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[HE DAILY JOURNAL MILES (CIT V, MANTANA. .. rrntm o( Tre4ta e. 1, West Round, Due at Miles (1ty 1:401 No 2. East hound, bue at Miles City : ".-, u Te mail is closed at 7:10 o'cloek, p. m. Pose opea from 9 to 10. a. m., Le.days. Weoth.R Report' VATS. j T WIND. WBaT3'L " F. K. 1 A.M. Mar. 4. 4 24 I W. LIhtI Clear. Mar 6. 54 34 8 W. Lgbt Clear. Mar. 7. 4 34 N W. Light Cloudy. Mar. S. O 3| N W, Brik hlordy. Mar. 9. ig I |7 N W. Lbght I Clear. Mar. 10. 72 838 SI W. Light Clear. I,(..AL ITEMS. Moran, ('olliii & Co. buy furs. * J. W. lBunter has Iturnvd from a trip down the road. Clean rags wanted rt this oMiee. Paul McCormick returned to June tion City this morning. Deciding shoot at the target range this evening. * 0. W. Daniels. a cow man from the Little Porcupine. is at the Macqueen. Go to Bill Bullard for Best's Mil waukee beer in any quantity. * Paul McCormick, of Junction City, arrived in the city yesterday morning. Leave orders for coal and wood at Skinner's store. Coal $3.50 per tono. (i. P. 4'oxSTOCK. " High water east of here caused the west bound train to be several hours late. Orders for Lansing's Carbon Hill coal left at J. H. Conrad & Co's., will always have prompt attention. * On account of the delayed arrival of train So. 2 several eastward bound cit. iLens did.oot take their departure. Girl Wamted For general house work. Apply to Mrs. P. H. Gallagher. * At midnight the closing scenes of the legislature were enacted although our telegraphic report does not so state. For kle. A few carloads of good baled bay. J. W. HAs nsos, * Beflneld, Dak. C. W. Turner, of Helena has been commissioned by Governor Leslie to be brigadier general of the Montana militia. S, rwill buy all the furioture of two well furnished rooms, lucluding one upright piano. ouly been in use three months. Apply to Courtenay. " C. W. Anderson, of Forsyth, was in town yesterday. Charlie came down to have some fun with the boys at flood tide but the tide didn't flood. I have received a large line of choice spring goods and have taken especial care to select a good assortment of 35 suitlngs. ED. ARNOLD. * "Thus do our fondest hopes decay," as the poetic but disappointed young man declaimed as the ebanoes of a flood had evaporated into thin air. Ne4See For all unsettled business and ase oounat and all uncalled for work left in my care call at Courtenay's omce. * A. SMITH. We were mistaken in the item yes terday to the effect that Beecher was then alive; he died at 9:30 Tuesday mornlng. The funeral took place ye terday. Nutice of Removal. Mrs. Fuller desires to Inform her pa trons that she has moved her dress making parlors from Stebbins block, to the rooms over Eleenbergl' store, where she is now located and prepared to execute the most artistic work that may be oesired. Red Ward has purchased the old Igon saloon on Main street north of Churchb's livry stable and it will be opened under the new management on Saturday nigh t. Geo. E. Newman, wife and ohild, and H. L. Newman. of Hathaway, are at the Macqueen. Mr. Newman is eLx teosively engaged in sheep raising, his eanho being on Graveyard creek. The rise in the river forced the water through the ewer mains at the Maoqueen, which bhad an outlet in the river and flooded the basement. Tbhe water was kept under control with pump ad as soon as the river fell a little the overfow sublsded. From an Associated Press teleram It is learned that Walter B. Jordan, of Port Buford-preumably of the firm of Leighton A Jordan, has been ap. pointed apprslear of the right of way ef the Bt. Paul, Minneapolls ! Mani. toba railway company through the Port Brthold and Backteet Indian esservation. We were shown a letter today from Jepp Ryan, the well known stook man of the MusmeIhell, who has been riding the range durlng the past ten days. Mr. Ryan conadenrs the .et mate made of stook lose In that se. tia, remarkably ensatlonal. In his constant riding he has had ample op portunity to formn an estimate based upon facts and thinks not over 15 per cent of thb e'attle on that range will turn up missing. There will be a rehearsal of the obhorus of ladies and gentlemen for the entertanloment to be given in aid of the reading rioom, at iood Templars' hall this evening at ?4 o'clock. A full attendance is requested by those who ca, esing or are interested in the mosilt worthy object for which this entertain ment is to be given. .prin anmd sumumer %ultings. ('all at 1. Or*'hI&l & BIro. sl.I IIsllect .SniIIpl lir th" I nenst llne of splrinig and sullmmer suilinigs ever displayed in this city. At the put on themn you can afford tI wear a custom-made' suit almoa:it as cheap a, a ready-msade one, securing in the. former a perfect fit and elegant amake-up. * A gentleman who visited the Tongue river dam at noon yesterday reported that at that time the lee bad not broken up in the bed of the stream. Several feet of water was on top of the bed lee and running over the dam swiftly but not at a depth of over nine inches. That the dam has stood the test there can be no question of doubt. The extraordinary popularity of Ayer' ('berry Pectoral is the natural result of its u.e by all clases of people for over forty years. It has proven itself the very I.elt specific for coldr, coughs, atld pulmonary complaints. • The Yellowstone is creating trouble with the railroad track in the vicinity of Huntley, about ten miles this side of Billino. The railroad grade is on the verge of the river there and the high water rendered it unsafe to run this morning's passenger from the west, whbih was tied up at that point until the track was inspected and de cided safe. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in the spring of the year, to purify the blood, Invigorate the system, excite the liver to action. sad restore healthy tone and vigor to the whole physical mechan lsm. Renatuber that quality, not quantity, constitute the value of medicine. The ball ipven by the young men's social club at the German ball lut even ing was well attended considering the inclemency of the eeason. M~sle was furnished by the Fort Keogh string band. The maid of Terpeichore was present in all her charms and many was the cooquest made. The lunch was excellent in quality and quantity, and the committee may well feel satisfed with the success attained throughout. Comm.Imn.rn Work. The last of the quarterly reports county omoials were taken up and passed upon. The resignation of Vaughn as justice cf the peace of Sadie precinct was accepted and it is thought that A. F. Wilson will be ap pointed to fill the vacancy. The rea lution adopted at a former meeting to allow F. Whitesde $1,000, as an ad vance upon the construction of the Little Porcupine bridge was reconsid. ered and the allowance canceled, it being considered better policy to hold off until the June meeting, when the said bridge could be thoroughly in spected and accepted if fully up to the standard, the contract price will then be paid in full. A bill of damages re sulting from a road laid out In Pease Bottom last summer, in favor of Josiah Nichols, which had been at a pre vious meeting diallowed was rnon sidered and $160 awarded the com plainant. The remainder of the claims against the county, filed with the clerk at thib session, were taken up and passed upon or disallowed and there belog no further business and the limit of law for the quarterly session having been reached board adjourned sine die. Crow Items. Following are taken from the col umns of the Billings Gazette of the tth lnst. Billings and Yellowstone county take an almost parental Interest in the Crows and their reservation, the Gasette audaciously claiming the In dian reserve belongs to Yellowstone county and will eventuall be attatched thereto, hence the quasi adoption of the Crows: A number of Crow Indlqpm are en l ployed in skinning sheep J ten cents a head, on Rook creek and Red Lodge. In aoooordanee with orderw from Deputy U. 8. Marshall, Chief Plenti cous has gathered his warriors on Bridlge creek, preparatory to etertinr for the agency on the Little HHi Horn. A number of Plentlooues' watrlor have worked for Nelson Story during the winter, driving cattle from the brush to good mrasing grounds. Several lodges of Crow Indians went over to Ctinking Water during the winter. It is reported that one young buck who went out bunting was frosen to death. All the Indians on Clarke's Fork and the rest of the reservation west of Pryor river, have been notified by Deputy United States Marshall Qul vey that their presence Is required at the agency. Several white men have also been ordered to leave the reserva tlon, Ineldlng an old man living at Widow Parwell's, who recently came to Billllns to marry a 18-year-old whie girl, and hAled. Letter Lit. The foil ,wlng IUeers remain un called for in the Miles City, M. T., ipoUtofice, Mar. 10, 1N8i: Brown, Min Clara C I, Davis, Mrs Lida t Fletcher, Mrs Fanny H Hathaway, It M Harclerdl, (ire Heduui, Casper Anthllo J. J Johion, Ilenij Jones, A \' L Lane. Toml M Maddox Jllrn M,'Db i, !I, J A It 2 M-c'lthel, itelltb ', J I1 I. Prout, lmllu el it Itenfro, J (' ltenk,·t. David Shliuman, Mr itainth. Henry W T Th i1mpeon, II 'rurnetr, M1rsHonor l'agtentde, Joad M.irin V Voice, George Vignal, Jolhn Williams, Tomn Wileln, Geo A Personse caling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. JOHN McAuSLa... P. M. The Wester. Nettler's ('hosem peelle. With every advance of elilizatiola ito the far West, a new demand is created for Heatetr's Stomach Bltten. Newly peopled regions are fre quently less salubrious than older settled loullties on account of the miamLa which rites from bwly cleared land, parttcularly along the banks of rivenr that are subject to fresbts. The grilculturai or mining emigrant soon lers, when be does not already know, that the Bittern auord the only sure protection agallst malaris, and those disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, to whiebh climate chlange, eposure, and unaccustomed water or diet subject him. Conesquently, he llaces an es tnmate upon this great household spat ifo and pre ventatnve commedsurate withl its inltrint merits, and is careful to keep on head a retorative and promoter of hesaith so implicitly to be relied upon in time of need. BUSINESS NOTICES. Prof. Bach is sole agent for An ieuser-Bush Sit. Louis keg beer, Sel. delberg's fine Key West and La Con fession, celebrated Cuban hand-made cigars. Having sold out may business to Mrs. Gertrude Coleman. all accounts due me must be paid at once. Mrs. Colt man or John J. Coleman are author lied to receive any money due me and receipt forthesame. JoHN GrBs. A new upright piano which cost $HO will be sold for $280 Easy terms of payment, or rent at 8 per month ap ply to Wm. COcaRTNAY STOCKt OKOWERM NATIONAL BANK UTATEMENT. Report of the condition of the Stoek Growers' National bank at Miles City. In the Territory of Montana, at the close of buslne s, March 4th, 188i7. RE.OCURCI.: Loans and discounts..............................S.0,.3 I ve rdra ............................ ............... 4.012 71 U. 8. bonds to secure circulatio .......... 25,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgaes ....... 1.7 20 Due from approved reserve ags 1.970.49 Due from other National Banks 1.547M. Due from state beanks and bankers ............................... 3, 2 91 68,00 Rel estate, furniture and a tures ....... 6,000 Current expenses and taes paid ...... 1,046 18 Premiums paid ................................... 2,000 00 Checks and other casuh items... 2.161 29 BIlls of other bahnk............. 1,432 00 Fractional paper currency, nickles and cent .............. .... 6 0 Specie..............- ............... 7.66 00 legal tender notes.................. 1,600 00 12,71?5 7 Redemoption fund with I'. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) .................. 1,12 00 Total....................... .................520.01 086 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .........................100,000 00 urplIu fund ............ ................... 6.00 00 Undivided profits ............................ 8,72 94 Dividend. unpaid.............. ...... 4,600 00 National Bank notes outstanding ......... 22,500 00 Individual deposits subject to check...............5............1 45,27 0 Demand certifcates nfdeposlt 36,071 96 Cashier's checks outatandan .. 145,46 13,041 75 Due to other National 1aniks ..... ..... 7,?73 53 Due to State Banks and baners ............ 1,922 98 Notes and bills re-disounted................ 60,6 96 Total ....... ... ................1 20,090 06 Territory of Montana, County of Custer, 81: I, Hr.. Batehelor, Cashier of the above-name bank. do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the bt of Lm knowledger and belief B. F. 1ATCHELOR, Cashier. lnbuerIbed and sworn to before me this 10th day of Marsh, 167. CHAL. W. W8EYDE, Notary Publie. CoaacT--Attest: T. H. LC1;AN , 13ORO3 bCCHETZ Diretoers. H. F. R .TC.I I3.O) FIRST NATIONAL BANEK MTATEMENT. Report of the condition of the First Natonal Bank at Miles City, in the Territory of Montana, at the close of business. March 4th, 1687. REPOUlRCE8 Loans and discounts ......... ...............62I6,115 90 Overdrafts........................ . 6.784 04 U. t. bonds to secrecirculation ............ 12.000 0 Other stoeks, bonds uad morlgagse...... 26 0 Due from spproved reserve agents.... ........ ...... ,656 7 Due from other National manks 5.7N9 2 Due from rate lBanks and bankers..... ............ ..e 9 10,449 60 Real estate, furniture and iatures...... 25,6.5 63 Current expenses and taxes paid.......... 9 72 Premiums paid ......................................... 2.814 52 Check% and other cash Items 1.562 10 ills of other B nks............... 1,730 t Fractional paper currency, niekels and ccents............... '5 p ie........................ ............... 10,1 9 00 Legal tender notes ...... ..... 12,50000 28,962 11 Iedemltdlon fund with I'. S. Treasurer (a iter cent of irclat ion) ................. 563 50 T'otal .......................... ..... .....3. 62.126 1 LI t IILITIKr.. spital Ntock paid i..................... ......" 0,000 00 urpluI, fund .............. ............... 26b.tW 00 Undivided prults ......................... ....... 32.717 44 National liolk ntle uutatandingl......... 11,260 00 Indivldual deposits subject to che k ............ ........... . ........ 1 ,9 27 Demand certlcatea ofdepoeit 4Y,7i 91 1867.875 1 De to 4ther Nationsl Banks ............... ,149 70 Notes and bills ne-discounted................ 42.134 0S Total ........................... ......... .........3s .126 6 Tei fod Metaesu Clouty of Custer. Si: I, I B. W loek eashier of the abshove-named hanak, do solemly swear that the above statleent a- true, to the beet o my knowlede and belief. KL B. WRIRICK, Cbhier Subscribed sad sworn to bebs me this l0th day of Mareh, 1U07. WILLIAM OOURTINAY. t Ntry Public T. J. BRYAN JOHN CARTgR. Directowa I. 3 WEIRIClK, oeliee of MooUaS. The annual meetUi of the Miles ty I(l and Ditch C.omper will he held atMI Oountr of Custer, Tlrritory Moas. e Mr 14, la7, at 3 o'clock, I o.. m. TB. .RoaNmop, M.Sgmery. Mile City, Moet., Mar,3, 1S. KLOSE KUTTER. J.iCora ELC. The leaders in Low Prioes FOR FIRST QUALITY GOODS, Will be found in their new to ation, corler Eighth and Main. OUR STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES IS ALWAYS OOMPLETE. OUI PRICLS CAIllT IE - EAT. A FULL LIJE OF CROCKERY GLASSWARE H TANIINlHI A SPBECIATY. TEZ lilb City hPp Works JON IIRUTBAUKI, Puormtman. bgyp Sixth Street Oppsoite brier leue. lear depot. Speelml AtteotIo Ovwen to PuIattln I Pumps and Digging Wells. Call and EUalmoe My POeIst Pump 110. frte Oit.g Msewhere. All Work Dome at Lewtes Prie... SILVERBERG'S PALATIA SALOON. IBAI.ArITEi i1F GEITLUE1I. PRIVATB CARD ROGM. Fine Lunoh. FRE8SH BEER and LIQUORS FINE CIGARS. v.eryom o vthed aln malde w!eme. GEO. B. SILVERBERG . LORDOI &FEBIISOl Hai, Cals, Fus, SlES AND MITTENS. BUFFALO ROBES -am A,. R-ms . U FUR COATS. Large Stook --ams LOW PRICE. 2I t No. M, P OUl T - r IT., tK, Ps lan LEIGHTON & JORDAN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND RANCHMEN'S SUPPLISS, Goods Delivered at Ranches. TIE OLDEST w LIESl T IOUSI IN EASTERN RONTANA. Hardware, STOVES, TINWARE BARBED WIRE, Wagons, Plows, HARROWS, Etc. Do so amt am for Gai.a Ss. Our pws eod am hre w n tlq for .rlqg-md yu edeunM Db Miles, Strevell & Ulmer. FOR. ONE WEEK ONLY I will ofbr a splendk stock of VENTS' FUINISHIN GOODS0 , HA.TS, GAPS, CLOTHING, Below Net Cost, FOR CASI O ON ACGPTABLE TIEl, SAT Silverman's Old Stand. N. BORCHARDT, Agent. . N. rAIKL a. W. TOPPING NORTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY FillER&TOPPING, WROQN asd ]BL&SS GASTINGS, BRAINJUD, aINNISOTA Pims. @1 sthem "vrkStreetryStable his I, WAI Il Id. NORTHW W lmRi MACHrll rrl Jr ISP 11011 SpinbOi PUYPS FOIRSILKAD DnRiE AM week :s. w...em m e -r~~llWY - ~lII (Warn Week Ois.s.w ~~urn L.. 'Sw