Newspaper Page Text
MIE DAILY JOURNAL MIL&Z CITY. MONTANA. p. 2~u 11" Ued. u Vila e1 "s m isw . paIi~~ d..k. m itrns op" h~m 9 mig10. &. ft. mawe.. - -12 MI Itwuew. tI,.AL ITBMS. Sele tme whenmm.r we a,40 Th1 h1 bter t b he wi eth par .l, J. 8. 0o111ei & Co. bey fees. * Soboggaas are greatly In Tbhe toboggan slide wll tbe open for sport every day after 2 o'loek, p. m. * Situaloe wanted to do boune work, apply to O. J. McKense's. Doa't forget the ladies' reception at t.e reading room to.dAy. ur.lllgh's or nab, oystersand tasme To-day being a legal holiday all e--nty omoess will be closed. Gen. Sllverberg bas a Ided to the at taictions of bi sal Nus two private ud rnooms. " Weele Kendall's grueat land scheme I- well worth to vetlgallou-by Sparks. St. Jaoubs Oil I. the antlldote to pale, so matter by what It is caused. *.o tinme of eveuing service at th. 1psCaos. al ebapel has been ebanged to t:0 o'clock. Red ltaer Cough Cure due a not de. MSap the stomach. It is free trum -omous lagredi e.t.. A good dramalti troupe would be greeted with crowded bouses during bL next week. Clean rage wanted at this oiloe. Episoop I nat i'l, divin, service to. morrow at 11 ma. m. d 7:30 p. mi., W. emkail roetit. For sale, Portland cutter good as _ew. Apply at thi oiMce. * Eight inches of snow, fifteen degrees below sero and "Tom and Jerry" get tlnl in their work. Leave orders for coal and wood at LSkiner's store. (',ml a 3.'0 pwr ton. G I'. 'oUalrUCK. " Old 'sal to yu,,g '7: "HI tlhere yol.ugatr '' Til. is. a grert world you've tuInbld ulo ." Burlgisli's for fi ur, fetid sud pro. visionu.. Don't forget the carrier boy to-day. He will call on you willt a huandoe. address duringl the fs,renu,no. Red Wmjd can always i Ie lound at the Maveriak salslal with a tillt stock of liquors, ears, etc. * Major Wblhple, departnwll ntIl pay master, arrived at Fort Ktogh on this sar sule trails Ironll a short leave of abseuee. Goto Bill Bullard for ..'"- \ill waukee beer in any quantity. * Public Admnliitrator Biuckman is prepariag to admlnister upoln the es tte of Emuia itlclhluouid, deceased and litestate. Ladies' day to-day and Saturday at the lotolgaln slide. Open after 2 o'elock, p. nm. * Everyone should call at our counting roomn this molrnllg and get one or more coplie of the WE'EKLY YELI)W TONE JOURNAL. Full of news and bets.. Houses for rent, apply to U. R. Mid. dieton. Some of our ezehauges are ousylng themselves over the relative merits of altalfa and some other kind of winter pasturage. What's the matter with anow. To avoid any trouble in collecting froum tubogganuare tie manltagers an Iounce a rule of payment in advance, before tobogapns will be started. Few private recepltion will take place to-day, the practise is fast drop ping t' tthat .oint so admirably de fsed by Grover "''nnocuous desue tude." Burleighb' for meat, vegetables and poultry. * Many of the ladle's apleared at the toboggan elide last nglht arrayed lu all tb Iglory of flannel toboggan suits, saerf and "dsee odder tinge" whiob materially add to their charms. The coal miners are gut on a strike. There is some talk among them of brming a co-operative union tulti mint ng coal which will be put ulpon the market for what it will bring. Not withstanding the rumored new de puturon i bhwly thoeght likely by Saoes of the ase lnterviewed that the shbese will be tried, as the seal compamoes will doubtl.e maske ser obasni oM e will insure the mln*A remts to wsts. Ayers Cherry Peetoral Ireneo mended by eminent pbhysiclta, on both mide. of the Atatkle, as the most remedy for oolds, aoughs, and all pul monary dmerders. Inquire of your druggist for Ayer's Almanac. The tobigns slide was well patron ised during last evenalag, but the at mosphere was too strongly suggeltive of the arte regions for the ladles to re main long at the pex of enjoyment. Contractorn are busy figuring upon bide for the propoued new bridge aernes the Litle Poreuplne. The board of eummisdoners will open the proposals on Tuesday, January 4, 1887. Sheep men appear to be wroned over th eostlaenumn of the mnrlm and meeeig depth of the £feey beuUti ful. They would exprems no unlhpi ass if lho Lesay was turned into faeees. See? Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Jacobs returned on Friday morning's belated trin from a pleasant visit among relaties and friends io Chicago and it. Paul. Jakey says e Is ready to buckle down to work now for a full year. To-day is the printers last chance for a holiday until Christmas 1I7., and as that falls on the regular Suoida, inter mIllmion they will In no wise be hetial Ated. Hunday rarnllag there will Ib no Issue of the DAILY JOL'RNAL. 'bhe ladle. of the Women'a Christian Temperance Uunion will receive their frieids at t re rueading on, to-day, froim 1I o'clo.k until 5 o'clock in the evenang. A cordial invitation is ez traded to the gentlemen of Males Miles City It thie only town in Mon tana that can claim a feature no Iet ropolitan as a tboroughly equipped to Lbggsa slide. No "Joshing" this whirl, the slide hlnmms up wtlh electric light, and merry throngp like a four. linme winner. Healthb I impossible when the hblond is impure, Ihick, and delggish, or when it is thin and impoverished. inuh eondltiosm give ries to boils, pimples, headache., neurasgia, rbhe matlsm, and othler disorders. AyeI'u sarsrlprilla purllfes, invigorate., and vitalises the blood. Mr. Courtenay pays his respect. to the bulsiaev men of Miles City this aiornig iei the shape of a new ad. ion the Intsr pier c.lntainling Iluch whoile mel... adiroisi. lRadi, p|sdtlesr asdl iti wardly sllgeti a I.t ea ls ,to Iay and it aill uindoubtetdlly I"'fit you. H K. H slslarew k erilt diiown froml WHliluos to sieud New Yearur dsy at .siles asnd esnjoy himsellf up.n th It , I*mKraal li..e. 'rTisi will iw wteltlriae lws to the lat tli ot his i s nairuailsIDtaee. D)r. Fish, alsos, will btw please t Iriarln of this genlllleman's pr' resence in the city. ~abe? Tir.: W&.EaKL YIELIAW1 OIINE JORK-I NAt. issued to-day, inllainl a full nr collunt ,of the Ibuldlng* cerected during tIle ilut year nmid Wnlly .Ither IIlatter. of lmore thani Kenel ridl Interesl. ('opiee inll wrapperl canuu i otauinell at 'our c'OUnting rboon)sI until Iiiln to-day. 'Th'ley are jult the thing Ito senld to your friends out of to vii. Italonm lteetia. Tihe fdrat week of Jaauaryv is known over the christian world ra tlhe world', week of lpryer. In a:ccordanuce withll the usual Urtturm, the churchese of this Ilace will unite in obervilng tllhi week of prayer, andl tlhe irst servlere will be helid t4.-llcorrow eve.lllng at tihel Prlsby. terllu churchl. 'rTie ublicu are Mrdi. ally invited to attend. Services will begin at 7 o'clock. New Iearm DiLmer. All tihe hungry are here-by nolltified that there will Iw'spremd at Mlmi Aunie Turner's rentaurant to day, a dlminner that if Iholble will far selilge anly of the formler flrst cilaw Iseds, for whlllch she l so noled. The prise, im but Sihe and roast turkey, gRiie. and duck will Iw in abucndalrne, bhIltde other gool things. * To-day lthi. carrier Loy wIls ha rufaith fully erver you durlng the year with an early delivery .of the I)AIi" JOURNAL, will call on you for lath re ward as your geller.mily wlimlulated Iby Ihe holiday Seuaon, maly uglgetl . iHe will not come empty handed tor you, but will present his cniapllitsenlta in the shape of as halndsome a New Year's address as any paper in Moltallna will Iwaue. Thli i. hid day, and In return for the pretty souvenlr that lie will present you le will aelepet whatever you dleeml hiltm i.orlhy of. The New Ytear's adllrte Imsued by the JOJUtNAL I0·.-day folr t11 hlenlitf oil Ils rvrrier boIys in oenltllhilng wirthll keeplll. It wis got.lltel up xlllrel' .ly foir thlis paer lby thie lburgesl llth. gFnphing and engrveinge-Ithhl-hleiticIt In New York and I. an n artl-i'l phw'e ofI work In every Ic.lhicular. )Oni tlhe flrsl 14'1e lI a slihiuclre flae .mile of our dilly Iue of Itheewber II, Itt, every wod of wblh as m be dltneWtly read wlth a gla.i ad muse of it with the naked eye. There ie piobably not aother paper it Monte.a that will predues saytbhig appreasblng this address, and we trust the eaterprise shows will be appreelated. embsy Sa Dn sa Dm~. We ae glad to Ilarn that our muck est.emd friend Mr. E. W. Vaumhn, of Eureka valley, was to town lately and gave his omeal bond in the penal sum of two thousand dollars for the -ibthful performanoe of his duties as Justice of the peace. Mr. Vaughn has established hi ooees at the boue of Charles Austin, about a mile trom Sadle postomoU and about a half a mile fram Mr. Ben Johnson's, where he will be found at all times reedy to tend to all business coming under his jurisdiction a saild justice, and as Mr. Vaughn is well known for his bonety and lutegrity, no one need fear but they will bave honest justice done them without fear or favor. Iead It HMeoe tyer Frto ds. THE WaxKLy YELLOwasTOx Jou= NAL, issued this morning, is couck full of valuable informsatioon coern log Miles City and the Yellowstone valley. It has been prepared espeo lally with a view to nukeit a oompen dium of lnformation ouncerning this locality for those resident here to send house to their eastern friends. An extra edition of one thousand bha been printed, but a large portion of it has already beLn spoken for. Those who wish their eastern friends to know all about this country and are tse busy or too lazy, to write long letters*, should send a coly of the New Year's WEEKLY JoURNAL home; It will give a clearer idea of what we are and what we expect to be, than a dozen letters would. For sale at the Journal count ing room, at ten cents each. The Deuttcher Fortrchritte Verein dauce waa the evenlt of the eeason. There were filly seventy-lve couple present and it was an occasion long to be renrembered. In eclat it far ex celled any previous parties, for this New Year Iall has been in progres for some two mouths. The old year was danced out and the new one her aided with joy. A general Jollliea Llon took place at 12 o'clock when all )oined in a "Happy New Year" as the old paused away and Infant sue crnsor was introduced, with all the pomp and ceremony due to the event. The muslo was furnsleed by the Fort Keogh band, and it Ie a well known fact that good musie 1i a naceusary adjunct toa dancing party. The goddes of Terpich'ore appeared at her beet. A fine lunch was prepared that would be difMcuit to equal, to gether witih this w:u adided fl",d of the beer. u.aul';u-curtdI by T?. ,chultz. iter uIiel wlue t.l.the ll lu ,e ofi wutr In everry inslltl(e. rrry (armrliutama .an a Happy New Year I X L Gr(tiig. The laaiig spIell 'if arls weathtr fnhld rn aiversnk-kedral with maany .aivdtwe. for h uliday Kftu, aid Isavim Ig had a Nuacae'-iul year, s.d wis.hting to Itb re· wenmIhir. d by our Irlaelnd w e hav mImadle, Miiii nlw alier we* are liallxiouw mu:ake, we will otter fir Ihe *atxt TWENTY 1PAY a ONIYI iucih Ih. rgatma thut we'rr atUrr will ?-el imanl redluce our iitoak. for We. lore i'.r to hIave atlual coawt far tlhe gtioli. ra'lstr thinam carry hlmeimiliver aud baack tIurili Uia for etxI *aat·aHI). WVe will .peiifv. a few articles: ( emiuiut' 'lgliehi dlye seal calls, $5, worth $$ 511. t:eiuisie Eiglishl dye seal caps, bMee quality, *s. wirtlh $14. F lnt . n' kinig caulK, 75c to $2.75, wo rtb h 'u Idolub lhe ma aley. Kihlk smmsaaaiaelers, $1 to $2, worth $3 ,llr aiar. ISilk hlalkerehallefs , SI, worth $1.75. $iu ik t murd a tlaere m iutIrknai, $2 1, $3, worthl$"i $ i4Mcra gl' an1 a l i, froumi Il to 75e, ehicati' at 15. Litiallm aal'iar. best ii the market, twou fai 2e. Limieni Butti, faaur-iiy, 25Ie a Hlair. Linen hsaidkerchieafsa, 2It. La 30c. Ia..iu Blraaae.' white thin,,s, $1.10, woarth $2. (lenmto.' ,,lghit"thlrts, a huandsomiie X-seia gift, $1 to f:', woirth at: least 8 fler cent o aire. We hsave Mill a aaaumu hlite s~tank of mmmua'n' bia,' sunil ,iilaldriii'aa ,uitsa amid overcoat', wblail,. aai t! r at likewise swieehammms re'disalhans. t 'ilan amid see u.'. By buylmag $i wasri h yau will re calve a ticket etitlimg aa an to a ciamuce aif winnming onie of file six -0i1 paialtiig.' oia New Yeaer'as eve. I X 1. L4I ORE. I BUSINESS NOTICES. For dy1'elº.fa and livev r colllplaiiltt v.ian bhavY' i. pratdtru mUiarantt.e. oh nevry halt I. or $ili'III' Vitalii.r. It ntver tuils to cure', at WrIgbt's diraug stiore. 'Hacktnllitaus'k," a Ia.'Iugl anitdl fra gran gl p. rfaa iii... I'ritc t L ail I 541 etnts, at Wruigi'.s dirug u'ore. Mislloli'u sure will imrls'iits'iy re Iic Isva i su . Is. mpi, l w oig trough and bIioitilitiis, itt Wrigiat'is d ruit ittire. A Il'siwati gi.miair tree wit i tails IWt. Il is +'i.M lalh',. I '*at srb ltcisi.'my. Prk'm Onrl y tlts, sat 'right'. mrsag store. Fjar i'ioie. I tujorteal wines., I410ai~ll', cigitr, stllmt r ii.'r ablla'.ihlw coll nuii laroa Vauwur Ia'ell, udil ee fiar youtrelf that ev.erLyhlng Is genuine. NoUSe Is hereby given that essled .Ill be rewired at the esuy sle 'a olmb· u so tufty an eelrt 4,1 7, for th onleblgg of maeria and building of a b'ldge over the Uitti Pordupa.l easek at or near tie e wo Ing oa kW fU steak and TulbI4I Odd 4 1 wmad, r eper plan. sad speell. ealnes ana - now em Ale for iaupec. rift in the t d Lrkg Osog. All bide tod bt ctoouany derh, seled ad mrkd "Proposals for bridge," the eouLi .omnlamloaes re. servingtherlrbtto rejet an or all bide. By order of Board of Cumml.. uioern. L C. Dusa, Clerk. always h~avye M ~~ Aser's D Bootlhr tdlaid. It Ithem sa we et made that WlUl 'w ifafarhi.ediaordega. It eintalaoae0 or YMvkitU , but lives teL chlil idurrl I' fUew rice 23 seats. Id by John Wright, Druggist. % il hlden ls y a2 . 6U- a-,. Wh~q -4 Oelo We CM*.esW hekw'b mdy a positve essa b ae. lieu' of musles. walehlag. laM by John Wright. Druggist. 5T JACOS rE a.t T -tk EERlFý C i~b~h~i £MEOY fsrrait: ~,~~~~~ turn rulr IJ R STAR Tt j. /MARK. . g''S , zL am SAFE. SURE. Ka.w all. hithmmaaeea by º. rtb Wy. VO...t the mar.d.f~n. of th NIla CZ Wtae Work. mad Electrk Ugh Cemmaf the ee~ta' .slk o Lb.. said ..upmy I. redos 00DU gWS.SiOgO. I. K. Ui1LMAH, Frau" $. Milo City, Dec. it. 111s. Removal! About January 1st, 1887, J.IIH. CONRAD & CO.,, Will remove into their mammoth building oor* ner 4 ighth and Main Streets. In the meantime we will continue to sell STAPLE AND FNCY GROCERIES At prices that defy oompetition. SIVI US CALL JUST ARRIVED I ARTISTIC NOVELTIES IN BRASS GOODS CONRIBTING OF Mirrors and Wttear Tea sad OoiG . Pota Elegant Toilet SetSb Shovels and Toiag in Sets, Knives, Forks and Spoou Many other oods suitable for the Hllndr9. Sve pleasure to rhow goods whether , ILh to buj or not. MILES, STR NELL & ULME14 LEIGHTON & JORDAN, WHOLESALE GROCERS RANCHIEN'S SUPPLIES, Goods Delivered at Ranohes. TB OLEASTw LAUTITUI IN EARTERN XONTANA. C. N. PARK, R. H. W. tt)PPINi NO THERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY PARKER & TOPPING, dMar .iutu nr o m; l tn1.l01 IRON and BRASS CASTINGS. BiRAINERD iiNNE O''A "U:.T OF PATRONIZING Jno. Carter's Restauran. In Unt,. 2rd Mlath. 3A4 Mollth 4th M.e TSE Nlibs City Pump Works JOHN B rETHAUIER. I'PoWurti hp .ith lSreel t Oplpile ruover IUle. Near dep.t. SpeiaHl Attmiien OGven I.o PattlUg to Pumps mand Diggleig Woells. Ce11l .d Iasmloe My Pit.Ut Pml p L.L fer. 0.1g Elaiowher. All Work Done at Lwe.t PthI.... Blacksmithing. Uatay bh j the b krnL"th shop nd bee.l mosti. W. aelol. ts e eat trtn .1 aIl o r n . ad h h a trial n.. all plrrwmm l (Ing -v .or% n lo lOWS! IHOING WiDl Is dloeem$ pl .lam sobi..lhI mm DBIADTIG IRONS Nolab P L. SOR REqO.' N., P. SORRENISON.' OR DOlll&FR&IRISOI Hats, Caps, Ful, U.SOES AND MITTENS, BUFFALO ROBES --am AU. MIMIs OF FUR COATS. La"rge Stook --AM- LOW PRIOES. ý16, 211, 20, BAST ýFOUrYT 3., St. Paul Mnn MILES CITY IRON PUMP WORKS W llan, lrqrriet r. Fittins in bras, itrm, and hoes ofslow q~shglhou a. low is myi , w w -. I~ --r' .w w all Wb of ý ýM1 L~a,; CI~~Y allow C