnlltl, frame store............... IlIus Konrad Bchmld, brick block..... 10,000( Mtr.vell & (larlock frame lmcee 1,900 (C. R. Towers, brick dwelling... 4,010 Ino. 8., fra te dwl...... 900 Annie Turner. frame dwelling 1,09o IBryon Vreeland, brick dwl..... 8,61'1 Fred Whitesde six framedwls.. 6,9(0 J. I). Williams, frame dwelling 6110 C. A. Winchester, frame dwl..... 1,200 H. Whlthead, frame dwelling and Improvements .............. 00 W. C. Ward, frame building.... 200 Rolwrt White, brick re. blIk 6,400 Whiteslde & Peter, toboggan slide ................................... 1,n00 Chau. Young., brirk dwelllng... 1,200 ARTBIAN W'tEL. Although not strictly a part of our uliding Improvements, our arteulan wells are a sufdlelently Important fea tuft, to warrant their being Included in the general iseume of the year, and Int Iun(h as this is the only locality lu Montrina h li r. tMorinu for artesian watr Ihas Ie-, it se'ersful, such infor lltionll I's ear Il. givei will no doubt he, aec.ptl,th!. I he first well known as lurewery No. utirek at Bull ard'sr Irew.rry in tilt fall of ITh3 and at zi depth of :.5ll fitt a stroing flow of water was talpp,. ha,, 'un unin terruptedly ,ever since. No 2 was sunk by Schimralle Sand lUllania, in the rear of L'r. Redd's buiidiug In 1884 and water was reached at 450 feet; nothing was done in the way of well boring in 185, but last year the fever took hold again and during the year no less Ihan eleven wells were sunk, all of which were successful in getting good flows except the court house well, In which the drill was lost at adepth of 4.54 feet, whil'h effectually put a stop to operations. The water from thets wells is clean and sparkling and was at first thought to possess medicinal properties. bIut its use for drinking or cooeking has of late been discarded, but for laundry and toilet iurpoies it is unexcelled, being, if anything, softer than rain water. It is delivered by wagons around town and nearly every family use. it for all purleres except cooking and drinking-the barber shops use it altogether for bathing pur po-es and lie who has never bathed in it, duer not know what It is toi be clean. Below we give a table of the wells bored during the past year, showing depth, flow and cost: Flow per Depth. Minute. Co~s W. A. Burleigh Jr....470 2t gal. $705 A. C. Beck..... ......... 3... 3 685 C', Huffnman and Logan...............176 4 30 Court House..............54 780 D. Elliortt..................1 5 485 M. Kirher.......... ...... 0 3 885 J. Riddle ..............I.....16 :300 U. H. 6lcott...............3311 5 41i6 J. W. $trvell ...........451 25 675 ',.hmalsle & UlInmal..4.'t l ti 725 Mtrevell and Marney..470 201 755 Total er t.. ........ .................... i,7(0 .\ study of the tfregoing figures fails to give any r.liab,le data to govern the sinking of future wel's. The shallow s est here s.hown, tit ii of Mr. Kiddle's giv " t a'* d le I ifi','i feet a flow of 90 gtlllI s Is-r i uellit, I'ing the larir ".t foiw e. er . ruek he.r. I his well is on Ithe clher i- e of the Yellwsatone aIsout ur Inilles below ownll and prot -hly abl ut forty feet below the grade of Miles ('i y. Illas.uclh is all of our wells he itl l ' nmll.masure, either greater or sntaller, f ,lien off from the t rigina flow, the leneilrl opinion alp Iw:s-t to I., in fvor * r ef cing th litn all the iay dowl, i ti, tlh- w 't r sus ply. 'Thi- wil , i* oublt restlore the original Sflow a0idl render it lasti g. l' 'ith thlues'sumIwary c ou'r lsrn.1T nenlt illlprov. mients for the past year we 'lte e l I cllapter, hoping that clrcuim stalete-t, lltay require as large an epe-n dilure ofl Iiliney flexi year, blint idepre eating the making of anly iliprove m wcnts that uie not demandeld Iy ill e rease-d prosperity in otlher illes. GENERAL NEWS (UOLUMN. rThe (I;leb.hurg opera boe wasu de stroyal by fire. Li", $75,.00. Ontario elections returned the Lib erals to power by increased majoritiee. Rev. C. H. Searles, who ran away from Elst Lynu, Ill., with a woman, has been arrested. Rev. Waldo Mesear*m, Philadelphia, ebarged with adultery, declare., it a ca-e of conspiracy. Their $5,000 annulties will be paid the starving Winnebago Indisos iL Wisconsin at once. The Man Francisco street oar troubles are far from being ended, and a gen eral tie-up will probably result. Money is being freely contributed by brewers for the defense of Areas dorf, the murderer of Rev. Haddock. Prince Augustin Itbherbide ,and 4enor Carcedo fought a duel at the City of Mexico, Caroedo being wound ed In the shoulder. Wednesday was the 79th annlver sary of (ladstone's birth. Telegrams of congratulation were sent him from all parts of the world. Captain Sparrow of England, cor mitted suicide at La Vegas, N. N., ý'1eaOml he hbd Invested hib all $7s,000, in a bogus castle compa.y and lost It. A forty-five-mloute, tWenotyl"O round, bare-knuckle primzefght took place between beavy weight Iron workerl near Pittaburl, and Is pro noneed one of the bloodiest lhbts on record. Meven members have ormanised the Hermosa proepecting company and engaged the vis of n of an ld time prspector. He has been furnished as outfit for the next four months to snarcb for preolous metals i4tbe Black Hills. Home valuable tin finds an expected. A recent Interview In Kanses City with Robert Plnkerton divulges that the mystery of the exprem robbery In Missouri Is now solved. Prothinlgbi, the messenger I probably Int. the afhir deper than any one, and Ave ace mplloes haee been arreted. Of the W0,000 stolen about $4,000 hn been recovered. bhe erdr asems t have n een a buagle the pr of L robbes.