Newspaper Page Text
rIHE DAILY JOURNAL MILES C'ITY. MONTANA. Arrtml o.l 1We..e `u. I, West Round, Due at Mlesa('ty I'401 In No 2 FIat hound, Due at Miles ('ty :4 " m tie mall I. eked at 7:20 o'cloek, p. m. Itated Is open froa 9 to 10. a. m., iuadye. Weather Report. SATI. - -- WIl. WRAT'L ean...1. 26 - 0 l W, Ilht C.ear. Ia. S2. 40 10 n .W, Itht ('lear. rea_. _. 2m 0 N W, Brisk Clear. IAj., AL ITEMS. J. H. Collins & Co. buy furs. * J. W. Hale In regiterel at the MIc queen from Fort Fetterman, Wyo. Carver Remington and wife return. ed from a trip through the east this morulng. Clean rag. wanted ut this office. * The number or arrival, by railroad bhas ncreMaed somewhat during the last t n days. Alfred Myers returned to Billings this morning, having spent a couple of days in Miler. Leave orders for coal and wood at Skinner's et,,re.. Coal I..50 per ton. E(. P. 'OMFRT(.K. * Max Leopold and &am Mincer, Chi eago knights of thie grip, were at the Macqueen ye. terday. Wonderful to relate, both train.s have been nearly onl time three nIghtls or rather mornings, Latnd running. Marcher, in the S'.udan have. |ee-n lightened ,by the use of St. Jacob|s Oil. W. L Avery, the new expre.,. agent arrived frim St. Paul this morning and wll at once take chlarge of the of floe t Mile. ('lty. The sidewalks are tverlaetingly ellip pery, the nmid-day tihawn helping them out in that drnaerreeatle particular with mos.t appreciable effect. Entirely vegetable. No poisons. Red Star Cough Cure. No had effect. Price i cent.. A Methodist s'ciable at the resi dence of Mr. Frank McKenzie thi_ evening. Lots of musict and refresh ments. All are requested to be present. W. B. Jordan left tOWnl yesterday to look after the progress of work on the ditch. Much mloney has been spent on this enterprise, and we look for great results thls year. Go to Bill Bullard for Best's Mil. waukee Ieer in any quantity. * The ladles of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will meet at the residence of Mrs. Fred Whitelsde this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mas. Conntoy, See. Manager (Cae, of the Western Union omc., would-er-like to have the--er son of a gun, or words to that effect, who stole the office thermom ter re turn the same and call around early in the morning for his reward. special Notiee. Dr. Green wishes to notify his lady patients that they can find him at his residence every day from I till 3 e'elock, p. m. Jepp Ryan and family, Mr. Ryan being one of the heaviest stock raisers an Yellowstone comuty, are on their return trip to Billings. They have been south, but will return to reside permanently in the Magic city. Owing to a freight train getting struck in a snow drift this aide of Terry, No. I was "laid out," making that train about twnuty minutes late here, and having the same effect upon the east bound, which is metat Keogh. Betlee of Dislatioa. By mutual agreement the Arm of Green & Byal is this day dissolved. Dr. Byal will remain in the omce for merly occupied by the firm, and soili. Its a continuance of business. GREEN & BYAL. Miles City Mont., Jan. 21. 1887. * The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a "Japanese Napkin l.ooi able" at the church on Thursday eve ning, January 27th, at which there will be some cboioe music and read ings. commencing promptly at eight o'clook. By invitation of Colonel Gibeon a party of twenty-two, comprised mostly o otlears and their wives and daugh tors, enjoyed an hour's recreation at the toboggan slide last evening. After the fun the party was treated to an oyster supper. NeloUe. All calls left for Dr. Green at Wright's r'rut store, or at hie house, will be pronptly attended to. " The profeusional services of Dr,. Lebeher and 'ish were secured by Owen I)uwd to make an exasniluationl of the man who was hurt recently while rilwing with Mlto~kwell, the bartender. The trio drove to the oounty poor house yesterday, but ty order of County Attorney Milburn permlsion to examine the nature of the mau's injuries was denied thern, Governor Young acting in accordance with orders received. Red Ward can always be found at the Maverick saloon with a tine stock of liquors, ciinars, etc. Chas. II. labor, of Iotebud, went east on No. 2 iast night. He will go to) Bioto,n,. lhaving been called there iby t hlsed Intelligence iof the dekt'. of a si-ter'whl, i- at New Bedflord. 'lThe synl-matlhv oif IIany frienids go with hll onl this sad and moIllurnful trip. Whlether or nlot the salary law will be repealedd and a return t, the hod fee y/*tel oublainl, hai beeln the unIcVersal sUbject of onnliVersatiOnl eillOig Cllilt3 olcicials lor several tauys. It alpeare not to be favorably received Iy our o ,Unty olemcials who are satiiled withl the present sy-,lens. Ayer's PIlli cure constllation, inm prove the appetite, promote digesticen, restore healthy action, and regulate every function. This medicine is pleasant to take and gentle in its oper ation. See article in Ayer's Almanac' M. H. Piatt, for sometihmae lchal agent of the Nortllersn Pacific Expreae co-u pauy at Miles City, has accepted a poe altion at Fargo in tihe samel capacity, and will leave here abeut Wedlllnesday. Hie is sue'ee-ded by W. L. Avery, a messeinger wl,,ho has tenll ruoonnil west from St. Paul fEr s.,ue tullle. \\hitn'ide' & t I'tetrr a co',ule of heoure last Iight, after the toh',ggau er hald 1LI1 tlrec'l the'llle.lvese out andl uillt the slide, ill repairing and flod lig thle ic'y surface of tile slide and the expected crowd of this eveniing will hlave a iperle't coiurse, in whlich all the wear and weobblle La beeorn eliminated. Cautiou. All patients who were treated by rme personally duriug the existence of the firm of treen & Hyal, will pay me only tortlle sat. _DK. W. A. BYAL.* livingston Is credited with having organized a vigilance committee, and ordered all the Chinese out ofthe town. The reason for the action taken was that too many oplum dens were doing business in thetown. About sixteen Chinamen are reported as having al ready left the town, and others are m.aking preperatious for a hasty exit. The local dramatic club, that so .uo ce.afully rendered the drama "Ten Nights In a Bar Room," last Satur urday eveuing to a lirge audience, are fixing a date with the Independent OrderofGiood Templars at lendive. It will be reudered at an early date, per bapl in two weeks, or as soon as the arrangements can be perfected for the reception of our troupe at Olendive. Ayer's Sarsaparilla I. prescrlbed and recommended by emnent physicians, and ls taken with perfect safety by old and young. Its cleansing and vi talizing effllects are sure and speedy, and it is universally conceded to be the most effective of all blood purifiers" The system of express money orders used by the easteru Expresa CU,'. for the past few years has become so pop. ular and convenient that the Northern Paitlec Expres have decided to ex tend the same to its patrons. They now have for sale at their omlces these money orders that can be procured without trouble in shape of written aplications and at a very reasonable rate. A receipt is given and the won. sy is refunded in case of loss. One of the oldest and largest cattle owners in Yellowstone county says that many cattle men are driving their herds to other counties, not on ao count of taxation here, but because there is no winter range in that part of the county outsid , of the reserva tion. He says if the Crow reservation is not thrown open, giving the cattle men winter ranges on the mountain slopes, it will not be long until there are no cattle in this county to assess. Blilinlg Gasette. H. K. Hitchcock did not make the connection yesterday morning and leave for Billings as be intended to, but this morning he gritted hie teeth, grabbed his grip and gold.headed cane and tore himself away without formal leave taking. Hitch likes Miles City awfully well. Not desiring to dszzle the eyes ef Billings peopl eby wearing the gold-headed cane, Hitch at the last moment confided it to the care of the donor-Ullman-and will prepare his Billlngs friends before appearing in their midst with it. He will be in Miles again in about a week. Hunday was the Chinaman's New Years, and their festivities of eating, drinking and making merry will con tinue almost through the present week. In company with Johnny Carter, of Leighton & Jordan's, three of the JOt'KNAL people visited the ('e lestial residence of the washee man west of Leighton's store and were most handsomelly treated by the hea then celebrants. Choice morsels of Chinese imported candles, nuts, chew ing gum, rice liquor, and a a string of unnamable viands and luxuries were sampled and the Chinaman took pride in explaining what each awful decoo tion and mixture was and enjoyed the Imtaret.$lou, l n~tr'la- uI)I1I U" lay the to-teC of onlsof their highly Iit/Ad c'teh igiq were luI, lout ill-- 1t. . tamtr*Iniit logu sitter the In~ast-" we'r* fergetteni. j)i~irivt (.inui I I as'k 'ii N.,r~auie h~iai ul'l'""lltal It·.lijjllllt \1'. 1'oo4Olt, uI Ileleiiu, eia'! ut~ %ei ca lir l'wtle e~alat'iA I t.-c i~tat. 'f J. L1, %I Tilk rr, wAhii hl1M Iorforiiieih Itit (et di H tif the omeie teaan;.ewrurnlv 1inhce Yellow Ot~elnrce, utlty ma- mIih*tI- iii t l'e, thie fou~rth, dnatrta·1. MIr. F(,40..· i" a ya'UI1g er terit hier o !I)e-le .ui " 'I .I. alel 1» a yieiInu andnl raa.I-n11 iL.. yar. Clerk M.hI'rhliIe''t r",Nna l olli Ii :. tagi au( of tie' (aiiti l3tip lii ke t h ii ill..hiilt ueso isle Kie~cel aini -uflhIeii' il, fn will liar iIV'e. of the'n Ilu h ugiin t. Inrlouh toll I'oro~nbly h~e huff';: wliii the kouwl edtte· of the Hl'l"'''ltnr i ill i, hrcugyii to 'Ii.' Iwvut.riti." of ii.-w~paper make-u p wit. broughiit to our attention recerntly by reeivi-ung a copyl of hle $uiul'ar, a daily iIull~li d in Mlem. phis, TenIn., wluich in it- lour pages of eighut clu~un4 iatch, lawu not a licue to dtiiote tbe location ofi ipubliatiou rave and Pexptling the ran i ftllarion requir. ed by the pioal autlhorities of flu en try in the Memphlais pIo-tiMcre as u.C wad .laaus uaett. r. Au'ithtr lwcullarity of tliis BouthIro I r ductiou is that ais heuauling Is eluuuag.iI aela clat in the w'.-k thu~is, %IomlAVia' mranin cll tu aiur, il't-I,\Y tluuiii g Sauaaatair, o * W. ~oll I r.--Wrý'ý" aae cy an ai curt icy of r litera urt'. Addiressinig it I,,dy ol IiU~IiIPM 111t at Itrikig."ittrt It h. othr day,. 1'.T. Barnum iaui: "Yaid de o nIt, aniy if you, it(vetti'.e enughu~. You ougiht to usie jeri ietr'!. i ok e" ery dlay. You art" attlet p and wa alnt y.oUr ,ut.ihij.. to ruln iteelt. t,ýtaiidiii advertifent tutis ini a plper t'tnianmnt iontid..nere. 'T'het itoan who for a year li*ea in one' ct.mtuuihy aid Iitla a reputablel IiIc, even though Iie ie~ oif iii' derate abltity, will grow in the conftideut~ and eptetmni (of hiia fellowet. onlii U we princjipIe a niewpapeltr ailverti -eniit bec'rei.e faIiiiliar in the eytes of the- reader. It may seldomr be read, still it muakea thle namYle and IiU-itepok, tif the fIan famnil lar and its preta.uee in the eiilumnas of a reiiedahblie japer inapirta c inIP deoce in the sttaility of htis Iuaine,.a.' Another German HalL The Deutseber Fortschritts Verein is always to the front when it comes to public spirit and generosity in the way of pleasure. On Zaturday even nlg, January 15th, after the election of the new omf.ers, it was thought the proper thing to extend to the mem bers of the club a complimentary dance This thought was no sooner suggested than it was executed-and a very enjoyable time was experienced by all fortunate enough to be present. Now the members of the club have c ncluded to return their compli ments to the oficets, and will do so by giving a grand ball for the benefit of their leaders. The date ban been fixed for Saturday, January 29th. A limited number of invitations will be extended to intimate friends by regu lar members. To Attend the International Lamge ('ou Ventiom. S. H. Standart, chairman of the C'lorado Cattle Grower's Association, announces that it has been arranged that stock men and their families comrn lug to Denver to attend the Interna tional Range Convention, which is to be held on February 8th, will be sild (upon certificates from the secretaries of their local asuociation), round trip tickets, (tor one fare to Denver), to commence ltebruary lst, and close February 8th, and will be good return ing until February 29th. The arrange ments are from all points to Denver on the following systems of railways: Union Pacific, Burlington & Missouri, Atchison, Topeka & Banta Fe, Denver & Rio Grande, Denver & Rio Grande Western, Denver, Texas & Gulf, Den ver, Utah & Pacilfc, and it is expected t:,at the local associations not on the above lines of railways, will make aimilhr arrangements to connecting points. BUSINESS NOTICES. For dympepsia and liver complaints you hive a printed Euarantee on every Ihottle ofi hiloh'a Vitalizer. It never fails to cure, at Wright's drug store. "Hackmnetack," a lasting and fra. grant perfume. Price .5 and 60 cents, at Wrighl'n drug store. f Mhiloh's cure will immediately re lieve eroup, whooiping cough and bronchitis, at Wright's drug store. I A nasal intjector free with each bot. tie of Shilohb' ('atarrh Remedy. Priee fifty cents, at Wright's drug store. ' Prof. Bach is sole agent for An heuser.Bush i~t. Louis keg beer, Bei den berg' fine Key West and La Con t fession, celebrated C'uban hand.made cigar,. T , would enjoy your dinner S g and ar prevented by Dys. wepela, use Acker's Dypepesis Tablets. u They are a positive cure for Drspepest, l e dlestion, Flatulency and 'onstipatio. · e guarantee them. 23 ad 60 mag. | John Wright. Ii iiggimt. '' I t l t h In & us t l - t ;," itre . 11 I ote i~Iui iy alone on se-Iimt of I) iYsIa. Adl.c Ihynpppes T'[fLt1 will cure I~yNIJtlikl· ndligucstion ndl teuustilptlon; sold on a poUitIve. guII:Iwt.. at Ti and 00 centa. b; John WgrlLut, Druggist. Ev ýr ;ef j + fi s6PCCIAL MOST Pr*,r~r:c :MDUE \~r. -.t .!.~... 1' - i A Toilet Lluxury, In every respect, Ayer's Hair Vigor never falls to restore the youthful fresh. ness and color to faded and gray hair. It also prevents the hair from faiiiug, eradicates dandruff, and stimulates weak hair to a vigorous growth. Five years ago, my hair, which was quite gray, io,,rlllen' ed falling, and. in spitte oif tottii.i. %ariot, prepara titn faithfullll :appilieidl. Ir', i.nn thlinn'er I eery ilay. I wta ti.allt irrutladed to try Avyer' Hiair V'i.or. Tw,. hittles of ties reInely ItviT ,tily otpl"ld the hair from failttng, bt ai re..itre. its orlg illl ,olor, an t l alllllate a new growth. - Eli F. Doalln, .latia, .1he. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bolk by lirrtiste and Perfumers. Eacrtoss or Tri SKIN, whether In the form of Pimples or Boils, indicate impurities in the blohl, and should su. ge.t the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. For the rahlital of Pimples. Boils, anTd ('arlbullnie, I know of noI remedJ equal to Ayer's Sarnaparilia.-G. H. Davies, Pawtucketville, Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer a Co., Lowell, sold by all Drullsiut. ric1; 1sxl a oi J.H. CONRAD & CO., HAVE MOVED Into their Mammoth New Building, corner Eighth and Main tes., where they have on hand and offer at lowest prices an immense stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES At prices that defy competition. 1VE US A CALL Jno. Carter's, MAIN ST. MILfy f iceI MAIN ST. MILE8 CITY LEIIHTON& JORDAN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND RANCHMEN'S SUPPLIES, Goods Delivered at Ranches. THE OLDEST an LARIESTIHOSI IN EASTERN MONTANA. !. ;!IU , !II:~ 11 Vt riUtftCtu r. ".' .'..b rt oI GLOVES AND MITTENS. BUFFALO ROBES -AMD ALL lIUSH OF F[lE COATS. Large stook -ANC LOW PRICES. 316, 218, 220, EAST FOURTIH T., St. Paul - nn NORTHWESTUN SiOemn SHOP ami )Me wer NeMYg PUIPS FOR SALK AND DMiVE All wortk deme with pre=ptU mad asi bWimtlein gsaraeatmod. (Water Works CeMreter.) T. BERTRAND. p'frq um tbtb tt, tar rwtt w Pyfw ~lw(bps ihhss o wb~ m* WI. OE CITY IRON A"n PUMP WORKS B. IJLIHA, Proprietor. Fittings in braus, iron, pipe and hose. )eter is engises, bilers, ud anl kins of sten, oree and liit Geeil tpalmn ll kind1 of M lmeMsy dma e.y sohobro a ,m . b.ops as o ut stnres .ppooshi Sleek Gsews C. N. PA3I1e . H. W. TOPPING NOTHERN PACIFIC FO UNDRY PABe TOPPIi&, PR tfeetertrs of all atia of IRON and RASST GASTINGS. 8BRAINED, MINNESOTA STOCKM EN'S BInith sh $50 WORTiIOF TOOL0 FOR IN FORGE. WfIBhustI3inIa . 4 h lVr. AN"L vA U. Iq luch Tb4Oi6. S l. IAM.ES with fladSI I gl. UOST O I L. , wLh - 1gilb. COLD with Bummý No. 8I AID IhIIM . A3ill:1" I'1 MA . With this Forge and Kit of Tools say Farmer can soon accustom himself to de ing all odd jobs nod save more than h price of the whole in time and money every year; especially in localities whue It is some distance to a Blacksmith L. 'Time lost in Harvest Time waltirg I) Repainr or the faaipa for sharp SHone Shoes In an Icy time, wod b auently save the cost of the whole ouaLt These tools are all of tim best Wqslty, a will last a lifetime. Jobbers sad etaeeo ofa HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, BARB WIRE, WAGONS, MOWEBS, AID Blacksaiths' Supplies. 7LT OF PATRONIZING jno. OQatr's 3..taUraai. M els* 2JMUg. w& w a*.