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MHE DAILY JOURNAL MILZ& CITV MJMNTANlA. q1a 1, Wgaoua tM~~t l iSl watgb lta: . 1.00 II.4, DUy.tI3U0 ISA... Ybw mail Ia duea s Y:U .Pdst., p... ?irtam Ia q.. It. S. 1*. a..i.. IsMala. WaII) U rr s prQ :Yt IQ -- C ai . 'toII 7 1 a I N iL CI IU . urs j wa ua L(,..AL ITEMS. Moran, Collins & Co. buy furs. " C. W. Anderson was in the oily yesterday. H. K. . Hltchook departed on a fly. log trip to Billings. The pries of rubber boots is raislng as the supply dlminiabes. Clean rag wanted a this olee. " Both trains are again late, No. I ._i hours and No. 2 two hourn. Attoraey A. F. Burleigh went west last night on legal business. Mrs. W. D. Knight left lt st night for a visit to friends In Bosenian. (3o to Bill Bullard for Beet's ?ilI waukee beer in any quantity. * Girt Wanled. For general house work. Apply to Bastuinakl's. Pete Jackson, a well know rancber of the booming burn of Forsyth was here yesterday. Ben Ma ou, the Powdes ville mer chant, was lu the city yesterday pur* chasing supplies. The Silverman, stwlk was hid iu yes terday by Audrew F. Burleigh, and Maj. Borchardt will again assume the post of chief salesmanll. Leave orders.for coal and wood at knnooer's store. Coal 1...O per too. G. 1'. (.OMnTO)K. * The ilendive school ma'ams will visit Miles City in a body on Friday, so says the Independent. J. H. Hay and E. S. leemran, of Irtmeliud; H. Imc* kty, of Helena, and A. L. Goodkiud, of Bi3uauarek. were at the Macqjuecn yeiterday. It. (A. Itiehiuaond yeaterday amoved into Wright', drug store and will bhortly anhicbuni~e the opclDin of hui+u spring a13 it-o 'f jý lrs ndirv ichue.l . Ihe m.pace o*.uluned in the IpmtofMee by l0"iuliaud is 1" r reut. .f'i i'iy t'i John Mc"Aorlnud. " It'orge 4. ItanUiulphla, city au tor. 11Py fif BUtte, Ptliiutl te U nSatur day last. ' 4uM Ir.' i a-'.ligedl flor ihec rash set and thet un fort ii ate nIal left no4) word or tessage. Yesterdlay's west bound train arrived at 7:3k) nd the vidnitly of the depot remtldeld one of a great railroad junc" tion. 'rwo freight trals and a crowd of visitors ntade thIngs lively. Msaj. Borchardt, lo so advertisement on our first page annouuce some rare bargalln in gents' furnishings, clotht Log, etc. These goods are first clam and will ie sold extremely liw. It is a good rule to accept only such medleuis as are known to be worthy of confidence. It has been the experi once of thousands that Ayer's Cberny Pectoral is the beet medicine ever used for throat and lung diseases. Jas. Harn, a Tongue river rancher, war in town yesterday and states that anticlpating a flood be buha moved hil family to a place of safety back some half a mile from the site of his brne. The west bound train of Bunday afternoon, thirty-ltx hours late, -.s cei~lved by a large number of city resm idents, who were tempted by the sea* senable hour and balmy air to take an airing. Dr. Jay J. Wood, aooonmpaled by his wife and child are at the Ma.. queen, having returned from a win ter's visit in Illinois. The Doctor will be welcomed by old friends and so qiuatatenees. The visitors to the public sahool en tertainment last evening were de lighted by the succeseful rendition of the programme In commemoration of Lonfellow's natal day. A gold ring with a small, white stone set. The finder will receive a liberal reward by leaving the same at this offoe. "Coming events cast their shadows before," and the number of high water boot eneasing the lower limbs of male and female yesterday evinced a desire to be found prepared for the flood when it does appear. The failure of the BHlliugs firm of H. Clark & ('o., seems to have been brought albout by a desire on the Irt of the hiead of the firm to drop thel reldent partner and Maaglltgr, Tom' Hainon, In which rlhelnie thi'y will doubihes be suosessfuL H. Clark & Co. are adepts In that line and sn ob" JeOtional man does not ing continue an assoeiate after they have resolved to get rid of him. That Arm onoce did business here and A. H, Bertrand wes let out to asimllar manner. C. C. Gates, one of tlp pioneer set. tiers of Mlles and some four years aso holding the omce of county assessor of Custer county, was in the city yestr. day for the frst time In nearly two years. Case was well entertained but was obliged to make his visit a brief one and returned on yesterday even itJh's train to his present location at Hathaway. W. Modesty Carter arrived io town Tuesday from the ranch on Red Water. He says Judging from the amount of riding be bha done sond the battle mel while riding that the loss will be havy on the other aide of the divide. He ha all Texas steerp on the range and hib lore wll.ot be as heavy as his eighbors. Willie is too modest to give an estimate of the los. -Olendive Indeemndent. I. Jostse Birkle's court yesterday the se of the Territory vb. (umpel was on trial, and the jury brought Ib a verdlect of $ and costs. Mibdarn for the prosecutloo and C. R. Middleton for the defense. (umpel and Bloomer had a row Sunusy forennon and a reg. ular set-lo foliawed, first one and then the other getting the worse of the c',m bat but finally B1moruer retired from the field de.idedly the worse condi tioned of the twain. Word was received by Lute Dear yesterday that his elegant homestead in the valley near Forsyth had been lonvaded by cattle during the winter and that the horuse itself was packed and Jammed with dead cattle wbich Lad attempted to enter the aback for protection and warmth and had died there. Lute as very asilous over the prospects of his prairie dog herd being lamentably delkient, and thinks the calf round-up will show but a poor izi crease. Nprilg mad nummer Multlnas. Call at I. Orachel & Bro. uad inspect sampler of the finest Iue of spring and summer suitinge ever displayed in thin city. At the prices put on them you can afford to wear a custom-made ulit almost as cheap as a ready-made on., securing iI the forlmer a perfect fit and elegant make-up. The legislature performed some good work vesterday. Council bill No. 4.i, the wruuielpal corporatiou act, whichb hau been anxiously watched by the resident of thli part of the territcry, was put .,. st, final passage ill the t.inii.i I and carried. In the house the u$unda3 law, contrary to gelueral opin. Ion wns palied. Thl, relief resolution for .I. X. lteidl'l r pia-eld tl.he h11butse. al." projriatilng 12,4i1 In recog/n tion of the servies' rendered the territory in early days by the irrepre.baile X. Tre Iulhanr Rewrard. If t..e party who took my bulitlo role from the sleigh at the l'res'lyter ian church on Thursday night will re turn the fame to the YEl.l.OWHTroNE JoltNAl..ofltle any time during the coming week, he will receive a reward of ten dollars and no "uestliou will be asked or further steps taken in the matter. F. A. LIBK. * Ome Overshoer ad a Shirt. Edmond Butler incidentally visited hie rooma at an unusual houryetterday afternoon and ran acroes a full-fledgcd speclmen of the genus ee.anp helping bimaelf to such wearing apparel as bap. pened to be convenient. Ed believes In the wide open policy and eldom or never locks the door to his anartments during daily absnnee but was some. what amazed to wsee the scamp helping himself to the goods uad chattels amassed by perseveranoce and hard work, so rather indignantly demanded bb Instant relinquishment of the same, not. however. before the scamp had ignified a desire to carry some coal wbleh happened to be at the foot of the staie up to Ed's room for a slight remuneration. Ed having re covered the red flannel undershirt and lone overshoe, took the offender in tow and delivered him to the custody of Constable Carr, who promptly transported him to the Jail. Com plaint was made against the light fingered gentleman and be will doubt less receive his Just deserts. W.erol by the Chileok. All day Bunday and yesterday the glorious chinook with unabated vigor bhas been undoing tbhe work of the ice king and under its warm influeuce the snow has disappeared as if by magic. Drlppl=g eaves and slushy streets give evidence of the good work per formed and the bill tops loom up black and rugged, a strong contrast to the appearance presented during two long, cold months. Our stock men emiling; our merchahts lIkewis. At the risk of a set back we csannot re frain from the third and last call, spring time lhas surely coIme gentle Annie, Viewing the Ye'llowstone yes Iterday, it was disovered that the snow had all melled upon its broad course and ,pools of water warmlled by thle sun's rays were slowl'y buht surely working thile lestruc.tion of lthe icy fetters whieb have enebalded Its tur bulent waterm lorso long a tiLe. On the Toegue the sºe state of affairs was observable. Telegram reseaved yesterday oanounced the breaking up of the Yelloweuone in the vicinloity of Livingston. and as Tongue river is solid as far au beard from the Yellow. stone may go out first, and thbn good bye all fears of a flood. We feel for the high water boot owners in such event, but they can find plenty of ex ercise In the mammoth pond which flashes back the morning sun in front of this ofoce. T.e talon. Agent' Aeimelatlo A larg number of the .tation employed by the uumurous railroad companies operating throughout the territory, arrived in Helena yesterday morning for tbe purpose of formiog a state dlvision of the National Station Agents' Aswociation of the United States, a meeting of which had been called to meet in this city, February 2th at 3 p. ma. At the appointed time the meeting was called to order In the parlors of the Grand Central hotel by J. H. Williams, of Townsend, who, after stating the object and benefits of the organization, proposed that the o•.cers toeserve for the ensuing year be nominated and elected, which was ac cordingly done, and the positions were filled by the following named gentle. men, viz: President--U. F. Carpenter, of Bii lingn. Vice President-J. I Wooldridge, of Avon. . e,.retary and Treasurer -J. H. \ViI liams, of Townreld. The association will be known as the Montana Division of the Htation Agents' of the United State.. and i. somewhat similar to the Locomotive and Firemen's assoclation. It was de cided to hold the next annual umeeting at Helena (owing to the central loca- tion) on the third Saturday of Feb. ruary, 18IM, at wilkh t!.i. ". pplica' tions for membershil will be 'on.ider. ~l and general umatters attended to. - Helena Independent. Cupid's Arrow. One of the drst indications of the gentler and more reflned growth of civilization in a young community Is the acquisition of works of art, and in i this direction we are glad to note that Miles City is slowly but surely devel. oping. We lhave amloug us quite a numbewr of amateur connooiseurs in pinting. noun of whom, however, ex hibit better taste or more enthusiasmn in the enjoyment of their bobby than Mr. E. J. ('halin. He is ever o.l the alert for any gena that is within hib reach, either pthyelselly or pecuunari Ily, and it was thi- aIlsterring las -ion that led him yesterdlay to betrcme the ls of a lijoiu anv'as that had junt ie-nll reveltred fro~l tile east ,by Abe LeRoy, bhimelf a devotee to, tihe art. The considleration that in duedrl Mr. Lelto to part with the pic'ture has int Iweu made pbiilic, I ut it moist !.ve Iwen ra tolalderatle ,ts;;, as it is llhe mostt perfet.t of iit kitld that we have ever seen, and hltvlug just added it to his gallery it is re-an-ml able to suppose that its full value or more must have lIeen l.ei- lwef,,r.e lie would be i lduetll to part with it. The picture is a dainty little gemn, about twelve by fourteen inches, entitled "Cupid's Arrow." The subject Is most effectively bandled by the artist (whose name we did not learn and hand, tripping gaily away from fur young maidens, who are in hot pur suit of him, eager to be transfixed by the arrow, which pleasure the little (lod of Love ooyly den) s them. The, flesh tint. on Cupid are superb and counterfeit nature so closely as to cause an enthusiast to go wild with pleasure; the four maidens, though slightly in the background, are clearly and effectively brought out by a thor oughly artistic perspective, that per mits them to be shown as clearly in the act of pursuit, while the expres- I slon of their teeas-no two alike- but alil onsumed with anxiety lest the prize should not fall to them,J Indeed a study whioh has been mo elabor ately and auooeeesluly handled by the artist. That such a chboice work of art should be In the possession of a citize of our town Is a matter for oongratula tion by us all; and when It le added that Mr. Chopin has kindly consented to place it on exhibition for a few days, at his residence on Pleasant street, we feel that the acme of good fortune has been reachebed. In order to avoid a too continuous demand on hib time, Mr. Chapin has set the hours of exhibition at fromIn 2 till 4 o'clock ever" afternoon until further notice, at which hours a strong north light is had in him gallery, and "'Cupid's Arrow," as well as other valuable piotures ln his collection, may be seen to best ad vantage. Mr. Chapin's residence is No. 46 West Pleasant street, where. at the hours snamed, he will be pleased to reterive all who like himself are ad iairer. of fine' art. 1.44111 enmd Hurtful NMdlclne.. Ther a is it ertaim leas of remedies for conetlipa tlon absol, iv u'laeu 1l'b.. are boluaes and polooa mad. In gr.'at part of pudlo;hyllln, aloe.. rhubarb. ¢sndloge. ... u·;l. unhleee IIre dlentalb ThLeamamie they du to I th sloa, h" if ti e vi,, u.e Ithiti iI nt alculabmle. Thai y evcu ate the I,,. Is it I. trie but alwara ii, so, v.Ioently and profl· I. and bsled. ll~tI4 . toeelS Their U slb tlao C. akei oIh them m i nd tin atumah, i DIi.r forto anth. IpulIas and ýinawp ,i..t. HaCeuer'a Mt mac sºlit. the laud' alee( whiaº b ame'r ,pmd.4 by piai or so cemypnlad by a convulsive, vl'iolnt ecti. of tl. Imeeb. 0.e iie astrary it iuvlpta· ibia. or-ainS. the smach card ciitir cyst... As a mewa o urlng mad preqatln malarial MOMSI , 5 edieli can cupr. vii It. aid it roemeka norveau dbuttlty. romatih., kids..y sad blaidar bash wilty, 55d othar, i505ic Sliliuebia. Propmy. For Army Trumspa.aj. HIRADOVABUUS 0l'3?AEU TOP DAKotA. OFFICE Cuing QUA NEpMUANT.I lT. PAUL, MINN.. Feb. 514, 1687. CI ALED PRUPISALs, . tripleate. &aaWetl the usual endimlowu. wilI.. roal eeei,.h nt alII ofhieb somes the xt6 day . Memob, 1M7-at which time sad pleam Imey wll be opied an time os ,.lddru-for the trace. rtatla of t cry, tores, by land, ff the follow. duig thcbed rostr lin the ~epaatmento Dakota, during ueAeal year cesmeuiagl July 1t, IMP, end aeding luxe Sah. rNk. Mot'TES I4 MONTANA No Mike. 1 endie to CampPoplar R iver.......r....... NN g 4 ua.r , motlo to YFrt (Cu ,Ier......t.......... Mt 3 CosIer stealea to Yen Yaulnts........ 110 4 breadete,'s Luaadaag to Ft.Aaunlbole 110 SHel.asto Vorn Aealnsibolto........,_._# * CInnabar to amp abhrlda. WMy...m.... 6 IaODU IN I'AKOTA. 7 TteUI hItlI oeteFort Tattea..»........ II S Brume to For' bhntoLu...... - _...._.... 15 SBlmarcst to Fort Yaa .......... ..-. 60 10 Armour to Fort kendall.... - 7.......6.. it Permito Pert leads . .. .. ..... 177 oW Rapi ti to or eade...»»...... M Tyr ovanan reser'u the right to reset any or all Pi yura*. Msk 3m and t inlestructions meto bidding, ., mayhbe badnapplcaUIoo thtbinel, or to the oboe of the Qwtermeagers I'epatm.t a Chicago, Ilila; li emarck. i. T.; and Helena, M. T. JAMES M. MOORE. Deputy Quartermaselr Oeneral, U. S. A. : blat Quartermasr. BUSINESS NOTICES. Fo.r IMIame Isat'k.itde oir thest, ug* BbIInh'w P'oroig. JI'iwfrr. Pricy 2i etae. At WVright',, drug witor.-. Shlloh''* Cough Mud t' .-u-owptlou lol (ure Is ,nfIl 11y top 4111 M gIllrtrllP.. II eures coiInUIuig.Ihe'ii. A? W-'ri ha'4 drugstore. flchi ll. r."Ii" vll)\ .ll .d Iv SI111 II'. 1"u rre. Atl \'' r¢Igt · 'I d a ki. re. ýIiiI *a'.. VIIahIz.-, f. N lust ý ..u a,,.p P'ri.." l hi ~ ':41 i 4."01" i- jr ladt I.". At WVriglit'- .r1" nI -9 No! Iii iii h. rj-j, ive v tn Ist the un' air-hilt tie."' ore tx irt log .. i. " t """ LDii E.-" nb-rg slid Lee Et..orl.rg urel. the firm Milleu ýi vit~e 'if 1) 111 Elp-eia. berg & l:... iha- .. ii Ihldayv diii .lDvu by t imta """,u t"I of r, Dill Ei-entter withdr.jwa, g Irio ie tirm,. Ihe lm"Il n"Po - tultl I.." , ..n. ." Fr illthe o Im; b 14ll ''I t-tiui.liiigl 144iiiii14- du- thema. *All lI r.,+ m kn.~t',ing It.. riiaoclveh iii. ueleed Iii tII " hte Beiru will pltriue aiaI 'Arid uetle I :sII e t I heir tliste 5ii. iIhlPV'fl.-t.tii. I AN EISKNBERo. A~ nuii~i''r ."t ;lr.iii ii hii4Iiiiiilti fulr ollur. it **I''.riiný a ii"A Fi-i,. r ;.iiuiu. W 'NI 1 .IWItEN.4 Y fIr, -, 1411 I.' Potlet al;. lit for An lieu-. r Ii-l -h i..iii. k-g firer. i4.;-i A iiw ml~rIL.lI 1,"..,. 1,1.i "".1 .Iu w il . " 1 I' iit i. " . " KLOSE KUTTER. J.L nra CL The leaders in Low Prioes FOK FIRST QUALITY GOODS, Will 1M tound in theirnet ,ao ;nu , corer Eighth and aain. l' STOCK 01 STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES II ALWAYS COMPLETE. OC1 !RICER.D cINT BE lEAT. A FULL LINE OF CROCKERY GLASSWARE IAY AND lRAIN A SPECIALTY. LEIGHTON & JORDAN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, RANCHMEN'S SUPPLIES, Goods Deliveredlat Ranches. TIE OLII STmI u IiT OUSI IN EASTERN MONTANA. Hardware, STOVES, TIN ARE BARBED WIRE, Wagons, Plows, HARROWS, Etc. Do not .edoet for Gatds baeds. Our lrothN grewl wed are here wslaig for speitg-ad year uder . De.' forget Ui Miles, Strevell & Ulmer, SILVERBERG'S PALATIAL SALN00. lIEtll IiQl TTF. FPi# GETLEIE.l PRIVATE CARD ROGY. Fine Lunoh. FRESH BEER and LIQUORS FINE CIGARS. Zveryone invited and made w.elom. GEO. B. SILVERBERG C. N. PARKEL 8. W. TOPPING NONTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY l'llinBI &W1 o, IRON and BRASS CASTINGS. BRAINERD aiNNESOTA Jno. Carter's, MAIN ST. MILES CITY k. I. CIIRCB&I L, Preti, a . r the park StreetUlveryStable I1 .I1USIT AND MLt. Ampl aem dl.MInoae b taaI(g ..i of .eek i either ber or ral. Filmn Livery p iu ti CQt1. lddlc Iraie N a lame ua rlan MILE8 CITY IRON ANfD PUMP WORKS i. IJUJaN, Prepriet+r. Fittings in brass, iron, pips and bes.. kerw m mg..9 hut, in ft ft" A , em Iliam* N mueia h.ap w Olath nw . mm Ae3 G. N M·emml 3- - - t -TI AWI lsqn msl lSh smm a ( WasW Csmwss.) T. BERT aD. Uhspm M Lfh umw . ue f hami faun" the omiblnr mc*. humd y n, isruc rura, --- tlirý. (rut S1.etI m.&I L - .moh..l i. nh.trti t aa4 th~t. VR L; tV in..att a.ý4tM. e~j~ o ~ nmne· 'uui sW' T Dams"--PtAt ml. furgthrughm ictua oot exait i~a. h t"an me